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Addressing inter individual variability in CSF levels of brain derived proteins across neurodegenerative diseases

SCI REP-UK. 2025;15(1):668.

Barriers to healthcare predict reduced health-related quality of life in autistic adults without intellectual disability
David N, Rahlff P, König H, Dückert S, Gewohn P, Erik F, Vogeley K, Schöttle D, Konnopka A, Schulz H, Peth J
AUTISM. 2025;29(2):476-489.

Collaborative and Stepped Care for Mental Disorders: Results of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Outpatient Care (the COMET Study)
Heddaeus D, Seeralan T, Maehder K, Porzelt S, Daubmann A, Dams J, Grochtdreis T, König H, von dem Knesebeck O, Löwe B, Pepić A, Rosenkranz M, Schäfer I, Zimmermann T, Schulte B, Weigel A, Wegscheider K, Werner S, Zapf A, Scherer M, Dirmaier J, Härter M
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2025 [Epub ahead of print];(Forthcoming):.

Does metacognitive training for psychosis (MCT) improve neurocognitive performance? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Jeffrey C, Penney D, Sauvé G, Mendelson D, Thibaudeau É, Moritz S, Hotte-Meunier A, Lepage M
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2025;275:79-86.

Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Kriterienkatalogs zur organisationsbezogenen Gesundheitskompetenz
Lüdecke D, von dem Knesebeck O, Härter M, Klockmann I, Heeg J

Meadows or asphalt road - Does momentary affective well-being vary with immediate physical environment? Results from a geographic ecological momentary assessment study in three metropolitan areas in Germany
Mascherek A, Luong G, Wrzus C, Riediger M, Kühn S
ENVIRON RES. 2025;264(Pt 1):120283.

Quo vadis DSM-6? An expert survey on the classification, diagnosis, and differential diagnosis of body-focused repetitive behaviors
Moritz S, Hoyer L, Sarna N, Abramovitch A, Curran C, De Nadai A, Schmotz S
COMPR PSYCHIAT. 2025;136:152534.

Towards the DSM-6: The intersection of OCD and psychosis. Expert perspectives on insight in the diagnosis of OCD
Moritz S, Leucht S, Hoyer L, Schmotz S, Abramovitch A, Jelinek L
PSYCHIAT RES. 2025;344:116306.

Regional gray matter volumes are not predictive of axial symptom response to subthalamic deep brain stimulation in Parkinsonian patients
Peter A, Petersen M, Wrobel P, Schott F, Gulberti A, Magnus T, Thomalla G, Cheng B, Pötter-Nerger M

Metacognitive training in U.S. Republican leaners reduces polarization and fosters democratic behavior–intentions with liberals: Evidence from a randomized-controlled trial.
Reininger K, Brückner T, Biel H, Hennig T, Kokot M, Löwe B, Briken P, Moritz S
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 2025.

Consensus Recommendations to Establish Reporting Standards in fMRI of Migraine: A Delphi Study
Schramm S, Börner-Schröder C, Reichert M, Ramschütz C, Androulakis X, Ashina M, Coppola G, Cucchiara B, Dong Z, Du X, Fischer-Schulte L, Goadsby P, Christensen R, Henderson L, Hougaard A, Liu J, Juhasz G, Karsan N, Kong J, Lee J, Lee M, Linnman C, Mathur V, May A, Mehnert J, Moulton E, Niddam D, Schoenen J, Seminowicz D, Tu Y, Veréb D, Yin T, Zimmer C, Heinen F, Baum T, Bonfert M, Sollmann N
NEUROLOGY. 2025;104(5):e210235.

Frühe Erfassung von zukünftigen Pandemieeffekten bei Menschen mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen: Können laufende bevölkerungsrepräsentative Kohortenstudien einen Beitrag leisten?
Wittmann F, Luppa M, Höhn A, Wege N, Ascone L, Lohse L, Hurlemann R, Meisenzahl E, Lambert M, Bajbouj M, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Riedel-Heller S
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2025 [Epub ahead of print].

Assessing Patient Satisfaction With Metacognitive Training (MCT) for Psychosis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials
Acuña V, Cavieres Á, Arancibia M, Escobar C, Moritz S, Gaweda L, Lamarca M, Berna F, König C, Ochoa S

Die Herausforderung liegt im Wissenstransfer: Ansätze zur Prävention von Extremismus in die praktische Deradikalisierungsarbeit tragen
Ahmed K, Nadeem M, Bajwa R, Brandes F, Hosseini D, Kunze S, Ohls I
Forum Kriminalprävention. 2024;2024(1):24-30.

Unpacking the Effects of Decriminalization: Understanding Drug Use Experiences and Risks among Individuals Who Use Drugs in British Columbia
Ali F, Russell C, Lo M, Bonn M, Bardwell G, Boyd J, Hyshka E, Rehm J
HARM REDUCT J. 2024;21(1):190.

Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT) für Arabisch sprechende Patient*innen mit Fluchterfahrung: Kulturelle Adaptation und Pilotierung
Alkailani H, Metzner F, Uhr C, Jelinek L, Dietrichkeit M, Pawils S
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2024;51(8):426-433.

Spatial characteristics of non-communicable diseases and their associations to social conditions in a large urban cohort in Germany-Results from the Hamburg City Health Study
Andrees V, Bei der Kellen R, Augustin M, Gallinat J, Harth V, Hoven H, Kühn S, Lautenbach A, Magnussen C, Mohr N, Twerenbold R, Schäfer I, Waschki B, Zyriax B, Augustin J
PLOS ONE. 2024;19(4):e0301475.

MESSAGE – Entwicklung und Pilotierung eines Konzepts für Gruppenmusiktherapie bei Patient:innen mit Angst- und Zwangsstörung
Antink M, Yiselyurt , Yassari A, Jelinek-Van Quaquebeke L, Mallon T
Musiktherapeutische Umschau. 2024;45(4):395-399.

Subjective evaluation of home environment and levels of self-reported depression in middle to old age: Results from the HCHS study
Ascone L, Mascherek A, Weber S, Fischer D, Augustin J, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Augustin M, Zyriax B, Gallinat J, Kühn S
J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2024;80(5):1115-1129.

The effect of short-term increase of estradiol levels on sexual desire and orgasm frequency in women and men: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Auer M, Joue G, Biedermann S, Sommer T, Fuss J

Gebrauch und Missbrauch von Nashids – Nutzung religiöser Gesänge für extremistische Zwecke: Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme anhand einer datenbankgestützten Literaturrecherche
Bajwa R, Ahmed K, Nadeem M, Hosseini D, Brandes F, Kunze S, Ohls I
Spiritual Care. 2024;13(4):352-359.

Effectiveness of an abbreviated version of the automated attention training technique (ATT) for stress reduction in a non-clinical sample—A randomized controlled trial
Baumeister A, Böger S, Schindler L, Klein J, Moritz S
J CONTEXT BEHAV SCI. 2024;32:100772.

Reducing problematic pornography use with imaginal retraining-A randomized controlled trial
Baumeister A, Gehlenborg J, Schuurmans L, Moritz S, Briken P
J BEHAV ADDICT. 2024;13(2):622-634.

Is Self-Help Dangerous? Examination of Adverse Effects of a Psychological Internet-Based Self-Help Intervention for Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (Free From BFRB)
Baumeister A, Schmotz S, Weidinger S, Moritz S
BEHAV THER. 2024;55(1):136-149.

Videogame training increases clinical well-being, attention and hippocampal-prefrontal functional connectivity in patients with schizophrenia
Becker M, Fischer D, Kühn S, Gallinat J
TRANSL PSYCHIAT. 2024;14(1):.

How emotional contexts modulate item memory in individuals with high and low negative affect and worry
Becker N, Kühn S, Olsson A
LEARN MEMORY. 2024;31(4):.

Gambling-related attitudes and dimensional structure of the GABS-15 in outpatient addiction care patients: associations with gambling disorder
Bickl A, Loy J, Kraus L, Grüne B, Hoch E, Schwarzkopf L

Reliability of repeated exposure to the human elevated plus maze in virtual reality: Behavioral, emo-tional, and autonomic responses
Biedermann S, Roth L, Biedermann D, Fuß J
BEHAV RES METHODS. 2024;56(1):187-198.

Sensibilität und Toleranz: Das Antistigmamodul von Irre menschlich Hamburg
Bock T, Schulz G, Nixdorf R
Psychosoziale Umschau. 2024;39(2):.

Being the other child - A systematic review on the quality of life and mental health of siblings of children with rare diseases
Boettcher J, Kröger F, Reinsberg N, Wiegand-Grefe S, Zapf H
RES DEV DISABIL. 2024;155:104868.

Older patients’ perspectives on the therapeutic relationship with young psychotherapists
Boschann A, Staats H, Wiegand-Grefe S
PLOS ONE. 2024;19(5):e0295834.

Familie, Psyche und Radikalisierung: Erkenntnisse aus Experteninterviews zu Rückkehrerinnen im Phänomenbereich des Islamismus
Brandes F, Kunze S, Hosseini D, Bajwa R, Ahmed K, Nadeem M, Ohls I
Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik . 2024 [Epub ahead of print].

An analysis of intersectional disparities in alcohol consumption in the US
Bright S, Buckley C, Holman D, Leckie G, Bell A, Mulia N, Kilian C, Purshouse R
SOC SCI MED. 2024;363:.

Kritische Reflexion unserer Studie zu sexuellem Kindesmissbrauch in organisierten und rituellen Gewaltstrukturen
Briken P, Schröder J, Nick S, Richter-Appelt H
Trauma & Gewalt. 2024;18(3):250-253.

Psychological interventions to prevent the onset of major depression in adults: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
Buntrock C, Harrer M, Sprenger A, Illing S, Sakata M, Furukawa T, Ebert D, Cuijpers P
LANCET PSYCHIAT. 2024;11(12):990-1001.

A burden of proof study on alcohol consumption and ischemic heart disease
Carr S, Bryazka D, McLaughlin S, Zheng P, Bahadursingh S, Aravkin A, Hay S, Lawlor H, Mullany E, Murray C, Nicholson S, Rehm J, Roth G, Sorensen R, Lewington S, Gakidou E
NAT COMMUN. 2024;15(1):4082.

Through the patients' eyes: psychometric evaluation of the 64-item version of the Experienced Patient-Centeredness Questionnaire (EPAT-64)
Christalle E, Zeh S, Führes H, Hahlweg P, Zill J, Härter M, Bokemeyer C, Gallinat J, Gebhardt C, Magnussen C, Müller V, Schmalstieg-Bahr K, Strahl A, Kriston L, Scholl I
BMJ QUAL SAF. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].

Effectiveness of cannabis use and cannabis use disorder interventions: a European and international data synthesis
Connor J, Manthey J, Hall W, Stjepanović D
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].

Effect of alcohol health warning labels on knowledge related to the ill effects of alcohol on cancer risk and their public perceptions in 14 European countries: an online survey experiment
Correia D, Kokole D, Rehm J, Tran A, Ferreira-Borges C, Galea G, Likki T, Olsen A, Neufeld M
LANCET PUBLIC HEALTH. 2024;9(7):e470-e480.

Classifying national drinking patterns in Europe between 2000 and 2019: A clustering approach using comparable exposure data
Correia D, Manthey J, Neufeld M, Ferreira-Borges C, Olsen A, Shield K, Rehm J
ADDICTION. 2024;119(9):1543-1553.

Designing and implementing an experimental survey on knowledge and perceptions about alcohol warning labels
Correia D, Tran A, Kokole D, Neufeld M, Olsen A, Likki T, Ferreira-Borges C, Rehm J
INT J METH PSYCH RES. 2024;33(2):.

COVID-19 and mental distress among health professionals in eight European countries during the third wave: a cross-sectional survey
Dechent F, Mayer G, Hummel S, Steffen M, Benoy C, Almeida R, Durán R, Ribeiro O, Frisardi V, Tarricone I, Ferrari S, Lemogne C, Huber C, Weidt S, Schultz J
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):21333.

Die Realität von Substanzkonsum und Abhängigkeit zwischen Lebensstil und Krankheit
Degkwitz P
2024. Drogenpraxis Drogenpolitik Drogenrecht. Stöver H, Hößelbarth S (Hrsg.). 6. Aufl. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag GmbH, 35-61.

Modelle zur Entstehung und Verlauf von Substanzkonsum und Abhängigkeit
Degkwitz P
2024. Drogenpraxis Drogenpolitik Drogenrecht. Stöver H, Hößelbarth S (Hrsg.). 6. Aufl. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag GmbH, 62-93.

Long-Term Effectiveness of a Quitline for Smoking Cessation: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Delle S, Kraus L, Maspero S, Pogarell O, Hoch E, Lochbühler K
EUR ADDICT RES. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];1-12.

There are multiple clocks that time us: Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations among 14 alternative indicators of age and aging
Drewelies J, Homann J, Vetter V, Duezel S, Kühn S, Deecke L, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Jawinski P, Markett S, Lindenberger U, Lill C, Bertram L, Demuth I, Gerstorf D
J GERONTOL A-BIOL. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].

Barriers to accessing mental health care for refugees and asylum seekers in high-income countries: A scoping review of reviews mapping demand and supply-side factors onto a conceptual framework
Dumke L, Wilker S, Hecker T, Neuner F
CLIN PSYCHOL REV. 2024;113:.

Associations Between Childhood Neglect and Depressive Symptoms: The Mediating Effect of Avoidant Coping
Eggert L, Kenntemich L, von Hülsen L, Gallinat J, Schäfer I, Lotzin A
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2024;2024:.

Are psychotic-like experiences associated with aberrant prosocial decision-making behavior?
Elmers J, Gabbert T, David B, Scheunemann J, Moritz S
FRONT PSYCHOL. 2024;15:1387678.

Top-down modulation of dichotic listening affects interhemispheric connectivity: an electroencephalography study
Elyamany O, Iffland J, Lockhofen D, Steinmann S, Leicht G, Mulert C
FRONT NEUROSCI-SWITZ. 2024;18:1424746.

Therapieresistente Zwangsstörungen
Endres D, Jelinek L, Domschke K, Voderholzer U
NERVENARZT. 2024;95(5):432-439.

Delay discounting of protected sex and compulsive sexual behavior in women with borderline personality disorder
Finkenstaedt M, Biedermann D, Schröder J, Gholami Mazinan R, Fuß J, Biedermann S
J BEHAV ADDICT. 2024;13(1):250-261.

Are we afraid of the woods? - An investigation of the implicit and explicit fear reactions to forests
Fischer D, Schröer F, Denecke S, Murphy L, Kühn S
ENVIRON RES. 2024;260:.

Structural disconnectivity in postoperative delirium: A perioperative two-center cohort study in older patients
Fislage M, Winzeck S, Woodrow R, Lammers-Lietz F, Stamatakis E, Correia M, Preller J, Feinkohl I, Hendrikse J, Pischon T, Spies C, Slooter A, Winterer G, Menon D, Zacharias N
ALZHEIMERS DEMENT. 2024;20(4):2861-2872.

Projekt Hilft: Gelingensbedingungen der Einführung von Traumaambulanzen
Flatten-Whitehead I, Giesmann M, Specht L, Fegert J, Rassenhofer M, Schellong J, Schäfer I
Recht und Praxis der Rehabilitation. 2024;2024(2):40-45.

Resting state network changes induced by experimental inaudible infrasound exposure and associations with self-reported noise sensitivity and annoyance
Forlim C, Ascone L, Koch C, Kühn S
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):.

Symptom Network Analysis in a Large Sample of Children and Adults with a Chronic Tic Disorder
Forlim C, Brandt V, Jakubovski E, Ganos C, Kühn S, Müller-Vahl K
MOV DISORD CLIN PRAC. 2024;11(10):1232-1240.

Altered resting-state functional connectivity in a thalamo-cortico-cerebellar network in patients with schizophrenia
Forlim C, Klock L, Gallinat J, Kühn S
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):.

The contributions of risk-taking and impulsivity to jumping to conclusions in the psychosis spectrum
Gabbert T, Scheunemann J, Balzan R, Doehring N, Elmers J, Moritz S
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2024;269:116-119.

Die Bedeutung von Diskriminierungserfahrungen und ­Akkulturation für psychische und somatische Beschwerden: Eine Fragebogenuntersuchung bei Menschen mit afghanischer und irakischer Nationalität in Leipzig
Garbade M, Schönenberg K, Beck K, Eglinsky J, Segler J, Seitz K, Specht F, Wittek E, Schäfer I, Nesterko Y, Glaesmer H
Trauma & Gewalt. 2024;18(4):324-338.

Can an app increase health literacy and reduce the stigma associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder? A crossover randomized controlled trial
García-Soriano G, Arnáez S, Chaves A, Del Valle G, Roncero M, Moritz S
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2024;350:636-647.

Randomized Controlled Trial on Imaginal Retraining for Problematic Alcohol Use: A Dismantling Study
Gehlenborg J, Göritz A, Kempken J, Wirtz J, Schuurmans L, Moritz S, Kühn S

Implicit aggressive self-concept in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: Results from an approach-avoidance task
Gehlenborg J, Miegel F, Moritz S, Scheunemann J, Yassari A, Jelinek L

Borderline personality disorder and sexuality: causes and consequences of dissociative symptoms
Gholami Mazinan R, Dudek C, Warkentin H, Finkenstaedt M, Schröder J, Musil R, Kratzer L, Fuß J, Biedermann S
BORDER PERS DIS EMOT. 2024;11(1):8.

Schnelle Hilfen für Betroffene von akuter Gewalt: aktuelle Versorgung in Traumaambulanzen in Deutschland
Giesmann M, Flatten-Whitehead I, Specht L, Fegert J, Schellong J, Rassenhofer M, Schäfer I
NERVENARZT. 2024;95(7):597-606.

Source to sensor coupling (SoSeC) as an effective tool to localize interacting sources from EEG and MEG data
Göschl F, Kaziki D, Leicht G, Engel A, Nolte G
bioRxiv. 2024.

Frontal theta oscillations during emotion regulation in people with borderline personality disorder
Haaf M, Polomac N, Starcevic A, Lack M, Kellner S, Dohrmann A, Fuger U, Steinmann S, Rauh J, Nolte G, Mulert C, Leicht G
BJPSYCH OPEN. 2024;10(2):e58.

Perspectives of key informants before and after implementing UPSIDES peer support in mental health services: qualitative findings from an international multi-site study
Haun M, Adler Ben-Dor I, Cerdic H, Kalha J, Korde P, Moran G, Müller-Stierlin A, Niwemuhwezi J, Nixdorf R, Puschner B, Ramesh M, Charles A, Krumm S
BMC HEALTH SERV RES. 2024;24(1):159.

Mental health workers’ perspectives on the implementation of a peer support intervention in five countries: qualitative findings from the UPSIDES study
Haun M, Girit S, Goldfarb Y, Kalha J, Korde P, Kwebiiha E, Moran G, Mtei R, Niwemuhwezi J, Nixdorf R, Nugent L, Puschner B, Ramesh M, Ryan G, Slade M, Charles A, Krumm S
BMJ OPEN. 2024;14(5):e081963.

Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Benzodiazepine Dependence Self-Report Questionnaire
Heeg J, Stratmann M, Dirmaier J, Härter M, Kriston L, Lindemann C, Verthein U
INT J MENT HEALTH AD. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].

From animal models to human individuality: Integrative approaches to the study of brain plasticity
Hille M, Kühn S, Kempermann G, Bonhoeffer T, Lindenberger U
NEURON. 2024;112(21):3522-3541.

Measuring fidelity to manualised peer support for people with severe mental health conditions: development and psychometric evaluation of the UPSIDES fidelity scale
Hiltensperger R, Kotera Y, Wolf P, Nixdorf R, Charles A, Farkas M, Grayzman A, Kalha J, Korde P, Mahlke C, Moran G, Mpango R, Mtei R, Ryan G, Shamba D, Wenzel L, Slade M, Puschner B
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2024;24(1):675.

Implementation of peer support for people with severe mental health conditions in high-, middle-and low-income-countries: a theory of change approach
Hiltensperger R, Ryan G, Adler Ben-Dor I, Charles A, Epple E, Kalha J, Korde P, Kotera Y, Mpango R, Moran G, Müller-Stierlin A, Nixdorf R, Ramesh M, Shamba D, Slade M, Puschner B, Nakku J
BMC HEALTH SERV RES. 2024;24(1):480.

Increased off-target binding of [18F]florbetaben in the skull of women with reduced skull density
Hipp N, Young K, Apostolova I, Klutmann S, Hardewig I, Koglin N, Gallinat J, Buchert R
NUKLEARMED-NUCL MED. 2024;63(4):247-251.

Psychopathologies Among European Women Involved in Islamist Radicalization: A Review
Hosseini D, Brandes F, Bajwa R, Ahmed K, Kunze S, Nadeem M, Ohls I
TERROR POLIT VIOLENC. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].

Effects of metacognitive training (MCT) on social cognition for schizophrenia spectrum and related psychotic disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Hotte-Meunier A, Penney D, Mendelson D, Thibaudeau É, Moritz S, Lepage M, Sauvé G
PSYCHOL MED. 2024;54(5):914-920.

Neurofilaments and progranulin are related to atrophy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration - A transdiagnostic study cross-validating atrophy and fluid biomarkers
Hüper L, Steinacker P, Polyakova M, Mueller K, Godulla J, Herzig S, Danek A, Engel A, Diehl-Schmid J, Classen J, Fassbender K, Fliessbach K, Jahn H, Kassubek J, Kornhuber J, Landwehrmeyer B, Lauer M, Obrig H, Oeckl P, Prudlo J, Saur D, Anderl-Straub S, Synofzik M, Wagner M, Wiltfang J, Winkelmann J, Volk A, , Huppertz H, Otto M, Schroeter M
ALZHEIMERS DEMENT. 2024;20(7):4461-4475.

Priorities for addressing adolescent cannabis consumption following non-medical cannabis legalization in Canada
Imtiaz S, Elton-Marshall T, Hamilton H, Rueda S, Rehm J
LANCET REG HEALTH-AM. 2024;35:100828.

Functional MRI brain state occupancy in the presence of cerebral small vessel disease—a pre-registered replication analysis of the Hamburg City Health Study
Ingwersen T, Mayer C, Petersen M, Frey B, Fiehler J, Hanning U, Kühn S, Gallinat J, Twerenbold R, Gerloff C, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Schlemm E
Imaging Neuroscience. 2024;2:1-17.

Acute clinical outcomes of patients with HFpEF undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation
Ismaili D, Kany S, Obergassel S, Varnhorn L, Venedey N, Pinnschmidt H, Rottner L, Moser F, Lemoine M, My I, Riess J, Reissmann B, Kirchhof P, Metzner M, Rillig A
EUROPACE. 2024;26(Supplement_1):euae102.083.

An Introduction to the Human Connectome Project for Early Psychosis
Jacobs G, Coleman M, Lewandowski K, Pasternak O, Cetin-Karayumak S, Mesholam-Gately R, Wojcik J, Kennedy L, Knyazhanskaya E, Reid B, Swago S, Lyons M, Rizzoni E, John O, Carrington H, Kim N, Kotler E, Veale S, Haidar A, Prunier N, Haaf M, Levitt J, Seitz-Holland J, Rathi Y, Kubicki M, Keshavan M, Holt D, Seidman L, Öngür D, Breier A, Bouix S, Shenton M
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].

Exposure therapy in patients with harm-related obsessive-compulsive disorder: The theory-practice gap and its relation to experiential avoidance and negative beliefs about exposure
Jelinek L, Balzar A, Moritz S, Liebherz S, Yassari A

Too much of a good thing? Hand hygiene and the long-term course of contamination-related obsessive-compulsive symptoms
Jelinek L, Göritz A, Miegel F, Schuurmans L, Moritz S, Yassari A, Müller J
FRONT PSYCHOL. 2024;15:1279639.

Exploring the Peaks and Potholes: Understanding Positive and Negative Effects of Concentrated Exposure Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Jelinek L, Serve A, Pampuch S, Scheunemann J, Schultz J, Miegel-Heyckendorf F, Hansen B, Hagen K, Bohnsack F, Gallinat J, Yassari A
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2024;43:100913.

The effects of COVID-19 on the development of reported incidents of child maltreatment over time: A systematic literature review
Jud A, Orban E, Kaman A, Ravens-Sieberer U, Jarczok M, Li L, Laser C, Ondruschka B, Zwirner J, Hildebrand M, Ewert J, Jung-Sievers C, Wiegand-Grefe S, Clemens V
CHILD ABUSE NEGLECT. 2024;157:107071.

Trajectories of depressive and anxiety symptoms and associated risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: A longitudinal cohort study
Kenntemich L, von Hülsen L, Eggert L, Kriston L, Gallinat J, Schäfer I, Lotzin A
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2024;355:136-146.

The legal framework for the production of alcohol for personal use within the European Union
Kilian C, Braddick F, Rehm J
NORD STUD ALCOHOL DR. 2024;41(4):439-447.

National and regional prevalence of interpersonal violence from others' alcohol use: a systematic review and modelling study
Kilian C, Klinger S, Manthey J, Rehm J, Huckle T, Probst C

Quantifying alcohol's harm to others: a research and policy proposal
Kilian C, Manthey J, Probst C
B WORLD HEALTH ORGAN. 2024;102(6):448-452.

Commentary on Andreacchi et al.: Policy responses to shifting epidemiological trends in alcohol use in Canada
Kilian C, Probst C
ADDICTION. 2024;119(12):2174-2175.

Impact of alcohol control policy on hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke mortality rates in Lithuania: An interrupted time series analysis
Kim K, Rehm J, Feng X, Jiang H, Manthey J, Radišauskas R, Štelemėkas M, Tran A, Zafar A, Lange S
ADICCIONES. 2024;36(2):227-236.

Relationship between alcohol use and firearm-involved suicide: Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2003-2020
Kim K, Rehm J, Kaplan M, Lange S
AM J PREV MED. 2024;66(5):832-839.

Adverse Events of Psychological Interventions. Definitions, Assessment, Current State of the Research and Implications for Research and Clinical Practice
Klein J, Rozental A, Sürig S, Moritz S
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2024;93(5):308-315.

The differential role of socioeconomic status dimensions in depressive symptoms of aging adults
Klimesch A, Ascone L, Schmager A, Petersen E, Hoven H, von dem Knesebeck O, Gallinat J, Kühn S
FRONT PUBLIC HEALTH. 2024;12:1430325.

Empathy in schizophrenia: neural alterations during emotion recognition and affective sharing
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Affective and cognitive Theory of Mind in patients with alcohol use disorder: Associations with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and somatization
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Intendierte Inanspruchnahme von Versorgungsangeboten bei psychischen Erkrankungen mit unterschiedlicher Dringlichkeit
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Grey-matter structure in cortical and limbic regions correlates with general cognitive ability in old age
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Cannabis Use in Germany: Frequency, Routes of Administration, and Co-use of Inhaled Nicotine or Tobacco Products
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Trends in alcohol-attributable morbidity and mortality in Germany from 2000 to 2021: A modelling study
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Reducing self-stigma in psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological interventions
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Stepped, evidence-based and integrated care service model vs. usual care for mental disorders: a randomized controlled trial (RECOVER)
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How can imaginal retraining for modifying food craving be improved?
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Different perspectives in psychiatry: how family-oriented are professionals in Germany?
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Reducing Distress from Auditory Verbal Hallucinations: A Multicenter, Parallel, Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial of Relating Therapy
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Effects of a shared decision-making implementation programme on patient-centred communication in oncology-Secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial
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Predictors of traumatic experiences among individuals experiencing pandemic-related stressors: a cross-sectional study in Europe during the COVID-19 crisis
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Gender-affirming hormonal therapy induces a gender-concordant fecal metagenome transition in transgender individuals
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How does alcohol use impact morbidity and mortality of liver cirrhosis? A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis
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Substanzkonsum und Nutzung von sozialen Medien, Computerspielen und Glücksspielen unter Auszubildenden an beruflichen Schulen
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Gender sensitivity of the COVID-19 mental health research in Europe: a scoping review
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Cognitive insight in first-episode psychosis: Exploring the complex relationship between executive functions and social cognition
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Feasibility of a breath robot intervention to reduce sleep problems in posttraumatic stress disorder: protocol for a randomized controlled study
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A longitudinal study of risk and protective factors for symptoms of adjustment disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Clinical effectiveness of patient-targeted feedback following depression screening in general practice (GET.FEEDBACK.GP): an investigator-initiated, prospective, multicentre, three-arm, observer-blinded, randomised controlled trial in Germany
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The significance of cerebrospinal fluid analysis in the differential diagnosis of 564 psychiatric patients: Multiple sclerosis is more common than autoimmune-encephalitis
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Bewertung des Cannabisgesetzes aus einer Public Health Perspektive
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Treatment demand for cannabis use problems: analyses of routine data from 30 European countries
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Analysing Patient Trajectories of Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders (PRAGMA): Study Protocol of a Data-Linkage Study
Manthey J, Becher H, Gallinat J, Kraus L, Martens M, Möckl J, Murawski M, Neumann-Runde E, Reimer J, Wirth M, Rehm J, Schäfer I, Schulte B
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The Impact of Raising Alcohol Taxes on Government Tax Revenue: Insights from Five European Countries
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Alcohol-Specific Inpatient Diagnoses in Germany: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Analysis of Primary and Secondary Diagnoses from 2012 to 2021
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Restricting alcohol marketing to reduce alcohol consumption: A systematic review of the empirical evidence for one of the 'best buys'
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Rescheduling alcohol marketing bans within the World Health Organization menu of policy options
Manthey J, Jacobsen B, Schulte B, Rehm J
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Cannabis use, health problems, and criminal offences in Germany: national and state-level trends between 2009 and 2021
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Germany's cannabis act: a catalyst for European drug policy reform?
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Can the THC concentration predict the number of patients with cannabis-related diagnoses?
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Young people at risk for developing bipolar disorder: Two-year findings from the multicenter prospective, naturalistic Early-BipoLife study
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Short-term effectiveness of the national German quitline for smoking cessation: results of a randomized controlled trial
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Association between periodontal disease and microstructural brain alterations in the Hamburg City Health Study
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Schulgesundheitsfachkräfte an öffentlichen Schulen – ein systematisches Review zur internationalen Studienlage unter Berücksichtigung sozial benachteiligter Kinder und Jugendlicher
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Youth cannabis use and subsequent health service use for mood and anxiety disorders: A population-based cohort study
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Exploring mechanisms of change in two sequential studies evaluating the metacognitive training for depression using lasso regression
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Prediction of estimated risk for bipolar disorder using machine learning and structural MRI features
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PSYCHOL MED. 2024;54(2):278-288.

