- Physician
- Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine
Areas of expertise
Internal medicine
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Martini-Award, 02/2016 Award dedicated to young investigators for outstanding translational research Subject: “Predictors of relapse after drug withdrawal in autoimmune hepatitis” Honour for excellent Graduation in Medicine, 10/2012 University of Regensburg (Final mark: 1.0, among the best 1% in Germany)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS) European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) German Assoication for the Study of the Liver (GASL) European Reference Network (ERN) RARE-Liver
Symptomerleben und Coping-Strategien bei Patient*innen mit Primär Biliärer Cholangitis: eine qualitative Interviewstudie im Rahmen von SOMA.LIV
Hasenbank N, Buck L, Maehder K, Hartl J, Löwe B, Schramm C, Toussaint A
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2025;75(1):20-27.
Autoantigen-specific CD4 + T cells acquire an exhausted phenotype and persist in human antigen-specific autoimmune diseases
Saggau C, Bacher P, Esser D, Rasa M, Meise S, Mohr N, Kohlstedt N, Hutloff A, Schacht S, Dargvainiene J, Martini G, Stürner K, Schröder I, Markewitz R, Hartl J, Hastermann M, Duchow A, Schindler P, Becker M, Bautista C, Gottfreund J, Walter J, Polansky J, Yang M, Naghavian R, Wendorff M, Schuster E, Dahl A, Petzold A, Reinhardt S, Franke A, Wieczorek M, Henschel L, Berger D, Heine G, Holtsche M, Häußler V, Peters C, Schmidt E, Fillatreau S, Busch D, Wandinger K, Schober K, Martin R, Paul F, Leypoldt F, Scheffold A
IMMUNITY. 2024;57(10):2416-2432.e8.
Optimizing thiopurine therapy in autoimmune hepatitis: A multi-center study on monitoring metabolite profiles and co-therapy with allopurinol
Weltzsch J, Bartel C, Waldmann M, Renné T, Schulze S, Terziroli Beretta-Piccoli B, Papp M, Ye O, Ronca V, Sebode M, Lohse A, Schramm C, Hartl J
HEPATOLOGY. 2024;80(5):1026-1040.
Analysis of the humoral and cellular response after the third COVID-19 vaccination in patients with autoimmune hepatitis
Hartl J, Rüther D, Duengelhoef P, Brehm T, Steinmann S, Weltzsch J, Glaser F, Sterneck M, Sebode M, Weiler-Normann C, Lütgehetmann M, Schaub G, Haag F, Schramm C, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Lohse A
LIVER INT. 2023;43(2):393-400.
Right and left liver lobe biopsies by minilaparoscopy reveal clinically significant sampling error in staging and grading of autoimmune hepatitis
Johannes H, Malte W, Alali S, Marcial S, Sören W, Ptashynska A, Christina W, Christoph S, Willhelm L, Till K, Jörg S
LIVER INT. 2023;43(6):1269-1276.
Understanding illness experiences of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis: a qualitative analysis within the SOMA.LIV study
Lösken C, Maehder K, Buck L, Hartl J, Löwe B, Schramm C, Toussaint A
Accuracy of controlled attenuation parameter measurement for the detection of steatosis in autoimmune liver diseases
Steinmann S, Hartl J, Weidemann S, Füssel K, Kroll C, Sebode M, Lohse A, Schramm C
JHEP REP. 2023;5(12):100898.
Update: primär biliäre Cholangitis, primär sklerosierende Cholangitis und IgG4-assoziierte Cholangitis
Weltzsch J, Sebode M, Hartl J
GASTROENTEROLOGE. 2023;18:349-359.
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination response in patients with autoimmune hepatitis and autoimmune cholestatic liver disease
Duengelhoef P, Hartl J, Rüther D, Steinmann S, Brehm T, Weltzsch J, Glaser F, Schaub G, Sterneck M, Sebode M, Weiler-Normann C, Addo M, Lütgehetmann M, Haag F, Schramm C, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Lohse A
UNITED EUR GASTROENT. 2022;10(3):319-329.
