- Oberarzt
- Facharzt für Innere Medizin
Knowledge of local snakes, first-aid and prevention of snakebites among community health workers and community members in rural Malawi: A cross-sectional study
Aron M, Munyaneza F, Rosenthal A, Dullie L, Krumkamp R, Ndarama E, Mailosi B, May J, Nhlema B, Sambani C, Hosemann D, Rae J, Rahden P, Blessmann J, Kreuels B
TROP MED INT HEALTH. 2025;30(2):84-92.
Severe local and systemic haematotoxic envenoming caused by a Malayan pit viper (Calloselasma rhodostoma) in a pregnant woman in Lao People's Democratic Republic
Blessmann J, Santisouk B, Rahden P, Kreuels B, Hanlodsomphou S
TOXICON. 2025;254:108227.
Handheld Point-of-Care Devices for Snakebite Coagulopathy: A Scoping Review
Abouyannis M, Marriott A, Stars E, Kitchen D, Kitchen S, Woods T, Kreuels B, Amuasi J, Monteiro W, Stienstra Y, Senthilkumaran S, Isbister G, Lalloo D, Ainsworth S, Casewell N
THROMB HAEMOSTASIS. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
Urgent administration of antivenom following proven krait bites in Southeast Asia irrespective of neurotoxic symptoms
Blessmann J, Kreuels B
PLOS NEGLECT TROP D. 2024;18(4):.
Influenza in travelers from Germany returning from abroad: a retrospective case-control study
Brehm T, Shijaku F, Krumkamp R, Jochum J, Hoffmann A, Ramharter M, Kreuels B
BMC INFECT DIS. 2024;24(1):1107.
Assessing the Incidence of Snakebites in Rural Gabon-A Community-Based, Cross-Sectional Pilot Survey
Davi S, Lumeka A, Hildebrandt T, Endamne L, Otchague C, Okwu D, Artus R, Hunstig F, Manego R, Blessmann J, Kremsner P, Lell B, Mombo-Ngoma G, Agnandji S, Ramharter M, Kreuels B
TROP MED INFECT DIS. 2024;9(4):.
Fever in focus: Symptoms, diagnoses and treatment of febrile children in Ghana-A longitudinal hospital study
Rautman L, Maiga-Ascofaré O, Eibach D, Hogan B, Dekker D, Jaeger A, Akenten C, Owusu-Dabo E, Boateng F, Hanson H, Boahen K, Sarpong N, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Kreuels B, May J, Krumkamp R
TROP MED INT HEALTH. 2024;29(3):206-213.
Community members and healthcare workers' priorities for the control and prevention of snakebite envenoming in Ghana
Aglanu L, Amuasi J, Prokesh E, Beyuo A, Dari C, Ravensbergen S, Agbogbatey M, Adobasom-Anane A, Abass K, Lalloo D, Blessmann J, Kreuels B, Stienstra Y
PLOS NEGLECT TROP D. 2023;17(7):e0011504.
Experiences and practices of traditional healers on snakebite treatment and prevention in rural Malawi
Aron M, Mulwafu M, Mailosi B, Kreuels B, Dullie L, Kachimanga C, Blessmann J, Ndarama E, Sambani C, Munyaneza F, Rosenthal A
PLOS NEGLECT TROP D. 2023;17(10):e0011653.
Experience of using expired lyophilized snake antivenom during a medical emergency situation in Lao People's Democratic Republic--A possible untapped resource to tackle antivenom shortage in Southeast Asia
Blessmann J, Hanlodsomphou S, Santisouk B, Krumkamp R, Kreuels B, Ismail A, Yong M, Tan K, Tan C
TROP MED INT HEALTH. 2023;28(1):64-70.
Focussed Assessment with Sonography in acute Lassa Fever (FASLa): development of a point-of-care protocol and description of common ultrasound findings
Erameh C, Koch T, Edeawe O, Oestereich L, Omansen T, Jochum J, Adomeh D, Ikponwonsa O, Aire C, Pahlmann M, Asogun D, Ogbaini-Emovon E, Okogbenin S, Günther S, Ramharter M, Akideno P, Kreuels B
J INFECTION. 2023;87(1):27-33.