Corrigendum: Estimating the prevalence of alcohol-related disorders and treatment utilization in Bremen 2016/2017 through routine data linkage
Möckl J, Lindemann C, Manthey J, Schulte B, Reimer J, Pogarell O, Kraus L

Clustering care pathways of people with alcohol dependence using a data linkage of routine data in Bremen, Germany
Möckl J, Manthey J, Murawski M, Lindemann C, Schulte B, Reimer J, Pogarell O, Kraus L
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Linking Cognitive Integrity to Working Memory Dynamics in the Aging Human Brain
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Towards the DSM-6: Results of a Survey of Experts on the Reintroduction of First-Rank Symptoms as Core Criteria of Schizophrenia and on Redefining Hallucinations
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What Kurt Schneider really said and what the DSM has made of it in its different editions: A plea to redefine hallucinations in schizophrenia
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A randomized controlled trial on COGITO, a free self-help smartphone app to enhance mental well-being
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Two-year follow-up of habit reversal training and decoupling in a sample with body-focused repetitive behaviors
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Körperbezogene repetitive Verhaltensstörungen: Klassifikation, Diagnostik und Therapie
Moritz S, Jelinek L, Schmotz S, Hoyer L
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Risk and maintenance factors in body-focused repetitive behaviours
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Prevalence of body-focused repetitive behaviors in a diverse population sample - rates across age, gender, race and education
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Motives for performing body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs): Similarities to and differences from non-suicidal self-injurious and stereotypic movement behaviors
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Body-focused repetitive behavior: Towards a better understanding of this prevalent but undertreated disorder
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‘Free from BFRB’: Efficacy of self-help interventions for body-focused repetitive behaviors conveyed via manual or video
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Nicotine reduces discrimination between threat and safety in the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens and amygdala
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Mediation analyses of longitudinal data investigating temporal associations between inflated sense of responsibility, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and anger suppression
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Risk factors for domain-specific neurocognitive outcome in pediatric survivors of a brain tumor in the posterior fossa - Results of the HIT 2000 trial
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How much do Europeans know about the link between alcohol use and cancer? Results from an online survey in 14 countries
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Effect of the i2TransHealth e-health intervention on psychological distress among transgender and gender diverse adults from remote areas in Germany: A randomised controlled trial
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Development of the UPSIDES global mental health training programme for peer support workers: Perspectives from stakeholders in low, middle and high-income countries
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Who is in, for How Long and What for. Exploring the Social Dimension of Cannabis Social Clubs in Barcelona, 2017-2020
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Effectiveness of a peer-supported crisis intervention to reduce the proportion of compulsory admissions in acute psychiatric crisis interventions in an outreach and outpatient setting: study protocol for an exploratory cluster randomised trial combined with qualitative methods
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Subtle signs of atrial cardiomyopathy and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction are associated with reduced cognitive function: results from the Hamburg City Health Study
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A latent clinical-anatomical dimension relating metabolic syndrome to brain structure and cognition
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Markers of Biological Brain Aging Mediate Effects of Vascular Risk Factors on Cognitive and Motor Functions: A Multivariate Imaging Analysis of 40,579 Individuals
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Lebensqualität von kleinwüchsigen Kindern und Jugendlichen und Wachstumshormontherapie
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Trends of alcohol-attributable deaths in Lithuania 2001–2021: epidemiology and policy conclusions
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Trends of fully alcohol-attributable mortality rates before and during COVID-19 in the Baltic and other European countries
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Does higher alcohol consumption affect attitudes towards alcohol control measures in Estonia?
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Validation of the German version of the Comparative Psychotherapy Process Scale
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Testing Heinz Kohut’s Thoughts on Narcissism and Narcissistic Rage: Narcissistic Injury Paves the way for Radicalization and Subclinical Paranoid States – an Experimental Study
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A Pilot Study of Metacognitive Training in U.S. Republican Leaners: Reducing Polarization Toward LGBTIQ+ Persons
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A Latent Class Analysis on Indicators of Early Prolonged Grief Disorder and Well-Being Among Dutch Adults Bereaved During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Infant Care: Predictors of Outdoor Walking, Infant Carrying and Infant Outdoor Sleeping
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Differences in impact of current and former shift work on cardiovascular risk factors, carotid atherosclerosis, and white matter integrity
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A Self-Guided Internet-Based Intervention for the Reduction of Gambling Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial
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The decriminalization of illicit drugs in British Columbia: a national evaluation protocol
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Feasibility and effectiveness of extended-release buprenorphine (XR-BUP) among correctional populations: a systematic review
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The effect of an annual temporary abstinence campaign on population-level alcohol consumption in Thailand: a time-series analysis of 23 years
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Low-Level Visual Features of Window Views Contribute to Perceived Naturalness and Mental Health Outcomes
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Versorgung von Traumafolgestörungen
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Zwangsstörungen: Expositionsbehandlung und Besonderheiten des 4-Tage Kompaktformates.
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Conflict detection in language processing: Using affect control theory to predict neural correlates of affective incongruency in social interactions
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Trauma und Erinnerung – ein Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte in Recht und Psychotherapie
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Neue Versorgungstrukturen für Patient*innen mit schweren Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen (BPS): Integrierte Versorgung Borderline (IVB) und Stationsäquivalente Behandlung (StäB)
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Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in an assertive community treatment structure (ACT): testing integrated care borderline (ICB) in a randomized controlled trial (RECOVER)
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Self-help to reduce body-focused repetitive behaviors via video or website? A randomized controlled trial
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Dermatillomanie. Unterdiagnostiziert und unterbehandelt.
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A mobile-based aftercare intervention to increase self-esteem in inpatients diagnosed with depression. A randomized controlled trial
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P-105 Glycine attenuates impairments of interhemispheric gamma-band connectivity in the ketamine model of schizophrenia
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The integrity of dopaminergic and noradrenergic brain regions is associated with different aspects of late-life memory performance
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Barriers and needs in mental healthcare of adults with autism spectrum disorder in Germany: a qualitative study in autistic adults, relatives, and healthcare providers
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Multidimensional Burden on Family Caregivers of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Scoping Review
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Is Short Sleep Bad for the Brain? Brain Structure and Cognitive Function in Short Sleepers
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Improving care for SUD patients with complex trauma-relationships between childhood trauma, dissociation, and suicidal behavior in female patients with PTSD and SUD
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Validation of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) questionnaires for patients with anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, stress-related, somatoform and personality disorders in Germany
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Psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) measures in patients with affective disorders
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Opposite Modulation of the NMDA Receptor by Glycine and S-Ketamine and the Effects on Resting State EEG Gamma Activity: New Insights into the Glutamate Hypothesis of Schizophrenia
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Unmet Psychosocial Needs of Health Care Professionals in Europe During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mixed Methods Approach
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Enhancing educational and vocational recovery in adolescents and young adults with early psychosis through Supported Employment and Education (SEEearly): study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial
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Correction: Enhancing educational and vocational recovery in adolescents and young adults with early psychosis through Supported Employment and Education (SEEearly): study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial
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Psychische Belastungen bei Angehörigen von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen während der COVID-19 Pandemie
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Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT) [2. Auflage]
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Improving adherence to unguided Internet-based therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial
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Handlungsempfehlungen zur Legalisierung von Cannabis in Deutschland
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Chronic pain in osteoarthritis of the hip is associated with selective cognitive impairment
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Psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) in 9230 adults across seven European countries: Findings from the ESTSS ADJUST study
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Increased alcohol-specific mortality in Germany during COVID-19: State-level trends from 2010 to 2020
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Alcohol use, dementia risk, and sex: a systematic review and assessment of alcohol-attributable dementia cases in Europe
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Reducing alcohol use through alcohol control policies in the general population and population subgroups: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Social disparities in alcohol's harm to others: evidence from 32 European countries
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The socioeconomic profile of alcohol use in Europe: findings from 33 European countries
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Affordability of Alcoholic Beverages in the European Union
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Alkoholpolitik in Deutschland: Verpasste Chancen zur Senkung der Krankheitslast
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Changes in Alcohol-Specific Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 14 European Countries
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Protocol for a process evaluation of SCALA study - Intervention targeting scaling up of primary health care-based prevention and management of heavy drinking and comorbid depression in Latin America
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Country and policy factors influencing the implementation of primary care-based alcohol screening: A comparison of Colombia, Mexico and Peru
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Subjective Cognitive Decline Is Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in the Middle-Aged to Elderly Population
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How Important Is Reprocessing in Personalized Multicomponent Therapy? Analyzing Longitudinal Data of Inpatients With Severe PTSD
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Kränkung und Einsamkeit: Therapie-Tools
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Association Between Acute Alcohol Use and Firearm-Involved Suicide in the United States
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Evaluating the Impact of Alcohol Policy on Suicide Mortality: A Sex-Specific Time-Series Analysis for Lithuania
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The decoupling of structural and functional connectivity of auditory networks in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis
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La thérapie cognitive et comportementale pour la psychose et les approches dérivées
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The Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption, BMI, and Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-analysis
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Efficacy of exposure and response prevention therapy in mixed reality for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Häusliche Gewalt und ihre psychischen Folgen während der COVID-19-Pandemie – Zentrale Befunde aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum
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Promoting Recovery from Disasters, Pandemics, and Trauma: A Systematic Review of Brief Psychological Interventions to Reduce Distress in Adults, Children, and Adolescents
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War-related stressors and ICD-11 (complex) post-traumatic stress disorders in Ukrainian students living in Kyiv during the Russian-Ukrainian war
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Umgang ambulanter Psychotherapeut*innen mit traumatischen Erfahrungen von Patient*innen unter Berücksichtigung einer traumatherapeutischen Zusatzqualifikation
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Harm Reduction und Cannabis: Was ändert sich durch die Legalisierung?
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Unrecorded alcohol use in 33 European countries: Analyses of a comparative survey with 49,000 people who use alcohol
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The impact of legal cannabis availability on cannabis use and health outcomes: A systematic review
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The impact of alcohol taxation increase on all-cause mortality inequalities in Lithuania: an interrupted time series analysis
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Changes in the alcohol-specific disease burden during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: interrupted time series analyses
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Improving alcohol health literacy and reducing alcohol consumption: recommendations for Germany
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Prices of flower and resin in cannabis social clubs: Analyses of register data from 220,000 collections
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Measuring cannabis quantities in online surveys: A rapid review and proposals for ways forward
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Aktuelle Evidenz verschiedener stationärer Psychotherapieprogramme in der Behandlung von Psychosen – ein narrativer Übersichtsartikel
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Aura phenomena do not initiate migraine attacks—Findings from neuroimaging
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(WIP) Social Interaction Dynamics in a Simulated Virtual Consultation about Psychotherapy: Presenter(s): Leslie-Maryse Melchiors, Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg, Germany
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Variability and magnitude of brain glutamate levels in schizophrenia: a meta and mega-analysis
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Problem gambling in Germany: results of a mixed-mode population survey in 2021
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Daring to Feel: Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy Increases Amygdala Activation and Connectivity in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder-A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Boosting the Theory of Mind Network: Specific Psychotherapy Increases Neural Correlates of Affective Theory of Mind in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder
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Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Dimensions and Their Relationships with Obsessive Beliefs: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis
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Mixed results for exposure and response prevention therapy in mixed reality for patients with contamination-related obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled pilot study
Miegel F, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Lohse L, Yassari A, Bücker L
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Session-Specific Effects on Suicidality in Group Therapy: No Evidence for Contagion
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How to assess and analyse session-specific effects and predictors: An example with the Metacognitive Training for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder intervention
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Expected increase in health competence improves over modules of an unguided internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder
Miegel F, Schröder J, Schultz J, Müller J, Jelinek L
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Metakognitives Training bei Zwangsstörungen (Z-MKT)
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Core dysfunctional beliefs in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder are shared with patients with anxiety disorder according to the revised Beliefs Questionnaire
Miegel-Heyckendorf F, Jelinek L, Yassari A, Balzar A, Moritz S
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A mystery-shopping study to test enforcement of minimum legal purchasing age in Lithuania in 2022
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EUR J PUBLIC HEALTH. 2023;33(2):317-322.

Estimating the prevalence of alcohol-related disorders and treatment utilization in Bremen 2016/2017 through routine data linkage
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Chancen und Risiken einer Digitalisierung der Suchtprävention: Erfahrungen aus der Covid-19-Pandemie
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Correction to Behavioral and location-related antecedents of train suicides
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Imaginal retraining reduces craving for high-calorie food
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Combination of two behavioral techniques reduces craving in problematic alcohol consumption by one third: a randomized controlled trial
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Metacognitive training for psychosis (MCT): past, present, and future
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Behavioral and location-related antecedents of train suicides
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Habit Reversal Training and Variants of Decoupling for Use in Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors. A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Same but different? Phenomenological differences among various types of body-focused repetitive behaviors
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Self-Help Habit Replacement in Individuals With Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors: A Proof-of-Concept Randomized Clinical Trial
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Decoupling: adaptation of a treatment for body-focused repetitive behaviour to Tourette syndrome. A case report
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The magnitude of neurocognitive impairment is overestimated in depression: the role of motivation, debilitating momentary influences, and the overreliance on mean differences
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Effects of exposure to immersive computer-generated virtual nature and control environments on affect and cognition
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Adding virtual plants leads to higher cognitive performance and psychological well-being in virtual reality
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Prevalence of COVID-19 and Psychotropic Drug Treatment in Psychiatric In-patients in Germany in 2020: Results from a Nationwide Pilot Survey
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Self-management with alcohol over lifespan: psychological mechanisms, neurobiological underpinnings, and risk assessment
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Psychological distress of adult patients consulting a center for rare and undiagnosed diseases: a cross-sectional study
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Applying persuasive messages to reduce public outdoor smoking: A pseudo-randomized controlled trial
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Individual differences in brain aging: heterogeneity in cortico-hippocampal but not caudate atrophy rates
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Relationship of serum beta-synuclein with blood biomarkers and brain atrophy
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A Systematic Review of the Risk and Protective Factors for Processes Associated with Islamist Radicalization and Extremism
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Cognitive Deficits in Executive and Language Functions Predict Postoperative Delirium
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Improvement of functioning in patients with schizophrenia: real-world effectiveness of aripiprazole once-monthly (REACT study)
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Association between mitochondria-related genes and cognitive performance in the PsyCourse Study
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Resting-state functional connectivity in an auditory network differs between aspiring professional and amateur musicians and correlates with performance
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Brain imaging and neuropsychological assessment of individuals recovered from a mild to moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection
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A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of metacognitive training for older adults with depression (MCT-Silver) in Portugal: study protocol
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Behavioral stability of alcohol consumption and socio-demographic correlates of change among a nationally representative cohort of US adults
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Can lifestyle factors explain racial and ethnic inequalities in all-cause mortality among US adults?
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Alcohol-attributable mortality and alcohol control policy in the Baltic Countries and Poland in 2001-2020: an interrupted time-series analysis
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Societal and organisational influences on implementation of mental health peer support work in low-income and high-income settings: a qualitative focus group study
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The effects of assessing character strengths vs. psychopathology on mood, hope, perceived stigma and cognitive performance in individuals with psychosis
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P-89 Combining theta-band HD-tACS with simultaneous fMRI reveals changes within the working memory network
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Comparison of transcranial brain stimulation approaches: prefrontal theta alternating current stimulation enhances working memory performance
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Changes of WM network activity following HD-tACS revealed by simultaneous measurement of fMRI
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Minimum legal drinking age-still an underrated alcohol control policy
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Impact of the WHO "best buys" for alcohol policy on consumption and health in the Baltic countries and Poland 2000-2020
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Assessing the impact of providing digital product information on the health risks of alcoholic beverages to the consumer at point of sale: A pilot study
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Classifying alcohol control policies enacted between 2000 and 2020 in Poland and the Baltic countries to model potential impact
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"Harm per litre" as a concept and a measure in studying determinants of relations between alcohol consumption and harm
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Can you trust this source? Advice taking in borderline personality disorder
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Alcohol Addiction: One Entity or Different Entities? A DSM-4-Based Attempt Toward a Geographicization of Alcohol Addiction and Abuse
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Optimizing the context of support of web-based self-help in individuals with mild to moderate depressive symptoms: A randomized full factorial trial
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Assessment of risk factors of treatment discontinuation among patients on paliperidone palmitate and risperidone microspheres in France, Germany and Belgium
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Alcohol Consumption Levels and Health Care Utilization in Germany
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Direct and indirect assessment of perfectionism in patients with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder
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Not in education, employment and training status in the early stages of bipolar I disorder with psychotic features
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Evaluation der Akzeptanz der Gesetzesänderung in § 24 Infektionsschutzgesetz in niedrigschwelligen Einrichtungen der Aids- und Drogenhilfe
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Mixed-methods investigation of barriers and needs in mental healthcare of adults with autism and recommendations for future care (BarrierfreeASD): study protocol
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The dissociative subtype of PTSD in trauma-exposed individuals: a latent class analysis and examination of clinical covariates
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The relationship between jumping to conclusions and social cognition in first-episode psychosis
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Entwicklung einer Onlineintervention zum Thema Suizidalität – Vermittlung von Wissen und Reduzierung von Suizidstigma
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No Evidence for a Boost in Psychosocial Functioning in Older Age After a 6-Months Physical Exercise Intervention
Düzel S, Drewelies J, Polk S, Misgeld C, Porst J, Wolfarth B, Kühn S, Brandmaier A, Wenger E

Behandlung der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung bei Erwachsenen: Empfehlungen der S3-Leitlinie
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Diagnostik und Therapie ­Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörungen bei Menschen mit intellektueller Beeinträchtigung
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'You are trying to teach us to think more slowly!' Adapting Metacognitive Training for the acute care setting-A case report
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Metakognitives Training für Psychosen. Adaption für das akutpsychiatrische Setting
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The 15-day threshold in the definition of chronic migraine is reasonable and sufficient-Five reasons for not changing the ICHD-3 definition
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Screening auf problematischen Alkoholkonsum – Erhebung zur Umsetzung der S3-Leitlinienempfehlungen in der transdisziplinären Versorgung einer Modellregion
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The Comprehensive Alcohol Advertising Ban in Lithuania: A Case Study of Social Media
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Long-term effects of imaginal retraining in overweight and obesity: A controlled study
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Imaginal Retraining Reduces Craving for Tobacco in 1-Year Controlled Follow-Up Study
Gehlenborg J, Göritz A, Moritz S, Lüdtke T, Kühn S
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Factors Associated With Suicide Ideation in Lithuania and Poland Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Glycine attenuates impairments of stimulus-evoked gamma oscillations in the ketamine model of schizophrenia
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Glycine and the ketamine model of schizophrenia: Modulating the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) offers new insights into the glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia
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Increased Belief Instability in Psychotic Disorders Predicts Treatment Response to Metacognitive Training
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Efficacy of metacognitive training for depression as add-on intervention for patients with depression in acute intensive psychiatric inpatient care: A randomized controlled trial
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Kommentare zu M. Adams und T. Effertz (2022): Notwendige Voraussetzungen einer kontrollierten Freigabe von Cannabis und anderer THC-haltiger Produkte
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Effekte von Maßnahmen des Spielerschutzes beim Online-Glücksspiel
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Sexuality in Adults With ADHD: Results of an Online Survey
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Abgabemodalitäten bei der Cannabisregulierung: eine Bestandsaufnahme
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Latent state-trait structure of BPRS subscales in clinical high-risk state and first episode psychosis
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The role of comorbid depressive symptoms on long-range temporal correlations in resting EEG in adults with ADHD
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The Universal and Primary Prevention of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): A Systematic Review
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Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: five lessons from the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
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Linking Brain Age Gap to Mental and Physical Health in the Berlin Aging Study II
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Therapists’ thought-action fusion beliefs predict utilization of exposure in obsessive-compulsive disorder
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Unrealistic pessimism and obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: Two longitudinal studies
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Die norwegische viertägige Kompaktbehandlung für Zwangserkrankungen erstmals in Deutschland durchgeführt
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Disentangling the associations between past childhood adversity and psychopathology during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating roles of specific pandemic stressors and coping strategies
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Estimating effects of health policy interventions using interrupted time-series analyses: a simulation study
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Abgabemodalitäten bei der Cannabisregulierung – ein internationaler Überblick
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Parameters for Change in Offline Gambling Behavior After the First COVID-19 Lockdown in Germany
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Psychische Erkrankungen in der Adoleszenz – Behandlungsansätze und klinische Erfahrungen
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Charakteristika von Psychosen in der Adoleszenz – longitudinale Daten der Integrierten Versorgung
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Behandlung von riskantem, schädlichem und abhängigem Alkoholgebrauch
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Self-reported changes in alcohol and tobacco use during COVID-19: findings from the eastern part of WHO European Region
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Changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: A meta-analysis of observational studies
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Potenzielle Auswirkungen erhöhter Alkoholsteuern auf die alkoholbedingte Krankheitslast in Deutschland: Eine Modellierungsstudie
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Medication Adherence in a Cross-Diagnostic Sample of Patients From the Affective-to-Psychotic Spectrum: Results From the PsyCourse Study
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Mental health professionals' perspective on a brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees
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Training primary health care providers in Colombia, Mexico and Peru to increase alcohol screening: Mixed-methods process evaluation of implementation strategy
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Exploring Links Between Psychosis and Frontotemporal Dementia Using Multimodal Machine Learning: Dementia Praecox Revisited
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Investigating mechanisms of change in the treatment of sexual symptoms in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSD
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Sexual symptoms in post-traumatic stress disorder following childhood sexual abuse: a network analysis
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Spared performance but increased uncertainty in schizophrenia: Evidence from a probabilistic decision-making task
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Confirmatory factor analysis of the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-5) based on DSM-5 vs. ICD-11 criteria
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Taking the cat-and-mouse game to the next level:different perspectives on the introduction of the German New Psychoactive Substances Act
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Opioidsubstitutionstherapie im Rahmen der neuen Betäubungsmittel-Verschreibungsverordnung aus Sicht von Apothekerinnen und Apothekern
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Spend time outdoors for your brain - an in-depth longitudinal MRI study
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Understanding the Association between Alcohol Stigma and Alcohol Consumption within Europe: A Cross-Sectional Exploratory Study
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Gender differences in the association of psychological distress and sexual compulsivity before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Comparing gender-specific suicide mortality rate trends in the United States and Lithuania, 1990-2019: putting one of the "deaths of despair" into perspective
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Alcohol use and the gender-specific risk of suicidal behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
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Personality-Related Factors and Depressive Symptomatology Predict Behavioral Control in Patients With Alcohol Use Disorders
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Relevanz und Auswirkungen der 3. BtMVVÄndV für die Opioidsubstitutionstherapie: Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Befragung von substituierenden Ärztinnen und Ärzten
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Die Versorgung mit medizinischem Cannabis aus der Sicht der Patient*innen - Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Befragung
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Seeing minds - a signal detection study of agency attribution along the autism-psychosis continuum
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Changes in alcohol consumption in Spain between 1990 and 2019
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Mit Objekten aus der virtuellen Realität reale Gefühle auslösen Exposition in der gemischten Realität bei Waschzwang
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The International Cannabis Toolkit (iCannToolkit): a multidisciplinary expert consensus on minimum standards for measuring cannabis use
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Effects of stress on neural processing of combat-related stimuli in deployed soldiers: an fMRI study
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The SOLAR group program to promote recovery after disaster and trauma-A randomized controlled feasibility trial among German trauma survivors
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The pandemic coping scale - validity and reliability of a brief measure of coping during a pandemic
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The Pandemic Stressor Scale: factorial validity and reliability of a measure of stressors during a pandemic
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Risk and protective factors for posttraumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic – findings from a pan-European study
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Aberrant salience predicts fluctuations of paranoia two weeks in advance during a 1-year experience sampling method study in people with psychosis
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Trauma assessment in outpatient psychotherapy and associations with psychotherapist's gender, own traumatic events, length of work experience, and theoretical orientation
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Two Years of COVID-19 in Austria-Exploratory Longitudinal Study of Mental Health Outcomes and Coping Behaviors in the General Population
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Reduced alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyses of 17 000 patients seeking primary health care in Colombia and Mexico
Manthey J, Carr S, Anderson P, Bautista N, Braddick F, O'Donnell A, Jané-Llopis E, López-Pelayo H, Medina P, Mejía-Trujillo J, Pérez-Gómez A, Piazza M, Rehm J, Solovei A, Rey G, de Vries H, Schulte B
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On the relation between a green and bright window view and length of hospital stay in affective disorders
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Influence of Maternal and Paternal History of Mental Health in Clinical, Social Cognition and Metacognitive Variables in People with First-Episode Psychosis
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Associations of Depressive Symptoms, COVID-19-Related Stressors, and Coping Strategies. A Comparison Between Cities and Towns in Germany
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False memory in posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder
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Aktuelle Entwicklungen zum Einsatz von medizinischem Cannabis in Deutschland
Michels I, Stöver H, Verthein U
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Exposure and Response Prevention in Virtual Reality for Patients with Contamination-Related Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: a Case Series
Miegel F, Bücker L, Kühn S, Mostajeran F, Moritz S, Baumeister A, Lohse L, Blömer J, Grzella K, Jelinek L
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The Metacognitive Training for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A pilot study
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Error quantification in multi-parameter mapping facilitates robust estimation and enhanced group level sensitivity
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Adaptation of movement decoupling for compulsive joint cracking: A case report
Moritz S, Bellinghausen Y, Schmotz S, Penney D
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The Generic BFRB Scale-8 (GBS-8): a transdiagnostic scale to measure the severity of body-focused repetitive behaviours
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Whodunit - A novel video-based task for the measurement of jumping to conclusions in the schizophrenia spectrum
Moritz S, Göritz A, Franz C, Sibilis A, Voßberger H, Balzan R, Scheunemann J
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A Head-to-Head Comparison of Three Self-Help Techniques to Reduce Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
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A randomized controlled trial on a novel behavioral treatment for individuals with skin picking and other body-focused repetitive behaviors
Moritz S, Penney D, Weidinger S, Gabbert T, Schmotz S
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Group therapy for schizophrenia. Why Burlingame et al. (2020) should redo their meta-analysis
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Smokers show increased fear responses towards safety signals during fear generalization, independent from acute smoking
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Bridging the phenomenological gap between predictive basic-symptoms and attenuated positive symptoms: a cross-sectional network analysis
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Social Anxiety in Digital Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Advancing Implementation Science Measurement for Global Mental Health Research
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Capturing Russian drinking patterns with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test: An exploratory interview study in primary healthcare and narcology centers in Moscow
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Impact of introducing a minimum alcohol tax share in retail prices on alcohol-attributable mortality in the WHO European Region: A modelling study
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COVID-Related Posttraumatic Stress and Adjustment Disorder Symptoms in a Sample of Nepali Adults
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Organisierte sexualisierte Gewalt – Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Diagnostik und Psychotherapie für Betroffene
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A multi-national peer support intervention: the UPSIDES pilot phase
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Effects of circulating estradiol on physiological, behavioural, and subjective correlates of anxiety: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
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Investigation of the Serotonergic Activity and the Serotonin Content in Serum and Platelet, and the Possible Role of the Serotonin Transporter in Patients with Depression
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Tailoring an evidence-based clinical intervention and training package for the treatment and prevention of comorbid heavy drinking and depression in middle-income country settings: the development of the SCALA toolkit in Latin America
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Effectiveness of digital interventions for people with comorbid heavy drinking and depression: A systematic review and narrative synthesis
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Musik und Körper
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Womit habe ich das verdient? Schuld und Verzeihen im Abendland: Impulse religiös-künstlerischer Traditionen für die therapeutische Praxis
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The effect of delirium preventive measures on the occurrence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction in older adults undergoing cardiovascular surgery. The DelPOCD randomised controlled trial
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Alcohol consumption in India. A systematic review and modelling study for sub-national estimates of drinking patterns.
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Wie "ZiVI-Extremismus" Beratungsstellen für Deradikalisierung unterstützen kann. Ein Instrument für strukturierte Beratung, Dokumentation von Fällen und Einschätzung von Gefährdungssituationen
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Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial evaluating home treatment with peer support for acute mental health crises (HoPe)
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The psychosocial situation of families caring for children with rare diseases during the COVID‑19 pandemic: results of a cross‑sectional online survey
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A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological interventions for comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder
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Health-related quality of life in severe psychotic disorders during integrated care: 5-year course, prediction and treatment implications (ACCESS II)
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Is Metacognitive Training effective for improving neurocognitive function in patients with a recent onset of psychosis?
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Die komplexe posttraumatische Belastungsstörung: Diagnostik und Therapie
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Substance Use in the Population-A Plea for a Balanced Discussion
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Treatment of Complex PTSD with STAIR/Narrative Therapy
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A multicenter, randomized controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of STARC-SUD (Skills Training in Affect Regulation - a Culture-sensitive approach) versus treatment as usual in trauma-exposed refugees with substance use problems
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The boundaries between complex posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters and post-migration living difficulties in traumatised Afghan refugees: a network analysis
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Aberrant functional connectivity within the salience network is related to cognitive deficits and disorganization in psychosis
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Equalization of Brain State Occupancy Accompanies Cognitive Impairment in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease
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Substance Use and Chemsex in MSM - A Latent Class Analysis
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The stigma of alcohol-related liver disease and its impact on healthcare
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A novel longitudinal clustering approach to psychopathology across diagnostic entities in the hospital-based PsyCourse study
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Association of Age and Structural Brain Changes With Functional Connectivity and Executive Function in a Middle-Aged to Older Population-Based Cohort
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Perceived influence of alcohol consumption, substance use, and mental health on PrEP adherence and condom use among PrEP-prescribed gay, bisexual, and other men-who-have-sex-with-men: a qualitative investigation
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Effect of Community Support on the Implementation of Primary Health Care-Based Measurement of Alcohol Consumption
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Costs of an Alcohol Measurement Intervention in Three Latin American Countries
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Association between DRD2/ANKK1 TaqIA Allele Status and Striatal Dopamine D2/3 Receptor Availability in Alcohol Use Disorder
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Extrastriatal Dopamine D2/3 Receptor Availability in Alcohol Use Disorder and Individuals at High Risk
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How nature nurtures: Amygdala activity decreases as the result of a one-hour walk in nature
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The other blue: Role of sky in the perception of nature
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Predicting disease progression in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia
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Impact of Training and Municipal Support on Primary Health Care-Based Measurement of Alcohol Consumption in Three Latin American Countries: 5-Month Outcome Results of the Quasi-experimental Randomized SCALA Trial
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Impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol purchases in Scotland and Wales: Controlled interrupted time series analyses
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A longitudinal, randomized experimental pilot study to investigate the effects of airborne infrasound on human mental health, cognition, and brain structure
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A longitudinal, randomized experimental pilot study to investigate the effects of airborne ultrasound on human mental health, cognition, and brain structure
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Altered endocannabinoid-dynamics in craniopharyngioma patients and their association with HPA-axis disturbances
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Locus coeruleus MRI contrast is associated with cortical thickness in older adults
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Abstinence Among Alcohol Use Disorder Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From Spain.
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Childhood adversities are common among trans people and associated with adult depression and suicidality
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Methodology of measuring postoperative cognitive dysfunction: a systematic review
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Mid and long-term effects of a SBIRT program for at-risk drinkers attending to an emergency department. Follow-up results from a randomized controlled trial.
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A mobile-based intervention to increase self-esteem in students with depressive symptoms: Randomized controlled trial
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Barrieren und Umsetzungsstrategien für die Implementierung der S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen aus Sicht von Behandlern und Betroffenen: Vergleichende Darstellung der Modellregion Bremen und einer bundesweit erhobenen Onlinestichprobe
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A randomized controlled trial on a self-guided Internet-based intervention for gambling problems
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Optimizing the Context of Support to Improve Outcomes of Internet-Based Self-help in Individuals With Depressive Symptoms: Protocol for a Randomized Factorial Trial
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A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial of primary care-based facilitated access to an alcohol reduction website (EFAR Spain)
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Guidelines and reality in studies on the economic costs of alcohol use: a systematic review
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Initial Training for Mental Health Peer Support Workers: Systematized Review and International Delphi Consultation
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Experience-based knowledge increases confidence in discriminating our memories
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Anger and aggressiveness in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the mediating role of responsibility, non-acceptance of emotions, and social desirability
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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Primary Care: A Study of General Practices in England
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Ketamine Alters Functional Gamma and Theta Resting-State Connectivity in Healthy Humans: Implications for Schizophrenia Treatment Targeting the Glutamate System
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Jumping to conclusions is differently associated with specific subtypes of delusional experiences: An exploratory study in first-episode psychosis
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Akzeptanz und Nebenwirkungen einer Virtuellen-Realitäts-Intervention bei Menschen mit Psychose und gesunden Kontrollprobanden
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Side effects of the metacognitive training for depression compared to a cognitive remediation training in patients with depression
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Development of an online suicide prevention program involving people with lived experience: ideas and challenges
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Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS): from basic mechanisms towards first applications in psychiatry
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Childhood maltreatment and social functioning in psychotic disorders: a systematic review protocol.
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A Global Survey on Changes in the Supply, Price, and Use of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol, and Related Complications During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic
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Persons with first episode psychosis have distinct profiles of social cognition and metacognition
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Coping Strategies and Subjective Well-being: Context Matters
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Poor Self-Reported Sleep is Related to Regional Cortical Thinning in Aging but not Memory Decline-Results From the Lifebrain Consortium
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Diagnostik und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen. Versorgerbefragung zur Erarbeitung von Strategien der Leitlinienimplementierung.
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Dismantling, optimising, and personalising internet cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis using individual participant data
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Body Image and Sexual Desire in the Context of Gender Affirming Therapy: Results of a Cross-sectional Multi-centered Transgender Study
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The role of expectancies and emotional load in false auditory perceptions among patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
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Editorial: The Relationship Between Cognitive Biases and Psychosis: Searching for Mechanisms
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Feasibility, Acceptance, and Safety of Metacognitive Training for Problem and Pathological Gamblers (Gambling-MCT): A Pilot Study
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Validation of the extended version of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) in patients diagnosed with substance use disorders
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Dopamine D2/3 receptor availability in alcohol use disorder and individuals at high risk: Towards a dimensional approach
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Predictors of attendance in outpatient group treatment for women with posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder
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Eine Patientin mit chronischer Depression und Sturzneigung
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Do you like cliff-hangers? Objective versus subjective need for closure in the schizophrenia spectrum
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Beta-synuclein in cerebrospinal fluid as an early diagnostic marker of Alzheimer's disease
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Autoantibody-associated psychiatric syndromes in children: link to adult psychiatry
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Delayed access to conscious processing in multiple sclerosis: Reduced cortical activation and impaired structural connectivity
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UPSIDES Peer-Begleitung – Gemeinsam Krisen bewältigen
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Sportwetten: Spielanreize und Risikopotenziale
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Interplay between the Genetics of Personality Traits, severe Psychiatric Disorders, and COVID-19 Host Genetics in the Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 Infection - ADDENDUM
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Reporting Cultural Adaptation in Psychological Trials - The RECAPT criteria
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Krise als Chance?! …
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Wählen wir die richtigen Mittel zur Zwangsvermeidung? Eine Befragung von psychiatrischen PatientInnen mit Zwangserfahrung zur potenziellen Nützlichkeit Milderer Mittel
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The impact of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on drug overdose-related deaths in the United States and Canada: A systematic review of observational studies and analysis of public health surveillance data
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Metakognitives Training
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Predictors of trajectories of obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in the general population in Germany
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder during COVID-19: Turning a problem into an opportunity?
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Metacognitive Training for Depression: Feasibility, safety and acceptability of two new treatment modules to reduce suicidality
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When a nightmare comes true: Change in obsessive-compulsive disorder over the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic
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Determining the sex-specific distributions of average daily alcohol consumption using cluster analysis. Is there a separate distribution for people with alcohol dependence?
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Maintaining Outcomes of Internet-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depression: A Network Analysis of Follow-Up Effects
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Wie sollte ein Modellversuch zur kontrollierten Abgabe von Cannabis aus Sicht der Konsument*innen ausgestaltet sein? Ergebnisse einer Befragung aus Berlin
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Sportwetten Expertise oder Glück? Ein systematischer Review über Tippstudien
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Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Network Meta-analysis
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Acute stress leaves fear generalization in healthy individuals intact
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Noradrenergic stimulation increases fear memory expression
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Folgen des leichten bis moderaten Alkoholkonsums in Deutschland
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Conducting a multi-country online alcohol survey in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Opportunities and challenges
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Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe. A large-scale cross-sectional study in 21 countries. A large-scale cross-sectional study in 21 countries
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Negative effects of psychotherapy: Definition, assessment and clinical significance
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The Thought From the Machine: Neural Basis of Thoughts With a Coherent and Diminished Sense of Authorship
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Differentiating neurodegenerative parkinsonian syndromes using vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and balance assessment
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Hippocampal and Parahippocampal Gray Matter Structural Integrity Assessed by Multimodal Imaging Is Associated with Episodic Memory in Old Age
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Perceived appropriateness of alcohol screening and brief advice programmes in Colombia, Mexico and Peru and barriers to their implementation in primary health care - a cross-sectional survey
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Too hot to handle: Mood states moderate implicit approach vs. avoidance tendencies toward food cues in patients with obesity and active binge eating disorder
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Strukturierte Nachbesprechung von Zwangsmaßnahmen mit Patienten – Überblick und aktueller Stand
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Coercion in psychiatry: A cross-sectional study on staff views and emotions
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Integrierte Versorgung bei Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen: Ein DBT-basierter Praxisleitfaden
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Evaluation of an Internet-based metacognitive training for individuals who hear voices
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The brain at war: effects of stress on brain structure in soldiers deployed to a war zone
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Brain functional connectivity differs when viewing pictures from natural and built environments using fMRI resting state analysis
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Substitution treatment for opioid dependence with slow-release oral morphine: Retention rate, health status, and substance use after switching to morphine
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Die Substitutionstherapie Opioidabhängiger in Deutschland: Auswirkungen der 3. BtMVVÄndV aus der Sicht substituierender Ärztinnen und Ärzte.
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Gamma-band synchronisation in a frontotemporal auditory information processing network
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A practice-oriented review on effectiveness of metacognitive training (Mct) for psychosis
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Escaping the past and living in the present. A qualitative exploration of substance use among Syrian male refugees in Germany
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Impact of alcohol on the progression of HCV-related liver disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis
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Quantifying progression in primary progressive aphasia with structural neuroimaging
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Early, Chronic, and Acute Cannabis Exposure and Their Relationship With Cognitive and Behavioral Harms
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Standard units for cannabis dose. Why is it important to standardize cannabis dose for drug policy and how can we enhance its place on the public health agenda?
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Supporting Future Cannabis Policy - Developing a Standard Joint Unit: A Brief Back-Casting Exercise
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Trauma and Mental Health during the Global Pandemic: Abstract book of the ESTSS 2021 Virtual Conference
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Skills for Life Adjustment and Resilience Programm
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Risk and protective factors, stressors, and symptoms of adjustment disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic. First results of the ESTSS COVID-19 pan-European ADJUST study
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STARC-SUD. Adaptation of a Transdiagnostic Intervention for refugees with substance use disorders.
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Komplexe Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung
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Socializing Sensorimotor Contingencies
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Sleep problems and worrying precede psychotic symptoms during an online intervention for psychosis
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Insight and the number of completed modules predict a reduction of positive symptoms in an Internet-based intervention for people with psychosis
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A 16-week randomized placebo-controlled trial investigating the effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid treatment on white matter microstructure in recent-onset psychosis patients concurrently treated with risperidone
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Public health monitoring of cannabis use in Europe: Prevalence of use, cannabis potency, and treatment rates
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Estimating the economic consequences of substance use and substance use disorders
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What are the Economic Costs to Society Attributable to Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review and Modelling Study
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Interrupted time series analyses to assess the impact of alcohol control policy on socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in Lithuania: A study protocol
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Use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other substances during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Europe. A survey on 36,000 European substance users.
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Alkohol und COVID-19: ein Update aus 2021
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Can alcohol consumption in Germany be reduced by alcohol screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment in primary health care? Results of a simulation study
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Statusbericht 2020 der Hamburger Basisdatendokumentation.
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Is Ejaculation Frequency in Men Related to General and Mental Health? Looking Back and Looking Forward
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Association of Age, Antipsychotic Medication, and Symptom Severity in Schizophrenia With Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Brain Glutamate Level: A Mega-analysis of Individual Participant-Level Data
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Aggressiveness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder as assessed by the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure
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Metacognitive Training for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A randomized controlled trial
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Individuals at increased risk for development of bipolar disorder display structural alterations similar to people with manifest disease
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Impact of opioid agonist treatment on mental health in patients with opioid use disorder: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
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How Education and Metacognitive Training May Ameliorate Religious Prejudices: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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The dimensional structure of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale for Pathological Gambling: functional differences between true compulsions and compulsive behavior
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Early detection. A defense of our statement that we should not catastrophize a future we cannot reliably predict nor change. A plea for a faster transition of traditional 'early intervention' programs for psychosis into new treatment models
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A ghost in the machine? The predictive role of metacognitive beliefs, cognitive biases, and machine-related features in the severity of problematic slot machine gambling
Moritz S, Gehlenborg J, Bierbrodt J, Wittekind C, Bücker L

A dismantling study on imaginal retraining in smokers
Moritz S, Gehlenborg J, Wirtz J, Ascone L, Kühn S
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Cognitive and emotional processes in psychosis
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Much of the neurocognitive impairment in schizophrenia is due to factors other than schizophrenia itself: Implications for research and treatment.
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Impaired test performance yet spared neurocognitive functioning in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder: the role of performance mediators
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Alcohol Use and the Risk of Communicable Diseases
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Effects of exposure to immersive videos and photo slideshows of forest and urban environments
Mostajeran F, Krzikawski J, Steinicke F, Kühn S
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.