CK-18 cell death markers improve the prediction of histological remission in autoimmune hepatitis during biochemical remission
Derben F, Engel B, Zachou K, Hartl J, Hartleben B, Bantel H, Schramm C, Dalekos G, Manns M, Jaeckel E, Taubert R
LIVER INT. 2021;41(1):123-127.
Autoantibody-mediated impairment of DNASE1L3 activity in sporadic systemic lupus erythematosus
Hartl J, Serpas L, Wang Y, Rashidfarrokhi A, Perez O, Sally B, Sisirak V, Soni C, Khodadadi-Jamayran A, Tsirigos A, Caiello I, Bracaglia C, Volpi S, Ghiggeri G, Chida A, Sanz I, Kim M, Belmont H, Silverman G, Clancy R, Izmirly P, Buyon J, Reizis B
J EXP MED. 2021;218(5):.
Drug-induced liver injury at a tertiary care centre in Germany: Model for End-stage Liver Disease is the best predictor of outcome
Reike-Kunze M, Zenouzi R, Hartl J, Krech T, Weidemann S, Sterneck M, Weiler-Normann C, Lohse A, Schramm C, Sebode M
LIVER INT. 2021;41(10):2383-2395.
Features and outcome of AIH patients without elevation of IgG
Hartl J, Miquel R, Zachou K, Wong G, Asghar A, Pape S, Sebode M, Peiseler M, Zenouzi R, Ehlken H, Krech T, Weiler-Normann C, Drenth J, Oo Y, Dalekos G, Heneghan M, Schramm C, Lohse A
JHEP REP. 2020;2(3):100094.
Monocytes as potential mediators of pathogen-induced Th17 differentiation in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
Kunzmann L, Schoknecht T, Poch T, Henze L, Stein S, Kriz M, Grewe I, Preti M, Hartl J, Pannicke N, Peiseler M, Sebode M, Zenouzi R, Horvatits T, Böttcher M, Petersen B, Weiler-Normann C, Hess L, Ahrenstorf A, Lunemann S, Martrus G, Fischer L, Li J, Carambia A, Kluwe J, Huber S, Lohse A, Franke A, Herkel J, Schramm C, Schwinge D
HEPATOLOGY. 2020;72(4):1310-1326.
Rapid Response to Treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis Associated With Remission at 6 and 12 Months
Pape S, Gevers T, Vrolijk J, van Hoek B, Bouma G, van Nieuwkerk C, Taubert R, Jaeckel E, Manns M, Papp M, Sipeki N, Stickel F, Efe C, Ozaslan E, Purnak T, Nevens F, Kessener D, Kahraman A, Wedemeyer H, Hartl J, Schramm C, Lohse A, Drenth J, Heneghan M
CLIN GASTROENTEROL H. 2020;18(7):1609-1617.e4.
High discontinuation rate of azathioprine in autoimmune hepatitis, independent of time of treatment initiation
Pape S, Gevers T, Vrolijk J, van Hoek B, Bouma G, van Nieuwkerk C, Taubert R, Jaeckel E, Manns M, Papp M, Sipeki N, Stickel F, Efe C, Ozaslan E, Purnak T, Nevens F, Kessener D, Kahraman A, Wedemeyer H, Hartl J, Schramm C, Lohse A, Heneghan M, Drenth J
LIVER INT. 2020;40(9):2164-2171.
Metamizole: An underrated agent causing severe idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury
Sebode M, Reike-Kunze M, Weidemann S, Zenouzi R, Hartl J, Peiseler M, Liwinski T, Schulz L, Weiler-Normann C, Sterneck M, Lohse A, Schramm C
BRIT J CLIN PHARMACO. 2020;86(7):1406-1415.
TNF-Producing Th1 Cells Are Selectively Expanded in Liver Infiltrates of Patients with Autoimmune Hepatitis
Bovensiepen C, Schakat M, Sebode M, Zenouzi R, Hartl J, Peiseler M, Li J, Henze L, Woestemeier A, Schramm C, Lohse A, Herkel J, Weiler-Normann C
J IMMUNOL. 2019;203(12):3148-3156.
