- Ward-C5B
- Ward C5A
- Ward C4B
- Ward C3B
- Ward C2B
Ward-C5BWard C5BWard C5BWard C5BWard C5BWard C5B
Dear patients and family members, We would like to welcome you to our oncology Comfort Ward C5B. The main emphasis of our work are the diagnosis and treatment of patients with malignant tumors and blood disorders including leukemias and lymphomas. Systemic treatment of advanced and/or metastatic tumors is a main focus of our work..Therapeutic regiments are carried out on the basis of national and international guidelines and the latest scientific findings. In addition, we offer novel and innovative medications within the framework of clinical trials, including compounds that are not available on the market yet. Central goal of our work is to develop a treatment concept best suited for each patient Therefore, we pay respect to individual medical and tumor biological findings and consider each patient’s living circumstances such as age, life situation, and any accompanying diseases along with his wishes.We can grant these services through our highly trained team consisting of doctors and specialized oncology nursing staff as well as physical therapists, dieticians, psycho-oncologists, and social workers.Continuous and intensive medical care is provided by daily rounds with the Director of the Center for Oncology, Prof. Dr. Carsten Bokemeyer, and/or his chief senior physicians and deputies, Priv.-Doz. Dr. G. von Amsberg and Prof. Dr. J. Dierlamm. In addition, a permanent team of doctors is responsible for your care on the ward.The range of services offered on our ward include:
- Comprehensive diagnostics by suspected oncological or hematological diseases
- Chemotherapies (neoadjuvant, adjuvant, curative, palliative)
- Modern molecular targeted therapies
- High-dose chemotherapies with subsequent autologous stem cell transplantation
- Radiochemotherapy
- Immunotherapy und antibody therapy
- Treatment offers within the framework of clinical trials
- Care within the framework of local treatment methods in close cooperation with the relevant specialist departments
- Symptom control by supporting (supportive) procedures and therapies
- Physio- und nutritional therapy accompanying treatments
- Holistic care and psychological support of patients during the coping process
- Administration and monitoring of supportive therapy
- Close monitoring of effects and side-effects of chemotherapy
- Surveillance during aplasia phase
- Administration and monitoring of medicinal pain therapy
- Providing proper instructions and advice for patients on:
- Identification of accompanying symptoms
- Behavioral measures and dietary recommendations during aplasia period
- Implementation of special oral hygiene practices for oral mucositis
- Coping with fatigue – exhaustion in combination with reduced performance
- Self-help strategies by nausea and vomiting
- Prevention of constipation
- Hair care during changes and hair loss
Prof. Dr. med.Gunhild von Amsberg- Senior physician
- Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine and Hematology and Oncology
- Palliative Medicine
O24 , Basement, Room number 04 -
Ward C5AWard C5AWard C5AWard C5AWard C5AWard C5A
Primarily, patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are treated with intensive chemotherapy on the José Carreras Leukemia ward. It is located on the 5.Floor of Building O24.
The ward was created with the support of the José Carreras Foundation and was officially opened by Jose Carreras personally.
The establishment of the leukemia ward represents a significant step forward in the treatment of patients with leukemia. On this ward, we have installed a HEPA air filtration system that creates an almost sterile environment for our patients that are at very high risk for infection. In addition, our water distribution system has special filters to keep the water germ free (Legionella). There are more stringent hygiene standards, such as special requirements for food preparation for patients at high risk for infection, as well as regular screening for hospital germs and pathogens.
The treatment of leukemia patients are performed according to the latest national and international protocols that are often within the framework of clinical trials, allowing the patients access to innovative medications.
Patient care
Our multi-professional teams consisting of specialized oncology nurses, medical doctors and specialists, a medical assistant, physiotherapists, social workers, dietary assistants, and psycho-oncologists work in in close partnership for your well-being and support you throughout your treatment.
Priorities in nursing care
Our priorities in nursing care are based on an oncological care concept with the goal of maintaining and encouraging patient autonomy in his individual life situation through active involvement of the patient and his family.
