- Medical specialist
- Medical Specialist in Visceral Surgery
- Special Visceral Surgery
Areas of expertise
Visceral surgery
CD10 Expression Correlates with Earlier Tumour Stages and Left-Sided Tumour Location in Colorectal Cancer but Has No Prognostic Impact in a European Cohort
Grass J, Grupp K, Kluth M, Hube-Magg C, Simon R, Kemper M, Izbicki J, Sauter G, Melling N
CANCERS. 2024;16(8):.
Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik in der Chirurgie – aktuelle Innovationsbewertung
Graß J, Melling N, Hackert T, Nickel F
ZBL CHIR. 2024;149(4):333-337.
Correction: Decreased expression of prolyl hydroxylase 1 is associated with poor prognosis in colorectal cancers
Melling N, Grass J, Reeh M, Tachezy M, Blessmann M, Izbicki J, Grupp K
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2024;150(4):197.
Preoperative TIPS and in-hospital mortality in patients with cirrhosis undergoing surgery
Piecha F, Vonderlin J, Frühhaber F, Graß J, Ozga A, Harberts A, Benten D, Hübener P, Reeh M, Riedel C, Bannas P, Izbicki J, Adam G, Huber S, Lohse A, Kluwe J
JHEP REP. 2024;6(1):100914.
Tissue resident iNKT17 cells facilitate cancer cell extravasation in liver metastasis via interleukin-22
Giannou A, Kempski J, Shiri A, Lücke J, Zhang T, Zhao L, Zazara D, Cortesi F, Riecken K, Amezcua Vesely M, Low J, Xu H, Kaffe E, Garcia-Perez L, Agalioti T, Yamada Y, Jungraithmayr W, Zigmond E, Karstens K, Steglich B, Wagner J, Konczalla L, Carambia A, Schulze K, von Felden J, May P, Briukhovetska D, Bedke T, Brockmann L, Starzonek S, Lange T, Koch C, Riethdorf S, Pelczar P, Böttcher M, Sabihi M, Huber F, Reeh M, Grass J, Wahib R, Seese H, Stüben B, Fard-Aghaie M, Duprée A, Scognamiglio P, Plitzko G, Meiners J, Soukou S, Wittek A, Manthey C, Maroulis I, Arck P, Perez D, Gao B, Zarogiannis S, Strowig T, Pasqualini R, Arap W, Gosálvez J, Kobold S, Prinz I, Guse A, Tachezy M, Ghadban T, Heumann A, Li J, Melling N, Mann O, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Schumacher U, Lohse A, Flavell R, Gagliani N, Huber S
IMMUNITY. 2023;56(1):125-142.e12.
IL-22BP controls the progression of liver metastasis in colorectal cancer
Giannou A, Kempski J, Zhang T, Lücke J, Shiri A, Zazara D, Belios I, Machicote A, Seeger P, Agalioti T, Tintelnot J, Sagebiel A, Tomczak M, Bauditz L, Bedke T, Kocheise L, Mercanoglu B, Fard-Aghaie M, Giorgakis E, Lykoudis P, Pikouli A, Grass J, Wahib R, Bardenhagen J, Brunswig B, Heumann A, Ghadban T, Duprée A, Tachezy M, Melling N, Arck P, Stringa P, Gentilini M, Gondolesi G, Nakano R, Thomson A, Perez D, Li J, Mann O, Izbicki J, Gagliani N, Maroulis I, Huber S
FRONT ONCOL. 2023;13:1170502.
Stoma-free survival after anastomotic leak following rectal cancer resection: worldwide cohort of 2470 patients
Greijdanus N, Wienholts K, Ubels S, Talboom K, Hannink G, Wolthuis A, de Lacy F, Lefevre J, Solomon M, Frasson M, Rotholtz N, Denost Q, Perez R, Konishi T, Panis Y, Rutegård M, Hompes R, Rosman C, van Workum F, Tanis P, de Wilt J
BRIT J SURG. 2023;110(12):1863-1876.
