Selected Publications
Koch C, Kuske A, Joosse SA, Yigit G, Sflomos G, Thaler S, Smit DJ, Werner S, Borgmann K, Gartner S, Mossahebi Mohammadi P, Battista L, Cayrefourcq L, Altmuller J, Salinas-Riester G, Raithatha K, Zibat A, Goy Y, Ott L, Bartkowiak K, Tan TZ, Zhou Q, Speicher MR, Muller V, Gorges TM, Jucker M, Thiery JP, Brisken C, Riethdorf S, Alix-Panabieres C, Pantel K. Characterization of circulating breast cancer cells with tumorigenic and metastatic capacity. Embo Mol Med 2020: e11908.
Munsterberg J, Loreth D, Brylka L, Werner S, Karbanova J, Gandrass M, Schneegans S, Besler K, Hamester F, Robador JR, Bauer AT, Schneider SW, Wrage M, Lamszus K, Matschke J, Vashist Y, Uzunoglu G, Steurer S, Horst AK, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Glatzel M, Schinke T, Corbeil D, Pantel K, Maire C, Wikman H. ALCAM contributes to brain metastasis formation in non-small-cell lung cancer through interaction with the vascular endothelium. Neuro Oncol 2020;22: 955-66
Keller L, Pantel K. Unravelling tumour heterogeneity by single-cell profiling of circulating tumour cells. Nature Rev. Cancer 2019; 19: 553-67
Pantel K, Alix-Panabieres C. Liquid biopsy and minimal residual disease - latest advances and implications for cure. Nature Rev. Clin. Oncol. 2019; 16: 409-24.
Bidard FC, Michiels S, Riethdorf S, Mueller V, Esserman LJ, Lucci A, Naume B, Horiguchi J, Gisbert-Criado R, Sleijfer S, Toi M, Garcia-Saenz JA, Hartkopf A, Generali D, Rothe F, Smerage J, Muinelo-Romay L, Stebbing J, Viens P, Magbanua MJM, Hall CS, Engebraaten O, Takata D, Vidal-Martinez J, Onstenk W, Fujisawa N, Diaz-Rubio E, Taran FA, Cappelletti MR, Ignatiadis M, Proudhon C, Wolf DM, Bauldry JB, Borgen E, Nagaoka R, Caranana V, Kraan J, Maestro M, Brucker SY, Weber K, Reyal F, Amara D, Karhade MG, Mathiesen RR, Tokiniwa H, Llombart-Cussac A, Meddis A, Blanche P, d'Hollander K, Cottu P, Park JW, Loibl S, Latouche A, Pierga JY, Pantel K. Circulating Tumor Cells in Breast Cancer Patients Treated by Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Meta-analysis. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 2018. [Epub ahead of print]
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Publications as of 2004
Discovery of a sushi domain-containing protein 2-positive phenotype in circulating tumor cells of metastatic breast cancer patients
Bartkowiak K, Mohammadi P, Nissen P, Werner S, Agorku D, Andreas A, Geffken M, Peine S, Verpoort K, Deutsch T, Michel L, Schneeweiss A, Thewes V, Trumpp A, Hardt O, Müller V, Riethdorf S, Schlüter H, Pantel K
SCI REP-UK. 2025;15(1):3913.
Lessons (to be) learned from liquid biopsies: assessment of circulating cells and cell-free DNA in cancer and pregnancy-acquired microchimerism
Bergmann L, Afflerbach A, Yuan T, Pantel K, Smit D
SEMIN IMMUNOPATHOL. 2025;47(1):14.
Surrogate End Points for Overall Survival in Neoadjuvant Randomized Clinical Trials for Early Breast Cancer
Conforti F, Nekljudova V, Sala I, Ascari R, Solbach C, Untch M, Denkert C, Bagnardi V, Pala L, Fasching P, Schneeweiss A, Lück H, Pagan E, De Pas T, van Mackelenbergh M, Huober J, Müller V, Link T, Karn T, Reinisch M, Marmé F, Bjelic-Radisic V, Schem C, Hartkopf A, Stickeler E, Hanusch C, Blohmer J, Fehm T, Rhiem K, Holtschmidt J, Gelber R, Loibl S
J CLIN ONCOL. 2025 [Epub ahead of print];JCO2401360.
Identification and characterization of tumor and stromal derived liquid biopsy analytes in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Götze J, Meißner K, Pereira-Veiga T, Belloum Y, Schneegans S, Kropidlowski J, Gorgulho J, Busch A, Honselmann K, Schönrock M, Putscher A, Peine S, Nitschke C, Simon R, Spindler V, Izbicki J, Hackert T, Bokemeyer C, Pantel K, Uzunoglu F, Sinn M, Wikman H
J EXP CLIN CANC RES. 2025;44(1):14.
Improved survival of advanced melanoma patients receiving immunotherapy with concomitant antithrombotic therapy - A multicenter study on 2419 patients from the prospective skin cancer registry ADOReg
Kött J, Zell T, Zimmermann N, Rünger A, Smit D, Abeck F, Geidel G, Hansen-Abeck I, Heidrich I, Weichenthal M, Ugurel S, Leiter U, Berking C, Gutzmer R, Schadendorf D, Zimmer L, Livingstone E, Wasielewski I, Mohr P, Meier F, Haferkamp S, Drexler K, Herbst R, Kellner I, Utikal J, Wohlfeil S, Pföhler C, Adam L, Meiss F, Möbes M, Welzel J, Schilling B, Ziller F, Kaatz M, Kreuter A, Sindrilaru A, Dippel E, Sachse M, Weishaupt C, Hüning S, Heinzerling L, Loquai C, Bauer A, Schneider S, Gebhardt C
EUR J CANCER. 2025;214:115159.
Evaluation of S100A8/A9 and neutrophils as prognostic markers in metastatic melanoma patients under immune-checkpoint inhibition
Melzer Y, Fergen N, Mess C, Stadler J, Geidel G, Schwietzer Y, Kött J, Pantel K, Schneider S, Utikal J, Wladykowski E, Vidal-Y-Sy S, Bauer A, Gebhardt C
TRANSL ONCOL. 2025;52:102224.
Breaking up clusters of circulating tumour cells to halt cancer spread
Smit D, Pantel K
NATURE. 2025;638(8050):329-330.
Nanopore sequencing from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens for copy-number profiling and methylation-based CNS tumor classification
Afflerbach A, Albers A, Appelt A, Schweizer L, Paulus W, Bockmayr M, Schüller U, Thomas C
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2024;147(1):.
Two decades of advances in clinical oncology - lessons learned and future directions
Banerjee S, Booth C, Bruera E, Büchler M, Drilon A, Fry T, Ghobrial I, Gianni L, Jain R, Kroemer G, Llovet J, Long G, Pantel K, Pritchard-Jones K, Scher H, Tabernero J, Weichselbaum R, Weller M, Wu Y
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2024;21(11):771-780.
Expression profiling by high-throughput sequencing reveals GADD45, SMAD7, EGR-1 and HOXA3 activation in Myostatin (MSTN) and GDF11 treated myoblasts
Braun P, Alawi M, Saygi C, Pantel K, Wagers A
GENET MOL BIOL. 2024;47(2):e20230304.
Thymic Atrophy and Immune Dysregulation in Infants with Complex Congenital Heart Disease
Bremer S, Boxnick A, Glau L, Biermann D, Joosse S, Thiele F, Billeb E, May J, Kolster M, Hackbusch R, Fortmann M, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Hübler M, Tolosa E, Sachweh J, Gieras A
J CLIN IMMUNOL. 2024;44(3):.
Circulating Tumor Cells: From Basic to Translational Research
Cortés-Hernández L, Eslami-S Z, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
CLIN CHEM. 2024;70(1):81-89.
Relationship of Ki-67 index in biopsies of metastatic breast cancer tissue and circulating tumor cells (CTCs) at the time of biopsy collection
Deutsch T, Fischer C, Riedel F, Haßdenteufel K, Michel L, Sütterlin M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Wallwiener M, Schneeweiss A, Stefanovic S
ARCH GYNECOL OBSTET. 2024;309(1):235-248.
Applications of Nanopore sequencing in precision cancer medicine
Dyshlovoy S, Paigin S, Afflerbach A, Lobermeyer A, Werner S, Schüller U, Bokemeyer C, Schuh A, Bergmann L, von Amsberg G, Joosse S
INT J CANCER. 2024;155(12):2129-2140.
Efficacy of Lapatinib in Patients with HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer and HER2-Positive Circulating Tumor Cells-The DETECT III Clinical Trial
Fehm T, Mueller V, Banys-Paluchowski M, Fasching P, Friedl T, Hartkopf A, Huober J, Loehberg C, Rack B, Riethdorf S, Schneeweiss A, Wallwiener D, Meier-Stiegen F, Krawczyk N, Jaeger B, Reinhardt F, Hoffmann O, Mueller L, Wimberger P, Ruckhaeberle E, Blohmer J, Cieslik J, Franken A, Niederacher D, Neubauer H, Pantel K, Janni W
CLIN CHEM. 2024;70(1):307-318.
Differential predictive value of tissue-specific PD-L1 expression scores in adjuvant immunotherapy of melanoma
Geidel G, Parnian N, Meß C, Schlepper N, Rünger A, Heidrich I, Hansen I, Smit D, Menz A, Pantel K, Schneider S, Kött J, Gebhardt C
J EUR ACAD DERMATOL. 2024;38(10):2017-2023.
Master corepressor inactivation through multivalent SLiM-induced polymerization mediated by the oncogene suppressor RAI2
Goradia N, Werner S, Mullapudi E, Greimeier S, Bergmann L, Lang A, Mertens H, Węglarz A, Sander S, Chojnowski G, Wikman H, Ohlenschläger O, von Amsberg G, Pantel K, Wilmanns M
NAT COMMUN. 2024;15(1):.
Soluble and EV-bound CD27 act as antagonistic biomarkers in patients with solid tumors undergoing immunotherapy
Gorgulho J, Loosen S, Masood R, Giehren F, Pagani F, Buescher G, Kocheise L, Joerg V, Schmidt C, Schulze K, Roderburg C, Kinkel E, Fritzsche B, Wehmeyer S, Schmidt B, Kachel P, Rolling C, Götze J, Busch A, Sinn M, Pereira-Veiga T, Wikman H, Geffken M, Peine S, Matschl U, Altfeld M, Huber S, Lohse A, Beier F, Brümmendorf T, Bokemeyer C, Luedde T, von Felden J
J EXP CLIN CANC RES. 2024;43(1):298.
Liquid Biopsy – Ein neues diagnostisches Konzept in der Onkologie
Heidrich I, Roeper C, Rautmann C, Pantel K, Smit D
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2024;103(1):40-46.
Detection of Multiple HPV Types in Liquid Biopsies of Cervical Neoplasia
Herbst J, Vohl V, Krajina M, Leffers M, Kropidlowski J, Prieske K, Jaeger A, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Schmalfeldt B, Goy Y, Burandt E, Pantel K, Vollmert C, Sartori A, Woelber L, Effenberger K, Wikman H
CLIN CHEM. 2024;70(1):285-296.
Childhood and adolescence factors and multiple sclerosis: results from the German National Cohort (NAKO)
Holz A, Obi N, Ahrens W, Berger K, Bohn B, Brenner H, Fischer B, Fricke J, Führer A, Gastell S, Greiser K, Harth V, Heise J, Holleczek B, Keil T, Klett-Tammen C, Leitzmann M, Lieb W, Meinke-Franze C, Michels K, Mikolajczyk R, Nimptsch K, Peters A, Pischon T, Riedel O, Schikowski T, Schipf S, Schmidt B, Schulze M, Stang A, Hellwig K, Riemann-Lorenz K, Heesen C, Becher H
BMC NEUROL. 2024;24(1):123.
Iodinated PSMA Ligands as XFI Tracers for Targeted Cell Imaging and Characterization of Nanoparticles
Kerpa S, Holzapfel M, Staufer T, Kuhrwahl R, Mutas M, Werner S, Schulze V, Nakielski P, Feliu N, Oetjen E, Haak J, Ziegler F, Buchin R, Han J, Parak W, Grüner F, Maison W
INT J MOL SCI. 2024;25(22):.
High Serum Levels of CCL20 Are Associated with Recurrence and Unfavorable Overall Survival in Advanced Melanoma Patients Receiving Immunotherapy
Kött J, Hoehne I, Heidrich I, Zimmermann N, Reese K, Zell T, Geidel G, Rünger A, Schneider S, Pantel K, Smit D, Gebhardt C
CANCERS. 2024;16(9):.
C-reactive protein flare predicts response to checkpoint inhibitor treatment in melanoma
Kött J, Zimmermann N, Zell T, Heidrich I, Geidel G, Rünger A, Smit D, Merkle M, Parnian N, Hansen I, Hoehne I, Abeck F, Torster L, Weichenthal M, Pantel K, Schneider S, Gebhardt C
J EUR ACAD DERMATOL. 2024;38(8):1575–1587.
Sentinel lymph node risk prognostication in primary cutaneous melanoma through tissue-based profiling, potentially redefining the need for sentinel lymph node biopsy
Kött J, Zimmermann N, Zell T, Rünger A, Heidrich I, Geidel G, Smit D, Hansen I, Abeck F, Schadendorf D, Eggermont A, Puig S, Hauschild A, Gebhardt C
EUR J CANCER. 2024;202:.
PIK3CA Hotspot Mutations in Saliva as a Diagnostic Marker in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients
Krüger K, Grust A, Muallah D, Patenge A, Wikman H, Mesa M, Knust E, Sartori A, Smeets R, Kluwe L, Friedrich R, Burg S
ANTICANCER RES. 2024;44(6):2369-2376.
Limited prognostic role of routine serum markers (AP, CEA, LDH and NSE) in oligorecurrent prostate cancer patients undergoing PSMA-radioguided surgery
Mehring G, Steinbach C, Pose R, Knipper S, Koehler D, Werner S, Riethdorf S, von Amsberg G, Ambrosini F, Maurer T
WORLD J UROL. 2024;42(1):.
Centrosomal Protein 55 Regulates Chromosomal Instability in Cancer Cells by Controlling Microtubule Dynamics
Muhs S, Paraschiakos T, Schäfer P, Joosse S, Windhorst S
CELLS-BASEL. 2024;13(16):.
KRAS and GNAS mutations in cell-free DNA and in circulating epithelial cells in patients with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms-an observational pilot study
Nitschke C, Tölle M, Walter P, Meißner K, Goetz M, Kropidlowski J, Berger A, Izbicki J, Nickel F, Hackert T, Pantel K, Wikman H, Uzunoglu F
MOL ONCOL. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
Hypoxia-Induced Adaptations of N-Glycomes and Proteomes in Breast Cancer Cells and Their Secreted Extracellular Vesicles
Peng B, Bartkowiak K, Song F, Nissen P, Schlüter H, Siebels B
INT J MOL SCI. 2024;25(18):.
Isolation of Single Circulating Tumor Cells Using VyCAP Puncher System
Pereira-Veiga T, Behrens B, Broekmaat J, Oomens L, Stevens M, Tibbe A, Stoecklein N, Muinelo-Romay L, Piñeiro R, Costa C
Methods Mol Biol. 2024;2752:65-70.
EGFR and PI3K Signalling Pathways as Promising Targets on Circulating Tumour Cells from Patients with Metastatic Gastric Adenocarcinoma
Piper A, Penney C, Holliday J, Tincknell G, Ma Y, Napaki S, Pantel K, Brungs D, Ranson M
INT J MOL SCI. 2024;25(10):.
Frequency and Prognostic Value of Circulating Tumor Cells in Cancer of Unknown Primary
Pouyiourou M, Bochtler T, Coith C, Wikman H, Kraft B, Hielscher T, Stenzinger A, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Krämer A
CLIN CHEM. 2024;70(1):297-306.
Multibiomarker panels in liquid biopsy for early detection of pancreatic cancer - a comprehensive review
Reese K, Pantel K, Smit D
J EXP CLIN CANC RES. 2024;43(1):.
Circulating extracellular vesicles as biomarker for diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring in glioblastoma patients
Ricklefs F, Wollmann K, Salviano-Silva A, Drexler R, Maire C, Kaul M, Reimer R, Schüller U, Heinemann S, Kolbe K, Mummert T, Glatzel M, Peine S, Gempt J, Westphal M, Dührsen L, Lamszus K
NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2024;26(7):1280-1291.
Diagnostic leukapheresis reveals distinct phenotypes of NSCLC circulating tumor cells
Rieckmann L, Spohn M, Ruff L, Agorku D, Becker L, Borchers A, Krause J, O'Reilly R, Hille J, Velthaus-Rusik J, Beumer N, Günther A, Willnow L, Imbusch C, Iglauer P, Simon R, Franzenburg S, Winter H, Thomas M, Bokemeyer C, Gagliani N, Krebs C, Sprick M, Hardt O, Riethdorf S, Trumpp A, Stoecklein N, Peine S, Rosenstiel P, Pantel K, Loges S, Janning M
MOL CANCER. 2024;23(1):93.
Circulating Tumor Cells and Thromboembolic Events in Patients with Glioblastoma
Rolling C, Mohme M, Bokemeyer C, Westphal M, Riethdorf S, Lamszus K, Pantel K, Klingler F, Langer F
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
Diagnosing intravascular B-cell lymphoma using nanopore sequencing of cell-free DNA from cerebrospinal fluid
Schmidt B, Afflerbach A, Ludewig P, Dirksen P, Paulsen F, Magnus T, Alawi M, Schüller U, Weisel K, Bokemeyer C, Christopeit M
ESMO OPEN. 2024;9(11):103974.
HERC5 downregulation in non-small cell lung cancer is associated with altered energy metabolism and metastasis
Schneegans S, Löptien J, Mojzisch A, Loreth D, Kretz O, Raschdorf C, Hanssen A, Gocke A, Siebels B, Gunasekaran K, Ding Y, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Brylka L, Schinke T, Schlüter H, Paatero I, Voß H, Werner S, Pantel K, Wikman H
J EXP CLIN CANC RES. 2024;43(1):110.
Mutation analysis in individual circulating tumor cells depicts intratumor heterogeneity in melanoma
Sementsov M, Ott L, Kött J, Sartori A, Lusque A, Degenhardt S, Segier B, Heidrich I, Volkmer B, Greinert R, Mohr P, Simon R, Stadler J, Irwin D, Koch C, Andreas A, Deitert B, Thewes V, Trumpp A, Schneeweiss A, Belloum Y, Peine S, Wikman H, Riethdorf S, Schneider S, Gebhardt C, Pantel K, Keller L
EMBO MOL MED. 2024;16(7):1560-1578.
Functional characterization of PI3K C2 domain mutations detected in breast cancer circulating tumor cells and metastatic cells
Smit D, Brauer H, Horn S, Yigit G, Haider M, Pogenberg V, Schumacher U, Pantel K, Jücker M
CELL SIGNAL. 2024;121:.
Analysis of the Plasticity of Circulating Tumor Cells Reveals Differentially Regulated Kinases During the Suspension-to-Adherent Transition
Smit D, Hoffer K, Bettin B, Kriegs M, Cayrefourcq L, Schumacher U, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C, Jücker M
CANCER MED-US. 2024;13(20):e70339.
Circulating tumor cells as liquid biopsy markers in cancer patients
Smit D, Pantel K
MOL ASPECTS MED. 2024;96:101258.
Clinical applications of circulating tumor cells in patients with solid tumors
Smit D, Schneegans-Murano S, Pantel K
CLIN EXP METASTAS. 2024;41(4):403-411.
HER2(-Low) Expression on Circulating Tumor Cells and Corresponding Metastatic Tissue in Metastatic Breast Cancer
Tretschock L, Clemente H, Smetanay K, Fremd C, Thewes V, Haßdenteufel K, Scholz A, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Trumpp A, Schneeweiss A, Michel L, Deutsch T
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];1-11.
Central nervous system metastases in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A review of the therapeutic landscape
Weller M, Remon J, Rieken S, Vollmuth P, Ahn M, Minniti G, Le Rhun E, Westphal M, Brastianos P, Soo R, Kirkpatrick J, Goldberg S, Öhrling K, Hegi-Johnson F, Hendriks L
CANCER TREAT REV. 2024;130:102807.
Plasma ctDNA as a treatment response biomarker in metastatic cancers: evaluation by the RECIST working group
Wyatt A, Litière S, Bidard F, Cabel L, Dyrskjøt L, Karlovich C, Pantel K, Petrie J, Philip R, Andrews H, Vellanki P, Tolmeijer S, Villalobos Alberu X, Alfano C, Bogaerts J, Calvo E, Chen A, Toledo R, de Vries E, Seymour L, Laurie S, Garralda E
CLIN CANCER RES. 2024;30(22):5034-5041.
Comparative evaluation of PD-L1 expression in cytology imprints, circulating tumour cells and tumour tissue in non-small cell lung cancer patients
Abdo M, Belloum Y, Heigener D, Welker L, von Weihe S, Schmidt M, Heuer-Olewinski N, Watermann I, Szewczyk M, Kropidlowski J, Pereira-Veiga T, Elmas H, Perner S, Steurer S, Wikman H, Pantel K, Reck M
MOL ONCOL. 2023;17(5):737-746.
Detection and Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells from Breast Cancer Patients Using CUB Domain-Containing Protein 1
Bartkowiak K, Mossahebi Mohammadi P, Gärtner S, Kwiatkowski M, Andreas A, Geffken M, Peine S, Verpoort K, Scholz U, Deutsch T, Michel L, Schneeweiss A, Thewes V, Trumpp A, Müller V, Riethdorf S, Schlüter H, Pantel K
J PROTEOME RES. 2023;22(4):1213-1230.
Efficacy of zoledronic acid for the elimination of disseminated tumor cells in a clinically relevant, spontaneously metastatic prostate cancer xenograft model
Böckelmann L, Freytag V, Ahlers A, Maar H, Gosau T, Baranowsky A, Schmitz R, Pantel K, Schumacher U, Haider M, Lange T
BONE. 2023;171:116741.
Baseline CTC Count as a Predictor of Long-Term Outcomes in High-Risk Prostate Cancer
Cieślikowski W, Milecki P, Świerczewska M, Ida A, Kasperczak M, Jankowiak A, Nowicki M, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C, Zabel M, Antczak A, Budna-Tukan J
J PERS MED. 2023;13(4):.
PSMA-heterogeneity in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: Circulating tumor cells, metastatic tumor burden, and response to targeted radioligand therapy
Derlin T, Riethdorf S, Schumacher U, Lafos M, Peine S, Coith C, Ross T, Pantel K, Bengel F
PROSTATE. 2023;83(11):1076-1088.
The Role of TAM Receptors in Bone
Engelmann J, Ragipoglu D, Ben Batalla I, Loges S
INT J MOL SCI. 2023;25(1):.
Comparative analysis of EpCAM high-expressing and low-expressing circulating tumour cells with regard to their clonal relationship and clinical value
Franken A, Kraemer A, Sicking A, Watolla M, Rivandi M, Yang L, Warfsmann J, Polzer B, Friedl T, Meier-Stiegen F, Stoecklein N, Dayan D, Riethdorf S, Mueller V, Pantel K, Koch A, Hartkopf A, Krawczyk N, Ruckhaeberle E, Niederacher D, Fehm T, Neubauer H
BRIT J CANCER. 2023;128(9):1742-1752.
Tissue resident iNKT17 cells facilitate cancer cell extravasation in liver metastasis via interleukin-22
Giannou A, Kempski J, Shiri A, Lücke J, Zhang T, Zhao L, Zazara D, Cortesi F, Riecken K, Amezcua Vesely M, Low J, Xu H, Kaffe E, Garcia-Perez L, Agalioti T, Yamada Y, Jungraithmayr W, Zigmond E, Karstens K, Steglich B, Wagner J, Konczalla L, Carambia A, Schulze K, von Felden J, May P, Briukhovetska D, Bedke T, Brockmann L, Starzonek S, Lange T, Koch C, Riethdorf S, Pelczar P, Böttcher M, Sabihi M, Huber F, Reeh M, Grass J, Wahib R, Seese H, Stüben B, Fard-Aghaie M, Duprée A, Scognamiglio P, Plitzko G, Meiners J, Soukou S, Wittek A, Manthey C, Maroulis I, Arck P, Perez D, Gao B, Zarogiannis S, Strowig T, Pasqualini R, Arap W, Gosálvez J, Kobold S, Prinz I, Guse A, Tachezy M, Ghadban T, Heumann A, Li J, Melling N, Mann O, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Schumacher U, Lohse A, Flavell R, Gagliani N, Huber S
IMMUNITY. 2023;56(1):125-142.e12.
Liquid biopsy for monitoring of tumor dormancy and early detection of disease recurrence in solid tumors
Heidrich I, Deitert B, Werner S, Pantel K
CANCER METAST REV. 2023;42(1):161-182.
Liquid Biopsy – Ein neues diagnostisches Konzept in der Onkologie
Heidrich I, Roeper C, Rautmann C, Pantel K, Smit D
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2023;148(10):597-604.
Protocol of the IntenSify-Trial: An open-label phase I trial of the CYP3A inhibitor cobicistat and the cytostatics gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel in patients with advanced stage or metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma to evaluate the combination's pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy
Hohmann N, Sprick M, Pohl M, Ahmed A, Burhenne J, Kirchner M, Le Cornet L, Kratzmann M, Hajda J, Stenzinger A, Steindorf K, Delorme S, Schlemmer H, Riethdorf S, van Schaik R, Pantel K, Siveke J, Seufferlein T, Jäger D, Haefeli W, Trumpp A, Springfeld C
CTS-CLIN TRANSL SCI. 2023;16(12):2483-2493.
Label Efficient Classification in Liquid Biopsy Data by Self-supervision
Husseini H, Nielsen M, Pantel K, Wikman H, Riethdorf S, Werner R
2023. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2023. Deserno T, Handels H, Maier A, Maier-Hein K, Palm C, Tolxdorff T (eds.). 1. ed. Springer Vieweg, 261-266.
