Imaging core facilities and technology platforms
Analytic and immunologic cytology
Analytic and immunologic cytology
Service of this platform is available as scientific collaboration for UKE/UCCH scientists. For further details please contact:
Dr. Philippe Schafhausen
UCCH/Department of Oncology and Hematology
Cytogenetic analyses can be perforemd as scietific collaborations with Prof. Dierlamm. For details please get in contact with Prof. Dierlamm.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Judith Dierlamm
Department of Oncology and Hematology
FACS sorting core facility
Flow Cytometry / FACS Sorting core facility
This core facility is run by the Vice Deanery for research an headed by Prof. Fehse for details regarding the offered services and prices please visit the website or contact regine Thiele the manager of this core facility.
Prof. Dr. Boris Fehse, Dept. of Stem Cell Transplantation
Dipl.-Ing. Regine Thiele
Department of Stem Cell Transplantation
Phone:+49 (0) 40 7410 - 52306
E-Mail: facs@uke.de -
In vivo optical imaging
UCCH In vivo optical imaging core facility
The IVIS 200 detects luminescene and flurescence signals and is ideal for studying organ-specific reporter gene expression. It is good for tumor and metastasis monitoring. The luminescence imaging requires genetically engineered models. Analysis is performed by our staff. Costs are payed as fee for service (incl. costs for luminescence substrate, narcotics for the measurement, and service fee for our technician). Feel free to contact us for further details.
Michael Horn, UCCH
+49 (0) 40 7410 - 51843 ,+49 (0) 40 7410 - 58751 ,+49 (0) 1522 - 4377021 -
Micro CT and bioluminescence imaging facility
Micro CT and and bioluminescence imaging facility
The Precision X-Ray “SmART+” facility enables cross sectional imaging (and precise therapeutic irradiation) of small animal models with two different µCT imaging modalities (50µm and 20µm spatial resolution) and simultaneous bioluminescence in vivo imaging.
PD Dr. Dr. Thorsten Frenzel
Molecular single cell analysis
Molecular single cell analysis platform
In cooperation with the Dept. of Tumorbiology headed by Prof. Pantel anlysis of single cells can be performed with high end technologies. For further details please contact Dr. Riethdorf.
Prof. Dr. Sabine Riethdorf
Department of Tumor Biology
MRI Platform
The MRI platform is located at the Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and headed by Dr. Kaul. The preclinical MR Scanner gives high diagnostic accuracy and superior soft tissue contrast. MRI is non invasive and ideal for longitudinal studies. For further details about the system and its application please contact:
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kaul
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Microscopy imaging core facility
UKE Microscopy imaging facility
This core facility is run by the Vice Deneary for Research. For further details and available devices LINK
Mouse pathology core facility
Mouse pathology core facility
This core facility performs histological analysis of cell and tissue preparations from mouse of the highest quality. It is one of the core facilities run by the Vice Deanery for Research. For contact and further details .
Ultrasound imaging
Small animal sonography platform
The group of Prof. Eschenhagen provides this technique for scientists from UCCH/UKE as scientific collaboration. For further details please contact:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Eschenhagen
Department of Experimetal Pharmacology