- Senior physician
- Head of research group
- Head of the Hamburg Glomerulonephritis Register
- Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine and Nephrology
Areas of expertise
2022 Franz-Volhard-Preis der deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie
2019 - 2024 Heisenberg-Programm der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft
2018 Teacher of the Year in der Kategorie POL/Seminar
2017 - 2018 Else-Kröner Exzellenzstipendium
2016 Nils-Alwall-Preis für klinische Forschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie
2010 Heinrich-Nether-Promotionspreis für Molekularbiologie 2010
2004 - 2005 Leistungsstipendium der Universität Hamburg
2000 Vertreter für Albanien in der XXXI. Weltolympiade im Fach Physik in Leicester, England
Metabolic Communication by SGLT2 Inhibition
Billing A, Kim Y, Gullaksen S, Schrage B, Raabe J, Hutzfeldt A, Demir F, Kovalenko E, Lassé M, Dugourd A, Fallegger R, Klampe B, Jaegers J, Li Q, Kravtsova O, Crespo-Masip M, Palermo A, Fenton R, Hoxha E, Blankenberg S, Kirchhof P, Huber T, Laugesen E, Zeller T, Chrysopolou M, Saez-Rodriguez J, Magnussen C, Eschenhagen T, Staruschenko A, Siuzdak G, Poulsen P, Schwab C, Cuello F, Vallon V, Rinschen M
CIRCULATION. 2024;149(11):860-884.
Immune profiling-based targeting of pathogenic T cells with ustekinumab in ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis
Engesser J, Khatri R, Schaub D, Zhao Y, Paust H, Sultana Z, Asada N, Riedel J, Sivayoganathan V, Peters A, Kaffke A, Jauch-Speer S, Goldbeck-Strieder T, Puelles V, Wenzel U, Steinmetz O, Hoxha E, Turner J, Mittrücker H, Wiech T, Huber T, Bonn S, Krebs C, Panzer U
NAT COMMUN. 2024;15(1):8220.
Autoantibodies Targeting Nephrin in Podocytopathies
Hengel F, Dehde S, Lassé M, Zahner G, Seifert L, Schnarre A, Kretz O, Demir F, Pinnschmidt H, Grahammer F, Lucas R, Mehner L, Zimmermann T, Billing A, Oh J, Mitrotti A, Pontrelli P, Debiec H, Dossier C, Colucci M, Emma F, Smoyer W, Weins A, Schaefer F, Alachkar N, Diemert A, Hogan J, Hoxha E, Wiech T, Rinschen M, Ronco P, Vivarelli M, Gesualdo L, Tomas N, Huber T
NEW ENGL J MED. 2024;391(5):422-433.
Anti-Phospholipase A2 Receptor 1 and Anti-Cysteine Rich Antibodies, Domain Recognition and Rituximab Efficacy in Membranous Nephropathy: A Prospective Cohort Study
Ruggenenti P, Reinhard L, Ruggiero B, Perna A, Perico L, Peracchi T, Fidone D, Gennarini A, Benigni A, Cortinovis M, Hoxha E, Remuzzi G
AM J KIDNEY DIS. 2024;83(5):588-600.e1.
A Genetic Risk Score Distinguishes Different Types of Autoantibody-Mediated Membranous Nephropathy
Gupta S, Downie M, Cheshire C, Dufek-Kamperis S, Levine A, Brenchley P, Hoxha E, Stahl R, Ashman N, Pepper R, Mason S, Norman J, Bockenhauer D, Stanescu H, Kleta R, Gale D
Glomerular diseases. 2023;3(1):116-125.
T-cell epitopes of PLA2R1 in membranous nephropathy: another step toward antigen-based immunotherapies
Hoxha E
KIDNEY INT. 2023;103(3):466-469.
False positivity for PLA2R1-antibody measured by ELISA in a nephrotic patient with no membranous nephropathy
Hoxha E, Reinhard L, Castedello T, Becker J
KIDNEY INT. 2023;103(2):411-415.