EpCAM-positive circulating tumor cells and serum AFP levels predict outcome after curative resection of hepatocellular carcinoma
Kocheise L, Schoenlein M, Behrends B, Joerg V, Casar C, Fründt T, Renné T, Heumann A, Li J, Huber S, Lohse A, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Wege H, Schulze K, von Felden J
SCI REP-UK. 2023;13(1):20827.
Circulating tumour cells for early detection of clinically relevant cancer
Lawrence R, Watters M, Davies C, Pantel K, Lu Y
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2023;20(7):487-500.
Detection and Monitoring of Tumor-Derived Mutations in Circulating Tumor DNA Using the UltraSEEK Lung Panel on the MassARRAY System in Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Leest P, Janning M, Rifaela N, Azpurua M, Kropidlowski J, Loges S, Lozano N, Sartori A, Irwin D, Lamy P, Hiltermann T, Groen H, Pantel K, Kempen L, Wikman H, Schuuring E
INT J MOL SCI. 2023;24(17):.
Five plus three for the pancreas
Löhr J, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2023;29(8):1387-1389.
Peripheral and Portal Venous KRAS ctDNA Detection as Independent Prognostic Markers of Early Tumor Recurrence in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Nitschke C, Markmann B, Walter P, Badbaran A, Tölle M, Kropidlowski J, Belloum Y, Goetz M, Bardenhagen J, Stern L, Tintelnot J, Schönlein M, Sinn M, van der Leest P, Simon R, Heumann A, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Wikman H, Uzunoglu F
CLIN CHEM. 2023;69(3):295-307.
Basal-like mammary carcinomas stimulate cancer stem cell properties through AXL-signaling to induce chemotherapy resistance
Pantelaiou-Prokaki G, Reinhardt O, Georges N, Agorku D, Hardt O, Prokakis E, Mieczkowska I, Deppert W, Wegwitz F, Alves F
INT J CANCER. 2023;152(9):1916-1932.
First-line treatment of unresectable or metastatic HER2 positive esophagogastric adenocarcinoma: liquid biomarker analysis of the phase 2 INTEGA trial
Paschold L, Stein A, Thiele B, Tintelnot J, Henkes S, Coith C, Schultheiß C, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Binder M
RNF40 epigenetically modulates glycolysis to support the aggressiveness of basal-like breast cancer
Prokakis E, Jansari S, Boshnakovska A, Wiese M, Kusch K, Kramm C, Dullin C, Rehling P, Glatzel M, Pantel K, Wikman H, Johnsen S, Gallwas J, Wegwitz F
CELL DEATH DIS. 2023;14(9):641.
The role of the desmosomal protein desmocollin 2 in tumour progression in triple negative breast cancer patients
Reimer F, Bryan S, Legler K, Karn T, Eppenberger-Castori S, Matschke J, Pereira-Veiga T, Wikman H, Witzel I, Müller V, Schmalfeldt B, Milde-Langosch K, Schumacher U, Stürken C, Oliveira-Ferrer L
CANCER CELL INT. 2023;23(1):47.
Zirkulierende Tumorzellen
Reimers N, Pantel K
2023. Kompendium Internistische Onkologie. Schmoll H (eds.). 5. ed. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 1-7.
„Liquid biopsy“ – schon reif für Therapieentscheidungen?
Roeper C, Hoehne I, Schlepper N, Koch C, Pantel K, Smit D
best practice onkologie. 2023;18(5):194 - 202.
MicroRNAs and their implications in CD4+ T-cells, oligodendrocytes and dendritic cells in multiple sclerosis pathogenesis
Safari A, Madadi S, Schwarzenbach H, Soleimani M, Safari A, Ahmadi M, Soleimani M
CURR MOL MED. 2023;23(7):630 - 647.
Experimental in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models in prostate cancer research
Sailer V, von Amsberg G, Duensing S, Kirfel J, Lieb V, Metzger E, Offermann A, Pantel K, Schuele R, Taubert H, Wach S, Perner S, Werner S, Aigner A
NAT REV UROL. 2023;20(3):158-178.
Prognostic value of von Willebrand factor levels in patients with metastatic melanoma treated by immune checkpoint inhibitors
Stadler J, Keller L, Mess C, Bauer A, Koett J, Geidel G, Heidrich I, Vidal-Y-Sy S, Andreas A, Stramaglia C, Sementsov M, Haberstroh W, Deitert B, Hoehne I, Reschke R, Haalck T, Pantel K, Gebhardt C, Schneider S
Preclinical models to study patient-derived circulating tumor cells and metastasis
Suvilesh K, Manjunath Y, Pantel K, Kaifi J
TRENDS CANCER. 2023;9(4):355-371.
A phase I prospective, non-randomized trial of autologous dendritic cell-based cryoimmunotherapy in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Thomsen L, Honoré A, Reisæter L, Almås B, Børretzen A, Helle S, Førde K, Kristoffersen E, Kaada S, Melve G, Haslerud T, Biermann M, Bigalke I, Kvalheim G, Azeem W, Olsen J, Gabriel B, Knappskog S, Halvorsen O, Akslen L, Bahn D, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Ragde H, Gjertsen B, Øyan A, Kalland K, Beisland C
CANCER IMMUNOL IMMUN. 2023;72(7):2357-2373.
Association Between Obesity and Circulating Tumor Cells in Early Breast Cancer Patients
Tzschaschel M, Friedl T, Schochter F, Schütze S, Polasik A, Fehm T, Pantel K, Schindlbeck C, Schneeweiss A, Schreier J, Tesch H, Lorenz R, Aivazova-Fuchs V, Häberle L, Fasching P, Janni W, Rack B, Fink V
CLIN BREAST CANCER. 2023;23(6):e345-e353.
ctHPV-DNA-basierte Präzisionsonkologie für Patienten mit Oropharynxkarzinom – wo stehen wir?
Wuerdemann N, Joosse S, Klasen C, Prinz J, Demers I, George J, Speel E, Wagner S, Klußmann J
LARYNGO RHINO OTOL. 2023;102(10):728-734.
Liquid Biopsy to Catch the Epigenetic Changes in Endometrial Cancer
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2022;68(6):745-747.
Activated Eosinophils Predict Longer Progression-Free Survival under Immune Checkpoint Inhibition in Melanoma
Ammann N, Schwietzer Y, Mess C, Stadler J, Geidel G, Kött J, Pantel K, Schneider S, Utikal J, Bauer A, Gebhardt C
CANCERS. 2022;14(22):.
Circulating Cellular Communication Network Factor 1 Protein as a Sensitive Liquid Biopsy Marker for Early Detection of Breast Cancer
Bartkowiak K, Heidrich I, Kwiatkowski M, Banys-Paluchowski M, Andreas A, Wurlitzer M, Geffken M, Voß H, Zeller T, Blankenberg S, Peine S, Joosse S, Müller V, Schlüter H, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2022;68(2):344-353.
Interplay between coagulation and inflammation in cancer: Limitations and therapeutic opportunities
Bauer A, Gorzelanny C, Gebhardt C, Pantel K, Schneider S
CANCER TREAT REV. 2022;102:.
Expression Patterns and Corepressor Function of Retinoic Acid-induced 2 in Prostate Cancer
Besler K, Węglarz A, Keller L, von Amsberg G, Bednarz-Knoll N, Offermann A, Stoupiec S, Eltze E, Semjonow A, Boettcher L, Schneegans S, Perner S, Hauch S, Todenhöfer T, Peine S, Pantel K, Wikman H, Werner S
CLIN CHEM. 2022;68(7):973-983.
Spine Metastases in Immunocompromised Mice after Intracardiac Injection of MDA-MB-231-SCP2 Breast Cancer Cells
Brylka L, Jähn-Rickert K, Baranowsky A, Neven M, Horn M, Yorgan T, Wikman H, Werner S, Lübke A, Amling M, Busse B, Pantel K, Schinke T
CANCERS. 2022;14(3):.
With one eye on the future
Caldas C, Rescigno M, Turajlic S, Madabhushi A, Zhang Z, Lito P, Brown C, Pantel K, Haanen J, Duma N
CANCER CELL. 2022;40(3):221-225.
Possible tumour cell reimplantation during curative endoscopic therapy of superficial Barrett's carcinoma
Ehlken H, Schmitz R, Riethdorf S, Riethdorf L, Krause J, Karstens K, Schrader J, Viol F, Giannou A, Sterlacci W, Vieth M, Clauditz T, Kähler C, Mann O, Izbicki J, Huber S, Pantel K, Rösch T
GUT. 2022;71(2):277-286.
Regulation of bone homeostasis by MERTK and TYRO3
Engelmann J, Zarrer J, Gensch V, Riecken K, Berenbrok N, Luu T, Beitzen-Heineke A, Vargas-Delgado M, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Bhamidipati S, Darwish I, Masuda E, Burstyn-Cohen T, Alberto E, Ghosh S, Rothlin C, Hesse E, Taipaleenmäki H, Ben Batalla I, Loges S
NAT COMMUN. 2022;13(1):.
Kardioonkologie – was leistet die MRT? : Inflammation, Fibrose, Outcome
Erley J, Beitzen-Heineke A, Tahir E
RADIOLOGIE. 2022;62(11):941-946.
Functional analysis of circulating tumour cells: the KEY to understand the biology of the metastatic cascade
Eslami-S Z, Cortés-Hernández L, Thomas F, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
BRIT J CANCER. 2022;127(5):800-810.
Circulating tumor cells as a preoperative risk marker for occult metastases in patients with resectable cholangiocarcinoma
Fründt T, von Felden J, Krause J, Heumann A, Li J, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Huber S, Lohse A, Wege H, Schulze K
FRONT ONCOL. 2022;12:.
Emerging precision diagnostics in advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
Geidel G, Heidrich I, Kött J, Schneider S, Pantel K, Gebhardt C
NPJ PRECIS ONCOL. 2022;6(1):.
Modeling the Prognostic Impact of Circulating Tumor Cells Enumeration in Metastatic Breast Cancer for Clinical Trial Design Simulation
Gerratana L, Pierga J, Reuben J, Davis A, Wehbe F, Dirix L, Fehm T, Nolé F, Gisbert-Criado R, Mavroudis D, Grisanti S, Garcia-Saenz J, Stebbing J, Caldas C, Gazzaniga P, Manso L, Zamarchi R, Bonotto M, Fernandez de Lascoiti A, De Mattos-Arruda L, Ignatiadis M, Sandri M, Generali D, De Angelis C, Dawson S, Janni W, Carañana V, Riethdorf S, Solomayer E, Puglisi F, Giuliano M, Pantel K, Bidard F, Cristofanilli M
ONCOLOGIST. 2022;27(7):e561-e570.
Tumor-Stroma Interaction in PDAC as a New Approach for Liquid Biopsy and its Potential Clinical Implications
Götze J, Nitschke C, Uzunoglu F, Pantel K, Sinn M, Wikman H
Liquid biopsy: blood-based analyses of circulating cell-free DNA in xenografts
Heidrich I, Pantel K
EMBO MOL MED. 2022;14(8):.
Clinical applications and utility of cell-free DNA-based liquid biopsy analyses in cervical cancer and its precursor lesions
Herbst J, Pantel K, Effenberger K, Wikman H
BRIT J CANCER. 2022;127(8):1403-1410.
Decellularized In Vitro Capillaries for Studies of Metastatic Tendency and Selection of Treatment
Huttala O, Loreth D, Staff S, Tanner M, Wikman H, Ylikomi T
BIOMEDICINES. 2022;10(2):.
Circulating DNA and Liquid Biopsies in the Management of Patients with Cancer
Joosse S, Pantel K
CANCER RES. 2022;82(12):2213-2215.
Detection of Hypomethylation in Long-ctDNA
Joosse S, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2022;68(9):1115-1117.
NIPA (Nuclear Interaction Partner of ALK) Is Crucial for Effective NPM-ALK Mediated Lymphomagenesis
Kreutmair S, Lippert L, Klingeberg C, Albers-Leischner C, Yacob S, Shlyakhto V, Mueller T, Mueller-Rudorf A, Yu C, Gorantla S, Miething C, Duyster J, Illert A
FRONT ONCOL. 2022;12:.
Tumor cell E-selectin ligands determine partialefficacy of bortezomib on spontaneous lung metastasis formation of solid human tumors in vivo
Lange T, Valentiner U, Wicklein D, Maar H, Labitzky V, Ahlers A, Starzonek S, Genduso S, Staffeldt L, Pahlow C, Dück A, Stürken C, Baranowsky A, Bauer A, Bulk E, Schwab A, Riecken K, Börnchen C, Kiefmann R, Abraham V, DeLisser H, Gemoll T, Habermann J, Block A, Pantel K, Schumacher U
MOL THER. 2022;30(4):1536-1552.
Combined Liquid Biopsy Methylation Analysis of CADM1 and MAL in Cervical Cancer Patients
Leffers M, Herbst J, Kropidlowski J, Prieske K, Bohnen A, Peine S, Jaeger A, Prieske K, Goy Y, Schmalfeldt B, Pantel K, Wölber L, Effenberger K, Wikman H
CANCERS. 2022;14(16):.
Molecular mechanisms of cancer metastasis via the lymphatic versus the blood vessels
Leong S, Naxerova K, Keller L, Pantel K, Witte M
CLIN EXP METASTAS. 2022;39(1):159-179.
Circulating Tumor-Macrophage Fusion Cells and Circulating Tumor Cells Complement Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Screening in Patients With Suspicious Lung-RADS 4 Nodules
Manjunath Y, Suvilesh K, Mitchem J, Avella Patino D, Kimchi E, Staveley-O'Carroll K, Pantel K, Yi H, Li G, Harris P, Chaudhuri A, Kaifi J
Aggressive variants of prostate cancer: underlying mechanisms of neuroendocrine transdifferentiation
Merkens L, Sailer V, Lessel D, Janzen E, Greimeier S, Kirfel J, Perner S, Pantel K, Werner S, von Amsberg G
J EXP CLIN CANC RES. 2022;41(1):.
Stratification of radiosensitive brain metastases based on an actionable S100A9/RAGE resistance mechanism
Monteiro C, Miarka L, Perea-García M, Priego N, García-Gómez P, Álvaro-Espinosa L, de Pablos-Aragoneses A, Yebra N, Retana D, Baena P, Fustero-Torre C, Graña-Castro O, Troulé K, Caleiras E, Tezanos P, Muela P, Cintado E, Trejo J, Sepúlveda J, González-León P, Jiménez-Roldán L, Moreno L, Esteban O, Pérez-Núñez Á, Hernández-Lain A, Mazarico Gallego J, Ferrer I, Suárez R, Garrido-Martín E, Paz-Ares L, Dalmasso C, Cohen-Jonathan Moyal E, Siegfried A, Hegarty A, Keelan S, Varešlija D, Young L, Mohme M, Goy Y, Wikman H, Fernández-Alén J, Blasco G, Alcázar L, Cabañuz C, Grivennikov S, Ianus A, Shemesh N, Faria C, Lee R, Lorigan P, Le Rhun E, Weller M, Soffietti R, Bertero L, Ricardi U, Bosch-Barrera J, Sais E, Teixidor E, Hernández-Martínez A, Calvo A, Aristu J, Martin S, Gonzalez A, Adler O, Erez N, Valiente M
NAT MED. 2022;28(4):752-765.
Liquid Biopsy-basierte Überwachung der BRCA1-Promoter Hypermethylierung als Therapieresistenz Marker in Brust- und Eierstockkrebs
Netkova-Heintzen M, Wankner M, Joosse S
GYN Praktische Gynäkologie. 2022;27(6):494-500.
Detection and Characterization of Estrogen Receptor α Expression of Circulating Tumor Cells as a Prognostic Marker
Ningsi R, Elazezy M, Stegat L, Laakmann E, Peine S, Riethdorf S, Müller V, Pantel K, Joosse S
CANCERS. 2022;14(11):.
Circulating Cancer Associated Macrophage-like Cells as a Potential New Prognostic Marker in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Nitschke C, Markmann B, Konczalla L, Kropidlowski J, Pereira-Veiga T, Scognamiglio P, Schönrock M, Sinn M, Tölle M, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Uzunoglu F, Wikman H
BIOMEDICINES. 2022;10(11):.
Characterization of RARRES1 Expression on Circulating Tumor Cells as Unfavorable Prognostic Marker in Resected Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Patients
Nitschke C, Markmann B, Tölle M, Kropidlowski J, Belloum Y, Goetz M, Schlüter H, Kwiatkowski M, Sinn M, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Güngör C, Uzunoglu F, Wikman H
CANCERS. 2022;14(18):.
Author Correction: Deficiency of Axl aggravates pulmonary arterial hypertension via BMPR2
Novoyatleva T, Rai N, Kojonazarov B, Veeroju S, Ben-Batalla I, Caruso P, Shihan M, Presser N, Götz E, Lepper C, Herpel S, Manaud G, Perros F, Gall H, Ghofrani H, Weissmann N, Grimminger F, Wharton J, Wilkins M, Upton P, Loges S, Morrell N, Seeger W, Schermuly R
COMMUN BIOL. 2022;5(1):.
Metastatic Breast Cancer Recurrence after Bone Fractures
Obi N, Werner S, Thelen F, Becher H, Pantel K
CANCERS. 2022;14(3):.
Crucial roles of circulating tumor cells in the metastatic cascade and tumor immune escape: biology and clinical translation
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
J IMMUNOTHER CANCER. 2022;10(12):.
ESMO recommendations on the use of circulating tumour DNA assays for patients with cancer: a report from the ESMO Precision Medicine Working Group
Pascual J, Attard G, Bidard F, Curigliano G, De Mattos-Arruda L, Diehn M, Italiano A, Lindberg J, Merker J, Montagut C, Normanno N, Pantel K, Pentheroudakis G, Popat S, Reis-Filho J, Tie J, Seoane J, Tarazona N, Yoshino T, Turner N
ANN ONCOL. 2022;33(8):750-768.
Circulating tumor cell-blood cell crosstalk: Biology and clinical relevance
Pereira-Veiga T, Schneegans S, Pantel K, Wikman H
CELL REP. 2022;40(9):.
Clinical determinants impacting overall survival of patients with operable brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer
Piffko A, Asey B, Dührsen L, Ristow I, Salamon J, Wikman H, Maire C, Lamszus K, Westphal M, Sauvigny T, Mohme M
FRONT ONCOL. 2022;12:.
Liquid Biopsy in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Rzhevskiy A, Kapitannikova A, Butnaru D, Shpot E, Joosse S, Zvyagin A, Ebrahimi Warkiani M
BIOMEDICINES. 2022;10(12):.
Characterization of immunologically detectable T-cell sensitization, Immunohistochemical detection of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and clinical parameters of patients after allogeneic intraoral bone grafting procedures: a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial in humans
Solakoglu Ö, Götz W, von Baehr V, Heydecke G, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2022;22(1):.
A 3-year prospective randomized clinical trial of alveolar bone crest response and clinical parameters through 1, 2, and 3 years of clinical function of implants placed 4 months after alveolar ridge preservation using two different allogeneic bone-grafting materials
Solakoğlu Ö, Ofluoğlu D, Schwarzenbach H, Heydecke G, Reißmann D, Ergun S, Götz W
INT J IMPLANT DENT. 2022;8(1):.
Characterization of circulating molecules and activities in plasma of patients after allogeneic and autologous intraoral bone grafting procedures: a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial in humans
Solakoglu Ö, Steinbach B, Götz W, Heydecke G, Schwarzenbach H
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2022;22(1):.
Current and future clinical applications of ctDNA in immuno-oncology
Stadler J, Belloum Y, Deitert B, Sementsov M, Heidrich I, Gebhardt C, Keller L, Pantel K
CANCER RES. 2022;82(3):349-358.
Tumorigenic circulating tumor cells from xenograft mouse models of non-metastatic NSCLC patients reveal distinct single cell heterogeneity and drug responses
Suvilesh K, Nussbaum Y, Radhakrishnan V, Manjunath Y, Avella D, Staveley-O'Carroll K, Kimchi E, Chaudhuri A, Shyu C, Li G, Pantel K, Warren W, Mitchem J, Kaifi J
MOL CANCER. 2022;21(1):.
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy of Patients with Early Breast Cancer Is Associated with Increased Detection of Disseminated Tumor Cells in the Bone Marrow
Volmer L, Koch A, Matovina S, Dannehl D, Weiss M, Welker G, Hahn M, Engler T, Wallwiener M, Walter C, Oberlechner E, Brucker S, Pantel K, Hartkopf A
CANCERS. 2022;14(3):.
Immunotherapy in Advanced Prostate Cancer-Light at the End of the Tunnel?
von Amsberg G, Alsdorf W, Karagiannis P, Coym A, Kaune M, Werner S, Graefen M, Bokemeyer C, Merkens L, Dyshlovoy S
INT J MOL SCI. 2022;23(5):.
Heparan sulfate dependent binding of plasmatic von Willebrand factor to blood circulating melanoma cells attenuates metastasis
Wang Y, Liu X, Obser T, Bauer A, Heyes M, Starzonek S, Zulal M, Opitz K, Ott L, Riethdorf S, Lange T, Pantel K, Bendas G, Schneider S, Kusche-Gullberg M, Gorzelanny C
MATRIX BIOL. 2022;111:76-94.
Clinical management and biology of tumor dormancy in breast cancer
Werner S, Heidrich I, Pantel K
SEMIN CANCER BIOL. 2022;78:49-62.
Circulating tumor cells and extracellular vesicles as liquid biopsy markers in neuro-oncology: prospects and limitations
Westphal M, Pantel K, Ricklefs F, Maire C, Riethdorf S, Mohme M, Wikman H, Lamszus K
NEURO-ONCOL ADV. 2022;4(Suppl 2):ii45-ii52.
Continuous centrifugal microfluidics (CCM) isolates heterogeneous circulating tumor cells via full automation
Woo H, Kim S, Kang H, Lee S, Lee S, Kim J, Gurel O, Kim S, Roh H, Lee J, Park Y, Shin H, Shin Y, Lee S, Oh S, Kim Y, Chae J, Lee S, Hong M, Cho B, Lee E, Pantel K, Kim H, Kim M
THERANOSTICS. 2022;12(8):3676-3689.
Evaluation of the Hamburg-Glasgow Classification in Pancreatic Cancer: Preoperative Staging by Combining Disseminated Tumor Load and Systemic Inflammation
Abdalla T, Almanfalouti V, Effenberger K, Uzunoglu F, Ghadban T, Dupreé A, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Reeh M
CANCERS. 2021;13(23):.
Prognostic value of preoperative circulating tumor cells counts in patients with UICC stage I-IV colorectal cancer
Abdalla T, Meiners J, Riethdorf S, König A, Melling N, Gorges T, Karstens K, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Reeh M
PLOS ONE. 2021;16(6):e0252897.
Blood-based detection of lung cancer using cysteine-rich angiogenic inducer 61 (CYR61) as a circulating protein biomarker: a pilot study
Ac Kar L, Casjens S, Andreas A, Raiko I, Brüning T, Geffken M, Peine S, Kollmeier J, Johnen G, Bartkowiak K, Weber D, Pantel K
MOL ONCOL. 2021;15(11):2877-2890.
Liquid Biopsy: From Discovery to Clinical Application
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
CANCER DISCOV. 2021;11(4):858-873.
Liquid biopsy: from discovery to clinical implementation
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
MOL ONCOL. 2021;15(6):1617-1621.
ViBiBa: Virtual BioBanking for the DETECT multicenter trial program - decentralized storage and processing
Asperger H, Cieslik J, Alberter B, Köstler C, Polzer B, Müller V, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Koch A, Hartkopf A, Wiesmüller L, Janni W, Schochter F, Franken A, Niederacher D, Fehm T, Neubauer H
TRANSL ONCOL. 2021;14(8):101132.
Sensitive Blood-Based Detection of Asbestos-Associated Diseases Using Cysteine-Rich Angiogenic Inducer 61 as Circulating Protein Biomarker
Bartkowiak K, Casjens S, Andreas A, Ačkar L, Joosse S, Raiko I, Brüning T, Geffken M, Peine S, Johnen G, Weber D, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2021;67(2):363-373.
Cysteine-Rich Angiogenic Inducer 61: Pro-Survival Function and Role as a Biomarker for Disseminating Breast Cancer Cells
Bartkowiak K, Heidrich I, Kwiatkowski M, Gorges T, Andreas A, Geffken M, Verpoort K, Müller V, Schlüter H, Pantel K
CANCERS. 2021;13(3):.
AXL Inhibition Represents a Novel Therapeutic Approach in BCR-ABL Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Beitzen-Heineke A, Berenbrok N, Waizenegger J, Päsler S, Gensch V, Udonta F, Vargas-Delgado M, Engelmann J, Hoffmann F, Schafhausen P, von Amsberg G, Riecken K, Beumer N, Imbusch C, Lorens J, Fischer T, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Ben Batalla I, Loges S
HEMASPHERE. 2021;5(9):.
DNA Damage Response during Replication Correlates with CIN70 Score and Determines Survival in HNSCC Patients
Bold I, Specht A, Droste C, Zielinski A, Meyer F, Clauditz T, Münscher A, Werner S, Rothkamm K, Petersen C, Borgmann K
CANCERS. 2021;13(6):.
BRCA1 promoter hypermethylation on circulating tumor DNA correlates with improved survival of patients with ovarian cancer
Elazezy M, Prieske K, Kluwe L, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Peine S, Müller V, Woelber L, Schmalfeldt B, Pantel K, Joosse S
MOL ONCOL. 2021;15(12):3615-3625.
Emerging Insights into Keratin 16 Expression during Metastatic Progression of Breast Cancer
Elazezy M, Schwentesius S, Stegat L, Wikman H, Werner S, Mansour W, Failla A, Peine S, Müller V, Thiery J, Ebrahimi Warkiani M, Pantel K, Joosse S
CANCERS. 2021;13(15):.
Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of miR-16, miR-146a, miR-192 and miR-221 in Exosomes of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Cirrhosis Patients
Fründt T, Krause L, Hussey E, Steinbach B, Köhler D, von Felden J, Schulze K, Lohse A, Wege H, Schwarzenbach H
CANCERS. 2021;13(10):2484.
