Selected Publications
Anisimova M, Lamothe-Molina PJ, Franzelin A, Aberra AS, Hoppa MB, Gee CE, Oertner TG (2023) Neuronal FOS reports synchronized activity of presynaptic neurons. bioRxiv 2023.09.04.556168.
Lamothe-Molina PJ, Franzelin A, Beck L, Li D, Auksutat L, Fieblinger T, Laprell L, Ahlbeck J, Gee CE, Kneussel M, Engel AK, Hilgetag CC, Morellini F, Oertner TG (2022) ΔFosB accumulation in hippocampal granule cells drives cFos pattern separation during spatial learning. Nat Commun. 13(1):6376.
Anisimova M, van Bommel B, Wang R, Mikhaylova M, Wiegert JS, Oertner TG, Gee CE (2022) Spike-timing-dependent plasticity rewards synchrony rather than causality. Cereb Cortex 33(1):23-34.
Dürst CD, Wiegert JS, Schulze C, Helassa N, Török K, Oertner TG (2022) Vesicular release probability sets the strength of individual Schaffer collateral synapses. Nat Commun. 13(1):6126.
Fieblinger T, Perez-Alvarez A, Lamothe-Molina PJ, Gee CE, Oertner TG (2022) Presynaptic cGMP sets synaptic strength in the striatum and is important for motor learning. EMBO Rep. 23(8):e54361.
Yang S, Constantin OM, Sachidanandan D, Hofmann H, Kunz TC, Kozjak-Pavlovic V, Oertner TG, Nagel G, Kittel RJ, Gee CE, Gao S (2021) PACmn for improved optogenetic control of intracellular cAMP. BMC BIOL. 2021 Oct 18;19(1):227
Perez-Alvarez A, Yin S, Schulze C, Hammer JA, Wagner W, Oertner TG (2020) Endoplasmic reticulum visits highly active spines and prevents runaway potentiation of synapses. Nat Commun 11:5083.
Perez-Alvarez A*, Fearey BC*, O'Toole RJ, Yang W, Arganda-Carreras I, Lamothe-Molina PJ, Moeyaert B, Mohr MA, Panzera LC, Schulze C, Schreiter ER, Wiegert JS, Gee CE, Hoppa MB, Oertner TG (2020) Freeze-frame imaging of synaptic activity using SynTagMA. Nature Comm 11:2464 *equal contribution
Wiegert JS, Pulin M, Gee CE, Oertner TG (2018) The fate of hippocampal synapses depends on the sequence of plasticity-inducing events. Elife 7:e39151
Takahashi N, Oertner TG, Hegemann P, Larkum ME (2016) Active cortical dendrites modulate perception. Science 354: 1587-1590
Publications 2024
Bär J, Fanutza T, Reimann CC, Seipold L, Grohe M, Bolter JR, Delfs F, Bucher M, Gee CE, Schweizer M, Saftig P, Mikhaylova M (2024) Non-canonical function of ADAM10 in presynaptic plasticity. Cell Mol Life Sci. 81(1):342.
Bitar L, Puig B, Oertner TG, Dénes Á, Magnus T (2024) Changes in Neuroimmunological Synapses During Cerebral Ischemia. Transl Stroke Res. doi: 10.1007/s12975-024-01286-1.
Lombino FL, Schwarz JR, Pechmann Y, Schweizer M, Jark R, Stange O, Glatzel M, Gee CE, Hausrat TJ, Gromova KV, Kneussel M (2024) Functional Inhibition of Katanin Affects Synaptic Plasticity. J Neurosci. 44(13):e0374232023.
Vepřek NA, Cooper MH, Laprell L, Yang EJ, Folkerts S, Bao R, Boczkowska M, Palmer NJ, Dominguez R, Oertner TG, Pon LA, Zuchero JB, Trauner DH (2024) Optical Control of G-Actin with a Photoswitchable Latrunculin. J Am Chem Soc. 146(13):8895-8903.
