Arterial Collaterals and Endovascular Treatment Effect in Acute Ischemic Stroke with Large Infarct: A Secondary Analysis of the TENSION Trial
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Risk of somatic symptom disorder in people with major medical disorders: Cross-sectional results from the population-based Hamburg City Health Study
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Development of an expectation management intervention for patients with Long COVID: A focus group study with affected patients
Funk M, Reinke M, Löwe B, Engelmann P
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Time-dynamic associations between symptom-related expectations, self-management experiences and somatic symptom severity in everyday life: an ecological momentary assessment study with university students
Hahn S, Nestoriuc Y, Kirchhof S, Toussaint A, Löwe B, Pauls F
BMJ OPEN. 2025;15(2):.
Symptomerleben und Coping-Strategien bei Patient*innen mit Primär Biliärer Cholangitis: eine qualitative Interviewstudie im Rahmen von SOMA.LIV
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PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2025;75(1):20-27.
Collaborative and Stepped Care for Mental Disorders: Results of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Outpatient Care (the COMET Study)
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DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2025 [Epub ahead of print];(Forthcoming):.
Bodily Distress and International Classification of Diseases-11: Advances, Loose Ends, and Some Confusion
Henningsen P, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2025;94(1):15-19.
Reconsidering Persistent Somatic Symptoms: A Transdiagnostic and Transsymptomatic Approach
Löwe B, Zipfel S, van den Bergh O, Henningsen P
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Bedarf an psychischer Betreuung bei Patient*innen mit chronischen gastroenterologischen Erkrankungen
Maehder K, Löwe B
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The significance of taking a spiritual history: A randomized controlled study in a sample of German psychotherapists
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Spiritual Care. 2025.
Metacognitive training in U.S. Republican leaners reduces polarization and fosters democratic behavior–intentions with liberals: Evidence from a randomized-controlled trial.
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Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 2025.
Assessment of psychosocial aspects in adults in post‑COVID‑19 condition: the EURONET‑SOMA recommendations on core outcome domains for clinical and research use
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Efficacy and Safety of intravenous alteplase for unknown onset stroke on prior antiplatelet therapy: post-hoc analysis of the EOS Individual Participant Data
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The overlooked burden of persistent physical symptoms: a call for action in European healthcare
Toussaint A, Weigel A, Löwe B
LANCET REG HEALTH-EU. 2025;48:101140.
Psychometric evaluation of the somatic symptom scale - 8 in patients with somatic symptom disorder in Iran
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Body Evaluation and Body Ownership in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: the Role of Interoceptive Sensibility and Childhood Maltreatment
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INT J BEHAV MED. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
Intersectional inequalities in somatic symptom severity in the adult population in Germany found within the SOMA.SOC study.
Barbek R, Toussaint A, Löwe B, von dem Knesebeck O
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):3820.
Can side effect expectations be assessed implicitly? A comparison of explicit and implicit expectations of vaccination side effects
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Through the patients' eyes: psychometric evaluation of the 64-item version of the Experienced Patient-Centeredness Questionnaire (EPAT-64)
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Patient-centered evaluation of an expectation-focused intervention for patients undergoing heart valve surgery: a qualitative study
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Characteristics and predictors of persistent somatic symptoms in patients with cardiac disease
Clifford C, Löwe B, Kohlmann S
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Somatic symptom disorder symptoms in individuals at risk for heart failure: A cluster analysis with cross-sectional data from a population-based cohort study
Clifford C, Twerenbold R, Hartel F, Löwe B, Kohlmann S
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Der Zusammenhang von Persönlichkeitsstruktur, Burnout und Prokrastination bei Psychologie- und Medizinstudierenden unter Einbeziehung von sozialer Unterstützung und Entscheidungsspielraum im Studium
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PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2024;74(1):17-24.
Psychological factors associated with Long COVID: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Engelmann P, Reinke M, Stein C, Salzmann S, Löwe B, Toussaint A, Shedden Mora M
ECLINICALMEDICINE. 2024;74:102756.
The role of incretin receptor agonists in the treatment of obesity
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Public and patient involvement in the development of an internet-based guide for persistent somatic symptoms (GUIDE.PSS): A qualitative study on the needs of those affected
Fränkl E, Hasenbank N, Dumröse K, Löwe B, Kohlmann S
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Sexual Mentalizing Scale (SexMent): Conceptual introduction, scale development and validation
Gärtner L, Briken P, Reininger K
Optimizing treatment expectations and decision making through informed consent for psychotherapy: A randomized controlled trial
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J CONSULT CLIN PSYCH. 2024;92(2):93-104.
Wie die Umsetzung einer Schule für Menschen mit Parkinson-Krankheit gelingen kann - Ergebnisse eines Konsensusverfahrens und einer formativen Evaluation
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Enriching a randomized controlled treatment trial for anorexia nervosa by lived experience-Chances and effects of a lived experience council in the SUSTAIN study
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INT J EAT DISORDER. 2024;57(6):1300-1310.
Healthcare needs in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in view of a personalized blended collaborative care intervention: a cross sectional study
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Planetare Gesundheit und psychische Gesundheit
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Quo vadis THS: Alte und neue Herausforderungen bei der Programmierung der subthalamischen Tiefen Hirnstimulation beim Parkinson Erkrankten
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Neuro aktuell. 2024.
Response to Commentary: The framework for systematic reviews on psychological risk factors for persistent somatic symptoms and related syndromes and disorders (PSY-PSS)
Hüsing P, Smakowski A, Löwe B, Kleinstäuber M, Toussaint A, Shedden-Mora M
Depression screening in patients with coronary heart disease: A narrative review of the current evidence
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The efficacy of automated feedback after internet-based depression screening (DISCOVER): an observer-masked, three-armed, randomised controlled trial in Germany
Kohlmann S, Sikorski F, König H, Schütt M, Zapf A, Löwe B
LANCET DIGIT HEALTH. 2024;6(7):e446-e457.
Do indicators for DSM-5 sexual dysfunction and somatic symptom disorder overlap?: Evidence from the Hamburg City Health Study population-based sample
Koops T, Uhlenbusch N, Löwe B, Härter M, Harth V, Briken P
J SEX MED. 2024;21(12):1144-1151.
Healthcare professionals' views on factors influencing persistent somatic symptoms - ARISE-HCP online survey across countries
Kustra-Mulder A, Liebau M, Grewer G, Rosmalen J, Cosci F, Rymaszewska J, Löwe B, Weigel A
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2024;183:.
Stepped, evidence-based and integrated care service model vs. usual care for mental disorders: a randomized controlled trial (RECOVER)
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Data-Driven Cutoff Selection for the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Depression Screening Tool
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JAMA NETW OPEN. 2024;7(11):.
Clinical effectiveness of patient-targeted feedback following depression screening in general practice (GET.FEEDBACK.GP): an investigator-initiated, prospective, multicentre, three-arm, observer-blinded, randomised controlled trial in Germany
Löwe B, Scherer M, Braunschneider L, Marx G, Eisele M, Mallon T, Schneider A, Linde K, Allwang C, Joos S, Zipfel S, Schulz S, Rost L, Brenk-Franz K, Szecsenyi J, Nikendei C, Härter M, Gallinat J, König H, Fierenz A, Vettorazzi E, Zapf A, Lehmann M, Kohlmann S
LANCET PSYCHIAT. 2024;11(4):262-273.
Persistent physical symptoms: definition, genesis, and management
Löwe B, Toussaint A, Rosmalen J, Huang W, Burton C, Weigel A, Levenson J, Henningsen P
LANCET. 2024;403(10444):2649-2662.
Zusammenhang zwischen dem Lesen nicht-medizinischer Bücher mit Burnout und beruflicher Zufriedenheit bei Urologen mit Migrationshintergrund – Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenstudie an deutschen Kliniken
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AKTUEL UROL. 2024;55(5):439-447.
Somatic symptom profile in patients with chronic heart failure with and without depressive comorbidity
Müller-Tasch T, Löwe B, Frankenstein L, Frey N, Haass M, Friederich H
Modifiable factors for somatic symptom persistence in patients with somatic symptom disorder: study protocol for a longitudinal cohort with an embedded ecologically momentary assessment (SOMA.SSD)
Nestoriuc Y, Pauls F, Blankenburg K, Hahn S, Wittenbecher H, Löwe B, Toussaint A
BMJ OPEN. 2024;14(11):e083500.
Psychometric evaluation of the patient health questionnaire stress scale
Petrowski K, Schmalbach B, Tibubos A, Brähler E, Löwe B
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2024;357:37-41.
Psychological burden associated with incident persistent symptoms and their evolution during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective population-based study
Pignon B, Matta J, Wiernik E, Toussaint A, Löwe B, Robineau O, Carrat F, Severi G, Touvier M, Gouraud C, Ouazana-Vedrines C, Pitron V, Ranque B, Hoertel N, Kab S, Goldberg M, Zins M, Lemogne C
BMJ MENTAL HEALTH. 2024;27(1):.
Somatic Symptom Disorder-B criteria scale (SSD-12): Psychometric properties of the French version and associations with health outcomes in a population-based cross-sectional study
Pignon B, Wiernik E, Kab S, Matta J, Toussaint A, Löwe B, Horn M, Amad A, Fovet T, Gouraud C, Ouazana-Vedrines C, Pitron V, Goldberg M, Zins M, Lemogne C
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2024;176(1):111556.
Validation of the German version of the Comparative Psychotherapy Process Scale
Reininger K, Biel H, Algner-Herzmann D, Hennig T, Liebherz S, Kröger C, Moritz S, Briken P, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHERAPY. 2024;61(1):93-100.
Testing Heinz Kohut’s Thoughts on Narcissism and Narcissistic Rage: Narcissistic Injury Paves the way for Radicalization and Subclinical Paranoid States – an Experimental Study
Reininger K, Biel H, Hennig T, Moritz S, Briken P, Löwe B
PSYCHOANAL PSYCHOTHE. 2024;38(1):4-19.
A Pilot Study of Metacognitive Training in U.S. Republican Leaners: Reducing Polarization Toward LGBTIQ+ Persons
Reininger K, Koulen H, Biel H, Hennig T, Pietras L, Kokot M, Löwe B, Briken P, Moritz S
ARCH SEX BEHAV. 2024;53(5):1609-1620.
Förderung von Versorgungs- und Implementierungsforschung
Riedel-Heller S, Löwe B, Härter M
2024. Versorgungsforschung. 369-378.
Predictors of quality of life and resilience in patients with ovarian cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study
Schilling L, Toussaint A, Weigel A, Lewitz D, Aust G, Töllner J, Oskay-Özcelik G, Hasenburg A, Löwe B, Schmalfeldt B
ARCH GYNECOL OBSTET. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
Why Symptom Burden in Non-Dialysis CKD Matters
Shedden-Mora M, Jessen B, Huber T
AM J KIDNEY DIS. 2024;84(6):672-674.
Psychological risk factors of somatic symptom disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
Smakowski A, Hüsing P, Völcker S, Löwe B, Rosmalen J, Shedden-Mora M, Toussaint A
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2024;181:111608.
Public knowledge and beliefs about the irritable bowel syndrome - results from the SOMA.SOC study
von dem Knesebeck O, Löwe B, Lüdecke D, Bobardt J, Barbek R
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2024;24(1):219.
Integrative group psychotherapy for patients with somatic symptom disorder: A randomized controlled trial
Wang Y, Li L, Huang L, Ma J, Zheng L, Fritzsche K, Leonhart R, Toussaint A, Schaefert R, Zhang L
PSYCHIAT RES. 2024;331(1):.
Sexuelle Gesundheit von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland
Wiessner C, Pietras L, Cerwenka S, Briken P
Public Health Forum. 2024;32(1):46-48.
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Bloating: Results from the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study
Ballou S, Singh P, Nee J, Rangan V, Iturrino J, Geeganage G, Löwe B, Bangdiwala S, Palsson O, Sperber A, Lembo A, Lehmann M
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Affektive Mentalisierung als wahrgenommene Kontrollierbarkeit und Nützlichkeit von Emotionen: Validierung einer deutschsprachigen Version des Emotion Beliefs Questionnaire
Biel H, Löwe B, Briken P, Hennig T, Krott N, Jungclaußen I, Liebherz S, Weigel A, Reininger K
PSYCHOTHERAPIE. 2023;68(2):128-136.
Burnout and job satisfaction among physicians working in urologic departments who immigrated to Germany, taking into account the income structure of their country of origin
Braun K, Shaar M, Herrmann M, Gumz A, Brookman-May S, Bartolf E, Barakat B, Gilfrich C, May M, Pantenburg B
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Nurses' experiences of a screening and associated psychosomatic consultation service for mental comorbidities in somatic care inpatients - a qualitative study
Braunschneider L, Seiderer J, Loeper S, Löwe B, Kohlmann S
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2023;14:1148142.
The role of general change mechanisms in sudden gains in the treatment of anorexia nervosa
Brockmeyer T, Titzmann M, Zipfel S, Wild B, Resmark G, Teufel M, Giel K, de Zwaan M, Dinkel A, Herpertz S, Burgmer M, Löwe B, Tagay S, Rothermund E, Zeeck A, Herzog W, Friederich H
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Psychological risk factors for Long COVID and their modification: study protocol of a three-arm, randomised controlled trial (SOMA.COV)
Engelmann P, Büchel C, Frommhold J, Klose H, Lohse A, Maehder K, Nestoriuc Y, Scherer M, Suling A, Toussaint A, Weigel A, Zapf A, Löwe B
BJPSYCH OPEN. 2023;9(6):e207.
Needs of multimorbid heart failure patients and their carers: a qualitative interview study and the creation of personas as a basis for a blended collaborative care intervention
Engelmann P, Eilerskov N, Thilsing T, Bernardini F, Rasmussen S, Löwe B, Herrmann-Lingen C, Gostoli S, Andréasson F, Rafanelli C, Pedersen S, Jaarsma T, Kohlmann S
FRONT CARDIOVASC MED. 2023;10:1186390.
Predictors of somatic symptom burden in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: an 8-week follow-up study
Engelmann P, Toussaint A, Addo M, Brehm T, Lohse A, Weigel A, Thompson M, Löwe B
J MENT HEALTH. 2023;32(6):1111-1121.
Seryan Atasoy, 2023 EAPM Elsevier Young Investigator Award recipient, on stability of somatic symptoms
Fiedorowicz J, Guthrie E, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2023;173:.
Factors influencing the duration of untreated illness among patients with anorexia nervosa: A multicenter and multi-informant study
Gumz A, Reuter L, Löwe B, Voderholzer U, Schwennen B, Fehrs H, Wünsch-Leiteritz W, Brunner R, Kästner D, Zapf A, Weigel A
INT J EAT DISORDER. 2023;56(12):2315-2327.
Changes in anxiety in the general population over a six-year period
Hinz A, Esser P, Friedrich M, Glaesmer H, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Schroeter M, Petrowski K, Toussaint A
PLOS ONE. 2023;18(9):e0291206.
The framework for systematic reviews on psychological risk factors for persistent somatic symptoms and related syndromes and disorders (PSY-PSS)
Hüsing P, Smakowski A, Löwe B, Kleinstäuber M, Toussaint A, Shedden-Mora M
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2023;14:1142484.
On Reverse Shrinkage Effects and Shrinkage Overshoot
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PSYCHOMETRIKA. 2023;88(1):274-301.
Patients' acceptance of explanatory models for persistent somatic symptoms: A qualitative analysis within the HERMES study
Junge M, Hüsing P, Löwe B, Weigel A
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2023;170:.
Did online information seeking for depression increase during COVID-19 lockdown times?: A google trend analysis on data from Germany and the UK
Kohlmann S, Stielow L, Löwe B
Journal of affective disorders reports. 2023;13:.
Association of sexual dysfunction according to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria with avoidance of and discomfort during sex in a population-based sample
Koops T, Klein V, Bei der Kellen R, Hoyer J, Löwe B, Briken P
SEX MED-UK. 2023;11(3):.
Appraisal, Coping, Psychological Distress, and Personal Growth: The Role of Rumination
Krys S, Reininger K
Trends in Psychology. 2023 [Epub ahead of print].
Healthcare-related factors influencing symptom persistence, deterioration, or improvement in patients with persistent somatic symptoms: A scoping review of European studies
Kustra-Mulder A, Löwe B, Weigel A
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2023;174:111485.
A case study of an individual participant data meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy showed that prediction regions represented heterogeneity well
López Malo Vázquez de Lara A, Bhandari P, Wu Y, Levis B, Thombs B, Benedetti A
SCI REP-UK. 2023;13(1):9275.
Understanding illness experiences of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis: a qualitative analysis within the SOMA.LIV study
Lösken C, Maehder K, Buck L, Hartl J, Löwe B, Schramm C, Toussaint A
International comparability of depression scores from self-report scales: opportunities and challenges
Löwe B, Kohlmann S
The distribution of somatic symptom disorder and bodily distress syndrome in general hospital outpatients in China: A multicenter cross-sectional study
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GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2023;85:171-176.