Disseminated tumour cells from the bone marrow of early breast cancer patients: Results from an international pooled analysis
Hartkopf A, Brucker S, Taran F, Harbeck N, von Au A, Naume B, Pierga J, Hoffmann O, Beckmann M, Rydén L, Fehm T, Aft R, Solà M, Walter V, Rack B, Schuetz F, Borgen E, Ta M, Bittner A, Fasching P, Fernö M, Krawczyk N, Weilbaecher K, Margelí M, Hahn M, Jueckstock J, Domschke C, Bidard F, Kasimir-Bauer S, Schoenfisch B, Kurt A, Wallwiener M, Gebauer G, Klein C, Wallwiener D, Janni W, Pantel K
EUR J CANCER. 2021;154:128-137.
Clinical Applications of Circulating Tumor Cells and Circulating Tumor DNA as a Liquid Biopsy Marker in Colorectal Cancer
Heidrich I, Abdalla T, Reeh M, Pantel K
CANCERS. 2021;13(18):.
Liquid biopsies: Potential and challenges
Heidrich I, Ačkar L, Mossahebi Mohammadi P, Pantel K
INT J CANCER. 2021;148(3):528-545.
Novel approaches to target the microenvironment of bone metastasis
Hofbauer L, Bozec A, Rauner M, Jakob F, Perner S, Pantel K
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2021;18(8):488-505.
Offspring born to influenza A virus infected pregnant mice have increased susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections in early life
Jacobsen H, Walendy-Gnirß K, Tekin-Bubenheim N, Kouassi N, Ben-Batalla I, Berenbrok N, Wolff M, Dos Reis V, Zickler M, Scholl L, Gries A, Jania H, Kloetgen A, Düsedau A, Pilnitz-Stolze G, Jeridi A, Yildirim A, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Stoeger C, de Angelis M, Manuylova T, Klingel K, Culley F, Behrends J, Loges S, Schneider B, Krauss-Etschmann S, Openshaw P, Gabriel G
NAT COMMUN. 2021;12(1):4957.
Clinical relevance of blood-based ctDNA analysis: mutation detection and beyond
Keller L, Belloum Y, Wikman H, Pantel K
BRIT J CANCER. 2021;124(2):345-358.
Possible Role of Circulating Tumour Cells for Prediction of Salvage Lymph Node Dissection Outcome in Patients with Early Prostate Cancer Recurrence
Knipper S, Riethdorf S, Werner S, Tilki D, Graefen M, Pantel K, Maurer T
EUR UROL OPEN SCI. 2021;34:55-58.
2-Methoxyestradiol and its derivatives inhibit store-operated Ca2+ entry in T cells: identification of a new and potent inhibitor
Löhndorf A, Hosang L, Dohle W, Odoardi F, Waschkowski S, Rosche A, Bauche A, Winzer R, Tolosa E, Windhorst S, Marry S, Flügel A, Potter B, Diercks B, Guse A
BBA-MOL CELL RES. 2021;1868(6):118988.
CD74 and CD44 Expression on CTCs in Cancer Patients with Brain Metastasis
Loreth D, Schuette M, Zinke J, Mohme M, Piffko A, Schneegans S, Stadler J, Janning M, Loges S, Joosse S, Lamszus K, Westphal M, Müller V, Glatzel M, Matschke J, Gebhardt C, Schneider S, Belczacka I, Volkmer B, Greinert R, Yaspo M, Harter P, Pantel K, Wikman H
INT J MOL SCI. 2021;22(13):.
Genome-wide methylation profiling of glioblastoma cell-derived extracellular vesicle DNA allows tumor classification
Maire C, Fuh M, Kaulich K, Fita K, Stevic I, Heiland D, Welsh J, Jones J, Görgens A, Ricklefs T, Dührsen L, Sauvigny T, Joosse S, Reifenberger G, Pantel K, Glatzel M, Miklosi A, Felce J, Caselli M, Pereno V, Reimer R, Schlüter H, Westphal M, Schüller U, Lamszus K, Ricklefs F
NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2021;23(7):1087-1099.
Enumeration and Changes in Circulating Tumor Cells and Their Prognostic Value in Patients Undergoing Cytoreductive Radical Prostatectomy for Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer-Translational Research Results from the Prospective ProMPT trial
Mandel P, Huland H, Tiebel A, Haese A, Salomon G, Budäus L, Tilki D, Chun F, Heinzer H, Graefen M, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Steuber T
EUR UROL FOCUS. 2021;7(1):55-62.
Infiltration of Immune Competent Cells into Primary Tumors and Their Surrounding Connective Tissues in Xenograft and Syngeneic Mouse Models
Metzen M, Bruns M, Deppert W, Schumacher U
INT J MOL SCI. 2021;22(8):4213.
P02.01 A strategy to personalize the use of radiation in patients with brain metastasis based on S100A9-mediated resistance
Miarka L, Monteiro C, Dalmasso C, Yebra N, Fustero-Torre C, Hegarty A, Keelan S, Goy Y, Mohme M, Caleiras E, Vareslija D, Young L, Soffietti R, Fernández-Alén J, Blasco G, Alcázar L, Sepúlveda J, Pérez A, Lain A, Siegfried A, Wikman H, Cohen-Jonathan Moyal E, Valiente M
NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2021;23(Supplement_2):ii17-ii17.
Decreased PRC2 activity supports the survival of basal-like breast cancer cells to cytotoxic treatments
Mieczkowska I, Pantelaiou-Prokaki G, Prokakis E, Schmidt G, Müller-Kirschbaum L, Werner M, Sen M, Velychko T, Jannasch K, Dullin C, Napp J, Pantel K, Wikman H, Wiese M, Kramm C, Alves F, Wegwitz F
CELL DEATH DIS. 2021;12(12):.
Prognostic relevance of the HER2 status of circulating tumor cells in metastatic breast cancer patients screened for participation in the DETECT study program
Müller V, Banys-Paluchowski M, Friedl T, Fasching P, Schneeweiss A, Hartkopf A, Wallwiener D, Rack B, Meier-Stiegen F, Huober J, Rübner M, Hoffmann O, Müller L, Janni W, Wimberger P, Jäger B, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Harbeck N, Fehm T
ESMO OPEN. 2021;6(6):.
Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) in Patients with Testicular Germ Cell Tumors
Nastały P, Honecker F, Pantel K, Riethdorf S
Methods Mol Biol. 2021;2195:245-261.
Proficiency Testing to Assess Technical Performance for CTC-Processing and Detection Methods in CANCER-ID
Neves R, Ammerlaan W, Andree K, Bender S, Cayrefourcq L, Driemel C, Koch C, Luetke-Eversloh M, Oulhen M, Rossi E, Alix-Panabières C, Betsou F, Farace F, Riethdorf S, Schlange T, Wikman H, Zamarchi R, Pantel K, Terstappen L, Stoecklein N
CLIN CHEM. 2021;67(4):631-641.
The Long-Term Prognostic Significance of Circulating Tumor Cells in Ovarian Cancer-A Study of the OVCAD Consortium
Obermayr E, Reiner A, Brandt B, Braicu E, Reinthaller A, Loverix L, Concin N, Woelber L, Mahner S, Sehouli J, Vergote I, Zeillinger R
CANCERS. 2021;13(11):.
Analysis of tripartite motif (TRIM) family gene expression in prostate cancer bone metastases
Offermann A, Kang D, Watermann C, Weingart A, Hupe M, Saraji A, Stegmann-Frehse J, Kruper R, Schüle R, Pantel K, Taubert H, Duensing S, Culig Z, Aigner A, Klapper W, Jonigk D, Philipp Kühnel M, Merseburger A, Kirfel J, Sailer V, Perner S
CARCINOGENESIS. 2021;42(12):1475-1484.
Integrin alpha5 in human breast cancer is a mediator of bone metastasis and a therapeutic target for the treatment of osteolytic lesions
Pantano F, Croset M, Driouch K, Bednarz-Knoll N, Iuliani M, Ribelli G, Bonnelye E, Wikman H, Geraci S, Bonin F, Simonetti S, Vincenzi B, Hong S, Sousa S, Pantel K, Tonini G, Santini D, Clézardin P
ONCOGENE. 2021;40(7):1284-1299.
Liquid Biopsy: Blood-Based Analyses of ctDNA and CTCs
Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2021;67(11):1437-1439.
Longitudinal CTCs gene expression analysis on metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients treated with docetaxel reveals new potential prognosis markers
Pereira-Veiga T, González-Conde M, León-Mateos L, Piñeiro-Cid R, Abuín C, Muinelo-Romay L, Martínez-Fernández M, Brea Iglesias J, García González J, Anido U, Aguín-Losada S, Cebey V, Costa C, López-López R
CLIN EXP METASTAS. 2021;38(2):239-251.
Transcriptome Analysis in Vulvar Squamous Cell Cancer
Prieske K, Alawi M, Jaeger A, Wankner M, Eylmann K, Reuter S, Lebok P, Burandt E, Blessin N, Schmalfeldt B, Prieske K, Joosse S, Woelber L
CANCERS. 2021;13(24):.
High Serum Levels of Wnt Signaling Antagonist Dickkopf-Related Protein 1 Are Associated with Impaired Overall Survival and Recurrence in Esophageal Cancer Patients
Ramirez J, Smit D, Viol F, Schrader J, Ghadban T, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Reeh M
CANCERS. 2021;13(19):.
Involvement of platelet-derived VWF in metastatic growth of melanoma in the brain
Robador J, Feinauer M, Schneider S, Mayer F, Gorzelanny C, Sacharow A, Liu X, Berghoff A, Brehm M, Hirsch D, Stadler J, Vidal-Y-Si S, Wladykowski E, Asong M, Nowak K, Seiz-Rosenhagen M, Umansky V, Mess C, Pantel K, Winkler F, Bauer A
NEURO-ONCOL ADV. 2021;3(1):.
Functional Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) from Metastatic ER+/HER2- Breast Cancer Reveals Dependence on HER2 and FOXM1 for Endocrine Therapy Resistance and Tumor Cell Survival: Implications for Treatment of ER+/HER2- Breast Cancer
Roßwag S, Cotarelo C, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Sleeman J, Schmidt M, Thaler S
CANCERS. 2021;13(8):.
Exosomes in Immune Regulation
Schwarzenbach H, Gahan P
NON-CODING RNA. 2021;7(1):.
Circulating tumor cells as a promising target for individualized drug susceptibility tests in cancer therapy
Smit D, Pantel K, Jücker M
BIOCHEM PHARMACOL. 2021;188:114589.
Diagnostik und Therapie von Tumoren mit NTRK-Genfusionen
Stenzinger A, van Tilburg C, Tabatabai G, Länger F, Graf N, Griesinger F, Heukamp L, Hummel M, Klingebiel T, Hettmer S, Vokuhl C, Merkelbach-Bruse S, Overkamp F, Reichardt P, Scheer M, Weichert W, Westphalen C, Bokemeyer C, Ivanyi P, Loges S, Schirmacher P, Wörmann B, Bielack S, Seufferlein T
PATHOLOGE. 2021;42(1):103-115.
A Comprehensive Molecular Analysis of in Vivo Isolated EpCAM-Positive Circulating Tumor Cells in Breast Cancer
Strati A, Zavridou M, Kallergi G, Politaki E, Kuske A, Gorges T, Riethdorf S, Joosse S, Koch C, Bohnen A, Mueller V, Koutsodontis G, Kontopodis E, Poulakaki N, Psyrri A, Mavroudis D, Georgoulias V, Pantel K, Lianidou E
CLIN CHEM. 2021;67(10):1395-1405.
The regulatory effect of hyaluronan on human mesenchymal stem cells' fate modulates their interaction with cancer cells in vitro
Vogeley C, Degistirici Ö, Twarock S, Wladarz J, Reiners O, Gorges T, Fischer J, Meisel R, Gorges K
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.
Circulating DNA and other biomarker for early diagnosis: Great potential, but challenges recognized
Babayan A, Reimers N, Pantel K
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In Vitro Modeling of Reoxygenation Effects on mRNA and Protein Levels in Hypoxic Tumor Cells upon Entry into the Bloodstream
Bartkowiak K, Koch C, Gärtner S, Andreas A, Gorges T, Pantel K
CELLS-BASEL. 2020;9(5):.
Discovery of Targetable Genetic Alterations in NSCLC Patients with Different Metastatic Patterns Using a MassARRAY-Based Circulating Tumor DNA Assay
Belloum Y, Janning M, Mohme M, Simon R, Kropidlowski J, Sartori A, Irwin D, Westphal M, Lamszus K, Loges S, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Wikman H
CELLS-BASEL. 2020;9(11):.
Evaluation of PD-L1 expression on circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma (UC)
Bergmann S, Coym A, Ott L, Soave A, Rink M, Janning M, Stoupiec M, Coith C, Peine S, von Amsberg G, Pantel K, Riethdorf S
High-resolution analysis of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus in Merkel Cell Carcinoma reveals distinct integration patterns and suggests NHEJ and MMBIR as underlying mechanisms
Czech-Sioli M, Günther T, Therre M, Spohn M, Indenbirken D, Theiss J, Riethdorf S, Qi M, Alawi M, Wülbeck C, Fernandez-Cuesta I, Esmek F, Becker J, Grundhoff A, Fischer N
PLOS PATHOG. 2020;16(8):.
HER2-targeted therapy influences CTC status in metastatic breast cancer
Deutsch T, Riethdorf S, Fremd C, Feisst M, Nees J, Fischer C, Hartkopf A, Pantel K, Trumpp A, Schütz F, Schneeweiss A, Wallwiener M
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2020;182(1):127-136.
Simultaneous Magnetic Particle Imaging and Navigation of large superparamagnetic nanoparticles in bifurcation flow experiments
Griese F, Knopp T, Grüttner C, Thieben F, Müller K, Loges S, Ludewig P, Gdaniec N
J MAGN MAGN MATER. 2020;2020(498):.
Rationale and Design of the Hamburg City Health Study
Jagodzinski A, Johansen C, Koch-Gromus U, Aarabi G, Adam G, Anders S, Augustin M, der Kellen R, Beikler T, Behrendt C, Betz C, Bokemeyer C, Borof K, Briken P, Busch C, Büchel C, Brassen S, Debus E, Eggers L, Fiehler J, Gallinat J, Gellißen S, Gerloff C, Girdauskas E, Gosau M, Graefen M, Härter M, Harth V, Heidemann C, Heydecke G, Huber T, Hussein Y, Kampf M, von dem Knesebeck O, Konnopka A, König H, Kromer R, Kubisch C, Kühn S, Loges S, Löwe B, Lund G, Meyer C, Nagel L, Nienhaus A, Pantel K, Petersen E, Püschel K, Reichenspurner H, Sauter G, Scherer M, Scherschel K, Schiffner U, Schnabel R, Schulz H, Smeets R, Sokalskis V, Spitzer M, Terschüren C, Thederan I, Thoma T, Thomalla G, Waschki B, Wegscheider K, Wenzel J, Wiese S, Zyriax B, Zeller T, Blankenberg S
EUR J EPIDEMIOL. 2020;35(2):169-181.
Tumor-Associated Release of Prostatic Cells into the Blood after Transrectal Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy in Patients with Histologically Confirmed Prostate Cancer
Joosse S, Beyer B, Gasch C, Nastały P, Kuske A, Isbarn H, Horst L, Hille C, Gorges T, Cayrefourcq L, Alix-Panabières C, Tennstedt P, Riethdorf S, Schlomm T, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2020;66(1):161-168.
BRCA1 promoter methylation and clinical outcomes in ovarian cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis
Kalachand R, Stordal B, Madden S, Chandler B, Cunningham J, Goode E, Ruscito I, Braicu E, Sehouli J, Ignatov A, Yu H, Katsaros D, Mills G, Lu K, Carey M, Timms K, Kupryjanczyk J, Rzepecka I, Podgorska A, McAlpine J, Swisher E, Bernards S, O'Riain C, O'Toole S, O'Leary J, Bowtell D, Thomas D, Prieske K, Joosse S, Woelber L, Chaudhry P, Häfner N, Runnebaum I, Hennessy B
JNCI-J NATL CANCER I. 2020;112(12):1190-1203.
Lymph Node and Bone Marrow Micrometastases Define the Prognosis of Patients with pN0 Esophageal Cancer
Karstens K, Ghadban T, Effenberger K, Sauter G, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y, König A, Reeh M
CANCERS. 2020;12(3):588.
Characterization of circulating breast cancer cells with tumorigenic and metastatic capacity
Koch C, Kuske A, Joosse S, Yigit G, Sflomos G, Thaler S, Smit D, Werner S, Borgmann K, Gärtner S, Mossahebi Mohammadi P, Battista L, Cayrefourcq L, Altmüller J, Salinas-Riester G, Raithatha K, Zibat A, Goy Y, Ott L, Bartkowiak K, Tan T, Zhou Q, Speicher M, Müller V, Gorges T, Jücker M, Thiery J, Brisken C, Riethdorf S, Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
EMBO MOL MED. 2020;12(9):.
Multicenter Evaluation of Circulating Cell-Free DNA Extraction and Downstream Analyses for the Development of Standardized (Pre)analytical Work Flows
Lampignano R, Neumann M, Weber S, Kloten V, Herdean A, Voss T, Groelz D, Babayan A, Tibbesma M, Schlumpberger M, Chemi F, Rothwell D, Wikman H, Galizzi J, Bergheim I, Russnes H, Mussolin B, Bonin S, Voigt C, Musa H, Pinzani P, Lianidou E, Brady G, Speicher M, Pantel K, Betsou F, Schuuring E, Kubista M, Ammerlaan W, Sprenger-Haussels M, Schlange T, Heitzer E
CLIN CHEM. 2020;66(1):149-160.
Xenograft-derived mRNA/miR and protein interaction networks of systemic dissemination in human prostate cancer
Lange T, Samatov T, Galatenko V, Steffen P, von Kriegstein H, Spethmann T, Wicklein D, Maar H, Kupfernagel K, Labitzky V, Hanika S, Starzonek S, Ahlers A, Riecken K, Simon R, Polonski A, Sauter G, Schlomm T, Huland H, Johnsen S, Schlüter H, Tonevitsky A, Schumacher U
EUR J CANCER. 2020;137:93-107.
Author Correction: Intraoperative detection of circulating tumor cells in pulmonary venous blood during metastasectomy for colorectal lung metastases
Le U, Bronsert P, Picardo F, Riethdorf S, Haager B, Rylski B, Czerny M, Beyersdorf F, Wiesemann S, Pantel K, Passlick B, Kaifi J, Schmid S
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):7633.
Evaluation of Microfluidic Ceiling Designs for the Capture of Circulating Tumor Cells on a Microarray Platform
Liu H, Koch C, Haller A, Joosse S, Kumar R, Vellekoop M, Horst L, Keller L, Babayan A, Failla A, Jensen J, Peine S, Keplinger F, Fuchs H, Pantel K, Hirtz M
ADV BIOSYST. 2020;4(2):e1900162.
Prevention of DNA Replication Stress by CHK1 Leads to Chemoresistance Despite a DNA Repair Defect in Homologous Recombination in Breast Cancer
Meyer F, Becker S, Classen S, Parplys A, Mansour W, Riepen B, Timm S, Ruebe C, Jasin M, Wikman H, Petersen C, Rothkamm K, Borgmann K
CELLS-BASEL. 2020;9(1):.
Molecular profiling of an osseous metastasis in glioblastoma during checkpoint inhibition: potential mechanisms of immune escape
Mohme M, Maire C, Schliffke S, Joosse S, Alawi M, Matschke J, Schüller U, Dierlamm J, Martens T, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Lamszus K, Westphal M
ALCAM contributes to brain metastasis formation in non-small-cell lung cancer through interaction with the vascular endothelium
Münsterberg J, Loreth D, Brylka L, Werner S, Karbanova J, Gandrass M, Schneegans S, Besler K, Hamester F, Robador J, Bauer A, Werner Schneider S, Wrage M, Lamszus K, Matschke J, Vashist Y, Uzunoglu G, Steurer S, Horst A, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Glatzel M, Schinke T, Corbeil D, Pantel K, Maire C, Wikman H
NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2020;22(7):955-966.
Genomic characterization of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
Prieske K, Alawi M, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Jaeger A, Eylmann K, Burandt E, Schmalfeldt B, Joosse S, Woelber L
GYNECOL ONCOL. 2020;158(3):547-554.
Exploiting Chromosomal Instability of PTEN-Deficient Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cell Lines for the Sensitization against PARP1 Inhibition in a Replication-Dependent Manner
Rieckhoff J, Meyer F, Classen S, Zielinski A, Riepen B, Wikman H, Petersen C, Rothkamm K, Borgmann K, Parplys A
CANCERS. 2020;12(10):.
The Impact of Circulating Tumor Cells on Venous Thromboembolism and Cardiovascular Events in Bladder Cancer Patients Treated with Radical Cystectomy
Rink M, Riethdorf S, Yu H, Kölker M, Vetterlein M, Dahlem R, Fisch M, Pantel K, Soave A
J CLIN MED. 2020;9(11):.
Pre-analytical factors affecting the establishment of a single tube assay for multiparameter liquid biopsy detection in melanoma patients
Schneegans S, Lück L, Besler K, Bluhm L, Stadler J, Staub J, Greinert R, Volkmer B, Kubista M, Gebhardt C, Sartori A, Irwin D, Serkkola E, Af Hällström T, Lianidou E, Sprenger-Haussels M, Hussong M, Mohr P, Schneider S, Shaffer J, Pantel K, Wikman H
MOL ONCOL. 2020;14(5):1001-1015.
Predictive value of exosomes and their cargo in drug response/resistance of breast cancer patients
Schwarzenbach H, Gahan P
CANCER DRUG RESIST. 2020;3(1):63-82.
High Sensitivity of Circulating Tumor Cells Derived from a Colorectal Cancer Patient for Dual Inhibition with AKT and mTOR Inhibitors
Smit D, Cayrefourcq L, Haider M, Hinz N, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C, Jücker M
CELLS-BASEL. 2020;9(9):.
Copy number variations in primary tumor, serum and lymph node metastasis of bladder cancer patients treated with radical cystectomy
Soave A, Kluwe L, Yu H, Rink M, Gild P, Vetterlein M, Marks P, Sauter G, Fisch M, Meyer C, Ludwig T, Dahlem R, Minner S, Pantel K, Steinbach B, Schwarzenbach H
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):21562.
The Lack of Evidence for an Association between Cancer Biomarker Conversion Patterns and CTC-Status in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Stefanovic S, Deutsch T, Riethdorf S, Fischer C, Hartkopf A, Sinn P, Feisst M, Pantel K, Golatta M, Brucker S, Sütterlin M, Schneeweiss A, Wallwiener M
INT J MOL SCI. 2020;21(6):.
Correction: Role of growth arrest-specific gene 6-mer axis in multiple myeloma
Waizenegger J, Ben-Batalla I, Weinhold N, Meissner T, Wroblewski M, Janning M, Riecken K, Binder M, Atanackovic D, Taipaleenmaeki H, Schewe D, Sawall S, Gensch V, Cubas-Cordova M, Seckinger A, Atanackovic D, Hesse E, Kröger N, Fehse B, Hose D, Klein B, Raab M, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Loges S
LEUKEMIA. 2020;34(9):2542.
Clinical Relevance of Circulating Tumor Cells in Esophageal Cancer Detected by a Combined MACS Enrichment Method
Woestemeier A, Harms-Effenberger K, Karstens K, Konczalla L, Ghadban T, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M, Pantel K, Reeh M
CANCERS. 2020;12(3):718.
The H2B ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF40 is required for somatic cell reprogramming
Xie W, Miehe M, Laufer S, Johnsen S
CELL DEATH DIS. 2020;11(4):287.
The prognostic relevance of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) in the blood of patients with metastatic breast cancer
Banys-Paluchowski M, Witzel I, Aktas B, Fasching P, Hartkopf A, Janni W, Kasimir-Bauer S, Pantel K, Schön G, Rack B, Riethdorf S, Solomayer E, Fehm T, Müller V
SCI REP-UK. 2019;9(1):2318.
Sexual dimorphism in solid and hematological malignancies
Ben-Batalla I, Vargas-Delgado M, Meier L, Loges S
SEMIN IMMUNOPATHOL. 2019;41(2):251-263.
Analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells in Patients with Non-Metastatic High-Risk Prostate Cancer before and after Radiotherapy Using Three Different Enumeration Assays
Budna-Tukan J, Świerczewska M, Mazel M, Cieślikowski W, Ida A, Jankowiak A, Antczak A, Nowicki M, Pantel K, Azria D, Zabel M, Alix-Panabières C
CANCERS. 2019;11(6):.
In Vivo Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells in High-Risk Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy
Chen S, Tauber G, Langsenlehner T, Schmölzer L, Pötscher M, Riethdorf S, Kuske A, Leitinger G, Kashofer K, Czyż Z, Polzer B, Pantel K, Sedlmayr P, Kroneis T, El-Heliebi A
CANCERS. 2019;11(7):.
The clinical use of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) enumeration for staging of metastatic breast cancer (MBC): International expert consensus paper
Cristofanilli M, Pierga J, Reuben J, Rademaker A, Davis A, Peeters D, Fehm T, Nolé F, Gisbert-Criado R, Mavroudis D, Grisanti S, Giuliano M, Garcia-Saenz J, Stebbing J, Caldas C, Gazzaniga P, Manso L, Zamarchi R, de Lascoiti A, De Mattos-Arruda L, Ignatiadis M, Cabel L, van Laere S, Meier-Stiegen F, Sandri M, Vidal-Martinez J, Politaki E, Consoli F, Generali D, Cappelletti M, Diaz-Rubio E, Krell J, Dawson S, Raimondi C, Rutten A, Janni W, Munzone E, Carañana V, Agelaki S, Almici C, Dirix L, Solomayer E, Zorzino L, Darrigues L, Reis-Filho J, Gerratana L, Michiels S, Bidard F, Pantel K
CRIT REV ONCOL HEMAT. 2019;134:39-45.
