Scientific Training at UCCH
The numerous laboratories and medical departments of the University Cancer Center Hamburg (UCCH) provide a wealth of training opportunities for medical and science graduate students, early-career physicians, postdoctoral fellows and technical specialists.
Hamburg School of Oncology
The “Hamburg School of Oncology” offers training measures for UCCH early-career scientists (students and doctoral students of life sciences or medicine, postdoctoral fellows and junior physicians) who are particularly interested in translational cancer research. The various modules offered by the "Hamburg School of Oncology" provide young researchers with a better understanding of translational science and with impulses for possible adaptions of their own current or future research for maximum clinical impact.
Furthermore participation in the modules offered by the "Hamburg School of Oncology" is a great opportunity to widen one’s horizon and to network with researchers and clinicians in the field of translational cancer medicine. The modules can be attended concomitantly to one’s regular lab work. As participation is limited in most of the modules registration is mandatory. Please scroll down for all further details (curriculum, registration process, certification).
Dr. Natascha Kömm (
Module I: Clinic Visits
Module I: Clinic Visits
A special and central feature of the curriculum is the module “Clinic Visits” that facilitates first-hand insight into the clinical perspective in cancer medicine and a unique opportunity to move ‘from bench to bedside’. Attendees of this module visit UCCH wards for one or two days and accompany the ward’s clinicians during their daily work and thereby directly get in touch with cancer patients.
If you wish to attend the module “Clinic Visits”, please note that a good knowledge of the German language is advantageous as this is the common spoken language on the wards, in tumor boards etc. A further requirement due to safety reasons is a Hepatitis B vaccination.
Participating UCCH Departments:
Dept. of Oncology and Hematology
Dept. of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Dept. of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology
It is possible to attend this module at any time during the course of the year. If you wish to register for the module "Clinic Visits" please send an e-mail to n.koemm@uke.de as described in detail under "Registration" (see further below). After your admission for the module the individual date for your “Clinic Visit” has to be agreed with the hosting department.
Module II: Lab Rotations
Module II: Lab Rotations
Attendees of the module “Lab Rotations” get the opportunity to rotate to another UCCH lab in order to be advised in a special method or on a special technical device which should ideally be of use for one’s own research project. The duration of the rotation should be approx. 1 week.
Participating UCCH Labs:
Gorzelanny / Huck Lab (Rheology in Tumor Metastasis)
Huber Lab (Control of CD4+ Helper Cells)
Kluwe Lab (Tumor Genetics)
Kriegs Lab (Signal Transduction and Molecular Targeting)
Lamszus Lab (Brain Tumor Biology)
Mansour Lab (Regulation of DNA Double Strand Break Repair in Tumors)
Schlüter Lab (Mass Spectrometric Proteomics)
Schüller Lab (Developmental Neurobiology and Pediatric Neuro-oncology)
Wikman Lab (Characterization of Metastasis-associated Genes)
Windhorst Lab (Cytoskeletal Dynamics)
For detailed information on the the variety of methods offered by the participating labs please see the following overview which is provided for download:
It is possible to attend this module at any time during the course of the year. If you wish to register for the module "Lab Rotations" please send an e-mail to n.koemm@uke.de as described in detail under "Registration" (see further below). After your admission for the module the individual date for your “Lab Rotation” has to be agreed with the hosting lab.
Module III: Journal Club
Module III: Journal Club
Attendees of the module „Journal Club“ individually select and present publications from the field of translational cancer research. The publications are presented in English via PowerPoint slides and are subsequently discussed by all Journal Club participants under supervision of the module coordinator.
If you wish to register for the module “Journal Club” you commit yourself to attend it on a regular basis. The Journal Club takes place monthly on Tuesdays, 12:30 to 13:30 as on-site meetings in Campus Forschung or Campus Lehre or virtually via Zoom.
It is possible to join the Journal Club at any time during the course of the year.
If you wish to register for the Journal Club please contact the coordinator.
Journal Club Coordination:
Dr. Natascha Kömm (
+49 (0) 40 7410 - 57932 , n.koemm@uke.de )
Details on the registration process
Please send your registration via e-mail to n.koemm@uke.de in English or German. Your registration e-mail should include the following information:
- Which module(s) do you wish to register for? (It is possible to select a single module or to attend a selection of modules.)
- For the modules "Clinic Visits" and "Lab Rotations": Please choose a department/lab that you wish to visit
- Your full name and title
- Your affiliation (department) and position (PhD student, PostDoc, etc.)
- Your contact data (phone number and e-mail address)
- The name of your PI
- For the module "Clinic Visits": A brief declaration that you received a Hepatitis B vaccination
Details on certification
Confirmations of participation in the modules offered by the "Hamburg School of Oncology" are issued on request only. If you wish to have your participation in one or several modules confirmed, you may contact Dr. Natascha Kömm via e-mail ( n.koemm@uke.de ).