An integrated organoid omics map extends modeling potential of kidney disease
Lassé M, El Saghir J, Berthier C, Eddy S, Fischer M, Laufer S, Kylies D, Hutzfeldt A, Bonin L, Dumoulin B, Menon R, Vega-Warner V, Eichinger F, Alakwaa F, Fermin D, Billing A, Minakawa A, McCown P, Rose M, Godfrey B, Meister E, Wiech T, Noriega M, Chrysopoulou M, Brandts P, Ju W, Reinhard L, Hoxha E, Grahammer F, Lindenmeyer M, Huber T, Schlüter H, Thiel S, Mariani L, Puelles V, Braun F, Kretzler M, Demir F, Harder J, Rinschen M
NAT COMMUN. 2023;14(1):.
CD4+ T cells produce GM-CSF and drive immune-mediated glomerular disease by licensing monocyte-derived cells to produce MMP12
Paust H, Song N, De Feo D, Asada N, Tuzlak S, Zhao Y, Riedel J, Hellmig M, Sivayoganathan A, Peters A, Kaffke A, Borchers A, Wenzel U, Steinmetz O, Tiegs G, Meister E, Mack M, Kurts C, von Vietinghoff S, Lindenmeyer M, Hoxha E, Stahl R, Huber T, Bonn S, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Wiech T, Turner J, Becher B, Krebs C, Panzer U
SCI TRANSL MED. 2023;15(687):.
Non-functional ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 drives podocyte injury through impairing proteasomes in autoimmune glomerulonephritis
Reichelt J, Sachs W, Frömbling S, Fehlert J, Studencka-Turski M, Betz A, Loreth D, Blume L, Witt S, Pohl S, Brand J, Czesla M, Knop J, Florea B, Zielinski S, Sachs M, Hoxha E, Hermans-Borgmeyer I, Zahner G, Wiech T, Krüger E, Meyer-Schwesinger C
NAT COMMUN. 2023;14(1):2114.
Pathogenicity of Human anti-PLA2R1 Antibodies in Minipigs: A Pilot Study
Reinhard L, Wiech T, Reitmeier A, Lassé M, Machalitza M, Heumann A, Ferru N, Loreth D, Schröder M, Hutzfeldt A, Stahl F, Peine S, Gröne H, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Rinschen M, Stahl R, Hoxha E
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2023;34(3):369-373.
Glucocorticoids target the CXCL9/CXCL10-CXCR3 axis and confer protection against immune-mediated kidney injury
Riedel J, Robben L, Paust H, Zhao Y, Asada N, Song N, Peters A, Kaffke A, Borchers A, Tiegs G, Seifert L, Tomas N, Hoxha E, Wenzel U, Huber T, Wiech T, Turner J, Krebs C, Panzer U
JCI INSIGHT. 2023;8(1):.
Mayo Clinic Consensus Report on Membranous Nephropathy: Proposal for a Novel Classification
Sethi S, Beck L, Glassock R, Haas M, De Vriese A, Caza T, Hoxha E, Lambeau G, Tomas N, Madden B, Debiec H, D'Agati V, Alexander M, Amer H, Appel G, Barbour S, Caravaca-Fontan F, Cattran D, Casal Moura M, D'Avila D, Eick R, Garovic V, Greene E, Herrera Hernandez L, Jennette J, Lieske J, Markowitz G, Nath K, Nasr S, Nast C, Pani A, Praga M, Remuzzi G, Rennke H, Ruggenenti P, Roccatello D, Soler M, Specks U, Stahl R, Singh R, Theis J, Velosa J, Wetzels J, Winearls C, Yandian F, Zand L, Ronco P, Fervenza F
MAYO CLIN PROC. 2023;98(11):1671-1684.
Lesson for the clinical nephrologist: thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing protein 7A-associated membranous nephropathy and Fanconi syndrome in a patient with a squamous cell lung cancer
Zappi S, Bernasconi L, Fischer I, Hoxha E, Wiech T, Minzer A, Irani S, Moosmann P, Kim M
J NEPHROL. 2023;36(8):2395-2399.