Intra-Patient Heterogeneity of Circulating Tumor Cells and Circulating Tumor DNA in Blood of Melanoma Patients
Gorges K, Wiltfang L, Gorges T, Sartori A, Hildebrandt L, Keller L, Volkmer B, Peine S, Babayan A, Moll I, Schneider S, Twarock S, Mohr P, Fischer J, Pantel K
CANCERS. 2019;11(11):1685.
Detection of Androgen Receptor Variant 7 (ARV7) mRNA Levels in EpCAM-Enriched CTC Fractions for Monitoring Response to Androgen Targeting Therapies in Prostate Cancer
Hille C, Gorges T, Riethdorf S, Mazel M, Steuber T, Amsberg G, König F, Peine S, Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
CELLS-BASEL. 2019;8(9):.
Determination of PD-L1 Expression in Circulating Tumor Cells of NSCLC Patients and Correlation with Response to PD-1/PD-L1 Inhibitors
Janning M, Kobus F, Babayan A, Wikman H, Velthaus J, Bergmann S, Schatz S, Falk M, Berger L, Böttcher L, Päsler S, Gorges T, O'Flaherty L, Hille C, Joosse S, Simon R, Tiemann M, Bokemeyer C, Reck M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Loges S
CANCERS. 2019;11(6):.
Sustained prognostic impact of circulating tumor cell status and kinetics upon further progression of metastatic breast cancer
Jauch S, Riethdorf S, Sprick M, Schütz F, Schönfisch B, Brucker S, Deutsch T, Nees J, Saini M, Becker L, Burwinkel B, Sinn P, Marmé F, Pantel K, Jäger D, Sohn C, Trumpp A, Wallwiener M, Schneeweiss A
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2019;173(1):155-165.
Biology and clinical relevance of EpCAM
Keller L, Werner S, Pantel K
CELL STRESS. 2019;3(6):165-180.
Prospective Comparison of the Prognostic Relevance of Circulating Tumor Cells in Blood and Disseminated Tumor Cells in Bone Marrow of a Single Patient's Cohort With Esophageal Cancer
Konczalla L, Ghadban T, Effenberger K, Wöstemeier A, Riethdorf S, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Bockhorn M, Reeh M
ANN SURG. 2019;273(2):299-305.
Liquid Biopsies
Lianidou E, Pantel K
GENE CHROMOSOME CANC. 2019;58(4):219-232.
EPAC-lung: pooled analysis of circulating tumour cells in advanced non-small cell lung cancer
Lindsay C, Blackhall F, Carmel A, Fernandez-Gutierrez F, Gazzaniga P, Groen H, Hiltermann T, Krebs M, Loges S, López-López R, Muinelo-Romay L, Pantel K, Priest L, Riethdorf S, Rossi E, Terstappen L, Wikman H, Soria J, Farace F, Renehan A, Dive C, Besse B, Michiels S
EUR J CANCER. 2019;117:60-68.
ALDH1-positive intratumoral stromal cells indicate differentiated epithelial-like phenotype and good prognosis in prostate cancer
Nastały P, Filipska M, Morrissey C, Eltze E, Semjonow A, Brandt B, Pantel K, Bednarz-Knoll N
TRANSL RES. 2019;203:49-56.
Somatic aberrations of BRCA1 gene are associated with ALDH1, EGFR, and tumor progression in prostate cancer
Omari A, Nastały P, Stoupiec S, Bałabas A, Dąbrowska M, Bielińska B, Huss S, Pantel K, Semjonow A, Eltze E, Brandt B, Bednarz-Knoll N
INT J CANCER. 2019;144(3):607-614.
Recent advances in Circulating Nucleic Acids in oncology
Otandault A, Anker P, Al Amir Dache Z, Guillaumon V, Meddeb R, Pastor B, Pisareva E, Sanchez C, Tanos R, Tousch G, Schwarzenbach H, Thierry A
ANN ONCOL. 2019;30(3):374-384.
Liquid biopsy and minimal residual disease - latest advances and implications for cure
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2019;16(7):409-424.
Circulating Tumor Cells in Prostate Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Utility
Pantel K, Hille C, Scher H
CLIN CHEM. 2019;65(1):87-99.
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Liquid Biopsy
Pantel K, Reimers N
Osteoporose, Orthopädie &Rheuma aktuell. 2019;2019(4):.
Liquid biopsy: novel technologies and clinical applications
Reimers N, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM LAB MED. 2019;57(3):312-316.
Imaging flow cytometry facilitates multiparametric characterization of extracellular vesicles in malignant brain tumours
Ricklefs F, Maire C, Reimer R, Dührsen L, Kolbe K, Holz M, Schneider E, Rissiek A, Babayan A, Hille C, Pantel K, Krasemann S, Glatzel M, Heiland D, Flitsch J, Martens T, Schmidt N, Peine S, Breakefield X, Lawler S, Chiocca E, Fehse B, Giebel B, Görgens A, Westphal M, Lamszus K
J EXTRACELL VESICLES. 2019;8(1):1588555.
Clonality of circulating tumor cells in breast cancer brain metastasis patients
Riebensahm C, Joosse S, Mohme M, Hanssen A, Matschke J, Goy Y, Witzel I, Lamszus K, Kropidlowski J, Petersen C, Kolb-Kokocinski A, Sauer S, Borgmann K, Glatzel M, Müller V, Westphal M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Wikman H
BREAST CANCER RES. 2019;21(1):101.
Detection and Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells in Patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Riethdorf S, Hildebrandt L, Heinzerling L, Heitzer E, Fischer N, Bergmann S, Mauermann O, Waldispühl-Geigl J, Coith C, Schön G, Peine S, Schuler G, Speicher M, Moll I, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2019;65(3):462-472.
The current role and future directions of circulating tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder
Rink M, Schwarzenbach H, Riethdorf S, Soave A
WORLD J UROL. 2019;37(9):1785-1799.
The current role of circulating biomarkers in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
Rink M, Schwarzenbach H, Vetterlein M, Riethdorf S, Soave A
TRANSL ANDROL UROL. 2019;8(1):61-75.
EGFR and HER3 expression in circulating tumor cells and tumor tissue from non-small cell lung cancer patients
Scharpenseel H, Hanssen A, Loges S, Mohme M, Bernreuther C, Peine S, Lamszus K, Goy Y, Petersen C, Westphal M, Glatzel M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Wikman H
SCI REP-UK. 2019;9(1):7406.
Copy Number Variation Analysis on Cell-Free Serum DNA
Schwarzenbach H
2019. Cell-free DNA as Diagnostic Markers. Casadio V, Salvi S (eds.). 1. ed. New York: Humana Press, 85-93.
Presence of Circulating Tumor Cells in High-Risk Early Breast Cancer During Follow-Up and Prognosis
Trapp E, Janni W, Schindlbeck C, Jückstock J, Andergassen U, de Gregorio A, Alunni-Fabbroni M, Tzschaschel M, Polasik A, Koch J, Friedl T, Fasching P, Haeberle L, Fehm T, Schneeweiss A, Beckmann M, Pantel K, Mueller V, Rack B, Scholz C
JNCI-J NATL CANCER I. 2019;111(4):380-387.
11th International Symposium on Minimal Residual Cancer (ISMRC): 3-5 May 2018, Montpellier, France
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
CLIN EXP METASTAS. 2018;35(3):87-90.
Abstracts from the 11th International Symposium on Minimal Residual Disease, 3-5 May 2018, Montpellier, France
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
CLIN EXP METASTAS. 2018;35(3):167-217.
Clinical utility of circulating non-coding RNAs - an update
Anfossi S, Babayan A, Pantel K, Calin G
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2018;15(9):541-563.
Advances in liquid biopsy approaches for early detection and monitoring of cancer
Babayan A, Pantel K
GENOME MED. 2018;10(1):21.
Combined PET/MRI: Global Warming-Summary Report of the 6th International Workshop on PET/MRI, March 27-29, 2017, Tübingen, Germany
Bailey D, Pichler B, Gückel B, Antoch G, Barthel H, Bhujwalla Z, Biskup S, Biswal S, Bitzer M, Boellaard R, Braren R, Brendle C, Brindle K, Chiti A, la Fougère C, Gillies R, Goh V, Goyen M, Hacker M, Heukamp L, Knudsen G, Krackhardt A, Law I, Morris J, Nikolaou K, Nuyts J, Ordonez A, Pantel K, Quick H, Riklund K, Sabri O, Sattler B, Troost E, Zaiss M, Zender L, Beyer T
MOL IMAGING BIOL. 2018;20(1):4-20.
Elevated serum RAS p21 is an independent prognostic factor in metastatic breast cancer
Banys-Paluchowski M, Fehm T, Janni W, Aktas B, Fasching P, Kasimir-Bauer S, Milde-Langosch K, Pantel K, Rack B, Riethdorf S, Solomayer E, Witzel I, Müller V
BMC CANCER. 2018;18(1):541.
The prognostic relevance of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) in the blood of patients with metastatic breast cancer
Banys-Paluchowski M, Fehm T, Witzel I, Aktas B, Fasching P, Hartkopf A, Janni W, Kasimir-Bauer S, Pantel K, Schön G, Rack B, Riethdorf S, Solomayer E, Müller V
GEBURTSH FRAUENHEILK. 2018;78(11):1151.
The clinical relevance of serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in correlation to circulating tumor cells and other serum biomarkers in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Banys-Paluchowski M, Witzel I, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Rack B, Janni W, Fasching P, Aktas B, Kasimir-Bauer S, Hartkopf A, Solomayer E, Fehm T, Müller V
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2018;172(1):93-104.
Prevalence of circulating tumor cells in early breast cancer patients 2 and 5 years after adjuvant treatment
Bauer E, Schochter F, Widschwendter P, DeGregorio A, Andergassen U, Friedl T, Fasching P, Fehm T, Schneeweiss A, Beckmann M, Pantel K, Janni W, Rack B, Scholz C
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2018;171(3):571-580.
Blockade of myeloid-derived suppressor cell expansion with all-trans retinoic acid increases the efficacy of anti-angiogenic therapy
Bauer R, Udonta F, Wroblewski M, Ben-Batalla I, Santos I, Taverna F, Kuhlencord M, Gensch V, Päsler S, Vinckier S, Brandner J, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Vogl T, Roth J, Carmeliet P, Loges S
CANCER RES. 2018;78(12):3220-3232.
Identification of a High-Level MET Amplification in CTCs and cfTNA of an ALK-Positive NSCLC Patient Developing Evasive Resistance to Crizotinib
Berger L, Janning M, Velthaus J, Ben-Batalla I, Schatz S, Falk M, Iglauer P, Simon R, Cao R, Forcato C, Manaresi N, Bramlett K, Buson G, Hanssen A, Tiemann M, Sauter G, Bokemeyer C, Riethdorf S, Reck M, Pantel K, Wikman H, Loges S
J THORAC ONCOL. 2018;13(12):e243-e246.
Circulating Tumor Cells in Breast Cancer Patients Treated by Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Meta-Analysis: A Meta-analysis
Bidard F, Michiels S, Riethdorf S, Mueller V, Esserman L, Lucci A, Naume B, Horiguchi J, Gisbert-Criado R, Sleijfer S, Toi M, Garcia-Saenz J, Hartkopf A, Generali D, Rothé F, Smerage J, Muinelo-Romay L, Stebbing J, Viens P, Magbanua M, Hall C, Engebraaten O, Takata D, Vidal-Martínez J, Onstenk W, Fujisawa N, Diaz-Rubio E, Taran F, Cappelletti M, Ignatiadis M, Proudhon C, Wolf D, Bauldry J, Borgen E, Nagaoka R, Carañana V, Kraan J, Maestro M, Brucker S, Weber K, Reyal F, Amara D, Karhade M, Mathiesen R, Tokiniwa H, Llombart-Cussac A, Meddis A, Blanche P, d'Hollander K, Pantel K
JNCI-J NATL CANCER I. 2018;110(6):560-567.
Diagnosis, monitoring and prevention of exposure-related non-communicable diseases in the living and working environment DiMoPEx-project is designed to determine the impacts of environmental exposure on human health
Budnik L, Adam B, Albin M, Banelli B, Baur X, Belpoggi F, Bolognesi C, Broberg K, Gustavsson P, Göen T, Fischer A, Jarosinska D, Manservisi F, O'Kennedy R, Øvrevik J, Paunovic E, Ritz B, Scheepers P, Schlünssen V, Schwarzenbach H, Schwarze P, Sheils O, Sigsgaard T, Van Damme K, Casteleyn L
RAISEing VEGF-D's importance as predictive biomarker for ramucirumab in metastatic colorectal cancer patients
Carmeliet P, Li X, Treps L, Conradi L, Loges S
ANN ONCOL. 2018;29(3):527-529.
Circulating free DNA integrity and concentration as independent prognostic markers in metastatic breast cancer
Cheng J, Holland-Letz T, Wallwiener M, Surowy H, Cuk K, Schott S, Trumpp A, Pantel K, Sohn C, Schneeweiss A, Burwinkel B
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2018;169(1):69-82.
Target Cell Pre-enrichment and Whole Genome Amplification for Single Cell Downstream Characterization
Chen S, El-Heliebi A, Schmid J, Kashofer K, Czyż Z, Polzer B, Pantel K, Kroneis T, Sedlmayr P
JOVE-J VIS EXP. 2018;(135):e56394.
miRNA-30 Family Members Inhibit Breast Cancer Invasion, Osteomimicry, and Bone Destruction by Directly Targeting Multiple Bone Metastasis-Associated Genes
Croset M, Pantano F, Kan C, Bonnelye E, Descotes F, Alix-Panabières C, Lecellier C, Bachelier R, Allioli N, Hong S, Bartkowiak K, Pantel K, Clézardin P
CANCER RES. 2018;78(18):5259-5273.
Improved risk stratification by circulating tumor cell counts in pancreatic cancer
Effenberger K, Schroeder C, Hanssen A, Wolter S, Eulenburg C, Tachezy M, Gebauer F, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Bockhorn M
CLIN CANCER RES. 2018;24(12):2844-2850.
Techniques of using circulating tumor DNA as a liquid biopsy component in cancer management
Elazezy M, Joosse S
COMPUT STRUCT BIOTEC. 2018;16:370-378.
In Situ Detection and Quantification of AR-V7, AR-FL, PSA, and KRAS Point Mutations in Circulating Tumor Cells
El-Heliebi A, Hille C, Laxman N, Svedlund J, Haudum C, Ercan E, Kroneis T, Chen S, Smolle M, Rossmann C, Krzywkowski T, Ahlford A, Darai E, von Amsberg G, Alsdorf W, König F, Löhr M, de Kruijff I, Riethdorf S, Gorges T, Pantel K, Bauernhofer T, Nilsson M, Sedlmayr P
CLIN CHEM. 2018;64(3):536-546.
Hemodynamic Forces Tune the Arrest, Adhesion, and Extravasation of Circulating Tumor Cells
Follain G, Osmani N, Azevedo A, Allio G, Mercier L, Karreman M, Solecki G, Garcia Leòn M, Lefebvre O, Fekonja N, Hille C, Chabannes V, Dollé G, Metivet T, Hovsepian F, Prudhomme C, Pichot A, Paul N, Carapito R, Bahram S, Ruthensteiner B, Kemmling A, Siemonsen S, Schneider T, Fiehler J, Glatzel M, Winkler F, Schwab Y, Pantel K, Harlepp S, Goetz J
DEV CELL. 2018;45(1):33-52.e12.
Stromal Caveolin-1 and Caveolin-2 Expression in Primary Tumors and Lymph Node Metastases
Gerstenberger W, Wrage M, Kettunen E, Pantel K, Anttila S, Steurer S, Wikman H
ANAL CELL PATHOL. 2018;2018:8651790.
Clinical relevance of size selection of circulating DNA
Grunt M, Hildebrand T, Schwarzenbach H
TRANSL CANCER RES. 2018;7(Suppl 2):S171-S184.
Metastasiertes kastrationsresistentes Prostatakarzinom: Neues zu Cabazitaxel unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Datenlage
Gschwend J, Albers P, Bögemann M, Goebell P, Heidenreich A, Klier J, König F, Machtens S, Pantel K, Thomas C
UROLOGE. 2018;57(1):34-39.
Frequency of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) in Patients with Brain Metastases: Implications as a Risk Assessment Marker in Oligo-Metastatic Disease
Hanssen A, Riebensahm C, Mohme M, Joosse S, Velthaus J, Berger L, Bernreuther C, Glatzel M, Loges S, Lamszus K, Westphal M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Wikman H
CANCERS. 2018;10(12):E527.
Circulating tumour cells in prostate cancer
Hille C, Pantel K
NAT REV UROL. 2018;15(5):265-266.
Trastuzumab versus observation for HER2 non amplified early breast cancer with Circulating Tumor Cells (EORTC 90091-10093, BIG 1-12, Treat CTC): A randomized phase 2 trial
Ignatiadis M, Litière S, Rothe F, Riethdorf S, Proudhon C, Fehm T, Aalders K, Forstbauer H, Fasching P, Brain E, Vuylsteke P, Guardiola E, Lorenz R, Pantel K, Tryfonidis K, Janni W, Piccart M, Sotiriou C, Rack B, Pierga J
ANN ONCOL. 2018;29(8):1777-1783.
Anti-Angiogenics: Their Value in Lung Cancer Therapy
Janning M, Loges S
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2018;41(4):172-180.
Management immunvermittelter Nebenwirkungen - CME Fortbildung
Janning M, Loges S
Hautnah Dermatologie. 2018;34(1):38-46.
Chromosomal Aberrations Associated with Sequential Steps of the Metastatic Cascade in Colorectal Cancer Patients
Joosse S, Souche F, Babayan A, Gasch C, Kerkhoven R, Ramos J, Fabre J, Riethdorf S, König A, Wikman H, Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2018;64(10):1505-1512.
Development and Characterization of a Spontaneously Metastatic Patient-Derived Xenograft Model of Human Prostate Cancer
Lange T, Oh-Hohenhorst S, Joosse S, Pantel K, Hahn O, Gosau T, Dyshlovoy S, Wellbrock J, Feldhaus S, Maar H, Gehrcke R, Kluth M, Simon R, Schlomm T, Huland H, Schumacher U
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8:17535.
Intraoperative detection of circulating tumor cells in pulmonary venous blood during metastasectomy for colorectal lung metastases
Le U, Bronsert P, Picardo F, Riethdorf S, Haager B, Rylski B, Czerny M, Beyersdorf F, Wiesemann S, Pantel K, Passlick B, Kaifi J, Schmid S
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):8751.
Personalisierte Krebstherapie 2018 - Fiktion oder Wirklichkeit?
Loges S, Bokemeyer C
InFo Onkologie. 2018;21 (S1):3-5.
Multiplex Gene Expression Profiling of In Vivo Isolated Circulating Tumor Cells in High-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients
Markou A, Lazaridou M, Paraskevopoulos P, Chen S, Świerczewska M, Budna J, Kuske A, Gorges T, Joosse S, Kroneis T, Zabel M, Sedlmayr P, Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K, Lianidou E
CLIN CHEM. 2018;64(2):297-306.
Different signatures of miR-16, miR-30b and miR-93 in exosomes from breast cancer and DCIS patients
Ni Q, Stevic I, Pan C, Müller V, Oliviera-Ferrer L, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8:12974.
Exosomal microRNAs as tumor markers in epithelial ovarian cancer
Pan C, Stevic I, Müller V, Ni Q, Ferrer L, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
MOL ONCOL. 2018;12(11):1935-1948.
Disseminated breast tumour cells: biological and clinical meaning: biological and clinical meaning
Pantel K, Hayes D
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2018;15(3):129-131.
Profiling circulating tumour cells and other biomarkers of invasive cancers
Poudineh M, Sargent E, Pantel K, Kelley S
NAT BIOMED ENG. 2018;2(2):72-84.
Aktuelles zur Liquid Biopsy
Reimers N, Hille C, Pantel K
InFo Onkologie. 2018;21(Suppl. 1):24-29.
Detection of microRNAs in circulating tumor cells
Riethdorf S
TRANSL CANCER RES. 2018;7 (Suppl 2):S197-S208.
Clinical applications of the CellSearch platform in cancer patients
Riethdorf S, O'Flaherty L, Hille C, Pantel K
ADV DRUG DELIVER REV. 2018;125:102-121.
Clinical relevance of cytoskeleton associated proteins for ovarian cancer
Schiewek J, Schumacher U, Lange T, Joosse S, Wikman H, Pantel K, Mikhaylova M, Kneussel M, Linder S, Schmalfeldt B, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Windhorst S
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2018;144(11):2195-2205.
Inverse Perfusion Requirements of Supra- and Infratentorial Brain Metastases Formation
Schneider T, Kemmling A, Schroeder J, Pantel K, Glatzel M, Schoen G, Mohme M, Fiehler J, Gellißen S
FRONT NEUROL. 2018;9:391.
Endocrine Treatment with 2 Years of Tamoxifen versus 2 Years of Exemestane in Postmenopausal Patients with High-Risk Early Breast Cancer and Persisting Circulating Tumor Cells - First Results of the SUCCESS C Endocrine Treatment Sub-Study
Schochter F, Rack B, Tzschaschel M, Polasik A, Andergassen U, Trapp E, Alunni-Fabbroni M, Schneeweiss A, Müller V, Pantel K, Gade J, Lorenz R, Rezai M, Tesch H, Soeling U, Fehm T, Mahner S, Schindlbeck C, Lichtenegger W, Beckmann M, Fasching P, Janni W, Friedl T
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2018;41(3):93-98.
An inside view on liquid biopsies
Schwarzenbach H
TRANSL CANCER RES. 2018;7(Suppl 2):S99-S100.
Methods for quantification and characterization of microRNAs in cell-free plasma/serum, normal exosomes and tumor-derived exosomes
Schwarzenbach H
TRANSL CANCER RES. 2018;7(Suppl 2):S253-S263.
Commentary on "Detection and oncological effect of circulating tumor cells in patients with variant urothelial carcinoma histology treated with radical cystectomy."
Soave A, Riethdorf S, Dahlem R, Minner S, Weisbach L, Engel O, Fisch M, Pantel K, Rink M
UROL ONCOL-SEMIN ORI. 2018;36(7):347-348.
Autologous cell lines from circulating colon cancer cells captured from sequential liquid biopsies as model to study therapy-driven tumor changes
Soler A, Cayrefourcq L, Mazard T, Babayan A, Lamy P, Assou S, Assenat E, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):15931.
Specific microRNA signatures in exosomes of triple-negative and HER2-positive breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant therapy within the GeparSixto trial
Stevic I, Müller V, Weber K, Fasching P, Karn T, Marmé F, Schem C, Stickeler E, Denkert C, van Mackelenbergh M, Salat C, Schneeweiss A, Pantel K, Loibl S, Untch M, Schwarzenbach H
BMC MED. 2018;16(1):179.
Die medikamentöse onkologische Therapie im Wandel - Aufbau von Strukturen zur Patientenversorgung
Velthaus J, Bokemeyer C, Loges S
InFo Onkologie. 2018;21(S1):10-18.
Absence of HER2 Expression of Circulating Tumor Cells in Patients with Non-Metastatic Esophageal Cancer
Woestemeier A, Ghadban T, Riethdorf S, Harms-Effenberger K, Konczalla L, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Bockhorn M, Reeh M
ANTICANCER RES. 2018;38(10):5665-5669.
Correlation of Isotope Count With Sentinel Node Positivity in Vulvar Cancer
Wölber L, Joosse S, Grimm D, Mathey S, Mahner S, Burandt E, Klutmann S, Schmalfeldt B, Prieske K
INT J GYNECOL CANCER. 2018;28(7):1403-1409.
BET-inhibition by JQ1 promotes proliferation and self-renewal capacity of hematopoietic stem cells
Wroblewski M, Scheller-Wendorff M, Udonta F, Bauer R, Schlichting J, Zhao L, Ben Batalla I, Gensch V, Päsler S, Wu L, Wanior M, Taipaleenmäki H, Bolamperti S, Najafova Z, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Qi J, Hesse E, Knapp S, Johnsen S, Loges S
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2018;103(6):939-948.
Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity in circulating tumor cells
Alix-Panabières C, Mader S, Pantel K
J MOL MED. 2017;95(2):133-142.
Biological Labels: Here comes the spaser
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
NAT MATER. 2017;16(8):790-791.
Characterization of Single Circulating Tumor Cells
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
FEBS LETT. 2017;591(15):2241 - 2250.
Detection of Circulating Plasma Cells in Multiple Myeloma
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2017;63(12):1797-1798.
Plasma microRNA signature is associated with risk stratification in prostate cancer patients
Al-Qatati A, Akrong C, Stevic I, Pantel K, Awe J, Saranchuk J, Drachenberg D, Mai S, Schwarzenbach H
INT J CANCER. 2017;141(6):1231-1239.
Comparative study of whole genome amplification and next generation sequencing performance of single cancer cells
Babayan A, Alawi M, Gormley M, Müller V, Wikman H, McMullin R, Smirnov D, Li W, Geffken M, Pantel K, Joosse S
ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(34):56066-56080.
Clinical Relevance of Serum HER2 and Circulating Tumor Cell Detection in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients
Banys-Paluchowski M, Witzel I, Riethdorf S, Rack B, Janni W, Fasching P, Solomayer E, Aktas B, Kasimir-Bauer S, Pantel K, Fehm T, Müller V
ANTICANCER RES. 2017;37(6):3117-3128.
Evaluation of serum epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in correlation to circulating tumor cells in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Banys-Paluchowski M, Witzel I, Riethdorf S, Rack B, Janni W, Fasching P, Solomayer E, Aktas B, Kasimir-Bauer S, Pantel K, Fehm T, Müller V
SCI REP-UK. 2017;7(1):Art. 17307.
Liquid Biopsies, What We Do Not Know (Yet)
Bardelli A, Pantel K
CANCER CELL. 2017;31(2):172-179.
