Rowing against cancer in Hamburg
Be part of it again in 2023!
The 13th charity regatta 'Rowing against Cancer' will take place on Sunday, September 3, 2023, 9 a.m., on Hamburg's Outer Alster, organized as every year by the Foundation Living with Cancer in cooperation with the University Cancer Center Hamburg (UCCH) and the Rowing Society HANSA e.V..
Would you like to row along?
You can register via the Rowing Society HANSA e.V..
Be part of it!
Sebastian Franke (Ruder-Gesellschaft HANSA e.V.), Volker Zaehle (Stiftung Leben mit Krebs) and Prof. Dr. Carsten Bokemeyer (UCCH) invite you to Rowing Against Cancer 2023.
That was Rowing Against Cancer 2022 - it was nice!
The charity regatta took place on Sunday, August 28, 2022 for the twelfth time on the Hamburg Außenalster. It was organized by the Foundation Living with Cancer in cooperation with the Hubertus Wald Tumor Center - Universitäres Cancer Center Hamburg and the Rowing Society HANSA e.V..
The races were contested in the usual way by patients, doctors, rowing novices and competitive rowers.
Click here for the news article about Rowing against Cancer 2022 .
Flyer Rowing against Cancer 2022
Rowing against cancer has a long tradition in Hamburg
The charity regatta "Rowing against cancer" is an initiative of the "Foundation Living with Cancer". Since 2005, this regatta has been held throughout Germany in cooperation with local rowing clubs and oncological therapy facilities in order to support our patients with sports and exercise programs.
In Hamburg, the regatta is held on the Outer Alster, organised jointly with the Hansa Rowing Society. Every year, up to 75 boats with over 300 participants take part. In 2019 we were already able to celebrate our 10th anniversary in Hamburg – 10 years of rowing pleasure and the desire to help. The city of Hamburg has been involved through the patronage of the Senators of the Interior over the years and has also shown active sportsmanship at the deposit races every year.
Year-round rowing training for cancer patients
Boats made up of patient teams will also be taking part. In all-year preparation work is trained diligently with the coaches and the equipment of the RG Hansa for the regatta. The regatta day is a special experience for everyone, with the selection and storage races offering s a cheerful environment of getting to know each other, competing and enjoying the victory.
Further information can also be found in the(Please note: the event will be held according to the current hygiene rules in force at the time).
Further information about the year-round rowing training and the UCCH's sports and exercise program
Small film about the rowing regatta on the UKE YouTube channel
Further information about rowing against cancer (in German)
Further information on the Life with Cancer Foundation (in German)
Please support us!
It is always a special moment for us when we can cheer on our patients in the boats. We treatment teams also go out on the water together with our cooperation partners and row for a good cause.
Such an event is of course not possible without the help of sponsors. In recent years, companies such as AstraZeneca, Merck, Indivumed, Sysmex, medac and Novartis have supported and accompanied us in our project.
We would be delighted if you too could join our charity idea and support the event with your own rowing team or even with a sum of money from sponsors.
If you have any questions, please contact