Outcomes of critically ill coronavirus disease 2019 patients requiring kidney replacement therapy: A retrospective cohort study
Braunsteiner J, Kluge S, Schmidt-Lauber C, Boenisch O, de Heer G, Burdelski C, Frings D, Sensen B, Nierhaus A, Hoxha E, Huber T, Wichmann D, Kluge S, Fischer M, Roedl K
Update nephrotisches Syndrom – neue pathophysiologische Konzepte 2022
Hoxha E
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2022;147(17):1134-1140.
Membranous nephropathy: new pathogenic mechanisms and their clinical implications
Hoxha E, Reinhard L, Stahl R
NAT REV NEPHROL. 2022;18(7):466-478.
Netrin G1 is a Novel Target Antigen in Primary Membranous Nephropathy
Reinhard L, Machalitza M, Wiech T, Groene H, Lassé M, Rinschen M, Ferru N, Bräsen J, Drömann F, Rob P, Sethi S, Hoxha E, Stahl R
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2022;33(10):1823-1831.
Bacterial infection possibly causing autoimmunity: Tropheryma whipplei and membranous nephropathy
Wiech T, Reinhard L, Wulf S, Giuffrida A, Longhitano E, Caruso R, Gröne H, Stahl R, Zipfel P, Kikhney J, Moter A, Hoxha E, Santoro D
LANCET. 2022;400(10366):1882-1883.
Validation of a Prospective Urinalysis-Based Prediction Model for ICU Resources and Outcome of COVID-19 Disease: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Gross O, Moerer O, Rauen T, Böckhaus J, Hoxha E, Jörres A, Kamm M, Elfanish A, Windisch W, Dreher M, Floege J, Kluge S, Schmidt-Lauber C, Turner J, Huber S, Addo M, Scheithauer S, Friede T, Braun G, Huber T, Blaschke S
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(14):.
Erfahrungen aus dem deutschen COVID-19-Register
Hoxha E
NEPHROLOGE. 2021;16(1):10-13.
Update zu: Erfahrungen aus dem deutschen COVID-19-Register
Hoxha E
NEPHROLOGE. 2021;16(5):311-313.
A new chemiluminescence immunoassay for phospholipase A2 receptor 1 autoantibodies allows early identification of autoantibody recurrence in patients with membranous nephropathy
Hoxha E, Stahl R, Reinhard L, Kühnl , Schlumberger , Dähnrich
KIDNEY INT REP. 2021;6(4):928-935.
„Coronavirus-disease-2019“-Pandemie aus nephrologischer Perspektive
Hoxha E, Suling A, Turner J, Haubitz M, Floege J, Huber T, Galle J
INTERNIST. 2021;62(7):718-724.
COVID-19 Prevalence and Mortality in Chronic Dialysis Patients
Hoxha E, Suling A, Turner J, Haubitz M, Floege J, Huber T, Galle J
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2021;118(11):195-196.
Cardiac perforation due to delayed migration of a chronic dialysis catheter: a case report
Jahnke C, Hoxha E, Söffker G, Seiffert M
EUR HEART J-CASE REP. 2021;5(9):ytab332.
Development and design of the Hantavirus registry - HantaReg - for epidemiological studies, outbreaks and clinical studies on hantavirus disease
Koehler F, Blomberg L, Brehm T, Büttner S, Cornely O, Degen O, Di Cristanziano V, Dolff S, Eberwein L, Hoxha E, Hoyer-Allo K, Rudolf S, Späth M, Wanken M, Müller R, Burst V
CLIN KIDNEY J. 2021;14(11):2365-2370.
Post-transplant nephrotic syndrome resulting from NELL1-positive membranous nephropathy
Münch J, Krüger B, Weimann A, Wiech T, Reinhard L, Hoxha E, Pfister F, Halbritter J
AM J TRANSPLANT. 2021;21(9):3175-3179.