Publications 2023
Gromova KV, Thies E, Janiesch PC, Lützenkirchen FP, Zhu Y, Stajano D, Dürst CD, Schweizer M, Konietzny A, Mikhaylova M, Gee CE, Kneussel M (2023) The kinesin Kif21b binds myosin Va and mediates changes in actin dynamics underlying homeostatic synaptic downscaling. Cell Rep. 42(7):112743.
Wendlandt M, Kürten AJ, Beiersdorfer A, Schubert C, Samad-Yazdtchi K, Sauer J, Pinto MC, Schulz K, Friese MA, Gee CE, Hirnet D, Lohr C (2023) A2A adenosine receptor-driven cAMP signaling in olfactory bulb astrocytes is unaffected in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Front Immunol. 14:1273837.
Publications 2022
Lamothe-Molina PJ, Franzelin A, Beck L, Li D, Auksutat L, Fieblinger T, Laprell L, Ahlbeck J, Gee CE, Kneussel M, Engel AK, Hilgetag CC, Morellini F, Oertner TG (2022) ΔFosB accumulation in hippocampal granule cells drives cFos pattern separation during spatial learning. Nat Commun. 13(1):6376.
Anisimova M, van Bommel B, Wang R, Mikhaylova M, Wiegert JS, Oertner TG, Gee CE (2022) Spike-timing-dependent plasticity rewards synchrony rather than causality. Cereb Cortex 33(1):23-34.
Dürst CD, Wiegert JS, Schulze C, Helassa N, Török K, Oertner TG (2022) Vesicular release probability sets the strength of individual Schaffer collateral synapses. Nat Commun. 13(1):6126.
Fieblinger T, Perez-Alvarez A, Lamothe-Molina PJ, Gee CE, Oertner TG (2022) Presynaptic cGMP sets synaptic strength in the striatum and is important for motor learning. EMBO Rep. 23(8):e54361.
Chen F, Duan X, Yu Y, Yang S, Chen Y, Gee CE, Nagel G, Zhang K, Gao S, Shen Y (2022) Visual function restoration with a highly sensitive and fast Channelrhodopsin in blind mice. SIGNAL TRANSDUCT TAR. 7, 1, S. 104
Fearey BC, Binkle L, Mensching D, Schulze C, Lohr C, Friese MA, Oertner TG, Gee CE (2022) A glibenclamide-sensitive TRPM4-mediated component of CA1 excitatory postsynaptic potentials appears in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. SCI REP-UK. 12, 1, S. 6000
Wagdi A, Malan D, Sathyanarayanan U, Beauchamp JS, Vogt M, Zipf D, Beiert T, Mansuroglu B, Dusend V, Meininghaus M, Schneider L, Kalthof B, Wiegert JS, König GM, Kostenis E, Patejdl R, Sasse P, Bruegmann T (2022) Selective optogenetic control of Gq signaling using human Neuropsin. NAT COMMUN. 13, 1, S. 1765
Formozov A, Chini M, Dieter A, Yang W, Pöpplau JA, Hanganu-Opatz IL, Wiegert JS (2022) Calcium Imaging and Electrophysiology of hippocampal Activity under Anesthesia and natural Sleep in Mice. SCI DATA. 9, 1, S. 113
Rodriguez-Rozada S, Wietek J, Tenedini FM, Sauter K, Hegemann P, Soba P, Wiegert JS (2022) Temporally extended and reversible neuronal silencing with Aion. bioRxiv
Anisimova M, van Bommel B, Wang R, Mikhaylova M, Wiegert JS, Oertner TG, Gee CE (2022) Spike-timing-dependent plasticity rewards synchrony rather than causality. CEREB CORTEX. 2022, 00, S. 1-12 doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac050.
Pulin M, Stockhausen KE, Masseck OA, Kubitschke M, Busse B, Wiegert JS, Oertner TG (2022) Orthogonally-polarized excitation for improved two-photon and second-harmonic-generation microscopy, applied to neurotransmitter imaging with GPCR-based sensors. BIOMED OPT EXPRESS. 13, 2, S. 777-790 14 S.
