Sarah Biedermann
PD Dr. med.
Sarah Biedermann
  • Senior physician ward for personality disorders (PA 4)
  • Medical Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Working area


W37 , 4th Floor
German (Mother tongue)

Areas of expertise



The effect of short-term increase of estradiol levels on sexual desire and orgasm frequency in women and men: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Auer M, Joue G, Biedermann S, Sommer T, Fuss J

Reliability of repeated exposure to the human elevated plus maze in virtual reality: Behavioral, emo-tional, and autonomic responses
Biedermann S, Roth L, Biedermann D, Fuß J
BEHAV RES METHODS. 2024;56(1):187-198.

Delay discounting of protected sex and compulsive sexual behavior in women with borderline personality disorder
Finkenstaedt M, Biedermann D, Schröder J, Gholami Mazinan R, Fuß J, Biedermann S
J BEHAV ADDICT. 2024;13(1):250-261.

Borderline personality disorder and sexuality: causes and consequences of dissociative symptoms
Gholami Mazinan R, Dudek C, Warkentin H, Finkenstaedt M, Schröder J, Musil R, Kratzer L, Fuß J, Biedermann S
BORDER PERS DIS EMOT. 2024;11(1):8.

Gender-affirming hormonal therapy induces a gender-concordant fecal metagenome transition in transgender individuals
Liwinski T, Auer M, Schröder J, Pieknik I, Casar C, Schwinge D, Henze L, Stalla G, Lang U, von Klitzing A, Briken P, Hildebrandt T, Desbuleux J, Biedermann S, Holterhus P, Bang C, Schramm C, Fuss J
BMC MED. 2024;22(1):346.

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in an assertive community treatment structure (ACT): testing integrated care borderline (ICB) in a randomized controlled trial (RECOVER)
Schindler A, Warkentin H, Bierbrodt J, König H, Konnopka A, Pepic A, Peth J, Lambert M, Gallinat J, Karow A, König H, Härter M, Schulz H, Rohenkohl A, Krog K, Biedermann S, Schäfer I
BORDER PERS DIS EMOT. 2024;11(1):18.

The impact of psychopathic traits on anxiety-related behaviors in a mixed reality environment.
Voulgaris A, Biedermann S, Biedermann D, Bründl S, Roth L, Wiessner C, Briken P, Fuss J
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):11832.


The influence of opioid blockage on the sexual response cycle: A randomized placebo-controlled ex-periment with relevance for the treatment of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD)
Incoronato N, Biedermann S, Roth L, Müller J, Fuß J
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2023;147(147):105968.

How Important Is Reprocessing in Personalized Multicomponent Therapy? Analyzing Longitudinal Data of Inpatients With Severe PTSD
Kratzer L, Heinz P, Knefel M, Weindl D, Tschöke S, Biedermann S, Schröder J, Karatzias T
J NERV MENT DIS. 2023;211(8):592-600.

Can you trust this source? Advice taking in borderline personality disorder
Scheunemann J, Jelinek L, Biedermann S, Lipp M, Yassari A, Kühn S, Gallinat J, Moritz S
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2023;273(4):875-885.

Implicit cognitions on self-injurious and suicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder
Scheunemann J, Kühn S, Biedermann S, Lipp M, Peth J, Gallinat J, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2023;79(1018369):1018369.

Do Endocannabinoids Cause the Runner's High? Evidence and Open Questions
Siebers M, Biedermann S, Fuß J
NEUROSCIENTIST. 2023;29(3):352-369.


The dissociative subtype of PTSD in trauma-exposed individuals: a latent class analysis and examination of clinical covariates
Deen A, Biedermann S, Lotzin A, Krüger-Gottschalk A, Dyer A, Knaevelsrud C, Rau H, Schellong J, Ehring T, Schäfer I

Investigating mechanisms of change in the treatment of sexual symptoms in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSD
Kratzer L, Heinz P, Schennach R, Biedermann S, Knefel M
EUR J TRAUMA DISSOC. 2022;6(2):.

Sexual symptoms in post-traumatic stress disorder following childhood sexual abuse: a network analysis
Kratzer L, Heinz P, Schennach R, Knefel M, Schiepek G, Biedermann S, Büttner M
PSYCHOL MED. 2022;52(1):90-101.

Effects of circulating estradiol on physiological, behavioural, and subjective correlates of anxiety: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Nouri S, Biedermann S, Joue G, Auer M, Sommer T, Fuss J


Altered endocannabinoid-dynamics in craniopharyngioma patients and their association with HPA-axis disturbances
Auer M, Gebert D, Biedermann S, Bindila L, Stalla G, Reisch N, Kopczak A, Fuß J
EUR J ENDOCRINOL. 2021;185(2):231-239.

Childhood adversities are common among trans people and associated with adult depression and suicidality
Biedermann S, Asmuth J, Schröder J, Briken P, Auer M, Fuß J
J PSYCHIATR RES. 2021;141:318-324.

Body Image and Sexual Desire in the Context of Gender Affirming Therapy: Results of a Cross-sectional Multi-centered Transgender Study
Garz M, Schröder J, Nieder T, Becker I, Biedermann S, Hildebrandt T, Briken P, Auer M, Fuß J
J SEX MARITAL THER. 2021;47(5):435-445.

Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals theta network alterations during reward feedback processing in borderline personality disorder
Schauer P, Rauh J, Biedermann S, Haaf M, Steinmann S, Leicht G, Mulert C
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.

Changes in Processing Speed, Cognitive Flexibility, and Selective Attention over a Four-Week Treatment Period in Inpatients with Moderate to Severe Depression
Schneider B, Diedrich S, Hauschildt M, Biedermann S, Arlt S, Moritz S, Jelinek L
Z NEUROPSYCHOL. 2021;32(3):129-140.

