Katharina Holstein
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med.
Katharina Holstein
  • Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine
  • Facharzt für Hämatologie - Internistische Onkologie
  • Coagulation Tests
  • Working area 1
German (Mother tongue)

Areas of expertise




  • 2024
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  • 1998
  • 1991

Design of an international, phase IV, open-label study of simoctocog alfa in women/girls with hemophilia A undergoing surgery (NuDIMENSION)
Marquardt N, Langer F, Holstein K, Álvarez Román M, Núñez Vázquez R, Miljić P, Drillaud N, Ardillon L, Lehtinen A, Santoro R, Napolitano M, Siragusa S, Gidley G, Jansen M, Knaub S, Oldenburg J

Emicizumab for the Treatment of Acquired Hemophilia A: Consensus Recommendations from the GTH-AHA Working G6roup
Pfrepper C, Klamroth R, Oldenburg J, Holstein K, Eichler H, Hart C, Moehnle P, Schilling K, Trautmann-Grill K, Alrifai M, Ay C, Miesbach W, Knoebl P, Tiede A
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2024;44(6):466-471.

Expression and Release of Tumor Cell Tissue Factor Triggers Recurrent Thromboembolism in a Patient with Endometrial Cancer
Beckmann L, Lennartz M, Poch A, Holstein K, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2023;43(4):289-296.

Synovitis and joint health in patients with haemophilia: Statements from a European e-Delphi consensus study
Mancuso M, Holstein K, O'Donnell J, Lobet S, Klamroth R
HAEMOPHILIA. 2023;29(2):619-628.

Erratum: Gentherapie der Hämophilie: Empfehlung der Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung (GTH)
Miesbach W, Oldenburg J, Klamroth R, Eichler H, Koscielny J, Holzhauer S, Holstein K, Hovinga J, Alberio L, Olivieri M, Knöfler R, Male C, Tiede A
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2023;43(3):e1.

Gentherapie der Hämophilie: Empfehlung der Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung (GTH)
Miesbach W, Oldenburg J, Klamroth R, Eichler H, Koscielny J, Holzhauer S, Holstein K, Hovinga J, Alberio L, Olivieri M, Knöfler R, Male C, Tiede A
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2023;43(3):196-207.

Targets of autoantibodies in acquired hemophilia A are not restricted to factor VIII: data from the GTH-AH 01/2010 study
Oleshko O, Werwitzke S, Klingberg A, Witte T, Eichler H, Klamroth R, Holstein K, Hart C, Pfrepper C, Knöbl P, Greil R, Neumeister P, Reipert B, Tiede A
BLOOD ADV. 2023;7(1):122-130.

Emicizumab prophylaxis in patients with acquired haemophilia A (GTH-AHA-EMI): an open-label, single-arm, multicentre, phase 2 study
Tiede A, Hart C, Knöbl P, Greil R, Oldenburg J, Sachs U, Miesbach W, Pfrepper C, Trautmann-Grill K, Holstein K, Pilch J, Möhnle P, Schindler C, Weigt C, Schipp D, May M, Dobbelstein C, Pelzer F, Werwitzke S, Klamroth R
LANCET HAEMATOL. 2023;10(11):e913-e921.

Purpura Fulminans Triggered by the Formation of Anti-Endothelial Autoantibodies in a Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Beckmann L, Lennartz M, Beitzen-Heineke A, Voigtländer M, Rolling C, Holstein K, Bokemeyer C, Amirkhosravi A, Langer F
Ann Hematol Oncol. 2022;9(1):.

Quality of life in a large multinational haemophilia B cohort (The B-Natural study) - Unmet needs remain
Berntorp E, LeBeau P, Ragni M, Borhany M, Abajas Y, Tarantino M, Holstein K, Croteau S, Liesner R, Tarango C, Carvalho M, McGuinn C, Funding E, Kempton C, Bidlingmaier C, Cohen A, Oldenburg J, Kearney S, Knoll C, Kuriakose P, Acharya S, Reiss U, Kulkarni R, Witkop M, Lethagen S, Krouse R, Shapiro A, Astermark J
HAEMOPHILIA. 2022;28(3):453-461.