Quality assessment and stigmatising content of Wikipedia articles relating to functional disorders
McGhie-Fraser B, Tatan M, Cabreira V, Chaabouni A, Kustra-Mulder A, Mamo N, McLoughlin C, Münker L, Niwa S, Pampel A, Petzke T, Regnath F, Rometsch C, Smakowski A, Saunders C, Treufeldt H, Weigel A, Rosmalen J
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2023;165:.
Mentalization-enhancing therapeutic interventions in the psychotherapy of anorexia nervosa: An analysis of use and influence on patients' mentalizing capacity
Meier A, Zeeck A, Taubner S, Gablonski T, Lau I, Preiter R, Gläser H, Zipfel S, Herzog W, Wild B, Friederich H, Resmark G, Giel K, Teufel M, Burgmer M, Dinkel A, Herpertz S, Löwe B, Tagay S, von Wietersheim J, De Zwaan M, Hartmann A
PSYCHOTHER RES. 2023;33(5):595-607.
Psychological distress of adult patients consulting a center for rare and undiagnosed diseases: a cross-sectional study
Mund M, Uhlenbusch N, Rillig F, Weiler-Normann C, Herget T, Kubisch C, Löwe B, Schramm C
ORPHANET J RARE DIS. 2023;18(1):82.
Words count in psychotherapy: Differentiating language characteristics of cognitive behavioral therapy and focal psychodynamic therapy for anorexia nervosa
Palmer S, Brockmeyer T, Zipfel S, Wild B, Resmark G, Teufel M, Giel K, de Zwaan M, Dinkel A, Herpertz S, Burgmer M, Löwe B, Tagay S, Rothermund E, Zeeck A, Herzog W, Friederich H
PSYCHOTHERAPY. 2023;60(4):488-496.
Beliefs about emotions predict psychological stress related to somatic symptoms
Reininger K, Biel H, Hennig T, Zitzmann S, Weigel A, Spitzer C, Toussaint A, Löwe B
BRIT J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2023;62(4):699-716.
Treating nightmares in posttraumatic stress disorder with dronabinol: study protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled study (THC PTSD-trial)
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BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2023;23(1):319.
Clinical Judgment vs Triage Scales for Detecting Large Vessel Occlusions in Suspected Acute Stroke
Schlemm E, Piepke M, Kessner S, Meyer L, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
JAMA NETW OPEN. 2023;6(9):e2332894.
Time-dependent effect of antipsychotic discontinuation and dose reduction on social functioning and subjective quality of life-a multilevel meta-analysis
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Der Fragebogen Psychodynamische Kompetenz im Selbstbericht (PDKS-20) : Der Fragebogen Psychodynamische Kompetenz im Selbstbericht (PDKS-20)
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Validating the German version of the Personality Disorder Severity-ICD-11 Scale using nominal response models
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Risk factors for worsening of somatic symptom burden in a prospective cohort during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Correction: Interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral perioperative care model in cardiac surgery: implementation in the setting of minimally invasive heart valve surgery (INCREASE)-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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Interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral perioperative care model in cardiac surgery: implementation in the setting of minimally invasive heart valve surgery (INCREASE)-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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The Potential of Semaglutide Once-Weekly in Patients Without Type 2 Diabetes with Weight Regain or Insufficient Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery-a Retrospective Analysis
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Somatic symptom disorder: a scoping review on the empirical evidence of a new diagnosis
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Persistence of gastrointestinal symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis: study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial (SOMA.GUT-RCT)
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"Let's see what happens:"-Women's experiences of open-label placebo treatment for menopausal hot flushes in a randomized controlled trial
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The longitudinal association of symptom-related and psychological factors with health-related quality of life in patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome
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Psychosoziale Unterstützung von Menschen mit Colitis ulcerosa und Reizdarmsyndrom: eine Machbarkeitsstudie zu Bedarf, Fokus und Durchführbarkeit
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Symptom Perceptions in Functional Disorders, Major Health Conditions, and Healthy Controls: A General Population Study
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Editorial: Outbreak Investigation: Mental Health in the Times of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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GPs’ views on the use of depression screening and GP-targeted feedback: a qualitative study
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Physiotherapy and combined cognitive-behavioural therapy for patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome: results of a non-randomised controlled feasibility trial
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Psychometric Evaluation of the Whiteley Index-8 in Chinese Outpatients in General Hospitals
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Zur nichtkonsensuellen Weiterleitung persönlicher erotischer Fotos an Schulen: Eine Befragung von Schulleitungen in Schleswig-Holstein zu sexuellen Grenzverletzungen mittels digitaler Medien
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Efficacy of a Brief, Peer-Delivered Self-management Intervention for Patients With Rare Chronic Diseases: A Randomized Clinical Trial
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Acceptance and commitment therapy meets peer-support. Development of a supportive self-care intervention for patients with rare diseases: a multistage development process
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Supportive care needs of patients with rare chronic diseases: multi-method, cross-sectional study
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Digitale Interventionen in der Psychotherapie
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Wie wird psychodynamische Psychotherapie an der Universität lehrbar?
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„In Videobehandlungen trotz Distanz Nähe schaffen“: Wie erlebten Psychotherapeuten die Durchführung von Videobehandlungen in Zeiten von COVID-19?
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Zusammenhänge von Annahmen über ADHS mit günstigen und ungünstigen Erwartungen: Eine explorative Studie mit angehenden sonderpädagogischen Lehrkräften
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Pilot implementation of the national longitudinal communication curriculum: experiences from four German faculties
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Helpful explanatory models for somatoform symptoms (HERMES): study protocol of a randomised mixed-methods pilot trial
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Assessment of the structured clinical interview (SCID) for DSM-5 for somatic symptom disorder in general hospital outpatient clinics in China
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Psychodynamische Psychotherapie: Mythen und Halbwahrheiten
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Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Network Meta-analysis
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Facilitators and barriers in anorexia nervosa treatment initiation: a qualitative study on the perspectives of patients, carers and professionals
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Früherkennung von psychischer Komorbidität in der stationären dermatologischen und internistischen Versorgung: Darstellung eines neuen Versorgungskonzeptes
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Screening auf psychische Komorbiditäten in der Dermatologie: Erfolgreiche Implementierung eines Screenings auf psychische Komorbiditäten im Bereich der stationären dermatologischen Versorgung
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Clinical effectiveness of patient-oriented depression feedback in primary care: The empirical method of the GET.FEEDBACK.GP multicenter randomized controlled trial
Lehmann M, Kohlmann S, Braunschneider L, Marx G, Eisele M, Zapf A, Scherer M, Löwe B
Diagnostic and treatment barriers to persistent somatic symptoms in primary care – representative survey with physicians
Lehmann M, Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Scherer M, Löwe B
BMC PRIM CARE. 2021;22(1):60.
Somatische Belastungsstörung
Löwe B, Hüsing P
2021. Referenz Psychische Störungen. Bauer M, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kiefer F, Philipsen A (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 460-469.
How do care providers evaluate collaboration? - Qualitative process evaluation of a cluster-randomized controlled trial of collaborative and stepped care for patients with mental disorders.
Maehder K, Werner S, Weigel A, Löwe B, Heddaeus D, Härter M, von dem Knesebeck O
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2021;21(1):296.
Funktionen der Sprache in der Psychotherapie: Eine qualitative Studie zu subjektiven Theorien der „talking cure“ von Psychotherapeut*innen
Marx C, Bildhauer R, Friedrich T, Ackermann N, Benecke C, Gumz A
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC. 2021;67(1):36-55.
Informing About the Nocebo Effect Affects Patients' Need for Information About Antidepressants-An Experimental Online Study
Nestoriuc Y, Pan Y, Kinitz T, Weik E, Shedden-Mora M
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2021;12:587122.
Selective cutoff reporting in studies of the accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: Comparison of results based on published cutoffs versus all cutoffs using individual participant data meta-analysis
Neupane D, Levis B, Bhandari P, Thombs B, Benedetti A
INT J METH PSYCH RES. 2021;30(3):e1873.
Investigating patients´ views on screening for depression in cardiac practice: A qualitative interview study
Ohanyan A, Noack J, Hümmelgen M, Löwe B, Kohlmann S
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2021;144:.
Depression Partially Mediates the Association of Adverse Childhood Experiences with Pain Intensity in Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: Results from a Cross-Sectional Patient Survey
Piontek K, Apfelbacher C, Ketels G, Brünahl C, Löwe B
PAIN MED. 2021;22(5):1174-1184.
ICD-10-coding of medically unexplained physical symptoms and somatoform disorders – a survey with German GPs
Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Lehmann M, Rustige L, Kurz K, Löwe B, Scherer M
FRONT MED-PRC. 2021;8(1):598810.
Psychotherapeutische gruppenbezogene Identifikationen, Vertiefungsverfahrenszugehörigkeit und Einstellungen zur Reform der Psychotherapeut:innenausbildung
Reininger K, Biel H, Zapf H, Krott N, Hennig T, Moritz S, Löwe B, Jungclaußen I, Algner-Herzmann D
PDP Psychodynamische Psychotherapie. 2021;20(2):167-181.
The development and psychometric evaluation of FABIANA-checklist: a scale to assess factors influencing treatment initiation in anorexia nervosa
Reuter L, Kästner D, Schmidt J, Weigel A, Voderholzer U, Seidel M, Schwennen B, Fehrs H, Löwe B, Gumz A
J EAT DISORD. 2021;9(1):144.
The European Training Network ETUDE (Encompassing Training in fUnctional Disorders across Europe): a new research and training program of the EURONET-SOMA network recruiting 15 early stage researchers
Rosmalen J, Burton C, Carson A, Cosci F, Frostholm L, Lehnen N, Olde Hartman T, Rask C, Rymaszewska J, Stone J, Tak L, Witthöft M, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2021;141:.
The European Training Network ETUDE (Encompassing Training in Functional Disorders across Europe) Is Recruiting 15 Early-Stage Researchers
Rosmalen J, Burton C, Carson A, Cosci F, Frostholm L, Lehnen N, Olde Hartman T, Rask C, Rymaszewska J, Stone J, Tak L, Witthöft M, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2021;90(2):142-143.
IL-8 and CRP moderate the effects of preoperative psychological interventions on postoperative long-term outcomes 6 months after CABG surgery - The randomized controlled PSY-HEART trial
Salzmann S, Euteneuer F, Laferton J, Shedden-Mora M, Schedlowski M, Moosdorf R, Rief W
BRAIN BEHAV IMMUN. 2021;91:202-211.
Wie sollte Yoga in der Therapie der Anorexia nervosa ausgeführt werden?: Eine qualitative Pilotstudie zu hilfreich erlebten Yoga-Strategien aus Sicht von Patientinnen
Schindke C, Gisch U, Gumz A
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2021;71(11):446-455.
Patient involvement in developing a patient-targeted feedback intervention after depression screening in primary care within the randomized controlled trial GET.FEEDBACK.GP
Seeralan T, Härter M, Koschnitzke C, Scholl M, Kohlmann S, Lehmann M, Eisele M, Braunschneider L, Marx G, Scherer M, Löwe B, Magaard J, Brütt A
HEALTH EXPECT. 2021;24 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):95-112.
The efficacy of automated feedback after internet-based depression screening: Study protocol of the German, three-armed, randomised controlled trial DISCOVER
Sikorski F, König H, Wegscheider K, Zapf A, Löwe B, Kohlmann S
INTERNET INTERV. 2021;25:100435.
Suicide and suicidality in somatic symptom and related disorders: A systematic review
Torres M, Löwe B, Schmitz S, Pienta J, Van Der Feltz-Cornelis C, Fiedorowicz J
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2021;140:110290.
Excessiveness in symptom-related thoughts, feelings, and behaviors: An investigation of somatic symptom disorders in the general population
Toussaint A, Hüsing P, Kohlmann S, Brähler E, Löwe B
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2021;83(2):164-170.
Affective and anxiety disorders in patients with different rare chronic diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Uhlenbusch N, Swaydan J, Höller A, Löwe B, Depping M
PSYCHOL MED. 2021;51(16):2731-2741.
Application and validation of the bodily distress syndrome checklist in a psychosomatic outpatient sample
Wertenbruch-Rocke T, Hüsing P, Löwe B, Toussaint A
GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2021;69:104-110.
Accuracy of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Depression subscale (HADS-D) to screen for major depression: systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
Wu Y, Levis B, Sun Y, He C, Krishnan A, Neupane D, Bhandari P, Negeri Z, Benedetti A, Thombs B
BMJ-BRIT MED J. 2021;373:.
Development of the generic, multidimensional Treatment Expectation Questionnaire (TEX-Q) through systematic literature review, expert surveys and qualitative interviews
Alberts J, Löwe B, Glahn M, Petrie K, Laferton J, Nestoriuc Y, Shedden-Mora M
BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(8):e036169.
Implicitly measured aggressiveness self-concepts in women with borderline personality disorder as assessed by an Implicit Association Test
Baumann E, Schmidt A, Jelinek L, Benecke C, Spitzer C
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2020;66:101513.
Depression prevalence using the HADS-D compared to SCID major depression classification: An individual participant data meta-analysis
Brehaut E, Neupane D, Levis B, Wu Y, Sun Y, Krishnan A, He C, Bhandari P, Negeri Z, Riehm K, Rice D, Azar M, Yan X, Imran M, Chiovitti M, Saadat N, Cuijpers P, Ioannidis J, Markham S, Patten S, Ziegelstein R, Henry M, Ismail Z, Loiselle C, Mitchell N, Tonelli M, Boruff J, Kloda L, Beraldi A, Braeken A, Carter G, Clover K, Conroy R, Cukor D, da Rocha E Silva C, De Souza J, Downing M, Feinstein A, Ferentinos P, Fischer F, Flint A, Fujimori M, Gallagher P, Goebel S, Jetté N, Julião M, Keller M, Kjærgaard M, Love A, Löwe B, Martin-Santos R, Michopoulos I, Navines R, O'Rourke S, Öztürk A, Pintor L, Ponsford J, Rooney A, Sánchez-González R, Schwarzbold M, Sharpe M, Simard S, Singer S, Stone J, Tung K, Turner A, Walker J, Walterfang M, White J, Benedetti A, Thombs B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2020;139:110256.
Functional somatic disorders: discussion paper for a new common classification for research and clinical use
Burton C, Fink P, Henningsen P, Löwe B, Rief W
BMC MED. 2020;18(1):34.
Secret Trials behind Walls
Erices R, Gumz A, Frewer A
2020. Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki, and the Past, Present, and Future of Human Experimentation . New York: Oxford University Press, 190.
The Working Alliance Inventory for guided Internet interventions (WAI-I)
Gómez Penedo J, Berger T, grosse Holtforth M, Krieger T, Schröder J, Hohagen F, Meyer B, Moritz S, Klein J
J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2020;76(6):973-986.
Therapeutenmerkmale und Therapieabbruch: Systematisches Review der letzten 20 Jahre
Gries S, Longley M, Kästner D, Gumz A
PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2020;65(6):425-443.
Kompetent mit Spannungen und Krisen in der therapeutischen Beziehung umgehen: Techniken und didaktische Konzepte
Gumz A
2020. Kompetent mit Spannungen und Krisen in der therapeutischen Beziehung umgehen: Techniken und didaktische Konzepte. 1. Aufl. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1-85.
Umgang mit Spannungen und Krisen in der Therapiebeziehung: Konzepte und Techniken
Gumz A
PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2020;65(2):119-132.
Die „Facilitative interpersonal skills“-Übung – Messen therapeutischer Kompetenz mit der deutschsprachigen Version
Gumz A, Longley M, Schestag L, Hirschmeier C, Derwahl L, Weinreich J, Göttke T, Höltermann F, Koch T, Freund K, Geist M, Schlipfenbacher C, Kästner D
PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2020;65(6):465-474.
Umgang mit Spannungen und Krisen in der therapeutischen Beziehung: Erste Erfahrungen mit einem handlungsorientierten Ausbildungs- und Supervisionskonzept
Gumz A, Reuter L, Flückiger C, Marx C, Rugenstein K, Schlipfenbacher C, Schmidt L, Munder T
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2020;70(3-04):122-129.
The Accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Algorithm for Screening to Detect Major Depression: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis
He C, Levis B, Riehm K, Saadat N, Levis A, Azar M, Rice D, Krishnan A, Wu Y, Sun Y, Imran M, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis J, Kloda L, McMillan D, Patten S, Shrier I, Ziegelstein R, Akena D, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran H, Baron M, Beraldi A, Bombardier C, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas M, Chan J, Cholera R, Clover K, Conwell Y, de Man-van Ginkel J, Fann J, Fischer F, Fung D, Gelaye B, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno C, Hall B, Harrison P, Härter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll S, Hudson M, Hyphantis T, Inagaki M, Ismail K, Jetté N, Khamseh M, Kiely K, Kwan Y, Lamers F, Liu S, Lotrakul M, Loureiro S, Löwe B, Marsh L, McGuire A, Mohd-Sidik S, Munhoz T, Muramatsu K, Osório F, Patel V, Pence B, Persoons P, Picardi A, Reuter K, Rooney A, da Silva Dos Santos I, Shaaban J, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Stafford L, Sung S, Tan P, Turner A, van Weert H, White J, Whooley M, Winkley K, Yamada M, Thombs B, Benedetti A
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2020;89(1):25-37.
Rationale and Design of the Hamburg City Health Study
Jagodzinski A, Johansen C, Koch-Gromus U, Aarabi G, Adam G, Anders S, Augustin M, der Kellen R, Beikler T, Behrendt C, Betz C, Bokemeyer C, Borof K, Briken P, Busch C, Büchel C, Brassen S, Debus E, Eggers L, Fiehler J, Gallinat J, Gellißen S, Gerloff C, Girdauskas E, Gosau M, Graefen M, Härter M, Harth V, Heidemann C, Heydecke G, Huber T, Hussein Y, Kampf M, von dem Knesebeck O, Konnopka A, König H, Kromer R, Kubisch C, Kühn S, Loges S, Löwe B, Lund G, Meyer C, Nagel L, Nienhaus A, Pantel K, Petersen E, Püschel K, Reichenspurner H, Sauter G, Scherer M, Scherschel K, Schiffner U, Schnabel R, Schulz H, Smeets R, Sokalskis V, Spitzer M, Terschüren C, Thederan I, Thoma T, Thomalla G, Waschki B, Wegscheider K, Wenzel J, Wiese S, Zyriax B, Zeller T, Blankenberg S
EUR J EPIDEMIOL. 2020;35(2):169-181.
Depression screening using patient-targeted feedback in general practices: study protocol of the German multicentre GET.FEEDBACK.GP randomised controlled trial
Kohlmann S, Lehmann M, Eisele M, Braunschneider L, Marx G, Zapf A, Wegscheider K, Härter M, König H, Gallinat J, Joos S, Resmark G, Schneider A, Allwang C, Szecsenyi J, Nikendei C, Schulz S, Brenk-Franz K, Scherer M, Löwe B
BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(9):e035973.
The politicization of religious communities: effects on intergroup differentiation
Krys S, Simon B, Reininger K, Brause A, Galeão-Silva L
INT J SOC PSYCHOL. 2020;35(1):116-147.
Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating an evidence-based, stepped and coordinated care service model for mental disorders (RECOVER)
Lambert M, Karow A, Gallinat J, Lüdecke D, Kraft V, Rohenkohl A, Schröter R, Finter C, Siem A, Tlach L, Werkle N, Bargel S, Ohm G, Hoff M, Peter H, Scherer M, Mews C, Pruskil S, Lüke J, Härter M, Dirmaier J, Schulte-Markwort M, Löwe B, Briken P, Peper H, Schweiger M, Mösko M, Bock T, Wittzack M, Meyer H, Deister A, Michels R, Herr S, Konnopka A, König H, Wegscheider K, Daubmann A, Zapf A, Peth J, König H, Schulz H
BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(5):e036021.
Complementing conceptual models of persistent somatic symptoms with mathematical formalization
Lehnen N, Radziej K, Weigel A, von Känel R, Glasauer S, Pitron V, von den Bergh O, Löwe B, Lehmann M, Henningsen P
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2020;82(5):527-528.
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores do not accurately estimate depression prevalence: individual participant data meta-analysis
Levis B, Benedetti A, Ioannidis J, Sun Y, Negeri Z, He C, Wu Y, Krishnan A, Bhandari P, Neupane D, Imran M, Rice D, Riehm K, Saadat N, Azar M, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Kloda L, McMillan D, Patten S, Shrier I, Ziegelstein R, Alamri S, Amtmann D, Ayalon L, Baradaran H, Beraldi A, Bernstein C, Bhana A, Bombardier C, Carter G, Chagas M, Chibanda D, Clover K, Conwell Y, Diez-Quevedo C, Fann J, Fischer F, Gholizadeh L, Gibson L, Green E, Greeno C, Hall B, Haroz E, Ismail K, Jetté N, Khamseh M, Kwan Y, Lara M, Liu S, Loureiro S, Löwe B, Marrie R, Marsh L, McGuire A, Muramatsu K, Navarrete L, Osório F, Petersen I, Picardi A, Pugh S, Quinn T, Rooney A, Shinn E, Sidebottom A, Spangenberg L, Lynnette Tan P, Taylor-Rowan M, Turner A, van Weert H, Vöhringer P, Wagner L, White J, Winkley K, Thombs B
J CLIN EPIDEMIOL. 2020;122:115-128.e1.
Accuracy of the PHQ-2 Alone and in Combination With the PHQ-9 for Screening to Detect Major Depression: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Levis B, Sun Y, He C, Wu Y, Krishnan A, Bhandari P, Neupane D, Imran M, Brehaut E, Negeri Z, Fischer F, Benedetti A, Thombs B
JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC. 2020;323(22):2290-2300.
Validation of the Chinese Version of the Somatic Symptom Disorder–B Criteria Scale for Detecting DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorders: A Multicenter Study
Li T, Wei J, Fritzsche K, Toussaint A, Jlang Y, Cao J, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Chen H, Wu H, Ma X, Li W, Ren J, Lu W, Müller A, Leonhart R
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2020;82:337-344.
Psychotherapists’ perspectives on collaboration and stepped care in outpatient psychotherapy - A qualitative study
Maehder K, Löwe B, Härter M, Heddaeus D, von dem Knesebeck O, Weigel A
PLOS ONE. 2020;15(2):.
Wie kann Reden heilen? Zur Sprache in der Psychotherapie
Marx C, Benecke C, Gumz A
Placebo response rates and potential modifiers in double-blind randomized controlled trials of second and newer generation antidepressants for major depressive disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis
Meister R, Abbas M, Antel J, Peters T, Pan Y, Bingel U, Nestoriuc Y, Hebebrand J
EUR CHILD ADOLES PSY. 2020;29(3):253-273.
Adverse events during a disorder-specific psychotherapy compared to a nonspecific psychotherapy in patients with chronic depression
Meister R, Lanio J, Fangmeier T, Härter M, Schramm E, Zobel I, Hautzinger M, Nestoriuc Y, Kriston L
J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2020;76(1):7-19.
Development of the Metabolic Syndrome: Study Design and Baseline Data of the Lufthansa Prevention Study (LUPS), A Prospective Observational Cohort Survey.
Müller-Wieland D, Altenburg C, Becher H, Burchard J, Frisch A, Gebhard J, Haas J, Harth V, Heeren J, Hengelbrock J, von Karais M, Knebel B, Kotzka J, Löwe B, Marx N, Pinnschmidt H, Preisser A, Rose M, Sawitzky-Rose B, Scheja L, Terschüren C, Töller M, Vettorazzi E, Wegscheider K
EXP CLIN ENDOCR DIAB. 2020;128(12):777-787.
Open-label placebos for menopausal hot flushes: a randomized controlled trial
Pan Y, Meister R, Löwe B, Kaptchuk T, Buhling K, Nestoriuc Y
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):20090.
Hysteria 2.0
Reininger K
PDP Psychodynamische Psychotherapie. 2020;19(4):423-434.
Was macht die Tiefenpsychologisch-fundierte Psychotherapie so attraktiv?
Reininger K, Krott N
PDP Psychodynamische Psychotherapie. 2020;2020(19):201-205.
Targeting our Blind Spot: A Metacognitive Intervention Ameliorates Negative Feelings, Evaluations, and Stereotypes Towards Conservatives in a Liberal Sample
Reininger K, Krott N, Hoenisch M, Scheunemann J, Moritz S
J SOC POLIT PSYCHOL. 2020;8(2):453-482.
Dynamics of Respect: Evidence From Two Different National and Political Contexts
Reininger K, Schaefer C, Zitzmann S, Simon B
J SOC POLIT PSYCHOL. 2020;2020(8(2)):542-559.
Identification of necessary and obstructive Factors for the Start of Treatment in Patients with Anorexia nervosa
Schmidt J, Kästner D, Weigel A, Löwe B, Gumz A
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC. 2020;66(1):108-109 .
Let us talk about death: gender effects in cancer patients' preferences for end-of-life discussions
Seifart C, Riera Knorrenschild J, Hofmann M, Nestoriuc Y, Rief W, von Blanckenburg P
SUPPORT CARE CANCER. 2020;28(10):4667-4675.
Stepped, collaborative, coordinated care for somatic symptom and related disorders (Sofu-Net) - A mixed-methods evaluation among health care professionals
Shedden-Mora M, Kuby A, Tönnies J, Piontek K, Löwe B
Z PSYCHOL. 2020;2020(2):119-129.
Optimizing expectations about endocrine treatment for breast cancer: Results of the randomized controlled psy-breast trial
Shedden-Mora M, Pan Y, Heisig S, von Blanckenburg P, Rief W, Witzel I, Albert U, Nestoriuc Y
Clinical Psychology in Europe. 2020;2(1):.
Einführung Somatoforme Störungen, Somatische Belastungsstörung
Toussaint A, Herzog A
2020. Einführung Somatoforme Störungen, Somatische Belastungsstörung. 1. Aufl. München: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, .
Sensitivity to change and minimal clinically important difference of the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (GAD-7)
Toussaint A, Hüsing P, Gumz A, Wingenfeld K, Härter M, Schramm E, Löwe B
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2020;265:395-401.
Detecting DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder: criterion validity of the Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15) and the Somatic Symptom Scale-8 (SSS-8) in combination with the Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12)
Toussaint A, Hüsing P, Kohlmann S, Löwe B
PSYCHOL MED. 2020;50(2):324-333.
Transition von Adoleszenten mit Essstörungen in das Erwachsenenalter: Das Positionspapier der Task-Force Transitionspsychiatrie der DGKJP und DGPPN
Voderholzer U, de Zwaan M, Löwe B, Schulze U, Herpertz-Dahlmann B
Z KINDER JUG-PSYCH. 2020;48(6):443-447.
Causal attributions for somatic symptom disorder
von dem Knesebeck O, Lehmann M, Löwe B, Lüdecke D
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2020;129:109910.
Psychotherapists' perspective on the treatment of patients with somatic symptom disorders
Weigel A, Maehder K, Witt M, Löwe B
Insight into the Onset of Treatment in Patients with Anorexia nervosa: a multi-perspective, qualitative Study
Weigel A, Zum Felde T, Kästner D, Schmidt J, Gumz A, Löwe B
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC. 2020;66(1):122-122.
Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis - ERRATUM
Wu Y, Levis B, Riehm K, Saadat N, Levis A, Azar M, Rice D, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis J, Kloda L, McMillan D, Patten S, Shrier I, Ziegelstein R, Akena D, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran H, Baron M, Bombardier C, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas M, Chan J, Cholera R, Conwell Y, de Manvan Ginkel J, Fann J, Fischer F, Fung D, Gelaye B, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno C, Hall B, Harrison P, Härter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll S, Hudson M, Hyphantis T, Inagaki M, Jetté N, Khamseh M, Kiely K, Kwan Y, Lamers F, Liu S, Lotrakul M, Loureiro S, Löwe B, McGuire A, Mohd-Sidik S, Munhoz T, Muramatsu K, Osório F, Patel V, Pence B, Persoons P, Picardi A, Reuter K, Rooney A, Santos I, Shaaban J, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Stafford L, Sung S, Tan P, Turner A, van Weert H, White J, Whooley M, Winkley K, Yamada M, Benedetti A, Thombs B
PSYCHOL MED. 2020;50(16):2816.
Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
Wu Y, Levis B, Riehm K, Saadat N, Levis A, Azar M, Rice D, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis J, Kloda L, McMillan D, Patten S, Shrier I, Ziegelstein R, Akena D, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran H, Baron M, Bombardier C, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas M, Chan J, Cholera R, Conwell Y, de Man-van Ginkel J, Fann J, Fischer F, Fung D, Gelaye B, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno C, Hall B, Harrison P, Härter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll S, Hudson M, Hyphantis T, Inagaki M, Jetté N, Khamseh M, Kiely K, Kwan Y, Lamers F, Liu S, Lotrakul M, Loureiro S, Löwe B, McGuire A, Mohd-Sidik S, Munhoz T, Muramatsu K, Osório F, Patel V, Pence B, Persoons P, Picardi A, Reuter K, Rooney A, Santos I, Shaaban J, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Stafford M, Sung S, Tan P, Turner A, van Weert H, White J, Whooley M, Winkley K, Yamada M, Benedetti A, Thombs B
PSYCHOL MED. 2020;50(8):1368-1380.
Probability of major depression diagnostic classification based on the SCID, CIDI and MINI diagnostic interviews controlling for Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - Depression subscale scores: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 73 primary studies
Wu Y, Levis B, Sun Y, Krishnan A, He C, Riehm K, Rice D, Azar M, Yan X, Neupane D, Bhandari P, Imran M, Chiovitti M, Saadat N, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, McMillan D, Ioannidis J, Kloda L, Patten S, Shrier I, Ziegelstein R, Henry M, Ismail Z, Loiselle C, Mitchell N, Tonelli M, Al-Adawi S, Beraldi A, Braeken A, Büel-Drabe N, Bunevicius A, Carter G, Chen C, Cheung G, Clover K, Conroy R, Cukor D, da Rocha E Silva C, Dabscheck E, Daray F, Douven E, Downing M, Feinstein A, Ferentinos P, Fischer F, Flint A, Fujimori M, Gallagher P, Gandy M, Goebel S, Grassi L, Härter M, Jenewein J, Jetté N, Julião M, Kim J, Kim S, Kjærgaard M, Köhler S, Loosman W, Löwe B, Martin-Santos R, Massardo L, Matsuoka Y, Mehnert A, Michopoulos I, Misery L, Navines R, O'Donnell M, Öztürk A, Peceliuniene J, Pintor L, Ponsford J, Quinn T, Reme S, Reuter K, Rooney A, Sánchez-González R, Schwarzbold M, Senturk Cankorur V, Shaaban J, Sharpe L, Sharpe M, Simard S, Singer S, Stafford L, Stone J, Sultan S, Teixeira A, Tiringer I, Turner A, Walker J, Walterfang M, Wang L, White J, Wong D, Benedetti A, Thombs B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2020;129:109892.
Sudden Gains in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Focal Psychodynamic Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa: Findings from the ANTOP Study
Brockmeyer T, Michalek S, Zipfel S, Wild B, Resmark G, Teufel M, Giel K, de Zwaan M, Dinkel A, Herpertz S, Burgmer M, Löwe B, Tagay S, Rothermund E, Zeeck A, Herzog W, Friederich H
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2019;88(4):241-243.
Dokumentation der differentiellen Behandlungsindikation bei depressiven Störungen: Entwicklung und Machbarkeitsprüfung des STEP-D (englisch: Setting Guide for Patients with Depression)
Brünahl C, Depping M, Rickert P, Langs G, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2019;69(2):57-62.
Prevalence of DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder in Chinese outpatients from general hospital care
Cao J, Wei J, Fritzsche K, Toussaint A, Li T, Jlang Y, Zhan L, Zhang Y, Chen H, Wu H, Ma X, Li W, Ren J, Lu W, Müller A, Leonhart R, Leonhart R
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Assessment of patient information needs: A systematic review of measures
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PLOS ONE. 2019;14(1):e0209165.
Mit Spannungen und Krisen in der Therapiebeziehung kompetent(er) umgehen
Gumz A
PiD-Psychother Dialog. 2019;20(04):39-44.
Study protocol for the COMET study: a cluster-randomised, prospective, parallel-group, superiority trial to compare the effectiveness of a collaborative and stepped care model versus treatment as usual in patients with mental disorders in primary care
Heddaeus D, Dirmaier J, Brettschneider C, Daubmann A, Grochtdreis T, von dem Knesebeck O, König H, Löwe B, Maehder K, Porzelt S, Rosenkranz M, Schäfer I, Scherer M, Schulte B, Wegscheider K, Weigel A, Werner S, Zimmermann T, Härter M
BMJ OPEN. 2019;9:e032408.
Erprobung eines integrierten und gestuften Behandlungsmodells für psychische Störungen und Komorbiditäten im Hamburger Netzwerk für Versorgungsforschung
Heddaeus D, Dirmaier J, Daubmann A, Grochtdreis T, König H, Löwe B, Maehder K, Porzelt S, Rosenkranz M, Schäfer I, Scherer M, Schulte B, von dem Knesebeck O, Wegscheider K, Weigel A, Werner S, Zimmermann T, Härter M
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Rethinking the Interpretation of Item Discrimination and Factor Loadings
Jordan P, Spiess M
EDUC PSYCHOL MEAS. 2019;79(6):1103-1132.