Axl Blockade by BGB324 Inhibits BCR-ABL Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor-Sensitive and -Resistant Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Ben Batalla I, Erdmann R, Jørgensen H, Mitchell R, Ernst T, von Amsberg G, Schafhausen P, Velthaus J, Rankin S, Clark R, Koschmieder S, Schultze A, Mitra S, Vandenberghe P, Brümmendorf T, Carmeliet P, Hochhaus A, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Helgason G, Holyoake T, Loges S
CLIN CANCER RES. 2017;23(9):2289-2300.
Cetuximab Resistance in Head and Neck Cancer Is Mediated by EGFR-KPolymorphism
Braig F, Kriegs M, Voigtlaender M, Habel B, Grob T, Biskup K, Blanchard V, Sack M, Thalhammer A, Ben Batalla I, Braren I, Laban S, Danielczyk A, Goletz S, Jakubowicz E, Märkl B, Trepel M, Knecht R, Riecken K, Fehse B, Loges S, Bokemeyer C, Binder M
CANCER RES. 2017;77(5):1188-1199.
Immunotherapy of WAP-TNP mice with early stage mammary gland tumors
Bruns M, Deppert W
ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(40):67790-67804.
Catch and Release: rare cell analysis from a functionalised medical wire
Chen S, El-Heliebi A, Tauber G, Langsenlehner T, Pötscher M, Kashofer K, Czyż Z, Polzer B, Riethdorf S, Kuske A, Leitinger G, Pantel K, Kroneis T, Sedlmayr P
SCI REP-UK. 2017;7:43424.
Discordance in Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) Phenotype Between Primary Tumor and Circulating Tumor Cells in Women With HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer
de Gregorio A, Friedl T, Huober J, Scholz C, de Gregorio N, Rack B, Trapp E, Alunni-Fabbroni M, Riethdorf S, Muller V, Schneeweiss A, Pantel K, Meier-Stiegen F, Jaeger B, Hartkopf A, Taran F, Fasching P, Janni W, Fehm T
JCO PRECIS ONCOL. 2017;2017(1):1-12.
Prenatal Administration of Betamethasone Causes Changes in the T Cell Receptor Repertoire Influencing Development of Autoimmunity
Gieras A, Gehbauer C, Perna-Barrull D, Engler J, Diepenbruck I, Glau L, Joosse S, Kersten N, Klinge S, Mittrücker H, Friese M, Vives-Pi M, Tolosa E
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2017;8:1505.
Strong fascin expression promotes metastasis independent of its F-actin bundling activity
Heinz L, Muhs S, Schiewek J, Grüb S, Nalaskowski M, Lin Y, Wikman H, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Lange T, Wellbrock J, Konietzny A, Mikhaylova M, Windhorst S
ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(66):110077-110091.
PTEN mediates the cross talk between breast and glial cells in brain metastases leading to rapid disease progression
Hohensee I, Chuang H, Grottke A, Werner S, Schulte A, Horn S, Lamszus K, Bartkowiak K, Witzel I, Westphal M, Matschke J, Glatzel M, Jücker M, Pukrop T, Pantel K, Wikman H
ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(4):6155-6168.
The HER2 phenotype of circulating tumor cells in HER2-positive early breast cancer: A translational research project of a prospective randomized phase III trial
Jaeger B, Neugebauer J, Andergassen U, Melcher C, Schochter F, Mouarrawy D, Ziemendorff G, Clemens M, V Abel E, Heinrich G, Schueller K, Schneeweiss A, Fasching P, Beckmann M, Scholz C, Friedl T, Friese K, Pantel K, Fehm T, Janni W, Rack B
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(6):e0173593.
Management immunvermittelter Nebenwirkungen - CME Fortbildung
Janning M, Loges S
InFo Onkologie. 2017;20(S1):54-64.
PLA2G7 associates with hormone receptor negativity in clinical breast cancer samples and regulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cultured breast cancer cells
Lehtinen L, Vainio P, Wikman H, Huhtala H, Mueller V, Kallioniemi A, Pantel K, Kronqvist P, Kallioniemi O, Carpèn O, Iljin K
J PATHOL CLIN RES. 2017;3(2):123-138.
Liquid Biopsy: Current Status and Future Perspectives
Mader S, Pantel K
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2017;40(7-8):404-408.
Circulating Tumour Cell Release after Cement Augmentation of Vertebral Metastases
Mohme M, Riethdorf S, Dreimann M, Werner S, Maire C, Joosse S, Bludau F, Mueller V, Neves R, Stoecklein N, Lamszus K, Westphal M, Pantel K, Wikman H, Eicker S
SCI REP-UK. 2017;7(1):7196.
Circulating and disseminated tumour cells - mechanisms of immune surveillance and escape
Mohme M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2017;14(3):155-167.
BRD4 promotes p63 and GRHL3 expression downstream of FOXO in mammary epithelial cells
Nagarajan S, Bedi U, Budida A, Hamdan F, Mishra V, Najafova Z, Xie W, Alawi M, Indenbirken D, Knapp S, Chiang C, Grundhoff A, Kari V, Scheel C, Wegwitz F, Johnsen S
NUCLEIC ACIDS RES. 2017;45(6):3130-3145.
Biology and clinical significance of circulating tumor cell subpopulations in lung cancer
O'Flaherty L, Wikman H, Pantel K
TRANSL LUNG CANCER R. 2017;6(4):431-443.
Liquid biopsy in 2016: Circulating tumour cells and cell-free DNA in gastrointestinal cancer
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
NAT REV GASTRO HEPAT. 2017;14(2):73-74.
Tumour microenvironment: informing on minimal residual disease in solid tumours
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2017;14(6):325-326.
Cancer stem cells: The root of tumor recurrence and metastases
Peitzsch C, Tyutyunnykova A, Pantel K, Dubrovska A
SEMIN CANCER BIOL. 2017;44:10-24.
Loss of BRCA1 promotor hypermethylation in recurrent high-grade ovarian cancer
Prieske K, Prieske S, Joosse S, Trillsch F, Grimm D, Burandt E, Mahner S, Schmalfeldt B, Milde-Langosch K, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Woelber L
ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(47):83063-83074.
Implementing liquid biopsies into clinical decision making for cancer immunotherapy
Quandt D, Dieter Zucht H, Amann A, Wulf-Goldenberg A, Borrebaeck C, Cannarile M, Lambrechts D, Oberacher H, Garrett J, Nayak T, Kazinski M, Massie C, Schwarzenbach H, Maio M, Prins R, Wendik B, Hockett R, Enderle D, Noerholm M, Hendriks H, Zwierzina H, Seliger B
ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(29):48507-48520.
Hamburg-Glasgow classification: preoperative staging by combination of disseminated tumour load and systemic inflammation in oesophageal carcinoma
Reeh M, Ghadban T, Uzunoglu F, Nentwich M, Bockhorn M, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
BRIT J CANCER. 2017;117(5):612-618.
Prognostic impact of circulating tumor cells for breast cancer patients treated in the neoadjuvant "Geparquattro" trial
Riethdorf S, Müller V, Loibl S, Nekljudova V, Weber K, Huober J, Fehm T, Schrader I, Hilfrich J, Holms F, Tesch H, Schem C, von Minckwitz G, Untch M, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2017;23(18):5384-5393.
The current status and clinical value of circulating tumor cells and circulating cell-free tumor DNA in bladder cancer
Riethdorf S, Soave A, Rink M
TRANSL ANDROL UROL. 2017;6(6):1090-1110.
A combination of low-dose bevacizumab and imatinib enhances vascular normalisation without inducing extracellular matrix deposition
Schiffmann L, Brunold M, Liwschitz M, Goede V, Loges S, Wroblewski M, Quaas A, Alakus H, Stippel D, Bruns C, Hallek M, Kashkar H, Hacker U, Coutelle O
BRIT J CANCER. 2017;116(5):600-608.
Prevalence of Circulating Tumor Cells After Adjuvant Chemotherapy With or Without Anthracyclines in Patients With HER2-negative, Hormone Receptor-positive Early Breast Cancer
Schramm A, Schochter F, Friedl T, de Gregorio N, Andergassen U, Alunni-Fabbroni M, Trapp E, Jaeger B, Heinrich G, Camara O, Decker T, Ober A, Mahner S, Fehm T, Pantel K, Fasching P, Schneeweiss A, Janni W, Rack B
CLIN BREAST CANCER. 2017;17(4):279-285.
Clinical Relevance of Circulating, Cell-Free and Exosomal microRNAs in Plasma and Serum of Breast Cancer Patients
Schwarzenbach H
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2017;40(7-8):423-429.
Copy number variations of circulating, cell-free DNA in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder patients treated with radical cystectomy: a prospective study
Soave A, Chun F, Hillebrand T, Rink M, Weisbach L, Steinbach B, Fisch M, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(34):56398-56407.
Detection and oncological effect of circulating tumour cells in patients with variant urothelial carcinoma histology treated with radical cystectomy
Soave A, Riethdorf S, Dahlem R, Minner S, Weisbach L, Engel O, Fisch M, Pantel K, Rink M
BJU INT. 2017;119(6):854-861.
A nonrandomized, prospective, clinical study on the impact of circulating tumor cells on outcomes of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder patients treated with radical cystectomy with or without adjuvant chemotherapy
Soave A, Riethdorf S, Dahlem R, von Amsberg G, Minner S, Weisbach L, Engel O, Fisch M, Pantel K, Rink M
INT J CANCER. 2017;140(2):381-389.
Circulating tumor cells as liquid biomarker for high HCC recurrence risk after curative liver resection
von Felden J, Schulze K, Krech T, Ewald F, Nashan B, Pantel K, Lohse A, Riethdorf S, Wege H
ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(52):89978-89987.
Tracing the Seeds in the Soil
Werner S, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2017;63(11):1764-1765.
Expression of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition and Cancer Stem Cell Markers in Circulating Tumor Cells
Werner S, Stenzl A, Pantel K, Todenhöfer T
ADV EXP MED BIOL. 2017;994:205-228.
Nanoplatforms for Circulating Tumor Cell Detection in Lung Cancer
Wikman H, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2017;63(8):1318-1320.
Role of HYAL1 expression in primary breast cancer in the formation of brain metastases
Witzel I, Marx A, Müller V, Wikman H, Matschke J, Schumacher U, Stürken C, Prehm P, Laakmann E, Schmalfeldt B, Milde-Langosch K, Oliveira-Ferrer L
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2017;162(3):427-438.
Mast cells decrease efficacy of anti-angiogenic therapy by secreting matrix-degrading granzyme B
Wroblewski M, Bauer R, Cubas Córdova M, Udonta F, Ben-Batalla I, Legler K, Hauser C, Egberts J, Janning M, Velthaus J, Schulze C, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Loges S
NAT COMMUN. 2017;8(1):269.
Therapeutic Antibody Targeting Tumor- and Osteoblastic Niche-Derived Jagged1 Sensitizes Bone Metastasis to Chemotherapy
Zheng H, Bae Y, Kasimir-Bauer S, Tang R, Chen J, Ren G, Yuan M, Esposito M, Li W, Wei Y, Shen M, Zhang L, Tupitsyn N, Pantel K, King C, Sun J, Moriguchi J, Jun H, Coxon A, Lee B, Kang Y
CANCER CELL. 2017;32(6):731-747.e6.
Comparison of the HER2, estrogen and progesterone receptor expression profile of primary tumor, metastases and circulating tumor cells in metastatic breast cancer patients
Aktas B, Kasimir-Bauer S, Müller V, Janni W, Fehm T, Wallwiener D, Pantel K, Tewes M
BMC CANCER. 2016;16:522.
Functional studies on circulating and disseminated tumor cells in carcinoma patients
Alix-Panabières C, Bartkowiak K, Pantel K
MOL ONCOL. 2016;10(3):443-9.
Clinical Applications of Circulating Tumor Cells and Circulating Tumor DNA as Liquid Biopsy
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
CANCER DISCOV. 2016;6(5):479-91.
Cancer: A shocking protein complex
Bartkowiak K, Pantel K
NATURE. 2016;538(7625):322-323.
Potential Involvement of Jagged1 in Metastatic Progression of Human Breast Carcinomas
Bednarz-Knoll N, Efstathiou A, Gotzhein F, Wikman H, Mueller V, Kang Y, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2016;62(2):378-386.
T-cell epitope strength in WAP-T mouse mammary carcinomas is an important determinant in PD1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint blockade therapy
Bruns M, Wanger J, Schumacher U, Deppert W
ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(40):64543 - 64559.
Antibody production using a ciliate generates unusual antibody glycoforms displaying enhanced cell-killing activity
Calow J, Behrens A, Mader S, Bockau U, Struwe W, Harvey D, Cormann K, Nowaczyk M, Loser K, Schinor D, Hartmann M, Crispin M
MABS-AUSTIN. 2016;8(8):1498-1511.
Cancer immunotherapy: weak beats strong
Deppert W, Bruns M
AGING-US. 2016;8(11):2607-2608.
Impact of apoptotic circulating tumor cells (aCTC) in metastatic breast cancer
Deutsch T, Riethdorf S, Nees J, Hartkopf A, Schönfisch B, Domschke C, Sprick M, Schütz F, Brucker S, Stefanovic S, Sohn C, Pantel K, Trumpp A, Schneeweiss A, Wallwiener M
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2016;160(2):277-290.
Frequent detection of PIK3CA mutations in single circulating tumor cells of patients suffering from HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer
Gasch C, Oldopp T, Mauermann O, Gorges T, Andreas A, Coith C, Müller V, Fehm T, Janni W, Pantel K, Riethdorf S
MOL ONCOL. 2016;10(8):1330-43.
Diverse prognostic value of the GTn promoter polymorphism in squamous cell and adeno carcinoma of the esophageus
Ghadban T, Miro J, Trump F, Tsui T, Uzunoglu F, Reeh M, Gebauer F, Bachmann K, Wellner U, Kalinin V, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
CLIN GENET. 2016;90(4):343-50.
Accession of Tumor Heterogeneity by Multiplex Transcriptome Profiling of Single Circulating Tumor Cells
Gorges T, Kuske A, Röck K, Mauermann O, Müller V, Peine S, Verpoort K, Novosadova V, Kubista M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2016;62(11):1504-1515.
Enumeration and molecular characterization of tumor cells in lung cancer patients using a novel in vivo device for capturing circulating tumor cells
Gorges T, Penkalla N, Schalk T, Joosse S, Riethdorf S, Tucholski J, Lucke K, Wikman H, Jackson S, Brychter N, von Ahsen O, Schumann C, Krahn T, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2016;22(9):2197-206.
Heterogeneous PSMA expression on circulating tumor cells - a potential basis for stratification and monitoring of PSMA-directed therapies in prostate cancer
Gorges T, Riethdorf S, von Ahsen O, Nastały P, Röck K, Boede M, Peine S, Kuske A, Schmid E, Kneip C, König F, Rudolph M, Pantel K
ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(23):34930-41.
Improved Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer by the Combination of the CellSearch® System and the AdnaTest®
Gorges T, Stein A, Quidde J, Hauch S, Röck K, Riethdorf S, Joosse S, Pantel K
PLOS ONE. 2016;11(5):e0155126.
Perspectives on sipuleucel-T: Its role in the prostate cancer treatment paradigm
Gulley J, Mulders P, Albers P, Banchereau J, Bolla M, Pantel K, Powles T
ONCOIMMUNOLOGY. 2016;5(4):e1107698.
Characterization of different CTC subpopulations in non-small cell lung cancer
Hanssen A, Wagner J, Gorges T, Tänzer A, Uzunoglu F, Driemel C, Stoecklein N, Knoefel W, Angenendt S, Hauch S, Atanackovic D, Loges S, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Wikman H
SCI REP-UK. 2016;6:28010.
A novel microfluidic platform for size and deformability based separation and the subsequent molecular characterization of viable circulating tumor cells
Hvichia G, Parveen Z, Wagner C, Janning M, Quidde J, Stein A, Müller V, Loges S, Neves R, Stoecklein N, Wikman H, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Gorges T
INT J CANCER. 2016;138(12):2894-904.
Liquid biopsy-based clinical research in early breast cancer: The EORTC 90091-10093 Treat CTC trial
Ignatiadis M, Rack B, Rothé F, Riethdorf S, Decraene C, Bonnefoi H, Dittrich C, Messina C, Beauvois M, Trapp E, Goulioti T, Tryfonidis K, Pantel K, Repollet M, Janni W, Piccart M, Sotiriou C, Litiere S, Pierga J
EUR J CANCER. 2016;63:97-104.
Pooled Analysis of the Prognostic Relevance of Circulating Tumor Cells in Primary Breast Cancer
Janni W, Rack B, Terstappen L, Pierga J, Taran F, Fehm T, Hall C, de Groot M, Bidard F, Friedl T, Fasching P, Brucker S, Pantel K, Lucci A
CLIN CANCER RES. 2016;22(10):2583-93.
Genetic traits for hematogeneous tumor cell dissemination in cancer patients
Joosse S, Pantel K
CANCER METAST REV. 2016;35(1):41-8.
Detection of circulating tumor cells using manually performed immunocytochemistry (MICC) does not correlate with outcome in patients with early breast cancer - Results of the German SUCCESS-A- trial
Jueckstock J, Rack B, Friedl T, Scholz C, Steidl J, Trapp E, Tesch H, Forstbauer H, Lorenz R, Rezai M, Häberle L, Alunni-Fabbroni M, Schneeweiss A, Beckmann M, Lichtenegger W, Fasching P, Pantel K, Janni W
BMC CANCER. 2016;16:401.
Loss of CHD1 causes DNA repair defects and enhances prostate cancer therapeutic responsiveness
Kari V, Mansour Khalfallah W, Raul S, Baumgart S, Mund A, Grade M, Sirma H, Simon R, Will H, Dobbelstein M, Dikomey E, Johnsen S
EMBO REP. 2016;17(11):1609-1623.
Imaging analysis of nuclear antiviral factors through direct detection of incoming adenovirus genome complexes
Komatsu T, Will H, Nagata K, Wodrich H
BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO. 2016;473(1):200-5.
Improved detection of circulating tumor cells in non-metastatic high-risk prostate cancer patients
Kuske A, Gorges T, Tennstedt P, Tiebel A, Pompe R, Preißer F, Prues S, Mazel M, Markou A, Lianidou E, Peine S, Alix-Panabières C, Riethdorf S, Beyer B, Schlomm T, Pantel K
SCI REP-UK. 2016;6:39736.
Homogenization of tissues via picosecond-infrared laser (PIRL) ablation: Giving a closer view on the in-vivo composition of protein species as compared to mechanical homogenization
Kwiatkowski M, Wurlitzer M, Krutilin A, Kiani P, Nimer R, Omidi M, Mannaa A, Bussmann T, Bartkowiak K, Kruber S, Uschold S, Steffen P, Lübberstedt J, Küpker N, Petersen H, Knecht R, Hansen N, Zarrine-Afsar A, Robertson W, Miller R, Schlüter H
J PROTEOMICS. 2016;134:193-202.
Circulating Tumor DNA as a Cancer Biomarker: Fact or Fiction?
Leung F, Kulasingam V, Diamandis E, Hoon D, Kinzler K, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
CLIN CHEM. 2016;62(8):1054-60.
Circulating miRNAs with prognostic value in metastatic breast cancer and for early detection of metastasis
Madhavan D, Peng C, Wallwiener M, Zucknick M, Nees J, Schott S, Rudolph A, Riethdorf S, Trumpp A, Pantel K, Sohn C, Chang-Claude J, Schneeweiss A, Burwinkel B
CARCINOGENESIS. 2016;37(5):461 - 470.
Circulating Cell-Free miR-373, miR-200a, miR-200b and miR-200c in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Meng X, Müller V, Milde-Langosch K, Trillsch F, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
ADV EXP MED BIOL. 2016;924:3-8.
Diagnostic and prognostic relevance of circulating exosomal miR-373, miR-200a, miR-200b and miR-200c in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer
Meng X, Müller V, Milde-Langosch K, Trillsch F, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(13):16923-35.
Limited prognostic value of preoperative circulating tumor cells for early biochemical recurrence in patients with localized prostate cancer
Meyer C, Pantel K, Tennstedt P, Stroelin P, Schlomm T, Heinzer H, Riethdorf S, Steuber T
UROL ONCOL-SEMIN ORI. 2016;34(5):235.e11-6.
Blood-Based Analysis of Circulating Cell-Free DNA and Tumor Cells for Early Cancer Detection
Pantel K
PLOS MED. 2016;13(12):e1002205.
TP53 mutations on circulating cell-free DNA
Pantel K
EBIOMEDICINE. 2016;10:15-6.
Functional Studies on Viable Circulating Tumor Cells
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
CLIN CHEM. 2016;62(2):328-34.
Liquid biopsy: Potential and challenges
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
MOL ONCOL. 2016;10(3):371-3.
The biology of circulating tumor cells
Pantel K, Speicher M
ONCOGENE. 2016;35(10):1216-24.
Novel Technology for Enrichment of Biomolecules from Cell-Free Body Fluids and Subsequent DNA Sizing
Patel V, Celec P, Grunt M, Schwarzenbach H, Jenneckens I, Hillebrand T
ADV EXP MED BIOL. 2016;924:165-169.
Plasma S100P level as a novel prognostic marker of metastatic breast cancer
Peng C, Chen H, Wallwiener M, Modugno C, Cuk K, Madhavan D, Trumpp A, Heil J, Marmé F, Nees J, Riethdorf S, Schott S, Sohn C, Pantel K, Schneeweiss A, Yang R, Burwinkel B
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2016;157(2):329-38.
Plasma Hyaluronic Acid level as a Prognostic and Monitoring Marker of Metastatic Breast Cancer
Peng C, Wallwiener M, Rudolph A, Ćuk K, Eilber U, Celik M, Modugno C, Trumpp A, Heil J, Marmé F, Madhavan D, Nees J, Riethdorf S, Schott S, Sohn C, Pantel K, Schneeweiss A, Chang-Claude J, Yang R, Burwinkel B
INT J CANCER. 2016;138(10):2499-509.
Liquid biopsies for surveillance and monitoring treatment response of bladder cancer
Riethdorf S, Pantel K
J TRANSL MED. 2016;4(19):379.
Chronic UVB-irradiation actuates perpetuated dermal matrix remodeling in female mice: Protective role of estrogen
Röck K, Joosse S, Müller J, Heinisch N, Fuchs N, Meusch M, Zipper P, Reifenberger J, Pantel K, Fischer J
SCI REP-UK. 2016;6:30482.
Potential of circulating tumor cells as blood-based biomarkers in cancer liquid biopsy
Schlange T, Pantel K
PHARMACOGENOMICS. 2016;17(3):183-6.
TAM receptors Tyro3 and Mer as novel targets in colorectal cancer
Schmitz R, Valls A, Yerbes R, von Richter S, Kahlert C, Loges S, Weitz J, Schneider M, Ruiz de Almodovar C, Ulrich A, Schmidt T
ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(35):56355-56370.
Therapeutic intervention based on circulating tumor cell phenotype in metastatic breast cancer: concept of the DETECT study program
Schramm A, Friedl T, Schochter F, Scholz C, de Gregorio N, Huober J, Rack B, Trapp E, Alunni-Fabbroni M, Müller V, Schneeweiss A, Pantel K, Meier-Stiegen F, Hartkopf A, Taran F, Wallwiener D, Janni W, Fehm T
ARCH GYNECOL OBSTET. 2016;293(2):271-81.
RHAMM splice variants confer radiosensitivity in human breast cancer cell lines
Schütze A, Vogeley C, Gorges T, Twarock S, Butschan J, Babayan A, Klein D, Knauer S, Metzen E, Müller V, Jendrossek V, Pantel K, Milde-Langosch K, Fischer J, Röck K
ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(16):21428-40.
Biological and Clinical Relevance of H19 in Colorectal Cancer Patients
Schwarzenbach H
EBIOMEDICINE. 2016;13:9-10.
Clinical significance of miR-15 and miR-16 in ovarian cancer.
Schwarzenbach H
TRANSL CANCER RES. 2016;5:50-53.
Diagnostic relevance of circulating cell-free and exosomal microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs in blood of cancer patients.
Schwarzenbach H
LABORATORIUMSMEDIZIN. 2016;40(5):345-353.
CEACAM1 controls the EMT switch in murine mammary carcinoma in vitro and in vivo
Wegwitz F, Lenfert E, Gerstel D, von Ehrenstein L, Einhoff J, Schmidt G, Logsdon M, Brandner J, Tiegs G, Beauchemin N, Wagener C, Deppert W, Horst A
ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(39):63730-63746.
Breast cancer brain metastases:biology and new clinical perspectives
Witzel I, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Pantel K, Müller V, Wikman H
BREAST CANCER RES. 2016;18(1):8.
Liquid biopsy in cancer patients: advances in capturing viable CTCs for functional studies using the EPISPOT assay
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
EXPERT REV MOL DIAGN. 2015;15(11):1411-7.
Effects of p38α/β inhibition on acute lymphoblastic leukemia proliferation and survival in vivo
Alsadeq A, Strube S, Krause S, Carlet M, Jeremias I, Vokuhl C, Loges S, Aguirre-Ghiso J, Trauzold A, Cario G, Stanulla M, Schrappe M, Schewe D
LEUKEMIA. 2015;29(12):2307-16.
Disseminated Tumor Cells Persist in the Bone Marrow of Breast Cancer Patients through Sustained Activation of the Unfolded Protein Response
Bartkowiak K, Kwiatkowski M, Buck F, Gorges T, Nilse L, Assmann V, Andreas A, Müller V, Wikman H, Riethdorf S, Schlüter H, Pantel K
CANCER RES. 2015;75(24):5367-77.
Stromal expression of ALDH1 in human breast carcinomas indicates reduced tumor progression
Bednarz-Knoll N, Nastały P, Żaczek A, Stoupiec M, Riethdorf S, Wikman-Kocher H, Müller V, Skokowski J, Szade J, Sejda A, Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz M, Pantel K
ONCOTARGET. 2015;6(29):26789-803.
Cyclooxygenase-2 blockade can improve efficacy of VEGF-targeting drugs
Ben-Batalla I, Cubas-Cordova M, Udonta F, Wroblewski M, Waizenegger J, Janning M, Sawall S, Gensch V, Zhao L, Martinez-Zubiaurre I, Riecken K, Fehse B, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Loges S
ONCOTARGET. 2015;6(8):6341-58.