Wissing C, Maheu M, Wiegert S, Dieter A (2022) Targeting Noradrenergic Neurons of the Locus Coeruleus: A Comparison of Model Systems and Strategies. bioRxiv
Formozov A, Dieter A, Wiegert JS (2022) A flexible and versatile system for multicolor fiber photometry and optogenetic manipulation. bioRxiv 2022.03.16.484590.
Dürst CD, Oertner TG, 2022, Synaptic Vesicles: Methods in Molecular Biology. Dahlmanns J, Dahlmanns M (2022) Imaging Synaptic Glutamate Release with Two-Photon Microscopy in Organotypic Slice Cultures. (Hrsg.). HUMANA PRESS INC, Band 2417. S. 205-219 15 S. (Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)).
Publications 2021
Stüdemann T, Rössinger J, Manthey C, Geertz B, Srikantharajah R, Bibra CV, Shibamiya A, Köhne M, Wiehler A, Wiegert JS, Eschenhagen T, Weinberger F (2021) Contractile force of transplanted cardiomyocytes contributes to heart function after injury. bioRxiv.
Yang S, Constantin OM, Sachidanandan D, Hofmann H, Kunz TC, Kozjak-Pavlovic V, Oertner TG, Nagel G, Kittel RJ, Gee CE, Gao S (2021) PACmn for improved optogenetic control of intracellular cAMP. BMC BIOL. 2021 Oct 18;19(1):227
Nicolas C, Ju A, Wu Y, Eldirdiri H, Delcasso S, Jacky D, Supiot L, Fornari C, Vérité A, Masson M, Rodriguez-Rozada S, Wiegert JS, Beyeler A (2021) Linking emotional valence and anxiety in a mouse insula-amygdala circuit. bioRxiv.
Gee CE, Oertner TG (2021) Photoactivatable CaMKII: Rewiring the Brain, One Synapse at a Time. Trends Neurosci 2021 Apr;44(4):246-247.
Perez-Alvarez A, Huhn F, Dürst CD, Franzelin A, Lamothe-Molina PJ, Oertner TG (2021) Freeze-Frame Imaging of Dendritic Calcium Signals With TubuTag. FRONT MOL NEUROSCI. 14, S. 635820 635820.
Laprell L, Schulze C, Brehme M-L, Oertner TG (2021) Correction to: The role of microglia membrane potentialin chemotaxis. J NEUROINFLAMM. 18, 1, S. 33
Laprell L, Schulze C, Brehme M-L, Oertner TG (2021) The role of microglia membrane potential in chemotaxis. J NEUROINFLAMM. 18, 1, 21.
Fieblinger T (2021) Striatal Control of Movement: A Role for New Neuronal (Sub-) Populations? FRONT HUM NEUROSCI. 15, 697284.
Lohr C, Beiersdorfer A, Fischer T, Hirnet D, Rotermund N, Sauer J, Schulz K, Gee CE (2021) Using Genetically Encoded Calcium Indicators to Study Astrocyte Physiology: A Field Guide. FRONT CELL NEUROSCI. 15, 690147.
Publications 2020
Dürst C, Wiegert JS, Schulze C, Helassa N, Torok K, Oertner TG (2020) The vesicular release probability sets the strength of individual Schaffer collateral synapses. bioRxiv.
Mitlöhner J, Kaushik R, Niekisch H, Blondiaux A, Gee CE, Happel MFK, Gundelfinger E, Dityatev A, Frischknecht R, Seidenbecher C (2020) Dopamine receptor activation modulates the integrity of the perisynaptic extracellular matrix at excitatory synapses. Cells 9:260.
Perez-Alvarez A, Yin S, Schulze C, Hammer JA, Wagner W, Oertner TG (2020) Endoplasmic reticulum visits highly active spines and prevents runaway potentiation of synapses. Nat Commun 11:5083.