The importance of body image disturbances for the outcome of outpatient psychotherapy in patients with anorexia nervosa: Results of the ANTOP-study
Junne F, Wild B, Resmark G, Giel K, Teufel M, Martus P, Ziser K, Friederich H, de Zwaan M, Löwe B, Dinkel A, Herpertz S, Burgmer M, Tagay S, Rothermund E, Zeeck A, Herzog W, Zipfel S
EUR EAT DISORD REV. 2019;27(1):49-58.
Facilitators and barriers in anorexia nervosa treatment initiation (FABIANA): study protocol for a mixed-methods and multicentre study
Kästner D, Buchholz I, Weigel A, Brunner R, Voderholzer U, Gumz A, Löwe B
BJPSYCH OPEN. 2019;5(6):e92.
The role of self-esteem in the treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa - A systematic review and meta-analysis
Kästner D, Löwe B, Gumz A
INT J EAT DISORDER. 2019;52(2):101-116.
Selbstmanagement Interventionen in der Behandlung depressiver Störungen: reif für die klinische Praxis?
Klein J, Berger T, Hautzinger M, Lutz W, Rose M, Späth C, Schröder J, Hohagen F, Moritz S
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2019;87(3):172-180.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Complemented with Emotion Regulation Training for Patients with Persistent Physical Symptoms: A Randomised Clinical Trial
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PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2019;88(5):287-299.
Physiotherapy management of patients with chronic pelvic pain (CPP): A systematic review
Klotz S, Schön M, Ketels G, Löwe B, Brünahl C
PHYSIOTHER THEOR PR. 2019;35(6):516-532.
Somatic symptom disorder in the general population: Associations with medical status and health care utilization using the SSD-12
Kop W, Toussaint A, Mols F, Löwe B
GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2019;56:36-41.
The politicization of religious communities: effects on intergroup differentiation / La politización de las comunidades religiosas: los efectos en la diferenciación intergrupal
Krys S, Simon B, Reininger K, Brause A, Galeão-Silva L
General practitioners' views on the diagnostic innovations in DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder-A focus group study
Lehmann M, Jonas C, Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Scherer M, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2019;123:109734.
Barrieren für die Diagnose und Behandlung anhaltender, unklarer und belastender Körperbeschwerden in der Primärversorgung - Ergebnisse aus qualitativen Interviews mit PatientInnen und ihren HausärztInnen
Lehmann M, Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Scherer M, Löwe B
2019. Psychosomatik in unruhigen Zeiten - Vertrautes und Visionen. .
Barriers for the diagnosis and management of persistent and medically unexplained symptoms in primary care--Representative survey with general practitioners
Lehmann M, Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Scherer M, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2019;121:131-131.
Management of comorbid mental and somatic disorders in stepped care approaches in primary care: a systematic review
Maehder K, Löwe B, Härter M, Heddaeus D, Scherer M, Weigel A
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Substance Abuse-Related Self-Stigma in Women with Substance Use Disorder and Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
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EUR ADDICT RES. 2019;25(1):20-29.
Reviving the Clinician Scientist: A Best Practice Model
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PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2019;88(2):114-115.
It can’t hurt, right? Adverse effects of psychotherapy in patients with depression
Moritz S, Nestoriuc Y, Rief W, Klein J, Jelinek L, Peth J
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Post-psychotic depression. Paranoia and the damage done
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Focusing on Patients' Existing Resources and Strengths in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Psychodynamic Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC. 2019;65(2):144-161.
Facilitative interpersonal skills performance test: Psychometric analysis of a German language version
Munder T, Schlipfenbacher C, Toussaint K, Warmuth M, Anderson T, Gumz A
J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2019;75(12):2273-2283.
Minimizing Drug Adverse Events by Informing About the Nocebo Effect—An Experimental Study
Pan Y, Kinitz T, Stapic M, Nestoriuc Y
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2019;10(10):504.
Non-concealed placebo treatment for menopausal hot flushes: Study protocol of a randomized-controlled trial
Pan Y, Meister R, Löwe B, Winkelmann A, Kaptchuk T, Bühling K, Nestoriuc Y
TRIALS. 2019;20(1):508.
Somatic and psychosocial determinants of symptom severity and quality of life in male and female patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Piontek K, Ketels G, Albrecht R, Schnurr U, Dybowski C, Brünahl C, Riegel B, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2019;120:1-7.
Zentrale Dimensionen zur Erfassung der Wirksamkeit von Psychotherapie. Empfehlung der DKPM-Arbeitsgruppe „Klinische Psychodiagnostik und Psychometrie“
Rabung S, Montan I, Andreas S, Fischer F, Forkmann T, Glaesmer H, Huber D, Ratzek M, Sattel H, Löwe B, Rose M, Dinkel A
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2019;69(7):303-304.
Identifikationsbasierter Zweifel in Konfliktdynamiken
Reininger K, Krott N
Konflikt-Dynamik. 2019;2019(1):56-62.
Two-Year Follow-Up after Treatment with the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy versus Supportive Psychotherapy for Early-Onset Chronic Depression
Schramm E, Kriston L, Elsaesser M, Fangmeier T, Meister R, Bausch P, Zobel I, Bailer J, Wambach K, Backenstrass M, Klein J, Schoepf D, Schnell K, Gumz A, Löwe B, Walter H, Wolf M, Domschke K, Berger M, Hautzinger M, Härter M
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2019;88(3):154-164.
Disapproved, but Tolerated: The Role of Respect in Outgroup Tolerance
Simon B, Eschert S, Schaefer C, Reininger K, Zitzmann S, Smith H
PERS SOC PSYCHOL B. 2019;45(3):406-415.
Perceived burden in dealing with different rare diseases: a qualitative focus group study
Uhlenbusch N, Löwe B, Depping M
BMJ OPEN. 2019;9(12):e033353.
Depression and anxiety in patients with different rare chronic diseases: A cross-sectional study
Uhlenbusch N, Löwe B, Härter M, Schramm C, Weiler-Normann C, Depping M
PLOS ONE. 2019;14(2):e0211343.
Why is the recognition rate of psychological distress under-estimated in general hospitals? A cross-sectional observational study in China
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MEDICINE. 2019;98(27):.
Severity of somatic symptoms in outpatients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa
Weigel A, Löwe B, Kohlmann S
EUR EAT DISORD REV. 2019;27(2):195-204.
A cross-sectional study on preoperative anxiety in adults
Aust H, Eberhart L, Sturm T, Schuster M, Nestoriuc Y, Brehm F, Rüsch D
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2018;111:133-139.
Unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie – Eine Einführung und Empfehlungen
Bieda A, Pflug V, Scholten S, Lippert M, Ladwig I, Nestoriuc Y, Schneider S
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2018;68(9/10):383-390.
HAM-NET: Koordinieren, fördern und verbessern
Bremer D, Busch S, Liedtke F, Meusch A, von dem Knesebeck O, Löwe B, Scherer M, Härter M
Monitor Versorgungsforschung. 2018;04(2018):35-37.
Hamburger Stadtpolitik und Gesundheit: Vernetzung der Versorgungsforschung in Hamburg
Bremer D, Härter M, Löwe B, von dem Knesebeck O
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Combined Cognitive-Behavioural and Physiotherapeutic Therapy for Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (COMBI-CPPS): study protocol for a controlled feasibility trial
Brünahl C, Klotz S, Dybowski C, Riegel B, Gregorzik S, Tripp D, Ketels G, Löwe B
TRIALS. 2018;19(1):20.
Wenn Reden keine Lösung bringt!?
Brünahl C, Toussaint A
2018. Ärztliche Kommunikation. Jünger J (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 266-271.
Evidenzbasierte Therapie somatoformer Störungen
Depping M, Löwe B
Psych Up2Date. 2018;12(02):123-126.
Predictors of pain, urinary symptoms and quality of life in patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS): A prospective 12-month follow-up study
Dybowski C, Löwe B, Brünahl C
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2018;112:99-106.
Secret Trials Behind Walls: The Role of the State Security Service in East German Human Experiments, 1961–1989.
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2018. Human Research Ethics and the Declaration of Helsinki. .
The role of the State Security Service (Stasi) in the context of international clinical trials conducted by western pharmaceutical companies in Eastern Germany (1961-1990)
Erices R, Frewer A, Gumz A
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Predicting patient reassurance after colonoscopy: The role of illness beliefs
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J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2018;114:58-61.
Assessment of perceived mental health-related stigma: The Stigma-9 Questionnaire (STIG-9)
Gierk B, Löwe B, Murray A, Kohlmann S
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Cost-effectiveness Analysis of a Stepped, Collaborative and Coordinated Health Care Network for Patients with Somatoform Disorders (Sofu-Net)
Grochtdreis T, Brettschneider C, Shedden-Mora M, Piontek K, König H, Löwe B
J MENT HEALTH POLICY. 2018;21(2):59-69.
Psychodynamische Psychotherapie in der Praxis
Gumz A, Hörz-Sagstetter
Psychodynamische Psychotherapie in der Praxis. Lehr-DVD
Gumz A, Hörz-Sagstetter
The change process in adult anorexia nervosa inpatient treatment: a path model
Gumz A, Kästner D, Weigel A, Daubmann A, Osen B, Karacic M, Wollburg E, Voderholzer U, Löwe B
EAT WEIGHT DISORD-ST. 2018;23(3):313-320.
Allianz-Fokussiertes Training (AFT). Schulenübergreifender Weg zum Umgang mit Krisen in der therapeutischen Beziehung.
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PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2018;63(1):55-61.
The psychenet public health intervention for anorexia nervosa: a pre-post-evaluation study in a female patient sample
Gumz A, Weigel A, Wegscheider K, Romer G, Löwe B
PRIM HEALTH CARE RES. 2018;19(1):42-52.
Versorgungsforschung in Hamburg
Härter M, Bremer D, von dem Knesebeck O, Löwe B, König H, Scherer M
Hamb Ärztebl. 2018;2018(05):12-17.
Persistent Physical Symptoms as Perceptual Dysregulation: A Neuropsychobehavioral Model and Its Clinical Implications
Henningsen P, Gündel H, Kop W, Löwe B, Martin A, Rief W, Rosmalen J, Schröder A, van der Feltz-Cornelis C, Van den Bergh O
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2018;80(5):422-431.
Duration of untreated illness in patients with somatoform disorders
Herzog A, Shedden-Mora M, Jordan P, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2018;107:1-6.
Validity and sensitivity to change of the Somatic Symptom Disorder-B Criteria Scale (SSD-12) in a clinical population
Hüsing P, Bassler M, Löwe B, Koch S, Toussaint A
GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2018;55:20-26.
Somatoform disorder in primary care: The influence of co-morbidity with anxiety and depression on health care utilization
Hüsing P, Löwe B, Piontek K, Shedden-Mora M
J EVAL CLIN PRACT. 2018;24(4):892-900.
Comparing the diagnostic concepts of ICD-10 somatoform disorders and DSM-5 somatic symptom disorders in patients from a psychosomatic outpatient clinic
Hüsing P, Löwe B, Toussaint A
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2018;113:74-80.
Predicting suicidal ideation in primary care: An approach to identify easily assessable key variables
Jordan P, Shedden-Mora M, Löwe B
GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2018;51:106-111.
The Maslach Burnout Inventory: A View from Item Response Theory.
Jordan P, Steingen U, Terschüren C, Harth V
TPM-TEST PSYCHOM MET. 2018;25(1):101-20.
Factors influencing the length of hospital stay of patients with anorexia nervosa – results of a prospective multi-center study
Kästner D, Löwe B, Weigel A, Osen B, Voderholzer U, Gumz A
BMC HEALTH SERV RES. 2018;18(1):22.
Myofascial Findings and Psychopathological Factors in Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
Klotz S, Ketels G, Löwe B, Brünahl C
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Physiotherapeutische Befunderhebung bei „chronic pelvic pain syndrome“: Entwicklung eines standardisierten physiotherapeutischen Befundinstruments zur interprofessionellen Zusammenarbeit bei PatientInnen mit chronischem Unterbauchschmerz
Klotz S, Ketels G, Richardsen B, Löwe B, Brünahl C
SCHMERZ. 2018;32(3):188-194.
Health Care for Persistent Somatic Symptoms Across Europe: A Qualitative Evaluation of the EURONET-SOMA Expert Discussion
Kohlmann S, Löwe B, Shedden-Mora M
What general practitioners think about the new DSM-5 diagnosis ‘somatic symptom disorder’ –Results from qualitative interviews with general practitioners
Kurz K, Rustige L, Lehmann M, Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Löwe B, Scherer M
2018. Innovative and integrated approaches to promote mental and physical health . .
Suicidal ideation in patients with coronary heart disease and Hypertension: Baseline results from the DEPSCREEN-INFO clinical trial
Lehmann M, Kohlmann S, Gierk B, Murray A, Löwe B
CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. 2018;25(6):754-764.
Barriers to diagnosis and treatment of persistent and burdensome somatic symptoms in primary care – Results from qualitative interviews with patients and their general practitioners.
Lehmann M, Pohontsch N, Rustige L, Kurz K, Zimmermann T, Löwe B, Scherer M
2018. Innovative and integrated approaches to promote mental and physical health . .
Subjektive Häufigkeit der somatischen Belastungsstörung in der hausärztlichen Praxis - Ergebnisse eines deutschlandweiten repräsentativen Surveys unter Hausärzt/innen
Lehmann M, Rustige L, Kurz K, Löwe B
2018. Psychosomatik als Perspektive. .
Barrieren der Diagnose somatoformer Störungen in der Hausarztpraxis – Ergebnisse eines deutschlandweiten repräsentativen Surveys
Lehmann M, Rustige L, Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Kurz K, Scherer M, Löwe B
2018. Psychosomatik als Perspektive. .
Probability of major depression diagnostic classification using semi-structured versus fully structured diagnostic interviews
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BRIT J PSYCHIAT. 2018;212(6):377-385.
Definition und entscheidungsschritte in der bestimmung und Erfassung von nebenwirkungen von Psychotherapie
Linden M, Strauß B, Scholten S, Nestoriuc Y, Brakemeier E, Wasilewski J
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2018;68(9-10):377-382.
Functional Somatic Symptoms Across Cultures: Perceptual and Health Care Issues
Löwe B, Gerloff C
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2018;80(5):412-415.
Illness beliefs about depression among patients seeking depression care and patients seeking cardiac care: an exploratory analysis using a mixed method design
Magaard J, Löwe B, Brütt A, Kohlmann S
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2018;18:366.
General Population Norms for the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT)-Fatigue Scale
Montan I, Löwe B, Cella D, Mehnert A, Hinz A
VALUE HEALTH. 2018;21(11):1313-1321.
Anxiety and self-care behaviour in patients with chronic systolic heart failure: A multivariate model
Müller-Tasch T, Löwe B, Lossnitzer N, Frankenstein L, Täger T, Haass M, Katus H, Schultz J, Herzog W
EUR J CARDIOVASC NUR. 2018;17(2):170-177.
Munder T, Rugenstein K, Gumz A
2018. Kritische Lebenskunst. Günter G, Zirfas J (Hrsg.). Springer, 301-307.
Ressourcenorientierung in der Psychodynamischen Therapie
Munder T, Rugenstein K, Gumz A
PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2018;63(3):218-225.
Facilitating adherence to endocrine therapy in breast cancer: stability and predictive power of treatment expectations in a 2-year prospective study
Pan Y, Heisig S, von Blanckenburg P, Albert U, Hadji P, Rief W, Nestoriuc Y
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Unerwünschte Effekte von Psychotherapie bei depressiven Patienten – Erste Anwendung der Positive and Negative Effects of Psychotherapy Scale (PANEPS)
Peth J, Jelinek L, Nestoriuc Y, Moritz S
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2018;68(9/10):391-398.
Diagnosis of somatoform disorders in primary care: diagnostic agreement, predictors, and comaprisons with depression and anxiety
Piontek K, Shedden-Mora M, Gladigau M, Kuby A, Löwe B
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2018;18(1):361.
Coding of medically unexplained symptoms and somatoform disorders by general practitioners - an exploratory focus group study
Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Jonas C, Lehmann M, Löwe B, Scherer M
BMC PRIM CARE. 2018;19(1):129.
Preventing adverse events of chemotherapy by educating patients about the nocebo effect (RENNO study) - study protocol of a randomized controlled trial with gastrointestinal cancer patients
Quidde J, Pan Y, Salm M, Hendi A, Nilsson S, Oechsle K, Stein A, Nestoriuc Y
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Sozialpsychologische Perspektiven auf Glauben und Wissen. Wie identitätsbasierter Zweifel in religiösem Glauben zu politischem Engagement führen und vor Radikalisierung bewahren kan
Reininger K
Theologie und Glaube. 2018;248-266.
