Publications SOMA.SSD
Current publications
Modifiable factors for somatic symptom persistence in patients with somatic symptom disorder: study protocol for a longitudinal cohort with an embedded ecologically momentary assessment (SOMA.SSD)
Nestoriuc Y, Pauls F, Blankenburg K, Hahn S, Wittenbecher H, Löwe B, Toussaint A.
BMJ Open. 2024; 17;14(11):e083500. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-083500. -
Project-related publications
Somatic symptom disorder: a scoping review on the empirical evidence of a new diagnosis.
Löwe B, Levenson J, Depping M, Hüsing P, Kohlmann S, Lehmann M, Shedden-Mora M, Toussaint A, Uhlenbusch N, Weigel A.
PSYCHOL MED. 2021 Nov 15:1-17.Persistence rate of DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder: 4-year follow-up in patients from a psychosomatic outpatient clinic.
Behm AC, Hüsing P, Löwe B, Toussaint A.
COMPR PSYCHIATRY. 2021 Oct;110:152265.Detecting DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder: criterion validity of the Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15) and the Somatic Symptom Scale-8 (SSS-8) in combination with the Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12).
Toussaint A, Hüsing P, Kohlmann S, Löwe B.
PSYCHOL MED 2020; 50(2):324–33.A European Research Agenda for Somatic Symptom Disorders, Bodily Distress Disorders, and Functional Disorders: Results of an Estimate-Talk-Estimate Delphi Expert Study.
van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Elfeddali I, Werneke U, Malt UF, van den Bergh O, Schaefert R,…, Löwe B.
FRONT PSYCHIATRY 2018; 9:151.Facilitating adherence to endocrine therapy in breast cancer: stability and predictive power of treatment expectations in a 2-year prospective study.
Pan Y, Heisig SR, Blanckenburg P von, Albert U-S, Hadji P, Rief W, Nestoriuc Y.
BREAST CANCER RES TREAT 2018; 168(3):667–77.Validity of the Somatic Symptom Disorder-B Criteria Scale (SSD-12) in primary care.
Toussaint A, Riedl B, Kehrer S, Schneider A, Löwe B, Linde K.
FAM PRACT 2018; 35(3):342–7.Functional Somatic Symptoms Across Cultures: Perceptual and Health Care Issues.
Löwe B, Gerloff C.
PSYCHOSOM MED 2018; 80(5):412–5.Monitoring somatic symptoms in patients with mental disorders: Sensitivity to change and minimal clinically important difference of the Somatic Symptom Scale - 8 (SSS-8).
Gierk B, Kohlmann S, Hagemann-Goebel M, Löwe B, Nestoriuc Y.
GEN HOSP PSYCHIATRY 2017; 48:51–5.Is it best to expect the worst? Influence of patients' side-effect expectations on endocrine treatment outcome in a 2-year prospective clinical cohort study.
Nestoriuc Y, von Blanckenburg P, Schuricht F, Barsky AJ, Hadji P, Albert U-S et al.
ANN ONCOL 2016; 27(10):1909–15.Development and Validation of the Somatic Symptom Disorder-B Criteria Scale (SSD-12).
Toussaint A, Murray AM, Voigt K, Herzog A, Gierk B, Kroenke K, Rief W, Henningsen P, Löwe B. PSYCHOSOM MED 2016;78(1):5-12.Framing and personalizing informed consent to prevent negative expectations: An experimental pilot study.
Heisig SR, Shedden-Mora MC, Hidalgo P, Nestoriuc Y.
HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 2015; 34(10):1033–7.Prediction of nonspecific side effects in rheumatoid arthritis patients by beliefs about medicines.
Nestoriuc Y, Orav EJ, Liang MH, Horne R, Barsky AJ.
ARTHRITIS CARE RES 2010; 62:791–9. -
Modifizierbare Einflussfaktoren für persistierende Körperbeschwerden bei Somatischer Belastungsstörung: SOMACROSS Projekt 5.
Nestoriuc Y, Pauls F, Kirchhof S, Löwe B, Toussaint A, Blankenburg K.
German Congress for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, 22.-24. June 2022, Berlin, Germany. [Lecure, 23. June 2022]