Stoma-free Survival After Rectal Cancer Resection With Anastomotic Leakage: Development and Validation of a Prediction Model in a Large International Cohort
Greijdanus N, Wienholts K, Ubels S, Talboom K, Hannink G, Wolthuis A, de Lacy F, Lefevre J, Solomon M, Frasson M, Rotholtz N, Denost Q, Perez R, Konishi T, Panis Y, Rutegård M, Hompes R, Rosman C, van Workum F, Tanis P, de Wilt J
ANN SURG. 2023;278(5):772-780.
Muscle quality, not quantity, is associated with outcome after colorectal cancer surgery
Kemper M, Melling N, Krause L, Kühn K, Graß J, Izbicki J, Gerdes L, Adam G, Yamamura J, Molwitz I
EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC. 2023;49(12):107098.
Mindestmengen und Zertifizierungen der onkologischen Viszeralchirurgie in Deutschland – Fluch oder Segen?
Kemper M, Polonski A, Uzunoglu F, Melling N, Reeh M, Izbicki J, Graß J
Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie up2date. 2023;17(1):89-100.
Socioeconomic Deprivation Is Not Associated with Outcomes after Esophagectomy at a German High-Volume Center
Kemper M, Zagorski J, Wagner J, Graß J, Izbicki J, Melling N, Wolter S, Reeh M
CANCERS. 2023;15(10):.
Lymphatic Mapping in Colon Cancer Depending on Injection Time and Tracing Agent: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Designed Studies
Lucas K, Melling N, Giannou A, Reeh M, Mann O, Hackert T, Izbicki J, Perez D, Grass J
CANCERS. 2023;15(12):.
Decreased expression of prolyl hydroxylase 1 is associated with poor prognosis in colorectal cancers
Melling N, Grass J, Reeh M, Tachezy M, Blessmann M, Izbicki J, Grupp K
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2023;149(10):7579-7585.
CD4+ T cell-derived IL-22 enhances liver metastasis by promoting angiogenesis
Zhang T, Wahib R, Zazara D, Lücke J, Shiri A, Kempski J, Zhao L, Agalioti T, Machicote A, Giannou O, Belios I, Jia R, Zhang S, Tintelnot J, Seese H, Grass J, Mercanoglu B, Stern L, Scognamiglio P, Fard-Aghaie M, Seeger P, Wakker J, Kemper M, Brunswig B, Duprée A, Lykoudis P, Pikouli A, Giorgakis E, Stringa P, Lausada N, Gentilini M, Gondolesi G, Bachmann K, Busch P, Grotelüschen R, Maroulis I, Arck P, Nakano R, Thomson A, Ghadban T, Tachezy M, Melling N, Achilles E, Puelles V, Nickel F, Hackert T, Mann O, Izbicki J, Li J, Gagliani N, Huber S, Giannou A
ONCOIMMUNOLOGY. 2023;12(1):2269634.
A Critical Role of the IL-22-IL-22 Binding Protein Axis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Giannou A, Lücke J, Kleinschmidt D, Shiri A, Steglich B, Nawrocki M, Zhang T, Zazara D, Kempski J, Zhao L, Giannou O, Agalioti T, Brockmann L, Bertram F, Sabihi M, Böttcher M, Ewald F, Schulze K, von Felden J, Machicote A, Maroulis I, Arck P, Graß J, Mercanoglu B, Reeh M, Wolter S, Tachezy M, Seese H, Theodorakopoulou M, Lykoudis P, Heumann A, Uzunoglu F, Ghadban T, Mann O, Izbicki J, Li J, Duprée A, Melling N, Gagliani N, Huber S
CANCERS. 2022;14(24):.
Risk stratification of cirrhotic patients undergoing esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: A single-centre experience
Grass J, Küsters N, Kemper M, Tintrup J, Piecha F, Izbicki J, Perez D, Melling N, Bockhorn M, Reeh M
PLOS ONE. 2022;17(3):e0265093.
Management of Esophageal Cancer-Associated Respiratory-Digestive Tract Fistulas
Grass J, Küsters N, von Döhren F, Melling N, Ghadban T, Rösch T, Simon M, Izbicki J, König A, Reeh M
CANCERS. 2022;14(5):.
CD147 expression lacks prognostic relevance in esophageal cancer
Küsters N, Grupp K, Grass J, Bachmann K, Ghadban T, Uzunoglu F, Tachezy M, Perez D, Reeh M, Izbicki J, Melling N
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2022;148(4):837-844.