The diagnostic performance of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra on Pericardial, Pleural and Ascitic cohort study fluids for diagnosis of extra-pulmonary Tuberculosis at a referral hospital in Malawi
Kamponda M, Bickton F, Mategula D, Nliwasa M, Kreuels B, Kumwenda J
MALAWI MED J. 2023;35(4):201-207.
Pathogens associated with hospitalization due to acute lower respiratory tract infections in children in rural Ghana: a case-control study
Krumkamp R, Kohsar M, Nolte K, Hogan B, Eibach D, Jaeger A, Akenten C, Drosten C, Boahen K, Sarpong N, Eckerle I, Binger T, Owusu-Dabo E, May J, Kreuels B
SCI REP-UK. 2023;13(1):.
Real-life effectiveness of anti-malarial treatment regimens: what are we aiming for?
Mbassi D, Pfaffendorf C, Mombo-Ngoma G, Kreuels B, Ramharter M
MALARIA J. 2023;22(1):189.
Symptoms of illness during travel and risk factors for non-adherence to malaria prophylaxis-a cross-sectional study in travellers from Germany
Reinsberg F, Moehlmann M, Krumkamp R, Landsmann L, Heitkamp C, Jochum J, Addo M, Ramharter M, Radt C, Rothe C, Vinnemeier C, Kreuels B
J TRAVEL MED. 2023;30(3):taad055.
Health care workers' knowledge on identification, management and treatment of snakebite cases in rural Malawi: A descriptive study
Aron M, Kachimanga C, Kreuels B, Mailosi B, Sambani C, Matanje B, Blessmann J, Chunga M, Momba G, Ndarama E, Kambalame D, Connolly E, Rosenthal A, Munyaneza F
PLOS NEGLECT TROP D. 2022;16(11):.
Attitudes, practices, and obstacles towards influenza vaccination for international travelers among travel health advisors in Germany: A questionnaire-based survey
Brehm T, Jordan S, Addo M, Ramharter M, Kreuels B
Ultrasound appearance of the kidney among radiology department attendees of a tertiary centre in Malawi
Carey L, Tsidya B, Nkhalema B, Kaimba S, Chetcuti K, Joekes E, Kreuels B, Henrion M, Rylance J
Wellcome open research. 2022;7:280.
Leishmania infantum reactivation with secondary IgA nephropathy
Grewe I, Brehm T, Kreuels B, Steinmetz O, Dumoulin B, Asemissen A, Tappe D, Ramharter M, Schmiedel S
J TRAVEL MED. 2022;29(7):.
Parasiten – wichtige endemische und importierte Erreger
Jordan S, Kreuels B
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2022;147(11):687-696.
Leitlinie: Diagnostik und Therapie der Amöbiasis: AWMF–Register-Nr. 04-002
Kreuels B, Denkinger C, Jochum J, Schneitler S, Bissinger A, Köhler C, Ramharter M
Two Cases of Lassa Fever Successfully Treated with Ribavirin and Adjunct Dexamethasone for Concomitant Infections
Okogbenin S, Erameh C, Okoeguale J, Edeawe O, Ekuaze E, Iraoyah K, Agho J, Groger M, Kreuels B, Oestereich L, Babatunde F, Akhideno P, Günther S, Ramharter M, Omansen T
EMERG INFECT DIS. 2022;28(10):2060-2063.
A clinical and molecular epidemiological survey of hepatitis C in Blantyre, Malawi, suggests a historic mechanism of transmission
Stockdale A, Kreuels B, Shawa I, Meiring J, Thindwa D, Silungwe N, Chetcuti K, Joekes E, Mbewe M, Mbale B, Patel P, Kachala R, Patel P, Malewa J, Finch P, Davis C, Shah R, Tong L, da Silva Filipe A, Thomson E, Geretti A, Gordon M
J VIRAL HEPATITIS. 2022;29(4):252-262.
Hepatitis B vaccination impact and the unmet need for antiviral treatment in Blantyre, Malawi
Stockdale A, Meiring J, Shawa I, Thindwa D, Silungwe N, Mbewe M, Kachala R, Kreuels B, Patel P, Patel P, Henrion M, Bar-Zeev N, Swarthout T, Heyderman R, Gordon S, Geretti A, Gordon M
J INFECT DIS. 2022;226(5):871-880.