Sixth Åland Island Conference on von Willebrand disease
Berntorp E, Trakymienė S, Federici A, Holstein K, Corrales-Medina F, Pierce G, Srivastava A, Prondzinski M, Johnsen J, Zupan I, Halimeh S, Nummi V, Roberts J
HAEMOPHILIA. 2022;28(Suppl 5):3-15.

Hämophilie im Alter: Herausforderungen der Therapie
Holstein K
Kompendium ... Hämatologie/Onkologie. 2022;2022:67-72.

Immune tolerance induction in the era of emicizumab - still the first choice for patients with haemophilia A and inhibitors?
Holstein K, Le Quellec S, Klamroth R, Batorova A, Holme P, Jiménez-Yuste V, Astermark J
HAEMOPHILIA. 2022;28(2):215-222.

The Bone Microarchitecture Deficit in Patients with Hemophilia Is Influenced by Arthropathy, Hepatitis C Infection, and Physical Activity
Holstein K, Witt L, Matysiak A, Schmidt C, Barvencik F, Amling M, Rolvien T, Langer F
THROMB HAEMOSTASIS. 2022;122(5):692-702.

Evaluation of different diagnostic tools for detection of acquired von Willebrand syndrome in patients with polycythemia vera or essential thrombocythemia
Janjetovic S, Rolling C, Budde U, Schneppenhem S, Schafhausen P, Peters M, Bokemeyer C, Holstein K, Langer F
THROMB RES. 2022;218:35-43.

Electronic diaries in the management of haemophilia gene therapy: Perspective of an expert group from the German, Austrian and Swiss Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (GTH)
Miesbach W, Eichler H, Holstein K, Holzhauer S, Klamroth R, Knöfler R, Male C, Olivieri M, Oldenburg J, Tiede A
HAEMOPHILIA. 2022;28(2):264-269.

Safety of intramuscular COVID-19 vaccination in patients with haemophilia
Tiede A, Leise H, Horneff S, Oldenburg J, Halimeh S, Heller C, Königs C, Holstein K, Pfrepper C
HAEMOPHILIA. 2022;28(5):687-693.

The B-Natural study-The outcome of immune tolerance induction therapy in patients with severe haemophilia B
Astermark J, Holstein K, Abajas Y, Kearney S, Croteau S, Liesner R, Funding E, Kempton C, Acharya S, Lethagen S, LeBeau P, Bowen J, Berntorp E, Shapiro A
HAEMOPHILIA. 2021;27(5):802-813.

Monocyte activation and acquired autoimmune protein S deficiency promote disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with primary antiphospholipid syndrome
Beckmann L, Voigtländer M, Holstein K, Lennartz M, Schneider S, Haddad M, Renné T, Bokemeyer C, Rolling C, Langer F

Prevalence of definite antiphospholipid syndrome in carriers of the JAK2V617F mutation
Janjetovic S, Beckmann L, Holstein K, Rolling C, Thiele B, Schafhausen P, Schön G, Bokemeyer C, Langer F, Voigtlaender M
THROMB RES. 2021;198:55-61.

Clinical and patient reported outcome in total ankle replacement compared to ankle fusion in end-stage haemophilic arthropathy
Mussawy H, Kehrer M, Strahl A, Rolvien T, Hubert J, Beil F, Wirtz D, Oldenburg J, Holstein K, Strauss A
HAEMOPHILIA. 2021;27(6):e739-e746.

Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie auf die medizinische Versorgung von Patienten mit angeborenen Blutungsneigungen
Olivieri M, Halimeh S, Wermes C, Hassenpflug W, Holstein K, von Mackensen S
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2021;83(4):282-290.

Consensus Recommendations for Intramuscular COVID-19 Vaccination in Patients with Hemophilia
Pfrepper C, Holstein K, Königs C, Heller C, Krause M, Olivieri M, Bidlingmaier C, Sigl-Kraetzig M, Wendisch J, Halimeh S, Horneff S, Richter H, Wieland I, Klamroth R, Oldenburg J, Tiede A
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2021;41(3):190-196.