Salt Effect in Ion-Pair Dynamics after Bimolecular Photoinduced Electron Transfer in a Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid
Rosspeintner A, Koch M, Angulo G, Vauthey E
J PHYS CHEM LETT. 2018;9(24):7015-7020.
Hausärztliche Perspektive auf die neue DSM-5 Diagnose der somatischen Belastungsstörung – Qualitative Analyse von Interviewdaten mit Hausärzten und Hausärztinnen.
Rustige L, Lehmann M, Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Kurz K, Scherer M, Löwe B
2018. Psychosomatik als Perspektive. .
Patientenerwartungen optimieren: Beschreibung einer präoperativen Kurzintervention am Beispiel von Patienten vor einer Bypass-Operation
Salzmann S, Laferton J, Auer C, Shedden-Mora M, Wambach K, Rief W
VERHALTENSTHERAPIE. 2018;28(3):157-165.
Corrigendum to ``Bridging the "digital divide" - A comparison of use and effectiveness of an online intervention for depression between Baby Boomers and Millennials'' [Journal of Affective Disorders, 236, pp 243-251]
Schneider B, Schröder J, Berger T, Hohagen F, Meyer B, Späth C, Greiner W, Hautzinger M, Lutz W, Rose M, Vettorazzi E, Moritz S, Klein J
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2018;241:635.
Validity of the Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12) in Primary Care
Toussaint A, Riedl B, Kehrer S, Schneider A, Löwe B, Klaus L
BMC PRIM CARE. 2018;35(3):342-347.
A European Research Agenda for Somatic Symptom Disorders, Bodily Distress Disorders, and Functional Disorders: Results of an Estimate-Talk-Estimate Delphi Expert Study
van der Feltz-Cornelis C, Elfeddali I, Werneke U, Malt U, Van den Bergh O, Schaefert R, Kop W, Lobo A, Sharpe M, Söllner W, Löwe B
Public stigma towards individuals with somatic symptom disorders–Survey results from Germany
von dem Knesebeck O, Lehmann M, Löwe B, Makowski A
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2018;115:71-75.
Public Beliefs About Somatic Symptom Disorders
von dem Knesebeck O, Löwe B, Lehmann M, Makowski A
Contingency Contracts for Weight Gain of Patients with Anorexia Nervosa in Inpatient Therapy: Practice Styles of Specialized Centers
Ziser K, Giel K, Resmark G, Nikendei C, Friederich H, Herpertz S, Rose M, de Zwaan M, von Wietersheim J, Zeeck A, Dinkel A, Burgmer M, Löwe B, Sprute C, Zipfel S, Junne F
J CLIN MED. 2018;7(8):215.
Why current drug adherence programs fail: addressing psychological risk factors of nonadherence
Arlt A, Nestoriuc Y, Rief W
CURR OPIN PSYCHIATR. 2017;30(5):326-333.
Optimizing preoperative expectations leads to a shorter length of hospital stay in CABG patients - Further results of the randomized controlled PSY-HEART trial
Auer C, Laferton J, Shedden-Mora M, Salzmann S, Moosdorf R, Rief W
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2017;97:82-89.
Nebenwirkungen von Psychotherapie
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2017. Verhaltenstherapie in der Praxis. Brakemeier E, Jacobi F (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Beltz, 921-929.
Depression screening with patient-targeted feedback in cardiology: The cost-effectiveness of DEPSCREEN-INFO
Brettschneider C, Kohlmann S, Gierk B, Löwe B, König H
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(8):e0181021.
Mental disorders in patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)
Brünahl C, Dybowski C, Albrecht R, Riegel B, Höink J, Fisch M, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2017;98:19-26.
Psychosocial supportive care needs in patients with rare chronic diseases
Depping M, Uhlenbusch N, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2017;97:145.
Language-related differential item functioning between English and German PROMIS Depression items is negligible
Fischer H, Wahl I, Nolte S, Liegl G, Brähler E, Löwe B, Rose M
INT J METH PSYCH RES. 2017;26(4):e1530.
Emotional Expression Predicts Treatment Outcome in Focal Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa: Findings from the ANTOP Study
Friederich H, Brockmeyer T, Wild B, Resmark G, de Zwaan M, Dinkel A, Herpertz S, Burgmer M, Löwe B, Tagay S, Rothermund E, Zeeck A, Zipfel S, Herzog W
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2017;86(2):108-110.
Monitoring somatic symptoms in patients with mental disorders: Sensitivity to change and minimal clinically important difference of the Somatic Symptom Scale–8 (SSS-8)
Gierk B, Kohlmann S, Hagemann-Goebel M, Löwe B, Nestoriuc Y
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Pilotstudie zur Durchführbarkeit einer Biofeedbackkompaktbehandlung bei chronifizierten Kopfschmerzen in der ambulanten Versorgung
Graef J, Rief W, Korn H, Timmer B, Martin A, Nestoriuc Y
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2017;67(1):26-37.
The More Vivid the Imagination the Better: The Role of the Vividness of Imagination in Vasoconstriction Training and Vasodilatation Training
Graef J, Rief W, Nestoriuc Y, Weise C
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A bottom-up approach to assess verbal therapeutic techniques. Development of the Psychodynamic Interventions List (PIL)
Gumz A, Neubauer K, Horstkotte J, Geyer M, Löwe B, Murray A, Kästner D
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(8):e0182949 .
Efficacy of a prevention program for eating disorders in schools: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Gumz A, Weigel A, Daubmann A, Wegscheider K, Romer G, Löwe B
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2017;17(1):293.
Process quality of decision-making in multidisciplinary cancer team Meetings: a structured observational study
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How are decisions made in cancer care? A qualitative study using participant observation of current practice
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Diagnostic barriers for somatic symptom disorders in primary care: study protocol for a mixed methods study in Germany
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Psychometric analysis of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7) in primary care using modern item response theory
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Physicians' beliefs about placebo and nocebo effects in antidepressants - an online survey among German practitioners
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Patients’ Expectations Regarding Medical Treatment: A Critical Review of Concepts and Their Assessment
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RECOVER: Modell der sektorenübergreifend-koordinierten, schweregrad-gestuften, evidenzbasierten Versorgung psychischer Erkrankungen
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Sprache und Musikszenen
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Die Hausärztinnen- und Hausarztperspektive auf die neue DSM-5 Diagnose Somatische Belastungsstörung - eine Fokusgruppenstudie
Lehmann M, Heinbokel C, Pohontsch N, Zimmermann T, Scherer M, Löwe B
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Selective Cutoff Reporting in Studies of Diagnostic Test Accuracy: A Comparison of Conventional and Individual-Patient-Data Meta-Analyses of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Depression Screening Tool
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Psyche – Soma. Mensch – System. Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie vom 22.–24. März 2017 in Berlin
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Depression screening with patient-targeted feedback in cardiology: DEPSCREEN-INFO randomised clinical trial
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BRIT J PSYCHIAT. 2017;210(2):132-139.
Poor uptake of depression care in cardiology. Reply
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Effectiveness of a stepped, collaborative, and coordinated health care network for somatoform disorders (Sofu-Net): A controlled cluster cohort study
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PSYCHOSOM MED. 2017;79(9):1016-1024.
Defining and Predicting Patterns of Early Response in a Web-Based Intervention for Depression
Lutz W, Arndt A, Rubel J, Berger T, Schröder J, Späth C, Meyer B, Greiner W, Gräfe V, Hautzinger M, Fuhr K, Rose M, Nolte S, Löwe B, Hohagen F, Klein J, Moritz S
J MED INTERNET RES. 2017;19(6):e206.
Talking Cure Models: A Framework of Analysis.
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Development of a Japanese version of the Somatic Symptom Scale-8: Psychometric validity and internal consistency
Matsudaira K, Oka H, Kawaguchi M, Murakami M, Fukudo S, Hashizume M, Löwe B
GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2017;45:7-11.
Placebo and nocebo reactions in randomized trials of pharmacological treatments for persistent depressive disorder. A meta-regression analysis
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Emotionsregulation und Essverhalten vor und nach bariatrisch-chirurgischem Eingriff
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Protocol for the ENCODE trial: evaluating a novel online depression intervention for persons with epilepsy
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Somatic symptom and related disorders
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Core outcome domains for clinical trials on somatic symptom disorder, bodily distress disorder and functional somatic syndromes: EURONET-SOMA recommendations
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Core Outcome Domains for Clinical Trials on Somatic Symptom Disorder, Bodily Distress Disorder, and Functional Somatic Syndromes: European Network on Somatic Symptom Disorders Recommendations
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New Developments in Psycho-oncology
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Preoperative optimization of patient expectations improves long-term outcome in heart surgery patients: results of the randomized controlled PSY-HEART trial
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Chronisches Unterbauchschmerzsyndrom
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2017. Schmerzpsychotherapie. Kröner-Herwig B, Frettlöh J, Klinger R, Nilges P (Hrsg.). 8. Aufl. Springer, 591-608.
Effects of Preoperative Psychological Interventions on Catecholamine and Cortisol Levels After Surgery in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patients: The Randomized Controlled PSY-HEART Trial.
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PSYCHOSOM MED. 2017;79(7):806-814.
The Implications of Psychological Symptoms for Length of Sick Leave
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Effect of Disorder-Specific vs Nonspecific Psychotherapy for Chronic Depression: A Randomized Clinical Trial
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Change Factors in the Process of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
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CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. 2017;24(3):785-792.
Capitalizing placebo effects to improve outcome in cardiac surgery
Shedden-Mora M, Rief W
A comparison of bivariate, multivariate random-effects, and Poisson correlated gamma-frailty models to meta-analyze individual patient data of ordinal scale diagnostic tests
Simoneau G, Levis B, Cuijpers P, Ioannidis J, Patten S, Shrier I, Bombardier C, de Lima Osório F, Fann J, Gjerdingen D, Lamers F, Lotrakul M, Löwe B, Shaaban J, Stafford L, van Weert H, Whooley M, Wittkampf K, Yeung A, Thombs B, Benedetti A
BIOMETRICAL J. 2017;59(6):1317-1338.
Comparing the Patient Health Questionnaire - 15 and the Somatic Symptom Scale - 8 as measures of somatic symptom burden
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J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2017;101:44-50.
The Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12): Factorial structure, validity and population-based norms
Toussaint A, Löwe B, Brähler E, Jordan P
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2017;97:9-17.
Evaluation of a Universal Prevention Program for Eating Disorders in Schools: Results of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
Weigel A, Gumz A, Wegscheider K, Romer G, Löwe B
2017. Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the European Association for Psychosomatic Medicine. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 173.
A European research network to improve diagnosis, treatment and care for patients with persistent somatic symptoms: Work report of the EURONET-SOMA conference series
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J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2017;97:136-138.
Age effect on autobiographical memory specificity: A study on autobiographical memory specificity in elderly survivors of childhood trauma
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J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2017;54:247-253.
Investigation of implicit avoidance of displacement-related stimuli in offspring of trauma exposed, forcibly-displaced individuals
Wittekind C, Muhtz C, Moritz S, Jelinek L
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Metabotropic glutamate2/3 receptor agonism facilitates autonomic recovery after pharmacological panic challenge in healthy humans
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INT CLIN PSYCHOPHARM. 2016;31(3):176-8.
Determinants and frequency of irritable bowel syndrome in a German sample
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Post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS) after infection with Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O104:H4: A cohort study with prospective follow-up
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Effect of Escitalopram on All-Cause Mortality and Hospitalization in Patients With Heart Failure and Depression: The MOOD-HF Randomized Clinical Trial
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Coping strategies in anxious surgical patients
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Hospital utilization outcome of an assertive outreach model for schizophrenic patients - results of a quasi-experimental study
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Auricular Acupuncture Versus Progressive Muscle Relaxation in Patients with Anxiety Disorders or Major Depressive Disorder: A Prospective Parallel Group Clinical Trial
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Diagnostische Klassifikationssysteme ICD-10 und DSM-5
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Cost-effectiveness of focal psychodynamic therapy and enhanced cognitive-behavioural therapy in out-patients with anorexia nervosa
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Expressive Suppression of Emotions and Overeating in Individuals with Overweight and Obesity
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Krisen in der therapeutischen Beziehung als Chance
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The Intersession Process in Psychotherapy for Anorexia Nervosa: Characteristics and Relation to Outcome
Hartmann A, Zeeck A, Herzog W, Wild B, de Zwaan M, Herpertz S, Burgmer M, von Wietersheim J, Tagay S, Dinkel A, Löwe B, Resmark G, Orlinsky D, Zipfel S
J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2016;72(9):861-79.
What do women with breast cancer expect from their treatment? Correlates of negative treatment expectations about endocrine therapy
Heisig S, Shedden-Mora M, von Blanckenburg P, Rief W, Witzel I, Albert U, Nestoriuc Y
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The relationship of body image with symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with anorexia nervosa during outpatient psychotherapy: Results of the ANTOP study
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Effects of a Psychological Internet Intervention in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Depressive Symptoms: Results of the EVIDENT Study, a Randomized Controlled Trial
Klein J, Berger T, Schröder J, Späth C, Meyer B, Caspar F, Lutz W, Arndt A, Greiner W, Gräfe V, Hautzinger M, Fuhr K, Rose M, Nolte S, Löwe B, Anderssoni G, Vettorazzi E, Moritz S, Hohagen F
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2016;85(4):218-228.
The overlap of somatic, anxious and depressive syndromes: A population-based analysis
Kohlmann S, Gierk B, Hilbert A, Brähler E, Löwe B
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Base Rates of Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: An Individual Symptom Analysis
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Schmerzpsychologische Interventionen bei onkologischen Patienten. Ein systematisches Review zum aktuellen Stand der Forschung.
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Optimizing preoperative expectations in cardiac surgery patients is moderated by level of disability: The successful development of a brief psychological intervention
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Acute Ebola virus disease patient treatment and health-related quality of life in health care professionals: A controlled study
Lehmann M, Brünahl C, Addo M, Becker S, Schmiedel S, Lohse A, Schramm C, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2016;83:69-74.
Suicidal ideation and thoughts about self-harm in cardiac patients: Risk factors identified in the DEPSCREEN-INFO randomized controlled trial
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PHQ-9. Gesundheitsfragebogen für Patienten – Modul Depressivität
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2016. Diagnostische Verfahren in der Psychotherapie. Geue K, Strauß B, Brähler E (Hrsg.). Hogrefe, 377-382.
The Development of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Prospective Community-Based Cohort Study
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AM J GASTROENTEROL. 2016;111(9):1320-9.
Association of hypertension with depression and generalized anxiety symptoms in a large population-based sample of older adults
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Development of a linguistically validated Japanese version of the Somatic Symptom Scale-8 (SSS-8). Shinshin Irgaku, 56: 931–937 (in Japanese).
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Was ist eine Übertragungsdeutung? Eine konzeptuelle und empirische Studie
Munder T, Lorenz A, Gumz A
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The challenge of diagnosing non-specific, functional, and somatoform disorders: A systematic review of barriers to diagnosis in primary care
Murray A, Toussaint A, Althaus A, Löwe B
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Is it best to expect the worst? Influence of patients' side-effect expectations on endocrine treatment outcome in a 2-year prospective clinical cohort study
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Patientinnen mit postpartaler Depression in Frauenarztpraxen in Deutschland - Ergebnisse einer Repräsentativerhebung niedergelassener Gynäkologen zur Diagnostik und Versorgung
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Collaborative stepped care for somatoform disorders: A pre-post-intervention study in primary care
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Development and Validation of the Somatic Symptom Disorder–B Criteria Scale (SSD-12)
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PSYCHOSOM MED. 2016;78(1):5-12.
Eating pathology in medical students in Eastern Germany: comparison with general population and a sample at the time of the German reunification
Weigel A, Hofmeister D, Pröbster K, Brähler E, Gumz A
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Identifying Ways to Improve Early Treatment in Anorexia Nervosa
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Correlates of health related quality of life in anorexia nervosa
Weigel A, König H, Gumz A, Löwe B, Brettschneider C
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Predictors of outcomes in outpatients with anorexia nervosa - Results from the ANTOP study
Wild B, Friederich H, Zipfel S, Resmark G, Giel K, Teufel M, Schellberg D, Löwe B, de Zwaan M, Zeeck A, Herpertz S, Burgmer M, von Wietersheim J, Tagay S, Dinkel A, Herzog W
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Autobiographical memory in adult offspring of traumatized parents with and without posttraumatic stress symptoms
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The effect of authenticity in music on the subjective theories and aesthetical evaluation of listeners: A randomized experiment
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Chronische Unterbauchschmerzen und Persönlichkeit - Zusammenhänge zwischen körperlichen Beschwerden und psychischer Struktur
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Cost-utility analyses of cognitive-behavioural therapy of depression - a systematic review
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Essstörungen: Erfahrungen mit einem schulischen Präventionsprojekt
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Testing ground GDR: Western pharmaceutical firms conducting clinical trials behind the Iron Curtain
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Versuchsfeld DDR. Klinische Prüfungen westlicher Pharmafirmen hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang
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„Hier läuft bald gar nichts mehr". BStU-Quellen zur Entwicklung des Gesundheitswesens in der DDR
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Arzt, Akademiepräsident, Aufsichtsrat. Der DDR-Mediziner Horst Klinkmann im Dienst des Staates.