Author Correction: Mortality outcomes with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19 from an international collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials
Axfors C, Schmitt A, Janiaud P, Van't Hooft J, Abd-Elsalam S, Abdo E, Abella B, Akram J, Amaravadi R, Angus D, Arabi Y, Azhar S, Baden L, Baker A, Belkhir L, Benfield T, Berrevoets M, Chen C, Chen T, Cheng S, Cheng C, Chung W, Cohen Y, Cowan L, Dalgard O, de Almeida E Val F, de Lacerda M, de Melo G, Derde L, Dubee V, Elfakir A, Gordon A, Hernandez-Cardenas C, Hills T, Hoepelman A, Huang Y, Igau B, Jin R, Jurado-Camacho F, Khan K, Kremsner P, Kreuels B, Kuo C, Le T, Lin Y, Lin W, Lin T, Lyngbakken M, McArthur C, McVerry B, Meza-Meneses P, Monteiro W, Morpeth S, Mourad A, Mulligan M, Murthy S, Naggie S, Narayanasamy S, Nichol A, Novack L, O'Brien S, Okeke N, Perez L, Perez-Padilla R, Perrin L, Remigio-Luna A, Rivera-Martinez N, Rockhold F, Rodriguez-Llamazares S, Rolfe R, Rosa R, Røsjø H, Sampaio V, Seto T, Shahzad M, Soliman S, Stout J, Thirion-Romero I, Troxel A, Tseng T, Turner N, Ulrich R, Walsh S, Webb S, Weehuizen J, Velinova M, Wong H, Wrenn R, Zampieri F, Zhong W, Moher D, Goodman S, Ioannidis J, Hemkens L
NAT COMMUN. 2021;12(1):3001.
Patient Characteristics and Clinical Course of COVID-19 Patients Treated at a German Tertiary Center during the First and Second Waves in the Year 2020
Brehm T, Heyer A, Roedl K, Jarczak D, Nierhaus A, Nentwich M, van der Meirschen M, Schultze A, Christner M, Fiedler W, Kröger N, Huber T, Klose H, Sterneck M, Jordan S, Kreuels B, Schmiedel S, Addo M, Huber S, Lohse A, Kluge S, Schulze Zur Wiesch J
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(11):.
A call to caution when hydroxychloroquine is given to elderly patients with COVID-19
Gabor J, Kreidenweiss A, Weber S, Salama M, Sulyok M, Sulyok Z, Koehne E, Esen M, Kreuels B, Shamsrizi P, Biecker E, Mordmüller B, Berg C, Fusco S, Köhler C, Kubicka S, Leitlein J, Addo M, Ramharter M, Schwab M, Bissinger A, Velavan T, Krishna S, Kremsner P
INT J INFECT DIS. 2021;106:265-268.
Recurrent Swelling and Microfilaremia Caused by Dirofilaria repens Infection after Travel to India
Huebl L, Tappe D, Giese M, Mempel S, Tannich E, Kreuels B, Ramharter M, Veletzky L, Jochum J
EMERG INFECT DIS. 2021;27(6):1701-1704.
Malaria in the Time of COVID-19: Do Not Miss the Real Cause of Illness
Jochum J, Kreuels B, Tannich E, Huber S, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Schmiedel S, Ramharter M, Addo M
TROP MED INFECT DIS. 2021;6(2):.
Leitlinie: Diagnostik und Therapie der Malaria: AWMF Register-Nr. 042-001
Kreuels B, Bissinger A, Boecken G, Burchard G, Feldt T, Grobusch M, Jochum J, Kroidl I, Löbermann M, Löscher T, Rothe C, Schmiedel S, Schneitler S, Steiner F, Stich A, Stojkovic M, Wiemer D, Belard S, Kurth F, Tannich E, Kobbe R, Wichmann D, Ramharter M
Negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR or rapid antigen test result and the subsequent risk of being infectious: a mathematical simulation study
Krumkamp R, Kreuels B, Jaeger V, May J, Mikolajczyk R, Karch A
BMC MED RES METHODOL. 2021;21(1):.
Diagnostic point-of-care ultrasound in medical inpatients at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Malawi: an observational study of practice and evaluation of implementation
Limani F, Dula D, Keeley A, Joekes E, Phiri T, Tembo E, Gadama L, Nnensa V, Jordan S, Mallewa J, Kreuels B
T ROY SOC TROP MED H. 2021;115(8):863-869.