Cellular and extracellular white matter alterations indicate conversion to psychosis among individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis
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The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in the Russian language - a systematic review of validation efforts and application challenges
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Do sociodemographic variables moderate effects of an internet intervention for mild to moderate depressive symptoms? An exploratory analysis of a randomised controlled trial (EVIDENT) including 1013 participants
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Educational attainment does not influence brain aging
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Primary care-based screening and management of depression amongst heavy drinking patients. Interim secondary outcomes of a three-country quasi-experimental study in Latin America
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Alltägliche Verlusterfahrungen
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Bach als Therapeut
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Verschiedene Religionsgemeinschaften im therapeutischen Kontext: Protestantismus
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Existentieller Umgang mit Trauer und Verlusten: Welche Hilfe bieten die Religionen im psychosozialen Kontext?
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Implicit bias to food and body cues in eating disorders: a systematic review
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Die Rolle von Verhaltensexperimenten in der Behandlung von Zwangsstörungen: Ein Update zur effektiven Gestaltung und Durchführung in der Praxis
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Cross-sectional study on the characteristics of unrecorded alcohol consumption in nine newly independent states between 2013 and 2017
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Risk and Protective Factors Associated With Health-Related Quality of Life of Parents With Mental Illness
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Internalizing and externalizing subtypes in female patients with co-occurring post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders
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Reducing the Harmful Use of Alcohol: Have International Targets Been Met?
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Dose-Response Relationships between Levels of Alcohol Use and Risks of Mortality or Disease, for All People, by Age, Sex, and Specific Risk Factors
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Classifying Alcohol Control Policies with Respect to Expected Changes in Consumption and Alcohol-Attributable Harm. The Example of Lithuania. 2000-2019
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Nalmefene in the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders
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Psychotherapeutische gruppenbezogene Identifikationen, Vertiefungsverfahrenszugehörigkeit und Einstellungen zur Reform der Psychotherapeut:innenausbildung
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Efficacy and Moderators of Internet-Based Interventions in Adults with Subthreshold Depression: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
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Cognitive enhancement effects of stimulants: a randomized controlled trial testing methylphenidate, modafinil, and caffeine
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Asymmetric thinning of the cerebral cortex across the adult lifespan is accelerated in Alzheimer's disease
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Changes in Alcohol Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Dependent on Initial Consumption Level: Findings from Eight European Countries.
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INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2021;18(19):.

Jumping to conclusions and suicidal behavior in depression and psychosis
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Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals theta network alterations during reward feedback processing in borderline personality disorder
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SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.

Probing the Hypersalience Hypothesis - An Adapted Judge-Advisor System Tested in Individuals With Psychotic-Like Experiences
Scheunemann J, Fischer R, Moritz S

Do implicit measures improve suicide risk prediction? An 18-month prospective study using different tasks
Scheunemann J, Jelinek L, Peth J, Runde A, Arlt S, Gallinat J, Kühn S
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Complex post-traumatic stress disorder and post-migration living difficulties in traumatised refugees and asylum seekers: The role of language acquisition and barriers.
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The early impact of COVID-19 on the incidence, prevalence, and severity of alcohol use and other drugs: A systematic review
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Changes in Processing Speed, Cognitive Flexibility, and Selective Attention over a Four-Week Treatment Period in Inpatients with Moderate to Severe Depression
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Patients responses to diagnoses of mental disorders: Development and validation of a reliable self-report measure
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Ressourcennutzung in einer nichtinterventionellen Studie zur Anwendung von Aripiprazol-Depot
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Veränderungen sexueller Interessen und Erfahrungen während der COVID-19-Pandemie - Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse
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Kurze Zündschnur: Ärger – Wut – Aggression: Ambulantes psychotherapeutisches Gruppenkonzept für Männer mit aggressivem Verhalten
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Associations of Family Functioning and Social Support With Psychopathology in Children of Mentally Ill Parents: Multilevel Analyses From Different Rating Perspectives
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Family Functioning in Families Affected by Parental Mental Illness: Parent, Child, and Clinician Ratings
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Parents With Mental Illness: Parental Coping Behavior and Its Association With Children's Mental Health
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Anomalous self-experiences (ASE) in relation to clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR-P), childhood trauma and general psychopathology among adolescent and young adult help seekers
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Deconstruction of a screening questionnaire for prodromal psychosis to reduce false positive responses
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Exercise-induced euphoria and anxiolysis do not depend on endogenous opioids in humans
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Negative self-conscious emotions in women with borderline personality disorder as assessed by an Implicit Association Test
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Brains in space: the importance of understanding the impact of long-duration spaceflight on spatial cognition and its neural circuitry
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Motor speech disorders in the nonfluent, semantic and logopenic variants of primary progressive aphasia
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Alcohol control policy measures and all-cause mortality in Lithuania. An interrupted time-series analysis.
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The Living Space: Psychological Well-Being and Mental Health in Response to Interiors Presented in Virtual Reality
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Fronto-lateral alpha power asymmetry in panic disorder
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Alcohol control policies add to secular trends in all-cause mortality rates in young adults
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Sexualität bei Menschen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung und ihre Bedeutung für die forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
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Individualisiertes Metakognitives Therapieprogramm für Menschen mit Psyochse (MKT+)
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Clinico-genetic findings in 509 frontotemporal dementia patients
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A dismantling study on imaginal retraining in overweight or obese women
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Wie lässt sich die Eliminierung von Hepatitis B, C und D in Deutschland messen? Ergebnisse eines interdisziplinären Arbeitstreffens
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Cognitive biases and psychosis: From bench to bedside
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Erfahrungsschatz des Trialogs
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Trauma, treatment and Tetris: video gaming increases hippocampal volume in male patients with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder
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Neural Correlates of Adolescent Irritability and Its Comorbidity With Psychiatric Disorders
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Long-term effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and residual symptoms after cognitive behavioral therapy: Twelve-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial
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The role of environmental stress and DNA methylation in the longitudinal course of bipolar disorder
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Die Behandlung psychischer Störungen mittels metakognitiver Interventionen am Beispiel des Metakognitiven Trainings für Depression (D-MKT) [The treatment of mental disorders with metacognitive interventions using the example of the metacognitive training for depression (D-MCT)]
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An Investigation of Psychosis Subgroups With Prognostic Validation and Exploration of Genetic Underpinnings - The PsyCourse Study
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I know that I know nothing: Cortical thickness and functional connectivity underlying meta-ignorance ability in pre-schoolers
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Exercise-induced changes in brain activity during memory encoding and retrieval after long-term bed rest
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Heavy drinking in adolescents is associated with change in brainstem microstructure and reward sensitivity
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The Working Alliance Inventory for guided Internet interventions (WAI-I)
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Correction to: Health economic evaluation of an internet intervention for depression (deprexis), a randomized controlled trial
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Health economic evaluation of an internet intervention for depression (deprexis), a randomized controlled trial (please note correction)
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Medikationsfehler. „Die Nebenwirkung ist zu ausgeprägt, das kommt nicht vom Statin …“:
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A systematic review of influences on implementation of peer support work for adults with mental health problems
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Trauma-informed responses in addressing public mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic - position paper of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)
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Brief Web-Based Intervention for Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial on Behavioral Activation
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Kognitiv, kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutisch, metakognitiv. Wer blickt da noch durch? Ein Update zu kognitiven Psychotherapieansätzen [Cognitive, cognitive-behavioral, metacognitive: How to stay on top of things? An update on cognitive interventions]
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Emotion Regulation as a Mediator between Childhood Abuse and Neglect and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Women with Substance Use Disorders
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Differentialdiagnose der Trauer
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Association of Cortical Glutamate and Working Memory Activation in Patients With Schizophrenia. A Multimodal Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
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Better care for less money: cost-effectiveness of integrated care in multi-episode patients with severe psychotic disorders
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Virtual reality-based treatment for regaining upper extremity function induces cortex grey matter changes in persons with acquired brain injury
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Cortisol, DHEA and DHEA-S during exposure therapy in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder – secretion patterns and prediction of treatment response
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Feasibility, effectiveness and safety of the self-management intervention deprexis in routine medical care: Results of an uncontrolled observational study
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Do interpersonal fears mediate the association between childhood maltreatment and interpersonal skills deficits? A matched cross-sectional analysis
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A brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Austria: a randomized controlled trial
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Depression screening using patient-targeted feedback in general practices: study protocol of the German multicentre GET.FEEDBACK.GP randomised controlled trial
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Ressourcen von Betroffenen und psychosozialen Fachkräften im Kontext von organisierter und ritueller Gewalt.
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Objective Versus Subjective Effort in Schizophrenia
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Brain structure and habitat: Do the brains of our children tell us where they have been brought up?
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Hierarchical associations of alcohol use disorder symptoms in late adolescence with markers during early adolescence
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Predicting change trajectories of neuroticism from baseline brain structure using whole brain analyses and latent growth curve models in adolescents
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Functional brain networks underlying evidence integration and delusional ideation
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Editorial: Addiction and Attachment
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Introduction to the special section on international perspectives on the coronavirus pandemic.
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Mindfulness Mediates the Effect of a Psychological Online Intervention for Psychosis on Self-Reported Hallucinations: A Secondary Analysis of Voice Hearers From the EviBaS Trial
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Definition of a 'standard joint equivalent'. Comment on "Who consumes most of the cannabis in Canada? Profiles of cannabis consumption by quantity"
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The potential effects of an extended alcohol withdrawal treatment programme on morbidity and mortality among inpatients in the German city of Bremen - a simultation study
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Versorgung von Personen mit riskantem Alkoholkonsum und schwerer Alkoholkonsumstörung in Bremen bedarfsgerecht und leitlinienkonform?
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The IMAGEN study: a decade of imaging genetics in adolescents
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Lifestyle Variables Do Not Predict Subjective Memory Performance Over and Above Depression and Anxiety
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Partial Similarity Reveals Dynamics in Brainstem-Midbrain Networks during Trigeminal Nociception
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No grey matter alterations in longitudinal data of migraine patients
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Biases in diagnostic terminology: Clinicians choose different symptom labels depending on whether the same case is framed as depression or schizophrenia
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A randomized controlled trial of a virtual reality based, approach-avoidance training program for alcohol use disorder: a study protocol
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Metacognitive Training for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Self-esteem mediates the relationship between perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive symptoms
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Effects and side effects of a transdiagnostic bias modification intervention in a mixed sample with obsessive-compulsive and/or depressive symptoms-a randomized controlled trial
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Recovery from pathological skin picking and dermatodaxia using a revised decoupling protocol
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Prolonged rather than hasty decision-making in schizophrenia using the box task. Must we rethink the jumping to conclusions account of paranoia?
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Prenatal sex hormones and finger length: Digit ratio (2D:4D) as a biological marker of early developmental processes in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
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UPSIDES: a global peer support project: Symposium 132
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Improving early recognition and intervention in people at increased risk for the development of bipolar disorder: study protocol of a prospective-longitudinal, naturalistic cohort study (Early-BipoLife)
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Facetten von (Selbst-)Ermächtigung: Trialog, Bindung und Einflussnahme: Editorial
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Social phobia moderates the outcome in the EVIDENT study, a randomized controlled trial on an Internet-based psychological intervention for mild to moderate depressive symptoms.
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Problems in measuring the JTC-bias in patients with psychotic disorders with the fish task: a secondary analysis of a baseline assessment of a randomized controlled trial
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Cannabis and public health - a global experiment without control
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Alcohol control policy and changes in alcohol-related traffic harm
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Targeting our Blind Spot: A Metacognitive Intervention Ameliorates Negative Feelings, Evaluations, and Stereotypes Towards Conservatives in a Liberal Sample
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Selbst- und Fremdbeurteilung von Depressivität bei opioidabhängigen Patienten in Substitutionsbehandlung
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REM sleep in acutely traumatized individuals and interventions for the secondary prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder
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Phosphatidylethanol Reliably and Objectively Quantifies Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents and Young Adults
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Course, remission and recovery in patients with severe psychotic disorders with or without comorbid substance use disorders: Long-term outcome in evidence-based integrated care (ACCESS II study)
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Gender differences in response to metacognitive training in people with first-episode psychosis
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Pharmakotherapeutische Behandlung der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung
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Integrierte Versorgung für Borderline-Patient*innen
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The use of long-acting Aripiprazole in a multi-center, prospective, uncontrolled, open-label, cohort study in Germany: a report on global assessment of functioning and the WHO wellbeing index
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Learning How to Ask - Does a one-day training increase trauma inquiry in routine substance use disorder practice? Results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial
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Reducing barriers to trauma inquiry in substance use disorder treatment - a cluster-randomized controlled trial
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Profiles of Childhood Trauma in Women With Substance Use Disorders and Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorders
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Diagnostik von Traumafolgestörungen: Was ändert sich mit der ICD-11?
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Diagnostik der Komplexen Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung
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Visual processing in migraineurs depends on the migraine cycle
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Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Peerbegleitung in der psychiatrischen Versorgung
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Unterstützte Entscheidungsfindung und Peerbegleitung
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Cannabis use in Europe. Current trends and public health concerns
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Mortality from Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy. Exploring the Gap between Estimated and Civil Registry Data
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Intrinsic 40Hz-phase asymmetries predict tACS effects during conscious auditory perception
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Substance Abuse-Related Self-Stigma in Women with Substance Use Disorder and Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
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Kann eine Online-Intervention für Depressionen emotionale Probleme und Schmerzen lindern? Eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie [Can an online intervention for depression alleviate emotional problems and pain? A randomized controlled study]
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Dysfunctional beliefs in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression as assessed with the Beliefs Questionnaire (BQ)
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Suizidalität bei Suchtkranken – Erfahrungen, Kenntnisse und Fortbildungsbedarfe bei Fachkräften der Suchthilfe
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Long-term use of benzodiazepines and Z drugs: a qualitative study of patients' and healthcare professionals' perceptions and possible levers for change
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The specificity of schizotypal scales and some implications for clinical high-risk research
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A plea for a transdiagnostic conceptualization of negative symptoms and for consistent psychiatric vocabulary
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Four reasons why early detection centers for psychosis should be renamed and their treatment targets reconsidered: we should not catastrophize a future we can neither reliably predict nor change
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PSYCHOL MED. 2019;49(13):2134-2140.

Imaginal retraining decreases craving for high-calorie food in overweight and obese women. A randomized controlled trial
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TRANSL PSYCHIAT. 2019;9(1):319.

Acceptance and efficacy of a metacognitive self-help intervention in an Arabic-speaking mixed patient sample with depression and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial.
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The voice of depression: prevalence and stability across time of perception-laden intrusive thoughts in depression
Moritz S, Klein J, Berger T, Larøi F, Meyer B
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Metacognitive and cognitive-behavioral interventions for psychosis: new developments

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"Phobie à deux" and other reasons why clinicians do not apply exposure with response prevention in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
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COGN BEHAV THERAPY. 2019;48(2):162-176.

Metacognition Research in Psychosis: Uncovering and Adjusting the Prisms That Distort Subjective Reality
Moritz S, Lysaker P
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2019;45:17-18.

It can’t hurt, right? Adverse effects of psychotherapy in patients with depression
Moritz S, Nestoriuc Y, Rief W, Klein J, Jelinek L, Peth J
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Imaginal retraining reduces alcohol craving in problem drinkers: A randomized controlled trial
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J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2019;64:158-166.

Post-psychotic depression. Paranoia and the damage done
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SCHIZOPHR RES. 2019;211:79-85.

Does uncertainty breed conviction? On the possible role of compensatory conviction in jumping to conclusions and overconfidence in psychosis
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The construct validity of the Inventory of Psychotic-Like Anomalous Self-Experiences (IPASE) as a measure of minimal self-disturbance. Preliminary data
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Organisierte und Rituelle Gewalt in Deutschland: Praxiserfahrung, Belastungen und Bedarfe von psychosozialen Fachkräften
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Which individual, social and environmental influences shape key phases in the amphetamine type stimulant use trajectory? A systematic narrative review and thematic synthesis of the qualitative literature
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Immediate impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol purchases in Scotland: controlled interrupted time series analysis for 2015-18
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Different neuroinflammatory profile in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia is linked to the clinical phase
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Affektive Störungen: Medizinische Grundlagen
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Vergebung ist ein NEUSTART im Kopf: Vor Gericht ein ehemaliger KZ-Aufseher, im Zeugenstand ein Überlebender – und plötzlich eine Umarmung. Eine Wissenschaftlerin erklärt die Kunst des Vergebens
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Wenn die Trauer nicht mehr nachlässt: Zu Formen anhaltender Trauerverläufe
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Affektive Störungen: Musiktherapie und Medizin im Dialog
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Correlation between sonographic morphology and function of the cervical vagus nerves
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Effectiveness of metacognitive interventions for mental disorders in adults-A systematic review and meta-analysis (METACOG)
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Using Peer Support in Developing Empowering Mental Health Services (UPSIDES): Background, Rationale and Methodology
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Randomized controlled trial of the Circle of Security-Intensive intervention for mothers with postpartum depression: maternal unresolved attachment moderates changes in sensitivity
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Medical marijuana. What can we learn from the experiences in Canada, Germany and Thailand?
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Motivierende Gesprächsführung – eine Möglichkeit der Arzt-Patientenkommunikation bei Schizophrenie?
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Opioid use disorder in Germany. Healthcare costs of patients in opioid maintenance treatment
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Liberal Acceptance Bias, Momentary Aberrant Salience, and Psychosis: An Experimental Experience Sampling Study
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SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2019;45(4):871-882.

Reduced Sensitivity to Non-Fear-Related Stimulus Changes in Panic Disorder
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Understanding pathways to stimulant use. A mixed-methods examination of the individual, social and cultural factors shaping illicit stimulant use across Europe (ATTUNE): study protocol
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DHS Jahrbuch Sucht 2019 - Sucht und Trauma
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Praxisleitfaden Psychische Erkrankungen - Traumatisierung und körperliche Erkrankung
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S3-Leitlinie Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung - Methodik
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A multisite randomized controlled trial of Seeking Safety vs. Relapse Prevention Training for women with co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders
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EUR J PSYCHOTRAUMATO. 2019;10(1):1577092.

Altered Oscillatory Responses to Feedback in Borderline Personality Disorder are Linked to Symptom Severity
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Diagnostik der PTBS im Spannungsfeld von DSM-5 und ICD-11
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The link between self-compassion and psychotic-like experiences: A matter of distress?
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Demonstrating Brain-Level Interactions Between Visuospatial Attentional Demands and Working Memory Load While Driving Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
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Attachment and substance use disorders – theoretical models, empirical evidence and implications for treatment
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Attachment and Substance Use Disorders - Theoretical Models, Empirical Evidence, and IMplications for Treatment
Schindler A
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Effekte systemisch-interaktioneller Gruppentherapie bei Borderline
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Suizidalität bei Abhängigkeit von illegalen Substanzen und psychotrop wirksamen Medikamenten
Schneider B, Eilert L, Milin S, Schäfer I
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Opioidsubstitutionsbehandlung und Cannabiskonsum
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FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2019;87(10):548-553.

Traumafolgestörungen bei Suchtpatienten
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Factors Influencing Staff's Attitude Toward Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Comparison of New Versus Experienced Electroconvulsive Therapy Clinics
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The applause sign in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and related conditions
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Neugestaltung einer Akutpsychiatrie – ein Werkstattbericht
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Nichtinterventionelle Studie zur Wirkung von Aripiprazol-Depot bei Patienten mit Schizophrenie unter Routinebedingungen in Deutschland
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Reduction of Involuntary Admissions in Patients With Severe Psychotic Disorders Treated in the ACCESS Integrated Care Model Including Therapeutic Assertive Community Treatment
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ADHS und hochfunktionale Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen: Komorbidität oder Differentialdiagnose? Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Diagnostik und Behandlung
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Study protocol for a systematic review of evidence for digital interventions for comorbid excessive drinking and depression in community-dwelling populations
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Tailored interventions to support the implementation of the German national guideline on screening, diagnosis and treatment of alcoholrelated disorders: a project protocol
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Current understanding of premonitory networks in migraine: A window to attack generation
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Qualitative Forschung in derr Sozialpsychiatrie: Qualittative Forschung und Partizipation
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Qualitative Forschung und Partizipation
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Stressful life events are associated with striatal dopamine receptor availability in alcohol dependence
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The mediating role of borderline personality features in the relationship between childhood trauma and psychotic-like experiences in a sample of help-seeking non-psychotic adolescents and young adults
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The initiation of cannabis use in adolescence is predicted by sex-specific psychosocial and neurobiological features
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Endogenous oxytocin response to film scenes of attachment and loss is pronounced in schizophrenia
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Brain Changes in Response to Long Antarctic Expeditions
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Author Correction: The role of functional and structural interhemispheric auditory connectivity for language lateralization - A combined EEG and DTI study
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The interhemispheric miscommunication theory of auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia
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Factors associated with health-related quality of life in a large national sample of patients receiving opioid substitution treatment in Germany: A cross-sectional study
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Childhood maltreatment and treatment outcome in psychotic disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Sexual Dysfunctions and Their Association with the Dual Control Model of Sexual Response in Men and Women with High-Functioning Autism
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Sexuelle Störung bei Männern und Frauen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen
Turner D, Briken P, Schöttle D

The Effect of Reducing the "Jumping to Conclusions" Bias on Treatment Decision-Making Capacity in Psychosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial With Mediation Analysis
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Approach and Avoidance Biases Toward Sexual Stimuli and Their Association with the Dual Control Model of Sexual Response in Heterosexual Men
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The impact of social and sensory stress on cognitive biases and delusions in schizophrenia
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COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2019;24(3):217-232.

Benzodiazepine und Z-Substanzen – Analyse der kassenärztlichen Verschreibungen von 2006 bis 2015
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Ursachen und Hintergründe der Langzeiteinnahme von Benzodiazepinen und Z-Substanzen bei älteren Patienten
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Bottom-up or top-down? The role of child and parent chronic pain and anxiety in the context of parental catastrophizing and solicitousness
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Cognitive bias modification in problem and pathological gambling using a web-based approach-avoidance Task: A pilot trial
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Web-based Approach Bias Modification in smokers. A randomized-controlled study
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Variability and reliability of effective connectivity within the core default mode Network: A multi-site longitudinal spectral DCM study
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Letter to the Editor: Metacognitive training and metacognitive therapy. A reply to Lora Capobianco and Adrian Wells
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The role of effective connectivity between the task-positive and task-negative network for evidence gathering [Evidence gathering and connectivity]
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fMRI correlates of jumping-to-conclusions in patients with delusions: Connectivity patterns and effects of metacognitive training
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Differential relationship of jumping-to-conclusions and incorrigibility with delusion severity
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Desire to Have Children Among Transgender People in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Multi-Center Study
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Metacognitive training. Targeting cognitive biases
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Glutamate Concentration in the Superior Temporal Sulcus Relates to Neuroticism in Schizophrenia
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Optimization and validation of automated hippocampal subfield segmentation across the lifespan
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Psychopharmaka und sexuelle Störungen
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Sexuelle Funktionsstörungen nach Traumatisierung
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Sexual abuse but not posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with neurocognitive deficits in South African traumatized adolescents
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Sexualpsychotherapie nach dem "Hamburger Modell" bei Traumafolgestörungen
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Achterbahn der Gefühle: Mit Manie und Depression leben lernen
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Aneignung oder Entfremdung? Das Bedürfnis nach Sinn und die provozierende Frage nach einer "geglückten Psychose"
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Trialog, Partizipation, soziale Gerechtigkeit-Psychiatriereform muss wieder politischer werden
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Eine Frage der Haltung: Psychosen verstehen und psychotherapeutisch behandeln
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Assessing reliability in neuroimaging research through intra-class effect decomposition (ICED)
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Psychische Komorbidität bei Crystalkonsumenten. Die neuen deutschen S3-Leitlinien zu methamphetaminbezogenen Störungen.
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Neural correlates of response bias: Larger hippocampal volume correlates with symptom aggravation in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder
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Community violence exposure correlates with smaller gray matter volume and lower IQ in urban adolescents
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Expectancy Effects in Self-Help Depression Treatment: First Evidence that the Rationale Given for an Online Study Impacts the Outcome
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Excess costs of alcohol-dependent patients in German psychiatric care compared with matched non-alcohol-dependent individuals from the general Population: a secondary analysis of two datasets
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A randomized Phase 2 study to evaluate the orexin-2 receptor antagonist seltorexant in individuals with insomnia without psychiatric comorbidity
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Sexual Dysfunction in Unmedicated Patients with Schizophrenia and in Healthy Controls
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Two case studies from a virtual reality intervention for delusions: feasibility and preliminary evidence
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Informal coercion as a neglected form of communication in psychiatric settings in Germany and Switzerland
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Terapi metakognitif: Pada pasien skizofrenia dengan waham
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Course and stability of cognitive and metacognitive beliefs in depression
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Behavioral, Modeling, and Electrophysiological Evidence for Supramodality in Human Metacognition
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Investigating Multiple Streams of Consciousness: Using Descriptive Experience Sampling to Explore Internally and Externally Directed Streams of Thought
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Model projections on the impact of HCV treatment in the prevention of HCV transmission among people who inject drugs in Europe
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Fallbuch Spiritualität in Psychotherapie und Psychiatrie
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Role preferences of patients with alcohol use disorders
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White Matter Microstructure of the Human Mirror Neuron System is Related to Symptom Severity in Adults with Autism
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The association between adherence and outcome in an Internet intervention for depression
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Internetbasierte Untersuchungen zur diagnostischen Klassifikation und Kodierung psychischer Störungen im Vergleich von ICD-11 und ICD-10
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Impaired action self-monitoring and cognitive confidence among ultra-high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis patients
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Self-disturbances, cognitive biases and insecure attachment as mechanisms of the relationship between traumatic life events and psychotic-like experiences in non-clinical adults - A path analysis
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The role of self-disturbances and cognitive biases in the relationship between traumatic life events and psychosis proneness in a non-clinical sample
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Self-reported cognitive distortions in the psychosis continuum: A Polish 18-item version of the Davos Assessment of Cognitive Biases Scale (DACOBS-18)
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The Arf6 activator Efa6/PSD3 confers regional specificity and modulates ethanol consumption in Drosophila and humans
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Traumatic Experiences, Revictimization and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in German Inpatients Treated for Alcohol Dependence
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Glutamatergic Deficits in Schizophrenia - Biomarkers and Pharmacological Interventions within the Ketamine Model
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Improving functional outcome in bipolar disorder: A pilot study on metacognitive training
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The association of psychopathology with concurrent level of functioning and subjective well-being in persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
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Validierung einer standardisierten Videodokumentation von klinischen Gangprüfungen bei Patienten mit Morbus Parkinson in Bezug auf die Sturzhäufigkeit
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"Association splitting" versus cognitive remediation in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial
Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Hottenrott B, Kellner M, Moritz S
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Patients’ Perspectives on Treatment with Metacognitive Training for OCD: Feasibility and Acceptability
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Rituelle Reinigung
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Glücksspielverhalten der österreichischen Bevölkerung und ihre Akzeptanz von Spielerschutzmaßnahmen – Ergebnisse der Repräsentativbefragungen 2009 und 2015
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Kognitive Verzerrungen bei pathologischen Sportwettern im Vergleich mit Automatenspielern – eine Analyse unter Anwendung des Gamblers Beliefs Questionnaire
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Vor- und Nachteile des Cannabisverbotes für die suchtpräventive Arbeit
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SuchtMagazin. 2018;44(6):36-39.

Alters-, diagnose- und fachübergreifende stationäre Behandlung für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene (16 – 25 Jahre) in der Adoleszenzpsychiatrie
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Do guided internet-based interventions result in clinically relevant changes for patients with depression? An individual participant data meta-analysis
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Is self-guided internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) harmful? An individual participant data meta-analysis
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Effects of 35% carbon dioxide (CO2) inhalation in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial
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Impact of physical or sexual childhood abuse on plasma DHEA, DHEA-S and cortisol in a low-dose dexamethasone suppression test and on cardiovascular risk parameters in adult patients with major depression or anxiety disorders
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Metacognitive Training for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (B-MCT). Modification of Cognitive Biases
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A genome-wide association study of early gamma-band response in a schizophrenia case-control sample
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Attentional capture by physically salient stimuli in the gamma frequency is associated with schizophrenia symptoms
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Emotion perception and overconfidence in errors under stress in psychosis
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Internet-basierte Interventionen bei Depressionen: Evidenz und Stellenwert in der Praxis.
Krieger T, Klein J, Moritz S, Berger T

Fighting Depression: Action Video Game Play May Reduce Rumination and Increase Subjective and Objective Cognition in Depressed Patients
Kühn S, Berna F, Lüdtke T, Gallinat J, Moritz S
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Psychological and neural correlates of embitterment in old age
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Drogenkonsum und Hilfebedarfe von Geflüchteten in Deutschland
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Comorbidity of chronic somatic diseases in patients with psychotic disorders and their influence on 4-year outcomes of integrated care treatment (ACCESS II study)
Lambert M, Ruppelt F, Siem A, Rohenkohl A, Kraft V, Luedecke D, Sengutta M, Schröter R, Daubmann A, Correll C, Gallinat J, Karow A, Wiedemann K, Schöttle D
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Early detection and integrated care for adolescents and young adults with severe psychotic disorders: rationales and design of the Integrated Care in Early Psychosis Study (ACCESS III)
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Size matters: Grey matter brain reserve predicts executive functioning in the elderly
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The Relevance of Emotion Regulation in Explaining Why Social Exclusion Triggers Paranoia in Individuals at Clinical High Risk of Psychosis
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Angst, Depressionen und posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen bei Flüchtlingen – eine Bestandsaufnahme
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"Learning How to Ask" Effectiveness of a Training for Trauma Inquiry and Response in Substance Use Disorder Healthcare Professionals
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Schwierigkeiten der Emotionsregulation bei alkoholabhängigen Patienten mit komorbiden posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen
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Profiles of childhood adversities in pathological gamblers - A latent class analysis
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A randomized controlled trial on a smartphone self-help application (Be Good to Yourself) to reduce depressive symptoms
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Evaluation of a brief unguided psychological online intervention for depression. A controlled trial including exploratory moderator analyses
Lüdtke T, Westermann S, Pult L, Schneider B, Pfuhl G, Moritz S
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Metacognitive approaches to the treatment of psychosis: a comparison of four approaches
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A neurobiological pathway to smoking in adolescence: TTC12-ANKK1-DRD2 variants and reward response
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EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM. 2018;28(10):1103-1114.

Are Psychotic Experiences Related to Poorer Reflective Reasoning?
Mækelæ M, Moritz S, Pfuhl G
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Integrative Ansätze auf sozialräumlicher Ebene: Hamburger Netz psychische Gesundheit (psychenet): Aufbau, Ziele und Erfahrungen aus der Prozessevaluation
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No difference in the prevalence of Alzheimer-type neurodegenerative changes in the brains of suicides when compared with controls: an explorative neuropathologic study
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EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2018;268(5):509-517.

Relationship Between Neuroanatomical and Serotonergic Hypotheses of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Combined Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Evoked Potential Study
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Differential relationships of PTSD and childhood trauma with the course of substance use disorders
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The impact of supply reduction on the prevalence of gambling participation and disordered gambling behavior: A systematic review
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EFhd2/Swiprosin-1 is a common genetic determinator for sensation-seeking/low anxiety and alcohol addiction
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Interactions Between Variation in Candidate Genes and Environmental Factors in the Etiology of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. A Systematic Review
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MOL NEUROBIOL. 2018;55(6):5075-5100.

Potentially inappropriate use of benzodiazepines and z-drugs in the older population-analysis of associations between long-term use and patient-related factors
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Patient-centered care interventions to reduce the inappropriate prescription and use of benzodiazepines and z-drugs: a systematic review
Mokhar A, Topp J, Härter M, Schulz H, Kuhn S, Verthein U, Dirmaier J
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A Reply to "Effectiveness of an individually-tailored computerised CBT programme (Deprexis) for depression. A meta-analysis" by Twomey and colleagues [Psychiatry Res. 256 (2017) 371-377]
Moritz S
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We cannot change the past, but we can change its meaning. A randomized controlled trial on the effects of self-help imagery rescripting on depression
Moritz S, Ahlf-Schumacher J, Hottenrott B, Peter U, Franck S, Schnell T, Peter H, Schneider B, Jelinek L
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Monocausal attribution and its relationship with reasoning biases in schizophrenia
Moritz S, Bentall R, Kolbeck K, Roesch-Ely D
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by a lack of adaptive coping rather than an excess of maladaptive coping
Moritz S, Fink J, Miegel F, Nitsche K, Kraft V, Tonn P, Jelinek L
COGNITIVE THER RES. 2018;42(5):650–660.

The stereotype threat effect: An alternative explanation for neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia?
Moritz S, Happach I, Spirandelli K, Lincoln T, Berna F
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New wine in an old bottle? Evaluation of myMCT as an integrative bibliotherapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder
Moritz S, Hauschildt M, Murray S, Pedersen A, Krausz M, Jelinek L
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2018;16:88-97.

Neurocognitive functioning in alcohol use disorder: Cognitive test results do not tell the whole story
Moritz S, Irshaid S, Lüdtke T, Schäfer I, Hauschildt M, Lipp M
EUR ADDICT RES. 2018;29(5):217-225.

Decreased memory confidence in obsessive-compulsive disorder for scenarios high and low on responsibility: is low still too high?
Moritz S, Jaeger A
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2018;268(3):291-299.

Editorial zum Themenheft "Metakognitive Trainingsverfahren"
Moritz S, Jelinek L
Z NEUROPSYCHOL. 2018;29:5-6.

Fostering mutual understanding among Muslims and non-Muslims through counterstereotypical information: an educational versus metacognitive approach
Moritz S, Lasfar I, Reininger K, Ohls I
INT J PSYCHOL RELIG. 2018;28:103-120.

Metacognition – What did James H. Flavell really say and the implications for the conceptualization and design of metacognitive interventions
Moritz S, Lysaker P
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Going meta on metacognitive interventions
Moritz S, Lysaker P, Hofmann S, Hautzinger M
EXPERT REV NEUROTHER. 2018;18(10):739-741.