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Addressing issues of vaccination literacy and psychological empowerment in the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination decision-making: a qualitative study
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Steroid regulation of T cell function appears unaltered in borderline personality disorder
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Assessing somatic symptom burden: a psychometric comparison of the patient health questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15) and the somatic symptom scale-8 (SSS-8)
Gierk B, Kohlmann S, Toussaint A, Wahl I, Brünahl C, Murray A, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2015;78(4):352-5.
Kriterienkatalog zur Beurteilung psychodiagnostischer Selbstbeurteilungsinstrumente--Empfehlung des Deutschen Kollegiums für Psychosomatische Medizin (DKPM)
Glaesmer H, Forkmann T, Dinkel A, Wahl I, Sattel H, Huber D, Spangenberg L, Rabung S, Andreas S, Tritt K, Franke G, Rose M, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2015;65(7):246-54.
Aggregating factors of the change process in the treatment of anorexia nervosa
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EAT BEHAV. 2015;19:81-5.
Measuring Verbal Psychotherapeutic Techniques-A Systematic Review of Intervention Characteristics and Measures
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Ist es möglich, das Risiko für Essstörungen zu verringern? Erste Ergebnisse eines Präventionsprojekts an Hamburger Schulen
Gumz A, Weigel A, Kästner D, Romer G, Löwe B
2015. Kongressabstracts DGPM, 25.–28.März 2015, Berlin. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 65.
Framing and personalizing informed consent to prevent negative expectations: An experimental pilot study
Heisig S, Shedden-Mora M, Hidalgo P, Nestoriuc Y
HEALTH PSYCHOL. 2015;34(10):1033-7.
Informing women with breast cancer about endocrine therapy: effects on knowledge and adherence
Heisig S, Shedden Mora M, von Blanckenburg P, Schuricht F, Rief W, Albert U, Nestoriuc Y
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2015;24(2):130-137.
Psychological and interactional characteristics of patients with somatoform disorders: Validation of the Somatic Symptoms Experiences Questionnaire (SSEQ) in a clinical psychosomatic population
Herzog A, Voigt K, Meyer B, Wollburg E, Weinmann N, Langs G, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2015;78(6):553-62.
Self-Compassion as a Resource in the Self-Stigma Process of Overweight and Obese Individuals
Hilbert A, Braehler E, Schmidt R, Löwe B, Häuser W, Zenger M
OBESITY FACTS. 2015;8(5):293-301.
Clinical and functional outcome of assertive outreach for patients with schizophrenic disorder: Results of a quasi-experimental controlled trial
Kästner D, Büchtemann D, Warnke I, Radisch J, Baumgardt J, Giersberg S, Kopke K, Moock J, Kawohl W, Rössler W
EUR PSYCHIAT. 2015;30(6):736-42.
Predictors of Outcome in Inpatients with Anorexia Nervosa: A Prospective Multi-Center Study
Kästner D, Gumz A, Osen B, Voderholzer U, Wollburg E, Karacic M, Meyer B, Rose M, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2015;84(4):255-7.
Prädiktoren für den stationären Therapieerfolg und die Aufenthaltsdauer bei Patientinnen mit Anorexia Nervosa – Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Multicenterstudie
Kästner D, Löwe B, Weigel A, Osen B, Voderholzer U, Wollburg E, Karacic M, Meyer B, Rose M, Gumz A
2015. Kongressabstracts DGPM, 25.–28.März 2015, Berlin. 70.
Base rates of depressive and anxious symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease
Kohlmann S, Gierk B, Scholl A, Murray A, Lehmann M, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2015;78(6):607-607.
Hair cortisol and cortisol awakening response are associated with criteria of the metabolic syndrome in opposite directions
Kuehl L, Hinkelmann K, Muhtz C, Dettenborn-Betz L, Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Kirschbaum C, Wiedemann K, Otte C
"Hier und überall lechzten die Flammen und es brüllte die Luft" - eine systematisierte diagnostische Eindrucksbildung an Überlebenden des "Hamburger Feuersturms" (1943).
Lamparter U, Drost N, Nickel S
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC. 2015;61(2):173-190.
Güte der Diagnostik somatoformer Störungen und ihrer Komorbiditäten Angsterkrankung und Depression in der hausärztlichen Praxis
Lau K, Fabisch A, Herzog A, Löwe B
2015. Moderne Zeiten. .
Ebola and psychological stress of health care professionals
Lehmann M, Brünahl C, Löwe B, Addo M, Schmiedel S, Lohse A, Schramm C
EMERG INFECT DIS. 2015;21(5):913-914.
Psychosoziale Belastungen von Ärzten und Pflegepersonal bei der Behandlung eines mit dem Ebola-Virus infizierten Patienten am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf im September 2014
Lehmann M, Brünahl C, Löwe B, Addo M, Schramm C, Schmiedel S, Lohse A
2015. Psycho - Somatik. .
Zur Bedeutung körperlicher Vorerkrankungen
Löwe B, Voigt K
2015. Psychosomatik und Verhaltensmedizin: Eine Einführung in die Psychosomatische Medizin und Gesundheitspsychologie. Rief W, Henningsen P (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 176-183.
Sex differences in attitudes towards females with eating disorders
Makowski A, Mnich E, Angermeyer M, Löwe B, von dem Knesebeck O
EAT BEHAV. 2015;16:78-83.
Internetbasierte Unterstützung der Depressionsbehandlung. Das Online-Programm Deprexis
Meyer B, Berger T, Moritz S
2015. Geht die Psychotherapie ins Netz? Möglichkeiten und Probleme von Therapie und Beratung im Internet. Krieger A, Winter H, Müller U, Ochs M, Broicher W (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 33-50.
Effects of an internet intervention (Deprexis) on severe depression symptoms: Randomized controlled trial
Meyer B, Bierbrodt J, Schröder J, Berger T, Beevers C, Weiss M, Jacob G, Späth C, Anderssson G, Lutz W, Hautzinger M, Löwe B, Rose M, Hohagen F, Caspar F, Greiner W, Moritz S, Klein J
INTERNET INTERV. 2015;2(1):48-59.
Risiken und Nebenwirkungen psychotherapeutischer Behandlung. Wie und warum sollten sie erfasst werden?
Nestoriuc Y
PiD-Psychother Dialog. 2015;16(4):36-40.
Quality of life one year post-Shiga Toxin-producing Eschericia coli O104 infection - A prospective cohort study
Riegel B, Broicher W, Wegscheider K, Andresen V, Brähler E, Lohse A, Löwe B
NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL. 2015;27(3):370-378.
Stellenwert von Kurzinterventionen in der Versorgungskette von Essstörungen: Eine narrative Übersichtsarbeit
Rossi M, Neubauer K, Weigel A, Wendt H, von Rad K, Romer G, Löwe B, Gumz A
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2015;65(2):51-7.
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Time to Replace a Misnomer: Reply to Giovanni Battista Levi Sandri
Schramm C, Wahl I, Lohse A
HEPATOLOGY. 2015;61(4):1435.
Häufigkeit und Ausprägung psychosenaher Symptome im Rahmen von Affektiven- und Persönlichkeitsstörungen bei jungen Erwachsenen – am Beispiel einer Kohorte aus der Adoleszentenpsychiatrie
Sengutta M, Wittmann L, Gierk B, Lüdecke D, Sarikaya G, Schöttle D, Ruppelt F, Rohenkohl A, Gallinat J, Lambert M, Karow A
2015. DGPPN Kongress 2015. .
Kopf- und Gesichtsschmerz
Shedden-Mora M
2015. Psychosomatik und Verhaltensmedizin: Eine Einführung in die Psychosomatische Medizin und Gesundheitspsychologie. Rief W, Henningsen P (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 554-567.
Verbesserte Versorgung von Patienten mit somatoformen und funktionellen Störungen: Ein koordiniertes gestuftes Netzwerk (Sofu-Net)
Shedden-Mora M, Lau K, Kuby A, Groß B, Gladigau M, Fabisch A, Löwe B
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2015;42 (Suppl 1):S60-S64.
Development and validation of a new self-report measure: The ‘Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12)
Toussaint A, Murray A, Voigt K, Herzog A, Gierk B, Kroenke K, Rief W, Henningsen P, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2015;78(1):627.
Somatoforme Störungen/Somatische Belastungsstörung
Voigt K, Löwe B
2015. Psychosomatik und Verhaltensmedizin: Eine Einführung in die Psychosomatische Medizin und Gesundheitspsychologie. Rief W, Henningsen P (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 568-579.
Psychologische Optimierung von Erwartungen zur Prävention von Nocebo-Nebenwirkungen bei Brustkrebs – 2 Fallberichte
von Blanckenburg P, Schuricht F, Heisig S, Shedden Mora M, Rehahn-Sommer S, Albert U, Rief W, Nestoriuc Y
VERHALTENSTHERAPIE. 2015;25(3):219-227.
Primary biliary "cirrhosis" time to replace a misnomer
Wahl I, Feige A, Löwe B, Weiler-Normann C, Rose M, Lohse A, Schramm C
HEPATOLOGY. 2015;61(3):1091.
Chronischer Unterbauchschmerz: Die Bedeutung der Schmerzanamnese
Weidner K, Neumann A, Siedentopf F, T S, Brünahl C
Frauenarzt. 2015;56(11):982-988.
Prävention und Versorgung von Essstörungen: Das Gesundheitsnetz Magersucht und Bulimie
Weigel A, Gumz A, Kästner D, Romer G, Wegscheider K, Löwe B
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2015;42 :S30-4.
Preventing eating disorders with an interactive gender-adapted intervention program in Schools: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Weigel A, Gumz A, Uhlenbusch N, Wegscheider K, Romer G, Löwe B
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2015;15(1):405.
Social exclusion and shame in obesity
Westermann S, Rief W, Euteneuer F, Kohlmann S
EAT BEHAV. 2015;17:74-76.
Illness perceptions in patients with somatoform disorders: Examining the role of comorbidity
Wiborg J, Löwe B
J HEALTH PSYCHOL. 2015;20(9):1166-1174.
The 5-HTTLPR genotype modulates heart rate variability and its adjustment by pharmacological panic challenge in healthy men
Agorastos A, Kellner M, Stiedl O, Muhtz C, Becktepe J, Wiedemann K, Demiralay C
J PSYCHIATR RES. 2014;50:51-8.
Prenatal stress increases the striatal and hippocampal expression of correlating c-FOS and serotonin transporters in murine offspring
Bielas H, Arck P, Brünahl C, Walitza S, Grünblatt E
INT J DEV NEUROSCI. 2014;38:30-5.
Psychosomatische Aspekte des chronischen Unterbauchschmerzsyndroms: Psychometrische Ergebnisse der Pilotphase einer interdisziplinären Sprechstunde
Brünahl C, Riegel B, Höink J, Kutup A, Eichelberg E, Löwe B
SCHMERZ. 2014;28(3):311-318.
The Impact of Self-Reported Childhood Trauma on Emotion Regulation in Borderline Personality Disorder and Major Depression
Carvalho Fernando S, Beblo T, Schlosser N, Terfehr K, Otte C, Löwe B, Wolf O, Spitzer C, Driessen M, Wingenfeld K
J TRAUMA DISSOCIATIO. 2014;15(4):384-401.
Das DDR-Gesundheitswesen in den 1980er Jahren: Ein Zustandsbild anhand von Akten der Staatssicherheit
Erices R, Gumz A
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2014;76(2):73-78.
DDR-Gesundheitswesen: Die Versorgungslage war überaus kritisch.
Erices R, Gumz A
Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 2014;111(9):A348-A350.
Westliche Humanexperimente in der DDR und die Deklaration von Helsinki. Neue Forschungsergebnisse zur Ethik
Erices R, Gumz A, Frewer A
2014. Forschung als Herausforderung für Ethik und Menschenrechte. 50 Jahre Deklaration von Helsinki (1964-2014). Frewer A (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag, .
The somatic symptom scale-8 (SSS-8): a brief measure of somatic symptom burden
Gierk B, Kohlmann S, Kroenke K, Spangenberg L, Zenger M, Brähler E, Löwe B
JAMA INTERN MED. 2014;174(3):399-407.
GAD-2: Generalized Anxiety Disorder-2
Gierk B, Kohlmann S, Löwe B
2014. Psychologische und sozial-wissenschaftliche Kurzskalen. Kemper C, Brähler E, Zenger M (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Medizinische Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, .
Pruritus is associated with severely impaired quality of life in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis
Gotthardt D, Rupp C, Bruhin M, Schellberg D, Weiss K, Stefan R, Donnerstag N, Stremmel W, Löwe B, Juenger J, Sauer P
EUR J GASTROEN HEPAT. 2014;26(12):1374-1379.
Die Bedeutung von Krisen in der therapeutischen Beziehung
Gumz A
2014. Der psychotherapeutische Prozess. Sammet I, Dammann G, Schiepek G (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 41-54.
Burnout, Arbeitsstörungen, interpersonelle und psychosomatische Probleme - Abschlussspezifischer Vergleich von Studenten einer deutschen Hochschule
Gumz A, Brähler E, Heilmann V, Erices R
GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 2014;76(3):147-150.
Das Werkzeug des psychodynamischen Psychotherapeuten - verbale Interventionstypen aus theoretischer und aus der Praxis abgeleiteter Perspektive
Gumz A, Horstkotte J, Kästner D
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC. 2014;60(3):219-237.
Decreasing the duration of untreated illness for individuals with anorexia nervosa: study protocol of the evaluation of a systemic public health intervention at community level
Gumz A, Uhlenbusch N, Weigel A, Wegscheider K, Romer G, Löwe B
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2014;14:300.
Reduced levels of maternal progesterone during pregnancy increase the risk for allergic airway diseases in females only
Hartwig I, Brünahl C, Ramisch K, Keil T, Inman M, Pincus M, Arck P
J MOL MED. 2014;92(10):1093-1104.
Depression, anxiety and disease-related distress in couples affected by advanced lung cancer
Haun M, Sklenarova H, Villalobos M, Thomas M, Brechtel A, Löwe B, Herzog W, Hartmann M
LUNG CANCER. 2014;86(2):274-280.
Prävention von Nozebo-Effekten in der endokrinen Therapie
Heisig S, Shedden Mora M, von Blanckenburg P, Schuricht F, Witzel I, Rief W, Albert U, Nestoriuc Y
Frauenarzt. 2014;55(10):1002-1007.
Der Fragebogen zum Erleben von Körperbeschwerden (SSEQ): Ein neues Selbstbeurteilungsinstrument zur Erfassung der psychischen Merkmale somatoformer Störungen
Herzog A, Voigt K, Meyer B, Rief W, Henningsen P, Hausteiner-Wiehle C, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2014;64(3-4):115-121.
Weight bias internalization scale: psychometric properties and population norms
Hilbert A, Baldofski S, Zenger M, Löwe B, Kersting A, Braehler E
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(1):e86303.
Was sagt den Erfolg stationärer Therapie für Patientinnen mit Anorexia nervosa voraus?
Kästner D, Gumz A, Osen B, Voderholzer U, Wollburg E, Karacic M, Meyer B, Rose M, Löwe B
2014. DGPPN Kongress 2014. .
GAD-7: Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7
Kohlmann S, Gierk B, Löwe B
2014. Psychologische und sozial-wissenschaftliche Kurzskalen. Kemper C, Brähler E, Zenger M (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Medizinische Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, .
PHQ-4: Patient Health Questionnaire-4
Kohlmann S, Gierk B, Löwe B
2014. Psychologische und sozial-wissenschaftliche Kurzskalen. Kemper C, Brähler E, Zenger M (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Medizinische Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, .
Noradrenergic blockade and memory in patients with major depression and healthy participants
Kuffel A, Eikelmann S, Terfehr K, Mau G, Kuehl L, Otte C, Löwe B, Spitzer C, Wingenfeld K
Chronische Pollakisurie - Zystektomie oder Psychotherapie
Kuffel A, Kapitza K, Löwe B, Eichelberg E, Gumz A
UROLOGE. 2014;53(10):1495-1499.
Anxiety disorders in patients with implantable cardioverter Defibrillators: frequency, course, predictors, and patients' requests for treatment
Lang S, Becker R, Wilke S, Hartmann M, Herzog W, Löwe B
PACE. 2014;37(1):35-47.