Late presentation of hepatocellular carcinoma highlights the need for a public health programme to eliminate hepatitis B
Nhlane R, Kreuels B, Mallewa J, Chetcuti K, Gordon M, Stockdale A
LANCET. 2021;398(10318):.
Handling and accuracy of four rapid antigen tests for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 compared to RT-qPCR
Olearo F, Nörz D, Heinrich F, Sutter J, Roedl K, Schultze A, Wiesch J, Braun P, Oestereich L, Kreuels B, Wichmann D, Aepfelbacher M, Pfefferle S, Lütgehetmann M
J CLIN VIROL. 2021;137:.
Risk factors for and management of metronidazole-refractory giardiasis in international travellers: A retrospective analysis
Peters T, Kreuels B, Addo M, Tannich E, Rothe C
Diagnostic performance evaluation of hepatitis B e antigen rapid diagnostic tests in Malawi
Stockdale A, Silungwe N, Shawa I, Kreuels B, Gordon M, Geretti A
BMC INFECT DIS. 2021;21(1):.
Longitudinal monitoring of laboratory markers characterizes hospitalized and ambulatory COVID-19 patients
Velavan T, Kuk S, Linh L, Lamsfus Calle C, Lalremruata A, Pallerla S, Kreidenweiss A, Held J, Esen M, Gabor J, Neurohr E, Shamsrizi P, Fathi A, Biecker E, Berg C, Ramharter M, Addo M, Kreuels B, Kremsner P
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.
Common virulence gene expression in adult first-time infected malaria patients and severe cases
Wichers J, Tonkin-Hill G, Thye T, Krumkamp R, Kreuels B, Strauss J, von Thien H, Scholz J, Smedegaard Hansson H, Weisel Jensen R, Turner L, Lorenz F, Schöllhorn A, Bruchhaus I, Tannich E, Fendel R, Otto T, Lavstsen T, Gilberger T, Duffy M, Bachmann A
ELIFE. 2021;10:.
A cross-sectional study on risk factors for infection with Parvovirus B19 and the association with anaemia in a febrile paediatric population in Ghana
Herr W, Krumkamp R, Hogan B, Dekker D, Gyau K, Owusu-Dabo E, Sarpong N, Jaeger A, Loag W, Winter D, Akenten C, Eibach D, Fickenscher H, Eis-Hübinger A, May J, Kreuels B
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):15695.
Drittlinientherapie mit Quinacrin und Metronidazol bei refraktärer Giardiasis
Hunstig F, Jochum J, Tannich E, Kreuels B
FLUGMEDIZIN TROPENME. 2020;2020(5):216-218.
Risk estimation for air travel-induced malaria transmission in central Europe - A mathematical modelling study
Pondorfer S, Jaeger V, Scholz-Kreisel P, Horn J, Krumkamp R, Kreuels B, Mikolajczyk R, Karch A
TRAVEL MED INFECT DI. 2020;36:101564.
Traveling into the Abyss: Risk Perception of German Travelers at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Shamsrizi P, Jochum J, Kreuels B, Ramharter M
AM J TROP MED HYG. 2020;103(4):1640-1641.
The global prevalence of hepatitis D virus infection: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Stockdale A, Kreuels B, Henrion M, Giorgi E, Kyomuhangi I, de Martel C, Hutin Y, Geretti A
J HEPATOL. 2020;73(3):523-532.
Hepatitis D prevalence: problems with extrapolation to global population estimates
Stockdale A, Kreuels B, Henrion M, Giorgi E, Kyomuhangi I, Geretti A
GUT. 2020;69(2):396-397.
Safety and efficacy of elvitegravir, dolutegravir, and raltegravir in a real-world cohort of treatment-naïve and -experienced patients
Brehm T, Franz M, Hüfner A, Hertling S, Schmiedel S, Degen O, Kreuels B, Schulze Zur Wiesch J
MEDICINE. 2019;98(32):e16721.
Cardiac ultrasound in resource-limited settings (CURLS): towards a wider use of basic echo applications in Africa
Huson M, Kaminstein D, Kahn D, Belard S, Ganesh P, Kandoole-Kabwere V, Wallrauch C, Phiri S, Kreuels B, Heller T
ULTRASOUND J. 2019;11(1):.
