Core facilities and technology platforms for data science
Biomedical data science
UCCH Biomedical Data Science Core Facility
The mission of this UCCH core facility, headed by Dr. Bartels, is to understand biomedical and health data by using quantitative and computational analysis. We apply biomedical informatics and biostatistics methods to integrate and analyze data generated by researchers associated to the UCCH.
The facility provides support for scientists and clinicians in the fields of clinical data integration, medical informatics, biostatistics, and data modeling.Contact:
Dr. Stefan Bartels
Clinical trials protocol and data management
Clinical trials protocol and data management
The UCCH study center offers support in conducting and manainging clinical study data. For further details please contact Dr. Block or Prof. Weisel and visit the website .
PD Dr. Andreas Block, MBA
UCCH/Department of Oncology and Hematology
block@uke.deProf. Dr. Katja Weisel
k.weisel@uke.de -
Machine learning based data analysis
Machine learning based data analytics
The Center for Biomedical AI at the UKE aims to develop and apply cutting-edge algorithms to predict, understand, and cure disease. It combines the expertise of AI and medical specialists at the UKE to bring next-generation software solutions into the clinic. As a hub in biomedical AI we collaborate and co-develop with academic institutions and industry partners and provide nucleation points for AI start-ups. At bAIome, we also strive to educate and train the next generation of AI experts, medical students, and clinicians. For further details, please contact Anna Reinicke-Vogt or visit the bAIome website .
Dr. Anna Reinicke-Vogt
Scientific Coordinator at bAIome Center for Biomedical AI, UKE
Public health/epidemiology technology platform
Public health / epidemiology technology platform
The Dept. of Medical Biometry and Epidemiology offers consulting service and analysis support for researchers at the UKE. For more details and contact please visit UKE - Medical Biometry and Epidemiology
UKE Bioinformatics core facility
UKE Bioinformatics core facility
This core facility is run by the Vice Deanery for Research and headed by Malik Alawi. Further details