Welcome to the Fundraising Office

  • Do you have questions about donating to the UKE?

  • Do you need a donation receipt?

  • Do you have questions about your donation?

  • Would you like to support the UKE but need advice on how to do so?

This office is the point of contact for staff from all departments, institutes and projects and is responsible for handling all questions relating to donations and fundraising activities. Our staff also provide advice, support and coordination.

The Office for Fundraising is responsible for all bequests to the UKE. We are equipped to manage the entire process, from the liquidation of an estate to the maintenance of a grave. We ensure that any funds left to UKE are used in strict accordance with the wishes of the deceased.

Petra Gilb-Julié

Leitung Stabsstelle Fundraising

Telefon +49 (0) 40 7410 58384

E-Mail p.gilb-julie@uke.de

Gabriele Holst

Leitung Stabsstelle Fundraising

Telefon +49 (0) 40 7410 58263

E-Mail g.holst@uke.de

  • Patient services
    postal address


    Ärztliche Direktion

    Stabsstelle Fundraising

    Martinistraße 52

    20246 Hamburg

  • Avenue
    Office address

    Building Ost 35

    1. OG, Room 127/128

  • Donations
    donation account

    UKE gemeinnützige GmbH

    Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse

    IBAN: DE54 2005 0550 1234 3636 36