A mobile phone based tool to identify symptoms of common childhood diseases in Ghana: development and evaluation of the integrated clinical algorithm in a cross-sectional study
Franke K, Krumkamp R, Mohammed A, Sarpong N, Owusu-Dabo E, Brinkel J, Fobil J, Marinovic A, Asihene P, Boots M, May J, Kreuels B
Feasibility of Electronic Health Information and Surveillance System (eHISS) for disease symptom monitoring: A case of rural Ghana
Mohammed A, Franke K, Boakye Okyere P, Brinkel J, Bonačić Marinovic A, Kreuels B, Krumkamp R, Fobil J, May J, Owusu-Dabo E
PLOS ONE. 2018;13(5):e0197756.
Mobile phone-based interactive voice response as a tool for improving access to healthcare in remote areas in Ghana - an evaluation of user experiences
Brinkel J, May J, Krumkamp R, Lamshöft M, Kreuels B, Owusu-Dabo E, Mohammed A, Bonacic Marinovic A, Dako-Gyeke P, Krämer A, Fobil J
TROP MED INT HEALTH. 2017;22(5):622-630.
Comprehensive characterization of cellular immune responses following Ebola virus infection
Dahlke C, Lunemann S, Kasonta R, Kreuels B, Schmiedel S, Ly M, Fehling S, Strecker T, Becker S, Altfeld M, Sow A, Lohse A, Muñoz-Fontela C, Addo M
J INFECT DIS. 2017;215(2):287-292.
Burden of influenza among hospitalized febrile children in Ghana
Hogan B, Ammer L, Zimmermann M, Binger T, Krumkamp R, Sarpong N, Rettig T, Dekker D, Kreuels B, Reigl L, Boahen K, Wiafe C, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Owusu-Dabo E, May J, Eibach D
INFLUENZA OTHER RESP. 2017;11(6):497-501.
Risk factors for excessively prolonged meropenem use in the intensive care settinga case-contol study
Katchanov J, Kreuels B, Maurer F, Wöstmann K, Jochum J, König C, Seoudy K, Rohde H, Lohse A, Wichmann D, Baehr M, Rothe C, Kluge S
BMC INFECT DIS. 2017;17(1):131.
High clinical manifestation rate in an imported outbreak of hepatitis E genotype 1 infection in a German group of travellers returning from India
Pischke S, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Lütgehetmann M, Kreuels B, Lüth S, Kapaun P, Benten D, Schmiedel S, Sterneck M, Lohse A, Polywka S
ANN HEPATOL. 2017;16(1):57-62.
Rickettsia felis Infection in Febrile Children, Ghana
Sothmann P, Keller C, Krumkamp R, Kreuels B, Aldrich C, Sarpong N, Steierberg S, Winter D, Boahen K, Owusu-Dabo E, May J, Eibach D
AM J TROP MED HYG. 2017;96(4):783-785.
Response to fever and utilization of standby emergency treatment (SBET) for malaria in travellers to Southeast Asia: a questionnaire-based cohort study
Vinnemeier C, Rothe C, Kreuels B, Addo M, Vygen-Bonnet S, Cramer J, Rolling T
MALARIA J. 2017;16(1):44.
Intensivmedizinische Behandlung eines Patienten mit Ebola-Virusinfektion in Deutschland
Wichmann D, Kreuels B, Schmiedel S, Kluge S
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2017;112(1):38-41.
Saccharomyces boulardii to Prevent Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea: A Randomized, Double-Masked, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Ehrhardt S, Guo N, Hinz R, Schoppen S, May J, Reiser M, Schroeder M, Schmiedel S, Keuchel M, Reisinger E, Langeheinecke A, de Weerth A, Schuchmann M, Schaberg T, Ligges S, Eveslage M, Hagen R, Burchard G, Lohse A
OPEN FORUM INFECT DI. 2016;3(1):ofw011.
Extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae causing bloodstream infections in rural Ghana, 2007-2012
Eibach D, Campos C, Krumkamp R, Al-Emran H, Dekker D, Boahen K, Kreuels B, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Aepfelbacher M, Park S, Panzner U, Marks F, May J
INT J MED MICROBIOL. 2016;306(4):249-54.