Embracing Psychosis: A Cognitive Insight Intervention Improves Personal Narratives and Meaning-Making in Patients With Schizophrenia
Moritz S, Mahlke C, Westermann S, Ruppelt F, Lysaker P, Bock T, Andreou C
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2018;44(2):307-316.

Moderators of symptomatic outcome in Metacognitive Training for Psychosis (MCT). Who benefits and who does not?
Moritz S, Menon M, Andersen D, Woodward T, Gallinat J
COGNITIVE THER RES. 2018;42(1):80-91.

If it is absurd, then why do you do it? The richer the obsessional experience, the more compelling the compulsion
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Metacognitive Training for Depression (D-MCT) reduces false memories in depression. A randomized controlled trial
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Dysfunction by Disclosure? Stereotype Threat as a Source of Secondary Neurocognitive Malperformance in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
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Myocarditis During Treatment With Clozapine in 2 Adolescent Cases
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How (not) to increase older adults' tendency to anthropomorphise in serious games
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Negative schemata about the self and others and paranoid ideation in at-risk states and those with persisting positive symptoms
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Psychiatric sequelae of cardiac arrest
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Should antidepressants be used in minor depression?
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Organisierte und rituelle Gewalt in Deutschland: Kontexte der Gewalterfahrungen, psychische Folgen und Versorgungssituation
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Gedanken zum Schuldbegriff in der Bibel, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
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Rhythm is it! Aus der musikalischen Praxis der Depressionsbehandlung einer Universitätsklinik
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Religion und Migration
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Berufen zu missionieren
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Das Kind im Klinikmüll
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Extracting orthogonal subject- and condition-specific signatures from fMRI data using whole-brain effective connectivity
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T Cell Phenotype and T Cell Receptor Repertoire in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
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An internet-based intervention for people with psychosis (EviBaS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Metacognitive training online: a pilot study of an internet-based intervention for people with schizophrenia
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Trauma and trauma care in Europe
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Komplexe Traumfolgestörungen und ihre Behandlung bei Patienten mit Suchterkrankungen
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Efficacy of metacognitive training for patients with borderline personality disorder: Preliminary results
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Psychodynamische Psychotherapie
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Substanzgebrauchsstörungen bei Jugendlichen und (jungen) Erwachsenen
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Negative symptoms, anxiety, and depression as mechanisms of change of a 12-month trial of assertive community treatment as part of integrated care in patients with first- and multi-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders (ACCESS I trial)
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A Pilot Study of Metacognitive Training (D-MCT) for Older Adults with Depression
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An Investigation of Module-Specific Effects of Metacognitive Training for Psychosis
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Bridging the "digital divide": A comparison of use and effectiveness of an online intervention for depression between Baby Boomers and Millennials
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Dialog per Pauspapier. Autismus à deux - Autismus adieu?
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Praxisbuch Psychotraumatologie: Sucht
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Atrophy in the Thalamus But Not Cerebellum Is Specific forFTD and ALS Patients - An Atlas-Based Volumetric MRI Study
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Knowledge on types of treatment pressure. A cross-sectional study among mental health professionals
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Correction to: Effectiveness of aripiprazole once-monthly in schizophrenia patients pretreated with oral aripiprazole: a 6-month, real-life non-interventional study
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Effectiveness of aripiprazole once-monthly in schizophrenia patients pretreated with oral aripiprazole: a 6-month, real-life non-interventional study
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Effectiveness of integrated care including therapeutic assertive community treatment in severe schizophrenia-spectrum and bipolar I disorders: Four-year follow-up of the ACCESS II study
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Impact and change of attitudes toward Internet interventions within a randomized controlled trial on individuals with depression symptoms
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Psychiatric impact of organized and ritual child sexual abuse: Cross-sectional findings from individuals who report being victimized.
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Prävalenz und Phänomenologie fraglich psychotischer Symptome bei Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörungen: Assoziationen mit Suizidversuchen und Inanspruchnahme stationär-psychiatrischer Behandlung
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A Modified Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test Predicts Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia Better Than Executive Function Tests
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A language-based sum score for the course and therapeutic intervention in primary progressive aphasia
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Stress levels in psychosis: Do body and mind diverge?
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Serum neurofilament light chain in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia
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Erratum to: The Callosal Relay Model of Interhemispheric Communication: New Evidence from Effective Connectivity Analysis.
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The Callosal Relay Model of Interhemispheric Communication: New Evidence from Effective Connectivity Analysis
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Krebs und Glück
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The predictive value of early maladaptive schemas in paranoid responses to social stress
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Are Schemas Passed on? A Study on the Association Between Early Maladaptive Schemas in Parents and Their Offspring and the Putative Translating Mechanisms
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Physical neglect during childhood alters white matter connectivity in healthy young males
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Alterations in interhemispheric gamma-band connectivity are related to the emergence of auditory verbal hallucinations in healthy subjects during NMDA-receptor blockade
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Correction: Does a narcissism epidemic exist in modern western societies? Comparing narcissism and self-esteem in East and West Germany
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Does a narcissism epidemic exist in modern western societies? Comparing narcissism and self-esteem in East and West Germany
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Langzeitverordnungen von Benzodiazepinen und Z-Substanzen – deskriptive Analysen über einen 3-jährigen Zeitraum
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Die Behandlung des Alkoholentzugs mit Oxazepam oder Clomethiazol – eine naturalistische Beobachtungsstudie
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Sekundäre traumatische ­Belastung bei Dolmetschern in der Flüchtlingsversorgung
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Individualized metacognitive therapy for delusions. A randomized controlled rater-blind study
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Introduction to the special issue on cognition and delusions. What do we know, what do we guess, and what do we perhaps falsely believe?
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Identifying disordered eating behaviours in adolescents: how do parent and adolescent reports differ by sex and age?
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Internetbasierte Interventionen (Buchbeitrag)
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Effects of a transdiagnostic unguided Internet intervention ('velibra') for anxiety disorders in primary care: results of a randomized controlled trial
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Would I take antipsychotics, if I had psychotic symptoms? Examining determinants of the decision to take antipsychotics
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An elevated plus-maze in mixed reality for studying human anxiety-related behavior
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Auf der Spur des Morgenstern - Dorothea Buck wird 100
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Mitforschen, aber wie? Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Forschungstrainings für Psychiatrieerfahrene
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Seeing Double Exploring the Phenomenology of Self-Reported Absence of Rivalry in Bistable Pictures
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Day2day investigating daily variability of magnetic resonance imaging measures over half a year
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Transition of the functional brain network related to increasing cognitive demands
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Facharztprüfung Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
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Scenarios for the future of mental health care a social perspective
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Substance use to regulate intense posttraumatic shame in individuals with childhood abuse and neglect
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Cognitive and metacognitive mechanisms of change in Metacognitive Training for Depression.
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Kontrollierte Abgabe von Cannabis als wissenschaftlicher Modellversuch – aktueller Stand und Perspektiven in Deutschland
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Efficacy of Self-guided Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Depressive Symptoms. A Meta-analysis of Individual Participant Data
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Does recruitment source moderate treatment effectiveness? A subgroup analysis from the EVIDENT study, a randomised controlled trial of an internet intervention for depressive symptoms
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Time to remission from mild to moderate depressive symptoms. One year results from the EVIDENT-study, an RCT of an internet intervention for depression
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Cortisol boosts risky decision-making behavior in men but not in women
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Noradrenergic Stimulation Impairs Memory Generalization in Women
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Impact of Stress and Glucocorticoids on Schema-Based Learning
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Metakognitives Training. „Denkfallen“ erkennen und hinterfragen
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Bayesian analyses of the effect of metacognitive training on social cognition deficits and overconfidence in errors
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Comparison of DSM-5 and proposed ICD-11 criteria for PTSD with DSM-IV and ICD-10: changes in PTSD prevalence in military personnel
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Food for thought: association between dietary tyrosine and cognitive performance in younger and older adults
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Taking control! Structural and behavioural plasticity in response to game-based inhibition training in older adults
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RECOVER: Modell der sektorenübergreifend-koordinierten, schweregrad-gestuften, evidenzbasierten Versorgung psychischer Erkrankungen
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Evidenzbasierte Implementierung von stationsäquivalenter Behandlung in Deutschland
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Mit Schuld, Scham und Methode. Ein Selbsthilfebuch
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Alzheimer's disease Elevated pigment epithelium-derived factor in the cerebrospinal fluid is mostly of systemic origin
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Electronic Cigarettes in Germany: Patterns of Use and Perceived Health Improvement
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Individuelle und gesellschaftliche Aspekte des E-Zigaretten-Konsums aus der Perspektive der Konsumierenden: Ein qualitativer Ansatz
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Psychotherapie von Schizophrenie: Was geht?
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Suchthilfe in Hamburg: Statusbericht 2016 der Hamburger Basisdatendokumentation in der ambulanten Suchthilfe und der Eingliederungshilfe
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Disruption of Reward Processing in Addiction An Image-Based Meta-analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies
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Defining and Predicting Patterns of Early Response in a Web-Based Intervention for Depression
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The regression discontinuity design showed to be a valid alternative to a randomized controlled trial for estimating treatment effects
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Brain Regions Related to Impulsivity Mediate the Effects of Early Adversity on Antisocial Behavior
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Psychotherapie mit adjuvanter Gabe von serotonergen psychoaktiven Substanzen – Möglichkeiten und Hindernisse
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S3-Leitlinie „Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen“
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Detection of metabolite changes in response to a varying visual stimulation paradigm using short-TE 1 H MRS at 7 T
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Psychosocial approaches in the treatment of psychosis. Cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis (CBTp) and metacognitive training (MCT)
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Relationships between a Dissociative Subtype of PTSD and Clinical Characteristics in Patients with Substance Use Disorders
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Protocol for the ENCODE trial: evaluating a novel online depression intervention for persons with epilepsy
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Methamphetamin-bezogene Störungen: Diagnostik und Therapie
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Community Treatment Order: Identifying the need for more evidence based justification of its use in first episode psychosis patients
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The customer is always right? Subjective target symptoms and treatment preferences in patients with psychosis
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A new paradigm to measure probabilistic reasoning and a possible answer to the question why psychosis-prone individuals jump to conclusions
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Muslims Love Jesus, Too? Corrective Information Alters Prejudices Against Islam
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Do depressive symptoms predict paranoia or vice versa?
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Does impairment in neuropsychological tests equal neuropsychological impairment in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Momentary influences, testing attitude, and motivation are related to neuropsychological performance in OCD
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Neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Are we making mountains out of molehills?
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Liberale Akzeptanz als kognitiver Mechanismus bei Psychose. Eine Zwei-Stufen-Theorie der Pathogenese schizophrener Positivsymptome
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A two-stage cognitive theory of the positive symptoms of psychosis. Highlighting the role of lowered decision thresholds
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Are we exaggerating neuropsychological impairment in depression? Reopening a closed chapter
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Stress-related salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) activity in alcohol dependent patients with and without a history of childhood maltreatment
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Randomized control trial to assess the efficacy of metacognitive training compared with a psycho-educational group in people with a recent-onset psychosis
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A systematic review of person-centered approaches to investigating patterns of trauma exposure
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Therapeutische Annäherungen an die Komplizierte Trauer. Trialog zwischen Psychotherapie, Seelsorge und den Künsten
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Do specific metacognitive training modules lead to specific cognitive cognitive change among patients with schizophrenia? A single module pilot study
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Resting-state fMRI correlations From link-wise unreliability to whole brain stability
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Explicit and Implicit Approach vs. Avoidance Tendencies towards High vs. Low Calorie Food Cues in Patients with Obesity and Active Binge Eating Disorder
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Versorgungssituation von Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit sexuellen Gewalterfahrungen in Deutschland: Ein kritischer Überblick
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Deaths in Hamburg prisons 1996-2012 - Recommendations on suicide prevention in prison custody
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Todesfälle von Inhaftierten in Hamburg 1996-2012 - Vorschläge zur Suizidprävention im Gefängnis.
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Psychosocial Stress and Brain Function in Adolescent Psychopathology
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Asymptomatic Cocaine Abuse - Myocardial Tissue Characterization Using Cardiac Biomarkers and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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Early effects of a high-caloric diet and physical exercise on brain volumetry and behavior: a combined MRI and histology study in mice
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Effectiveness of EMDR in patients with substance use disorder and comorbid PTSD study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Understanding the role of childhood abuse and neglect as a cause and consequence of substance abuse the German CANSAS network
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Bindung und substanzbezogene Störungen
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Integrierte Versorgung für Borderline-Patienten: Hintergründe, Konzept und erste Erfahrungen
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Aggression and violence in psychiatric hospitals with and without open door policies: A 15-year naturalistic observational study
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The global collaboration on traumatic stress
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Zwischen Stigma und Idealisierung: Die Wiedereinführung der EKT am UKE
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Sexuality in autism: hypersexual and paraphilic behavior in women and men with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
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Attitudes towards Internet interventions among psychotherapists and individuals with mild to moderate depression symptoms
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A randomized controlled trial of a transdiagnostic Internet intervention for individuals with panic and phobias - One size fits all
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Online-Interventionen zur Behandlung psychischer Störungen - Chancen und Herausforderungen
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Akustische Halluzinationen bei Patienten mit Schizophrenie-Spektrums-Störungen. Unterschiede der Phänomenologie in Abhängigkeit von Gewalterfahrung in der Kindheit
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Towards a neurochemical profile of the amygdala using short-TE (1) H magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3 T
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Auditory verbal hallucinations related to altered long-range synchrony of gamma-band oscillations
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Childhood Trauma and Self-Stigma of Alcohol Dependence: Applying the Progressive Model of Self- Stigma
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Selbststigmatisierung und soziale Integration bei Alkoholabhängigkeit
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Glutamatergic deficit and schizophrenia-like negative symptoms: new evidence from ketamine-induced mismatch negativity alterations in healthy male humans
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Representational precision in visual cortex reveals outcome encoding and reward modulation during action preparation
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Wirksamkeit der Eingliederungshilfe für Menschen mit Abhängigkeitserkrankungen nach SGB XII
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Completion of Opioid Agonist Treatment – an observational prospective study
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In and out of control brain mechanisms linking fluency of action selection to self-agency in patients with schizophrenia
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Altered cortical and subcortical connectivity due to infrasound administered near the hearing threshold - Evidence from fMRI
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Approaching contamination-related stimuli with an implicit Approach-Avoidance Task: Can it reduce OCD symptoms? An online pilot study
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Repeated Structural Imaging Reveals Nonlinear Progression of Experience-Dependent Volume Changes in Human Motor Cortex
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Untangling the complex relationships between symptoms of schizophrenia and emotion dynamics in daily life. Findings from an experience sampling pilot study
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Internet- und mobilbasierte Interventionen bei Schizophrenie
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Unmet psychological needs in patients with schizophrenia
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Age effect on autobiographical memory specificity: A study on autobiographical memory specificity in elderly survivors of childhood trauma
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Investigation of implicit avoidance of displacement-related stimuli in offspring of trauma exposed, forcibly-displaced individuals
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Performance in a blocked versus randomized emotional Stroop task in an aged, early traumatized group with and without posttraumatic stress symptoms
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Are we ready to treat hepatitis C virus in individuals with opioid use disorder: Assessment of readiness in European countries on the basis of an expert-generated model
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Impact of a Common Genetic Variation Associated With Putamen Volume on Neural Mechanisms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
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Do better communication skills promote sheltered employment in schizophrenia?
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Metabotropic glutamate2/3 receptor agonism facilitates autonomic recovery after pharmacological panic challenge in healthy humans
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Psychoedukation bei Angsterkrankungen
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Non-pharmacological interventions for schizophrenia: How much can be achieved and how?
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Pharmakologische Behandlung von Depressionen – Erreichen und Erhalt der Compliance
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Overconfidence across the psychosis continuum - a calibration approach
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GABA concentration in superior temporal sulcus predicts gamma power and perception in the sound-induced flash illusion
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Beta/Gamma Oscillations and Event-Related Potentials Indicate Aberrant Multisensory Processing in Schizophrenia
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Amyloid-β Precursor Protein Modulates the Sorting of Testican-1 and Contributes to Its Accumulation in Brain Tissue and Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with Alzheimer Disease
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Simultaneous interpreters vs. professional multilingual controls: Group differences in cognitive control as well as brain structure and function
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Self-Disorders in Individuals with Autistic Traits: Contribution of Reduced Autobiographical Reasoning Capacities
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Self-disorders in individuals with attenuated psychotic symptoms: Contribution of a dysfunction of autobiographical memory
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S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen - Körperliche Komplikationen und Komorbidität
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Replication of the association between CHRNA4 rs1044396 and harm avoidance in a large population-based sample
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Restricted vs. unrestricted wheel running in mice: Effects on brain, behavior and endocannabinoids
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Improvement in verbal memory performance in depressed in-patients after treatment with electroconvulsive therapy
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Hamburger Zwangsinventar – Kurzform (HZI-K)
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Raum und Psyche. Aus sozialpsychiatrischer, anthropologischer, trialogischer Sicht
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Vertrauen in sich und andere: gefährdet und schutzbedürftig – eine Herausforderung für rechtliche Betreuung
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Psychosen - Ringen um Selbstverständlichkeit
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Prävention als Auftrag, Menschen psychische Erkrankung zu ersparen und zu ermöglichen
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“Irre menschlich Hamburg” – An Example of a Bottom-Up Project
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Leitliniengerechte stationäre psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutische Behandlung der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung: Normative Personalbedarfsermittlung
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Frontal lobe dementia syndrome as a first manifestation of primary angiitis of the central nervous system (PACNS).
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Marketing Status and Perceived Efficacy of Drugs for Supporting Abstinence and Reducing Alcohol Intake in Alcohol Use Disorders A Survey among European Federation of Addiction Societies in Europe
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The structure of psychopathology in adolescence and its common personality and cognitive correlates
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Invited commentary: mapping the alteration in glutamate with GluCEST MRI in a mouse model of dopamine deficiency: An Editorial Highlight for 'Mapping the alterations in glutamate with GluCEST MRI in a mouse model of dopamine deficiency'
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Auricular Acupuncture Versus Progressive Muscle Relaxation in Patients with Anxiety Disorders or Major Depressive Disorder: A Prospective Parallel Group Clinical Trial
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Irren ist menschlich
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Effects of hydrocortisone on false memory recognition in healthy men and women
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Bias against disconfirmatory evidence in the 'at-risk mental state' and during psychosis
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Emotion recognition in depression: An investigation of performance and response confidence in adult female patients with depression
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Cross-sectional Study of Glutamate in the Anterior Cingulate and Hippocampus in Schizophrenia
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Stellenwert des Elektroenzephalogramms in der Psychiatrie
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S3-Leitlinie Methamphetamin-bezogene Störungen - Komorbide psychische und organische Erkrankungen
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2016. S3-Leitlinie Methamphetamin-bezogene Störungen. Die Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesrepublik , Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG) , Bundesärztekammer (BÄK) , Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 82-116.

From Shortage to Surge: A Developmental Switch in Hippocampal-Prefrontal Coupling in a Gene-Environment Model of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
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Randomized-Controlled Trial on a Novel (Meta-)Cognitive Self-help Approach for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (“myMCT”)
Hauschildt M, Schröder J, Moritz S
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S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen - Komorbide psychische Störungen - Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätssyndrom (ADHS)
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2016. S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen. Mann K, Hoch E, Anil B (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 113-119.

Prediction of alcohol drinking in adolescents: Personality-traits, behavior, brain responses, and genetic variations in the context of reward sensitivity
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Shall we really say goodbye to first rank symptoms?
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A negative relationship between ventral striatal loss anticipation response and impulsivity in borderline personality disorder
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Theta-Alpha Oscillations Bind the Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex, and Striatum during Recollection: Evidence from Simultaneous EEG-fMRI
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Psychoedukation: eine hilfreiche Basisintervention für alle? Wohl kaum!
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Psychoedukation: eine hilfreiche Basisintervention? Wohl kaum
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Auswirkungen von Peer-Begleitung für Angehörige auf Belastung und Lebensqualität: Eine Pilotstudie
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Association of Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale short forms with global functioning and quality of life
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Evidence for an agitated-aggressive syndrome in early-onset psychosis correlated with antisocial personality disorder, forensic history, and substance use disorder
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Exploring the Ecological Validity of Thinking on Demand: Neural Correlates of Elicited vs. Spontaneously Occurring Inner Speech
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Weiterbehandlung nach Erstdiagnostik in der Früherkennungsambulanz des Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
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Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT)
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Efficacy of Metacognitive Training for Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Erkennen und modifzieren von Denkverzerrungen. Metakognitives Training bei Psychose und Depression
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Neural basis of reward anticipation and its genetic determinants
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Ventral Striatum Connectivity During Reward Anticipation in Adolescent Smokers
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Symptoms, functioning and coping strategies in individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders who do not take antipsychotic medication: a comparative interview study, Psychlogical medicine
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Schulungen in Profivereinen. Prävention von Glücksspielsucht und Spielmanipulation in den Nachwuchsleistungszentren der Fußballbundesligisten
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Kontrollierte Abgabe von Cannabis als wissenschaftlicher Modellversuch
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Quality of Life as an Outcome and a Mediator of Other Outcomes in Patients with Schizophrenia
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Does Pregnenolone Enhance Exposure Therapy in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? - A Pilot, Interim Report of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study
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Adrenocorticotropic hormone in serial cerebrospinal fluid in man - Subject to acute regulation by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system?
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Auf dem Weg zu einer optimale(re)n Versorgung? Ergebnisse der Pilotierung eines ADHS-Selektivvertrages nach §+73c SGB V in Bremerhaven
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E-cigarette use among Serbian adults: prevalence and user characteristics
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Changes in fitness are associated with changes in hippocampal microstructure and hippocampal volume among older adults.
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Neue Entwicklungen in Bezug auf den Konsum von chemischen Drogen bei Männern die Sex mit Männern haben („Chemsex“)
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Effects of a Psychological Internet Intervention in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Depressive Symptoms: Results of the EVIDENT Study, a Randomized Controlled Trial
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The Effect of Nicotine on HPA Axis Activity in Females is Modulated by the FKBP5 Genotype
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Neurobiological Basis of Hypersexuality
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E-Zigaretten-Gebrauch: Macht das Geschlecht einen Unterschied?
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Neurotransmitter changes during interference task in anterior cingulate cortex: evidence from fMRI-guided functional MRS at 3 T
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Multiple "buy buttons" in the brain: Forecasting chocolate sales at point-of-sale based on functional brain activation using fMRI
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Flexibilisierung der Sektorengrenzen?: Pro
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Erratum zu: Sollen bei Prodromalstadien der Schizophrenie Antipsychotika zur Psychoseprävention eingesetzt werden? Pro
Lambert M, Correll C
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Pharmacotherapy in Children and Adolescents at Clinical-High Risk for Psychosis and Bipolar Disorder
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Langzeittherapie in der Schizophrenie
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Scham - Ein historischer Ausflug
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Scham-Religion und Glaube
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Schuld - ein historischer Ausflug
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Schuld und Religion
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Polygenic Risk of Psychosis and Ventral Striatal Activation During Reward Processing in Healthy Adolescents
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E-Zigarette – Dampfen Frauen anders?
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EEG-Informed fMRI Reveals a Disturbed Gamma-Band-Specific Network in Subjects at High Risk for Psychosis
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psychenet - Hamburger Netz psychische Gesundheit Erfahrungen aus einem innovativen Netzwerk zur Förderung psychischer Gesundheit
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The impact of negative treatment experiences on persistent refusal of antipsychotics
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Hormonal contraceptive use is associated with neural and affective changes in healthy young women
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Differences in navigation performance and postpartal striatal volume associated with pregnancy in humans
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Profiles of Childhood Trauma in Patients with Alcohol Dependence and Their Associations with Addiction-Related Problems
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Maternal emotion dysregulation is related to heightened mother-infant synchrony of facial affect
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Minimization of Childhood Maltreatment Is Common and Consequential: Results from a Large, Multinational Sample Using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire
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Changes in beliefs and attitudes toward people with depression and schizophrenia - results of a public campaign in Germany
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Behandlung von schädlichem und abhängigem Alkoholgebrauch: (Kapitel 3)
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Buprenorphine dosing choices in specific populations review of expert opinion
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Suchthilfe in Hamburg - Statusbericht 2015 der Hamburger Basisdatendokumentation in der ambulanten Suchthilfe und der Eingliederungshilfe
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Psychotherapie der Schizophrenie
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Psychologische Therapien bei Schizophrenie
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Subjective experience of coercion in psychiatric care: a study comparing the attitudes of patients and healthy volunteers towards coercive methods and their justification
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Disentangling the autism-anxiety overlap: fMRI of reward processing in a community-based longitudinal study
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Die „NEPTUNE-Leitlinie“ für das Management von Konsumenten Neuer Psychoaktiver Substanzen (NPS) – auch geeignet für das Deutsche Hilfesystem?
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Konsummotive bei Stimulanzienkonsum: Ein Vergleich von Amphetamin- und Methamphetaminkonsumenten
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Herausforderungen für das Hilfesystem durch Methamphetamin. Eine Studie zu Zugangsbarrieren, Besonderheiten und Chancen aus Sicht von Betroffenen
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S3-Leitlinie Methamphetamin-bezogene Störungen - Epidemiologie
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Evaluation einer bevölkerungsbezogenen Kampagne zu psychischen Erkrankungen - Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt "psychenet"
Mnich E, Makowski A, Daubmann A, Bock T, Lambert M, Härter M, Dirmaier J, Tlach L, Liebherz S, von dem Knesebeck O
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Association of Common Polymorphisms in the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Alpha4 Subunit Gene with an Electrophysiological Endophenotype in a Large Population-Based Sample
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Should we focus on quality or quantity in meta-analyses? – a reply
Moritz S
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Subjective versus objective cognition: Evidence for poor metacognitive monitoring in schizophrenia
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More adaptive versus less maladaptive coping: What is more predictive of symptom severity? Development of a new scale to investigate coping profiles across different psychopathological syndromes
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Antipsychotics decrease response confidence
Moritz S, Kolbeck K, Andreou C
J PSYCHOPHARMACOL. 2016;30(8):831-3.

Dysfunctional coping with stress in psychosis. An investigation with the Maladaptive and Adaptive Coping Styles (MAX) questionnaire
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Reasoning in psychosis: risky but not necessarily hasty
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From the incomprehensible to the partially understood. An update on cognitive bias research and Metacognitive Training in schizophrenia psychosis
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Effects of online intervention for depression on mood and positive symptoms in schizophrenia
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Is the whole less than the sum of its parts? Full versus individually adapted metacognitive self-help for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial.
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Jumping to negative conclusions--a case of study-gathering bias? A reply by the developers of metacognitive training (MCT) to the meta-analysis of van Oosterhout et al. (2015)
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Is metacognitive training for psychosis effective?
Moritz S, Woodward T, Balzan R
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Mental Health in Offspring of Traumatized Refugees with and without Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
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Role of Serum Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Central N-Acetylaspartate for Clinical Response under Antidepressive Pharmacotherapy
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Die Rolle von Psychotherapie und Psychopharmakotherapie in der Frühbehandlung von Psychosen im Konzept "Integrated Care"
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Ambulante Suchthilfe und Suchtprävention in Hessen - Landesauswertung der COMBASS-Daten 2015
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Integrationsprozesse von Frauen mit Dissoziativer Identitätsstörung: Eine qualitative Pilotstudie
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Childhood adversities in adolescents and young adults with severe psychotic disorders (ACCESS III)
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Prädiktion des Behandlungserfolges bei Zwang unter Berücksichtigung von Persönlichkeitsakzentuierungen
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Nonmedical use of prescription drugs in the European Union
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Explicit and implicit approach vs. avoidance tendencies towards high vs. low calorie food cues in patients with anorexia nervosa and healthy controls
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Gewaltprävention im Kindes- und Jugendalter im Kurzüberblick
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Mouse and Human Genetic Analyses Associate Kalirin with Ventral Striatal Activation during Impulsivity and with Alcohol Misuse
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S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen - Komorbide psychische Störungen - Allgemein - Schizophrenie - Depression - Bipolare Störungen
Preuss U, Beutel M, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Havemann-Reinecke U, Weber T, Weil G, Schäfer I, Singer M, Mann K, Hoch E
2016. S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen. Mann K, Hoch E, Anil B (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 77-107.

Psychische Komorbiditäten bei alkoholbedingten Störungen
Preuss U, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Havemann-Reinecke U, Schäfer I, Beutel M, Mann K, Hoch E
NERVENARZT. 2016;87(1):26-34.

Depression and anxiety mediate the relationship between temperament and character and psychotic-like experiences in healthy subjects
Prochwicz K, Gawęda Ł
PSYCHIAT RES. 2016;246:195-202.

Evaluation of the 'Jumping to conclusions' bias in different subgroups of the at-risk mental state: from cognitive basic symptoms to UHR criteria
Rausch F, Eisenacher S, Elkin H, Englisch S, Kayser S, Striepens N, Lautenschlager M, Heinz A, Gudlowski Y, Janssen B, Gaebel W, Michel T, Schneider F, Lambert M, Naber D, Juckel G, Krueger-Oezguerdal S, Wobrock T, Hasan A, Riedel M, Moritz S, Müller H, Klosterkötter J, Bechdolf A, Zink M, Wagner M
PSYCHOL MED. 2016;46(10):2071-81.

Aims and structure of the German Research Consortium BipoLife for the study of bipolar disorder
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Reduced frontal theta oscillations indicate altered crossmodal prediction error processing in schizophrenia
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Alpha-Band Oscillations Reflect Altered Multisensory Processing of the McGurk Illusion in Schizophrenia
Roa Romero Y, Keil J, Balz J, Niedeggen M, Gallinat J, Senkowski D

Assessment of health services for people who use drugs in Central Asia: findings of a quantitative survey in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
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Stärker als die Angst. Ein Ratgeber für Menschen mit Angst- und Panikstörungen und deren Angehörige
Rufer M, Alsleben H, Weiss A

Transfer after Dual n-Back Training Depends on Striatal Activation Change
Salminen T, Kühn S, Frensch P, Schubert T
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Increased integrity of white matter pathways after dual n-back training
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Substanzbezogene Störungen als Ursache und als Folge früher Gewalt: Grundlagen, Therapie und Prävention im BMBF-Forschungsverbund CANSAS
Schäfer I, Barnow S, Pawils S

S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen - Komorbide psychische Störungen - Angststörungen - Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS)
Schäfer I, Preuss U, Beutel M, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Havemann-Reinecke U, Weber T, Weil G, Singer M, Mann K, Hoch E
2016. S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen. Mann K, Hoch E, Anil B (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 107-113.

Integrierte Versorgung für Borderline-Patienten – ein längst überfälliges Konzept
Schindler A, Lambert M, Karow A, Gallinat J, Schäfer I
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2016;43(08):409-410.

Measuring fluctuations in paranoia: Validity and psychometric properties of brief state versions of the Paranoia Checklist
Schlier B, Moritz S, Lincoln T
PSYCHIAT RES. 2016;241:323-32.

Psychosocial Determinants of Cannabis Dependence A Systematic Review of the Literature
Schlossarek S, Kempkensteffen J, Reimer J, Verthein U
EUR ADDICT RES. 2016;22(3):131-44.

Meta-analysis on the effectiveness of alcohol screening with brief interventions for patients in emergency care settings
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Investigating the efficacy of an individualized metacognitive therapy program (MCT+) for psychosis: study protocol of a multi-center randomized controlled trial
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Association Splitting: A randomized controlled trial of a new method to reduce craving among inpatients with alcohol dependence
Schneider B, Moritz S, Hottenrott B, Reimer J, Andreou C, Jelinek L
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Internet interventions for depression: new developments
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Dissociation in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders What is the role of different types of childhood adversity?
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Non-prescribed use of opioid substitution medication Patterns and trends in sub-populations of opioid users in Germany
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Psychose - eine mögliche Antwort auf das Leben. Eine persönliche Annäherung
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Quantitative Sensory Testing in adults with Tourette syndrome
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Mirror me - Imitative responses in adults with autism
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The role of unhelpful metacognitive beliefs in psychosis; Relationships with positive symptoms and negative affect
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Genesungsbegleiter und ihre Wirkung in der ambulanten Psychiatrie
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Metakognitives Training für Menschen mit Bipolaren Störungen
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Elucidating the role of Early Maladaptive Schemas for psychotic symptomatology
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Welche Alternativen zu Zwangsmaßnahmen kennen Behandler?
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Psychosoziale Charakteristiken jugendlicher Mädchen mit posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen und Substanzgebrauchsstörungen
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Experten aus Erfahrung – Peerarbeit in der Psychiatrie
Utschakowski J, Sielaff-Toth G, Bock T, Winter A

The opiate dosage adequacy scale for identification of the right methadone dose--a prospective cohort study
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S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen - Komorbide psychische Störungen - Nikotin
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Which routes should psychopharmacological treatment research take in schizophrenia
Wiedemann K, Friede M, von der Goltz C
Die Psychiatrie. 2016;13:113-176.