Lack of Evidence for an Association between Previous HEV Genotype-3 Exposure and Glomerulonephritis in General
Pischke S, Tamanaei S, Mader M, Wiesch J, Petersen-Benz C, Haddad M, Addo M, Schmidt T, Huber T, Krebs C, Steinmetz O, Turner J, Hoxha E, Horvatits T
PATHOGENS. 2021;11(1):.
Characterization of THSD7A-antibodies not binding to glomerular THSD7A in a patient with diabetes mellitus but no membranous nephropathy
Reinhard L, Thomas C, Machalitza M, Lattwein E, Weiss L, Vitu J, Wiech T, Stahl R, Hoxha E
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.
Successful treatment of PLA2R1-antibody positive membranous nephropathy with ocrelizumab
Schmidt T, Schulze M, Harendza S, Hoxha E
J NEPHROL. 2021;34(2):603-606.
Pro-cachectic factors link experimental and human chronic kidney disease to skeletal muscle wasting programs
Solagna F, Tezze C, Lindenmeyer M, Lu S, Wu G, Liu S, Zhao Y, Mitchell R, Meyer C, Omairi S, Kilic T, Paolini A, Ritvos O, Pasternack A, Matsakas A, Kylies D, Wiesch J, Turner J, Wanner N, Nair V, Eichinger F, Menon R, Martin I, Klinkhammer B, Hoxha E, Cohen C, Tharaux P, Boor P, Ostendorf T, Kretzler M, Sandri M, Kretz O, Puelles V, Patel K, Huber T
J CLIN INVEST. 2021;131(11):.
Perspectives in membranous nephropathy
Tomas N, Huber T, Hoxha E
CELL TISSUE RES. 2021;385(2):405-422.
Rituximab Induces Complete Remission of Proteinuria in a Patient With Minimal Change Disease and No Detectable B Cells
Webendörfer M, Reinhard L, Stahl R, Wiech T, Mittrücker H, Harendza S, Hoxha E
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2021;11:.
Membranous nephropathy and primary biliary cholangitis: A case report and review of the literature
Zimmermann J, Harendza S, Noriega M, Reinhard L, Hoxha E
CLIN NEPHROL. 2021;96(1):36-45.
Deep learning-based molecular morphometrics for kidney biopsies
Zimmermann M, Klaus M, Wong M, Thebille A, Gernhold L, Kuppe C, Halder M, Kranz J, Wanner N, Braun F, Wulf S, Wiech T, Panzer U, Krebs C, Hoxha E, Kramann R, Huber T, Bonn S, Puelles V
JCI INSIGHT. 2021;6(7):e144779.
Rituximab für die Therapie der membranösen Glomerulonephritis
Hoxha E
Membranöse Glomerulonephritis.
Hoxha E, Huber T
Tumor-basierte Induktion von Glomerulonephritiden
Hoxha E, Huber T
Update membranöse Glomerulonephritis
Hoxha E, Huber T
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2020;145(20):1481-1485.
Pathogen-induced tissue-resident memory TH17 (TRM17) cells amplify autoimmune kidney disease
Krebs C, Reimers D, Zhao Y, Paust H, Bartsch P, Nuñez S, Rosemblatt M, Hellmig M, Kilian C, Borchers A, Enk L, Zinke M, Becker M, Schmid J, Klinge S, Wong M, Puelles V, Schmidt C, Bertram T, Stumpf N, Hoxha E, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Lindenmeyer M, Cohen C, Rink M, Kurts C, Franzenburg S, Koch-Nolte F, Turner J, Riedel J, Huber S, Gagliani N, Huber T, Wiech T, Rohde H, Bono M, Bonn S, Panzer U, Mittrücker H
SCI IMMUNOL. 2020;5(50):.
Is primary membranous nephropathy a complement mediated disease?
Reinhard L, Stahl R, Hoxha E
MOL IMMUNOL. 2020;195-204.
Clinical Relevance of Domain-Specific Phospholipase A2 Receptor 1 Antibody Levels in Patients with Membranous Nephropathy
Reinhard L, Zahner G, Menzel S, Koch-Nolte F, Stahl R, Hoxha E
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2020;31(1):197-207.