Epidermal growth factor receptor mutation mediates cross-resistance to panitumumab and cetuximab in gastrointestinal cancer
Braig F, März M, Schieferdecker A, Schulte A, Voigt M, Stein A, Grob T, Alawi M, Indenbirken D, Kriegs M, Engel E, Vanhoefer U, Grundhoff A, Loges S, Riecken K, Fehse B, Bokemeyer C, Binder M
ONCOTARGET. 2015;6(14):12035-47.
A Versatile Microarray Platform for Capturing Rare Cells
Brinkmann F, Hirtz M, Haller A, Gorges T, Vellekoop M, Riethdorf S, Müller V, Pantel K, Fuchs H
SCI REP-UK. 2015;5:Art. 15342.
An inducible transgenic mouse breast cancer model for the analysis of tumor antigen specific CD8+ T-cell responses
Bruns M, Wanger J, Utermöhlen O, Deppert W
ONCOTARGET. 2015;6(36):38487-503.
Biomonitoring nach Dichlormethan/1,2-Dichlorethan-Exposition: Eine Pilotstudie.
Budnik L, Schwarzenbach H, Kloth S, Eckert E, Göen T
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Establishment and characterization of a cell line from human circulating colon cancer cells
Cayrefourcq L, Mazard T, Joosse S, Solassol J, Ramos J, Assenat E, Schumacher U, Costes V, Maudelonde T, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
CANCER RES. 2015;75(5):892-901.
Whole Genome Amplification in Genomic Analysis of Single Circulating Tumor Cells
Gasch C, Pantel K, Riethdorf S
Methods Mol Biol. 2015;1347:221-32.
Heterogeneity of miR-10b expression in circulating tumor cells
Gasch C, Plummer P, Jovanovic L, McInnes L, Wescott D, Saunders C, Schneeweiss A, Wallwiener M, Nelson C, Spring K, Riethdorf S, Thompson E, Pantel K, Mellick A
SCI REP-UK. 2015;5:Art. 15980.
Evaluation of the germline single nucleotide polymorphism rs583522 in the TNFAIP3 gene as a prognostic marker in esophageal cancer
Ghadban T, Schmidt-Yang M, Uzunoglu F, Perez D, El Gammal A, Miro J, Wellner U, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
CANCER GENET-NY. 2015;208(12):595–601.
Correction to: An A/C germline single-nucleotide polymorphism in the TNFAIP3 gene is associated with advanced disease stage and survival in only surgically treated esophageal cancer
Ghadban T, Schmidt-Yang M, Uzunoglu F, Perez D, Tsui T, El Gammal A, Erbes P, Zilbermints V, Wellner U, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
J HUM GENET. 2015;60(2):107.
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia and its Microenvironment: A Molecular Conversation
Ghiaur G, Wroblewski M, Loges S
SEMIN HEMATOL. 2015;52(3):200-6.
„Liquid Biopsy“ – Nachweis und Charakterisierung von zirkulierenden Tumorzellen
Gorges T, Riethdorf S, Pantel K
2015;Spitzenforschung in der Onkologie:.
Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Hanssen A, Loges S, Pantel K, Wikman-Kocher H
FRONT ONCOL. 2015;5:Art. 207.
Distribution and prognostic relevance of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoints in human brain metastases
Harter P, Bernatz S, Scholz A, Zeiner P, Zinke J, Kiyose M, Blasel S, Beschorner R, Senft C, Bender B, Ronellenfitsch M, Wikman-Kocher H, Glatzel M, Meinhardt M, Juratli T, Steinbach J, Plate K, Wischhusen J, Weide B, Mittelbronn M
ONCOTARGET. 2015;6(38):40836-40849.
Tumour exosome integrins determine organotropic metastasis
Hoshino A, Costa-Silva B, Shen T, Rodrigues G, Hashimoto A, Tesic Mark M, Molina H, Kohsaka S, Di Giannatale A, Ceder S, Singh S, Williams C, Soplop N, Uryu K, Pharmer L, King T, Bojmar L, Davies A, Ararso Y, Zhang T, Zhang H, Hernandez J, Weiss J, Dumont-Cole V, Kramer K, Wexler L, Narendran A, Schwartz G, Healey J, Sandstrom P, Jørgen Labori K, Kure E, Grandgenett P, Hollingsworth M, de Sousa M, Kaur S, Jain M, Mallya K, Batra S, Jarnagin W, Brady M, Fodstad O, Muller V, Pantel K, Minn A, Bissell M, Garcia B, Kang Y, Rajasekhar V, Ghajar C, Matei I, Peinado H, Bromberg J, Lyden D
NATURE. 2015;527(7578):329-35.
Chemotherapy of WAP-T mouse mammary carcinomas aggravates tumor phenotype and enhances tumor cell dissemination
Jannasch K, Wegwitz F, Lenfert E, Mänz C, Deppert W, Alves F
INT J CANCER. 2015;137(1):25-36.
Axl inhibition: a potential road to a novel acute myeloid leukemia therapy?
Janning M, Ben-Batalla I, Loges S
EXPERT REV HEMATOL. 2015;8(2):135-8.
Biology, detection, and clinical implications of circulating tumor cells
Joosse S, Gorges T, Pantel K
EMBO MOL MED. 2015;7(1):1-11.
Tumor-Educated Platelets as Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Patients
Joosse S, Pantel K
CANCER CELL. 2015;28(5):552-4.
Evidence-based (S3) Guideline on (anogenital) Lichen sclerosus
Kirtschig G, Becker K, Günthert A, Jasaitiene D, Cooper S, Chi C, Kreuter A, Rall K, Aberer W, Riechardt S, Casabona F, Powell J, Brackenbury F, Erdmann R, Lazzeri M, Barbagli G, Wojnarowska F
J EUR ACAD DERMATOL. 2015;29(10):e1-43.
Mer tyrosine kinase promotes the survival of t(1;19)-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in the central nervous system (CNS)
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BLOOD. 2015;125(5):820-30.
Mutant p53 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and enhances metastasis in mammary carcinomas of WAP-T mice
Lenfert E, Mänz C, Heinlein C, Jannasch K, Schumacher U, Pantel K, Tolstonog G, Deppert W, Wegwitz F
INT J CANCER. 2015;136(6):E521-E533.
Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity is a decisive feature for the metastatic outgrowth of disseminated WAP-T mouse mammary carcinoma cells
Maenz C, Lenfert E, Pantel K, Schumacher U, Deppert W, Wegwitz F
BMC CANCER. 2015;15:178.
Frequent expression of PD-L1 on circulating breast cancer cells
Mazel M, Jacot W, Pantel K, Bartkowiak K, Topart D, Cayrefourcq L, Rossille D, Maudelonde T, Fest T, Alix-Panabières C
MOL ONCOL. 2015;9(9):1773-82.
Diagnostic and prognostic potential of serum miR-7, miR-16, miR-25, miR-93, miR-182, miR-376a and miR-429 in ovarian cancer patients
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BRIT J CANCER. 2015;113(9):1358-1366.
Cellular Uptake Behavior of Glycoconjugated and Micellar-Encapsulated Quantum Dots on HeLa Cervical Cancer Cells
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Relevance of βGal-βGalNAc-containing glycans and the enzymes involved in their synthesis for invasion and survival in breast cancer patients
Milde-Langosch K, Schütze D, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Wikman-Kocher H, Müller V, Lebok P, Pantel K, Schröder C, Witzel I, Schumacher U
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2015;151(3):515-28.
Disseminierte und zirkulierende Tumorzellen, zirkulierende DNA und RNA im Blut - Biomarker beim Mammakarzinom?
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2015. Tumorbiologie und Diagnostik des primären Mammakarzinoms. Vetter M, Kantelhardt E (eds.). 1. ed. Bremen: Uni-Med, 84-91.
Cell lines from circulating tumor cells: Comment on: Establishment and Characterization of a Cell Line from Human Circulating Colon Cancer Cells. Cancer Res. 2015 Mar 1; 75(5): 892-901
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
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High levels of RAD51 perturb DNA replication elongation and cause unscheduled origin firing due to impaired CHK1 activation
Parplys A, Seelbach J, Becker S, Behr M, Wrona A, Jend C, Mansour Khalfallah W, Joosse S, Stuerzbecher H, Pospiech H, Petersen C, Dikomey E, Borgmann K
CELL CYCLE. 2015;14(19):3190-202.
Circulating Tumor Cells as a Biomarker for Preoperative Prognostic Staging in Patients With Esophageal Cancer
Reeh M, Harms-Effenberger K, Koenig A, Riethdorf S, Eichstädt D, Vettorazzi E, Uzunoglu F, Vashist Y, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Bockhorn M
ANN SURG. 2015;261(6):1124-30.
Diverse expression patterns of the EMT suppressor grainyhead-like 2 (GRHL2) in normal and tumour tissues
Riethdorf S, Frey S, Santjer S, Stoupiec M, Otto B, Riethdorf L, Koop C, Wilczak W, Simon R, Sauter G, Pantel K, Assmann V
INT J CANCER. 2015;138:949-963.
Real-time investigation of dynamic protein crystallization in living cells
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CNAPS and General Medicine
Schwarzenbach H
2015. Circulating nucleic acids in early diagnosis, prognosis and treatment monitoring. Gahan P (eds.). 1. ed. Springer, 143-164.
The clinical relevance of circulating, exosomal miRNAs as biomarkers for cancer
Schwarzenbach H
EXPERT REV MOL DIAGN. 2015;15(9):1159-69.
The potential of circulating nucleic acids as components of companion diagnostics for predicting and monitoring chemotherapy response
Schwarzenbach H
EXPERT REV MOL DIAGN. 2015;15(2):267-75.
Data Normalization Strategies for MicroRNA Quantification
Schwarzenbach H, Machado da Silva A, Calin G, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2015;61(11):1333-42.
Circulating DNA as biomarker in breast cancer
Schwarzenbach H, Pantel K
BREAST CANCER RES. 2015;17:Art. 136.
Do circulating tumor cells have a role in deciding on adjuvant chemotherapy after radical cystectomy?
Soave A, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Fisch M, Rink M
CURR UROL REP. 2015;16(7):Art. 46.
Aberrant plasma levels of circulating miR-16, miR-107, miR-130a and miR-146a are associated with lymph node metastasis and receptor status of breast cancer patients
Stückrath I, Rack B, Janni W, Jäger B, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
ONCOTARGET. 2015;6(15):13387-401.
Circulating tumour cell-derived plastin3 is a novel marker for predicting long-term prognosis in patients with breast cancer
Ueo H, Sugimachi K, Gorges T, Bartkowiak K, Yokobori T, Müller V, Shinden Y, Ueda M, Ueo H, Mori M, Kuwano H, Maehara Y, Ohno S, Pantel K, Mimori K
BRIT J CANCER. 2015;112(9):1519-26.
Role of Growth arrest-specific gene 6-Mer axis in multiple myeloma
Waizenegger J, Ben-Batalla I, Weinhold N, Meissner T, Wroblewski M, Janning M, Riecken K, Binder M, Atanackovic D, Taipaleenmaeki H, Schewe D, Sawall S, Gensch V, Cubas-Cordova M, Seckinger A, Fiedler W, Hesse E, Kröger N, Fehse B, Hose D, Klein B, Raab M, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Loges S
LEUKEMIA. 2015;29(3):696-704.
The impact of HER2 phenotype of circulating tumor cells in metastatic breast cancer: a retrospective study in 107 patients
Wallwiener M, Hartkopf A, Riethdorf S, Nees J, Sprick M, Schönfisch B, Taran F, Heil J, Sohn C, Pantel K, Trumpp A, Schneeweiss A
BMC CANCER. 2015;15:Art. 403.
Expression of Hedgehog Pathway Mediator GLI Represents a Negative Prognostic Marker in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Its Inhibition Exerts Antileukemic Effects
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Suppression of early hematogenous dissemination of human breast cancer cells to bone marrow by retinoic acid induced 2
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CANCER DISCOV. 2015;5(5):506-19.
Iroquois homeobox 2 suppresses cellular motility and chemokine expression in breast cancer cells
Werner S, Stamm H, Pandjaitan M, Kemming D, Brors B, Pantel K, Wikman H
BMC CANCER. 2015;15(1):896.
Identification of HERC5 and its potential role in NSCLC progression
Wrage M, Hagmann W, Kemming D, Uzunoglu F, Riethdorf S, Harms-Effenberger K, Westphal M, Lamszus K, Kim S, Becker N, Izbicki J, Sandoval J, Esteller M, Pantel K, Risch A, Wikman-Kocher H
INT J CANCER. 2015;136(10):2264-72.
[The Circulating Tumor Cells: Liquid Biopsy of Cancer]
Alix-Panabieres C, Pantel K
Klinicheskaia laboratornaia diagnostika. 2014;(4):60-4.
Opinion: Challenges in circulating tumour cell research
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
NAT REV CANCER. 2014;14(9):623-631.
Technologies for detection of circulating tumor cells: facts and vision
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
LAB CHIP. 2014;14(1):57-62.
Clinical validity of circulating tumour cells in patients with metastatic breast cancer: a pooled analysis of individual patient data: a pooled analysis of individual patient data
Bidard F, Peeters D, Fehm T, Nolé F, Gisbert-Criado R, Mavroudis D, Grisanti S, Generali D, Garcia-Saenz J, Stebbing J, Caldas C, Gazzaniga P, Manso L, Zamarchi R, de Lascoiti A, De Mattos-Arruda L, Ignatiadis M, Lebofsky R, van Laere S, Meier-Stiegen F, Sandri M, Vidal-Martinez J, Politaki E, Consoli F, Bottini A, Diaz-Rubio E, Krell J, Dawson S, Raimondi C, Rutten A, Janni W, Munzone E, Carañana V, Agelaki S, Almici C, Dirix L, Solomayer E, Zorzino L, Johannes H, Reis-Filho J, Pantel K, Pierga J, Michiels S
LANCET ONCOL. 2014;15(4):406-414.
Increased serum levels of circulating exosomal microRNA-373 in receptor-negative breast cancer patients
Eichelser C, Stückrath I, Müller V, Milde-Langosch K, Wikman-Kocher H, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
ONCOTARGET. 2014;5(20):9650-63.
BGB324 Represents an Axl and BCR-ABL1 Inhibitor with Activity in the T315I Mutant
Erdmann R
2014. Hematology 2013. .
Circulating tumor cells detection has independent prognostic impact in high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
Gazzaniga P, de Berardinis E, Raimondi C, Gradilone A, Busetto G, De Falco E, Nicolazzo C, Giovannone R, Gentile V, Cortesi E, Pantel K
INT J CANCER. 2014;135(8):1978-1982.
An A/C germline single-nucleotide polymorphism in the TNFAIP3 gene is associated with advanced disease stage and survival in only surgically treated esophageal cancer
Ghadban T, Schmidt-Yang M, Uzunoglu F, Perez D, Tsui T, El Gammal A, Erbes P, Zilbermints V, Wellner U, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
J HUM GENET. 2014;59(12):661-666.
Pathogenesis of Minimal Residual Disease: CTCs as Novel Biomarkers in Cancer Disease
Gorges T, Pantel K
2014;Part 1:.
AKT3 regulates ErbB2, ErbB3 and estrogen receptor α expression and contributes to endocrine therapy resistance of ErbB2(+) breast tumor cells from Balb-neuT mice
Grabinski N, Möllmann K, Milde-Langosch K, Müller V, Schumacher U, Brandt B, Pantel K, Jücker M
CELL SIGNAL. 2014;26(5):1021-9.
Prognostic relevance of circulating tumor cells in blood and disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity
Gröbe A, Blessmann M, Hanken H, Friedrich R, Schön G, Wikner J, Harms-Effenberger K, Kluwe L, Heiland M, Pantel K, Riethdorf S
CLIN CANCER RES. 2014;20(2):425-33.
The dynamic range of circulating tumor DNA in metastatic breast cancer
Heidary M, Auer M, Ulz P, Heitzer E, Petru E, Gasch C, Riethdorf S, Mauermann O, Lafer I, Pristauz G, Lax S, Pantel K, Geigl J, Speicher M
BREAST CANCER RES. 2014;16(4):421.
International study on inter-reader variability for circulating tumor cells in breast cancer
Ignatiadis M, Riethdorf S, Bidard F, Vaucher I, Khazour M, Rothé F, Metallo J, Rouas G, Payne R, Coombes R, Teufel I, Andergassen U, Apostolaki S, Politaki E, Mavroudis D, Bessi S, Pestrin M, Di Leo A, Campion M, Reinholz M, Perez E, Piccart M, Borgen E, Naume B, Jimenez J, Aura C, Zorzino L, Cassatella M, Sandri M, Mostert B, Sleijfer S, Kraan J, Janni W, Fehm T, Rack B, Terstappen L, Repollet M, Pierga J, Miller C, Sotiriou C, Michiels S, Pantel K
BREAST CANCER RES. 2014;16(2):R43.
Circulating cell-free cancer-testis MAGE-A RNA, BORIS RNA, let-7b and miR-202 in the blood of patients with breast cancer and benign breast diseases
Joosse S, Müller V, Steinbach B, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
BRIT J CANCER. 2014;111(5):909-17.
PGC-1α mediates mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation in cancer cells to promote metastasis
LeBleu V, O'Connell J, Gonzalez Herrera K, Wikman-Kocher H, Pantel K, Haigis M, de Carvalho F, Damascena A, Domingos Chinen L, Rocha R, Asara J, Kalluri R
NAT CELL BIOL. 2014;16(10):992-1003.
Plasma DNA integrity as a biomarker for primary and metastatic breast cancer and potential marker for early diagnosis
Madhavan D, Wallwiener M, Bents K, Zucknick M, Nees J, Schott S, Cuk K, Riethdorf S, Trumpp A, Pantel K, Sohn C, Schneeweiss A, Surowy H, Burwinkel B
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2014;146(1):163-174.
Circulating tumor cells in head and neck cancer: clinical impact in diagnosis and follow-up
Möckelmann N, Laban S, Pantel K, Knecht R
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2014;271(1):15-21.
Hematogenous dissemination of glioblastoma multiforme
Müller C, Holtschmidt J, Auer M, Heitzer E, Lamszus K, Schulte A, Matschke J, Langer-Freitag S, Gasch C, Stoupiec M, Mauermann O, Peine S, Glatzel M, Speicher M, Geigl J, Westphal M, Pantel K, Riethdorf S
SCI TRANSL MED. 2014;6(247):247ra101.
Changes in serum levels of miR-21, miR-210, and miR-373 in HER2-positive breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant therapy: a translational research project within the Geparquinto trial
Müller V, Gade S, Steinbach B, Loibl S, von Minckwitz G, Untch M, Schwedler K, Lübbe K, Schem C, Fasching P, Mau C, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2014;147(1):61-8.
Bromodomain protein BRD4 is required for estrogen receptor-dependent enhancer activation and gene transcription
Nagarajan S, Hossan T, Alawi M, Najafova Z, Indenbirken D, Bedi U, Taipaleenmäki H, Ben-Batalla I, Scheller M, Loges S, Knapp S, Hesse E, Chiang C, Grundhoff A, Johnsen S
CELL REP. 2014;8(2):459-468.
Circulating tumor cells in patients with testicular germ cell tumors
Nastały P, Ruf C, Becker P, Bednarz-Knoll N, Stoupiec M, Kavsur R, Isbarn H, Matthies C, Wagner W, Höppner D, Fisch M, Bokemeyer C, Ahyai S, Honecker F, Riethdorf S, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2014;20(14):3830-41.
Bone marrow as a reservoir for disseminated tumor cells: a special source for liquid biopsy in cancer patients: a special source for liquid biopsy in cancer patients
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
Bonekey Rep. 2014;3:584.
Aberrant Proliferation of Differentiating Alveolar Cells Induces Hyperplasia in Resting Mammary Glands of SV40-TAg Transgenic Mice
Quante T, Wegwitz F, Abe J, Rossi A, Deppert W, Bohn W
FRONT ONCOL. 2014;4:168.
Circulating tumor cells predict survival in early average-to-high risk breast cancer patients
Rack B, Schindlbeck C, Jückstock J, Andergassen U, Hepp P, Zwingers T, Friedl T, Lorenz R, Tesch H, Fasching P, Fehm T, Schneeweiss A, Lichtenegger W, Beckmann M, Friese K, Pantel K, Janni W
JNCI-J NATL CANCER I. 2014;106(5):.
Prognostic relevance of viable circulating tumor cells detected by EPISPOT in metastatic breast cancer patients
Ramirez J, Fehm T, Orsini M, Cayrefourcq L, Maudelonde T, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
CLIN CHEM. 2014;60(1):214-221.
Erratum zu: Detektion und Stellenwert von zirkulierenden Tumorzellen im peripheren Blut beim Urothelkarzinom der Harnblase
Rink M, Soave A, Engel O, Fisch M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K
UROLOGE. 2014;53(5):740.
Zirkulierende Tumorzellen im peripheren Blut beim Urothelkarzinom der Harnblase: Detektion und Stellenwert
Rink M, Soave A, Engel O, Fisch M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K
UROLOGE. 2014;53(4):501-508.
Molecular Markers as Prognostic Factors in DCIS and Small Invasive Breast Cancers
Sänger N, Engels K, Graf A, Ruckhäberle E, Harms-Effenberger K, Fehm T, Holtrich U, Becker S, Karn T
GEBURTSH FRAUENHEILK. 2014;74(11):1016-1022.
Lectin histochemistry of murine WAP-T mammary cancer reveals similar glycoconjugate changes to those in human breast cancer
Schreiber S, Gocht A, Wegwitz F, Deppert W, Schumacher U
ANTICANCER RES. 2014;34(12):7045-53.
Differential regulation of MAGE-A1 promoter activity by BORIS and Sp1, both interacting with the TATA binding protein
Schwarzenbach H, Eichelser C, Steinbach B, Tadewaldt J, Pantel K, Lobanenkov V, Loukinov D
BMC CANCER. 2014;14:796.
Clinical relevance of circulating cell-free microRNAs in cancer
Schwarzenbach H, Nishida N, Calin G, Pantel K
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2014;11(3):145-156.
Circulating MicroRNAs as Non-Invasive Biomarkers
Schwarzenbach H, Pantel K
2014. MicroRNAs in Medicine. Lawrie C (eds.). 1. ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 567-588.
Tumor signatures in the blood
Speicher M, Pantel K
NAT BIOTECHNOL. 2014;32(5):441-3.
Prognostic impact of perineural, blood and lymph vessel invasion for esophageal cancer
Tachezy M, Tiebel A, Gebauer F, Kutup A, Tharun L, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
HISTOPATHOLOGY. 2014;29(11):1467-1475.
Loss of 4q21.23-22.1 is a Prognostic Marker for Disease Free and Overall Survival in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Uzunoglu F, Dethlefsen E, Hanssen A, Wrage M, Deutsch L, Harms-Effenberger K, Vashist Y, Reeh M, Sauter G, Simon R, Bockhorn M, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Wikman-Kocher H
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(12):e113315.
EGFR intron-1 CA repeat polymorphism is a predictor of relapse and survival in complete resected only surgically treated esophageal cancer
Vashist Y, Trump F, Gebauer F, Kutup A, Güngör C, Kalinin V, Muddasar R, Vettorazzi E, Yekebas E, Brandt B, Pantel K, Izbicki J
TARGET ONCOL. 2014;9(1):43-52.
Serial enumeration of circulating tumor cells predicts treatment response andprognosis in metastatic breast cancer: a prospective study in 393 patients
Wallwiener M, Riethdorf S, Hartkopf A, Modugno C, Nees J, Madhavan D, Sprick M, Schott S, Domschke C, Baccelli I, Schönfisch B, Burwinkel B, Marmé F, Heil J, Sohn C, Pantel K, Trumpp A, Schneeweiss A
BMC CANCER. 2014;14:512.
Loss of CADM1 expression is associated with poor prognosis and brain metastasis in breast cancer patients
Wikman-Kocher H, Westphal L, Schmid F, Pollari S, Kropidlowski J, Sielaff-Frimpong B, Glatzel M, Matschke J, Westphal M, Iljin K, Huhtala H, Terracciano L, Kallioniemi A, Sauter G, Müller V, Witzel I, Lamszus K, Kemming D, Pantel K
ONCOTARGET. 2014;5(10):3076-3087.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and circulating tumour cells
Wikner J, Gröbe A, Pantel K, Riethdorf S
WORLD J CLIN ONCOL. 2014;5(2):114-124.
Circulating tumor cells: liquid biopsy of cancer.
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2013;59(1):110-118.
Real-time liquid biopsy: circulating tumor cells versus circulating tumor DNA
Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
J TRANSL MED. 2013;1(2):18.
Heterogeneity of estrogen receptor expression in circulating tumor cells from metastatic breast cancer patients
Babayan A, Hannemann J, Spötter J, Müller V, Pantel K, Joosse S
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(9):e75038.
Identification of a population of blood circulating tumor cells from breast cancer patients that initiates metastasis in a xenograft assay
Baccelli I, Schneeweiss A, Riethdorf S, Stenzinger A, Schillert A, Vogel V, Klein C, Saini M, Bäuerle T, Wallwiener M, Holland-Letz T, Höfner T, Sprick M, Scharpff M, Marmé F, Sinn H, Pantel K, Weichert W, Trumpp A
NAT BIOTECHNOL. 2013;31(6):539-44.
Definition of molecular determinants of prostate cancer cell bone extravasation.
Barthel S, Hays D, Yazawa E, Opperman M, Walley K, Nimrichter L, Burdick M, Gillard B, Moser M, Pantel K, Foster B, Pienta K, Dimitroff C
CANCER RES. 2013;73(2):942-952.
Axl, a prognostic and therapeutic target in acute myeloid leukemia mediates paracrine crosstalk of leukemia cells with bone marrow stroma
Ben Batalla I, Schultze A, Wroblewski M, Erdmann R, Heuser M, Waizenegger J, Riecken K, Binder M, Schewe D, Sawall S, Witzke V, Cubas Cordova M, Janning M, Wellbrock J, Fehse B, Hagel C, Krauter J, Ganser A, Lorens J, Fiedler W, Carmeliet P, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Loges S
BLOOD. 2013;122(14):2443-52.