Exercise-induced euphoria and anxiolysis do not depend on endogenous opioids in humans
Siebers M, Biedermann S, Bindila L, Lutz B, Fuß J

Becoming a Xhosa traditional healer: The calling, illness, conflict and belonging
van der Watt A, Biedermann S, Abdulmalik J, Mbanga I, Das-Brailsford P, Seedat S
SAJP-S AFR J PSYCHI. 2021;27:1528.


VR Porn as "Empathy Machine"? Perception of Self and Others in Virtual Reality Pornography
Dekker A, Wenzlaff F, Biedermann S, Briken P, Fuss J
J SEX RES. 2020;58(3):273-278.

Sexual Behavior, Desire, and Psychosexual Experience in Gynephilic and Androphilic Trans Women: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study
Laube J, Auer M, Biedermann S, Schröder J, Hildebrandt T, Nieder T, Briken P, Fuß J
J SEX MED. 2020;2020(17):1182-1194.


Does sex hormone treatment reverse the sex-dependent stress regulation? A longitudinal study on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity in transgender individuals
Fuß J, Claro L, Ising M, Biedermann S, Wiedemann K, Stalla G, Briken P, Auer M

Self-Reported Childhood Maltreatment and Erotic Target Identity Inversions Among Men with Paraphilic Infantilism
Fuss J, Jais L, Grey B, Guczka S, Briken P, Biedermann S
J SEX MARITAL THER. 2019;45(8):781-795.


Desire to Have Children Among Transgender People in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Multi-Center Study
Auer M, Fuß J, Nieder T, Briken P, Biedermann S, Stalla G, Beckmann M, Hildebrandt T
J SEX MED. 2018;15(5):757-767.

Psychopharmaka und sexuelle Störungen
Biedermann S
2018. Sexualität und Trauma. Grundlagen und Therapie traumaassoziierter sexueller Störungen . Büttner M (eds.). 1. ed. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 453-461.

Sexuelle Funktionsstörungen nach Traumatisierung
Biedermann S
2018. Sexualität und Trauma. Büttner M (eds.). 1. ed. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 95-115.

Sexual abuse but not posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with neurocognitive deficits in South African traumatized adolescents
Biedermann S, Meliss S, Simmons C, Nöthling J, Suliman S, Seedat S
CHILD ABUSE NEGLECT. 2018;80:257-267.

Sexualpsychotherapie nach dem "Hamburger Modell" bei Traumafolgestörungen
Biedermann S, Signerski-Krieger J
2018. Sexualität und Trauma: Grundlagen und Therapie traumaassoziierter sexueller Störungen . Büttner M (eds.). 1. ed. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 351-357.


High impact of sleeping problems on quality of life in transgender individuals: A cross-sectional multicenter study
Auer M, Liedl A, Fuß J, Nieder T, Briken P, Stalla G, Hildebrandt T, Biedermann S, Sievers C
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(2):e0171640.

An elevated plus-maze in mixed reality for studying human anxiety-related behavior
Biedermann S, Biedermann D, Wenzlaff F, Kurjak T, Nouri S, Auer M, Wiedemann K, Briken P, Haaker J, Lonsdorf T, Fuß J
BMC BIOL. 2017;15(125):1-13.

Autobiographical memory deficits in patients with depression follow a temporal distribution.
Biedermann S, Demirakca T, Sartorius A, Auer M, Ende G, Berna F
PSYCHIAT RES. 2017;257:193-196.

Masturbation to Orgasm Stimulates the Release of the Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol in Humans
Fuß J, Bindila L, Wiedemann K, Auer M, Briken P, Biedermann S
J SEX MED. 2017;14(11):1372-1379.

Early effects of a high-caloric diet and physical exercise on brain volumetry and behavior: a combined MRI and histology study in mice
Sack M, Lenz J, Jakovcevski M, Biedermann S, Falfan-Melgoza C, Deussing J, Bielohuby M, Bidlingmaier M, Pfister F, Stalla G, Sartorius A, Gass P, Weber-Fahr W, Fuß J, Auer M
BRAIN IMAGING BEHAV. 2017;11(5):1385–1396.


Restricted vs. unrestricted wheel running in mice: Effects on brain, behavior and endocannabinoids
Biedermann S, Auer M, Bindila L, Ende G, Lutz B, Weber-Fahr W, Gass P, Fuß J
HORM BEHAV. 2016;86:45-54.

Improvement in verbal memory performance in depressed in-patients after treatment with electroconvulsive therapy
Biedermann S, Bumb J, Demirakca T, Ende G, Sartorius A
ACTA PSYCHIAT SCAND. 2016;134(6):461-468.

The hippocampus and exercise: histological correlates of MR-detected volume changes
Biedermann S, Fuß J, Steinle J, Auer M, Dormann C, Falfan-Melgoza C, Ende G, Gass P, Weber-Fahr W
BRAIN STRUCT FUNCT. 2016;221(3):1353-1363.


Effects of a high-caloric diet and physical exercise on brain metabolite levels a combined proton MRS and histologic study
Auer M, Sack M, Lenz J, Jakovcevski M, Biedermann S, Falfán-Melgoza C, Deussing J, Steinle J, Bielohuby M, Bidlingmaier M, Pfister F, Stalla G, Ende G, Weber-Fahr W, Fuss J, Gass P
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2015;35(4):554-64.

Deep brain stimulation to reduce sexual drive
Fuß J, Auer M, Biedermann S, Briken P, Hacke W
J PSYCHIATR NEUROSCI. 2015;40(6):429–431.

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