Membranöse Glomerulonephritis.
Stahl R, Hoxha E
Dialyse aktuell. 2020.
The genetic architecture of membranous nephropathy and its potential to improve non-invasive diagnosis
Xie J, Liu L, Mladkova N, Li Y, Ren H, Wang W, Cui Z, Lin L, Hu X, Yu X, Xu J, Liu G, Caliskan Y, Sidore C, Balderes O, Rosen R, Bodria M, Zanoni F, Zhang J, Krithivasan P, Mehl K, Marasa M, Khan A, Ozay F, Canetta P, Bomback A, Appel G, Sanna-Cherchi S, Sampson M, Mariani L, Perkowska-Ptasinska A, Durlik M, Mucha K, Moszczuk B, Foroncewicz B, Pączek L, Habura I, Ars E, Ballarin J, Mani L, Vogt B, Ozturk S, Yildiz A, Seyahi N, Arikan H, Koc M, Basturk T, Karahan G, Akgul S, Sever M, Zhang D, Santoro D, Bonomini M, Londrino F, Gesualdo L, Reiterova J, Tesar V, Izzi C, Savoldi S, Spotti D, Marcantoni C, Messa P, Galliani M, Roccatello D, Granata S, Zaza G, Lugani F, Ghiggeri G, Pisani I, Allegri L, Sprangers B, Park J, Cho B, Kim Y, Kim D, Suzuki H, Amoroso A, Cattran D, Fervenza F, Pani A, Hamilton P, Harris S, Gupta S, Cheshire C, Dufek S, Issler N, Pepper R, Connolly J, Powis S, Bockenhauer D, Stanescu H, Ashman N, Loos R, Kenny E, Wuttke M, Eckardt K, Köttgen A, Hofstra J, Coenen M, Kiemeney L, Akilesh S, Kretzler M, Beck L, Stengel B, Debiec H, Ronco P, Wetzels J, Zoledziewska M, Cucca F, Ionita-Laza I, Lee H, Hoxha E, Stahl R, Brenchley P, Scolari F, Zhao M, Gharavi A, Kleta R, Chen N, Kiryluk K
NAT COMMUN. 2020;11(1):1600.
Interleukin-9 protects from early podocyte injury and progressive glomerulosclerosis in Adriamycin-induced nephropathy
Xiong T, Attar M, Gnirck A, Wunderlich M, Becker M, Rickassel C, Puelles V, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Wiech T, Nies J, Divivier M, Fuchs T, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Taipaleenmäki H, Hoxha E, Wirtz S, Huber T, Panzer U, Turner J
KIDNEY INT. 2020;98(3):615-629.
Role of phospholipase A2 receptor 1 antibody level at diagnosis for long-term renal outcome in membranous nephropathy
Mahmud M, Pinnschmidt H, Reinhard L, Harendza S, Wiech T, Stahl R, Hoxha E
PLOS ONE. 2019;14(9):e0221293.
Bevacizumab-associated glomerular microangiopathy
Person F, Rinschen M, Brix S, Wulf S, Noriega M, Fehrle W, Schmitz J, Schwarz A, Ivanyi P, Steinmetz O, Reinhard L, Hoxha E, Zipfel P, Bräsen J, Wiech T
MODERN PATHOL. 2019;32(5):684-700.
Membranöse Glomerulonephritis: Ein Beispiel für individualisierte Medizin in der Nephrologie
Stahl R, Hoxha E
INTERNIST. 2019;60(5):440-449.
Characterization of autoantibodies in primary membranous nephropathy and their clinical significance
Stahl R, Reinhard L, Hoxha E
EXPERT REV CLIN IMMU. 2019;15(2):165-175.
Diagnostic role of renal biopsy in PLA2R1-antibody-positive patients with nephrotic syndrome
Wiech T, Stahl R, Hoxha E
MODERN PATHOL. 2019;32(9):1320-1328.