Perez-Alvarez A*, Fearey B*, Schulze C, O'Toole RJ, Moeyaert B, Mohr MA, Arganda-Carreras I, Yang W, Wiegert JS, Schreiter ER, Gee CE, Hoppa MB, Oertner TG (2020) Freeze-frame imaging of synaptic activity using SynTagMA. Nature Comm 11:2464 *equal contribution
Publications 2019
Anisimova M, van Bommel Bas, Wiegert JS, Mikhaylova M, Oertner TG, Gee CE (2019) Long vs short-term synaptic learning rules after optogenetic spike-timing-dependent plasticity. bioRxiv 863365; doi:
Binder S, Mölle M, Lippert M, Bruder R, Aksamaz S, Ohl F, Wiegert JS, Marshall L (2019) Monosynaptic hippocampal-prefrontal projections contribute to spatial memory consolidation in mice. J Neurosci 39:6978-6991.
Dürst CD, Wiegert JS, Helassa N, Kerruth S, Coates C, Schulze C, Geeves MA, Török K, Oertner TG (2019) High-speed imaging of glutamate release with genetically encoded sensors. Nature Protocols 14:1401-1424.
Hüll K, Benster T, Manookin MB, Trauner D, Van Gelder RN, Laprell L (2019) Photopharmacologic vision restoration reduces pathological rhythmic field potentials in blind mouse retina. Sci Rep 9:13561.
Kerruth S, Coates C, Durst CD, Oertner TG, Torok K (2019) The kinetic mechanisms of fast-decay red-fluorescent genetically encoded calcium indicators. J Biol Chem 294:3934-3946.
Konietzny A, Gonzalez-Gallego J, Bar J, Perez-Alvarez A, Drakew A, Demmers JAA, Dekkers DHW, Hammer JA, 3rd, Frotscher M, Oertner TG, Wagner W, Kneussel M, Mikhaylova M (2019) Myosin V regulates synaptopodin clustering and localization in the dendrites of hippocampal neurons. J Cell Sci 132:jcs230177.
Oppermann J, Fischer P, Silapetere A, Liepe B, Rodriguez-Rozada S, Flores-Uribe J, Peter E, Keidel A, Vierock J, Kaufmann J, Broser M, Luck M, Bartl F, Hildebrandt P, Wiegert JS, Béjà O, Hegemann P, Wietek J (2019) MerMAIDs: a family of metagenomically discovered marine anion-conducting and intensely desensitizing channelrhodopsins. Nat Commun 10:3315.
Trads JB, Hüll K, Matsuura BS, Laprell L, Fehrentz T, Görldt N, Kozek KA, Weaver CD, Klöcker N, Barber DM, Trauner D (2019) Sign Inversion in Photopharmacology: Incorporation of Cyclic Azobenzenes in Photoswitchable Potassium Channel Blockers and Openers. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 58:15421-15428.
Yizhar O, Wiegert JS (2019) Designer drugs for designer receptors: unlocking the translational potential of chemogenetics. Trends Pharmacol Sci 40:362-364.
Publications 2018
Beck S, Yu-Strzelczyk J, Pauls D, Constantin OM, Gee CE, Ehmann N, Kittel RJ, Nagel G, Gao S (2018) Synthetic Light-Activated Ion Channels for Optogenetic Activation and Inhibition. Front Neurosci 12:643.
Gromova KV, Muhia M, Rothammer N, Gee, CE, Thies E, Schaefer I, Kress S, Kilimann MW, Shevchuk O, Oertner TG, Kneussel M (2018) Neurobeachin and the Kinesin KIF21B are critical for Endocytic Recycling of NMDA Receptors and Regulate Social Behavior. Cell Reports 23:2705–2717.
Helassa N, Dürst CD, Coates C, Arif U, Schulze C, Wiegert JS, Geeves M, Oertner TG, Török K (2018) Ultrafast glutamate sensors resolve high-frequency release at Schaffer collateral synapses. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115:5594-5599.
Moeyaert B, Holt G, Madangopal R, Perez-Alvarez A, Fearey BC, Trojanowski NF, Ledderose J, Zolnik TA, Das A, Patel D, Brown TA, Sachdev RNS, Eickholt BJ, Larkum ME, Turrigiano GG, Dana H, Gee CE, Oertner TG, Hope BT, Schreiter ER (2018) Improved methods for marking active neuron populations. Nat Commun 9:4440.