Autobiographical memory in adult offspring of traumatized parents with and without posttraumatic stress symptoms
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Früherkennung und Frühintervention in der Großstadt – Erfahrungen aus der Früherkennungsambulanz
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Erfahrungen aus 4 Jahren Früherkennungsambulanz: Pathway-to-Care und Charakteristika von insgesamt 622 Patienten
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S3-Leitlinie Methamphetamin-bezogene Störungen - Rückfallprophylaxe
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Does Emotion Dysregulation Mediate the Relationship between Early Maltreatment and Later Substance Dependence? Findings of the CANSAS Study
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Addressing misuse and diversion of opioid substitution medication guidance based on systematic evidence review and real-world experience
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Internetnutzung junger, ersterkrankter Psychosepatienten am Beispiel einer Stichprobe aus der Integrierten Versorgung
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Provision of harm reduction and drug treatment services in custodial settings – Findings from the European ACCESS study
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Verbesserung der Früherkennung und Frühintervention bei Personen mit erhöhtem Risiko für die Entwicklung einer bipolaren Störung: eine prospektive naturalistische Studie im Verbundprojekt BipoLife

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Blunted autonomic reactivity to pharmacological panic challenge under long-term escitalopram treatment in healthy men
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Behandlung der Depression bei koronarer Herzerkrankung
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The extend of misuse and diversion of medication for opioid substitution treatment: a review and expert opinions
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Depressionen Wie Achtsamkeit helfen kann
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Associations between visual perception accuracy and confidence in a dopaminergic manipulation study
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Factors contributing to social cognition impairment in borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia
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Oscillatory responses to reward processing in borderline personality disorder
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Resting-state theta-band connectivity and verbal memory in schizophrenia and in the high-risk state
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Increased Resting-State Gamma-Band Connectivity in First-Episode Schizophrenia
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Neurocognitive deficits are relevant for the jumping-to-conclusions bias, but not for delusions: A longitudinal study
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Dopamine effects on evidence gathering and integration
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Clinical relevance of as-needed treatment with nalmefene in alcohol dependent patients
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Internetbasierte Behandlung depressiver Symptome bei pathologischen Glücksspielern – Erste Ergebnisse zum Einfluss auf Depressivität und Spielverhalten
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Auf dem Weg zu einer Vision – Linien der Entwicklung der Hamburger Sozialpsychiatrie
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Peer-Support und Peer-research: Beiträge von Erfahrenen zu Versorgung und Forschung
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Psychoedukation ist ein überholtes paternalistisches Konzept - Pro
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Zu diesem Heft: Erfahrung wertschätzen – Chancen von Peer-Begleitung
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Peer-Research - Erfahrungen mit dem Aufbau partizipativer Forschungsstrukturen in Hamburg und internationale Beispiele
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Implementierung und Evaluation von Peer- und Angehörigenbegleitung in Hamburg
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Peer Support für Angehörige - quantitative und qualitative Ergebnisse aus Hamburger Klinikambulanzen
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Wenn Stigma tödlich wird, kann Fortbildung lebensrettend sein: Zur konstruktiven Wirkung trialogischer Fortbildung bei der Hamburger Polizei
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Wohin geht die Reise? Offene Fragen und eine Vision
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Visual Attention and Saccadic Oculomotor Control in Parkinson's Disease
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Hippocampal and cerebellar atrophy in patients with Cushing's disease
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Anticipatory anxiety in phobic postural vertigo patients – functional indicators for anxiety-related disorder
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Bridging psychophysiological and phenomenological characteristics of psychosis – Preliminary evidence for the relevance of emotion regulation
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Neue Medien in der Therapie des Zwangs
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Mindfulness for OCD? No evidence for a direct effect of a self-help treatment approach
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Olanzapine or chlorpromazine plus lithium in first episode psychotic mania: An 8-week randomised controlled trial
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The Auditory Evoked Gamma-Band Response in the Ketamine Model of Schizophrenia
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Reduced early auditory evoked gamma-band response in ketamine model of schizophrenia
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Incomplete Hippocampal Inversion: A Comprehensive MRI Study of Over 2000 Subjects
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Overnight suppression of HPA axis after mineraolocorticoid receptor stimulation: A sleep endocrine study
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MicroRNA Profiling of CSF Reveals Potential Biomarkers to Detect Alzheimer`s Disease
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Alterations of cerebral glutamate in the euthymic state of patients with bipolar disorder
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Investigation of metamemory functioning in the at-risk mental state for psychosis
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Self-reported cravings for heroin and cocaine during maintenance treatment with slow-release oral morphine compared with methadone: a randomized, crossover clinical trial
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Psychische Gesundheit und Lebensqualität im Fokus einer Intervention für Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern (CHIMPs) - eine kontrolliert randomisierte Multicenterstudie.
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Die CHIMPs-Beratung: eine familienorientierte Intervention für chronisch kranke Eltern und ihre Kinder - eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Multicenterstudie.
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An online programme to reduce depression in patients with multiple sclerosis: a randomised controlled trial.
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Psychopharmakotherapie der Schizophrenie
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Deep brain stimulation to reduce sexual drive
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Psychosis Complicating Friedreich Ataxia
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Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in patients with pathological gambling and internet use disorder
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Prefrontal and Striatal Glutamate Differently Relate to Striatal Dopamine: Potential Regulatory Mechanisms of Striatal Presynaptic Dopamine Function?
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Frauen mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung und substanzbezogener Störung – klinische Charakteristika
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psychenet - das Hamburger Netz psychische Gesundheit
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Erforschung von Peerarbeit: das Hamburger Peerprojekt
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Implementierung von Peer-Arbeit
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Stimulation of the mineralocorticoid receptor improves memory in young and elderly healthy individuals
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Memorandum Evidenzbasierung in der Suchtprävention - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
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What goes on in the resting-state? A qualitative glimpse into resting-state experience in the scanner
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Religiosität bei Psychosen - Fluch oder Segen?
Iljin J, Klapheck K, Ruppelt F, Bock T
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Integrierte Versorgung - Einfluss eines frühzeitigen Einschlusses in die Integrierte Versorgung auf das symptomatische Outcome bei Patienten mit Erstmanifestation einer Psychose.
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Steroid-synthesis inhibition in depression: a good idea?
Jahn H
LANCET PSYCHIAT. 2015;3(2):92-93.

Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT) [Buch]
Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Moritz S
2015. Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT). 1. Aufl. Beltz, .

Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT). Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie und mehr!
Jelinek L, Moritz S
Info Neurol Psych. 2015;17(1):38-44.

Personality and Substance Use: Psychometric Evaluation and Validation of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) in English, Irish, French, and German Adolescents
Jurk S, Kuitunen-Paul S, Kroemer N, Artiges E, Banaschewski T, Bokde A, Büchel C, Conrod P, Fauth-Bühler M, Flor H, Frouin V, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Heinz A, Mann K, Nees F, Paus T, Pausova Z, Poustka L, Rietschel M, Schumann G, Struve M, Smolka M
ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES. 2015;39(11):2234-48.

Tic Phenomenology and Tic Awareness in Adults With Autism
Kahl U, Schunke O, Schöttle D, David N, Brandt V, Bäumer T, Rösner V, Münchau A, Ganos C
MOV DISORD CLIN PRAC. 2015;2:237-242.

A Pilot Study of Seeking Safety in a Sample of German Women Outpatients with Substance Dependence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Kaiser D, Grundmann J, Schulze C, Stubenvoll M, Kosar M, Junker M, Najavits L, Schäfer I
J PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS. 2015;47(5):401-408.

Früherkennung und Integrierte Versorgung von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen mit psychotischen Störungen (ACCESS III Studie): Einfluss auf die Dauer der unbehandelten Psychose und die psychofunktionale Remission
Karow A, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Kosten und Effizienz nationaler und internationaler Versorgungsmodelle
für Personen mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen
Karow A, Schöttle D, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Früherkennung von Psychosen: Die Früherkennungsambulanz für psychische Störungen für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene.
Karow A, Sengutta M, Wittmann L, Lambert M
PiD-Psychother Dialog. 2015;2015(3):38-42.

Predictors of treatment dropout in self-guided web-based interventions for depression: An ‘‘individual patient data’’ meta-analysis
Karyotaki E, Kleiboer A, Smit F, Turner D, Pastor A, Andersson G, Berger T, Botella C, Breton J, Carlbring P, Christensen H, deGraaf E, Griffiths K, Donker T, Farrer L, Huibers M, Lenndin J, A. M, Meyer B, Moritz S, Riper H, Spek V, Vernmark K, Cuijpers P
PSYCHOL MED. 2015;45(13):2717-2726.

Folgen von Misshandlung im Kindes-und Jugendalter.
Klitzing K, Goldbeck L, Brunner R, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K, Heim C, Heinrichs N, Schäfer I
Trauma & Gewalt. 2015;9(2):122-133.

Gesundheitliche Versorgung und sozioökonomische Situation von Familien mit chronisch erkrankten und behinderten Kindern
Kofahl C, Lüdecke D
Kinder- und Jugendarzt. 2015;46(11):667-674.

Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Plasma Concentration of the Appetite-Regulating Peptide Ghrelin
Koopmann A, Bez J, Lemenager T, Hermann D, Dinter C, Reinhard I, Hoffmann H, Wiedemann K, Winterer G, Kiefer F
ANN NUTR METAB. 2015;66(2-3):155-61.

The Latent Dementia Phenotype δ is Associated with Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease and Predicts Conversion to Dementia in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Koppara A, Wolfsgruber S, Kleineidam L, Schmidtke K, Frölich L, Kurz A, Schulz S, Hampel H, Heuser I, Peters O, Reischies F, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hüll M, Gertz H, Schröder J, Pantel J, Rienhoff O, Rüther E, Henn F, Wiltfang J, Maier W, Jessen F, Kornhuber J, Wagner M
J ALZHEIMERS DIS. 2015;49(2):547-60.

Gamma Oszillationen bei der Verarbeitung physisch salienter Reize und deren Assoziation mit schizophrener Symptomatik
Kornmayer L, Leicht G, Mulert C
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Increased gamma oscillations evoked by physically salient distracters are associated with schizotypy
Kornmayer L, Leicht G, Mulert C
BRAIN TOPOGR. 2015;28(1):153-61.

Individualisiertes Metakognitives Therapieprogramm für Menschen mit Psychose (MKT+)
Krieger E, Fieker M, Moritz S, Nagel M
PiD-Psychother Dialog. 2015;16:64-68.

Hair cortisol and cortisol awakening response are associated with criteria of the metabolic syndrome in opposite directions
Kuehl L, Hinkelmann K, Muhtz C, Dettenborn-Betz L, Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Kirschbaum C, Wiedemann K, Otte C

Brains online: structural and functional correlates of habitual Internet use
Kühn S, Gallinat J
ADDICT BIOL. 2015;20(2):415-22.

From mother to child: orbitofrontal cortex gyrification and changes of drinking behaviour during adolescence
Kühn S, Witt C, Banaschewski T, Barbot A, Barker G, Büchel C, Conrod P, Flor H, Garavan H, Ittermann B, Mann K, Martinot J, Paus T, Rietschel M, Smolka M, Ströhle A, Brühl R, Schumann G, Heinz A, Gallinat J

Using the back door: Metacognitive training for psychosis
Kumar D, Menon M, Moritz S, Woodward T
PSYCHOSIS. 2015;7(2):166-178.

Erwünschte Wirkungen von Antipsychotika
Lambert M
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Integrated care including assertive outreach in severe mental illness
Lambert M
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Sollen beim Prodromalstadium der Schizophrenie Neuroleptika (Antipsychotika) zur Psychoseprävention eingesetzt werden - Pro?

Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Sollen bei Prodromalstadien der Schizophrenie Antipsychotika zur Psychoseprävention eingesetzt werden? Pro
Lambert M, Correll C
NERVENARZT. 2015;86(11):1420-3.

Schizophrenie – Pharmakotherapie
Lambert M, Fleischhacker W
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

4-Jahres Ergebnisse des Hamburger Netzes Psychische Gesundheit psychenet: Aufklärung und Entstigmatisierung, Webportal und Peer-Begleitung
Lambert M, Härter M
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Verbesserung von Aufklärung, Wissen und Stigmatisierung psychischer Erkrankungen in der Hamburger Bevölkerung
Lambert M, Härter M, Arnold D, Dirmaier J, Tlach L, Liebherz S, Sänger S, Karow A, Brandes A, Sielaff-Toth G, Bock T
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2015;42 (Suppl 1):S9-S13.

Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung von Wissen und Stigmatisierung psychischer Erkrankungen in der Hamburger Bevölkerung
Lambert M, Härter M, Bock T, Brandes A, Dirmaier J
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Transfer und Verstetigung von innovativen Aufklärungs- und Bildungsmaßnahmen, e-Mental Health und Versorgungsmodellen in psychenet - Hamburger Netz psychische Gesundheit
Lambert M, Härter M, Brandes A, Hillebrandt B, Schlüter C, Quante S
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2015;42 Suppl 1:S80-8.

Alters- und fachübergreifende Versorgung von Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit schweren psychotischen Störungen: 8 Jahre Hamburger Modell
Lambert M, Karow A, Schöttle D, Ruppelt F, Rohenkohl A, Lüdecke D, Gallinat J
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Neue Versorgungsansätze für Personen mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen
Lambert M, Riedel-Heller S
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Evidenzbasierte Maßnahmen zur Verkürzung der Dauer der unbehandelten Psychose und Integrierte Versorgung bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen mit Psychosen
Lambert M, Schöttle D, Karow A, Sengutta M, Lüdecke D, Nawara L, Wittmann L, Sarikaya G, Gallinat J
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Integrierte Versorgung für erst- und mehrfacherkrankte Patienten mit schweren psychotischen Erkrankungen: 3-Jahres-Ergebnisse des Hamburger Modells
Lambert M, Schöttle D, Ruppelt F, Lüdecke D, Sarikaya G, Schulte-Markwort M, Gallinat J, Karow A
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2015;58(4-5):408-19.

Früherkennung und integrierte Versorgung von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen mit schweren psychotischen Erkrankungen
Lambert M, Schöttle D, Sengutta M, Lüdecke D, Nawara A, Galling B, Handwerk U, Rothländer W, Falk A, Rietschel L, Gagern C, Sarikaya G, Wittmann L, Ruppelt F, Daubmann A, Lange B, Naber D, Schulte-Markwort M, Unger H, Ott S, Romer G, Krüger H, Gallinat J, Wegscheider K, Bock T, Karow A
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2015;42 Suppl 1:S49-53.

Early Detection and Integrated Care in Adolescents and Young Adults with Severe Psychotic Illnesses
Lambert M, Schöttle D, Sengutta M, Lüdecke D, Nawara L, Galling B, Handwerk U, Rothlander W, Falk A, Rietschel L, Gagern C, Sarikaya G, Wittmann L, Ruppelt F, Daubmann A, Lange B, Naber D, Schulte-Markwort M, Unger H, Ott S, Romer G, Krüger H, Gallinat J, Wegscheider K, Bock T, Karow A
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2015;42(Suppl. 1):S49-S53.

Hochfrequente Gamma-Oszillationen und die Glutamat-Hypothese der Schizophrenie
Leicht G
2015. 29. AGNP Symposium 2015. .

Veränderungen hochfrequenter EEG-Oszillationen in der Schizophrenie und der Zusammenhang zur Glutamat-Hypothese
Leicht G
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Alterations of the auditory evoked gamma band response in first episode schizophrenia patients
Leicht G, Andreou C, Polomac N, Lanig C, Schöttle D, Lambert M, Mulert C
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Reduced auditory evoked gamma band response and cognitive processing deficits in first episode schizophrenia
Leicht G, Andreou C, Polomac N, Lanig C, Schöttle D, Lambert M, Mulert C
WORLD J BIOL PSYCHIA. 2015;16(6):387-397.

Alterations of the auditory evoked gamma band response in schizophrenia: disturbed gamma-band specific network revealed by means of EEG-informed fMRI
Leicht G, Vauth S, Polomac N, Andreou C, Rauh J, Mußmann M, Mulert C
2015. 4th International Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology and Treatment Guidance. .

Angebote zur Früherkennung von Psychosen und bipolaren Störungen in Deutschland: Bestandsaufnahme
Leopold K, Nikolaides A, Bauer M, Bechdolf A, Correll C, Jessen F, Juckel G, Karow A, Lambert M, Klosterkötter J, Ruhrmann S, Pfeiffer S, Pfennig A
NERVENARZT. 2015;86(3):352-8.

Investigations on CXCL13 in anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis: a potential biomarker of treatment response
Leypoldt F, Höftberger R, Titulaer M, Armangue T, Gresa-Arribas N, Jahn H, Rostásy K, Schlumberger W, Meyer T, Wandinger K, Rosenfeld M, Graus F, Dalmau J
JAMA NEUROL. 2015;72(2):180-6.

Dealing with feeling. Specific emotion regulations skills predict responses to stress in psychosis
Lincoln T, Hartmann M, Köther U, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2015;228(2):216-222.

Do People With Psychosis Have Specific Difficulties Regulating Emotions?
Lincoln T, Hartmann M, Köther U, Moritz S
CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. 2015;22(6):637-646.

Responses to stress in patients with psychotic disorders compared to persons with varying levels of vulnerability to psychosis, persons with depression and healthy controls
Lincoln T, Köther U, Hartmann M, Kempkensteffen J, Moritz S
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2015;47:92-101.

Hippocampal volume and functional connectivity changes during the female menstrual cycle
Lisofsky N, Martensson J, Eckert A, Lindenberger U, Gallinat J, Kühn S
NEUROIMAGE. 2015;118:154-162.

Interactions between glutamate, dopamine, and the neuronal signature of response inhibition in the human striatum
Lorenz R, Gleich T, Buchert R, Schlagenhauf F, Kühn S, Gallinat J
HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2015;36(10):4031-40.

Video game training and the reward system
Lorenz R, Gleich T, Gallinat J, Kühn S

Wirksamkeit des „Learning how to ask“ Trainings zum Erfragen von Traumatisierungen in der ambulanten Suchthilfe – Eine Cluster-randomisierte kontrollierte Studie
Lotzin A, Buth S, Hiller P, Härter M, Schäfer I
SUCHTTHERAPIE. 2015;16:41.

Effekte des "Learning how to ask" Trainings zum Erfragen von Traumatisierungen in der ambulanten Suchthilfe - Eine Cluster-randomisierte kontrollierte Studie
Lotzin A, Buth S, Hiller P, Metzner F, Pawils S, Härter M, Schäfer I
Trauma & Gewalt. 2015;9(2):53.

Post-injection delirium/sedation syndrome in patients treated with olanzapine pamoate: mechanism, incidence, and management
Lüdecke D, Schöttle D, Karow A, Lambert M, Naber D
CNS DRUGS. 2015;29(1):41-6.

Integrierte Versorgung von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen mit schweren psychotischen Störungen: Ergebnisse der ACCESS-III-Studie.
Lüdecke D, Schöttle D, Sengutta M, Wittmann L, Nawara L, Rohenkohl A, Ruppelt F, Sarikaya G, Gallinat J, Karow A, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Long-term effects of enriched environment on neurofunctional outcome and CNS lesion volume after traumatic brain injury in rats
Maegele M, Braun M, Wafaisade A, Schäfer N, Lippert-Gruener M, Kreipke C, Rafols J, Schäfer U, Angelov D, Stuermer E
PHYSIOL RES. 2015;64(1):129-45.

Peer-Begleitung für Erfahrene schwerer und langfristiger psychischer Störungen und Angehörige - Hintergrund, Konzept und Baseline-Daten
Mahlke C, Heumann K, Ruppelt F, Meyer H, Rouhiainen T, Sielaff-Toth G, Lambert M, Bock T
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2015;42 Suppl 1:S25-9.

Bedeutung und Wirksamkeit von Peer-Arbeit in der psychiatrischen Versorgung: Übersicht des internationalen Forschungsstandes
Mahlke C, Thomas B, Kilian R, Krämer U
NERVENHEILKUNDE. 2015;4(34):35-39.

Peak experiences and the afterglow phenomenon: when and how do therapeutic effects of hallucinogens depend on psychedelic experiences?
Majić T, Schmidt T, Gallinat J
J PSYCHOPHARMACOL. 2015;29(3):241-53.

Diagnostik komplexer posttraumatischer Symptome bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Traumaentwicklungsstörung
Marin N, Diesing A, Richter-Appelt H, Metzner F
Trauma & Gewalt. 2015;9(2):90.

History of offending behavior in first episode psychosis patients: a marker of specific clinical needs and a call for early detection strategies among young offenders
Marion-Veyron R, Lambert M, Cotton S, Schimmelmann B, Gravier B, McGorry P, Conus P
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2015;161(2-3):163-8.

Unterschätzt oder überbetont? - Ergebnisse zu Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten hinsichtlich psychosozialer Belastungen von Familien mit Migrationshintergrund versus Familien ohne Migrationshintergrund aus dem Sozialen Frühwarnsystem
Metzner F
2015. Armut und Gesundheit. 5.

Komplexe Traumafolgestörungen bei minderjährigen unbegleiteten Flüchtlingen - Erste Ergebnisse aus der Flüchtlingsambulanz für Kinder und Jugendliche am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Metzner F, Reher C, Klasen F
Trauma & Gewalt. 2015;9(2):135.

Internetbasierte Unterstützung der Depressionsbehandlung. Das Online-Programm Deprexis
Meyer B, Berger T, Moritz S
2015. Geht die Psychotherapie ins Netz? Möglichkeiten und Probleme von Therapie und Beratung im Internet. Krieger A, Winter H, Müller U, Ochs M, Broicher W (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 33-50.

Effects of an internet intervention (Deprexis) on severe depression symptoms: Randomized controlled trial
Meyer B, Bierbrodt J, Schröder J, Berger T, Beevers C, Weiss M, Jacob G, Späth C, Anderssson G, Lutz W, Hautzinger M, Löwe B, Rose M, Hohagen F, Caspar F, Greiner W, Moritz S, Klein J
INTERNET INTERV. 2015;2(1):48-59.

Neural mechanisms of placebo anxiolysis
Meyer B, Yuen K, Ertl M, Polomac N, Mulert C, Büchel C, Kalisch R
J NEUROSCI. 2015;35(19):7365-73.

Breaking Meth, ein Online-Selbsthilfeangebot für Menschen mit Methamphetamin-Erfahrung: Vorstellung des Portals und erste Evaluationsergebnisse
Milin S, Schäfer I
SUCHTTHERAPIE. 2015;16(S31):4.

Was weiß und denkt die Bevölkerung über psychische Erkrankungen? Ergebnisevaluation der psychenet-Aufklärungskampagne.
Mnich E, Makowski A, Kofahl C, Lambert M, Bock T, Angermeyer M, von dem Knesebeck O
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2015;42(Suppl 1):20-24.

Apolipoprotein E-dependent load of white matter hyperintensities in Alzheimer's disease: a voxel-based lesion mapping study
Morgen K, Schneider M, Frölich L, Tost H, Plichta M, Kölsch H, Rakebrandt F, Rienhoff O, Jessen F, Peters O, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hüll M, Gertz H, Schröder J, Hampel H, Teipel S, Pantel J, Heuser I, Wiltfang J, Rüther E, Kornhuber J, Maier W, Meyer-Lindenberg A
ALZHEIMERS RES THER. 2015;7(1):27.

Mindfulness and relaxation treatment reduce depressive symptoms in individuals with psychosis
Moritz S, Cludius B, Hottenrott B, Schneider B, Saathoff K, Kuelz A, Gallinat J
EUR PSYCHIAT. 2015;30(6):709-714.

Evaluation of Inference-Based Therapy (Doubt Therapy) as a Self-Help Tool for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Moritz S, Dietl C, Kersten J, Aardama F, O'Connor K
J COGN PSYCHOTHER. 2015;29(4):315-330.

No pain, no gain? Adverse effects of psychotherapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder and its relationship to treatment gains
Moritz S, Fieker M, Hottenrott B, Seeralan T, Cludius B, Kolbeck K, Gallinat J, Nestoriuc Y
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2015;5:61-66.

Subjective competence breeds overconfidence in errors in psychosis. A hubris account of paranoia
Moritz S, Göritz A, Gallinat J, Schafschetzy M, Van Quaquebeke N, Peters M, Andreou C
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2015;48:118-124.

Stress is a bad advisor. Stress primes poor decision making in deluded psychotic patients
Moritz S, Köther U, Hartmann M, Lincoln T
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2015;265(6):461-469.

The benefits of doubt: cognitive bias correction reduces hasty decision-making in schizophrenia
Moritz S, Mayer-Stassfurth H, Endlich L, Andreou C, Ramdani N, Petermann F, Balzan R
COGNITIVE THER RES. 2015;39(5):627-635.

The other side of “madness”: Frequencies of positive and ambivalent attitudes towards prominent positive symptoms in psychosis
Moritz S, Rietschel L, Veckenstedt R, Bohn F, Schneider B, Lincoln T, Karow A
PSYCHOSIS. 2015;7(1):14-24.

Metacognition-augmented cognitive remediation training reduces jumping to conclusions and overconfidence but not neurocognitive deficits in psychosis
Moritz S, Thoering T, Kühn S, Willenborg B, Westermann S, Nagel M
FRONT PSYCHOL. 2015;6:1048.

Soziale Unterstützungsbedarfsdiagnosen (Z-Diagnosen, ICD-10) bei schweren psychotischen Erkrankungen: Vergleich zwischen Erst- und Mehrfacherkrankten
Nawara L, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Strukturelle Dissoziation und Körperlichkeit bei Dissoziativer Identitätsstörung
Nick S
2015. Jahrestagung. Traumafachgesellschaft D (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Klett-Cotta, 94-96.

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der traumaspezifischen Arbeit in der Psychiatrischen Institutsambulanz
Nick S, Schäfer I
Kerbe - Forum für Sozialpsychiatrie. 2015;3:17-19. ein neues online Psychoedukationsportal für Personen mit Psychosen und deren Angehörige.
Niehaus V, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Prise en charge holistique des victimes de la violence conjugale : une étude rétrospective de 243 cas colligés à Isange One Stop Center, Hôpital de Police de Kacyiru, Kigali, Rwanda
Nyamwasa D, Ndejuru R, Schäfer I, Sinayobye F, Munyankindi L, Munyashongore C
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Der Arzt Albert Schweitzer: Weltweit vernetzte Tropenmedizin zwischen Forschen, Heilen und Ethik
Ohls I
2015. Der Arzt Albert Schweitzer. 1. Aufl. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1-466.

Mineralocorticoid receptor stimulation improves cognitive function and decreases cortisol secretion in depressed patients and healthy individuals
Otte C, Wingenfeld K, Kuehl L, Kaczmarczyk M, Richter S, Quante A, Regen F, Bajbouj M, Zimmermann-Viehoff F, Wiedemann K, Hinkelmann K
NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL. 2015;40(2):386-93.

Stellenwert und Umsetzung der Prävention in Deutschland - Eine bundesweite Befragung von Entscheidungsträgern in GKV-Spitzenverband, Bund, Ländern und Kommunen
Pawils S, Boettcher A, Metzner F, Plaumann M, Walter U
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2015;77(S01):S12-S13.

Perceptual Integration Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorders Are Associated with Reduced Interhemispheric Gamma-Band Coherence
Peiker I, David N, Schneider T, Nolte G, Schöttle D, Engel A
J NEUROSCI. 2015;35(50):16352-61.

Stronger Neural Modulation by Visual Motion Intensity in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Peiker I, Schneider T, Milne E, Schöttle D, Vogeley K, Münchau A, Schunke O, Siegel M, Engel A, David N
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(7):Art. e0132531.

Generators and Connectivity of the Early Auditory Evoked Gamma Band Response
Polomac N, Leicht G, Nolte G, Andreou C, Schneider T, Steinmann S, Engel A, Mulert C
BRAIN TOPOGR. 2015;28(6):865-78.

MEG reveals alterations of the auditory evoked gamma band response in first episode schizophrenia
Polomac N, Leicht G, Nolte G, Andreou C, Schneider T, Steinmann S, Engel A, Mulert C
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Cerebrospinal fluid cortisol and clinical disease progression in MCI and dementia of Alzheimer's type
Popp J, Wolfsgruber S, Heuser I, Peters O, Hüll M, Schröder J, Möller H, Lewczuk P, Schneider A, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Perneczky R, Frölich L, Wagner M, Maier W, Wiltfang J, Kornhuber J, Jessen F
NEUROBIOL AGING. 2015;36(2):601-7.

Managing Neuropsychological Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: Pilot Study on a Standardized Metacognitive Intervention
Pöttgen J, Lau S, Penner I, Heesen C, Moritz S
Int J MS Care. 2015;17(3):130-7.

Neuronal correlates of working memory deficits in high-risk state for psychosis revealed by EEG-informed fMRI
Rauh J, Leicht G, Mußmann M, Vauth S, Polomac N, Andreou C, Mulert C
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Auditory mismatch negativity and repetition suppression deficits in schizophrenia explained by irregular computation of prediction error
Rentzsch J, Shen C, Jockers-Scherübl M, Gallinat J, Neuhaus A
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(5):e0126775.

Clinical high risk for psychosis gender differences in symptoms and social functioning
Rietschel L, Lambert M, Karow A, Zink M, Müller H, Heinz A, de Millas W, Janssen B, Gaebel W, Schneider F, Naber D, Juckel G, Krüger-Özgürdal S, Wobrock T, Wagner M, Maier W, Klosterkötter J, Bechdolf A

Verlauf von Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit schweren psychotischen Störungen innerhalb der Integrierten Versorgung (Hamburger Modell)
Rohenkohl A, Lambert M, Gallinat J, Karow A, Lüdecke D, Nawara L, Sarikaya G, Schöttle D, Sengutta M, Wittmann L, Ruppelt F
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Erfassung der Lebensqualität bei PsychosepatientInnen – psychometrische Analyse des Q-LES-Q-18 Fragebogens
Rohenkohl A, Ruppelt F, Gallinat J, Karow A, Lüdecke D, Nawara L, Sarikaya G, Schöttle D, Sengutta M, Wittmann L, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Sensory properties of obsessive thoughts in OCD and the relationship to psychopathology
Röhlinger J, Wulf F, Fieker M, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2015;230(2):592-596.

Der trialogische Hotline- und SKYPE-Beratungsservice des Hamburger Netz Psychische Gesundheit (psychenet): Inanspruchnahme, Anliegen und Zufriedenheit mit der Beratung
Rosendahl H, Wittmann L, Gielen R, Olbrich B, Iljin J, Sengutta M, Sarikaya G, Gallinat J, Karow A, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Association of Protein Phosphatase PPM1G With Alcohol Use Disorder and Brain Activity During Behavioral Control in a Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis
Ruggeri B, Nymberg C, Vuoksimaa E, Lourdusamy A, Wong C, Carvalho F, Jia T, Cattrell A, Macare C, Banaschewski T, Barker G, Bokde A, Bromberg U, Büchel C, Conrod P, Fauth-Bühler M, Flor H, Frouin V, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Gowland P, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Martinot J, Nees F, Pausova Z, Paus T, Rietschel M, Robbins T, Smolka M, Spanagel R, Bakalkin G, Mill J, Sommer W, Rose R, Yan J, Aliev F, Dick D, Kaprio J, Desrivières S, Schumann G
AM J PSYCHIAT. 2015;172(6):543-52.

Peer-Stadt Hamburg - doppelte Peerberatung an der Schnittstelle ambulant - stationär: Hamburger Peer-Projekt im Psychenet-Programm
Ruppelt F, Mahlke C, Heumann K, Sielaff-Toth G, Bock T
NERVENHEILKUNDE. 2015;34(4):259-262.

Auswirkungen einer komorbiden Suchtstörung auf den 4-Jahres-Behandlungsverlauf im Rahmen der Integrierten Versorgung bei Menschen mit psychotischen Störungen
Ruppelt F, Rohenkohl A, Schöttle D, Lüdecke D, Gallinat J, Karow A, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Early Improvement As a Predictor of Later Response to Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia: A Diagnostic Test Review
Samara M, Leucht C, Leeflang M, Anghelescu I, Chung Y, Crespo-Facorro B, Elkis H, Hatta K, Giegling I, Kane J, Kayo M, Lambert M, Lin C, Möller H, Pelayo-Terán J, Riedel M, Rujescu D, Schimmelmann B, Serretti A, Correll C, Leucht S
AM J PSYCHIAT. 2015;172(7):617-29.

Dauer der unbehandelten Psychose (DUP) und Wege in die Behandlung (Pathway-to-Care) bei Patienten in der frühen Entwicklungsphase einer psychotischen Störung (PTC-Studie)
Sarikaya G, Sengutta M, Wittmann L, Lüdecke D, Iljin J, Ruppelt F, Rohenkohl A, Schöttle D, Gallinat J, Karow A, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Der Einfluss der Dauer der unbehandelten Psychose (DUP) auf das 6- sowie 12-monatige Behandlungsergebnis bei Patienten in der frühen Entwicklungsphase einer psychotischen Störung
Sarikaya G, Sengutta M, Wittmann L, Lüdecke D, Rosendahl H, Rohenkohl A, Ruppelt F, Schöttle D, Gallinat J, Karow A, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Posttraumatische Störungen bei Patienten mit Erkrankungen aus dem schizophrenen Formenkreis
Schäfer I, Eiroa-Orosa F, Schroeder K, Harfst T, Aderhold V
NERVENARZT. 2015;86:818-25.

Wie können wirksame Ansätze zur Diagnostik und Behandlung von Traumafolgen ein Teil der Routineversorgung werden? Projekte zur Dissemination und Implementierung von Interventionen im Rahmen der BMBF-Verbünde zu Missbrauch, Vernachlässigung und Gewalt.
Schäfer I, Goldbeck L, Rosner R
Trauma & Gewalt. 2015;9(2):160-167.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorders and Addiction
Schäfer I, Langeland W
2015. Co-occurring Addictive and Psychiatric Disorders: a Practice-Based Handbook from a European Perspective. Dom G, Moggi F (Hrsg.). Springer, 161-177.

Traumatisierungen bei Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen.
Schäfer I, Nick S
Kerbe - Forum für Sozialpsychiatrie. 2015;3:4-7.

Preliminary results on acceptance, feasibility, and subjective efficacy of the add-on group intervention metacognitive training for borderline patients
Schilling L, Moritz S, Köther U, Nagel M
J COGN PSYCHOTHER. 2015;29:153-164.

Attributional "tunnel vision" in patients with borderline personality disorder
Schilling L, Moritz S, Schneider B, Bierbrodt J, Nagel M
J PERS DISORD. 2015;29(6):839-846.

A review on attachment and adolescent substance abuse: Empirical evidence and implications for prevention and treatment
Schindler A, Bröning S
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Exploring Attachment Patterns in Patients With Comorbid Borderline Personality and Substance Use Disorders
Schindler A, Sack P
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The Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences measures nine clusters of psychosis-like experiences: A validation of the German version of the CAPE
Schlier B, Jaya E, Moritz S, Lincoln T
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Searching for non-genetic molecular and imaging PTSD risk and resilience markers: Systematic review of literature and design of the German Armed Forces PTSD biomarker study
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Self-reported symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: rate of endorsement and association with neuropsychological performance in an adult psychiatric sample
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Competitive Memory Training (COMET) for OCD: a self-treatment approach to obsessions
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COGN BEHAV THERAPY. 2015;44(2):142-52.

Wahnbegegnungen: Zugänge zur Paranoia
Schödlbauer M

Evidenzbasierte Interventionen zur Reduktion von Zwangsmaßnahmen bei Personen mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen
Schöttle D, Karow A, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Home Treatment - aufsuchende Behandlung im Hamburger Modell der Integrierten Versorgung
Schöttle D, Ruppelt F, Karow A, Lambert M
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2015;65(3-4):140-5.

2-Jahres-Verlauf von Patienten mit und ohne Zwangseinweisung 2 Jahre vor Aufnahme in die Integrierte Versorgung nach dem Hamburger Modell (ACCESS II Studie)
Schöttle D, Ruppelt F, Schimmelmann B, Karow A, Sarikaya G, Wiedemann K, Rohenkohl A, Gallinat J, Bock T, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Development of a questionnaire measuring Attitudes towards Psychological Online Interventions-the APOI
Schröder J, Sautier L, Kriston L, Berger T, Meyer B, Späth C, Köther U, Nestoriuc Y, Klein J, Moritz S
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2015;187:136-41.

Extrahepatic manifestations of alcohol excess
Schulz K, van Eckert S, Reimer J
2015. Alcohol Abuse and Liver Disease. Neuberger J, DiMartini A (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Wiley-Blackwell, 65-78.

Auswirkungen des frühen Erkrankungsbeginns auf den Verlauf psychotischer Störungen: Analyse von Risikofaktoren
Sengutta M, Lüdecke D, Wittmann L, Sarikaya G, Falk A, Schöttle D, Ruppelt F, Rohenkohl A, Gallinat J, Karow A, Lambert M
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Häufigkeit und Ausprägung psychosenaher Symptome im Rahmen von Affektiven- und Persönlichkeitsstörungen bei jungen Erwachsenen – am Beispiel einer Kohorte aus der Adoleszentenpsychiatrie
Sengutta M, Wittmann L, Gierk B, Lüdecke D, Sarikaya G, Schöttle D, Ruppelt F, Rohenkohl A, Gallinat J, Lambert M, Karow A
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Dysfunctional prefrontal gamma-band oscillations reflect working memory and other cognitive deficits in schizophrenia
Senkowski D, Gallinat J
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2015;77(12):1010-9.

Programm Babylotse - Modellhafte Evaluation der Wirksamkeit eines Sozialen Frühwarnsystems
Siefert S, Pawils S, Schwinn A, Koch-Gromus U, Metzner F, Reiß F
Z GEBURTSH NEONATOL. 2015;5(219):P10_4.

„Helfen, ein Gegenüber zu bleiben“. Angehörigen-Peer-Beratung – Qualifizierung und Resonanz
Sielaff-Toth G, Janßen L, Boden I, Ruppelt F, Kummetat J, Bock T
NERVENHEILKUNDE. 2015;34(4):253-257.