Klinische Bedeutung von Autoantikörpern bei der membranösen Glomerulonephritis.
Hoxha E, Stahl R
The Most N-Terminal Region of THSD7A Is the Predominant Target for Autoimmunity in THSD7A-Associated Membranous Nephropathy
Seifert L, Hoxha E, Eichhoff A, Zahner G, Dehde S, Reinhard L, Koch-Nolte F, Stahl R, Tomas N
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2018;29(5):1536-1548.
Antigen-Specific IgG Subclasses in Primary and Malignancy-Associated Membranous Nephropathy
von Haxthausen F, Reinhard L, Pinnschmidt H, Rink M, Soave A, Hoxha E, Stahl R
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2018;9:3035.
Immunohistochemical and serological characterization of membranous nephropathy in children and adolescents
Dettmar A, Wiech T, Kemper M, Soave A, Rink M, Oh J, Stahl R, Hoxha E
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2017;33(3):463-472.
Genetics of membranous nephropathy
Gupta S, Köttgen A, Hoxha E, Brenchley P, Bockenhauer D, Stanescu H, Kleta R
NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL. 2017;33(9):1493–1502.
Autoantikörper bei der membranösen Glomerulonephritis.
Hoxha E
Nephro-news. 2017.
Membranöse Glomerulonephritis.
Hoxha E
An Indirect Immunofluorescence Method Facilitates Detection of Thrombospondin Type 1 Domain-Containing 7A-Specific Antibodies in Membranous Nephropathy
Hoxha E, Beck L, Wiech T, Tomas N, Probst C, Mindorf S, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Zahner G, Stahl P, Schöpper R, Panzer U, Harendza S, Helmchen U, Salant D, Stahl R
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2017;28(2):520-531.
Translational Aspects of Primary Membranous Nephropathy
Hoxha E, Stahl R
SEMIN NEPHROL. 2017;37(5):436-446.
Membranous nephropathy-one morphologic pattern with different diseases
Hoxha E, von Haxthausen F, Wiech T, Stahl R
PFLUG ARCH EUR J PHY. 2017;469(7-8):989-996.
THSD7A expression in human cancer
Stahl P, Hoxha E, Wiech T, Schröder C, Simon R, Stahl R
GENE CHROMOSOME CANC. 2017;56(4):314-327.
A Heterologous Model of Thrombospondin Type 1 Domain-Containing 7A-Associated Membranous Nephropathy
Tomas N, Meyer-Schwesinger C, von Spiegel H, Kotb A, Zahner G, Hoxha E, Helmchen U, Endlich N, Koch-Nolte F, Stahl R
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2017;28(11):3262-3277.
A Mechanism for Cancer-Associated Membranous Nephropathy
Hoxha E, Wiech T, Stahl P, Zahner G, Tomas N, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Wenzel U, Janneck M, Steinmetz O, Panzer U, Harendza S, Stahl R
NEW ENGL J MED. 2016;374(20):1995-6.
Stahl R, Hoxha E
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2016;141(13):960-8.
Autoantibodies against thrombospondin type 1 domain-containing 7A induce membranous nephropathy
Tomas N, Hoxha E, Reinicke A, Fester L, Helmchen U, Gerth J, Bachmann F, Budde K, Nolte F, Zahner G, Rune G, Lambeau G, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Stahl R
J CLIN INVEST. 2016;126(7):2519-32.
CC Chemokine Ligand 18 in ANCA-Associated Crescentic GN
Brix S, Stege G, Disteldorf E, Hoxha E, Krebs C, Krohn S, Otto B, Klätschke K, Herden E, Heymann F, Lira S, Tacke F, Wolf G, Busch M, Jabs W, Özcan F, Keller F, Beige J, Wagner K, Helmchen U, Noriega M, Wiech T, Panzer U, Stahl R
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2015;26(9):2105-2117.
Spontaneous remission of proteinuria is a frequent event in phospholipase A2 receptor antibody-negative patients with membranous nephropathy
Hoxha E, Harendza S, Pinnschmidt H, Tomas N, Helmchen U, Panzer U, Stahl R
NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL. 2015;30(11):1862-1869.