Natural history study of factor IX deficiency with focus on treatment and complications (B-Natural)
Shapiro A, Ragni M, Borhany M, Abajas Y, Tarantino M, Holstein K, Croteau S, Liesner R, Tarango C, Carvalho M, McGuinn C, Funding E, Kempton C, Bidlingmaier C, Cohen A, Oldenburg J, Kearney S, Knoll C, Kuriakose P, Acharya S, Reiss U, Kulkarni R, Witkop M, Lethagen S, Donfield S, LeBeau P, Berntorp E, Astermark J
HAEMOPHILIA. 2021;27(1):49-59.

Practical Guidance of the GTH Haemophilia Board on the Use of Emicizumab in Patients with Haemophilia A
Holstein K, Albisetti M, Bidlingmaier C, Halimeh S, Heine S, Klamroth R, Königs C, Kurnik K, Male C, Oldenburg J, Streif W, Wermes C, Escuriola-Ettingshausen C
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2020;40(5):561-571.

Bleeding and response to hemostatic therapy in acquired hemophilia A: results from the GTH-AH 01/2010 study
Holstein K, Liu X, Smith A, Knöbl P, Klamroth R, Geisen U, Eichler H, Miesbach W, Tiede A
BLOOD. 2020;136(3):279-287.

LPS-induced expression and release of monocyte tissue factor in patients with haemophilia
Holstein K, Matysiak A, Witt L, Sievers B, Beckmann L, Haddad M, Renné T, Voigtländer M, Langer F
ANN HEMATOL. 2020;99(7):1531-1542.

Comparison of acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel non-responsiveness assessed by light transmittance aggregometry and PFA-100® in patients undergoing neuroendovascular procedures
Rolling C, Tomada J, Frölich A, Holst B, Holstein K, Voigtländer M, Janjetovic S, Haddad M, Renné T, Fiehler J, Bokemeyer C, Rolling T, Langer F
CLIN CHEM LAB MED. 2020;59(2):383-392.

Cross-reacting inhibitors against recombinant porcine factor VIII in acquired hemophilia A: Data from the GTH-AH 01/2010 Study
Türkantoz H, Königs C, Knöbl P, Klamroth R, Holstein K, Huth-Kühne A, Heinz J, Eichler H, Tiede A
J THROMB HAEMOST. 2020;18(1):36-43.

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of patients with inherited bleeding disorders in Germany
von Mackensen S, Halimeh S, Siebert M, Wermes C, Hassenpflug W, Holstein K, Olivieri M
HAEMOPHILIA. 2020;26(6):e272-e281.

Niedermolekulare Heparine in der Onkologie: Überblick und Indikationen
Holstein K
Vasomed. 2019;2019(3):.

Apixaban for the Treatment of Chronic Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: A Report of Two Cases
Janjetovic S, Holstein K, Dicke C, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2019;39(3):294-297.

Smart Medication ™, an Electronic Diary for Surveillance of Haemophilia Home Care and Optimization of Resource Distribution
Mondorf W, Eichler H, Fischer R, Holstein K, Klamroth R, Nimtz-Talaska A, Wermes C, Richter H, Severin K
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2019;39(4):339-346.

The impact of bleeding disorders on the socioeconomic status of adult patients. Results of a comparative single centre cohort study
Holstein K, von Mackensen S, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2018;38(3):150-157.

Joint disease in haemophilia: Pathophysiology, pain and imaging
van Vulpen L, Holstein K, Martinoli C
HAEMOPHILIA. 2018;24(SI 6):44-49.

Distinct mechanisms account for acquired von Willebrand syndrome in plasma cell dyscrasias
Dicke C, Schneppenheim S, Holstein K, Spath B, Bokemeyer C, Dittmer R, Budde U, Langer F
ANN HEMATOL. 2016;95(6):945-57.

Current view and outcome of ITI therapy - A change over time?
Holstein K, Batorova A, Carvalho M, Fijnvandraat K, Holme P, Kavakli K, Lambert T, Rocino A, Jiménez-Yuste V, Astermark J
THROMB RES. 2016;148:38-44.

The impact of social factors on outcomes in patients with bleeding disorders
Holstein K, von Mackensen S, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
HAEMOPHILIA. 2016;22(1):46-53.