Circulating mitochondrial DNA as biomarker linking environmental chemical exposure to early preclinical lesions elevation of mtDNA in human serum after exposure to carcinogenic halo-alkane-based pesticides
Budnik L, Kloth S, Baur X, Preisser A, Schwarzenbach H
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(5):e64413.
Expression Regulation of the Metastasis-Promoting Protein InsP3-Kinase-A in Tumor Cells.
Chang L, Schwarzenbach H, Meyer-Staeckling S, Brandt B, Mayr G, Weitzel J, Windhorst S
Capture of viable circulating tumor cells in the liver of colorectal cancer patients
Denève E, Riethdorf S, Ramos J, Nocca D, Coffy A, Daurès J, Maudelonde T, Fabre J, Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
CLIN CHEM. 2013;59(9):1384-92.
Deregulated serum concentrations of circulating cell-free microRNAs miR-17, miR-34a, miR-155, and miR-373 in human breast cancer development and progression
Eichelser C, Flesch-Janys D, Chang-Claude J, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
CLIN CHEM. 2013;59(10):1489-96.
Tumor-induced osteoclast miRNA changes as regulators and biomarkers of osteolytic bone metastasis
Ell B, Mercatali L, Ibrahim T, Campbell N, Schwarzenbach H, Pantel K, Amadori D, Kang Y
CANCER CELL. 2013;24(4):542-56.
Axl Represents a Therapeutic Target In T315I-Mutated and WT Myeloid Leukemia
Erdmann R
2013. Hematology 2013. .
Heterogeneity of epidermal growth factor receptor status and mutations of KRAS/PIK3CA in circulating tumor cells of patients with colorectal cancer.
Gasch C, Bauernhofer T, Pichler M, Langer-Freitag S, Reeh M, Seifert A, Mauermann O, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Riethdorf S
CLIN CHEM. 2013;59(1):252-260.
Circulating tumor cells as therapy-related biomarkers in cancer patients.
Gorges T, Pantel K
CANCER IMMUNOL IMMUN. 2013;62(5):931-939.
Frequent intratumoral heterogeneity of EGFR gene copy gain in non-small cell lung cancer
Grob T, Hoenig T, Clauditz T, Atanackovic D, Koenig A, Vashist Y, Klose H, Simon R, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Bokemeyer C, Sauter G, Wilczak W
LUNG CANCER. 2013;79(3):221-7.
Correction: Involvement of CXCR4 Chemokine Receptor in Metastastic HER2-Positive Esophageal Cancer
Gros S, Kurschat N, Drenckhan A, Dohrmann T, Forberich E, Harms-Effenberger K, Reichelt U, Hoffmann R, Pantel K, Kaifi J, Izbicki J
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(5):.
Complex tumor genomes inferred from single circulating tumor cells by array-CGH and next-generation sequencing
Heitzer E, Auer M, Gasch C, Pichler M, Ulz P, Hoffmann E, Lax S, Waldispuehl-Geigl J, Mauermann O, Lackner C, Höfler G, Eisner F, Sill H, Samonigg H, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Bauernhofer T, Geigl J, Speicher M
CANCER RES. 2013;73(10):2965-75.
Establishment of tumor-specific copy number alterations from plasma DNA of patients with cancer
Heitzer E, Auer M, Hoffmann E, Pichler M, Gasch C, Ulz P, Lax S, Waldispuehl-Geigl J, Mauermann O, Mohan S, Pristauz G, Lackner C, Höfler G, Eisner F, Petru E, Sill H, Samonigg H, Pantel K, Riethdorf S, Bauernhofer T, Geigl J, Speicher M
INT J CANCER. 2013;133(2):346-56.
Tumor-associated copy number changes in the circulation of patients with prostate cancer identified through whole-genome sequencing
Heitzer E, Ulz P, Belic J, Gutschi S, Quehenberger F, Fischereder K, Benezeder T, Auer M, Pischler C, Mannweiler S, Pichler M, Eisner F, Haeusler M, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Samonigg H, Hoefler G, Augustin H, Geigl J, Speicher M
GENOME MED. 2013;5(4):30.
Frequent genetic alterations in EGFR- and HER2-driven pathways in breast cancer brain metastases
Hohensee I, Lamszus K, Riethdorf S, Meyer-Staeckling S, Glatzel M, Matschke J, Witzel I, Westphal M, Brandt B, Müller V, Pantel K, Wikman H
AM J PATHOL. 2013;183(1):83-95.
Functional activity of RLIM/Rnf12 is regulated by phosphorylation-dependent nucleocytoplasmic shuttling
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MOL BIOL CELL. 2013;24(19):3085-96.
Biologic challenges in the detection of circulating tumor cells.
Joosse S, Pantel K
CANCER RES. 2013;73(1):8-11.
Tumor cell dissemination: emerging biological insights from animal models and cancer patients
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CANCER CELL. 2013;23(5):573-81.
A subset of histone H2B genes produces polyadenylated mRNAs under a variety of cellular conditions
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Patterns of metastatic spread in early breast cancer
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Genomic deletion of MAP3K7 at 6q12-22 is associated with early PSA recurrence in prostate cancer and absence of TMPRSS2:ERG fusions
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MODERN PATHOL. 2013;26(7):975-83.
Advances in circulating tumor cells (ACTC): from basic research to clinical practice
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Skeletal spread of an anaplastic astrocytoma (WHO grade III) and preservation of histopathological properties within metastases.
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Accumulation of genomic alterations in 2p16, 9q33.1 and 19p13 in lung tumours of asbestos-exposed patients
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Low-grade and high-grade mammary carcinomas in WAP-T transgenic mice are independent entities distinguished by Met expression.
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INT J CANCER. 2013;132(6):1300-1310.
Transcription factors link mouse WAP-T mammary tumors with human breast cancer
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INT J CANCER. 2013;132(6):1311-1322.
Real-time liquid biopsy in cancer patients: fact or fiction?
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Tracking tumor resistance using 'liquid biopsies'
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NAT MED. 2013;19(6):676-677.
Erlotinib resistance in EGFR-amplified glioblastoma cells is associated with upregulation of EGFRvIII and PI3Kp110δ
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NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2013;15(10):1289-301.
Presence of EpCAM-positive circulating tumor cells as biomarker for systemic disease strongly correlates to survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
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Circulating nucleic acids as biomarkers in breast cancer
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Loss of Heterozygosity
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Synthesis, characterization, and biological evaluation of new tetrazole-based platinum(II) and palladium(II) chlorido complexes--potent cisplatin analogues and their trans isomers.
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CXCR7 expression in esophageal cancer
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VEGFR-2, CXCR-2 and PAR-1 germline polymorphisms as predictors of survival in pancreatic carcinoma
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ANN ONCOL. 2013;24(5):1282-90.
C-X-C motif receptor 2, endostatin and proteinase-activated receptor 1 polymorphisms as prognostic factors in NSCLC
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LUNG CANCER. 2013;81(1):123-9.
The prognostic impact of circulating tumor cells in subtypes of metastatic breast cancer.
Wallwiener M, Hartkopf A, Baccelli I, Riethdorf S, Schott S, Pantel K, Marmé F, Sohn C, Trumpp A, Rack B, Aktas B, Solomayer E, Müller V, Janni W, Schneeweiss A, Fehm T
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2013;137(2):503-510.
Tumor metastasis: moving new biological insights into the clinic
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Recent molecular discoveries in angiogenesis and antiangiogenic therapies in cancer
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J CLIN INVEST. 2013;123(8):3190-200.
Dual roles of the transcription factor grainyhead-like 2 (GRHL2) in breast cancer
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Plastin3 is a novel marker for circulating tumor cells undergoing the epithelial-mesenchymal transition and is associated with colorectal cancer prognosis
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Circulating tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA.
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The interplay of HER2/HER3/PI3K and EGFR/HER2/PLC-γ1 signalling in breast cancer cell migration and dissemination
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The interrelating dynamics of hypoxic tumor microenvironments and cancer cell phenotypes in cancer metastasis.
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Plasticity of disseminating cancer cells in patients with epithelial malignancies.
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Mutant p53 protein, master regulator of human malignancies: a report on the Fifth Mutant p53 Workshop.
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Immunocytochemical detection and characterisation of individual micrometastatic tumour cells.
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Opposite roles of FOXA1 and NKX2-1 in lung cancer progression.
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Expression of the T-cell regulatory marker FOXP3 in primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma tumour cells
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Potential hazards to embryo implantation: A human endometrial in vitro model to identify unwanted antigestagenic actions of chemicals.
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Zirkulierende Tumorzellen in Krebspatienten als neuer Biomarker
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Cancer therapy monitoring in xenografts by quantitative analysis of circulating tumor DNA.
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Circulating tumour cells escape from EpCAM-based detection due to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
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Involvement of CXCR4 chemokine receptor in metastastic HER2-positive esophageal cancer.
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Chlormadinone acetate suppresses prostaglandin biosynthesis in human endometrial explants.
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FERTIL STERIL. 2012;98(4):1017-1022.
Disseminated tumor cells in pancreatic cancer-an independent prognosticator of disease progression and survival.
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INT J CANCER. 2012;131(4):475-483.
Recombinant p53 displays heterogeneity during isoelectric focusing
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Cell cycle regulator Cdkn1c (p57/KIP2) shows distinct expression in epidermal differentiation.
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Impaired CK1 delta activity attenuates SV40-induced cellular transformation in vitro and mouse mammary carcinogenesis in vivo.
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Minimal residual disease and circulating tumor cells in breast cancer: open questions for research.
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The enigmatic role of H2Bub1 in cancer.
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CDK9 and H2B monoubiquitination: a well-choreographed dance.
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BRCA1 and BRCA2: a common pathway of genome protection but different breast cancer subtypes.
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Prediction of BRCA2-association in hereditary breast carcinomas using array-CGH.
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BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2012;132(2):379-389.
Changes in keratin expression during metastatic progression of breast cancer: impact on the detection of circulating tumor cells.
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The histone H2B monoubiquitination regulatory pathway is required for differentiation of multipotent stem cells.
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LOH at 6q and 10q in fractionated circulating DNA of ovarian cancer patients is predictive for tumor cell spread and overall survival.
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15-Hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase associates with poor prognosis in breast cancer, induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and promotes cell migration in cultured breast cancer cells.
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Systematic analysis of in vitro chemosensitivity and mib-1 expression in molecular breast cancer subtypes.
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EUR J CANCER. 2012;48(13):2066-2074.
Circulating miRNAs as surrogate markers for circulating tumor cells and prognostic markers in metastatic breast cancer.
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CLIN CANCER RES. 2012;18(21):5972-5982.
High-resolution analyses of copy number changes in disseminated tumor cells of patients with breast cancer.
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INT J CANCER. 2012;131(4):405-415.
Prognostic impact of circulating tumor cells assessed with the CellSearch System™ and AdnaTest Breast™ in metastatic breast cancer patients: the DETECT study.
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BREAST CANCER RES. 2012;14(4):118.
Detection methods of circulating tumor cells.
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
J THORAC DIS. 2012;4(5):446-447.
The potential of circulating tumor cells as a liquid biopsy to guide therapy in prostate cancer.
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
CANCER DISCOV. 2012;2(11):974-975.
Circulating epithelial cells in patients with benign colon diseases.
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CLIN CHEM. 2012;58(5):936-940.
Considerations in the development of circulating tumor cell technology for clinical use.
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Cohesin is required for expression of the estrogen receptor-alpha (ESR1) gene.
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Mutant p53 is a transcriptional co-factor that binds to G-rich regulatory regions of active genes and generates transcriptional plasticity.
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Clinical role of detecting circulating tumor cells
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Prognostic role and HER2 expression of circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood of patients prior to radical cystectomy: a prospective study.
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EUR UROL. 2012;61(4):810-817.
Low levels of cell-free circulating miR-361-3p and miR-625* as blood-based markers for discriminating malignant from benign lung tumors.
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PLOS ONE. 2012;7(6):38248.
The current role of circulating tumor cells in the diagnosis and management of bone metastases in advanced prostate cancer.
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FUTURE ONCOL. 2012;8(3):321-331.
Macrophage-tumor crosstalk: role of TAMR tyrosine kinase receptors and of their ligands.
Schmidt T, Ben-Batalla I, Schultze A, Loges S
CELL MOL LIFE SCI. 2012;69(9):1391-1414.
Glioblastoma stem-like cell lines with either maintenance or loss of high-level EGFR amplification, generated via modulation of ligand concentration.
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CLIN CANCER RES. 2012;18(7):1901-1913.
VEGFR-1 expression levels predict occurrence of disseminated tumor cells in the bone marrow of patients with esophageal carcinoma
Schultze A, Ben-Batalla I, Riethdorf S, Bubenheim M, Yekebas E, Erbersdobler A, Reichelt U, Harms-Effenberger K, Schmidt T, Izbicki J, Bokemeyer C, Pantel K, Fiedler W, Loges S
CLIN EXP METASTAS. 2012;29(8):879-887.
Circulating nucleic acids and protease activities in blood of tumor patients.
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Loss of heterozygosity at tumor suppressor genes detectable on fractionated circulating cell-free tumor DNA as indicator of breast cancer progression.
Schwarzenbach H, Eichelser C, Kropidlowski J, Janni W, Rack B, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2012;18(20):5719-5730.
Diagnostic potential of PTEN-targeting miR-214 in the blood of breast cancer patients.
Schwarzenbach H, Milde-Langosch K, Steinbach B, Müller V, Pantel K
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2012;134(3):933-941.
Phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinase-9 controls ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme-2A function.
Shchebet A, Karpiuk O, Kremmer E, Eick D, Johnsen S
CELL CYCLE. 2012;11(11):2122-2127.
The connectivity of lymphogenous and hematogenous tumor cell dissemination: biological insights and clinical implications.
Sleeman J, Cady B, Pantel K
CLIN EXP METASTAS. 2012;29(7):737-746.
ALCAM (CD166) expression and serum levels are markers for poor survival of esophageal cancer patients
Tachezy M, Harms-Effenberger K, Zander H, Minner S, Gebauer F, Vashist Y, Sauter G, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M
INT J CANCER. 2012;131(2):396-405.
Circulating tumor-derived biomarkers in lung cancer.
Tänzer A, Alix-Panabières C, Wikman H, Pantel K
J THORAC DIS. 2012;4(5):448-449.
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 gene polymorphisms as predictors for tumor recurrence and overall survival in non-small-cell lung cancer.
Uzunoglu F, Kaufmann C, Wikman H, Güngör C, Bohn B, Nentwich M, Reeh M, Pantel K, Bockhorn M, Kutup A, Mann O, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
ANN SURG ONCOL. 2012;19(7):2159-2168.
Disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow and the natural course of resected esophageal cancer.
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ANN SURG. 2012;255(6):1105-1112.
Relevance of PTEN loss in brain metastasis formation in breast cancer patients.
Wikman H, Lamszus K, Detels N, Uslar L, Wrage M, Benner C, Hohensee I, Ylstra B, Eylmann K, Zapatka M, Sauter G, Kemming D, Glatzel M, Müller V, Westphal M, Pantel K
BREAST CANCER RES. 2012;14(2):49.
Clinical relevance of loss of 11p15 in primary and metastatic breast cancer: association with loss of PRKCDBP expression in brain metastases.
Wikman H, Sielaff-Frimpong B, Kropidlowski J, Witzel I, Milde-Langosch K, Sauter G, Westphal M, Lamszus K, Pantel K
PLOS ONE. 2012;7(10):47537.
Meta-analysis of the prognostic value of circulating tumor cells in breast cancer.
Zhang L, Riethdorf S, Wu G, Wang T, Yang K, Peng G, Liu J, Pantel K
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A vascular niche and a VEGF-Nrp1 loop regulate the initiation and stemness of skin tumours.
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Clinical relevance and biology of circulating tumor cells.
Bednarz N, Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
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Circulating tumors cells as biomarkers: progress toward biomarker qualification.
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Circulating cancer cells and their clinical applications.
Diamandis E, Pantel K, Scher H, Terstappen L, Lianidou E
CLIN CHEM. 2011;57(11):1478-1484.
A non-BRCA1/2 hereditary breast cancer sub-group defined by aCGH profiling of genetically related patients.
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BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2011;130(2):425-436.
Characterization of hybrid cells derived from spontaneous fusion events between breast epithelial cells exhibiting stem-like characteristics and breast cancer cells.
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CLIN EXP METASTAS. 2011;28(1):75-90.
Distinct functional roles of Akt isoforms for proliferation, survival, migration and EGF-mediated signalling in lung cancer derived disseminated tumor cells
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Quantitative high-resolution genomic analysis of single cancer cells.
Hannemann J, Meyer-Staeckling S, Kemming D, Alpers I, Joosse S, Pospisil H, Kurtz S, Görndt J, Püschel K, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Brandt B
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Detection and clinical relevance of early disseminated breast cancer cells depend on their cytokeratin expression pattern.
Harms-Effenberger K, Borgen E, Zu Eulenburg C, Bartkowiak K, Grosser A, Synnestvedt M, Kaaresen R, Brandt B, Nesland J, Pantel K, Naume B
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2011;125(3):729-738.
Biologic role of activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule overexpression in breast cancer cell lines and clinical tumor tissue.
Hein S, Müller V, Köhler N, Wikman H, Krenkel S, Streichert T, Schweizer M, Riethdorf S, Assmann V, Henningsen M, Beck K, Issa R, Jänicke F, Pantel K, Milde-Langosch K
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2011;129(2):347-360.
Molecular mechanisms of metastasis.
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Influence of whole arm loss of chromosome 16q on gene expression patterns in oestrogen receptor-positive, invasive breast cancer.
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Persistence of disseminated tumor cells in the bone marrow of breast cancer patients predicts increased risk for relapse--a European pooled analysis.
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CLIN CANCER RES. 2011;17(9):2967-2976.
Genomic signature of BRCA1 deficiency in sporadic basal-like breast tumors.
Joosse S, Brandwijk K, Mulder L, Wesseling J, Hannemann J, Nederlof P
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Prediction of BRCA status
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Prediction of BRCA status
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The anti-interleukin-6 antibody siltuximab down-regulates genes implicated in tumorigenesis in prostate cancer patients from a phase I study.
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Cellular and tumor radiosensitivity is correlated to epidermal growth factor receptor protein expression level in tumors without EGFR amplification.
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Variants in STAT5B associate with serum TC and LDL-C levels.
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Overexpression of TACE and TIMP3 mRNA in head and neck cancer: association with tumour development and progression.
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External quality assurance of circulating tumor cell enumeration using the CellSearch(®) system: a feasibility study.
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Loss of heterozygosity proximal to the M6P/IGF2R locus is predictive for the presence of disseminated tumor cells in the bone marrow of ovarian cancer patients before and after chemotherapy.
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Indicators of homologous recombination deficiency in breast cancer and association with response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
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VCAM-1 promotes osteolytic expansion of indolent bone micrometastasis of breast cancer by engaging α4β1-positive osteoclast progenitors.
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Interplay between BRCA1 and RHAMM regulates epithelial apicobasal polarization and may influence risk of breast cancer.
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ERG status is unrelated to PSA recurrence in radically operated prostate cancer in the absence of antihormonal therapy.
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Impairment of hepatic growth hormone and glucocorticoid receptor signaling causes steatosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in mice.
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Prospective evaluation of serum tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 and carbonic anhydrase IX in correlation to circulating tumor cells in patients with metastatic breast cancer.
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Monitoring of loss of heterozygosity in serum microsatellite DNA among patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors indicates tumor recurrence.
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J SURG RES. 2011;169(1):31-35.
Prospective multi-centre study to validate chromogenic in situ hybridisation for the assessment of HER2 gene amplification in specimens from adjuvant and metastatic breast cancer patients.
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J CANCER RES CLIN. 2011;137(2):261-269.
Detection of circulating tumour cells in peripheral blood of patients with advanced non-metastatic bladder cancer.
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BJU INT. 2011;107(10):1668-1675.
Screening for circulating nucleic acids and caspase activity in the peripheral blood as potential diagnostic tools in lung cancer.
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MOL ONCOL. 2011;5(3):281-291.
Apoptosis-related deregulation of proteolytic activities and high serum levels of circulating nucleosomes and DNA in blood correlate with breast cancer progression.
Roth C, Pantel K, Müller V, Rack B, Kasimir-Bauer S, Janni W, Schwarzenbach H
BMC CANCER. 2011;11:4.
Circulating microRNAs: promising breast cancer biomarkers - author´s response
Roth C, Rack B, Müller V, Janni W, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
BREAST CANCER RES. 2011;13(1):403.
Disseminated tumor cells in the bone marrow of patients with ductal carcinoma in situ.
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INT J CANCER. 2011;129(10):2522-2526.
Loss or inhibition of stromal-derived PlGF prolongs survival of mice with imatinib-resistant Bcr-Abl1(+) leukemia.
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A distinct subset of glioma cell lines with stem cell-like properties reflects the transcriptional phenotype of glioblastomas and overexpresses CXCR4 as therapeutic target.
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GLIA. 2011;59(4):590-602.
Clinical importance and potential use of small molecule inhibitors of focal adhesion kinase.
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ANTI-CANCER AGENT ME. 2011;11(7):593-599.
Impact of physical activity and doping on epigenetic gene regulation.
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DRUG TEST ANAL. 2011;3(10):682-687.
Prostate Cancer - From Bench to Bedside
Schwarzenbach H
2011. Prostate Cancer - From Bench to Bedside. 1. ed. InTec, 115-132.
Genomic profiling of cell-free DNA in blood and bone marrow of prostate cancer patients.
Schwarzenbach H, Chun F, Isbarn H, Huland H, Pantel K
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2011;137(5):811-819.
Cell-free nucleic acids as biomarkers in cancer patients.
Schwarzenbach H, Hoon D, Pantel K
NAT REV CANCER. 2011;11(6):426-437.
Evaluation of cell-free tumour DNA and RNA in patients with breast cancer and benign breast disease.
Schwarzenbach H, Müller V, Milde-Langosch K, Steinbach B, Pantel K
MOL BIOSYST. 2011;7(10):2848-2854.
Controversies in clinical cancer dormancy.
Uhr J, Pantel K
P NATL ACAD SCI USA. 2011;108(30):12396-12400.
Circulating tumor cell isolation and diagnostics: toward routine clinical use.
van de Stolpe A, Pantel K, Sleijfer S, Terstappen L, Toonder d, Jaap M
CANCER RES. 2011;71(18):5955-5960.
The GNAS1 T393C single nucleotide polymorphism predicts the natural postoperative course of complete resected esophageal cancer.
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MOL CELL ONCOL. 2011;34(4):281-288.
Impact of platinum-based chemotherapy on circulating nucleic acid levels, protease activities in blood and disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow of ovarian cancer patients.
Wimberger P, Roth C, Pantel K, Kasimir-Bauer S, Kimmig R, Schwarzenbach H
INT J CANCER. 2011;128(11):2572-2580.
Detection of circulating tumor cells by RT-PCR significantly associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer.
Zhang L, Wu G, Pantel K
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2011;130(1):359-364.
Selective regain of egfr gene copies in CD44+/CD24-/low breast cancer cellular model MDA-MB-468.
Agelopoulos K, Greve B, Schmidt H, Pospisil H, Kurtz S, Bartkowiak K, Andreas A, Wieczorek M, Korsching E, Buerger H, Brandt B
BMC CANCER. 2010;10:78.
Discovery of a novel unfolded protein response phenotype of cancer stem/progenitor cells from the bone marrow of breast cancer patients.
Bartkowiak K, Harms-Effenberger K, Harder S, Andreas A, Buck F, Peter-Katalinic J, Pantel K, Brandt B
J PROTEOME RES. 2010;9(6):3158-3168.
BRCA1 loss preexisting in small subpopulations of prostate cancer is associated with advanced disease and metastatic spread to lymph nodes and peripheral blood
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CLIN CANCER RES. 2010;16(13):3340-3348.
Specific genomic aberrations in primary colorectal cancer are associated with liver metastases.
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Concordance of clinical and molecular breast cancer subtyping in the context of preoperative chemotherapy response.
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GORDITA (AGL63) is a young paralog of the Arabidopsis thaliana B(sister) MADS box gene ABS (TT16) that has undergone neofunctionalization.
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HER2 status of circulating tumor cells in patients with metastatic breast cancer: a prospective, multicenter trial.
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BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2010;124(2):403-412.
Cross-species comparison of aCGH data from mouse and human BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutated breast cancers.
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Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor as a novel prognostic marker and its implication as a cotarget in the treatment of human adenocarcinoma of the esophagus.
Kalinina T, Bockhorn M, Kaifi J, Thieltges S, Güngör C, Harms-Effenberger K, Strelow A, Reichelt U, Sauter G, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Yekebas E
INT J CANCER. 2010;127(8):1931-1940.
What's new on circulating tumor cells? A meeting report.
Lianidou E, Mavroudis D, Sotiropoulou G, Agelaki S, Pantel K
BREAST CANCER RES. 2010;12(4):307.
Detection of a BSA-Biotin-Conjugate by a Novel Immunosensor
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Promoter- and cell-specific epigenetic regulation of CD44, Cyclin D2, GLIPR1 and PTEN by methyl-CpG binding proteins and histone modifications.
Müller I, Wischnewski F, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
BMC CANCER. 2010;10:297.
Insights into minimal residual disease in cancer patients: implications for anti-cancer therapies.
Müller V, Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
EUR J CANCER. 2010;46(7):1189-1197.
Circulating tumour cells in cancer patients: challenges and perspectives.
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
TRENDS MOL MED. 2010;16(9):398-406.
Detection and HER2 expression of circulating tumor cells: prospective monitoring in breast cancer patients treated in the neoadjuvant GeparQuattro trial.
Riethdorf S, Müller V, Zhang L, Rau T, Loibl S, Komor M, Roller M, Huober J, Fehm T, Schrader I, Hilfrich J, Holms F, Tesch H, Eidtmann H, Untch M, von Minckwitz G, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2010;16(9):2634-2645.
