Clinical care research of mental disorders
- Description
- Team
- Projects
- Publications
The working group "Clinical care research of mental disorders" researches topics that are relevant for the assessment and, in the future, the improvement of care for persons with mental disorders.
The research focus is on care-related aspects of the person’s treatment in semi-stationary, inpatient and outpatient settings. This includes, for example, the recording of factors for undersupply, breaks in the treatment chain as well as the detection of quality problems.
We are currently conducting a randomized controlled trial of 1070 participants at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, to evaluate a cross-sectional coordinated, severity stepped, evidence-based care model for mental disorders (RECOVER). This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health, Germany.
Furthermore, we are currently carrying out a Germany-wide care and needs analysis on the current participation in diagnostics and therapy of adults with an autism spectrum disorder in the project "BarrierefreiASS". This project is also funded by the Innovation Committee of the G-BA.
TeamDr. rer. biol. hum. Dipl.-Psych.Judith Peth
- Head of research group
Selected projects
- Evaluation des Modell der sektorenübergreifend-koordinierten, schweregradgestuften, evidenzbasierten Versorgung psychischer Erkrankungen (
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03459664 - BarrierefreiASS - Care and Needs Analysis for Accessible Participation in Diagnostics and Therapy of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Open Science Network Identifier: 5x8pg
- Evaluation des Modell der sektorenübergreifend-koordinierten, schweregradgestuften, evidenzbasierten Versorgung psychischer Erkrankungen (
Selected publications
- Lambert M, Kraft V, Rohenkohl A, Ruppelt F, Schröter R, Lüdecke D, Linschmann B, Eich S, Tlach L, Lion D, Bargel S, Hoff M, Ohm G, Schulte-Markwort M, Schöttle D, König HH, Schulz H, Peth J, Gallinat J, Karow A. Innovative Versorgungsmodelle für Menschen mit schizophrenen Erkrankungen [Innovative care models for people with schizophrenia]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2019 Feb;62(2):163-172. German. doi: 10.1007/s00103-018-2868-y. PMID: 30623205.
- Lambert M, Karow A, Gallinat J, Lüdecke D, Kraft V, Rohenkohl A, Schröter R, Finter C, Siem AK, Tlach L, Werkle N, Bargel S, Ohm G, Hoff M, Peter H, Scherer M, Mews C, Pruskil S, Lüke J, Härter M, Dirmaier J, Schulte-Markwort M, Löwe B, Briken P, Peper H, Schweiger M, Mösko M, Bock T, Wittzack M, Meyer HJ, Deister A, Michels R, Herr S, Konnopka A, König H, Wegscheider K, Daubmann A, Zapf A, Peth J, König HH, Schulz H. Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating an evidence-based, stepped and coordinated care service model for mental disorders (RECOVER). BMJ Open. 2020 May 4;10(5):e036021. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036021. PMID: 32371520; PMCID: PMC7223141.