Cannabis use in early adolescence: Evidence of amygdala hypersensitivity to signals of threat
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DEV COGN NEUROS-NETH. 2015;16:63-70.

Innovative Behandlungsstrategien für die Folgen von sexuellem und physischem Missbrauch in der Kindheit. Ein Einblick in im Rahmen des BMBF-Verbundes Missbrauch, Vernachlässigung und Gewalt geförderte Psychotherapieforschungsstudien.
Steil R, Bohus M, Heinrichs N, Rosner R, Schäfer I
Trauma & Gewalt. 2015;9(2):148-159.

Auditory verbal hallucinations related to altered interhemispheric connectivity
Steinmann S, Leicht G, Andreou C, Polomac N, Mulert C
2015. 4th International Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology and Treatment Guidance: Final Program and Abstract Book. .

EEG-Studie zur interhemisphärischen Konnektivität und dem Auftreten von akustisch-verbalen Halluzinationen
Steinmann S, Leicht G, Andreou C, Polomac N, Mulert C
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection among people receiving opioid substitution therapy (ECHO): study protocol
Strada L, Schulte B, Schmidt C, Verthein U, Cremer-Schaeffer P, Krückeberg S, Reimer J
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The Brain's Response to Reward Anticipation and Depression in Adolescence: Dimensionality, Specificity, and Longitudinal Predictions in a Community-Based Sample
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Better dual-task processing in simultaneous interpreters
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Integrative Behandlung von Frauen mit alkoholbezogenen Störungen und Traumaerfahrungen
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Is the content of persecutory delusions relevant to self-esteem?
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In vivo biocompatibility of a new cyanine dye for ILM peeling
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The effects of glutamatergic modulation on human auditory perception and behavioural changes in a mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm
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Genomic architecture of human neuroanatomical diversity
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Sexueller Missbrauch im Schlaf: Opfer/Täter im Schlaf--ein Update
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Sexual behavior and its correlates after traumatic brain injury
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Feeling smart: Effects of caffeine and glucose on cognition, mood and self-judgment
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Mental symptoms and drug use in maintenance treatment with slow-release oral morphine compared to methadone: results of a randomized crossover study
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Versorgung Zwangserkrankter mit kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie als Behandlungsmethode erster Wahl
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Integrierte Versorgung – führt ein frühzeitiger Einschluss in die Integrierte Versorgung zu höheren Remissionsraten nach 12 Monaten Behandlung bei jungen Patienten mit Erstmanifestation einer Psychose?
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2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Subthreshold Depression and Regional Brain Volumes in Young Community Adolescents
Vulser H, Lemaitre H, Artiges E, Miranda R, Penttilä J, Struve M, Fadai T, Kappel V, Grimmer Y, Goodman R, Stringaris A, Poustka L, Conrod P, Frouin V, Banaschewski T, Barker G, Bokde A, Bromberg U, Büchel C, Flor H, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Gowland P, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Lawrence C, Loth E, Mann K, Nees F, Paus T, Pausova Z, Rietschel M, Robbins T, Smolka M, Schumann G, Martinot J, Paillère-Martinot M
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Brief bursts of infrasound may improve cognitive function--an fMRI study
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CHIMPs - Ein multizentrisches Projekt für Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern
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Auditory verbal hallucinations and the interhemispheric auditory pathway in chronic schizophrenia
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Investigation of automatic avoidance in displaced individuals with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
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Cognitive Bias Modification bei Pathologischem Glücksspiel mit Hilfe einer online-basierten Approach-Avoidance Task
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The approach-avoidance task as an online intervention in cigarette smoking: a pilot study
Wittekind C, Feist A, Schneider B, Moritz S, Fritzsche A
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Depression, not PTSD, is associated with attentional biases for emotional visual cues in early traumatized individuals with PTSD
Wittekind C, Muhtz C, Jelinek L, Moritz S
FRONT PSYCHOL. 2015;5(1474):.

Pathway-to-Care und Charakteristika von 262 Patienten, die sich innerhalb von 2 Jahren in der Früherkennungsambulanz für psychische Störungen vorgestellt haben
Wittmann L, Lüdecke D, Sengutta M, Iljin J, Ruppelt F, Nawara L, Rohenkohl A, Gallinat J, Schöttle D, Lambert M, Karow A
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .

Pathway-to-Care und Charakteristika von 262 Patienten, die sich innerhalb von 2 Jahren in der Früherkennungsambulanz für psychische Störungen vorgestellt haben
Wittmann L, Lüdecke D, Sengutta M, Ruppelt F, Schöttle D, Sarikaya G, Rohenkohl A, Gallinat J, Lambert M, Karow A
2015. DGPPN-Kongress 2015. .

Prädiktoren psychischer Gesundheit im Vorschulalter
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Subjective cognitive decline is related to CSF biomarkers of AD in patients with MCI
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Soziale Unterstützung bei unbegleiteten minderjährigen Flüchtlingen
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Normalization of sensorimotor integration by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in cervical dystonia
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Effektivität einer zeitigen kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie in Bezug auf das psychosoziale Funktionsvermögen und das Stressmanagement bei Hochrisikopersonen für die Entwicklung einer Bipolaren Störung

2014. DGPPN-Kongress 2014. .

Mortality 15 years after specialised early intervention treatment for the first episode psychosis.

2014. Society of Mental Health Research, Adelaide, South Australia.. .

Influence of religious aspects and personal beliefs on psychological behavior: focus on anxiety disorders
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Circadian rhythmicity, variability and correlation of interleukin-6 levels in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of healthy men
Agorastos A, Hauger R, Barkauskas D, Moeller-Bertram T, Clopton P, Haji U, Lohr J, Geracioti T, Patel P, Chrousos G, Baker D

When time stands still: an integrative review on the role of chronodisruption in posttraumatic stress disorder
Agorastos A, Kellner M, Baker D, Otte C
CURR OPIN PSYCHIATR. 2014;27(5):385-392.

The 5-HTTLPR genotype modulates heart rate variability and its adjustment by pharmacological panic challenge in healthy men
Agorastos A, Kellner M, Stiedl O, Muhtz C, Becktepe J, Wiedemann K, Demiralay C
J PSYCHIATR RES. 2014;50:51-8.

Long-term escitalopram blunts autonomic reactivity to pharmacological panic challenge in healthy men
Agorastos A, Kellner M, Stiedl O, Muhtz C, Wiedemann K, Demiralay C
EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM. 2014;24(Suppl 2):S173.

The 5-HTTLPR genotype modulates heart rate variability and reactivity after pharmacological panic challenge in healthy men
Agorastos A, Kellner M, Stiedl O, Muhtz C, Wiedemann K, Demiralay C
EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM. 2014;24(Suppl 2):172.

The cumulative effect of different childhood trauma types on self-reported symptoms of adult male depression and PTSD, substance abuse and health-related quality of life in a large active-duty military cohort
Agorastos A, Pittman J, Angkaw A, Nievergelt C, Hansen C, Aversa L, Parisi S, Barkauskas D, Baker D
J PSYCHIATR RES. 2014;58:46-54.

The cumulative effect of childhood trauma on adult mental and physical health: results from the Marine Resiliency Study
Agorastos A, Pittman J, Angkaw A, Nievergelt C, Parisi S, Barkauskas D, Baker D
EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM. 2014;24(Suppl 2):S619.

Resting-state connectivity in the prodromal phase of schizophrenia: insights from EEG microstates
Andreou C, Faber P, Leicht G, Schoettle D, Polomac N, Hanganu-Opatz I, Lehmann D, Mulert C
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2014;152(2-3):513-20.

An ERP study of reward and loss processing in patients with borderline personality disorder
Andreou C, Kleinert J, Lipp M, Polomac N, Steinmann S, Leicht G, Mulert C
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Dopaminergic modulation of probabilistic reasoning and overconfidence in errors: a double-blind study
Andreou C, Moritz S, Veith K, Veckenstedt R, Naber D
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2014;40(3):558-565.

Investigation of the role of the jumping-to-conclusions bias for short-term functional outcome in schizophrenia
Andreou C, Treszl A, Roesch-Ely D, Köther U, Veckenstedt R, Moritz S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2014;218(3):341-347.

Effects of dopaminergic modulation on automatic semantic priming: a double-blind study
Andreou C, Veith K, Bozikas V, Lincoln T, Moritz S
J PSYCHIATR NEUROSCI. 2014;39(2):110-117.

Maintenance treatment for opioid dependence with slow-release oral morphine: a randomized cross-over, non-inferiority study versus methadone
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ADDICTION. 2014;109(4):617-26.

Lichtjahre - Psychosen ohne Psychiatrie: Krankheitsverständnis und Lebensentwürfe von Menschen mit unbehandelten Psychosen
Bock T

Peerberatungen in Kliniken - empirische Ergebnisse und therapeutische Perspektiven
Bock T
2014. DGPPN-Kongress 2014. 187.

Psychiatrie im Widerstreit der Interessen
Bock T
Forum Gemeindepsychologie. 2014.

Wird die Menschheit kränker oder die Krankheit menschlicher?
Bock T
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2014;41(3):121-123.

Krise als Weichenstellung – die Chance von Peerberatung
Bock T, Grotelüschen M, Lamparter M
2014. Hilfen bei psychischen Krisen. Aktion psychisch Kranke (Hrsg.). .

Reduziert die Begleitung durch Peerberater das Risiko der Rehospitalisierung? Erste Ergebnisse des Hamburger Peerprojekt im Psychenet-Programm
Bock T, Heumann K
2014. DGPPN Kongress 2014 - Herausforderungen durch den demographischen Wandel. .

Welche Mittel wurden ausgeschöpft? Erfahrungen von Psychiatrie-Patienten mit dem Einsatz milderer Mittel im Vorfeld einer Zwangsbehandlung
Bock T, Heumann K
2014. DGPPN 2014 - Herausforderungen durch den demographischen Wandel. .

Meaning of psychoses as perceived by patients, their relatives and clinicians
Bock T, Klapheck K, Lincoln T
PSYCHIAT RES. 2014;215(3):760-765.

Sinnsuche und Genesung Erfahrungen und Forschungen zum subjektiven Sinn von Psychosen: Erfahrungen und Forschungen zum subjektiven Sinn von Psychosen
Bock T, Klapheck K, Ruppelt F

Hamburger Modell - Entwicklungspotential der Krankenhausversorgung
Bock T, Lambert M

Gruppenpsychotherapie vs. Gruppenpsychoedukation bei Bipolar I und II Störungen: Ergenisse der Ein Jahres Follow-up-Studie
Bock T, Schöttle D, Mahlke C
2014. DGPPN 2014 - Herausforderungen durch den demographischen Wandel. .

Ein eigenständiges Berufsbild Peerberater
Bock T, Sielaff G
2014. Ex-In Kulturlandschaften. Paranusverlag, .

A novel computerized algorithm to detect microstructural brainstem pathology in Parkinson's disease using standard 3 Tesla MR imaging
Boelmans K, Spies L, Sedlacik J, Fiehler J, Jahn E, Gerloff C, Münchau A
J NEUROL. 2014;261(10):1968-75.

Isolated epileptiform discharges in nonepileptic psychiatric patients: to treat or not to treat?
Boutros N, Gallinat J, Pogarell O
J CLIN NEUROPHYSIOL. 2014;31(4):395.

Predictive value of isolated epileptiform discharges for a favorable therapeutic response to antiepileptic drugs in nonepileptic psychiatric patients
Boutros N, Kirollos S, Pogarell O, Gallinat J
J CLIN NEUROPHYSIOL. 2014;31(1):21-30.

Impulse für die Versorgungsforschung: Was folgt auf die DGPPN S3-Leitlinie zu psychosozialen Therapien?
Bramesfeld A, Schäfer I, Stengler K, Schomerus G
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2014;41(2):65-67.

Increased neural activity during high working memory load predicts low relapse risk in alcohol dependence
Charlet K, Beck A, Jorde A, Wimmer L, Vollstädt-Klein S, Gallinat J, Walter H, Kiefer F, Heinz A
ADDICT BIOL. 2014;19(3):402-14.

Neural activation during processing of aversive faces predicts treatment outcome in alcoholism
Charlet K, Schlagenhauf F, Richter A, Naundorf K, Dornhof L, Weinfurtner C, König F, Walaszek B, Schubert F, Müller C, Gutwinski S, Seissinger A, Schmitz L, Walter H, Beck A, Gallinat J, Kiefer F, Heinz A
ADDICT BIOL. 2014;19(3):439-51.

Anxiety-induced brain responses in patients with phobic postural vertigo and healthy subjects
Chrobok A, Länger A, Karch S, Keeser D, Lehmann K, Schicho W, Leicht G, Mulert C, Eser D, Ertl-Wagner B, Dieterich M, Rupprecht R, Pogarell O
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Altered autonomic arousal in psychosis: an analysis of vulnerability and specificity
Clamor A, Hartmann M, Köther U, Otte C, Moritz S, Lincoln T
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2014;154(1-3):73-78.

White matter microstructure in individuals at clinical high risk of psychosis: a whole-brain diffusion tensor imaging study
Clemm von Hohenberg C, Pasternak O, Kubicki M, Ballinger T, Vu M, Swisher T, Green K, Giwerc M, Dahlben B, Goldstein J, Woo T, Petryshen T, Mesholam-Gately R, Woodberry K, Thermenos H, Mulert C, McCarley R, Seidman L, Shenton M
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2014;40(4):895-903.

Impaired sleep quality and sleep duration in smokers-results from the German Multicenter Study on Nicotine Dependence
Cohrs S, Rodenbeck A, Riemann D, Szagun B, Jaehne A, Brinkmeyer J, Gründer G, Wienker T, Diaz-Lacava A, Mobascher A, Dahmen N, Thuerauf N, Kornhuber J, Kiefer F, Gallinat J, Wagner M, Kunz D, Grittner U, Winterer G
ADDICT BIOL. 2014;19(3):486-96.

Right temporoparietal gray matter predicts accuracy of social perception in the autism spectrum
David N, Schultz J, Milne E, Schunke O, Schöttle D, Münchau A, Siegel M, Vogeley K, Engel A
J AUTISM DEV DISORD. 2014;44(6):1433-46.

Sleep EEG effects of anti-gluco- and anti-mineralocorticoids in old-aged men: pilot study
Demiralay C, Agorastos A, Steiger A, Wiedemann K
PSYCHIAT CLIN NEUROS. 2014;68(5):383-7.

Single nucleotide polymorphism in the neuroplastin locus associates with cortical thickness and intellectual ability in adolescents
Desrivières S, Lourdusamy A, Tao C, Toro R, Jia T, Loth E, Medina L, Kepa A, Fernandes A, Ruggeri B, Carvalho F, Cocks G, Banaschewski T, Barker G, Bokde A, Büchel C, Conrod P, Flor H, Heinz A, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Gowland P, Brühl R, Lawrence C, Mann K, Martinot M, Nees F, Lathrop M, Poline J, Rietschel M, Thompson P, Fauth-Bühler M, Smolka M, Pausova Z, Paus T, Feng J, Schumann G
MOL PSYCHIATR. 2014;20(2):263-274.

Pharmakologische Langzeitbehandlung schizophrener Erkrankungen
Deutschenbaur L, Lambert M, Walter M, Naber D, Huber C
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Psychiatrie macht Schule: - Beitrag zur Prävention
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High prevalence of NMDA receptor IgA/IgM antibodies in different dementia types
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Assessment of plasma C-reactive protein as a biomarker of posttraumatic stress disorder risk
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JAMA PSYCHIAT. 2014;71(4):423-31.

Sustained antipsychotic effect of metacognitive training in psychosis: A randomized-controlled study
Favrod J, Rexhaj S, Bardy S, Ferrari P, Hayoz C, Moritz S, Conus P, Bonsack C
EUR PSYCHIAT. 2014;29(5):275-281.

The Influence of Emotional Valence and Arousal on a Stroop Task
Feroz F, Leicht G, Andreou C, Mulert C
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Non-medical use of prescription opioids and prescription opioid-related harms: why so markedly higher in North America compared to the rest of the world?
Fischer B, Keates A, Buehringer G, Reimer J, Rehm J
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Considering prescripton opioid-related harms in the pooulation: response to commentaries
Fischer B, Keates A, Bühringer G, Reimer J, Rehm J
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Das BMBF-Forschungsförderungsprogramm zu Verhaltensstörungen im Zusammenhang mit Gewalt, Vernachlässigung, Misshandlung und Missbrauch in Kindheit und Jugend: Ein Überblick.
Goldbeck L, Rosner R, Schäfer I
2014. Supplement Zeitschrift Trauma & Gewalt. Klett-Cotta, .

Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung und komorbide Suchterkrankungen.
Grundmann J, Schäfer I
2014. Komorbidität bei Suchterkrankungen. 1. Aufl. Kohlhammer, .

Subthalamic deep brain stimulation improves auditory sensory gating deficit in Parkinson's disease
Gulberti A, Hamel W, Buhmann C, Boelmans K, Zittel-Dirks S, Gerloff C, Westphal M, Engel A, Schneider T, Moll C
CLIN NEUROPHYSIOL. 2014;126(3):565-574.

Safety and tolerability of slow-release oral morphine versus methadone in the treatment of opioid dependence
Hämmig R, Köhler W, Bonorden-Kleij K, Weber B, Lebentrau K, Berthel T, Babic-Hohnjec L, Vollmert C, Höpner D, Gholami N, Verthein U, Haasen C, Reimer J, Ruckes C
J SUBST ABUSE TREAT. 2014;47(4):275-281.

GMA-Jahrestagung 2014 in Hamburg - Ankündigung
Hampe W, Kuhnigk O
GMS J MED EDU. 2014;31(2 Doc13):1-4.

psychenet – Hamburger Netz Psychische Gesundheit: Ergebnisse und Perspektiven innovativer Projekte einer Gesundheitsregion
Härter M, Lambert M
2014. DGPPN-Kongress 2014. .

Neue Selbsthilfeverfahren gegen Zwangsgedanken. Beschreibung einer Auswahl wissenschaftlich überprüften Ansätze
Hauschildt M, Moritz S, Wittekind C
PiD-Psychother Dialog. 2014;2:65-69.

Neue Selbsthilfeverfahren gegen Zwangsgedanken – Beschreibung einer Auswahl wissenschaftlich überprüfter Ansätze
Hauschildt M, Moritz S, Wittekind C
PiD-Psychother Dialog. 2014;(14):65-69.

Treatment of early episode in patients with schizophrenia: the role of long acting antipsychotics
Heres S, Lambert M, Vauth R
EUR PSYCHIAT. 2014;29(Suppl 2):1409-1413.

Die Qualität in der Versorgung Opiatabhängiger in substitutionsgestützter Behandlung - eine Diskussion vor dem Hintergrund der PREMOS-Studie
Hessel F, Pfeiffer-Gerschel T, Reimer J
SUCHTTHERAPIE. 2014;15(2):84-90.

Exploring spiritual needs and their associated factors in an urban sample of early and advanced cancer patients
Höcker A, Krüll A, Koch-Gromus U, Mehnert A
EUR J CANCER CARE. 2014;23(6):786-94.

Evidence for an agitated-aggressive syndrome predating the onset of psychosis
Huber C, Smieskova R, Schroeder K, Studerus E, Harrisberger F, Aston J, Walter A, Walter M, Riecher-Rössler A, Borgwardt S
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2014;157(1-3):26-32.

Irren und Glauben - subjektiver Sinn und Religion
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2014. Sinnliche und Genesung. Bock T, Klapheck K, Ruppelt F (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag, 1-320.

Event-related potentials and oscillatory activity during the cognitive reappraisal of angry faces
Jaspers-Fayer F, Ertl M, Leicht G, Polomac N, Mulert C
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Further evidence for biased semantic networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): when knives are no longer associated with buttering bread but only with stabbing people
Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Hottenrott B, Kellner M, Moritz S
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2014;45(4):427-434.

Need for space: the key distance effect depends on spatial stimulus configurations
Jonas M, Eloka O, Stephan J, Franz V
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(3):e91432.

„Sicherheit finden“ – Effekte eines integrativen Therapieangebotes für Patientinnen mit Posttraumatischen Störungen und Substanzmissbrauch.
Kaiser D, Schulze C, Stubenvoll M, Kosar M, Junker M, Schäfer I
2014. Trauma & Gewalt. Klett-Cotta, .

Deficits during Voluntary Selection in Adult Patients with ADHD: New Insights from Single-Trial Coupling of Simultaneous EEG/fMRI
Karch S, Voelker J, Thalmeier T, Ertl M, Leicht G, Pogarell O, Mulert C

The assessment of quality of life in clinical practice in patients with schizophrenia
Karow A, Wittmann L, Schöttle D, Schäfer I, Lambert M
DIALOGUES CLIN NEURO. 2014;16(2):185-95.

Therapieziele von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit ADHS und ihren Hauptbezugspersonen. Eine inhaltsanalytische Auswertung und Prüfung der Übereinstimmung zwischen Betroffenen und Bezugspersonen
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Selbsthilfeforen für Traumabetroffene – eine wertvolle Ressource für das psychosoziale Versorgungssystem?
Kleinau C, Milin S, Schäfer I
2014. Trauma & Gewalt. Klett-Cotta, .

On the relevance of mental imagery beyond stress-related psychiatric disorders
Klein J, Moritz S
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2014;5(77):.

Alterations in the visually evoked gamma response in relation to the schizophrenia symptom profile
Kornmayer L, Leicht G, Lambert M, Mulert C
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Increased gamma oscillations evoked by physically salient distracters are associated with schizotypy
Kornmayer L, Leicht G, Mulert C
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Internetauftritte niedergelassener Neurologen, Psychiater und ärztlicher Psychtherapeuten
Kuhnigk O, Ramuschkat M, Schreiner J, Anger A, Reimer J
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2014;41(3):142-147.

Stellenwert von Depotformulierungen in der Langzeittherapie der Schizophrenie
Kühn K, Wiedemann K, Hellweg R, Möller H
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2014;82(10):557-565.

Is this car looking at you?: How anthropomorphism predicts fusiform face area activation when seeing cars
Kühn S, Brick T, Müller B, Gallinat J
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(12):e113885.

Plasticity of hippocampal subfield volume cornu ammonis 2+3 over the course of withdrawal in patients with alcohol dependence
Kühn S, Charlet K, Schubert F, Kiefer F, Zimmermann P, Heinz A, Gallinat J
JAMA PSYCHIAT. 2014;71(7):806-11.

Amount of lifetime video gaming is positively associated with entorhinal, hippocampal and occipital volume
Kühn S, Gallinat J
MOL PSYCHIATR. 2014;19(7):842-7.

Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn
Kühn S, Gallinat J
JAMA PSYCHIAT. 2014;71(7):827-34.

Segregating cognitive functions within hippocampal formation: a quantitative meta-analysis on spatial navigation and episodic memory
Kühn S, Gallinat J
HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2014;35(4):1129-42.

Playing Super Mario induces structural brain plasticity: gray matter changes resulting from training with a commercial video game
Kühn S, Gleich T, Lorenz R, Lindenberger U, Gallinat J
MOL PSYCHIATR. 2014;19(2):265-71.

Alkoholkonsum der Kinder: Elterliche Gespräche und familiäre Regeln
Kuhn S, Kalke J, Buth S, Hiller P, Reimer J
PRAVENT GESUNDHEIT. 2014;9(2):104-110.

How effective is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in obsessive-compulsive disorder? Protocol and rationale of a randomized controlled trial
Külz A, Landmann S, Cludius B, Hottenrott B, Rose N, Heidenreich T, Hertenstein E, Voderholzer U, Moritz S
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2014;14:314.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder: protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Külz A, Landmann S, Cludius B, Hottenrott B, Rose N, Heidenreich T, Hertenstein E, Voderholzer U, Moritz S
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2014;14(314):.

Diskussionsforum Schizophrenie: Langwirksame Antipsychotika – warum, wann und für wen?
Lambert M
2014. DGPPN-Kongress 2014. .

Psychopharmakotherapie der Schizophrenie
Lambert M, Karamatskos E, Fleischhacker W, Naber D
2014. Therapie psychischer Erkrankungen. Voderholzer U, Hohagen F (Hrsg.). 10.. Aufl. Urban & Fisher, .

Hamburger Modell der integrierten Versorgung von schwer erkrankten Psychosepatienten
Lambert M, Schöttle D, Bock T, Schulte-Markwort M, Naber D, Karow A
PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2014;2(59):95-99.

Evidenzbasierte Maßnahmen zum Erhalt des Funktionsniveaus bei Erstdiagnose einer schweren psychischen Erkrankung
Lambert M, Schöttle D, Karow A
2014. DGPPN-Kongress 2014. .

Subjective experience of emotions and emotional empathy in paranoid schizophrenia
Lehmann A, Bahçesular K, Brockmann E, Biederbick S, Dziobek I, Gallinat J, Montag C
PSYCHIAT RES. 2014;220(3):825-33.

Leicht G, Mulert C
2014. MRI in Psychiatry. 1. Auflage. Aufl. Heidelberg Berlin: Springer, .

Effects of benzodiazepines on anterior cingulate cortex activity during experimentally induced panic
Leicht G, Mulert C, Eser D, Sämann P, Ertl M, Länger A, Karch S, Pogarell O, Meindl T, Czisch M, Rupprecht R
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Oscillatory neuronal activity during reward processing: relationship to personality traits
Leicht G, Troschütz S, Andreou C, Karamatskos E, Ertl M, Naber D, Mulert C
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Das letzte Mittel? Ein Überblick über die politische Diskussion und den Forschungsstand zum Einsatz medikamentöser Zwangsbehandlung in der Psychiatrie
Lincoln T, Heumann K, Teichert M

Frequency and correlates of maladaptive responses to paranoid thoughts in patients with psychosis compared to a population sample
Lincoln T, Möbius C, Huber M, Nagel M, Moritz S
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2014;19(6):509-526.

The short and long-term impact of a paranoid explanation on self-esteem
Lincoln T, Stahnke J, Moritz S
COGNITIVE THER RES. 2014;38:397-406.

The short-term impact of a paranoid explanation on self-esteem
Lincoln T, Stahnke J, Moritz S
COGNITIVE THER RES. 2014;38(4):397-406.

Zusammenhänge zwischen Gewalt, Depression und Angst bei älteren Menschen.
Lindert J, Schäfer I
2014. Trauma & Gewalt. Klett-Cotta, .

Reward anticipation in the adolescent and aging brain
Lorenz R, Gleich T, Beck A, Pöhland L, Raufelder D, Sommer W, Rapp M, Kühn S, Gallinat J
HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2014;35(10):5153-65.

Kindheitstraumatisierungen bei alkoholabhängigen Patienten und Zusammenhänge zu aktuellen suchtbezogenen Problemen
Lotzin A, Haupt L, von Schönfels J, Wingenfeld K, Schäfer I
2014. Trauma & Gewalt. Klett-Cotta, .

A novel presenilin 1 mutation (Ala275Val) as cause of early-onset familial Alzheimer disease
Lüdecke D, Becktepe J, Lehmbeck J, Finckh U, Yamamoto R, Jahn H, Boelmans K
NEUROSCI LETT. 2014;566:115-9.

Post-injection delirium/ sedation syndrome in patients treated with Olanzapine pamoate: mechanism, incidence and management.
Lüdecke D, Schöttle D, Wittmann L, Sengutta M, Gallinat J, Karow A, Lambert M, Naber D
2014. DGPPN Kongress 2014. .

Peer support in mental health services
Mahlke C, Krämer U, Becker T, Bock T
CURR OPIN PSYCHIATR. 2014;27(4):276-281.

Peer support in mental health services, current opinion
Mahlke C, Krämer U, Becker T, Bock T

Why do bad things happen to me? Attributional style, depressed mood, and persecutory delusions in patients with schizophrenia
Mehl S, Landsberg M, Schmidt A, Cabanis M, Bechdolf A, Herrlich J, Loos-Jankowiak S, Kircher T, Kiszkenow S, Klingberg S, Kommescher M, Moritz S, Müller B, Sartory G, Wiedemann G, Wittorf A, Wölwer W, Wagner M
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2014;40(6):1338-1346.

Verstehen – Informieren – Mut machen: Botschaften der Prävention für Crystal Meth-Konsumenten
Milin S
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Hat psychenet Spuren in der Hamburger Bevölkerung hinterlassen?
Mnich E, Makowski A, Härter M, Dirmaier J, Lambert M, Bock T, von dem Knesebeck O
2014. DGPPN-Kongress 2014. .

Beliefs about depression - do affliction and treatment experience matter? Results of a population survey from Germany
Mnich E, Makowski A, Lambert M, Angermeyer M, von dem Knesebeck O
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2014;164:28-32.

A pilot RCT of psychodynamic group art therapy for patients in acute psychotic episodes: feasibility, impact on symptoms and mentalising capacity
Montag C, Haase L, Seidel D, Bayerl M, Gallinat J, Herrmann U, Dannecker K
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(11):e112348.

Genetic interaction of PICALM and APOE is associated with brain atrophy and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease
Morgen K, Ramirez A, Frölich L, Tost H, Plichta M, Kölsch H, Rakebrandt F, Rienhoff O, Jessen F, Peters O, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hüll M, Gertz H, Schröder J, Hampel H, Teipel S, Pantel J, Heuser I, Wiltfang J, Rüther E, Kornhuber J, Maier W, Meyer-Lindenberg A
ALZHEIMERS DEMENT. 2014;10(5 Suppl):S269-76.

Sowing the seeds of doubt: a narrative review on metacognitive training in schizophrenia
Moritz S, Andreou C, Schneider B, Wittekind C, Menon M, Balzan R, Woodward T
CLIN PSYCHOL REV. 2014;34(4):358-366.

Non-pharmacological treatment targeting cognitive biases underlying delusions in schizophrenia: Metacognitive training and therapy
Moritz S, Balzan R, Woodward T, Menon M
2014. Aberrant Beliefs and Reasoning . 1. Aufl. 155-170.

Perceptual properties of obsessive thoughts are associated with low insight in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Moritz S, Claussen M, Hauschildt M, Kellner M
J NERV MENT DIS. 2014;202(7):562-565.

Knowledge corruption for visual perception in individuals high on paranoia
Moritz S, Göritz A, Van Quaquebeke N, Andreou C, Jungclaussen D, Peters M
PSYCHIAT RES. 2014;215(3):700-705.

Beyond words: Sensory properties of depressive thoughts
Moritz S, Hörmann C, Schröder J, Berger T, Jacob G, Meyer B, Holmes E, Späth C, Hautzinger M, Lutz W, Rose M, Klein J
COGNITION EMOTION. 2014;28(6):1047-1056.

Nonadherence to antipsychotics: the role of positive attitudes towards positive symptoms
Moritz S, Hünsche A, Lincoln T
EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM. 2014;24(11):1745-1752.

Overconfidence in incorrect perceptual judgments in patients with schizophrenia
Moritz S, Ramdani N, Klass H, Andreou C, Jungclaussen D, Eifler S, Englisch S, Schirmbeck F, Zink M
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2014;1(4):165-170.

Illusory control in schizophrenia
Moritz S, Thompson S, Andreou C
J EXP PSYCHOPATHOL. 2014;5(2):113-122.

Are you sure? Delusion conviction moderates the behavioural and emotional consequences of paranoid ideas
Moritz S, Van Quaquebeke N
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2014;19(2):164-180.

Sustained and "sleeper" effects of group metacognitive training for schizophrenia:a randomized clinical trial
Moritz S, Veckenstedt R, Andreou C, Bohn F, Hottenrott B, Leighton L, Köther U, Woodward T, Treszl A, Menon M, Schneider B, Pfueller U, Roesch-Ely D
JAMA PSYCHIAT. 2014;71(10):1103-1111.

Can virtual reality reduce reality distortion? Impact of performance feedback on symptom change in schizophrenia patients
Moritz S, Voigt M, Köther U, Leighton L, Kjahili B, Babur Z, Jungclaussen D, Veckenstedt R, Grzella K
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2014;45(2):267-271.

Raum für Individualität - Weiterentwicklung des Metakogntiven Trainings
Moritz S, Wittekind C, Planels-Keller K, Bohn F, Naber D
2014. Sinnfindung und Genesung . Bock T, Klapheck K, Ruppelt F (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag, 245-254.

Metacognitive training and therapy: an social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia
Moritz S, Woodward T, Balzan R, Menon M
2014. Psychopathology and treatment approaches. 1. Aufl. 179–193.

Metacognitive training and therapy: an individualized and group intervention for psychosis
Moritz S, Woodward T, Menon M, Balzan R
2014. Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia. 1. Aufl. 179-195.

Hepatitis C treatment uptake and adherence among injecting drug users in the Czech Republic
Mravcik V, Strada L, Reimer J, Schulte B
EPIDEMIOL MIKROBI IM. 2014;63(4):265-269.

MRI in Psychiatry
Mulert C, Shenton M

Association Splitting: feasibility study of a novel technique to reduce weight and shape concerns
Musiat P, Moritz S, Jacobi C, Schmidt U
EAT WEIGHT DISORD-ST. 2014;19(2):153-158.

Unterschiede bezüglich komorbider psychischer Störungen bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen mit und ohne Suchtmittelkonsum in der frühen Erkrankungsphase einer Psychose.
Nawara L, Schöttle D, Lüdecke D, Sengutta M, Wittmann L, Glismann S, Bock T, Naber D, Lambert M, Karow A
2014. DGPPN Kongress 2014. .

Critical evaluation of auditory event-related potential deficits in schizophrenia: evidence from large-scale single-subject pattern classification
Neuhaus A, Popescu F, Rentzsch J, Gallinat J
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2014;40(5):1062-71.

Würde im Therapiealltag
Nick S
Praxis ergotherapie. 2014;27(3/2014):133-136.

Emotional perception and theory of mind in first episode psychosis: the role of obsessive-compulsive symptomatology
Ntouros E, Bozikas V, Andreou C, Kourbetis D, Lavrentiadis G, Garyfallos G
PSYCHIAT RES. 2014;220(1-2):112-7.

'South Asian cocktail' - the concurrent use of opioids, benzodiazepines and antihistamines among injecting drug users in Nepal and associations with HIV risk behaviour
Ojha S, Sigdel S, Meyer-Thompson H, Oechsler H, Verthein U
HARM REDUCT J. 2014;11(1):17.

The production of spontaneous false memories across childhood
Otgaar H, Howe M, Peters M, Smeets T, Moritz S
J CHILD PSYCHOL PSYC. 2014;121:28-41.

Investigating recurrent neural networks for OCT A-scan based tissue analysis
Otte C, Otte S, Wittig L, Hüttmann G, Kugler C, Drömann D, Zell A, Schlaefer A
METHOD INFORM MED. 2014;53(4):245-9.

Cognitive Biases Questionnaire for psychosis
Peters E, Moritz S, Schwannauer M, Wiseman Z, Greenwood K, Scott J, Beck A, Donaldson C, Hagen R, Ross K, Veckenstedt R, Ison R, Williams S, Kuipers E, Garety P
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2014;40(2):300-313.

Early specific cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy in subjects at high risk for bipolar disorders: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Pfennig A, Leopold K, Bechdolf A, Correll C, Holtmann M, Lambert M, Marx C, Meyer T, Pfeiffer S, Reif A, Rottmann-Wolf M, Schmitt N, Stamm T, Juckel G, Bauer M
TRIALS. 2014;15:161.