Predniso(lo)ne Dosage and Chance of Remission in Patients With Autoimmune Hepatitis
Pape S, Gevers T, Belias M, Mustafajev I, Vrolijk J, van Hoek B, Bouma G, van Nieuwkerk C, Hartl J, Schramm C, Lohse A, Taubert R, Jaeckel E, Manns M, Papp M, Stickel F, Heneghan M, Drenth J
CLIN GASTROENTEROL H. 2019;17(10):2068-2075.e2.
Inflammatory Phenotype of Intrahepatic Sulfatide-Reactive Type II NKT Cells in Humans With Autoimmune Hepatitis
Sebode M, Wigger J, Filpe P, Fischer L, Weidemann S, Krech T, Weiler-Normann C, Peiseler M, Hartl J, Tolosa E, Herkel J, Schramm C, Lohse A, Arrenberg P
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2019;10:1065.
Usefulness of biochemical remission and transient elastography in monitoring disease course in autoimmune hepatitis
Hartl J, Ehlken H, Sebode M, Peiseler M, Krech T, Zenouzi R, von Felden J, Weiler-Normann C, Schramm C, Lohse A
J HEPATOL. 2018;68(4):754-763.
Hepatitis E seroprevalence in the Americas: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Horvatits T, Ozga A, Westhölter D, Hartl J, Manthey C, Lütgehetmann M, Rauch G, Kriston L, Lohse A, Bendall R, Wedemeyer H, Dalton H, Pischke S
LIVER INT. 2018;38(11):1951-1964.
Efficacy and Limitations of Budesonide as a Second-line Treatment for Patients With Autoimmune Hepatitis
Peiseler M, Liebscher T, Sebode M, Zenouzi R, Hartl J, Ehlken H, Pannicke N, Weiler-Normann C, Lohse A, Schramm C
CLIN GASTROENTEROL H. 2018;16(2):260-267.e1.
Risk of endoscopic biliary interventions in primary sclerosing cholangitis is similar between patients with and without cirrhosis
Peiseler M, Reiners D, Pinnschmidt H, Sebode M, Jung F, Hartl J, Zenouzi R, Ehlken H, Groth S, Schachschal G, Rösch T, Weiler-Normann C, Lohse A, Schramm C
PLOS ONE. 2018;13(8):.
Autoimmune hepatitis: From current knowledge and clinical practice to future research agenda
Sebode M, Hartl J, Vergani D, Lohse A
LIVER INT. 2018;38(1):15-22.
Time trend of reported cases and publications: hepatitis E in comparison to hepatitis A - D in Germany from 2001 to 2016
Wehmeyer M, Hartl J, von Wulffen M, Lohse A, Pischke S
Z GASTROENTEROL. 2018;56(1):29-35.
Acute hepatitis as a prequel to very severe aplastic anemia
Weiler-Normann C, Hartl J, Weidemann S, von Pein U, Fiedler W, Schramm C, Brinkert F, Kröger N, Christopeit M
Z GASTROENTEROL. 2018;56(1):51-54.
Patients with primary biliary cholangitis and fatigue present with depressive symptoms and selected cognitive deficits, but with normal attention performance and brain structure
Zenouzi R, von der Gablentz J, Heldmann M, Göttlich M, Weiler-Normann C, Sebode M, Ehlken H, Hartl J, Fellbrich A, Siemonsen S, Schramm C, Münte T, Lohse A
PLOS ONE. 2018;13(1):e0190005.
Hepatitis E virus infection beyond the liver?
Pischke S, Hartl J, Pas S, Lohse A, Jacobs B, van der Eijk A
J HEPATOL. 2017;66(5):1082-1095.
Clinical phenotype and outcome of hepatitis E virus-associated neuralgic amyotrophy
van Eijk J, Dalton H, Ripellino P, Madden R, Jones C, Fritz M, Gobbi C, Melli G, Pasi E, Herrod J, Lissmann R, Ashraf H, Abdelrahim M, Masri O, Fraga M, Benninger D, Kuntzer T, Aubert V, Sahli R, Moradpour D, Blasco-Perrin H, Attarian S, Gérolami R, Colson P, Giordani M, Hartl J, Pischke S, Lin N, Mclean B, Bendall R, Panning M, Peron J, Kamar N, Izopet J, Jacobs B, van Alfen N, van Engelen B
NEUROLOGY. 2017;89(9):909-917.