Anti-factor VIII IgA as a potential marker of poor prognosis in acquired hemophilia A: results from the GTH-AH 01/2010 study
Tiede A, Hofbauer C, Werwitzke S, Knöbl P, Gottstein S, Scharf R, Heinz J, Groß H, Holstein K, Dobbelstein C, Scheiflinger F, Koch A, Reipert B
BLOOD. 2016;127(19):2289-97.

Expression and release of platelet protein disulphide isomerase in patients with haemophilia A
Voigtländer M, Holstein K, Spath B, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
HAEMOPHILIA. 2016;22(6):e537-e544.

Diagnostic and prognostic value of factor VIII binding antibodies in acquired hemophilia A: data from the GTH-AH 01/2010 study
Werwitzke S, Geisen U, Nowak-Göttl U, Eichler H, Stephan B, Scholz U, Holstein K, Klamroth R, Knöbl P, Huth-Kühne A, Bomke B, Tiede A
J THROMB HAEMOST. 2016;14(5):940-7.

Atypical venous thromboses in myeloproliferative neoplasias
Dicke C, Frölich A, Holstein K, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
PHLEBOLOGIE. 2015;44(6):324–329.

Novel, human cell line-derived recombinant factor VIII (human-cl rhFVIII; Nuwiq(®) ) in adults with severe haemophilia A: efficacy and safety
Lissitchkov T, Hampton K, von Depka M, Hay C, Rangarajan S, Tuddenham E, Holstein K, Huth-Kühne A, Pabinger I, Knaub S, Bichler J, Oldenburg J

Thrombin generation in a patient with an acquired high-titre factor V inhibitor
Schmidt D, Steinhagen F, Schnabel C, Spath B, Holstein K, Fiedler W, Bokemeyer C, Renné T, Langer F
BLOOD COAGUL FIBRIN. 2015;26(1):81-87.

Prognostic factors for remission of and survival in acquired hemophilia A (AHA): results from the GTH-AH 01/2010 study
Tiede A, Klamroth R, Scharf R, Trappe R, Holstein K, Huth-Kühne A, Gottstein S, Geisen U, Schenk J, Scholz U, Schilling K, Neumeister P, Miesbach W, Manner D, Greil R, von Auer C, Krause M, Leimkühler K, Kalus U, Blumtritt J, Werwitzke S, Budde E, Koch A, Knöbl P
BLOOD. 2015;125(7):1091-7.

Clinical Evidence that Coagulation Activation Drives Cancer Progression - a Report of 2 Cases
Voigtländer M, Holstein K, Leuenroth S, Mudter J, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2015;38(9):449-52.

Acquired hemophilia A and von Willebrand syndrome in a patient with late-onset systemic lupus erythematosus
Dicke C, Holstein K, Schneppenheim S, Dittmer R, Schneppenheim R, Bokemeyer C, Iking-Konert C, Budde U, Langer F

Relationship between haemophilia and social status
Holstein K, Eifrig B, Langer F

Successful second ITI with factor IX and combined immunosuppressive therapy. A patient with severe haemophilia B and recurrence of a factor IX inhibitor
Holstein K, Schneppenheim R, Schrum J, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2014;34 (4A):5-8.

Characterisation of the p.A1461D mutation causing von Willebrand disease type 2B with severe thrombocytopenia, circulating giant platelets, and defective α-granule secretion
Langer F, Obser T, Oyen F, Spath B, Holstein K, Greinacher A, White J, Budde U, Bokemeyer C, Schneppenheim R
THROMB HAEMOSTASIS. 2014;111(4):777-779.

Seltene Gerinnungsstörung oder ein Fall für den Psychiater
Zinser M, Holstein K, Langer F, Voigt P, Holzhüter J
Hamb Ärztebl. 2014;2014(11):30-31.

Relevant bleeding diathesis due to acquired factor XIII deficiency
Janning M, Holstein K, Spath B, Schnabel C, Bannas P, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2013;33 Suppl 1:S50-4.

The international factor IX treatment network survey
Berntorp E, Shapiro A, Waters J, Astermark J, , Holstein K
HAEMOPHILIA. 2012;18(3):e60-2.

Pain management in patients with haemophilia: a European survey.
Holstein K, Klamroth R, Richards M, Carvalho M, Pérez-Garrido R, Gringeri A, Board E
HAEMOPHILIA. 2012;18(5):743-752.