Scheib U, Broser M, Constantin OM, Yang S, Gao S, Mukherjee S, Stehfest K, Nagel G, Gee CE*, Hegemann P* (2018) Rhodopsin-cyclases for photocontrol of cGMP/cAMP and 2.3 Å structure of the adenylyl cyclase domain. Nat Commun 9:2046 *equal contribution
Wiegert JS, Pulin M, Gee CE, Oertner TG (2018) The fate of hippocampal synapses depends on the sequence of plasticity-inducing events. Elife 7:e39151
Institute -
Publications 2017
Bitzenhofer SH, Ahlbeck J, Wolff A, Wiegert JS, Gee CE, Oertner TG, Hanganu-Opatz IL (2017) Layer-specific optogenetic activation of pyramidal neurons causes beta-gamma entrainment of neonatal networks. Nat Commun. 8:14563.
Wiegert JS, Gee CE, Oertner TG (2017) Stimulating Neurons with Heterologously Expressed Light-Gated Ion Channels. Cold Spring Harb Protoc. (2):pdb.top089714.
Wiegert JS, Gee CE, Oertner TG (2017) Single-Cell Electroporation of Neurons. Cold Spring Harb Protoc. (2):pdb.prot094904.
Wiegert JS, Gee CE, Oertner TG (2017) Viral Vector-Based Transduction of Slice Cultures. Cold Spring Harb Protoc. (2):pdb.prot.094896.
Gee CE, Ohmert I, Wiegert JS, Oertner TG (2017) Preparation of Slice Cultures from Rodent Hippocampus. Cold Spring Harb Protoc. (2):pdb.prot094888.
Publications 2016
Bender RA, Zhou L, Vierk R, Brandt N, Keller A, Gee CE, Schäfer MK, Rune GM (2016) Sex-dependent regulation of aromatase-mediated synaptic plasticity in the basolateral amygdala. J Neurosci. 1532-16.
Takahashi N, Oertner TG, Hegemann P, Larkum ME (2016) Active cortical dendrites modulate perception. Science 354: 1587-1590.
Wiegert JS, Oertner TG (2016) How (not) to silence long-range projections with light. (News & Views) Nature Neuroscience 19, 527-528.
Gee CE, Oertner TG (2016) Neurobiology: Pull out the stops for plasticity. (News & Views) Nature 529(7585):164-5.
Wiegert JS, Gee CE, Ohmert I, Oertner TG (2016) Stimulating neurons with light-gated channels. The Ion Channel Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Press. ISBN 978-1-621821-20-5
Hernandez-Garzón E, Fernandez AM, Perez-Alvarez A, Genis L, Bascuñana P, Fernandez de la Rosa R, Delgado M, Angel Pozo M, Moreno E, McCormick PJ, Santi A, Trueba-Saiz A, Garcia-Caceres C, Tschöp MH, Araque A, Martin ED, Torres Aleman I.The insulin-like growth factor I receptor regulates glucose transport by astrocytes.Glia.2016 Jul 27. doi: 10.1002/glia.23035.
Ana M. Fernandez, Edwin Hernandez-Garzón, P. Perez-Domper, Alberto PerezAlvarez, Sara Mederos, Takashi Matsui, Andrea Santi, Lucía García-Guerra,Julia Pose-Utrilla, Jens Fielitz, Eric N. Olson, Ruben Fernandez de la Rosa, Luis GarciaGarcia, Miguel Angel Pozo, Teresa Iglesias, Alfonso Araque, Hideaki Soya, GertrudisPerea, Eduardo D. Martin, Ignacio Torres Aleman. INSULIN REGULATES ASTROCYTIC GLUCOSE HANDLING THROUGH COOPERATION WITH INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTOR I; Diabetes (In press, noch nicht in Pubmed)
Publications 2015
Wietek J, Beltramo R, Scanziani M, Hegemann P, Oertner TG, Wiegert JS (2015) An improved chloride-conducting channelrhodopsin for light-induced inhibition of neuronal activity in vivo.Scientific Reports 5, 14807.