Potentially Modifiable Correlates of Functional Status in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
Lossnitzer N, Wild B, Schultz J, Frankenstein L, Haass M, Rauch B, Löwe B, Katus H, Herzog W
INT J BEHAV MED. 2014;21(6):956-960.
Psychological Outcome, Fatigue, and Quality of Life After Infection With Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli O104
Löwe B, Andresen V, Zimmermann-Fraedrich K, Gappmayer K, Wegscheider K, Treszl A, Riegel B, Rose M, Lohse A, Broicher W
Sub-project VIII “Health network somatoform and functional disorders (Sofu-Net)”
Murray A, Löwe B
2014. Not Applicable. .
Brief assessment of somatic symptom burden: Development and validation of the Somatic Symptom Scale-8 (SSS-8)
Murray A, Löwe B, Kohlmann S, Gierk B
2014. Not applicable. .
Why is diagnosing a somatoform disorder so difficult? A systematic review examining the current barriers in primary care
Murray A, Toussaint A, Althaus A, Löwe B
2014. Not Applicable. .
The development of the SSD-B: A New Measure of Somatic Symptom Disorder
Murray A, Toussaint A, Herzog A, Voigt K, Gierk B, Löwe B
2014. Not Applicable. .
Diagnostic validity of Somatic Symptom Disorder: Which psychological criteria are most useful for DSM-5?
Murray A, Voigt K, Löwe B
2014. Not applicable. .
Paths to First Treatment and Duration of Untreated Illness in Anorexia Nervosa: Are There Differences According to Age of Onset?
Neubauer K, Weigel A, Daubmann A, Wendt H, Rossi M, Löwe B, Gumz A
EUR EAT DISORD REV. 2014;22(4):292-298.
„Endlich frei“ – Entwöhnungswillige Raucher und ihre inneren Bilder
Riegel B
Deutsche Zeitschrift für zahnärztliche Hypnose. 2014;20(2):19-23.
Symptomschwere und Belastungsfaktoren bei Patienten mit einem chronischen Unterbauchschmerzsyndrom: Implikationen für einen interdisziplinären und multimodalen Therapieansatz
Riegel B, Albrecht R, Ketels G, Brünahl C, Löwe B
Entspannungsverfahren. 2014;31(31):40-57.
Assessing psychological factors, social aspects and psychiatric co-morbidity associated with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS) in men - a systematic review
Riegel B, Brünahl C, Ahyai S, Bingel U, Fisch M, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2014;77(5):333-350.
Hypnose und Gesundheitsförderung: Eine Evaluation der Präferenz hypnotherapeutischer Ansätze in der Raucherentwöhnung, zur Gewichtsreduktion und zum Umgang mit Stress.
Riegel B, Kredel J
Hypnose-Z Hypnose Hypnother. 2014;9(1+2):69-81.
Specialized inpatient treatment of adult anorexia nervosa: effectiveness and clinical significance of changes
Schlegl S, Quadflieg N, Löwe B, Cuntz U, Voderholzer U
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2014;14:258.
Health-related quality of life, depression, and anxiety in patients with autoimmune hepatitis
Schramm C, Wahl I, Weiler-Normann C, Voigt K, Wiegard C, Glaubke C, Brähler E, Löwe B, Lohse A, Rose M
J HEPATOL. 2014;60(3):618-624.
C-reactive protein, pre- and postdexamethasone cortisol levels in post-traumatic stress disorder
Spitzer C, Wibisono D, Terfehr K, Löwe B, Otte C, Wingenfeld K
NORD J PSYCHIAT. 2014;68(5):296-299.
Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD) nach DSM-5: Ein Fragebogen zur Patienten-Selbsteinschätzung
Toussaint A, Murray A, Voigt K, Herzog A, Löwe B
2014. Moderne Zeiten. .
Standardization of depression measurement: a common metric was developed for 11 self-report depression measures
Wahl I, Löwe B, Bjorner J, Fischer H, Langs G, Voderholzer U, Aita S, Bergemann N, Brähler E, Rose M
J CLIN EPIDEMIOL. 2014;67(1):73-86.
Duration of untreated illness and predictors of late treatment initiation in anorexia nervosa
Weigel A, Rossi M, Wendt H, Neubauer K, Rad K, Daubmann A, Romer G, Löwe B, Gumz A
J PUBLIC HEALTH-UK. 2014;22(6):519-527.
Focal psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, and optimised treatment as usual in outpatients with anorexia nervosa (ANTOP study): randomised controlled trial
Zipfel S, Wild B, Groß G, Friederich H, Teufel M, Schellberg D, Giel K, de Zwaan M, Dinkel A, Herpertz S, Burgmer M, Löwe B, Tagay S, von Wietersheim J, Zeeck A, Schade-Brittinger C, Schauenburg H, Herzog W
LANCET. 2014;383(9912):127-137.
Limitation of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine analysis to discriminate biological stress effects in patients suffering from chronic psychological distress.
Brünahl C, Arck P, Linden M
NORD J PSYCHIAT. 2013;67(3):191-196.
Acute glucocorticoid effects on response inhibition in borderline personality disorder
Carvalho Fernando S, Beblo T, Schlosser N, Terfehr K, Wolf O, Otte C, Löwe B, Spitzer C, Driessen M, Wingenfeld K
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2013;38(11):2780-8.
When choice matters: task-dependent memory effects in older adulthood
Depping M, Freund A
PSYCHOL AGING. 2013;28(4):923-36.
Hair testosterone and visuospatial memory in middle-aged men and women with and without depressive symptoms
Dettenborn-Betz L, Hinkelmann K, Muhtz C, Gao W, Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Moritz S, Kirschbaum C, Otte C
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2013;38(10):2373-7.
Strafbare Bestechlichkeit von Vertragsärzten und Ethik: Ethische Erörterungen zu Grauzonen der Korruption in der Medizin
Erices R, Frewer A, Gumz A
ETHIK MED. 2013;25(2):103-113.
Wirksamkeit hypnotherapeutischer Gruppenbehandlung – Ein systematisches Literaturreview
Fenn N, Riegel B
Hypnose-Z Hypnose Hypnother. 2013;8(1-2):103-117.
Cognitive biases in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and depression--a pilot study
Fritzsche A, Watz H, Magnussen H, Tuinmann G, Löwe B, von Leupoldt A
BRIT J HEALTH PSYCH. 2013;18(4):827-43.
Arbeitsbezogene Stressbelastung und psychische Gesundheit: Eine Befragung von Psychotherapeutinnen und therapeuten in Ausbildung
Grundmann J, Sude K, Löwe B, Wingenfeld K
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2013;63(3-4):145-9.
Psychodynamic Therapy from the Perspective of Self-organization. A Concept of Change and a Methodological Approach for Empirical Examination
Gumz A, Geyer M, Brähler E
Association between cortisol awakening response and memory function in major depression
Hinkelmann K, Muhtz C, Dettenborn-Betz L, Agorastos A, Moritz S, Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Gold S, Wiedemann K, Otte C
PSYCHOL MED. 2013;43(11):2255-63.
Association between childhood trauma and low hair cortisol in depressed patients and healthy control subjects
Hinkelmann K, Muhtz C, Dettenborn-Betz L, Agorastos A, Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Gao W, Kirschbaum C, Wiedemann K, Otte C
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2013;74(9):e15-7.
(Meta)cognitive beliefs in posttraumatic stress disorder following forced displacement at the end of the Second World War in older adults and their offspring
Jelinek L, Wittekind C, Kellner M, Moritz S, Muhtz C
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2013;18(5):452-62.
Neuropsychological functioning in posttraumatic stress disorder following forced displacement in older adults and their offspring
Jelinek L, Wittekind C, Moritz S, Kellner M, Muhtz C
PSYCHIAT RES. 2013;210(2):584-9.
Die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen--Teil 2: Krankheitslast, Defizite des deutschen Versorgungssystems, Effektivität und Effizienz von "Early Intervention Services"
Karow A, Bock T, Naber D, Löwe B, Schulte-Markwort M, Schäfer I, Gumz A, Degkwitz P, Schulte B, König H, Konnopka A, Bauer M, Bechdolf A, Correll C, Juckel G, Klosterkötter J, Leopold K, Pfennig A, Lambert M
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2013;81(11):628-38.
Somatic symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease: prevalence, risk factors, and quality of life
Kohlmann S, Gierk B, Hümmelgen M, Blankenberg S, Löwe B
JAMA INTERN MED. 2013;173(15):1469-1471.
Supportive care needs in patients with cardiovascular disorders.
Kohlmann S, Kilbert M, Ziegler K, Schulz K
PATIENT EDUC COUNS. 2013;91(3):378-384.
Messwiederholung von Gedächtnistests unter Berücksichtigung der Valenz des Testmaterials: verbales Gedächtnis, Arbeitsgedächtnis und autobiografisches Gedächtnis
Kuffel A, Terfehr K, Uhlmann C, Schreiner J, Löwe B, Spitzer C, Wingenfeld K
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2013;81(7):390-7.
Die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen--Teil 1: Häufigkeit, Störungspersistenz, Belastungsfaktoren, Service-Inanspruchnahme und Behandlungsverzögerung mit Konsequenzen
Lambert M, Bock T, Naber D, Löwe B, Schulte-Markwort M, Schäfer I, Gumz A, Degkwitz P, Schulte B, König H, Konnopka A, Bauer M, Bechdolf A, Correll C, Juckel G, Klosterkötter J, Leopold K, Pfennig A, Karow A
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2013;81(11):614-27.
Psychometrische Befunde in der Generation der Zeitzeugen.
Lamparter U, Buder V, Sydow V, Nickel S, Wiegand-Grefe S
2013. Zeitzeugen des Hamburger Feuersturms 1943 und ihre Familien. Lamparter U, Wiegand-Grefe S, Wierling D (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 124-146.
Aus vier mach zwei: Neuklassifikation von Somatisierungsstörung, undifferenzierter somatoformer Störung, Schmerzstörung und Hypochondrie im DSM-5
Lau K, Löwe B, Langs G, Voigt K
PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2013;58(6):545-551.
100 kg more or less, still the same person (and disorder): from overweight to underweight--exacerbation of an eating disorder after bariatric surgery.
Lautenbach A, Kulinna U, Löwe B, Rose M
INT J EAT DISORDER. 2013;46(3):280-283.
Zeitzeugen des "Hamburger Feuersturms" und die transgenerationale Weitergabe von Kriegserfahrungen: Befunde aus der Familienperspektive
Morgenstern L, Raddatz C, Nickel S, Möller B, Lamparter U, Wiegand-Grefe S
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Cortisol response to experimental pain in patients with chronic low back pain and patients with major depression
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Barriers to the diagnosis of somatoform disorders in primary care: protocol for a systematic review of the current status
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Darstellung von Hypnose in den Massenmedien – Die öffentliche Darstellung von Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Hypnotherapie.
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Hypnosis for smoking cessation: group and individual treatment-a free choice study
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Hypnotherapeutische Raucherentwöhnung: Welche Settingvariablen tragen zum Erfolg bei?
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Audiobasierte hypnotherapeutische Interventionen zur Raucherentwöhnung (AIR) – Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer randomisierten, kontrollierten Pilotstudie zur Wirksamkeit einer hypnotherapeutischen Selbsthilfemethode bei Nikotinabhängigkeit.
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Deutsche Zeitschrift für zahnärztliche Hypnose. 2013;19(2):6-11.
Computer Adaptive Tests in der Medizin
Rose M, Wahl I, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2013;63(1):48-54.
Effects of acute cortisol administration on response inhibition in patients with major depression and healthy controls
Schlosser N, Wolf O, Fernando S, Terfehr K, Otte C, Spitzer C, Beblo T, Driessen M, Löwe B, Wingenfeld K
PSYCHIAT RES. 2013;209(3):439-46.
Predictive validity and clinical utility of DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder: prospective 1-year follow-up study
Voigt K, Wollburg E, Weinmann N, Herzog A, Meyer B, Langs G, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2013;75(4):358-61.
Suicidality in primary care patients with somatoform disorders
Wiborg J, Gieseler D, Fabisch A, Voigt K, Lautenbach A, Löwe B
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Suicidal ideation in German primary care
Wiborg J, Gieseler D, Löwe B
GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2013;35(4):366-9.
Implementing Evidence-Based Practice for Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Wiborg J, Wensing M, Tummers M, Knoop H, Bleijenberg G
Assessing Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Elderly People Using the GAD-7 and GAD-2 Scales: Results of a Validation Study
Wild B, Eckl A, Herzog W, Niehoff D, Lechner S, Maatouk I, Schellberg D, Brenner H, Müller H, Löwe B
Effects of cortisol on memory in women with borderline personality disorder: role of co-morbid post-traumatic stress disorder and major depression.
Wingenfeld K, Driessen M, Terfehr K, Schlosser N, Fernando S, Otte C, Beblo T, Spitzer C, Löwe B, Wolf O
PSYCHOL MED. 2013;43(3):495-505.
Effects of noradrenergic stimulation on memory in patients with major depressive disorder.
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STRESS. 2013;16(2):191-201.
Memory bias for emotional and illness-related words in patients with depression, anxiety and somatization disorders: an investigation with the directed forgetting task.
Wingenfeld K, Terfehr K, Meyer B, Löwe B, Spitzer C
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 2013;46(1):22-27.
Psychological change mechanisms in anorexia nervosa Treatments: how much do we know?
Wollburg E, Meyer B, Osen B, Löwe B
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Construct validity and descriptive validity of somatoform disorders in light of proposed changes for the DSM-5
Wollburg E, Voigt K, Braukhaus C, Herzog A, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2013;74(1):18-24.
How to assess common somatic symptoms in large-scale studies: a systematic review of questionnaires
Zijlema W, Stolk R, Löwe B, Rief W, White P, Rosmalen J
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Psychosomatische Fachgesellschaft lehnt Vereinnahmung durch Psychiatrische Fachgesellschaft ab
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PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2013;63(2):103-4.
Was sind übertragungsdeutungen und wie wirken sie?: Eine systematische übersicht
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Reliability of the emotional Stroop task: an investigation of patients with panic disorder.
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J PSYCHIATR RES. 2012;46(9):1243-1248.
Neural correlates of the emotional Stroop task in panic disorder patients: an event-related fMRI study.
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J PSYCHIATR RES. 2012;46(12):1627-1634.
Wenn die Seele krank macht. Das "Netzwerk für somatoforme Störungen" - Sofu-Net - arbeitet fachübergreifend und hilft Patienten damit noch schneller
Fabisch A, Wiborg J, Lautenbach A, Voigt K, Löwe B
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Impact of cross-calibration methods on the interpretation of a treatment comparison study using 2 depression scales
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Depressionsfragebögen für den alltäglichen klinischen Einsatz
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[A brief instrument for the assessment of childhood abuse and neglect: the childhood trauma screener (CTS)].
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PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2012;39(3):109-115.
Genetic epistasis between the brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism and the 5-HTT promoter polymorphism moderates the susceptibility to depressive disorders after childhood abuse.
Grabe H, Schwahn C, Mahler J, Appel K, Schulz A, Spitzer C, Fenske K, Barnow S, Freyberger H, Teumer A, Petersmann A, Biffar R, Rosskopf D, John U, Völzke H
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Kritische Momente im Therapieprozess – Chance oder Sackgasse?
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Corresponding instability of patient and therapist process ratings in psychodynamic psychotherapies
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Burnout und Arbeitsstörungen bei Studenten. Eine abschlussspezifische Untersuchung von Klienten einer psychotherapeutischen Studentenberatung
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Crisis-repair sequences - considerations on the classification and assessment of breaches in the therapeutic relationship
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Die Leidenschaften. Ein Drama in fünf Akten.
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Rationale and content of psychenet: the Hamburg Network for Mental Health.
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Sustained effects of a mindfulness-based stress-reduction intervention in type 2 diabetic patients: design and first results of a randomized controlled trial (the Heidelberger Diabetes and Stress-study).
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Enhancing medical students' communication skills: development and evaluation of an undergraduate training program.
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Public familiarity with the terms somatoform disorder and functional disorder in Germany: results from a representative population survey.
Herzog A, Voigt K, Meyer B, Glaesmer H, Löwe B, Brähler E
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Profiling illness perceptions to identify patients at-risk for decline in health status after heart valve replacement.
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Adoption, reach and effectiveness of computer-based, practitioner delivered and combined smoking interventions in general medical practices: a three-arm cluster randomized trial.
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["Suddenly I was all alone": traumatic experiences of a 12 year old girl during the "Operation Gomorrha" and its transmission over three generations].
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"Und plötzlich war ich ganz allein" Traumatisierende Erfahrungen einer Jugendlichen während des "Hamburger Feuersturms" und ihre transgenerationale Weitergabe uber drei Generationen
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Binge eating and temperament in morbidly obese prebariatric surgery patients.
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Increased peripheral NF-κB pathway activity in women with childhood abuse-related posttraumatic stress disorder.