Advancing personalized cancer therapy by detection and characterization of circulating carcinoma cells.
Riethdorf S, Pantel K
ANN NY ACAD SCI. 2010;1210:66-77.
Increase in circulating microRNA levels in blood of ovarian cancer patients
Roth C, Kasimir-Bauer S, Heubner M, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
2010. Circulating nucleic acids in plasma and serum. Gahan P (eds.). 1.. ed. Springer, 63-71.
Circulating microRNAs as blood-based markers for patients with primary and metastatic breast cancer.
Roth C, Rack B, Müller V, Janni W, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
BREAST CANCER RES. 2010;12(6):90.
Predictive diagnostics in colorectal cancer: impact of genetic polymorphisms on individual outcomes and treatment with fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy
Schwarzenbach H
EPMA J. 2010;1(3):485-494.
Molecular analysis of the polymorphisms of thymidylate synthase on cell-free circulating DNA in blood of patients with advanced colorectal carcinoma.
Schwarzenbach H, Goekkurt E, Pantel K, Aust D, Stoehlmacher J
INT J CANCER. 2010;127(4):881-888.
PSA and Prostate
Schwarzenbach H, Pantel K
2010. PSA and Prostate. Nova Science Publishers, 65-85.
The 70-gene signature as a response predictor for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer.
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Metabolic sensing by p53: keeping the balance between life and death
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Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-3-kinase-A is a new cell motility-promoting protein that increases the metastatic potential of tumour cells by two functional activities.
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Floral homeotic C function genes repress specific B function genes in the carpel whorl of the basal eudicot California poppy (Eschscholzia californica).
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Full-length cytokeratin-19 is released by human tumor cells: a potential role in metastatic progression of breast cancer.
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BREAST CANCER RES. 2009;11(3):39.
Two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis of a cell line derived from a breast cancer micrometastasis revealed a stem/ progenitor cell protein profile.
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J PROTEOME RES. 2009;8(4):2004-2014.
Modulation of gene expression in U251 glioblastoma cells by binding of mutant p53 R273H to intronic and intergenic sequences
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Meta- and pooled analysis of GSTP1 polymorphism and lung cancer: a HuGE-GSEC review.
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TOB1 is regulated by EGF-dependent HER2 and EGFR signaling, is highly phosphorylated, and indicates poor prognosis in node-negative breast cancer.
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CANCER RES. 2009;69(12):5049-5056.
Regulation of estrogen-dependent transcription by the LIM cofactors CLIM and RLIM in breast cancer.
Johnsen S, Güngör C, Prenzel T, Riethdorf S, Riethdorf L, Taniguchi-Ishigaki N, Rau T, Tursun B, Furlow J, Sauter G, Scheffner M, Pantel K, Gannon F, Bach I
CANCER RES. 2009;69(1):128-136.
DNA copy number loss and allelic imbalance at 2p16 in lung cancer associated with asbestos exposure.
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BRIT J CANCER. 2009;100(8):1336-1342.
Strong impact of micrometastatic tumor cell load in patients with esophageal carcinoma.
König A, Prenzel K, Bogoevski D, Yekebas E, Bubenheim M, Faithova L, Vashist Y, Gawad K, Baldus S, Pantel K, Schneider P, Hölscher A, Izbicki J
ANN SURG ONCOL. 2009;16(2):454-462.
Clinical Relevance of Disseminated Tumor Cells in Bone Marrow and Circulating Tumor Cells in the Blood of Breast Cancer Patients
Müller V, Fehm T, Janni W, Gebauer G, Solomayer E, Pantel K
BREAST CARE. 2009;4(5):333-338.
Molecular alterations at 9q33.1 and polyploidy in asbestos-related lung cancer.
Nymark P, Kettunen E, Aavikko M, Ruosaari S, Kuosma E, Vanhala E, Salmenkivi K, Pirinen R, Karjalainen A, Knuutila S, Wikman H, Anttila S
CLIN CANCER RES. 2009;15(2):468-475.
Cancer micrometastases.
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C, Riethdorf S
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2009;6(6):339-351.
Pathology: are circulating tumor cells predictive of overall survival?
Pantel K, Riethdorf S
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2009;6(4):190-191.
Detection and Characterization of Disseminated Tumor Cells present in Bone Marrow of Cancer Patients
Riethdorf S, Müller V, Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
2009. Bone and Cancer. Springer London: 103-117.
Clinical relevance and current challenges of research on disseminating tumor cells in cancer patients.
Riethdorf S, Pantel K
BREAST CANCER RES. 2009;11(3):10.
[Anticoagulation after renal transplantation: a multicenter survey on clinical practice]
Ripert T, Menard J, Schoepen Y, N'guyen P, Rieu P, Brandt B, Staerman F
PROG UROL. 2009;19(3):186-191.
Bone marrow aspiration for disseminated tumor cell detection: a must-have test or is the jury still out?
Scher H, Pantel K
J CLIN ONCOL. 2009;27(10):1531-1533.
Cell-free tumor DNA in blood plasma as a marker for circulating tumor cells in prostate cancer.
Schwarzenbach H, Alix-Panabières C, Müller I, Letang N, Vendrell J, Rebillard X, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2009;15(3):1032-1038.
Comparative evaluation of cell-free tumor DNA in blood and disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow of patients with primary breast cancer.
Schwarzenbach H, Pantel K, Kemper B, Beeger C, Otterbach F, Kimmig R, Kasimir-Bauer S
BREAST CANCER RES. 2009;11(5):71.
Comparison of bone marrow, disseminated tumour cells and blood-circulating tumour cells in breast cancer patients after primary treatment.
Slade M J, Payne R, Riethdorf S, Ward B, Zaidi S A, Stebbing J, Palmieri C, Sinnett H, Kulinskaya E, Pitfield T, McCormack R, Pantel K, Coombes R
BRIT J CANCER. 2009;100(1):160-166.
Genomic profiles associated with early micrometastasis in lung cancer: relevance of 4q deletion.
Wrage M, Ruosaari S, Eijk P, Kaifi J, Hollmén J, Yekebas E, Izbicki J, Brakenhoff R, Streichert T, Riethdorf S, Glatzel M, Ylstra B, Pantel K, Wikman H
CLIN CANCER RES. 2009;15(5):1566-1574.
Allelic imbalances of the egfr gene as key events in breast cancer progression--the concept of committed progenitor cells.
Agelopoulos K, Buerger H, Brandt B
CURR CANCER DRUG TAR. 2008;8(5):431-445.
[Different coexisting genotypes in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-468]
Agelopoulos K, Schmidt H, Korsching E, Buerger H, Brandt B
PATHOLOGE. 2008;29(2):333-337.
Circulating tumor cells and bone marrow micrometastasis.
Alix-Panabières C, Riethdorf S, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2008;14(16):5013-5021.
Elevated expression of carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM-1) is associated with increased angiogenic potential in non-small-cell lung cancer.
Dango S, Sienel W, Schreiber M, Stremmel C, Kirschbaum A, Pantel K, Passlick B
LUNG CANCER. 2008;60(3):426-433.
Translating genetic pathways to protein networks for cancer sub-typing.
Eltze E, Schmidt H, Semjonow A, Brandt B
ANN ONCOL. 2008;19(5):44-47.
Micrometastatic spread in breast cancer: detection, molecular characterization and clinical relevance.
Fehm T, Müller V, Alix-Panabières C, Pantel K
BREAST CANCER RES. 2008;10(1):1.
Glioblastoma-derived stem cell-enriched cultures form distinct subgroups according to molecular and phenotypic criteria.
Günther H, Schmidt N, Phillips H, Kemming D, Kharbanda S, Soriano R, Modrusan Z, Meissner H, Westphal M, Lamszus K
ONCOGENE. 2008;27(20):2897-2909.
Squalene epoxidase, located on chromosome 8q24.1, is upregulated in 8q+ breast cancer and indicates poor clinical outcome in stage I and II disease.
Helms M, Kemming D, Pospisil H, Vogt U, Buerger H, Korsching E, Liedtke C, Schlotter C, Wang A, Chan S, Brandt B
BRIT J CANCER. 2008;99(5):774-780.
Biological importance of a polymorphic CA sequence within intron 1 of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene (EGFR) in high grade central osteosarcomas.
Kersting C, Agelopoulos K, Schmidt H, Korsching E, August C, Gosheger G, Dirksen U, Juergens H, Winkelmann W, Brandt B, Bielack S, Buerger H, Gebert C
GENE CHROMOSOME CANC. 2008;47(8):657-664.
Prognostic significance of disseminated tumor cells in the bone marrow of prostate cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant hormone treatment.
Köllermann J, Weikert S, Schostak M, Kempkensteffen C, Kleinschmidt K, Rau T, Pantel K
J CLIN ONCOL. 2008;26(30):4928-4933.
Inhibition of glioblastoma growth in a highly invasive nude mouse model can be achieved by targeting epidermal growth factor receptor but not vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2.
Martens T, Laabs Y, Günther H, Kemming D, Zhu Z, Witte L, Hagel C, Westphal M, Lamszus K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2008;14(17):5447-5458.
Identification of loss of heterozygosity on circulating free DNA in peripheral blood of prostate cancer patients: potential and technical improvements.
Müller I, Beeger C, Alix-Panabières C, Rebillard X, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
CLIN CHEM. 2008;54(4):688-696.
HER2 as marker for the detection of circulating tumor cells.
Müller V, Pantel K
Molecular and genetic changes in asbestos-related lung cancer.
Nymark P, Wikman H, Hienonen-Kempas T, Anttila S
CANCER LETT. 2008;265(1):1-15.
Detection, clinical relevance and specific biological properties of disseminating tumour cells.
Pantel K, Brakenhoff R, Brandt B
NAT REV CANCER. 2008;8(5):329-340.
Disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow and circulating tumor cells in blood of breast cancer patients: current state of detection and characterization.
Riethdorf S, Pantel K
PATHOBIOLOGY. 2008;75(2):140-148.
Review: Biological relevance of disseminated tumor cells in cancer patients.
Riethdorf S, Wikman H, Pantel K
INT J CANCER. 2008;123(9):1991-2006.
Pathways affected by asbestos exposure in normal and tumour tissue of lung cancer patients.
Ruosaari S, Hienonen-Kempas T, Puustinen A, Sarhadi V, Hollmén J, Knuutila S, Saharinen J, Wikman H, Anttila S
BMC MED GENOMICS. 2008;1:55.
Molecular targeted therapies for breast cancer treatment.
Schlotter C, Vogt U, Allgayer H, Brandt B
BREAST CANCER RES. 2008;10(4):211.
A comparative study of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 levels in plasma and tumour tissue from patients with primary breast cancer and in plasma from patients with metastatic breast cancer.
Schrohl A, Müller V, Christensen I, Pantel K, Thomssen C, Bruenner N
TUMOR BIOL. 2008;29(3):181-187.
Microsatellite analysis of allelic imbalance in tumour and blood from patients with prostate cancer.
Schwarzenbach H, Chun F, Müller I, Seidel C, Urban K, Erbersdobler A, Huland H, Pantel K, Friedrich M
BJU INT. 2008;102(2):253-258.
Methods of cancer diagnosis, therapy and prognosis
Schwarzenbach H, Pantel K
2008. Methods of cancer diagnosis, therapy and prognosis. Springer, 481-497.
Detection and monitoring of cell-free DNA in blood of patients with colorectal cancer.
Schwarzenbach H, Stoehlmacher J, Pantel K, Goekkurt E
ANN NY ACAD SCI. 2008;1137:190-196.
Cancer micrometastasis and tumour dormancy.
Wikman H, Vessella R, Pantel K
APMIS. 2008;116(7-8):754-770.
Genome-wide microarray gene expression, array-CGH analysis, and telomerase activity in advanced ovarian endometriosis: a high degree of differentiation rather than malignant potential.
Zafrakas M, Tarlatzis B, Streichert T, Pournaropoulos F, Wölfle U, Smeets S, Wittek B, Grimbizis G, Brakenhoff R, Pantel K, Bontis J, Günes C
INT J MOL MED. 2008;21(3):335-344.
Egfr amplification specific gene expression in phyllodes tumours of the breast.
Agelopoulos K, Kersting C, Korsching E, Schmidt H, Kuijper A, August C, Wülfing P, Tio J, Boecker W, Diest v, Brandt B, Brandt B, Buerger H
MOL CELL ONCOL. 2007;29(6):443-451.
Current status in human breast cancer micrometastasis.
Alix-Panabières C, Müller V, Pantel K
CURR OPIN ONCOL. 2007;19(6):558-563.
Detection and characterization of putative metastatic precursor cells in cancer patients.
Alix-Panabières C, Vendrell J, Pellé O, Rebillard X, Riethdorf S, Müller V, Fabbro M, Pantel K
CLIN CHEM. 2007;53(3):537-539.
Cytokeratin alteration in oral leukoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Fillies T, Jogschies M, Kleinheinz J, Brandt B, Joos U, Buerger H
ONCOL REP. 2007;18(3):639-643.
Cell cycle regulating proteins p21 and p27 in prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinomas.
Fillies T, Woltering M, Brandt B, Jean-Paul V, Werkmeister R, Joos U, Buerger H
ONCOL REP. 2007;17(2):355-359.
Lymph node micrometastases in lung cancer.
Harms-Effenberger K, Sienel W, Pantel K
Cancer Treat Res. 2007;135:167-175.
Short tandem repeat polymorphism in exon 4 of esophageal cancer-related gene 2 detected in genomic DNA is a prognostic marker for esophageal cancer.
Kaifi J, Rawnaq T, Schurr P, Yekebas E, Mann O, Merkert P, Link B, Kalinin V, Pantel K, Sauter G, Strate T, Izbicki J
AM J SURG. 2007;194(3):380-384.
L1 is associated with micrometastatic spread and poor outcome in colorectal cancer.
Kaifi J, Reichelt U, Quaas A, Schurr P, Wachowiak R, Yekebas E, Strate T, Schneider C, Pantel K, Schachner M, Sauter G, Izbicki J
MODERN PATHOL. 2007;20(11):1183-1190.
Epidermal growth factor receptor expression in high-grade osteosarcomas is associated with a good clinical outcome.
Kersting C, Gebert C, Agelopoulos K, Schmidt H, Diest v, Paul J, Juergens H, Winkelmann W, Kevric M, Brandt B, Brandt B, Bielack S, Buerger H
CLIN CANCER RES. 2007;13(10):2998-3005.
Determination of microvessel density by quantitative real-time PCR in esophageal cancer: correlation with histologic methods, angiogenic growth factor expression, and lymph node metastasis.
Loges S, Clausen H, Reichelt U, Bubenheim M, Erbersdobler A, Schurr P, Yekebas E, Schuch G, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Bokemeyer C, Fiedler W
CLIN CANCER RES. 2007;13(1):76-80.
The clinical significance of circulating tumor cells.
Pantel K, Alix-Panabières C
NAT REV CLIN ONCOL. 2007;4(2):62-63.
Network modeling links breast cancer susceptibility and centrosome dysfunction.
Pujana M, Han J, Starita L, Stevens K, Tewari M, Ahn J, Rennert G, Moreno V, Kirchhoff T, Gold B, Assmann V, Elshamy W, Rual J, Levine D, Rozek L, Gelman R, Gunsalus K, Greenberg R, Sobhian B, Bertin N, Venkatesan K, Ayivi-Guedehoussou N, Solé X, Hernández P, Lázaro C, Nathanson K, Weber B, Cusick M, Hill D, Offit K, Livingston D, Gruber S, Parvin J, Vidal M
NAT GENET. 2007;39(11):1338-1349.
Detection of circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood of patients with metastatic breast cancer: a validation study of the CellSearch system.
Riethdorf S, Fritsche H, Müller V, Rau T, Schindlbeck C, Rack B, Janni W, Coith C, Beck K, Jänicke F, Jackson S, Gornet T, Cristofanilli M, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2007;13(3):920-928.
[Mapping of a deletion interval on 8p21-22 in prostate cancer by gene dosage PCR]
Schmidt H, Semjonow A, Csiszar K, Korsching E, Brandt B, Eltze E
Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol. 2007;91:302-307.
Central mesenteric lymph node BER-Ep4+ cells in colorectal cancer: challenge to sentinel node concept?
Schurr P, Behnke S, Kaifi J, Bogoevski D, Link B, Mann O, Strate T, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Yekebas E
DIGEST SURG. 2007;24(1):19-27.
Detection of tumor-specific DNA in blood and bone marrow plasma from patients with prostate cancer.
Schwarzenbach H, Chun F, Lange I, Carpenter S, Gottberg M, Erbersdobler A, Friedrich M, Huland H, Pantel K
INT J CANCER. 2007;120(7):1465-1471.
A critical evaluation of loss of heterozygosity detected in tumor tissues, blood serum and bone marrow plasma from patients with breast cancer.
Schwarzenbach H, Müller V, Beeger C, Gottberg M, Stahmann N, Pantel K
BREAST CANCER RES. 2007;9(5):66.
Detection of MAGE-A transcripts in bone marrow is an independent prognostic factor in operable non-small-cell lung cancer.
Sienel W, Mecklenburg I, Dango S, Ehrhardt P, Kirschbaum A, Passlick B, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2007;13(13):3840-3847.
Tumor cell dormancy: an NCI workshop report.
Vessella R, Pantel K, Mohla S
CANCER BIOL THER. 2007;6(9):1496-1504.
Similar patterns of loss of heterozygosity in serum of adenocarcinoma of the distal oesophagus and the cardia in early diagnosis.
Wachowiak R, Kaifi J, Schurr P, Merkert P, Yekebas E, Schwarzenbach H, Strate T, Sauter G, Izbicki J
ANTICANCER RES. 2007;27(1):477-481.
Microsatellite analysis in serum DNA as a diagnostic tool for distinction of patients with unknown pancreatic masses.
Wachowiak R, Kaifi J, Schwarzenbach H, Yekebas E, Merkert P, Schurr P, Hansen B, Reichelt U, Strate T, Pantel K, Izbicki J
DIAGN MOL PATHOL. 2007;16(3):174-178.
Gene expression and copy number profiling suggests the importance of allelic imbalance in 19p in asbestos-associated lung cancer.
Wikman H, Ruosaari S, Nymark P, Sarhadi V, Saharinen J, Vanhala E, Karjalainen A, Hollmén J, Knuutila S, Anttila S
ONCOGENE. 2007;26(32):4730-4737.
Methyl-CpG binding domain proteins and their involvement in the regulation of the MAGE-A1, MAGE-A2, MAGE-A3, and MAGE-A12 gene promoters.
Wischnewski F, Friese O, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
MOL CANCER RES. 2007;5(7):749-759.
Circulating tumour-associated plasma DNA represents an independent and informative predictor of prostate cancer.
Chun F, Müller I, Lange I, Friedrich M, Erbersdobler A, Karakiewicz P, Graefen M, Pantel K, Huland H, Schwarzenbach H
BJU INT. 2006;98(3):544-548.
Prognostic and predictive effects of immunohistochemical factors in high-risk primary breast cancer patients.
Kröger N, Milde-Langosch K, Riethdorf S, Schmoor C, Schumacher M, Zander A, Löning T
CLIN CANCER RES. 2006;12(1):159-168.
Comparison of genetic alterations detected in circulating microsatellite DNA in blood plasma samples of patients with prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Müller I, Urban K, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
ANN NY ACAD SCI. 2006;1075:222-229.
Expression of CD83 is regulated by HuR via a novel cis-active coding region RNA element.
Prechtel A, Chemnitz J, Schirmer S, Ehlers C, Langbein-Detsch I, Stülke J, Dabauvalle M, Kehlenbach R, Hauber J
J BIOL CHEM. 2006;281(16):10912-10925.
High incidence of EMMPRIN expression in human tumors.
Riethdorf S, Reimers N, Assmann V, Kornfeld J, Terracciano L, Sauter G, Pantel K
INT J CANCER. 2006;119(8):1800-1810.
Promoter demethylation and histone acetylation mediate gene expression of MAGE-A1, -A2, -A3, and -A12 in human cancer cells.
Wischnewski F, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
MOL CANCER RES. 2006;4(5):339-349.
Pro-sequence and Ca2+-binding: implications for folding and maturation of Ntn-hydrolase penicillin amidase from E. coli.
Ignatova Z, Wischnewski F, Notbohm H, Kasche V
J MOL BIOL. 2005;348(4):999-1014.
The persistence of isolated tumor cells in bone marrow from patients with breast carcinoma predicts an increased risk for recurrence
Janni W, Rack B, Schindlbeck C, Strobl B, Rjosk D, Braun S, Sommer H, Pantel K, Gerber B, Friese K
CANCER-AM CANCER SOC. 2005;103(5):884-91.
Detection of human telomerase RNA in the tumour-surrounding mucosa of bladder carcinomas as a marker for premalignant transformation.
Leuenroth S, Riethdorf S, Erbersdobler A, Riethdorf L, Löning T, Huland H, Friedrich M
BJU INT. 2005;96(4):553-557.
Circulating tumor cells in breast cancer: correlation to bone marrow micrometastases, heterogeneous response to systemic therapy and low proliferative activity.
Müller V, Stahmann N, Riethdorf S, Rau T, Zabel T, Goetz A, Jänicke F, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2005;11(10):3678-3685.
A novel transgenic mouse model reveals humanlike regulation of an 8-kbp human TERT gene promoter fragment in normal and tumor tissues.
Ritz J, Kühle O, Riethdorf S, Sipos B, Deppert W, Englert C, Günes C
CANCER RES. 2005;65(4):1187-1196.
Changes in cytoskeletal protein composition indicative of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human micrometastatic and primary breast carcinoma cells.
Willipinski-Stapelfeldt B, Riethdorf S, Assmann V, Woelfle U, Rau T, Sauter G, Heukeshoven J, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2005;11(22):8006-8014.
Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection and Micrometastasis Detection in Bone Marrow and Lymph Nodes: Molecular Oncology of Breast Cancer
Müller V, Kasimir-Bauer S, Pantel K
2004. Molecular Oncology of Breast Cancer. Ross J, Hortobagyi G (eds.). Jones and Bartlett, 117-127.
Expression of extracellular matrix metalloproteases inducer on micrometastatic and primary mammary carcinoma cells.
Reimers N, Zafrakas K, Assmann V, Egen C, Riethdorf L, Riethdorf S, Berger J, Ebel S, Jänicke F, Sauter G, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2004;10(10):3422-3428.
p16INK4A expression as biomarker for HPV 16-related vulvar neoplasias.
Riethdorf S, Neffen E, Cviko A, Löning T, Crum C, Riethdorf L
HUM PATHOL. 2004;35(12):1477-1483.
Detection and characterization of circulating microsatellite-DNA in blood of patients with breast cancer
Schwarzenbach H, Müller V, Stahmann N, Pantel K
ANN NY ACAD SCI. 2004;1022:25-32.
Detection and characterisation of occult metastatic cells in bone marrow of breast cancer patients: Micrometastasis
Braun S, Müller V, Pantel K
2003. Micrometastasis. Pantel K (eds.). Kluwer Academic Press, 47-66.
Comparative evaluation of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor expression in primary breast carcinomas and on metastatic tumor cells
Hemsen A, Riethdorf L, Brünner N, Berger J, Ebel S, Thomssen C, Jänicke F, Pantel K
INT J CANCER. 2003;107(6):903-9.
FosB is highly expressed in normal mammary epithelia, but down-regulated in poorly differentiated breast carcinomas.
Milde-Langosch K, Kappes H, Riethdorf S, Löning T, Bamberger A
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2003;77(3):265-275.
Role of cell-cycle regulatory proteins in gynecological cancer.
Milde-Langosch K, Riethdorf S
J CELL PHYSIOL. 2003;196(2):224-244.
Clinical Relevance of Micrometastatic Disease in Patients with Solid Tumors
Muller V, Pantel K
AM J CANCER. 2003;2(2):77-86.
Clonal expansion and HPV-induced immortalization are early molecular alterations in cervical carcinogenesis.
Park T, Riethdorf S, Schulz G, Riethdorf L, Wright T, Löning T
ANTICANCER RES. 2003;23(1):155-160.
Gonadotropin-mediated regulation of the murine VEGF expression in MA-10 Leydig cells
Schwarzenbach H, Chakrabarti G, Paust H, Mukhopadhyay A
J ANDROL. 2003;25(1):128-39.
Stimulatory effect of progesterone on the expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein in MA-10 Leydig cells
Schwarzenbach H, Manna P, Stocco D, Chakrabarti G, Mukhopadhyay A
BIOL REPROD. 2003;68(3):1054-63.
Rare expression of epithelial cell adhesion molecule on residual micrometastatic breast cancer cells after adjuvant chemotherapy.
Thurm H, Ebel S, Kentenich C, Hemsen A, Riethdorf S, Coith C, Wallwiener D, Braun S, Oberhoff C, Jänicke F, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2003;9(7):2598-2604.
Correlation on serum HER-2/neu extracellular domain levels in metastatic breast cancer with the expression of HER-2/neu determined by immunohistochemistry in primary tumors
Witzel I, Thomssen C, Pantel K, Neumann R, Carney W, Loening T, Jaenicke F, Müller V
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2003;82, Suppl. 1:S 143.
Human papillomaviruses, expression of p16, and early endocervical glandular neoplasia.
Riethdorf L, Riethdorf S, Lee K, Cviko A, Löning T, Crum C
HUM PATHOL. 2002;33(9):899-904.
A diagnostic tool for monitoring multidrug resistance expression in human tumor tissues
Schwarzenbach H
ANAL BIOCHEM. 2002;308(1):26-33.
Expression of MDR1/P-glycoprotein, the multidrug resistance protein MRP, and the lung-resistance protein LRP in multiple myeloma
Schwarzenbach H
MED ONCOL. 2002;19(2):87-104.
Cytoplasmic localization of wild-type p53 in glioblastomas correlates with expression of vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein
Sembritzki O, Hagel C, Lamszus K, Deppert W, Bohn W
NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2002;4(3):171-8.
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