Effect of attention on early auditory evokedgamma band response in healthy subjects — an MEG study
Polomac N, Leicht G, Nolte G, Andreou C, Schneider T, Steinmann S, Engel A, Mulert C
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Reduced early auditory evoked gamma-band response in patients with schizophrenia — an MEG study
Polomac N, Leicht G, Nolte G, Andreou C, Schneider T, Steinmann S, Engel A, Mulert C
2014. Poster Listings OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. .

Insightfulness and later infant attachment in clinically depressed and nonclinical mothers
Ramsauer B, Lotzin A, Quitmann J, Becker-Stoll F, Tharner A, Romer G
INFANT MENT HEALTH J. 2014;35(3):210-219.

How to assess quality of life in child and adolescent psychiatry
Ravens-Sieberer U, Karow A, Barthel D, Klasen F
DIALOGUES CLIN NEURO. 2014;16(2):147-158.

Predictors of substance use reduction in an epidemiological first-episode psychosis cohort
Rebgetz S, Conus P, Hides L, Kavanagh D, Cotton S, Schimmelmann B, McGorry P, Lambert M
EARLY INTERV PSYCHIA. 2014;8(4):358-65.

Nalmefen - Wirksamkeit und praktische Anwendung
Reimer J
Die Psychiatrie. 2014;11(2):129-137.

Sucht und Komorbidität
Reimer J
SUCHTTHERAPIE. 2014;1(15):8.

When higher doses in opioid replacement treatment are still inadequate - association to multidimensional illness severity: a cohort study
Reimer J, Boniakowski E, Bachner C, Weber B, Tietje W, Verthein U, Walcher S

Alkoholerkrankung: Früherkennung, Gesprächsführung und Behandlung im primärärztlichen Bereich
Reimer J, Cimander K, Reimer C
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Pretreatment anterior cingulate activity predicts antidepressant treatment response in major depressive episodes
Rentzsch J, Adli M, Wiethoff K, Gómez-Carrillo de Castro A, Gallinat J
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2014;264(3):213-23.

Neuronal differences between chronic low back pain and depression regarding long-term habituation to pain
Rodriguez-Raecke R, Ihle K, Ritter C, Muhtz C, Otte C, May A
EUR J PAIN. 2014;18(5):701-11.

Trichotillomania and emotion Regulation: is symptom severity related to alexithymia?
Rufer M, Bamert T, Klaghofer R, Moritz S, Schilling L, Weidt S
PSYCHIAT RES. 2014;218(1-2):161-165.

Alexithymia and non-treatment. an Internet based study of 312 people with chronic anxiety
Rufer M, Moergeli H, Moritz S, Drabe N, Weidt S
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Psychose Verstehen - Erfolgreiche Evaluation: Psychoseseminare stärken Sinnsuche und Genesung
Ruppelt F, Klapheck K, Bock T
Soziale Psychiatrie. 2014;3(145):28-31.

Impaired integration of disambiguating evidence in delusional schizophrenia patients
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Participation in patient support groups among cancer survivors: do psychosocial and medical factors have an impact?
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Are experiences of sexual violence related to special needs in patients with substance use disorders? A study in opioid-dependent patients
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Ungedeckte psychotherapeutische Bedarfe bei Stimulanzienkonsumenten: Bedeutung komorbider Störungen und traumatischer Erfahrungen
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Frühe negative Entwicklungseinflüsse bei schweren psychischen Erkrankungen.
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ACE-D. Deutsche Version des „Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire“
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2014. Diagnostische Verfahren in der Sexualwissenschaft. 1.. Aufl. Hogrefe, .

Association between dopamine D4 receptor genotype and trait impulsiveness
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Comparing policy framework, structure, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of functional and integrated systems of mental health care (COFI).
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Methadon und Levomethadon - Dosierung und Nebenwirkungen
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Remission und Recovery: Neue Hoffnung - realistische Ziele in der Schizophrenietherapie
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Ergebnisse des Vier-Jahres-Verlaufs von Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie-Spektrums oder Bipolar-1-Erkrankung, die im Hamburger Modell der Integrierten Versorgung behandelt werden.
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2014. DGPPN Kongress 2014. .

Effectiveness of Integrated Care Including Therapeutic Assertive Community Treatment in Severe Schizophrenia Spectrum and Bipolar I Disorders: The 24-Month Follow-Up ACCESS II Study
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Psychotherapeuten und psychologische Online-Interventionen.
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Efficacy of a psychological online intervention for depression in people with epilepsy: a randomized controlled trial
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Maladaptive personality traits increase subjectively during the course of schizophrenia spectrum disorders
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Alcohol screening and brief intervention in workplace settings and social Services: a comparison of literature
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Barrieren und Möglichkeiten in der Umsetzung von alkoholbezogenen Interventionen in der hausärztlichen Praxis
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Reversible, irreversible and effective transverse relaxation rates in normal aging brain at 3T
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Integrated Care in Early Psychosis (ICEP) - Studie. Patientencharakteristika junger Menschen in der frühen Phase einer psychotischen Erkrankung - Analyse der Baselinedaten.
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Rationale und Zielsetzung der medikamentösen Therapie der Schizophrenie
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Increased interhemispheric gamma synchrony and auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia
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Conscious auditory perception related to long-range synchrony of gamma oscillations
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Conscious auditory perception related to long-range synchrony of gamma oscillations
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Interhemispheric auditory connectivity: structure and function related to auditory verbal hallucinations
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Wachstum durch Trauma – per aspera ad astra?
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Den richtigen Weg finden - Über die verschiedenen Arten den Berg der Heilung zu erklimmen
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Wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg?: Eine bundesweite Onlinebefragung von Psychiatern zum Einsatz von Alternativen zu Zwangsmaßnahmen
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Investigation of the role of rare TREM2 variants in frontotemporal dementia subtypes
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Brain derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) is associated with childhood abuse but not cognitive domains in first episode psychosis
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Assessment methods and management of hypersexuality and paraphilic disorders
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Simultaneous assessment of EEG gamma oscillations and fMRI in the prodromal phase of schizophrenia
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Brave new worlds-review and update on virtual reality assessment and treatment in psychosis
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Der Verlauf der Diamorphinbehandlung unter den Bedingungen der gesundheitlichen Regelversorgung – eine 12-Monats-Analyse
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Patterns and correlates of expressed emotion, perceived criticism, and rearing style in first admitted early-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders
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Neuropsychosocial profiles of current and future adolescent alcohol misusers
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Psychometric properties of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (PDS) in alcohol-dependent patients
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Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrungen gegenüber traumarelevanten Reizen bei vertriebenen Personen mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTBS) und ihren Angehörigen
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Mood-congruent memory in depression - the influence of personal relevance and emotional context
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Früherkennung prodromaler Psychosen: Patientencharakteristika, Prodromaltypen, Komorbiditäten.
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Ausdruck, Erkennen und Erleben von Emotion bei psychischen Störungen. Eine Übersicht
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Memory concerns, memory performance and risk of dementia in patients with mild cognitive impairment
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Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in at-risk mental states for psychosis: associations with clinical impairment and cognitive function
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Do you see what I see? Sex differences in the discrimination of facial emotions during adolescence

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The Peritraumatic Behavior Questionnaire: development and initial validation of a new measure for combat-related peritraumatic reactions
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Depression, anxiety, and disturbed sleep in glaucoma
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Autoimmune thyroiditis-associated encephalopathy without clinical steroid-responsiveness and recovery after cyclophosphamide
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Soziales Kompetenztraining: Leitfaden für die Einzel- und Gruppentherapie bei Sozialer Phobie
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The predictive significance of neurocognitive factors for functional outcome in bipolar disorder
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Predictors of early stable symptomatic remission after an exacerbation of schizophrenia: the significance of symptoms, neuropsychological performance and cognitive biases
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Association between fully automated MRI-based volumetry of different brain regions and neuropsychological test performance in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.
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Genetic risk factors for depression in Alzheimer`s disease patients
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Heroin or conventional opioid maintenance? The patients' perspective
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Drogenabhängigkeit: Suchtmedizinische Reihe
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Neural correlates of impaired volitional action control in schizophrenia patients
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Psychiatrie im Widerstreit der Interessen - Risiken und Chancen für die Zukunft
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Trialog – eine Herausforderung mit Zukunft
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Umgang mit psychotischen Patienten
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Begegnung hilft – Präsentation international preisgekrönter Kinospots gemeinsam mit den Protagonisten
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Entwicklungspotentiale der Krankenhausversorgung
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Integrierte Versorgung - Hamburger Modell Entwicklungspotentiale der Krankenhausversorgung
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Von Schulprojekten zu Filmspots – die Kampagne als Ausdruck von Begegnung
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Eigensinn und Psychose, Peer-Beratung und Psychotherapie
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Die Bettelkönigin
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A test of concordance between patient and psychiatrist valuations of multiple treatment goals for schizophrenia.
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Glücksspielforschung in Deutschland: wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis für Prävention, Hilfe, Politik
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A clinical and neurobiological case of IgM NMDA receptor antibody associated encephalitis mimicking bipolar disorder.
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CNTNAP2 polymorphisms and structural brain connectivity: a diffusion-tensor imaging study
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Gender differences in first episode psychotic mania
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Differences between first episode schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder
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10 Jahre heroingestützte Behandlung in Deutschland – der lange Weg zur Normalisierung
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Hair testosterone and visuospatial memory in middle-aged men and women with and without depressive symptoms
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Elevated hepatic chemerin mRNA expression in human non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
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Emotion regulation by cognitive reappraisal - the role of frontal theta oscillations
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State of the Art – Suchterkrankungen. Substitutionsgestützte Behandlung der Opiatabhängigkeit
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Automated volumes-of-interest identification for classical and atypical Parkinsonian syndrome differentiation using T2' MR imaging
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Der Einfluss von Musik auf die Aufmerksamkeit bei ersterkrankten Patienten mit Schizophrenie.
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Impaired action self-monitoring in schizophrenia patients with auditory hallucinations
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Effects of Low Frequency Prefrontal Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on the N2 Amplitude in a GoNogo Task
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Psychische Belastung und Beanspruchung
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In reply
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Take home maintenance medication in opiate dependence
Gutwinski S, Bald L, Heinz A, Müller C, Schmidt A, Wiers C, Bermpohl F, Gallinat J
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Effects of age and sex on the concentrations of glutamate and glutamine in the human brain
Hädel S, Wirth C, Rapp M, Gallinat J, Schubert F
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Entwicklungsstand der Gesundheitsnetze zur Optimierung der Versorgung von depressiven, somatoformen und Essstörungen im Hamburger Netz psychische Gesundheit
Härter M, Lambert M
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Attentional bias for affective visual stimuli in posttraumatic stress disorder and the role of depression
Hauschildt M, Wittekind C, Moritz S, Kellner M, Jelinek L
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The risk variant in ODZ4 for bipolar disorder impacts on amygdala activation during reward processing
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From gene to brain to behavior: schizophrenia-associated variation in AMBRA1 alters impulsivity-related traits
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Association between cortisol awakening response and memory function in major depression
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Association between childhood trauma and low hair cortisol in depressed patients and healthy control subjects
Hinkelmann K, Muhtz C, Dettenborn-Betz L, Agorastos A, Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Gao W, Kirschbaum C, Wiedemann K, Otte C
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2013;74(9):e15-7.

No effects of antidepressants on negative symptoms in schizophrenia
Hinkelmann K, Yassouridis A, Kellner M, Jahn H, Wiedemann K, Raedler T
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Effect of medical education on students' attitudes toward psychiatry and individuals with mental disorders
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The effect of novelty on reinforcement learning
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Erregung und Feindseligkeit im Fokus
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Therapieresistenz im Fokus
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Memory loss in Alzheimer's disease
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Denkverzerrungen erkennen und korrigieren: Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zum Metakognitiven Training bei Depressionen (D-MKT)
Jelinek L, Otte C, Arlt S, Hauschildt M
Z PSYCHIATR PSYCH PS. 2013;61(4):247–254.

(Meta)cognitive beliefs in posttraumatic stress disorder following forced displacement at the end of the Second World War in older adults and their offspring
Jelinek L, Wittekind C, Kellner M, Moritz S, Muhtz C
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2013;18(5):452-62.

Neuropsychological functioning in posttraumatic stress disorder following forced displacement in older adults and their offspring
Jelinek L, Wittekind C, Moritz S, Kellner M, Muhtz C
PSYCHIAT RES. 2013;210(2):584-9.

Integrierte Versorgung von Patienten mit psychotischen Erkrankungen nach dem Hamburger Modell: Teil 2
Karow A, Bock T, Daubmann A, Meigel-Schleiff C, Lange B, Lange M, Ohm G, Bussopulos-Orpin A, Frieling M, Golks D, Kerstan A, König H, Nika E, Lange M, Ruppelt F, Schödlbauer M, Schöttle D, Sauerbier A, Rietschel L, Wegscheider K, Wiedemann K, Schimmelmann B, Naber D, Lambert M
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2013;41(5):266-273.

Die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen--Teil 2: Krankheitslast, Defizite des deutschen Versorgungssystems, Effektivität und Effizienz von "Early Intervention Services"
Karow A, Bock T, Naber D, Löwe B, Schulte-Markwort M, Schäfer I, Gumz A, Degkwitz P, Schulte B, König H, Konnopka A, Bauer M, Bechdolf A, Correll C, Juckel G, Klosterkötter J, Leopold K, Pfennig A, Lambert M
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2013;81(11):628-38.

Lebensqualität im Fokus
Karow A, Lambert M, Ravens-Sieberer U
2013. Psychosen in der Adoleszenz. Schimmelmann B, Resch F (Hrsg.). Kohlhammer, .

Die Psychosen Ersterkennungs- und Behandlungsambulanz (PEB) in Hamburg
Karow A, Schimmelmann B, Bock T, Lambert M
2013. Psychosen in der Adoleszenz. Schimmelmann B, Resch F (Hrsg.). Kohlhammer, .

Entstehung psychischer Erkrankungen im Entwicklungsverlauf
Karow A, Schöttle D, Nawara L, Gagern C, Lambert M
2013. DGPPN-Kongress 2013. .

No acute suppression of cerebrospinal fluid corticotropin-releasing hormone in man by cortisol administration
Kellner M, Salzwedel C, Wortmann V, Urbanowicz T, Boelmans K, Yassouridis A, Stalla G, Wiedemann K
PSYCHIAT RES. 2013;210(2):662-4.

Complex Trauma Symptoms in Former Ugandan Child Soldiers
Klasen F, Gehrke J, Metzner F, Blotevogel M, Okello J
J AGGRESS MALTREAT T. 2013;22(7):698-713.

The EVIDENT-Trial: protocol and rationale of a multicenter randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of an online-based psychological intervention
Klein J, Berger T, Schröder J, Späth C, Meyer B, Caspar F, Lutz W, Greiner W, Hautzinger M, Rose M, Gräfe V, Hohagen F, Andersson G, Vettorazzi E, Moritz S
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2013;13(239):.

The impact of atrial natriuretic peptide on anxiety, stress and craving in patients with alcohol dependence
Koopmann A, Leménager T, Wolf N, Reinhard I, Hermann D, Koch J, Wiedemann K, Kiefer F
ALCOHOL ALCOHOLISM. 2013;49(3):282-6.

Internetauftritte niedergelassener Psychiater - Status quo, Möglichkeiten und gesetzliche Vorgaben
Kuhnigk O, Ramuschkat M, Schreiner J, Schäfer I, Reimer J
NERVENARZT. 2013;(84):596-601.

Sustained change in didactic skills--does teacher training last?
Kuhnigk O, Schreiner J, Harendza S
GMS J MED EDU. 2013;30(3):Doc37.

Imitation and speech: commonalities within Broca's area
Kühn S, Brass M, Gallinat J
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Does taste matter? How anticipation of cola brands influences gustatory processing in the brain
Kühn S, Gallinat J
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(4):e61569.

Gray matter correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder: a quantitative meta-analysis
Kühn S, Gallinat J
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2013;73(1):70-4.

Resting-state brain activity in schizophrenia and major depression: a quantitative meta-analysis
Kühn S, Gallinat J
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2013;39(2):358-65.

Reduced thickness of anterior cingulate cortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Kühn S, Kaufmann C, Simon D, Endrass T, Gallinat J, Kathmann N
CORTEX. 2013;49(8):2178-85.

The neural basis of unwanted thoughts during resting state
Kühn S, Vanderhasselt M, De Raedt R, Gallinat J

Spezifische Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren von Vätern bei Kindeswohlgefährdung
Kuntz J, Metzner F, Pawils S
KINDH ENTWICKL. 2013;22(1):14-21.

Integrierte Versorgung von Patienten mit psychotischen Erkrankungen nach dem Hamburger Modell: Teil 1
Lambert M, Bock T, Daubmann A, Meigel-Schleiff C, Lange B, Lange M, Ohm G, Bussopulos-Orpin A, Frieling M, Golks D, Kerstan A, König H, Nika E, Ruppelt F, Schödlbauer M, Schöttle D, Sauerbier A, Rietschel L, Wegscheider K, Wiedemann K, Schimmelmann B, Naber D, Karow A
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2013;41(5):257-265.

Die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen--Teil 1: Häufigkeit, Störungspersistenz, Belastungsfaktoren, Service-Inanspruchnahme und Behandlungsverzögerung mit Konsequenzen
Lambert M, Bock T, Naber D, Löwe B, Schulte-Markwort M, Schäfer I, Gumz A, Degkwitz P, Schulte B, König H, Konnopka A, Bauer M, Bechdolf A, Correll C, Juckel G, Klosterkötter J, Leopold K, Pfennig A, Karow A
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2013;81(11):614-27.

Die Psychenet – Kampagne im Kontext von Sensibilisierung und Toleranz.
Lambert M, Bock T, Sielaff G, Sänger S, Dirmaier J, Tlach L, Härter M
2013. DGPPN-Kongress 2013. .

State of the art der evidenzbasierten Schizophrenietherapie
Lambert M, Fleischhacker W
2013. DGPPN-Kongress 2013. .

Psychopharmakotherapie der Schizophrenie
Lambert M, Karamatskos E, Fleischhacker W, Naber D
2013. Therapie psychischer Erkrankungen. Voderholzer U, Hohlgen F (Hrsg.). Urban & Fisher, .

Services für Früherkennung und Frühbehandlung psychotischer Jugendlicher und Jungerwachsener mit „Integrated Care“
Lambert M, Karow A, Schimmelmann B, Bock T
2013. Psychosen in der Adoleszenz. Schimmelmann B, Resch F (Hrsg.). Kohlhammer, .

Integrierte Versorgung für schwererkrankte Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit psychotischen Störungen: Ausweitung des Hamburger Modells
Lambert M, Karow A, Schöttle D, Nawara L, Schulte-Markwort M
2013. DGPPN-Kongress 2013. .

Benzodiazepines counteract rostral anterior cingulate cortex activation induced by cholecystokinin-tetrapeptide in humans.
Leicht G, Mulert C, Eser D, Sämann P, Ertl M, Laenger A, Karch S, Pogarell O, Meindl T, Czisch M, Rupprecht R
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2013;73(4):337-344.

Relationship between oscillatory neuronal activity during reward processing and trait impulsivity and sensation seeking
Leicht G, Troschütz S, Andreou C, Karamatskos E, Ertl M, Naber D, Mulert C
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(12):e83414.

Recovery from severe frontotemporal dysfunction at 3years after N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antibody encephalitis.
Leypoldt F, Gelderblom M, Schöttle D, Hoffmann S, Wandinger K
J CLIN NEUROSCI. 2013;20(4):611-613.

Dimensionen elterlicher Erziehungsstile bei alkoholabhängigen Patienten: Erste Befunde zum Fragebogen zu Erziehungseinstellungen und Erziehungspraktiken (FEPS)
Lotzin A, Kriston L, Richter-Appelt H, Leichsenring I, Ramsauer B, Schäfer I
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FTO, obesity and the adolescent brain
Melka M, Gillis J, Bernard M, Abrahamowicz M, Chakravarty M, Leonard G, Perron M, Richer L, Veillette S, Banaschewski T, Barker G, Büchel C, Conrod P, Flor H, Heinz A, Garavan H, Brühl R, Mann K, Artiges E, Lourdusamy A, Lathrop M, Loth E, Schwartz Y, Frouin V, Rietschel M, Smolka M, Ströhle A, Gallinat J, Struve M, Lattka E, Waldenberger M, Schumann G, Pavlidis P, Gaudet D, Paus T, Pausova Z
HUM MOL GENET. 2013;22(5):1050-8.

Das Soziale Frühwarnsystem "Babylotse" - vom Modellprojekt in die Regelversorgung
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DexaBEAM versus ICE salvage regimen prior to autologous transplantation for relapsed or refractory aggressive peripheral T cell lymphoma: a retrospective evaluation of parallel patient cohorts of one center
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ANN HEMATOL. 2013;92(8):1041-8.

Oxytocin and oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms and risk for schizophrenia: a case-control study
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WORLD J BIOL PSYCHIA. 2013;14(7):500-8.

A phenotypic structure and neural correlates of compulsive behaviors in adolescents
Montigny C, Castellanos-Ryan N, Whelan R, Banaschewski T, Barker G, Büchel C, Gallinat J, Flor H, Mann K, Paillère-Martinot M, Nees F, Lathrop M, Loth E, Paus T, Pausova Z, Rietschel M, Schumann G, Smolka M, Struve M, Robbins T, Garavan H, Conrod P
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APOE-dependent phenotypes in subjects with mild cognitive impairment converting to Alzheimer's disease
Morgen K, Frölich L, Tost H, Plichta M, Kölsch H, Rakebrandt F, Rienhoff O, Jessen F, Peters O, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hüll M, Gertz H, Schröder J, Hampel H, Teipel S, Pantel J, Heuser I, Wiltfang J, Rüther E, Kornhuber J, Maier W, Meyer-Lindenberg A
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Cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia.
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Assessment of subjective cognitive and emotional effects of antipsychotic drugs. Effect by defect?
Moritz S, Andreou C, Klingberg S, Thoering T, Peters M
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY. 2013;72:179-86.

Metacognitive training in schizophrenia. Theoretical rationale and administration
Moritz S, Bohn F, Köther U, Woodward T
2013. Social cognition in schizophrenia. From evidence to treatment . .

Beyond the usual suspects: positive attitudes towards positive symptoms is associated with medication noncompliance in psychosis.
Moritz S, Favrod J, Andreou C, Morrison A, Bohn F, Veckenstedt R, Tonn P, Karow A
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL. 2013;39(4):917-922.

Kognitive Dysfunktionen im Fokus
Moritz S, Köther U, Hottenrott B
2013. Psychosen in der Adoleszenz: Entwicklungspsychopathologie, Früherkennung und Behandlung . 1. Aufl. 283-292.

Interpersonal ambivalence in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Moritz S, Niemeyer H, Hottenrott B, Schilling L, Spitzer C
BEHAV COGN PSYCHOTH. 2013;41(5):594-609.

Further evidence for the efficacy of association splitting in obsessive-compulsive disorder. An internet study in a Russian-speaking sample
Moritz S, Russu R
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2013;2(2):91-98.

The more it is needed, the less it is wanted: attitudes toward face-to-face intervention among depressed patients undergoing online treatment.
Moritz S, Schröder J, Meyer B, Hauschildt M
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2013;30(2):157-167.

Harnessing the web: Internet and self-help therapy for people with obsessive compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder
Moritz S, Timpano K, Wittekind C, Knaeverlsrud C
2013. Handbook of treating variants and complications in anxiety disorders. Springer Science, .

Can we trust the internet to measure psychotic symptoms?
Moritz S, Van Quaquebeke N, Lincoln T, Köther U, Andreou C
SCHIZOPHR RES TREAT. 2013;2013:457010.

Complementary group Metacognitive Training (MCT) reduces delusional ideation in schizophrenia
Moritz S, Veckenstedt R, Bohn F, Hottenrott B, Scheu F, Randjbar S, Aghotor J, Köther U, Woodward T, Treszl A, Andreou C, Pfueller U, Roesch-Ely D
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2013;151(1-3):61-9.

Factors associated with the uptake, adherence and efficacy of hepatitis C treatment among people who inject drugs: a literature review
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PATIENT PREFER ADHER. 2013;(7):1067-1075.

Simultaneous EEG and fMRI: towards the characterization of structure and dynamics of brain networks
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DIALOGUES CLIN NEURO. 2013;15(3):381-6.

Lack of association of a functional catechol-O-methyltransferase gene polymorphism with risk of tobacco smoking: results from a multicenter case-control study
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NICOTINE TOB RES. 2013;15(7):1322-7.

Functional polymorphism in the neuropeptide Y gene promoter (rs16147) is associated with serum leptin levels and waist-hip ratio in women
Mutschler J, Abbruzzese E, Wiedemann K, von der Goltz C, Dinter C, Mobascher A, Thiele H, Diaz-Lacava A, Dahmen N, Gallinat J, Majic T, Petrovsky N, Thuerauf N, Kornhuber J, Gründer G, Rademacher L, Brinkmeyer J, Wienker T, Wagner M, Winterer G, Kiefer F
ANN NUTR METAB. 2013;62(4):271-6.

Should we listen and talk more to our patients?
Naber D, Lambert M
WORLD J BIOL PSYCHIA. 2013;12(3):237-8.

Subjective well-being in schizophrenia: a randomised controlled open-label 12-month non-inferiority study comparing quetiapine XR with risperidone (RECOVER)
Naber D, Peuskens J, Schwarzmann N, Goltz M, Krüger H, Lambert M, Haro J
EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARM. 2013;23(10):1257-69.

Genetic risk for nicotine dependence in the cholinergic system and activation of the brain reward system in healthy adolescents
Nees F, Witt S, Lourdusamy A, Vollstädt-Klein S, Steiner S, Poustka L, Banaschewski T, Barker G, Büchel C, Conrod P, Frank J, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Loth E, Mann K, Artiges E, Paus T, Pausova Z, Smolka M, Struve M, Schumann G, Rietschel M, Flor H
NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL. 2013;38(11):2081-9.

Mirror neuron activity and empathy in schizophrenia: an EEG-study
Niehaus V, Hassler U, Herrmann C, Huster R, Zimmermann J, Gruber T, Wiedl K
2013. DGPPN-Kongress 2013. .

Responsibility, metacognition and unrealistic pessimism in obsessive–compulsive disorder
Niemeyer H, Moritz S, Pietrowsky R
J OBSESS-COMPULS REL. 2013;2(2):119-129.

Schizophrenia as a disorder of communication
Niznikiewicz M, Kubicki M, Mulert C, Condray R
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Neural mechanisms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms are stratified by MAOA genotype
Nymberg C, Jia T, Lubbe S, Ruggeri B, Desrivieres S, Barker G, Büchel C, Fauth-Buehler M, Cattrell A, Conrod P, Flor H, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Lawrence C, Mann K, Nees F, Salatino-Oliveira A, Paillère Martinot M, Paus T, Rietschel M, Robbins T, Smolka M, Banaschewski T, Rubia K, Loth E, Schumann G
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2013;74(8):607-14.

The impact of brief alcohol interventions in primary healthcare: a systematic review of reviews
O'Donnell A, Anderson P, Newbury-Birch D, Schulte B, Schmidt C, Reimer J, Kaner E
ALCOHOL ALCOHOLISM. 2013;49(1):66-78.

Evaluation of sham transcranial direct current stimulation for randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials
Palm U, Reisinger E, Keeser D, Kuo M, Pogarell O, Leicht G, Mulert C, Nitsche M, Padberg F
BRAIN STIMUL. 2013;6(4):690-5.

Impact of emotionality on memory and meta-memory in schizophrenia using video sequences.
Peters M, Hauschildt M, Moritz S, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2013;44(1):77-83.

Assessing the Boundaries of Symptom Over-Reporting Using the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology in a Clinical Schizophrenia Sample: Its Relation to Symptomatology and Neurocognitive Dysfunctions
Peters M, Jelicic M, Moritz S, Hauschildt M, Jelinek L
J EXP PSYCHOPATHOL. 2013;4(1):64-77.

Illegale Drogen: Crystal Meth
Reimer J, Meier J, Schmidt C
2013. Jahrbuch Sucht 2013. für Suchtfragen D (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Pabst Science Publishers, 111-118.

Psychoeducation improves hepatitis C virus treatment during opioid substitution therapy: a controlled, prospective multicenter trial
Reimer J, Schmidt C, Schulte B, Gansefort D, Gölz J, Gerken G, Scherbaum N, Verthein U, Backmund M
CLIN INFECT DIS. 2013;57 Suppl 2:S97-104.

Die Bedeutung des Approach-Avoidance Konzepts für die sexualforensische Forschung und klinische Praxis
Rettenberger M, Wittekind C, Turner D, Moritz S, Briken P
2013. EFPPP Jahrbuch 2013: Empirische Forschung in der forensischen Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie. 1. Aufl. 54-65.

Effectiveness of association splitting in reducing unwanted intrusive thoughts in a nonclinical sample.
Rodríguez-Martín B, Moritz S, Molerio-Pérez O, Gil-Pérez P
BEHAV COGN PSYCHOTH. 2013;41(4):433-440.

Risikofaktoren für Probleme mit exzessiver Computer- und Internetnutzung von 14- bis 17-jährigen Jugendlichen in Deutschland: Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Repräsentativerhebung
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Statusbericht 2012 der Hamburger Basisdatendokumentation in der ambulanten Suchthilfe und Eingliederungshilfe
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Auswirkungen einer komorbiden Suchtstörung auf den 2-Jahres-Behandlungsverlauf im Rahmen der integrierten Versorgung bei Menschen mit schweren und anhaltenden psychotischen Störungen.
Ruppelt F, Lambert M
2013. DGPPN Kongress 2013. .

Gesundheitsnetz Psychose: Früherkennung und integrierte Versorgung von ersterkrankten Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen nach dem Hamburger Modell (Integrated care in early psychosis).
Sauerbier A, Lambert M
2013. DGPPN Kongress 2013. .

Childhood abuse and neglect as a cause and consequence of substance abuse - understanding risks and improving services (CANSAS)
Schäfer I, Barnow S, Klein M, Mühlhan M, Scherbaum N, Driessen M, Thomasius R, Ravens-Sieberer U, Härter M, Pawils S

Traumatische Erfahrungen – ein blinder Fleck der Stigmaforschung?
Schäfer I, Schomerus G, Milin S
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2013;40(2):99-101.

Myelination deficits in schizophrenia: evidence from diffusion tensor imaging
Scheel M, Prokscha T, Bayerl M, Gallinat J, Montag C
BRAIN STRUCT FUNCT. 2013;218(1):151-6.

Predictors of performance improvements within a cognitive remediation program for schizophrenia
Scheu F, Aghotor J, Pfueller U, Moritz S, Bohn F, Weisbrod M, Roesch-Ely D
PSYCHIAT RES. 2013;209(3):375-80.

Cortical thickness of superior frontal cortex predicts impulsiveness and perceptual reasoning in adolescence
Schilling C, Kühn S, Paus T, Romanowski A, Banaschewski T, Barbot A, Barker G, Brühl R, Büchel C, Conrod P, Dalley J, Flor H, Ittermann B, Ivanov N, Mann K, Martinot J, Nees F, Rietschel M, Robbins T, Smolka M, Ströhle A, Kathmann N, Garavan H, Heinz A, Schumann G, Gallinat J
MOL PSYCHIATR. 2013;18(5):624-30.

Common structural correlates of trait impulsiveness and perceptual reasoning in adolescence
Schilling C, Kühn S, Romanowski A, Banaschewski T, Barbot A, Barker G, Brühl R, Büchel C, Charlet K, Conrod P, Czech K, Dalley J, Flor H, Häke I, Ittermann B, Ivanov N, Mann K, Lüdemann K, Martinot J, Palafox C, Paus T, Poline J, Reuter J, Rietschel M, Robbins T, Smolka M, Ströhle A, Walaszek B, Kathmann N, Schumann G, Heinz A, Garavan H, Gallinat J
HUM BRAIN MAPP. 2013;34(2):374-83.

Veränderter Attributionsstil bei Menschen mit einer Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung
Schilling L, Moritz S, Niehaus V, Köther U, Nagel M
2013. DGPPN-Kongress 2013. .

False memories and memory confidence in borderline patients
Schilling L, Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Nagel M, Moritz S
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2013;44(4):376-80.

Psychose und Sucht im Fokus
Schimmelmann B, Lambert M
2013. Psychosen in der Adoleszenz. Schimmelmann B, Resch F (Hrsg.). Kohlhammer, .

Effects of acute cortisol administration on response inhibition in patients with major depression and healthy controls
Schlosser N, Wolf O, Fernando S, Terfehr K, Otte C, Spitzer C, Beblo T, Driessen M, Löwe B, Wingenfeld K
PSYCHIAT RES. 2013;209(3):439-46.

Viral hepatitis in alcohol-dependent inpatients: prevalence, risk factors, and treatment uptake
Schmidt C, Schön D, Schulte B, Lüth S, Polywka S, Reimer J
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Non-prescribed use of substitution medication among German drug users--prevalence, motives and availability
Schmidt C, Schulte B, Wickert C, Thane K, Kuhn S, Verthein U, Reimer J
INT J DRUG POLICY. 2013;24(6):e111-4.

Integrated care in patients with schizophrenia: results of trials published between 2011 and 2013 focusing on effectiveness and efficiency
Schöttle D, Karow A, Schimmelmann B, Lambert M
CURR OPIN PSYCHIATR. 2013;26(4):384-408.

Drug safety evaluation of olanzapine pamoate
Schöttle D, Kuhnigk O, Naber D
EXPERT OPIN DRUG SAF. 2013;12(6):897-903.

Symptomatische und funktionelle Remission und Recovery nach drei Jahren bei Patienten mit schweren chronischen psychischen Erkrankungen in der integrierten Versorgung.
Schöttle D, Lambert M
2013. DGPPN Kongress 2013. .

Psychotic symptoms in patients with borderline personality disorder: prevalence and clinical management
Schroeder K, Fisher H, Schäfer I
CURR OPIN PSYCHIATR. 2013;26(1):113-9.

Mirtazapine-induced galactorrhea: a case report
Schroeder K, Huber C, Jahn H
J NEUROPSYCH CLIN N. 2013;25(2):E13-4.

Subjective well-being, but not subjective mental functioning shows positive associations with neuropsychological performance in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders
Schroeder K, Huber C, Jelinek L, Moritz S
COMPR PSYCHIAT. 2013;54(7):824-30.

Die „Opiate Dosage Adequacy Scale“ (ODAS) für die Beurteilung der Angemessenheit der Buprenorphindosierung während der Opiatsubstitution
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Structural barriers in the context of opiate substitution treatment in Germany--a survey among physicians in primary care
Schulte B, Schmidt C, Kuhnigk O, Schäfer I, Fischer B, Wedemeyer H, Reimer J

Das Fach Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie im Wandel
Schulte-Herbrüggen O, Gallinat J
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2013;40(8):409-10.

S3-Leitlinie zum exokrinen Pankreaskarzinom
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Z GASTROENTEROL. 2013;51(12):1395-440.

