Compulsory elements
Leadership training and coaching
Leadership training and coaching
For long-term funded Medical Scientists and Clinician Scientists, the center organizes an accompanying leadership training. This takes place in the form of 2 to 3 workshop days per year. Topics of the workshop days are the own career planning and reflection, furthermore the fellows are trained in areas such as time management, leadership skills, application training, conflict management and presentation skills. Participation in the leadership training is mandatory for all long-term fellows.
Lecturer/coach: Dr. Regina Pingel, regina.pingel@web.de
Organizer and contact person: Dr. Inga Melzer, i.melzer@uke.de
In addition, each long-term fellow is entitled to a total of 6 hours of individual coaching in 2 years on topics of their own choice. The choice of coach is up to the fellow.
Contact: Dr. Inga Melzer, i.melzer@uke.de
Further information will follow soon.
UKE leadership certificate
UKE leadership certificate
The "UKE Leadership Certificate" is a compact two-day leadership training course offered by the UKE Academy for Training and Career. On the one hand, it provides and discusses specific leadership knowledge at UKE (e.g. UKE's understanding of leadership). On the other hand, the focus is on the exchange of experiences and central leadership topics (e.g. occupational safety, labor and collective bargaining law or quality management). Managers from all professional groups at the UKE can participate in this leadership training. An interprofessional exchange is explicitly aimed at.
Link to current training dates and information on registration:
UKE - Akademie für Bildung & Karriere (ABK) - Neu in der Führungsrolle
(website in German)
Scientific/methodological skills
Systematic review and meta-analysis
Systematic review and meta-analysis
For all fellows, the center organizes an annual 2-day workshop on "Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis". In this course, the following contents are taught:
- Basics: relevance, forms, benefits and problems of systematic reviews
- Preparation of systematic reviews 1: preparation, formulation of the research question, search for studies
- Preparation of systematic reviews 2: study inclusion, data extraction, assessment of study quality
- Preparation of systematic reviews 3: Data synthesis (meta-analysis), interpretation, report
In this workshop you can also bring your own ideas, projects, questions, studies or data to work on and discuss together.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Levente Kriston, l.kriston@uke.de
Organizer and contact person: Dr. Natascha Kömm, n.koemm@uke.de
R course
R course
Once a year, the center offers a basic R course in collaboration with the UKE Core Facility "Bioinformatics". The goal of this full-day course is to learn how to feed experimental data into R and how to create publication-ready figures using the ggpubr package.
Instructors: Dr. Malik Alawi, m.alawi@uke.de , Christian Müller, ch.mueller@uke.de
Organizer and contact person: Dr. Natascha Kömm, n.koemm@uke.de
The UKE Institute for Epidemiology and Biometry offers courses on statitics as well as counseling for all UKE scientists.
For further information on their offers please visit the following website:
Regular events
MSNZ regulars' table
MSNZ regulars' table
The MSNZ's long-term fellows meet at regular intervals (monthly) in person or via web conference to exchange ideas. The center coordinator invites them to these meetings. At the meetings, the coordinator communicates important information, e.g. from the board of directors or from the MSNZ network, and informs the fellows about planned measures or events. The fellows themselves can also bring topics to the meetings, ideally they inform the center coordinator in advance by e-mail. In addition, the meetings serve the purpose of getting to know each other and the exchange between the fellows and the initiation of cooperations. If desired, short-term fellows may also attend these meetings. Every 2 years, the fellows elect 2 spokespersons, who represent the interests of the fellows in the MSNZ board.
Contact: Dr. Inga Melzer, i.melzer@uke.de
Cancer careers days
Cancer careers days
Together with the University Cancer Center Schleswig-Holstein (UCCSH), the MSNZ organizes a virtual career day twice a year for young scientists (Clinician and Medical Scientists). With this series of events, we would like to shed light on career opportunities both in academia and in various alternative fields of work for scientists. The events usually include overview presentations on a selected topic (e.g. career opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry), as well as opportunities for participants to ask experts questions about their own career development in a panel discussion or breakout room.
Organizers and contact persons at the MSNZ: Dr. Inga Melzer, i.melzer@uke.de , Dr. Natascha Kömm, n.koemm@uke.de
MSNZ meets...
MSNZ meets...
Further information will follow soon.
UCCH Research Retreat
UCCH Research Retreat
The University Cancer Center Hamburg organizes an annual two-day research retreat (currently in Bad Bramstedt, venue may change in the future), where scientists and physicians from all cooperating institutes and clinics of the UCCH retreat from their usual activities and come together for a scientific exchange. The goal of the UCCH Research Retreat is the continuous expansion of interdisciplinary networking. Through the exchange of expertise and ideas, new scientific concepts can emerge and their realization can be planned within the framework of interdisciplinary research projects. Participation in the UCCH Research Retreat with meals, single room accommodation and transfer is free of charge, regardless of whether a scientific contribution is submitted for participation.
All further information on participation and registration can be found at www.uke.de/ucch-research-retreat .
Organizer and contact person: Dr. Natascha Kömm, n.koemm@uke.de
NORD seminar
NORD seminar
In order to promote networking and exchange of scientists and physicians of the University Cancer Center Hamburg (UCCH) and the University Cancer Center Schleswig-Holstein (UCCSH) in Kiel and Lübeck in cancer research, the three sites hold weekly (Tuesdays at 5 pm) the joint virtual "NORD Seminar" (NORD = Northern Oncology Research & Development). The lectures are organized alternately by Hamburg, Kiel and Lübeck, and are primarily given by speakers from these three sites on their research projects. In addition, close cooperation partners of the Hamburg, Kiel and Lübeck researchers are occasionally invited for guest lectures.
Organizer and contact person at the UCCH: Dr. Natascha Kömm, n.koemm@uke.de
Optional offers
Participation in conferences/meetings
Participation in conferences/meetings
Long-term fellows have the opportunity to participate in scientific meetings and conferences or to travel to collaboration partners in Germany and abroad during their funding period. For this purpose, the fellows contact the center coordination by e-mail with their specific request, together with a justification for the trip and a concrete cost estimate, who then coordinates the assumption of costs with the executive board and the DKH.
Contact: Dr. Inga Melzer, i.melzer@uke.de
Offers from other MSNZ locations in Germany
Offers from other MSNZ locations in Germany
MSNZ Dresden
MSNZ - Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum (MSNZ) - TU Dresden (tu-dresden.de)
MSNZ Würzburg
The MSNZ - Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum (uni-wuerzburg.de)
MSNZ Frankfurt
Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum - UCT Frankfurt (uct-frankfurt.de)
MSNZ Aachen-Bonn-Köln-Düsseldorf
Offers from the UKE Academy for Training and Career
Offers from the UKE Academy for Training and Career
UKE - Akademie für Bildung & Karriere (ABK) - Fortbildung & Weiterbildung
(website in German)
Offers from the Hamburg Research Academy (HRA)
Offers from the Hamburg Research Academy
Link to the course portal Hamburg:
Course portal HH : Hamburg Research Academy (hra-hamburg.de)
Offers from the Human Resources Development at the University of Hamburg
Offers from the Human Resources Development at the University of Hamburg
Link to the KUS portal of the University of Hamburg (continuing education):
Continuing Education: KUS-Portal : Universität Hamburg (uni-hamburg.de)
(website in German)
Offers from the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School
Offers from the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School