Scheib U, Stehfest K, Gee CE, Körschen HG, Fudim R, Oertner TG, Hegemann P (2015) The rhodopsin-guanylyl cyclase of the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii enables fast optical control of cGMP signaling. Science Signaling 8(389):rs8.
Wiegert JS, Oertner TG (2015) Neighborly synapses help each other out. Nature Neuroscience 18(3):326-7.
Blumer C, Vivien C, Genoud C, Perez-Alvarez A, Wiegert JS, Vetter T, Oertner TG (2015) Automated analysis of spine dynamics on live CA1 pyramidal cells. Medical Image Analysis 19(1):87-97.
Behnke D, Cotesta S, Hintermann S, Fendt M, Gee CE, Jacobson LH, Laue G, Meyer A, Wagner T, Badiger S, Chaudhari V, Chebrolu M, Pandit C, Hoyer D, Betschart C (2015) Discovery of 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines as potent dual orexin receptor antagonists (DORAs). Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 25(23):5555-60
Kanatsou S, Fearey BC, Kuil LE, Lucassen PJ, Harris AP, Seckl JR, Krugers H, Joels M. (2015) Overexpression of Mineralocorticoid Receptors Partially Prevents Chronic Stress-Induced Reductions in Hippocampal Memory and Structural Plasticity. PLoS One.2015 Nov23;10(11):e0142012
Publications 2014
Perez-Alvarez A, Navarrete M, Covelo A, Martin ED, Araque A (2014) Structural and functional plasticity of astrocyte processes and dendritic spine interactions. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(38):12738-44.
Wietek J*, Wiegert JS*, Adeishvili N, Schneider F, Watanabe H, Tsunoda SP, Vogt A, Elstner M, Oertner TG, Hegemann P (2014) Conversion of Channelrhodopsin into a light-gated chloride channel. Science 344 (6182): 409-412.
Oertner TG (2014) Active dendrites under parental supervision. Neuron 81(6):1217-19.
Gee CE, Peterlik D, Neuhäuser C, Bouhelal R, Kaupmann K, Laue G, Uschold-Schmidt N, Feuerbach D, Zimmermann K, Ofner S, Cryan JF, van der Putten H, Fendt M, Vranesic I, Glatthar R, Flor PJ (2014) Blocking metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 (mGlu7) via the venus flytrap domain (VFTD) inhibits amygdala plasticity, stress and anxiety-related behavior. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289(16):10975-87.
Biermann B, Sokoll S, Klueva J, Missler M, Wiegert JS, Sibarita JB, Heine M (2014) Imaging of molecular surface dynamics in brain slices using single-particle tracking. Nature Communications 5: 3024.
Publications 2013
Callander GE, Olorunda M, Monna D, Schuepbach E, Langenegger D, Betschart C, Hintermann S, Behnke D, Cotesta S, Fendt M, Laue G, Ofner S, Briard E, Gee CE, Jacobson LH, Hoyer D (2013) Kinetic properties of "dual" orexin receptor antagonists at OX1R and OX2R orexin receptors. Frontiers in Neuroscience 7: 230.
Hoyer D, Dürst T, Fendt M, Jacobson LH, Betschart C, Hintermann S, Behnke D, Cotesta S, Laue G, Ofner S, Legangneux E, Gee CE (2013) Distinct effects of IPSU and suvorexant on mouse sleep architecture. Frontiers in Neuroscience 7: 235.
Wiegert JS, Oertner TG (2013) Long-term depression triggers the selective elimination of weakly integrated synapses. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110 (47): E4510-E4519.
Rose T, Schoenenberger P, Jezek K, Oertner TG (2013) Developmental refinement of vesicle cycling at Schaffer collateral synapses. Neuron 77(6):1109-21.
Oertner TG, Helmchen F, de Lecea L, Beck H, Konnerth A, Kaupp B, Knöpfel T, Yawo H, Häusser M (2013) Optogenetic analysis of mammalian neural circuits. In Hegemann P & Sigrist S (Eds.), Optogenetics (pp. 109-126). Berlin: De Gryter. ISBN: 978-3-11-027072-3.
