Technology platforms for genetic modification
Genome editing platform
Genome editing platform
Based on the CRISPR/Cas9 bases genome editing technology different applications can be used. Service is provided during project planning, strategy design, genotyping/ colony maintenance and injection. The service is available by scientific cooperation. For details feel free to contact:
Prof. Dr. Boris Fehse
Department of Stem Cell Transplantation
Isotope lab & irradiation core facility
Isotope lab & irradiation core facility
For researchers an isotope lab and an irradiation facility are available on UKE campus. Both are run by the Vice Deanery for Research. For further details and guidelines please follow the links.
Radiobiology platform
Radiobiology platform
In vitro X-irradiations and assays for clonogenic cell survival, chromosomal aberrations as well as DNA damage & repair, signalling and cell cycle/replication dynamics are available through scientific collaboration at the Laboratory of Radiobiology & Experimental Radiation Oncology .
Small animal X-irradiation platform
Small animal x-irradiation platform
The recently established Precision X-Ray “SmART+” facility enables the precise locally ablative irradiation of tumors in small animal models. Cross sectional imaging with two different µCT imaging modalities (50µm and 20µm spatial resolution), several collimators for beam shaping, Monte-Carlo-based treatment planning and a high precision treatment table allow us to mimic the clinical image-guided radiotherapy setting. Furthermore, bioluminescence imaging in therapy position is possible, which allows functional tumor imaging.
PD Dr. Dr. Thorsten Frenzel
Department of Radiotherapy
Transgenic service facilities
Transgenic core facility
This core facility is located at the Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg (ZMNH).
For further details please contact:
ZMNH Core facility for transgenic mice
Vector core facility
Vector core facilities
This core facility is run by the Vice Deneary for Research. For contact and further details about the service please follow the LINK