Molecular Epidemiology and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Vibrio cholerae Associated with a Large Cholera Outbreak in Ghana in 2014
Eibach D, Herrera-León S, Gil H, Hogan B, Ehlkes L, Adjabeng M, Kreuels B, Nagel M, Opare D, Fobil J, May J
PLOS NEGLECT TROP D. 2016;10(5):e0004751.
Spatial heterogeneity of malaria in Ghana: a cross-sectional study on the association between urbanicity and the acquisition of immunity.
Frank C, Krumkamp R, Sothmann P, May J, Sarpong N, Fobil J, Jaeger A, Ehlkes L, Owusu-Dabo E, Schumann R, Marks F, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Foli G, Kreuels B
MALARIA J. 2016;15(84):.
Association Between Malaria and Invasive Nontyphoidal Salmonella Infection in a Hospital Study: Accounting for Berkson's Bias
Krumkamp R, Kreuels B, Sarpong N, Boahen K, Foli G, Hogan B, Jaeger A, Reigl L, Zeeb H, Marks F, Adu-Sarkodie Y, May J
CLIN INFECT DIS. 2016;62 Suppl 1:S83-9.
Unique human immune signature of Ebola virus disease in Guinea
Ruibal P, Oestereich L, Lüdtke A, Becker-Ziaja B, Wozniak D, Kerber R, Korva M, Cabeza-Cabrerizo M, Bore J, Koundouno F, Duraffour S, Weller R, Thorenz A, Cimini E, Viola D, Agrati C, Repits J, Afrough B, Cowley L, Ngabo D, Hinzmann J, Mertens M, Vitoriano I, Logue C, Boettcher J, Pallasch E, Sachse A, Bah A, Nitzsche K, Kuisma E, Michel J, Holm T, Zekeng E, García-Dorival I, Wölfel R, Stoecker K, Fleischmann E, Strecker T, Di Caro A, Avšič-Županc T, Kurth A, Meschi S, Mély S, Newman E, Bocquin A, Kis Z, Kelterbaum A, Molkenthin P, Carletti F, Portmann J, Wolff S, Castilletti C, Schudt G, Fizet A, Ottowell L, Herker E, Jacobs T, Kretschmer B, Severi E, Ouedraogo N, Lago M, Negredo A, Franco L, Anda P, Schmiedel S, Kreuels B, Wichmann D, Addo M, Lohse A, De Clerck H, Nanclares C, Jonckheere S, Van Herp M, Sprecher A, Xiaojiang G, Carrington M, Miranda O, Castro C, Gabriel M, Drury P, Formenty P, Diallo B, Koivogui L, Magassouba N, Carroll M, Günther S, Muñoz-Fontela C
NATURE. 2016;533(7601):100-4.
High proportion of HIV late presenters at an academic tertiary care center in northern Germany confirms the results of several cohorts in Germany: time to put better HIV screening efforts on the national agenda?
Schäfer G, Kreuels B, Schmiedel S, Hertling S, Hüfner A, Degen O, Lunzen J, Schulze Zur Wiesch J
INFECTION. 2016;44(3):347-52.
Medizinische Versorgung von Flüchtlingen – Eine Fallserie des Universitätsklinikums Hamburg-Eppendorf
Sothmann P, Schmedt auf der Günne N, Roggelin L, Kreuels B, Rothe C, Addo M, Lohse A, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Schmiedel S
FLUGMEDIZIN TROPENME. 2016;23(1):45-49.
Ebola and provision of critical care
Brown C, Kreuels B, Baker P, Baker T, Boyles T, Lado M, Johnson O
LANCET. 2015;385(9976):1392.
Patient selection based on treatment duration and liver biochemistry increases success rates after treatment withdrawal in autoimmune hepatitis
Hartl J, Ehlken H, Weiler-Normann C, Sebode M, Kreuels B, Pannicke N, Zenouzi R, Glaubke C, Lohse A, Schramm C
J HEPATOL. 2015;62(3):642-6.
Comparison of autochthonous and imported cases of hepatitis A or hepatitis E
Hartl J, Kreuels B, Polywka S, Addo M, Lütgehetmann M, Dandri-Petersen M, Dammermann W, Sterneck M, Lohse A, Pischke S
Z GASTROENTEROL. 2015;53(7):639-643.
Severe Ebola virus infection complicated by gram-negative septicemia
Kreuels B, Addo M, Schmiedel S
NEW ENGL J MED. 2015;372(14):1377.