Spleen size for the prediction of clinical outcome in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis
Ehlken H, Wroblewski R, Corpechot C, Arrivé L, Lezius S, Hartl J, Denzer U, Lohse A, Chazouilleres O, Schramm C
GUT. 2016;65(7):1230-1232.
Validation of Transient Elastography and Comparison with Spleen Length Measurement for Staging of Fibrosis and Clinical Prognosis in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Ehlken H, Wroblewski R, Corpechot C, Arrivé L, Rieger T, Hartl J, Lezius S, Hübener P, Schulze K, Zenouzi R, Sebode M, Peiseler M, Denzer U, Quaas A, Weiler-Normann C, Lohse A, Chazouilleres O, Schramm C
PLOS ONE. 2016;11(10):e0164224.
Transient elastography in autoimmune hepatitis: Timing determines the impact of inflammation and fibrosis
Hartl J, Denzer U, Ehlken H, Zenouzi R, Peiseler M, Sebode M, Hübener S, Pannicke N, Weiler-Normann C, Quaas A, Lohse A, Schramm C
J HEPATOL. 2016;65(4):769-75.
Hepatitis E Seroprevalence in Europe: A Meta-Analysis
Hartl J, Otto B, Madden R, Webb G, Woolson K, Kriston L, Vettorazzi E, Lohse A, Dalton H, Pischke S
VIRUSES-BASEL. 2016;8(8):E211.
Acute Hepatitis E: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Hartl J, Wehmeyer M, Pischke S
VIRUSES-BASEL. 2016;8(11):E299.
Apolipoprotein E ε3 and ε4 are associated with a lower exposure to hepatitis E virus in American non-Hispanic blacks
Pischke S, Hartl J, Roque-Afonso A, Mallet V
HEPATOLOGY. 2016;64(2):687-8.
No Evidence That Azathioprine Increases Risk of Cholangiocarcinoma in Patients With Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Zenouzi R, Weismüller T, Jørgensen K, Bubenheim M, Lenzen H, Hübener P, Schulze K, Weiler-Normann C, Sebode M, Ehlken H, Pannicke N, Hartl J, Peiseler M, Hübener S, Karlsen T, Boberg K, Manns M, Lohse A, Schramm C
CLIN GASTROENTEROL H. 2016;14(12):1806-1812.
Neuropeptide Y restores non-receptor-mediated vasoconstrictive action in superior mesenteric arteries in portal hypertension.
Hartl J, Dietrich P, Moleda L, Müller-Schilling M, Wiest R
LIVER INT. 2015;35(12):2556-63.
Patient selection based on treatment duration and liver biochemistry increases success rates after treatment withdrawal in autoimmune hepatitis
Hartl J, Ehlken H, Weiler-Normann C, Sebode M, Kreuels B, Pannicke N, Zenouzi R, Glaubke C, Lohse A, Schramm C
J HEPATOL. 2015;62(3):642-6.
Comparison of autochthonous and imported cases of hepatitis A or hepatitis E
Hartl J, Kreuels B, Polywka S, Addo M, Lütgehetmann M, Dandri-Petersen M, Dammermann W, Sterneck M, Lohse A, Pischke S
Z GASTROENTEROL. 2015;53(7):639-643.
Efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir-based triple therapy in hepatitis C genotype 4 infection.
Wehmeyer M, Jordan S, Lüth S, Hartl J, Stoehr A, Eißing C, Lohse A, Petersen J, Buggisch P, Schulze zur Wiesch J
DIGEST LIVER DIS. 2015;47(9):811-814.
An Unresectable Klatskin's Tumor?
Hartl J, Werner T, Schramm C
GASTROENTEROLOGY. 2014;146(7):e3-e4.
Autoimmune Hepatitis - aktuelle Entwicklungen einer zunehmenden Erkrankung
Zenouzi R, Hartl J, Lohse A
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2014;139(40):2020-2.
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