Omics core facilities and technology platforms
Epigenomics core facility
Analysis is perforemd by the Ilumina iScan array system. For further details please contact the head Prof. Schüller.
Prof. Dr. Ullrich Schüller
Dept. of Neuropathology and Research Department Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg
Human genetics platform
Human genetics platform
The service is offered by scientific collaboration with the Department of Human Genetics, head Prof. Kubisch. For details regarding the available technologies please contact:
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kutsche
Department of Human Genetics
Kinomics core facility
Kinomics core facility
Based on the protein kinase array technology users can screen for acivity of kinase families in cell and tissue lysates. Global tyrosine (or serine/threonine) kinase activity patterns can be determined. For details please contact the head of this UCCH core facility.
PD Dr Malte Kriegs
Department of Radiotherapy & Radiation Oncology
Metabolomics platform
The Department of Clinical Chemsitry supports scientists to analyse the metabolomic pattern of their samples. For details about the possible collaboration please contact:
Dr. rer. nat. Verena Horneffer-van der Sluis
Department of Clinical Chemsitry
Nanostring core facility
Nanostring core facility
This core facility is open to all researchers at the UKE and other interested researchers. It offers use of the nanoString® nCounter Analysis System for direct multiplexed measurement of analytes with a digital barcode technology with high levels of precision and sensitivity. For further deatils please visit the website .
NGS core facility
UCCH NGS core facility
This facility holds an Illumina MiSeq for targeted DNA sequencing and targeted RNA sequencing for targeted gene expression analysis. Small genomes can be detected as well. Whole-genome, -exome or transcriptome sequencing can't be done. For further details and prices please contact Dr. Akyüz
Dr. rer. nat. Nuray Akyüz
Department of Oncology and Hematology
Proteomics core facility
Core facility mass spectrometric proteomics
This core facility is one of the core units run by the UKE Vice Deanery for Research. For details about the offered services please visit the website . Further technologies like chromatography and mass spectrography may be provided by collaborative means. Head of the core facility is Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schlüter, Department of Clinical Chemistry/Central Laboratories.