Martin Riemer
Martin Riemer
  • Scientist
  • Teaching coordinator
Working area


W36 , Ground Floor, Room number 001
German (Mother tongue)



Over the fence: Media-supported collaborative teaching and learning exemplified by diabetes prevention in an occupational setting.
Preisser A, Hampel E, Riemer M, Kraft A, Zyriax B
AMEE MedEdPublish. 2019;8(2):.


Critical Analysis of an e-Learning and Interactive Teaching Module with Respect to the Interpretation of Emergency Computed Tomography of the Brain
Groth M, Barthe K, Riemer M, Ernst M, Herrmann J, Fiehler J, Buhk J
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 2018;190(4):334-340.

Post-mortem chemical excitability of the iris should not be used for forensic death time diagnosis
Koehler K, Sehner S, Riemer M, Gehl A, Raupach T, Anders S
INT J LEGAL MED. 2018;132(6):1693-1697.

P121 Risikotest zum Typ 2 Diabetes: Evaluation des Prototyps im Rahmen eines betrieblichen Gesundheitstages der Stadtreinigung Hamburg.
Kraft A, Körner W, Riemer M, Zyriax B, Harth V, Preisser A
2018. Dokumentationsband zur 58. Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung der DGAUM 2018. Angerer P, Muth T (eds.). 1. ed. 393.


Measurement of Postmortem Pupil Size: A New Method with Excellent Reliability and Its Application to Pupil Changes in the Early Postmortem Period
Fleischer L, Sehner S, Gehl A, Riemer M, Raupach T, Anders S
J FORENSIC SCI. 2017;62(3):791-795.

e-Projekt Diabetes-Prävention
Preisser A, Zyriax B, Kraft A, Velasco Garrido M, Riemer M
2017. HOOU Content Projekte - Vorprojektphase 2015/16 der Hamburg Open Online University . 1. ed. Hamburg: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Mayrberger, 206-9.


Virtual patients: the influence of case design and teamwork on students' perception and knowledge - a pilot study
Jäger F, Riemer M, Abendroth M, Sehner S, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2014;14:137.


Clinical decision making: a pilot e-learning study
Abendroth M, Harendza S, Riemer M
CLIN TEACH. 2013;10(1):51-5.

Virtuelle Patienten: Wie werden sie aus Sicht von Medizinstudierenden am besten eingesetzt?
Riemer M, Abendroth M
GMS Med Inform Biom E. 2013;9(4)(Doc19):.


Three-dimensional surface models of detailed lumbosacral structures reconstructed from the Visible Korean.
Shin D, Chung M, Park J, Park H, Lee S, Lee S, Choi H, Riemer M, Handels H, Lee J, Jung W
ANN ANAT. 2011;193(1):64-70.


Vergleich verschiedener Werkzeuge zur Erzeugung und Nutzung von medizinischen Virtuellen Patienten
Riemer M, Wollatz M, Kludas L, Mendorf A, Nguyen T, Seibel J
2010. e-Health 2011 Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen. medical future verlag: 289-295.


Einsatz der eLearning-Plattform Moodle im Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Riemer M, Wollatz M, Handels H
2009. e-Health 2010 Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen. medical future verlag: 275-281.

Benutzerverhalten auf der eLearning-Plattform Moodle im Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse mit Hilfe kontinuierlicher Pflichtevaluationen in 2006 2007
Riemer M, Wollatz M, Peimann C, Handels H
GMS Med Inform Biom E. 2009;5(1):5.


Generating useful images for medical applications from the Visible Korean Human.
Park J, Jung Y, Lee J, Shin D, Chung M, Riemer M, Handels H
COMPUT METH PROG BIO. 2008;92(3):257-266.


A novel interactive anatomic atlas of the hand.
Gehrmann S, Höhne K, Linhart W, Pflesser B, Pommert A, Riemer M, Tiede U, Windolf J, Schumacher U, Rueger J
CLIN ANAT. 2006;19(3):258-266.


Interactive Segmentation of Muscles and 3D Representation of Meridians Based on Visible Human.
Qin Y, Cheng Z, Zhuang T, Wang H, Wang Y, Yan Z, Riemer M, Ulf T, Karl H
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2005;5:5116-5119.


Segmentation of muscles for 3D representation of acupoints.
Zheng L, Zhao J, Zhuang T, Liu H, Bai J, Yan Z, Ulf T, Riemer M, Karl H
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2004;3:1733-1736.