Membranous Nephropathy: The Journey Continues …
Hoxha E, Stahl R
EBIOMEDICINE. 2015;2(5):374-5.
Neues zur membranösen Glomerulonephritis.
Hoxha E, Wiech T, Noriega M, Stahl R
M-type phospholipase A2 receptor autoantibodies and renal function in patients with primary membranous nephropathy
Hoxha E, Harendza S, Pinnschmidt H, Panzer U, Stahl R
CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO. 2014;9(11):1883-1890.
PLA2R Antibody Levels and Clinical Outcome in Patients with Membranous Nephropathy and Non-Nephrotic Range Proteinuria under Treatment with Inhibitors of the Renin-Angiotensin System
Hoxha E, Harendza S, Pinnschmidt H, Panzer U, Stahl R
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(10):e110681.
Phospholipase A2 receptor autoantibodies and clinical outcome in patients with primary membranous nephropathy
Hoxha E, Thiele I, Zahner G, Panzer U, Harendza S, Stahl R
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2014;25(6):1357-1366.
Rituximab treatment for relapsing minimal change disease and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: a systematic review
Kronbichler A, Kerschbaum J, Fernandez-Fresnedo G, Hoxha E, Kurschat C, Busch M, Bruchfeld A, Mayer G, Rudnicki M
AM J NEPHROL. 2014;39(4):322-30.
Die membranöse Glomerulonephritis--entscheidende Fortschritte in der Diagnostik und Therapie
Stahl R, Harendza S, Helmchen U, Hoxha E
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2014;139(27):1433-1436.
Thrombospondin Type-1 Domain-Containing 7A in Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy
Tomas N, Beck L, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Seitz-Polski B, Ma H, Zahner G, Dolla G, Hoxha E, Helmchen U, Dabert-Gay A, Debayle D, Merchant M, Klein J, Salant D, Stahl R, Lambeau G
NEW ENGL J MED. 2014;371(24):2277-2287.
Development of a standardized ELISA for the determination of autoantibodies against human M-type phospholipase A2 receptor in primary membranous nephropathy
Dähnrich C, Komorowski L, Probst C, Seitz-Polski B, Esnault V, Wetzels J, Hofstra J, Hoxha E, Stahl R, Lambeau G, Stöcker W, Schlumberger W
CLIN CHIM ACTA. 2013;421:213-8.
Enhanced expression of the M-type phospholipase A2 receptor in glomeruli correlates with serum receptor antibodies in primary membranous nephropathy.
Hoxha E, Kneißler U, Stege G, Zahner G, Thiele I, Panzer U, Harendza S, Helmchen U, Stahl R
KIDNEY INT. 2012;82(7):797-804.
Rituximab bei Erwachsenen mit immunsuppressionsabhängiger Minimal-Change-Glomerulonephritis.
Hoxha E, Stahl R, Harendza S
Renal IL-17 expression in human ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis.
Velden J, Paust H, Hoxha E, Turner J, Steinmetz O, Wolf G, Jabs W, Özcan F, Beige J, Heering P, Schröder S, Kneißler U, Disteldorf E, Mittrücker H, Stahl R, Helmchen U, Panzer U
AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL. 2012;302(12):1663-1673.
Posttranscriptional regulation of the p85α adapter subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in human leukemia cells
Hofmann B, Hoxha E, Mohr E, Schulz K, Jücker M
LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA. 2011;52(3):467-477.
An immunofluorescence test for phospholipase-A₂-receptor antibodies and its clinical usefulness in patients with membranous glomerulonephritis.
Hoxha E, Harendza S, Zahner G, Panzer U, Steinmetz O, Fechner K, Helmchen U, Stahl R
NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL. 2011;26(8):2526-2532.
Rituximab in adult patients with immunosuppressive-dependent minimal change disease.
Hoxha E, Stahl R, Harendza S
CLIN NEPHROL. 2011;76(2):151-158.
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