Advanced analysis of free visual exploration patterns in schizophrenia
Sprenger A, Friedrich M, Nagel M, Schmidt C, Moritz S, Lencer R
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Langzeitverschreibung von Benzodiazepinen und Non-Benzodiazepinen: Eine prospektive Analyse über 12 Monate
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Soziale Integration nach 4 Jahren Diamorphinbehandlung
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Risk recognition and sensation seeking in revictimization and posttraumatic stress disorder.
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Estimated prevalence of mental disorders and the desire for social distance - Results from population surveys in two large German cities
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Homepages of German dental schools - a target group-oriented evaluation
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Religiosity, magical ideation, and paranormal beliefs in anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder: a cross-sectional study.
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Und sie bewegt sich doch- Entwicklungspotential der Krankenhausversorgung
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Trialog und Psychosenpsychotherapie
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Statusbericht 2011 der Hamburger Basisdatendokumentation: Auswertungsleistungen und Bericht zur Hamburger Basisdatendokumentation 2011
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Introducing a novel method to assess cumulative steroid concentrations: increased hair cortisol concentrations over 6 months in medicated patients with depression.
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Merkmale von Alkoholklienten der ambulanten Suchthilfe in Selbsthilfegruppen
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Lebensqualität und symptomatische Remission bei Patienten mit Psychosen im Verlauf der integrierten Versorgung (IV) des "Hamburger Modells".
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Are premonitory urges a prerequisite of tic inhibition in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome?
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Impaired discrimination between imagined and performed actions in schizophrenia.
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Leitlinie Bipolare Störungen und die Bedeutung des Trialogs
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Association of leptin with food cue-induced activation in human reward pathways.
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Prospective validation of the "rhino conjunctivitis allergy-control-SCORE©" (RC-ACS©)
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Rationale and content of psychenet: the Hamburg Network for Mental Health.
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Veridical and false memory for scenic material in posttraumatic stress disorder.
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Sex differences of salivary cortisol secretion in patients with major depression.
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Changes in cortisol secretion during antidepressive treatment and cognitive improvement in patients with major depression: a longitudinal study.
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We are all zombies anyway: aggression in Cotard's syndrome.
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Sudden worsening of ross syndrome after glucocorticoid withdrawal emerges as panic disorder: a case report.
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Are ratings on the positive and negative syndrome scale for schizophrenia biased by personality traits?
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Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale - Excited Component (BPRS-EC) and neuropsychological dysfunction predict aggression, suicidality, and involuntary treatment in first-episode psychosis.
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Applicability of the Clinical Global Impressions - Aggression (CGI-A) Scale for use in file Audit Trials.
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Single-trial EEG-fMRI coupling of the emotional auditory early posterior negativity.
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The effect of practice on the recall of salient information in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
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Age effects on the P300 potential and the corresponding fMRI BOLD-signal.
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Novel APP/Aβ mutation K16N produces highly toxic heteromeric Aβ oligomers.
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Drug safety and efficacy evaluation of sertindole for schizophrenia.
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Subjective well-being of patients with schizophrenia as a target of drug treatment.
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Functional magnetic resonance imaging and treatment strategies in schizophrenia.
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Increased γ oscillations during voluntary selection processes in adult patients with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
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Remitted but still impaired? Symptomatic versus functional remission in patients with schizophrenia.
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Remission as perceived by people with schizophrenia, family members and psychiatrists.
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Cost-effectiveness of 12-month therapeutic assertive community treatment as part of integrated care versus standard care in patients with schizophrenia treated with quetiapine immediate release (ACCESS trial).
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Non-response of cortisol during stressful exposure therapy in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder--preliminary results.
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Subjective experience and meaning of psychoses: the German Subjective Sense in Psychosis Questionnaire (SUSE).
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The association of the appetitive peptide acetylated ghrelin with alcohol craving in early abstinent alcohol dependent individuals.
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Don't give me that look - overconfidence in false mental state perception in schizophrenia.
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Cinemeducation in psychiatry: a seminar in undergraduate medical education combining a movie, lecture, and patient interview.
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Valuation and attainment of treatment goals in schizophrenia: perspectives of patients, relatives, physicians, and payers.
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Homepages of German medical faculties--an overview.
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Schwierige psychisch erkrankte Patienten in Klinik und Praxis
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Psychopharmakotherapie der Schizophrenie
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Current Schizophrenia - 3nd edition.
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The interrelation of needs and quality of life in first-episode schizophrenia.
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Unmet needs in patients with first-episode schizophrenia: a longitudinal perspective.
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Effectiveness and Predictors of Outcome in a Psychiatric University Day Clinic
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Validation of a patient interview for assessing reasons for antipsychotic discontinuation and continuation.
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Validation of a clinician questionnaire to assess reasons for antipsychotic discontinuation and continuation among patients with schizophrenia.
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Course and predictors of posttraumatic stress among male train drivers after the experience of 'person under the train' incidents.
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Traumaentwicklungsstörung bei ehemaligen Kindersoldaten in Nord-Uganda
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Effects of obsessive-compulsive symptoms on neuropsychological test performance: complicating an already complicated story.
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Repetition is good? An Internet trial on the illusory truth effect in schizophrenia and nonclinical participants.
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Good news for allegedly bad studies. Assessment of psychometric properties may help to elucidate deception in online studies on OCD
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Jumping to conclusions is associated with paranoia but not general suspiciousness: a comparison of two versions of the probabilistic reasoning paradigm.
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A randomized controlled trial of internet-based therapy in depression.
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Response confidence for emotion perception in schizophrenia using a Continuous Facial Sequence Task.
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Panicogens in patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
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Hearing voices: a role of interhemispheric auditory connectivity?
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Editorial: New treatment strategies in schizophrenia beyond dopamine: glutamatergic neurotransmission and more.
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Susceptibility to misleading information under social pressure in schizophrenia.
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A combination of galantamine and memantine modifies cognitive function in subjects with amnestic MCI.
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A decade of refinement, not revolution.
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Prevention and treatment options for postoperative delirium in the elderly.
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Therapieadhärenz und Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung in der Schizophreniebehandlung
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Loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials in patients with borderline personality disorder--impact of psychopathology.
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Escitalopram for the prevention of peginterferon-α2a-associated depression in hepatitis C virus-infected patients without previous psychiatric disease: a randomized trial.
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Dissociative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia: relationships with childhood trauma and psychotic symptoms.
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Insight in schizophrenia-course and predictors during the acute treatment phase of patients suffering from a schizophrenia spectrum disorder.
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EUR PSYCHIAT. 2012;27(8):625-633.

Response trajectories in "real-world" naturalistically treated schizophrenia patients.
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Predictors of relapse in the year after hospital discharge among patients with schizophrenia.
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Evaluating depressive symptoms in schizophrenia: a psychometric comparison of the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.
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Elucidating the Black Box From Stress To Paranoia.
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Further evidence for the efficacy of association splitting as a self-help technique for reducing obsessive thoughts.
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Are patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder generally more doubtful? Doubt is warranted!
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Movement decoupling: A self-help intervention for the treatment of trichotillomania.
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Psychotic-like cognitive biases in borderline personality disorder.
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A randomized controlled trial of a novel self-help technique for impulse control disorders: a study on nail-biting.
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Antipsychotic treatment beyond antipsychotics: metacognitive intervention for schizophrenia patients improves delusional symptoms.
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The Attention Training Technique as an Attempt to Decrease Intrusive Thoughts in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): From Cognitive Theory to Practice and Back
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Do it yourself? Self-help and online therapy for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
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Effects of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder on metabolic risk, quality of life, and stress hormones in aging former refugee children.
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Acute panicogenic, anxiogenic and dissociative effects of carbon dioxide inhalation in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
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Olanzapine pamoate for the treatment of schizophrenia.
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Schwerpunkt "Selbsthilfegruppen" - Infos gehören in jedes Wartezimmer
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Cognitive behavioral therapy in anxiety disorders: current state of the evidence.
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Personality traits of emergency physicians and paramedics.
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Dopaminergic mechanisms of target detection - P300 event related potential and striatal dopamine.
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Pharmacological treatment of dementia and mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's disease.
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Bindung und Bindungstherapie Die Hamburger Interventionsstudie "Kreis der Sicherheit"
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Physical and mental health in severe opioid-dependent patients within a randomized controlled maintenance treatment trial.
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Central serotonin transporter levels are associated with stress hormone response and anxiety.
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Stärker als die Angst: Ein Ratgeber für Menschen mit Angst- und Panikstörungen und deren Angehörige
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[Postgraduate training for specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapy : Problem-based learning - evaluation of a pilot project.]
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Traumatisierung und Psychose
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Traumatisierung und Sucht
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Attitudes of patients with schizophrenia and depression to psychiatric research: a study in seven European countries.
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SOC PSYCH PSYCH EPID. 2011;46(2):159-165.

Significance of psychiatric comorbidity for the outcome of maintenance treatment a review of the literature.
Schäfer I, Fischer M, Reimer J, Karow A, Haasen C
Ment Health Subst Use. 2011;4(1):62-71.

Childhood trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in patients with psychosis: clinical challenges and emerging treatments.
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Childhood trauma and psychosis - what is the evidence?
Schäfer I, Fisher H
DIALOGUES CLIN NEURO. 2011;13(3):360-365.

Assessment of posttraumatic symptoms in patients with first-episode psychosis.
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Psychotherapie bei Abhängigkeitserkrankungen und Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung
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Social Disability and Symptomatic Outcome in Schizophrenia - Where are the Unmet Needs of Schizophrenia Patients?
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Influencing factors and predictors of early improvement in the acute treatment of schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorder.
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Evaluating depressive symptoms and their impact on outcome in schizophrenia applying the Calgary Depression Scale.
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Response and remission of subjective well-being in patients suffering from schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
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Cannabis use disorder and age at onset of psychosis--a study in first-episode patients.
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Cannabis use disorders and age at onset of psychosis in 606 patients with first Episode psychosis.
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Prevalence of at-risk criteria of psychosis and help-seeking behaviour - a population Survey Pilot.
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Gibt es Zusammenhänge zwischen Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen und Prostitution? Literaturübersicht, Fallsammlung und Hypothesen
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Systemisch-Interaktionelle Gruppentherapie für Patienten mit »Borderline-Störung« – Konzept und Pilotstudie
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What happened to the voices? A fine-grained analysis of how hallucinations and delusions change under psychiatric treatment.
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Boys do it the right way: sex-dependent amygdala lateralization during face processing in adolescents.
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Zur Verortung der Feindschaft
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Zwischen altem Brauch und neuen Orientierungen. Wie Nietzsche die Eck-Werte des Psychischen sondiert
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Psychotherapy for bipolar disorder: a review of the most recent studies.
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The Role of the Interhemispheric Pathways in Speech Processing
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Atrophy outcomes in multicentre clinical trials on Alzheimer's disease: effect of different processing and analysis approaches on sample sizes.
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Effects of acute hydrocortisone administration on declarative memory in patients with major depressive disorder: a placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study.
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Hydrocortisone impairs working memory in healthy humans, but not in patients with major depressive disorder.
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Konsummuster, Risikoverhalten und Hilfebedarfe von KonsumentInnen in den offenen Drogenszenen Deutschlands
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Befragung zur Versorgungssituation bei Zwangsstörungen
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Involvement of orexin in the regulation of stress, depression and reward in alcohol dependence.
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Glücksspielbezogene Probleme unter den Gefangenen im Hamburger Justizvollzug
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IES-R: Impact of Event Scale Revised.
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Raus aus Reduktionismus und Bequemlichkeit
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Vom Erfahrenen zum Experten: Wie Peers die Psychiatrie verändern
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Irre menschlich Hamburg – gemeinsam für Toleranz und Sensibilität
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Pretreatment and outcome correlates of past sexual and physical trauma in 118 bipolar I disorder patients with a first episode of psychotic mania.
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Rate and predictors of service disengagement in an epidemiological first-episode psychosis cohort.
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The profile of non-affective first episode psychosis patients with an without moderate to severe depressive symptoms at entry to treatment.
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Understanding unemployment in patients with first-episode psychosis.
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Suicide attempts in a prospective cohort of patients with schizophrenia treated with sertindole or risperidone.
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Influence of exogenous atrial natriuretic peptide on the nocturnal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and sleep in healthy men.
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Bibliotherapie bei Zwangserkrankungen
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Kulturelle und sprachliche Validierung des ODAS (EADO) Fragebogens - eines Instrumentes zur Beurteilung der Angemessenheit der Methadondosierung im Rahmen der Substitutionstherapie Opiatabhängiger
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Die zwei Gesichter der Arbeit
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Intensivierte Disulfiram-gestützte ambulante Nachbehandlung alkoholabhängiger Patienten: erste Erfahrungen aus Hamburg.
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FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2010;78(7):425-431, 432-434.

[Medication dependency and physician's role].
Holzbach R, Martens M, Kalke J, Raschke P
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2010;53(4):319-325.

Psychopathology and Neuropsychological Dysfunktion are differentially connected with Aggression, Suicidality, and Involuntary Treatment in First-Episode Psychosis.
Huber C, Schöttle D, Lambert M, Hottenrott B, Naber D, Schroeder K
2010. DGPPN Kongress 2010. .

'Stoned': Schneiderian first-rank symptoms as a manifestation of bilateral obstructive urolithiasis.
Huber J, Huber C, Lambert M, Hohenfellner M
BRIT J PSYCHIAT. 2010;196(6):496-497.

[Online support groups for localized prostate cancer: qualitative analysis of decision making].
Huber J, Peters T, Kessler A, Ihrig A, Huber C, Hadaschik B, Pahernik S, Hohenfellner M
UROLOGE. 2010;49(11):1377-1384.

Time course of antipsychotic treatment response in schizophrenia: results from a naturalistic study in 280 patients.
Jäger M, Riedel M, Obermeier M, Schennach-Wolff R, Seemüller F, Messer T, Laux G, Pfeiffer H, Naber D, Schmidt L, Gaebel W, Klosterkötter J, Heuser I, Kühn K, Lemke M, Rüther E, Klingberg S, Gastpar M, Bottlender R, Möller H
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2010;118(1-3):183-188.

Intrusive memories and modality-specific mental imagery in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Jelinek L, Randjbar S, Kellner M, Untiedt A, Volkert J, Muhtz C, Moritz S
Z PSYCHOL. 2010;218(2):64-70.

Characteristics and organization of the worst moment of trauma memories in posttraumatic stress disorder.
Jelinek L, Stockbauer C, Randjbar S, Kellner M, Ehring T, Moritz S
BEHAV RES THER. 2010;48(7):680-685.

Serotonergic functioning as measured by the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials is related to a haplotype in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene.
Juckel G, Schumacher C, Giegling I, Assion H, Mavrogiorgou P, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Hegerl U, Norra C, Rujescu D
J PSYCHIATR RES. 2010;44(8):541-546.

Olanzapine long-acting injection: a 24-week, randomized, double-blind trial of maintenance treatment in patients with schizophrenia.
Kane J, Detke H, Naber D, Sethuraman G, Lin D, Bergstrom R, McDonnell D
AM J PSYCHIAT. 2010;167(2):181-189.

Association between a serotonin transporter gene variant and hopelessness among men in the heart and soul study.
Kangelaris K, Vittinghoff E, Otte C, Na B, Auerbach A, Whooley M
J GEN INTERN MED. 2010;25(10):1030-1037.

Separating distinct aspects of the voluntary selection between response alternatives: N2- and P3-related BOLD responses.
Karch S, Feuerecker R, Leicht G, Meindl T, Hantschk I, Kirsch V, Ertl M, Lutz J, Pogarell O, Mulert C
NEUROIMAGE. 2010;51(1):356-364.

Neural correlates (ERP/fMRI) of voluntary selection in adult ADHD patients.
Karch S, Thalmeier T, Lutz J, Cerovecki A, Opgen-Rhein M, Hock B, Leicht G, Hennig-Fast K, Meindl T, Riedel M, Mulert C, Pogarell O
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2010;260(5):427-440.

Quality of life under maintenance treatment with heroin versus methadone in patients with opioid dependence.
Karow A, Reimer J, Schäfer I, Krausz M, Haasen C, Verthein U
DRUG ALCOHOL DEPEN. 2010;112(3):209-215.

Clinical outcome of first versus multiple-episode patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in 12-months of assertive community treatment (ACT) versus standard care.
Karow A, Schimmelmann B, Schöttle D, Huber C, Meister K, Rietschel L, Golks D, Bock T, Naber D, Lambert M
2010. Early intervention in Psychiatry 4, Suppl. 1, 173. .

Drug treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Kellner M
DIALOGUES CLIN NEURO. 2010;12(2):187-197.

Primary add-on of ziprasidone in sertraline treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder: lessons from a stopped trial?
Kellner M, Muhtz C, Wiedemann K
J CLIN PSYCHOPHARM. 2010;30(4):471-473.

[Prison health is public health! Problems in adapting and implementing health services for prisoners in Germany. A review].
Keppler K, Stöver H, Schulte B, Reimer J
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2010;53(2):233-244.

Challenging the assumption that improvement in functional outcomes is delayed relative to improvement in symptoms in the treatment of schizophrenia.
Kinon B, Chen L, Ascher-Svanum H, Stauffer V, Kollack-Walker S, Zhou W, Kapur S, Kane J, Naber D
SCHIZOPHR RES. 2010;118(1-3):176-182.

Kontrollierter Konsum von Opiaten und Kokain
Körkel J, Verthein U
SUCHTTHERAPIE. 2010;11(1):31-34.

[Partner relationship and sexuality of female-to-male transsexuals].
Kraemer B, Hobi S, Rufer M, Hepp U, Büchi S, Schnyder U
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2010;60(1):25-30.

Benefits and pitfalls of scientific research during undergraduate medical education.
Kuhnigk O, Böthern A, Reimer J, Schäfer I, Biegler A, Jueptner M, Gelderblom M, Harendza S
GMS J MED EDU. 2010;27(5):72.

Kriterien für den erfolgreichen Abschluss medizinischer Dissertationen eine multizentrische Studie
Kuhnigk O, Reissner V, Böthern A, Biegler A, Jüptner M, Schäfer I, Harendza S
GMS J MED EDU. 2010;27(3):45.

Review: lack of evidence for the optimal dose of risperidone for schizophrenia
Lambert M
EVID-BASED MENT HEAL. 2010;13(2):56.

Assertive community treatment as part of integrated care versus standard care: a 12-month trial in patients with first- and multiple-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders treated with quetiapine immediate release (ACCESS trial).
Lambert M, Bock T, Schöttle D, Golks D, Meister K, Rietschel L, Bussopoulos A, Frieling M, Schödlbauer M, Burlon M, Huber C, Ohm G, Pakrasi M, Chirazi-Stark M, Naber D, Schimmelmann B
J CLIN PSYCHIAT. 2010;71(10):1313-1323.

Assertive community Treatment (ACT) as part of integrated care versus standard care: a 12-month trial in patients with first- and negatively selected multiple-episode schizophrenia spectrum-disorders treated with quetiapine IR.
Lambert M, Bock T, Schöttle D, Golks D, Meister K, Rietschel L, Bussopulos A, Frieling M, Schödlbauer M, Burlon M, Huber C, Pakrasi M, Chirazi-Stark M, Naber D, Schimmelmann B
2010. Biennieal Schizophrenia International Research Conference. .

Prevalence, predictors and consequences of long-term refusal of antipsychotic treatment in first-episode psychosis.
Lambert M, Conus P, Cotton S, Robinson J, McGorry P, Schimmelmann B
2010. Early intervention in Psychiatry 4, Suppl. 1, 139. .

Prevalence, predictors, and consequences of long-term refusal of antipsychotic treatment in first-episode psychosis.
Lambert M, Conus P, Cotton S, Robinson J, McGorry P, Schimmelmann B
J CLIN PSYCHOPHARM. 2010;30(5):565-572.

Remission in schizophrenia: validity, frequency, predictors, and patients' perspective 5 years later.
Lambert M, Karow A, Leucht S, Schimmelmann B, Naber D
DIALOGUES CLIN NEURO. 2010;12(3):393-407.

Integrierte Versorgung von Patienten mit psychotischen Erkrankungen – Das „Hamburger Modell“
Lambert M, Naber D, Bock T, Meigel-Schleiff C, Ohm G
Soziale Psychiatrie. 2010.

Integrierte Versorgung von Patienten mit psychotischen Erkrankungen: Das Hamburger Modell
Lambert M, Naber D, Bock T, Meigel-Schleiff C, Ohm G, Braun M, Bussopoulos A, Frieling M, Golks D, Kerstan A, Meister K, Nika E, Rietschel L, van der Sande A, Sauerbier A, Schödlbauer M, Schöttle D
2010. Innovative Konzepte im Versorgungsmanagement von ZNS-Patienten. Mwv Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges: 113-138.

Assertive community treatment (ACT) as part of integrated care versus standard care: a 12-month trial in patients with first- and multiple-episode schizophrenia-spectrum disorders treated with quetiapine IR (ACCESS Trial).
Lambert M, Naber D, Schimmelmann B
2010. 2nd Biennieal Schizophrenia Internationel Research Conference. Schizophrenia Research , .

Differential 3-year effects of first vs. second-generation antipsychotics on subjects wellbeing in schizophrenia using marginal structural models (MSMS).
Lambert M, Schimmelmann B, Schacht A, Suarez D, Haro J, Novick D, Wehmeier P, Huber C, Hundemer H, Dittmann R, Naber D
2010. 2nd Biennieal Schizophrenia Internationel Research Conference. Schizophrenia Research , .

Reduced early auditory evoked gamma-band response in patients with schizophrenia.
Leicht G, Kirsch V, Giegling I, Karch S, Hantschk I, Möller H, Pogarell O, Hegerl U, Rujescu D, Mulert C
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2010;67(3):224-231.

Psychoanalytische und kognitiv-verhaltens-therapeutische Langzeittherapien bei chronischer Depression: Die LAC Depressionsstudie
Leuzinger-Bohleber M, Bahrke U, Beutel M, Deserno H, Edinger J, Fiedler G, Haselbacher A, Hautzinger M, Kallenbach L, Keller W, Negele A, Pfenning N, Prestele H, Strecker-von Kannen T, Stuhr U, Will A
2010. Depression: Neue psychoanalytische Erkundungen einer Zeitkrankheit. Klett-Cotta: 782-832.

From stress to paranoia: an experimental investigation of the moderating and mediating role of reasoning biases.
Lincoln T, Peter N, Schäfer M, Moritz S
PSYCHOL MED. 2010;40(1):169-171.

Is there a functional way of responding to paranoid intrusions? Development of the Reactions to Paranoid Thoughts Scale.
Lincoln T, Reumann R, Moritz S
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2010;15(4):377-396.

Psychodynamische Hypothesen zur Suizidalität bei älteren Männern
Lindner R
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2010;60(8):290.

Von Neid, Verlustangst, Wut und Zerstörung
Lindner R
Psychother Alter. 2010;7(2):239-253.

Forming Ideal Types by Understanding: The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Suicidal Men
Lindner R, Briggs S
FQS - For Qual SozialForsch. 2010;11(2):12.

Analyse der Erlössituation bei der ambulanten Behandlung nach 116 b SGB V am Beispiel des Marfan-Syndroms
Manow M, Paulsen N, Rybczynski M, Mir T, Bernhardt A, Treede H, Ohm G, Fuisting B, Rehder U, Meier F, Vogler M, Meinertz T, Overlack K, von Kodolitsch Y
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2010;105(8):529-537.

Low serotonergic function and its normalization by treatment with sertraline in obsessive-compulsive disorder--an auditory evoked potential study.
Mavorgiorgou P, Gohle D, Winter C, Rujescu D, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Bär K, Zaudig M, Hegerl U, Juckel G
J CLIN PSYCHOPHARM. 2010;30(3):341-343.

Hippocampal-neocortical networks differ during encoding and retrieval of relational memory: functional and effective connectivity analyses.
McCormick C, Moscovitch M, Protzner A, Huber C, McAndrews M
NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA. 2010;48(11):3272-3281.

Psychose und Sucht bei Jugendlichen und Jungerwachsenen Teil 1: Prävalenz und Erklärungsmodelle
Meister K, Burlon M, Rietschel L, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Bock T, Lambert M
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2010;78(2):81-89.

Psychose und Sucht bei Jugendlichen und Jungerwachsenen Teil 2: Verlauf und Behandlung
Meister K, Rietschel L, Burlon M, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Bock T, Lambert M
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2010;78(2):90-100.

a cluster-randomized, parallel group, observer blind trial of a group based motivational-behavioural therapy for Young People with psychosis and substance abuse.
Meister K, Rietschel L, Burlon M, Jannsen H, Bock T, Wegschneider K, Schimmelmann B, Karow A, Lambert M
2010. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 1. Aufl. 163.

Risikoscreening mittels Risikoinventar versuchs psychosoziales Gespräch im Sozialen Frühwarnsystem Babylotse Hamburg
Metzner F, Pawils S, Schwinn A
2010. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie 26. bis 30. September 2010 in Bremen. Petermann F, U (Hrsg.). Pabst Science Publishers, .

The P300 event-related potential and smoking - A population-based case-control study.
Mobascher A, Brinkmeyer J, Warbrick T, Wels C, Wagner M, Gründer G, Spreckelmeyer K, Wienker T, Diaz Lacava A, Dahmen N, Böttcher M, Thuerauf N, Clepce M, Kiefer F, De Millas W, Gallinat J, Winterer G
INT J PSYCHOPHYSIOL. 2010;77(2):166-175.

How to treat the untreated: effectiveness of a self-help metacognitive training program (myMCT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Moritz S, Jelinek L, Hauschildt M, Naber D
DIALOGUES CLIN NEURO. 2010;12(2):209-220.

Negative priming (cognitive inhibition) in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Moritz S, Kloss M, Jelinek L
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2010;41(1):1-5.

Metacognitive beliefs in obsessive-compulsive patients: a comparison with healthy and schizophrenia participants.
Moritz S, Peters M, Larøi F, Lincoln T
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2010;15(6):531-548.

Different sides of the same coin? Intercorrelations of cognitive biases in schizophrenia.
Moritz S, Veckenstedt R, Hottenrott B, Woodward T, Randjbar S, Lincoln T
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2010;15(4):406-421.

Course and determinants of self-esteem in people diagnosed with schizophrenia during psychiatric treatment
Moritz S, Veckenstedt R, Randjbar S, Vitzthum F, Karow A, Lincoln T
PSYCHOSIS. 2010;2(1):144-153.

Detecting and defusing cognitive traps: metacognitive intervention in schizophrenia.
Moritz S, Vitzthum F, Randjbar S, Veckenstedt R, Woodward T
CURR OPIN PSYCHIATR. 2010;23(6):561-569.

Impact of emotion on cognition in trauma survivors: what is the role of posttraumatic stress disorder?
Mueller-Pfeiffer C, Martin-Soelch C, Blair J, Carnier A, Kaiser N, Rufer M, Schnyder U, Hasler G
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2010;126(1-2):287-292.

The validity and reliability of the German version of the Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20).
Mueller-Pfeiffer C, Schumacher S, Martin-Soelch C, Pazhenkottil A, Wirtz G, Fuhrhans C, Hindermann E, Assaloni H, Briner D, Rufer M
J TRAUMA DISSOCIATIO. 2010;11(3):337-357.

Single-trial coupling of the gamma-band response and the corresponding BOLD signal.
Mulert C, Leicht G, Hepp P, Kirsch V, Karch S, Pogarell O, Reiser M, Hegerl U, Jäger L, Moller H, McCarley R
NEUROIMAGE. 2010;49(3):2238-2247.

Augmented stress-induced alcohol drinking and withdrawal in mice lacking functional natriuretic peptide-A receptors.
Mutschler J, Bilbao A, von der Goltz C, Demiralay C, Jahn H, Wiedemann K, Spanagel R, Kiefer F
ALCOHOL ALCOHOLISM. 2010;45(1):13-16.

Psychopharmaka und Lebensqualität
Naber D, Bullinger M, Karow A
2010. Grundlagen der Neuro-Psychopharmakologie. Springer-Verlag GmbH: 465-474.

Glucocorticoid receptor gene, low-grade inflammation, and heart failure: the Heart and Soul study.
Otte C, Wüst S, Zhao S, Pawlikowska L, Kwok P, Whooley M
J CLIN ENDOCR METAB. 2010;95(6):2885-2891.

Anterior cingulum volumetry, auditory P300 in schizophrenia with negative symptoms.
Preuss U, Zetzsche T, Pogarell O, Mulert C, Frodl T, Müller D, Schmidt G, Born C, Reiser M, Möller H, Hegerl U, Meisenzahl E
PSYCHIAT RES. 2010;183(2):133-139.

Associations of pre-onset cannabis use and cannabis disorders with age at onset of prodrome and age at onset of psychosis.
Rietschel L, Meister K, Burlon M, Jannsen H, Bock T, Wegscheider K, Schimmelmann B, Karow A, Lambert M
2010. Early intervention in Psychiatry 4, Suppl.1, 162. .

Sudden death among young people with first-episode psychosis: An 8-10 year follow-up study.
Robinson J, Harris M, Cotton S, Hughes A, Conus P, Lambert M, Schimmelmann B, McGorry P
PSYCHIAT RES. 2010;177(3):305-308.

Changes in quality of life following cognitive-behavioral group therapy for panic disorder.
Rufer M, Albrecht R, Schmidt O, Zaum J, Schnyder U, Hand I, Mueller-Pfeiffer C
EUR PSYCHIAT. 2010;25(1):8-14.

Impact of alexithymia on treatment outcome: a naturalistic study of short-term cognitive-behavioral group therapy for panic disorder.
Rufer M, Albrecht R, Zaum J, Schnyder U, Mueller-Pfeiffer C, Hand I, Schmidt O
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 2010;43(3):170-179.

Effects of psychiatric comorbidity on treatment outcome in patients undergoing diamorphine or methadone maintenance treatment.
Schäfer I, Eiroa-Orosa F, Verthein U, Dilg C, Haasen C, Reimer J
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 2010;43(2):88-95.

Childhood trauma and dissociation in patients with alcohol dependence, drug dependence, or both-A multi-center study.
Schäfer I, Langeland W, Hissbach J, Luedecke C, Ohlmeier M, Chodzinski C, Kemper U, Keiper P, Wedekind D, Havemann-Reinecke U, Teunissen S, Weirich S, Driessen M
DRUG ALCOHOL DEPEN. 2010;109(1-3):84-89.

Sicherheit finden - Akzeptanz eines integrativen Therapieangebotes für Posttraumatische Störungen und Substanzmissbrauch bei Patientinnen mit Alkoholabhängigkeit.
Schäfer I, Schulze C, Dilling A, Barghaan D, Bullinger M, Stubenvoll M
SUCHTTHERAPIE. 2010;11:60-68.

Impact of childhood trauma on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in alcohol-dependent patients.
Schäfer I, Teske L, Schulze-Thuesing J, Homann K, Reimer J, Haasen C, Hissbach J, Wiedemann K
EUR ADDICT RES. 2010;16(2):108-114.

Quality of life and subjective well-being in schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders: valid predictors of symptomatic response and remission?
Schennach-Wolff R, Jäger M, Obermeier M, Schmauss M, Laux G, Pfeiffer H, Naber D, Schmidt L, Gaebel W, Klosterkötter J, Heuser I, Kühn K, Lemke M, Rüther E, Klingberg S, Gastpar M, Seemüller F, Möller H, Riedel M
WORLD J BIOL PSYCHIA. 2010;11(5):729-738.

A critical analysis and discussion of the appropriateness of the schizophrenia consensus remission criteria in clinical pharmaceutical trials.
Schennach-Wolff R, Möller H, Jäger M, Seemüller F, Obermeier M, Messer T, Laux G, Pfeiffer H, Naber D, Schmidt L, Gaebel W, Klosterkötter J, Heuser I, Maier W, Lemke M, Rüther E, Klingberg S, Gastpar M, Riedel M
PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY. 2010;43(7):245-251.

Does clinical judgment of baseline severity and changes in psychopathology depend on the patient population? Results of a CGI and PANSS linking analysis in a naturalistic study.
Schennach-Wolff R, Obermeier M, Seemüller F, Jäger M, Schmauss M, Laux G, Pfeiffer H, Naber D, Schmidt L, Gaebel W, Klosterkötter J, Heuser I, Maier W, Lemke M, Rüther E, Klingberg S, Gastpar M, Engel R, Möller H, Riedel M
J CLIN PSYCHOPHARM. 2010;30(6):726-731.

Pevalence and impact of cannabis use disorders in adolescents with early onset first episode psychosis.
Schimmelmann B, Conus P, Cotton S, Kupferschmied S, McGorry P, Lambert M
2010. Early intervention in Psychiatry 4, Suppl. 1, 163. .

Editorial: Systemische und familientherapeutische Ansätze in der Suchtbehandlung
Schindler A, Thomasius R
SUCHT. 2010;56(1):11-12.

Long-term assessment of Asenapine vs. Olanzapine in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.
Schoemaker J, Naber D, Vrijland P, Panagides J, Emsley R
PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY. 2010;43(4):138-146.

Distinction between schizoaffective and bipolar I disorder in the early Phase of psychotic disorders.
Schöttle D, Karow A, Schimmelmann B, Conus P, Cotton S, McGorry P, Huber C, Lambert M
2010. Early intervention in Psychiatry 4, Suppl. 1, 52. .

Schizophrenie: state of the art
Schöttle D, Lambert M, Naber D
Pharma Fokus ZNS. 2010;7:58-59.

Auf frühe subjektive Besserung achten
Schöttle D, Naber D
Neurotransmitter. 2010;11:22-26.

Diagnostic validity of ICD-10 personality dimensions: a multitrait-multimethod analysis of two self-report questionnaires and a structured interview.
Schröder K, Andresen B, Naber D, Huber C
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 2010;43(2):110-120.

Successful treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus infection in severely opioid-dependent patients under heroin maintenance.
Schulte B, Schütt S, Brack J, Isernhagen K, Deibler P, Dilg C, Verthein U, Haasen C, Reimer J
DRUG ALCOHOL DEPEN. 2010;109(1-3):248-251.

Sicherheit finden - ein stabilisierendes Therapieprogramm für Suchtkranke mit PTBS
Schulze C, Stubenvoll M, Schäfer I
2010. Sucht - Bindung - Trauma: Psychotherapie von Sucht und Traumafolgen im neurobiologischen Kontext. Schattauer Verlag: 267-278.

Multicentre variability of MRI-based medial temporal lobe volumetry in Alzheimer's disease.
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PSYCHIAT RES. 2010;182(3):244-250.

Safety of sertindole versus risperidone in schizophrenia: principal results of the sertindole cohort prospective study (SCoP).
Thomas S, Drici M, Hall G, Crocq M, Everitt B, Lader M, Le Jeunne C, Naber D, Priori S, Sturkenboom M, Thibaut F, Peuskens J, Mittoux A, Tanghøj P, Toumi M, Moore N, Mann R
ACTA PSYCHIAT SCAND. 2010;122(5):345-355.

Entwicklung und aktueller Stand der Diamorphinbehandlung in Deutschland
Verthein U, Löbmann R
VPP - Verhaltensther Psychosoz Prax. 2010;42(4):1121-1132.

Current developments and controversies: does the serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) modulate the association between stress and depression?
Wankerl M, Wüst S, Otte C
CURR OPIN PSYCHIATR. 2010;23(6):582-587.

Serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and diurnal cortisol: A sex by genotype interaction.
Wankerl M, Zyriax B, Bondy B, Hinkelmann K, Windler E, Otte C
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B-spline-based stereotactical normalization of brain FDG PET scans in suspected neurodegenerative disease: impact on voxel-based statistical single-subject analysis.
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Intergenerational transmission of biased information processing in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following displacement after World War II.
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Letzte Aktualisierung aus dem FIS: 08.03.2025 - 00:34 Uhr

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt
Autoren: Prof. Dr. Martin Lambert
Erstellung: 28.01.2017
Letzte Änderung: 28.01.2017