Medicolegal aspects
The developments in cancer medicine are characterized by an increasing complexity. Along with that, it is necessary to continually find new answers to ethical questions. These can emerge by different views of patient groups when evaluating the utility of cancer therapies or solving decision conflicts.
Based on these views and through innovative therapy concepts, medicolegal consequences can emerge that need to be analyzed. In a close cooperation of physicians, sociologists, medical law experts as well as the Clinical Cancer Registry and the Hamburg Cancer Registry several projects discussing the topic are pursued.
Legal framework for tumor boards
The implementation of tumor boards and interdisciplinary discussions on cancer cases has become a medical treatment standard. Along with that, several medicolegal aspects emerge on how to secure a standardized realization of these procedures. That includes e.g. data security aspects, medical responsibility and liability. These topics are currently discussed on behalf of the CCC network under the lead of the UCCH and are made available to all cancer centers.