Prevalence of malaria parasitaemia in school children from two districts of Ghana earmarked for indoor residual spraying: a cross-sectional study
Sarpong N, Owusu-Dabo E, Kreuels B, Fobil J, Segbaya S, Amoyaw F, Hahn A, Kruppa T, May J
MALARIA J. 2015;14:260.
Ebolafieber in Westafrika und in Deutschland: Klinik, Management und Erfahrungen mit den bisher in Deutschland behandelten Patienten
Schmiedel S, Kreuels B
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2015;58(7):679-685.
Urbanicity and Paediatric Bacteraemia in Ghana-A Case-Control Study within a Rural-Urban Transition Zone
Sothmann P, Krumkamp R, Kreuels B, Sarpong N, Frank C, Ehlkes L, Fobil J, Gyau K, Jaeger A, Bosu B, Marks F, Owusu-Dabo E, Salzberger B, May J
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(9):e0139433.
Geographically weighted regression of land cover determinants of Plasmodium falciparum transmission in the Ashanti Region of Ghana
Ehlkes L, Krefis A, Kreuels B, Krumkamp R, Adjei O, Ayim-Akonor M, Kobbe R, Hahn A, Vinnemeier C, Loag W, Schickhoff U, May J
INT J HEALTH GEOGR. 2014;13:35.
Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial or Post Hoc Subgroup Analysis: The Importance of Standardized and Comprehensive Reporting
Karch A, Krumkamp R, Kreuels B
J INFECT DIS. 2014;210(1):15-159.
A case of severe Ebola virus infection complicated by gram-negative septicemia
Kreuels B, Wichmann D, Emmerich P, Schmidt-Chanasit J, Heer G, Kluge S, Sow A, Renné T, Günther S, Lohse A, Addo M, Schmiedel S
NEW ENGL J MED. 2014;371(25):2394-401.
Authors reply: diagnosis of a single imported dengue case who had travelled to Japan - how serious is it for travellers?
Schwarz N, Kreuels B, Stark K, Frank C, Schmidt-Chanasit J
EUROSURVEILLANCE. 2014;19(8):31-32.
Ebolaviruserkrankung: Manifestationsformen der Infektion.
Wolf T, Kreuels B, Schmiedel S, Thomas G
Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 2014;111(43):A 1856–7.
The causal effect of malaria on stunting - a Mendelian randomization and matching approach
Kang H, Kreuels B, Adjei O, Krumkamp R, May J, Small D
INT J EPIDEMIOL. 2013;42(5):1390-8.
Health care utilization and symptom severity in Ghanaian children--a cross-sectional study
Krumkamp R, Sarpong N, Kreuels B, Ehlkes L, Loag W, Schwarz N, Zeeb H, Adu-Sarkodie Y, May J
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Adjusting for heterogeneity of malaria transmission in longitudinal studies
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Follow-up survey of children who received sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive antimalarial treatment in infants
Kobbe R, Hogan B, Adjei S, Klein P, Kreuels B, Loag W, Adjei O, May J
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IL3 variant on chromosomal region 5q31-33 and protection from recurrent malaria attacks
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Differing effects of HbS and HbC traits on uncomplicated falciparum malaria, anemia, and child growth.
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Sickle cell trait (HbAS) and stunting in children below two years of age in an area of high malaria transmission.
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A randomized trial on effectiveness of artemether-lumefantrine versus artesunate plus amodiaquine for unsupervised treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Ghanaian children.
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Q fever in young children, Ghana
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Spatial variation of malaria incidence in young children from a geographically homogeneous area with high endemicity
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Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of intermittent preventive anti-malarial treatment in infants (IPTi) from Ghana and Gabon
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Malaria incidence and efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi)
Kobbe R, Adjei S, Kreuzberg C, Kreuels B, Thompson B, Thompson P, Marks F, Busch W, Tosun M, Schreiber N, Opoku E, Adjei O, Meyer C, May J
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A randomized controlled trial of extended intermittent preventive antimalarial treatment in infants
Kobbe R, Kreuzberg C, Adjei S, Thompson B, Langefeld I, Thompson P, Abruquah H, Kreuels B, Ayim M, Busch W, Marks F, Amoah K, Opoku E, Meyer C, Adjei O, May J
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