Defining benchmarks for robotic-assisted low anterior rectum resection in low-morbid patients: a multicenter analysis
Egberts J, Kersebaum J, Mann B, Aselmann H, Hirschburger M, Graß J, Becker T, Izbicki J, Perez D
INT J COLORECTAL DIS. 2021;36(9):1945-1953.
Robotic rectal resection preserves anorectal function: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Grass J, Chen C, Melling N, Lingala B, Kemper M, Scognamiglio P, Persiani R, Tirelli F, Caricato M, Capolupo G, Izbicki J, Perez D
INT J MED ROBOT COMP. 2021;17(6):.
Robotic versus transanal total mesorectal excision in sexual, anorectal, and urinary function: a multicenter, prospective, observational study
Grass J, Persiani R, Tirelli F, Chen C, Caricato M, Pecorino A, Lang I, Kemper M, Izbicki J, Melling N, Perez D
INT J COLORECTAL DIS. 2021;36(12):2749-2761.
Serum Midkine is a clinical significant biomarker for colorectal cancer and associated with poor survival
Kemper M, Hentschel W, Graß J, Stüben B, Konczalla L, Rawnaq T, Ghadban T, Izbicki J, Reeh M
CANCER MED-US. 2020;9(6):2010-2018.
Biperiden and mepazine effectively inhibit MALT1 activity and tumor growth in pancreatic cancer
Konczalla L, Perez D, Wenzel N, Wolters-Eisfeld G, Klemp C, Lüddeke J, Wolski A, Landschulze D, Meier C, Buchholz A, Yao D, Hofmann B, Graß J, Spriestersbach S, Grupp K, Schumacher U, Betzel C, Kapis S, Nuguid T, Steinberg P, Püschel K, Sauter G, Bockhorn M, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Güngör C, El Gammal A
INT J CANCER. 2020;146(6):1618-1630.
Systematic review analysis of robotic and transanal approaches in TME surgery- A systematic review of the current literature in regard to challenges in rectal cancer surgery
Grass J, Perez D, Izbicki J, Reeh M
EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC. 2019;45(4):498-509.
Lower Gastrointestinal Surgery: Robotic Surgery versus Laparoscopic Procedures
Baukloh J, Perez D, Reeh M, Biebl M, Izbicki J, Pratschke J, Aigner F
VISC MED. 2018;34(1):16-22.
Robotic low anterior resection versus transanal total mesorectal excision in rectal cancer: A comparison of 115 cases
Perez D, Melling N, Biebl M, Reeh M, Baukloh J, Miro J, Polonski A, Izbicki J, Knoll B, Pratschke J, Aigner F
EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC. 2018;44(2):237-242.
Evaluation of the robotic approach concerning pitfalls in rectal surgery
Baukloh J, Reeh M, Spinoglio G, Corratti A, Bartolini I, Mirasolo V, Priora F, Izbicki J, Gomez Fleitas M, Gomez Ruiz M, Perez D
EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC. 2017;43(7):1304-1311.
Wie bewerkstelligt robotische Chirurgie die Fallstricke der Rektumchirurgie? Eine europäische multizentrische Evaluation
Baukloh J, Reeh M, Spinoglio G, Coratti A, Mirasolo V, Bartolini I, Priora F, Hiller J, Kollbeck S, Izbicki J, Gomez Fleitas M, Gomez Ruiz M, Perez D
Roboter assistierte versus offene Chirurgie bei tiefem Rektumkarzinom - Initiale Erfahrung in Hamburg-Eppendorf
Baukloh J, Reeh M, Bockhorn M, Hiller J, Izbicki J, Perez D
2015. 195. Sommertagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Chirurgen. .
Roboter-assistierte versus offene tiefe anteriore Rektumresektion – Initiale Erfahrung im Hamburg-Eppendorf
Baukloh J, Reeh M, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Perez D
Neurofilament light chain as an early and sensitive predictor of long-term neurological outcome in patients after cardiac arrest
Rana O, Schröder J, Baukloh J, Saygili E, Mischke K, Schiefer J, Weis J, Marx N, Rassaf T, Kelm M, Shin D, Meyer C, Saygili E
INT J CARDIOL. 2012;168(2):1322-1327.
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