Our responsibilities include:
- Holistic care und psychological support during the coping process
- Administration and monitoring supportive therapy
- Close surveillance of effects and side-effects of chemotherapy
- Monitoring during aplasia period
- Administration and monitoring of medicinal pain therapy
- Proper instructions and advice:
- Identification of accompanying symptoms by the patient
- Behavioral measures and dietary recommendations during aplasia period
- Implementation of special oral hygiene practices for mucositis
- Coping with fatigue – exhaustion in combination with reduced performance
You can find our 21-bed ward in Building O24 on the 5th floor.
Phone: +49 (0) 40 - 7410-23051
Fax: +49 (0) 40 - 7410-58020Cooperation:
We have a very close collaboration with the Department of Stem Cell Transplantation. Every week, all leukemia patients are discussed in our joint tumor conferences.
Holistic Therapy:
Aside from the treatment with medication, we offer you a variety of other services:
These include:
- Psycho-oncological care
- Music therapy
- Sports program
Prof. Dr. med.Walter Fiedler- Executive senior physician
- Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine
- Facharzt für Hämatologie - Internistische Onkologie
Campus Forschung I - N27 , Ground Floor, Room number 00.003.01Contact
O24 , Basement, Room number 04 -
Ward C4BWard C4BWard C4BWard C4BWard C4BWard C4B
We would like to introduce our Ward C4B in the Oncology Center to you:
On our ward we specialize in the examination and treatment of patients with tumor diseases and diseases of the blood and blood forming system. We not only implement all established and proven drug treatment methods against cancer, but we also participate in national and international clinical trials for the continuous improvement of cancer therapy. Therefore, we can often provide our patients with innovative therapies with substances that may not yet be available.
The ward is equipped with 25 beds, 3 single and 11 double rooms. A terrace, a patient kitchen, and a lounge are also available for our patients.
A ward physician team consisting of five medical residents, a chief ward physician, and a senior physician provides your medical care. Rounds take place daily between 9 a.m. and 12 noon. On Mondays and Thursdays rounds are conducted by the senior physician.
Our nursing staff is specialized in the care of oncology patients and provides you with expert advice. During your inpatient stay, our experienced and dedicated team offers you the most up to date nursing care.
Our responsibilities range from preparation and follow-up of cytostatic therapies, administration of drugs, accompanying and providing assistance during therapeutic measures, psycho-social support to basic nursing care. Through our continuing education and training programs, we are able to keep our expertise up to date. Our principles on nursing care have been captured in an oncological care concept. In addition we strive to provide you with care that meets your individual needs as close as possible and to also give you space and time to talk about your concerns.
Our range of services include:
- Curative, adjuvant, und palliative chemotherapies
- High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation (49 in year 2014)
- Treatment within the framework of clinical trials
- Interventional biopsies for diagnostic purposes
- Local procedures of tumor therapy (in close cooperation with corresponding departments)
- Supportive therapy, including pain adjustment
Nursing Emphases
- Nursing advice on dealing with accompanying symptoms such as pain, fatigue, or alopecia
- Prevention and alleviation of oral mucositis
- Instructions on self-care, such as changing bandages for patients and family members
- Prevention and alleviation of nausea
- Aromatherapy
- Palliative care
- Terminal care for patients and their families
Other services
- Psycho-oncological support
- Social services
- Physiotherapy
- Pastoral services
- Hospital volunteer services
- Dietary services
Ward C3BPriv.-Doz. Dr. med.Hans F. E. Klose
- Chief physician
- Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine
- Facharzt für Pneumologie
O24 , 1st Floor, Room number 140Location
O24 , Basement
Ward C2BProf. Dr. med.Karin Oechsle
- Senior physician
- Medical management of palliative medicine
- University professorship for palliative medicine
- Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine
- Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine and Hematology and Oncology
- Palliative Medicine
O24 , 2nd FloorLocation
O24 , Semi Basement , Room number 03