Betschart C, Hintermann S, Behnke D, Cotesta S, Fendt M, Gee CE, Jacobson LH, Laue G, Ofner S, Chaudhari V, Badiger S, Pandit C, Wagner J, Hoyer D (2013) Identification of a Novel Series of Orexin Receptor Antagonists with a Distinct Effect on Sleep Architecture for the Treatment of Insomnia. J Med Chem. 56(19): 7590-607.
Fendt M, Imobersteg S, Peterlik D, Chaperon F, Mattes C, Wittmann C, Olpe HR, Mosbacher J, Vranesic I, van der Putten H, McAllister KH, Flor PJ, Gee CE. Differential roles of mGlu(7) and mGlu(8) in amygdala-dependent behavior and physiology. Neuropharmacology 72: 215-23.
Pérez-Alvarez A, Araque A, Martín ED (2013) Confocal microscopy for astrocyte in vivo imaging: Recycle and reuse in microscopy. Front Cell Neurosci. 7: 51.
Pérez-Alvarez A, Araque A (2013) Astrocyte-Neuron Interaction At Tripartite Synapses. Curr Drug Targets 14(11): 1220-4.
Publications 2012
Huber D, Gutnisky DA, Peron S, O'Connor DH, Wiegert JS, Tian L, Oertner TG, Looger LL, Svoboda K (2012) Multiple dynamic representations in the motor cortex during sensorimotor learning. Nature 484(7395):473-8.
Hao J, Oertner TG (2012) Depolarization gates spine calcium transients and spike-timing-dependent potentiation. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 22(3):509-15.
Bonapace L, Wyckoff J, Oertner TG, Van Rheenen J, Junt T, Bentires-Alj M (2012) If you don't look, you won't see: intravital multiphoton imaging of primary and metastatic breast cancer. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia 17(2):125-9.
Mang GM, Dürst T, Bürki H, Imobersteg S, Abramowski D, Schuepbach E, Hoyer D, Fendt M, Gee CE (2012) The dual orexin receptor antagonist almorexant induces sleep and decreases orexin-induced locomotion by blocking orexin 2 receptors. Sleep 35(12):1625-35.
Chaperon F, Fendt M, Kelly PH, Lingenhoehl K, Mosbacher J, Olpe HR, Schmid P, Sturchler C, McAllister KH, van der Putten PH, Gee CE (2012) Gastrin-releasing peptide signaling plays a limited and subtle role in amygdala physiology and aversive memory. PLoS One 7(4):e34963.
Luo W, Ruan D, Yan C, Yin S, Chen J (2012) Effects of chronic lead exposure on functions of nervous system in Chinese children and developmental rats. Neurotoxicology 33(4):862-71.
Publications 2011
Berndt A, Schoenenberger P, Mattis J, K, Tye KM, Deisseroth K, Hegemann P, Oertner TG (2011) High-efficiency Channelrhodopsins for fast neuronal stimulation at low light levels. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108(18): 7595-7600.
Wiegert JS, Oertner TG (2011) Shapeshifting for memory: Biochemical and electrical signaling in dendritic spines. e-Neuroforum 2011(2): 6-12.
Stierl M, Stumpf P, Udwari D, Gueta R, Hagedorn R, Losi A, Gärtner W, Petereit L, Efetova M, Schwarzel M, Oertner TG, Nagel G, Hegemann P (2011) Light-modulation of cellular cAMP by a small bacterial photoactivated adenylyl cyclase, bPAC, of the soil bacteriumBeggiatoa. J Biol Chem. 286(2): 1181-8.
Blumer C, Vivien C, Oertner TG, Vetter T (2011) Fluorescence image segmentation by using digitally reconstructed fluorescence images. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology (MIAAB 2011), Heidelberg.
Oertner TG (2011) The Lego-logic of optogenetics. Nat Methods 8(12):1011-3.
Wiegert JS, Bading H (2011) Activity-dependent calcium signaling and ERK-MAP kinases in neurons: a link to structural plasticity of the nucleus and gene transcription regulation. Cell Calcium 49(5):296-305.
Oertner TG
Gee CE
Laprell L
Wiegert JS