A realistic model of human structure from the visible human data.
Höhne K, Pflesser B, Pommert A, Riemer M, Schubert R, Schiemann T, Tiede U, Schumacher U
METHOD INFORM MED. 2001;40(2):83-89.

Exploring the visible human's inner organs with the VOXEL-MAN 3D navigator.
Pflesser B, Petersik A, Pommert A, Riemer M, Schubert R, Tiede U, Höhne K, Schumacher U, Richter E
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2001;81:379-385.

Creating a high-resolution spatial/symbolic model of the inner organs based on the Visible Human.
Pommert A, Höhne K, Pflesser B, Richter E, Riemer M, Schiemann T, Schubert R, Schumacher U, Tiede U
MED IMAGE ANAL. 2001;5(3):221-228.


Exploring the Visible Human using the VOXEL-MAN framework.
Schiemann T, Freudenberg J, Pflesser B, Pommert A, Priesmeyer K, Riemer M, Schubert R, Tiede U, Höhne K
COMPUT MED IMAG GRAP. 2000;24(3):127-132.


Interactive volume visualization using "intelligent movies".
Schubert R, Pflesser B, Pommert A, Priesmeyer K, Riemer M, Schiemann T, Tiede U, Steiner P, Höhne K
Stud Health Technol Inform. 1999;62:321-327.


A new representation of knowledge concerning human anatomy and function.
Höhne K, Pflesser B, Pommert A, Riemer M, Schiemann T, Schubert R, Tiede U
NAT MED. 1995;1(6):506-511.

[New kinds of 3-dimensional atlases of the anatomy and function of the human body]
Höhne K, Pommert A, Riemer M, Schiemann T, Schubert R, Tiede U, Lierse W
Z Arztl Fortbild (Jena). 1995;89(4):430-435.


A new method for practicing exploration, dissection, and simulation with a complete computerized three-dimensional model of the brain and skull.
Schubert R, Höhne K, Pommert A, Riemer M, Schiemann T, Tiede U, Lierse W
Acta Anat (Basel). 1994;150(1):69-74.


A new method for representing the human anatomy.
Schubert R, Bomans M, Höhne K, Pommert A, Riemer M, Schiemann T, Tiede U, Lierse W
COMPUT MED IMAG GRAP. 1993;17(4-5):243-249.

A computerized three-dimensional atlas of the human skull and brain.
Tiede U, Bomans M, Höhne K, Pommert A, Riemer M, Schiemann T, Schubert R, Lierse W
AM J NEURORADIOL. 1993;14(3):551-551.


Visualization of 3-D treatment plans with fast neutrons.
Schmidt R, Schiemann T, Riemer M, Thom E, Höhne K, Hübener K
STRAHLENTHER ONKOL. 1992;168(12):698-702.

[3-D visualization of dose distributions in CT image volumes]
Tabbert E, Riemer M, Schiemann T, Tiede U, Höhne K
STRAHLENTHER ONKOL. 1992;168(1):31-34.


3-D segmentation of MR images of the head for 3-D display.
Bomans M, Hohne K, Tiede U, Riemer M
IEEE T MED IMAGING. 1990;9(2):177-183.


The use of the Fourier transform in cardiac digital angiography.
Witte G, Hoehne K, Riemer M, Obermoeller U, Buecheler E
CARDIOVASC INTER RAD. 1987;10(2):59-64.


[Classification of the germinal epithelium in Java monkeys (Macaca cynomolgus) using digital image processing]
Dietrich T, Schulze W, Riemer M
UROLOGE. 1986;25(3):179-186.

Computer-aided three-dimensional reconstructions of the arrangement of primary spermatocytes in human seminiferous tubules.
Schulze W, Riemer M, Rehder U, Höhne K
CELL TISSUE RES. 1986;244(1):1-7.

[3-dimensional display of computed tomographic studies of craniofacial anomalies]
Witte G, Höltje W, Tiede U, Riemer M
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 1986;144(4):400-405.


[Applicability of digital methods in x-ray diagnosis]
Witte G, Höhne K, Böcker F, Riemer M, Bücheler E
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 1985;142(6):600-610.


Fourier domain techniques for digital angiography of the heart.
Hohne K, Obermoller U, Riemer M, Witte G
IEEE T MED IMAGING. 1984;3(2):62-67.


Data compression in digital angiography using the Fourier transform.
Höhne K, Obermöller U, Riemer M, Witte G, Böhm M
MED PHYS. 1983;10(6):899-905.

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