Successful eradication of a FVIII inhibitor in a 60-year-old patient with mild haemophilia A using single-agent prednisolone.
Holstein K, Marx G, Lentz B, Bokemeyer C, Langer F
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2012;32 Suppl 1:48-51.

Pregnancy-associated acquired haemophilia A: results from the European Acquired Haemophilia (EACH2) registry
Tengborn L, Baudo F, Huth-Kühne A, Knoebl P, Lévesque H, Marco P, Pellegrini F, Nemes L, Collins P, , Holstein K
BJOG-INT J OBSTET GY. 2012;119(12):1529-37.

Management of acute haemarthrosis in haemophilia A without inhibitors: literature review, European survey and recommendations.
Hermans C, De Moerloose P, Fischer K, Holstein K, Klamroth R, Lambert T, Lavigne-Lissalde G, Perez R, Richards M, Dolan G, Board E
HAEMOPHILIA. 2011;17(3):383-392.

Akute Blutungen ohne Trauma - Gerinnung checken mit System
Langer F, Holstein K, Bokemeyer C
Der Allgemeinarzt. 2011;33(15):37-40.

Inhibitor-immunology-study. Evaluation of inhibitor development in haemophilia B.
Wieland I, Wermes C, Eifrig B, Holstein K, Pollmann H, Siegmund B, Eberl W, Kemkes-Matthes B, Bidlingmaier C, Kurnik K, Lischetzki G, Nimtz-Talaska A, Eisert R, Bogdanova N, Doerk T, Sykora K
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2011;31 Suppl 1:57-60.

[Improving care in haemophilia treatment: development of a computerized registry]
Holstein K, Holstein F, Bokemeyer C, Eifrig B
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2009;29(1):27-28.

Thromboembolische Komplikationen - Prophylaxe und Therapie im Fokus
Langer F, Holstein K, Eifrig B, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2009;15:150-156.

[Haemostatic aspects in clinical oncology]
Langer F, Holstein K, Eifrig B, Bokemeyer C
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2008;28(5):472-480.

Tissue factor procoagulant activity of plasma microparticles in patients with cancer-associated disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Langer F, Spath B, Haubold K, Holstein K, Marx G, Wierecky J, Brümmendorf T, Dierlamm J, Bokemeyer C, Eifrig B
ANN HEMATOL. 2008;87(6):451-457.

Inhibitor-Immunology-Study. Different HLA-types seem to be involved in the inhibitor development in haemophilia A
Wieland I, Wermes C, Eifrig B, Holstein K, Pollmann H, Siegmund B, Bidlingmaier C, Kurnik K, Nimtz-Talaska A, Niekrens C, Eisert R, Tiede A, Ebenebe C, Lakomek M, Hoy L, Welte K, Sykora K
HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 2008;28(1):26-28.

Dose-dependent effect of etoposide in combination with busulfan plus cyclophosphamide as conditioning for stem cell transplantation in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
Kröger N, Zabelina T, Sonnenberg S, Krüger W, Renges H, Stute N, Finkenstein F, Mayer U, Holstein K, Fiedler W, Colberg H, Sonnen R, Kuse R, Braumann D, Metzner B, Del Valle F, Erttmann R, Kabisch H, Zander A
BONE MARROW TRANSPL. 2000;26(7):711-716.

The use of dose-intensified chemotherapy in the treatment of metastatic nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumors. German Testicular Cancer Study Group.
Bokemeyer C, Harstrick A, Beyer J, Metzner B, Rüther U, Hartmann J, Holstein K, Derigs H, de Wit R, Casper J, Schöffski P, Kührer I, Illiger H, Kempf B, Reichle A, Föller A, Hossfeld D, Fischer J, Berdel W, Gerhartz H, Kirchner H, Pflüger K, Ostermann H, Kanz L, Schmoll H
SEMIN ONCOL. 1998;25(2 Suppl 4):24-28.

The relationship between prorenin levels in follicular fluid and follicular atresia in bovine ovaries.
Mukhopadhyay A, Holstein K, Szkudlinski M, Brunswig-Spickenheier B, Leidenberger F
ENDOCRINOLOGY. 1991;129(5):2367-2375.

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