ERC Synergy Grant
Microglia control of physiological brain states (Micro-COPS)
Press release about the grant for Thomas Oertner (in German)
Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1328
Adenine Nucleotides in Immunity and Inflammation
Astrocytic cAMP signaling in neuroinflammation Christine Gee und Christian Lohr
Priority Programme SPP 2395
Local and Peripheral Drivers of Microglial Diversity and Function
Microglial-neuronal interaction in the recovery phase of cerebral ischemia
Tim Magnus & Thomas G. Oertner
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
cAMP-dependend plasticity of striatal projection neurons in health and disease (SCAMPICITY)
Tim Fieblinger
DFG Research Group FOR 2419
Plasticity versus Stability - Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Strength
Synaptic plasticity: Impact on network stability and role of spine endoplasmic reticulum Thomas Oertner und Christine Gee
Synaptic plasticity and stability in the context of hippocampal information processing Simon Wiegert
DFG Priority Programme SPP 1926
Next Generation Optogenetics: Tool Development and Application
Development of next-generation light-gated inhibitory ion channels to probe somatosensory integration in the Drosophila nociceptive circuit in vivo Peter Soba and Simon Wiegert
DFG Priority Programme SPP 1665
Resolving and manipulating neuronal networks in the mammalian brain - from correlative to causal analysis
Optogenetic dissection of the developing prefrontal-hippocampal circuitry that gates mnemonic and executive maturation Thomas Oertner
Collaborative Research Centre SFB 936
Multi-site interactions during development, plasticity and learning
Communication between hippocampus and entorhinal cortex during formation and recall of spatial memories
Fabio Morellini. ZMNH Behavioral Biology Unit
Thomas Oertner, Institute of Synaptic Physiology
Individual researchers in our institute are supported by
the Federal State of Hamburg (Landesforschungsförderung)
the Marie Curie Actions research fellowship program
an EMBO long-term fellowship.
a CONACYT postgraduate fellowship