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Aktuelle Befunde zur Wirksamkeit hypnotherapeutischer Raucherentwöhnung – Ein systematisches Literaturreview
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Zur Wirksamkeit hypnotherapeutischer Raucherentwöhnung: Eine naturalistische, multizentrische Studie zur Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit hypnotherapeutischer Raucherentwöhnung mit dem SMOKEX®-Vorgehen im Praxisalltag
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2012. Zur Wirksamkeit hypnotherapeutischer Raucherentwöhnung: Eine naturalistische, multizentrische Studie zur Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit hypnotherapeutischer Raucherentwöhnung mit dem SMOKEX®-Vorgehen im Praxisalltag. Verlag Dr. Kovac: 1-220.
Nachhaltige Raucherentwöhnung mit Hypnose: Therapie-Manual für Einzelne und für Gruppen
Riegel B, Gerl W
2012. Nachhaltige Raucherentwöhnung mit Hypnose: Therapie-Manual für Einzelne und für Gruppen. Klett-Cotta: 1-239.
Ökonomische Suggestibilitätsmessung: Zwischen Illusion und Realität - Evaluationsergebnisse eines Tests zur Imaginationsfähigkeit
Riegel B, Kempkensteffen J, Tönnies S
Entspannungsverfahren. 2012;29:82-106.
Hypnotherapeutische Raucherentwöhnung in der ambulanten psychotherapeutischen Praxis - Eine Evaluationsstudie zur Wirksamkeit der SMOKEX1)-Methode
Riegel B, Tönnies S
Hypnose-Z Hypnose Hypnother. 2012;7(1+2):139-167.
Short and precise patient self-assessment of heart failure symptoms using a computerized adaptive test.
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CIRC-HEART FAIL. 2012;5(3):331-339.
Entwicklung und Pilottestung der deutschen Version des Chemical Coping Index an einer somatoformen Patientenstichprobe: selbstmedikativer Medikamentengebrauch zur Bewältigung psychosozialer Belastung
Sautier L, Tuinmann G, Gräfe K, Löwe B, Mehnert A
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Normal mind-reading capacity but higher response confidence in borderline personality disorder patients.
Schilling L, Wingenfeld K, Löwe B, Moritz S, Terfehr K, Köther U, Spitzer C
PSYCHIAT CLIN NEUROS. 2012;66(4):322-327.
Physicians' attitudes, diagnostic process and barriers regarding depression diagnosis in primary care: a systematic review of qualitative studies.
Schumann I, Schneider A, Kantert C, Löwe B, Linde K
FAM PRACT. 2012;29(3):255-263.
Associations of childhood trauma with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function in borderline personality disorder and major depression.
Silvia C, Beblo T, Schlosser N, Terfehr K, Otte C, Löwe B, Wolf O, Spitzer C, Driessen M, Wingenfeld K
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2012;37(10):1659-1668.
Childhood trauma in multiple sclerosis: a case-control study.
Spitzer C, Bouchain M, Winkler L, Wingenfeld K, Gold S, Grabe H, Barnow S, Otte C, Heesen C
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2012;74(3):312-318.
Cost-of-illness studies and cost-effectiveness analyses in eating disorders: a systematic review.
Stuhldreher N, Konnopka A, Wild B, Herzog W, Zipfel S, Löwe B, König H
INT J EAT DISORDER. 2012;45(4):476-491.
Predictive validity and clinical utility of DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder--comparison with DSM-IV somatoform disorders and additional criteria for consideration.
Voigt K, Wollburg E, Weinmann N, Herzog A, Meyer B, Langs G, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2012;73(5):345-350.
Therapist effects and the dissemination of cognitive behavior therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome in community-based mental health care.
Wiborg J, Knoop H, Wensing M, Bleijenberg G
BEHAV RES THER. 2012;50(6):393-396.
Cortisol has enhancing, rather than impairing effects on memory retrieval in PTSD.
Wingenfeld K, Driessen M, Terfehr K, Schlosser N, Fernando S, Otte C, Beblo T, Spitzer C, Löwe B, Wolf O
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2012;37(7):1048-1056.
Common laboratory measures of global health may not be suited to assess, discriminate or predict chronic stress effects on biological systems
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NORD J PSYCHIAT. 2011;65(4):266-8.
Normal Aging and Decision Making: The Role of Motivation
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Patient-doctor interaction, psychobehavioural characteristics and mental disorders in patients with suspected allergies: do they predict "medically unexplained symptoms"?
Hausteiner-Wiehle C, Grosber M, Bubel E, Groben S, Bornschein S, Lahmann C, Eyer F, Eberlein B, Behrendt H, Löwe B, Henningsen P, Huber D, Ring J, Darsow U
ACTA DERM-VENEREOL. 2011;91(6):666-673.
Psychiatric comorbidity in cardiovascular inpatients: costs, net gain, and length of hospitalization.
Hochlehnert A, Niehoff D, Wild B, Jünger J, Herzog W, Löwe B
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Was bringt „GRAS“? Mitglieder autonomer Gruppen von Psychoanalytikern im Forschungsinterview
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Human obesity reduces the number of hepatic leptin receptor (ob-R) expressing NK cells.
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Trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care patients: cross-sectional criterion standard study.
Löwe B, Kroenke K, Spitzer R, Williams J, Mussell M, Rose M, Wingenfeld K, Sauer N, Spitzer C
J CLIN PSYCHIAT. 2011;72(3):304-312.
[Psychometry and psychodiagnostics in psychosomatics, psychotherapy and medicinal psychology].
Löwe B, Rose M, Wahl I, Andreas S, Dinkel A, Forkmann T, Franke G, Huber D, Rabung S, Sattel H
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2011;61(7):334-336.
Behandlung von Patienten mit komplexen psychischen und körperlichen Beschwerden
Löwe B, Spitzer C
Ärztliche Psychotherapie. 2011;6(3):163-167.
Psychotic-like cognitive biases in borderline personality disorder.
Moritz S, Schilling L, Wingenfeld K, Köther U, Wittekind C, Terfehr K, Spitzer C
J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. 2011;42(3):349-354.
The role of parenting and goal selection in positive youth development: a person-centered approach
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Entspannung und Hypnose – Das Dreistufenmodell zur differenzierten Therapieplanung
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Hypnosis in Smoking Cessation: The Effectiveness of Some Basic Principles of Hypnotherapy Without Using Formal Trance — A Case Study
Riegel B, Tönnies S
J SMOK CESS. 2011;6:83-84.
[Psychological comorbidity. A challenge in acute care].
Rose M, Wahl I, Crusius J, Löwe B
Psychoneuroendokrinologische Befunde zum Verständnis der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung
Schlosser N, Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Driessen M
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[Diverse sustainability--sustainable diversity].
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Depression comorbidity in spinocerebellar ataxia.
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MOVEMENT DISORD. 2011;26(5):870-876.
Work-related behaviour and experience pattern in nurses: impact on physical and mental health.
Schulz M, Damkröger A, Voltmer E, Löwe B, Driessen M, Ward M, Wingenfeld K
J PSYCHIATR MENT HLT. 2011;18(5):411-417.
Lessons learned from placebo groups in antidepressant trials
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Dissoziative Störungen
Spitzer C, Freyberger H
2011. Handbuch der Psychotraumatologie. Klett-Cotta: 231-244.
[The short version of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI -18): preliminary psychometric properties of the German translation].
Spitzer C, Hammer S, Löwe B, Grabe H, Barnow S, Rose M, Wingenfeld K, Freyberger H, Franke G
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2011;79(9):517-523.
Theorien zum Verständnis von Dissoziation
Spitzer C, Wibisono D, Freyberger H
2011. Handbuch der Psychotraumatologie. Klett-Cotta: 22-37.
Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung
Spitzer C, Wingenfeld K, Freyberger H
2011. Handbuch der Psychotraumatologie. Klett-Cotta: 92-106.
Effects of acute hydrocortisone administration on declarative memory in patients with major depressive disorder: a placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study.
Terfehr K, Wolf O, Schlosser N, Fernando S, Otte C, Muhtz C, Beblo T, Driessen M, Spitzer C, Löwe B, Wingenfeld K
J CLIN PSYCHIAT. 2011;72(12):1644-1650.
Hydrocortisone impairs working memory in healthy humans, but not in patients with major depressive disorder.
Terfehr K, Wolf O, Schlosser N, Fernando S, Otte C, Muhtz C, Beblo T, Driessen M, Spitzer C, Löwe B, Wingenfeld K
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2011;215(1):71-79.
Das Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®): Übersetzung der Item-Banken für Depressivität und Angst ins Deutsche
Wahl I, Löwe B, Rose M
Klin Diagnostik Eval. 2011;3:236-261.
Geschichte, Theorie und Klassifikation dissoziativer Symptome und Störungen
Wibisono D, Freyberger H, Spitzer C
Trauma & Gewalt. 2011;5(03):248-255.
Does a decrease in avoidance behavior and focusing on fatigue mediate the effect of cognitive behavior therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome?
Wiborg J, Knoop H, Prins J, Bleijenberg G
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2011;70(4):306-310.
Die deutsche Version des Early Trauma Inventory (ETI, Bremner 2000) Erste psychometrische Charakterisierung eines Interviews zur Erfassung traumatischer Lebensereignisse in der Kindheit und Jugend
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[The reliable, valid and economic assessment of early traumatization: first psychometric characteristics of the German version of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (ACE)].
Wingenfeld K, Schäfer I, Terfehr K, Grabski H, Driessen M, Grabe H, Löwe B, Spitzer C
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2011;61(1):10-14.
Impact of childhood trauma, alexithymia, dissociation, and emotion suppression on emotional Stroop task.
Wingenfeld K, Terfehr K, Petrovic Z, Philippsen C, Meyer B, Rose M, Grabe H, Barnow S, Löwe B, Spitzer C
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2011;70(1):53-58.
HPA Axis Alterations in Mental Disorders: Impact on Memory and its Relevance for Therapeutic Interventions.
Wingenfeld K, Wolf O
CNS NEUROSCI THER. 2011;17(6):714-722.
[Patients' perspectives on behavioral and cognitive changes after hospitalization: a 3-month follow-up cohort study using qualitative and quantitative research methods].
Zastrow A, Seyboth F, Faude V, Niehoff D, Herzog W, Löwe B
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC. 2011;57(2):157-171.
Borderline personality disorder and psychosis: a review.
Barnow S, Arens E, Sieswerda S, Dinu-Biringer R, Spitzer C, Lang S
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[Prevalence and familiarity of personality disorders in Germany: results of the Greifswald family study].
Barnow S, Stopsack M, Ulrich I, Falz S, Dudeck M, Spitzer C, Grabe H, Freyberger H
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2010;60(9-10):334-341.
The impact of neutral and emotionally negative distraction on memory performance and its relation to memory complaints in major depression.
Beblo T, Mensebach C, Wingenfeld K, Schlosser N, Rullkoetter N, Schaffrath C, Driessen M
PSYCHIAT RES. 2010;178(1):106-111.
Symptom presentation, interventions, and outcome of emotionally-distressed patients in primary care.
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PSYCHOSOMATICS. 2010;51(5):386-394.
Childhood maltreatment, the corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor gene and adult depression in the general population.
Grabe H, Schwahn C, Appel K, Mahler J, Schulz A, Spitzer C, Fenske K, Barnow S, Lucht M, Freyberger H, John U, Teumer A, Wallaschofski H, Nauck M, Völzke H
AM J MED GENET B. 2010;153(8):1483-1493.
Alexithymia, hypertension, and subclinical atherosclerosis in the general population.
Grabe H, Schwahn C, Barnow S, Spitzer C, John U, Freyberger H, Schminke U, Felix S, Völzke H
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2010;68(2):139-147.
Instability and discontinuous change in the experience of therapeutic interaction: an extended single-case study of psychodynamic therapy processes
Gumz A, Kästner D, Geyer M, Wutzler U, Villmann T, Brähler E
PSYCHOTHER RES. 2010;20(4):398-412.
Characteristics of oligosymptomatic versus polysymptomatic presentations of somatoform disorders in patients with suspected allergies.
Hausteiner C, Huber D, Bornschein S, Grosber M, Bubel E, Groben S, Lahmann C, Löwe B, Eyer F, Eberlein B, Ring J, Behrendt H, Darsow U, Henningsen P
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2010;69(3):259-266.
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in anorexia nervosa: a case report and review of the literature on pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax.
Hochlehnert A, Löwe B, Bludau H, Borst M, Zipfel S, Herzog W
EUR EAT DISORD REV. 2010;18(2):107-115.
Impact of war trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder on psychopathology in Croatian and German patients with severe mental illness.
Jovanovi N, Kuwert P, Iris S, Dasa P, Medved V, Kovac M, Spitzer C, Dudeck M, Vogel M, Freyberger H, Grabe H
CROAT MED J. 2010;51(2):131-136.
The Patient Health Questionnaire Somatic, Anxiety, and Depressive Symptom Scales: a systematic review.
Kroenke K, Spitzer R, Williams J, Löwe B
GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2010;32(4):345-359.
A 4-item measure of depression and anxiety: validation and standardization of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) in the general population
Löwe B, Wahl I, Rose M, Spitzer C, Glaesmer H, Wingenfeld K, Schneider A, Brähler E
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2010;122(1-2):86-95.
Dimensionen der Arzt-Patient-Kommunikation in der modernen Medizin
Meyer B, Löwe B
2010. Die Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung in der modernen Medizin: Die Kunst der Beziehungsgestaltung in der ärztlichen Heilkunde. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: 19-34.
[Development of a questionnaire to assess body dissatisfaction and shame, body boundary and body expression].
Michels-Lucht F, Lucht M, Spitzer C, Freyberger H
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2010;60(1):31-38.
How do primary care doctors deal with uncertainty in making diagnostic decisions? The development of the 'Dealing with Uncertainty Questionnaire' (DUQ).
Schneider A, Löwe B, Barie S, Joos S, Engeser P, Szecsenyi J
J EVAL CLIN PRACT. 2010;16(3):431-437.
Biofeedback bei kraniomandibulären Dysfunktionen: Vorläufige Wirksamkeit und Akzeptanz eines Biofeedback-gestützten kognitivverhaltenstherapeutischen Therapiekonzepts
Shedden Mora M, Bleichhardt G, Weber D, Neff A, Rief W
PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2010;55(3):217-224.
Towards positive diagnostic criteria: a systematic review of somatoform disorder diagnoses and suggestions for future classification.
Voigt K, Herzog A, Meyer B, Langs G, Braukhaus C, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2010;68(5):403-414.
Die Erfassung der Lebensqualität in der Psychotherapieforschung
Wahl I, Meyer B, Löwe B, Rose M
Klin Diagn Eval. 2010;1:4-21.
Serum HMGB1 levels are increased in active Wegener's granulomatosis and differentiate between active forms of ANCA-associated vasculitis.
Wibisono D, Csernok E, Lamprecht P, Holle J, Gross W, Moosig F
ANN RHEUM DIS. 2010;69(10):1888-1889.
Contrasting association of a non-synonymous leptin receptor gene polymorphism with Wegener's granulomatosis and Churg-Strauss syndrome.
Wieczorek S, Holle J, Bremer J, Wibisono D, Moosig F, Fricke H, Assmann G, Harper L, Arning L, Gross W, Epplen J
RHEUMATOLOGY. 2010;49(5):907-914.
Die Bedeutung chronischer Alltagsstressoren für die Ausprägung von PTBS-Symptomen bei Frauen mit frühen Traumatisierungserfahrungen
Wingenfeld K, Heim C, Schmidt I, Spitzer C, Hellhammer D
Trauma & Gewalt. 2010;4(3):214-220.
Salivary cortisol release and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis feedback sensitivity in fibromyalgia is associated with depression but not with pain.
Wingenfeld K, Nutzinger D, Kauth J, Hellhammer D, Lautenbacher S
J PAIN. 2010;11(11):1195-1202.
The diurnal course of salivary alpha-amylase in nurses: an investigation of potential confounders and associations with stress.
Wingenfeld K, Schulz M, Damkroeger A, Philippsen C, Rose M, Driessen M
BIOL PSYCHOL. 2010;85(1):179-181.
[The German version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ): preliminary psychometric properties].
Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Mensebach C, Grabe H, Hill A, Gast U, Schlosser N, Höpp H, Beblo T, Driessen M
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2010;60(11):442-450.
Borderline personality disorder: hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis and findings from neuroimaging studies.
Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Rullkötter N, Löwe B
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2010;35(1):154-170.
Obesity and NK cells affect the expression of the long form of the leptin receptor Ob-Rb in liver of F344 rats.
Wrann C, Ehmer U, Lautenbach A, Kuhlmann S, Nave H
EXP TOXICOL PATHOL. 2010;62(1):1-8.
Association between alcohol consumption and carotid intima–media thickness in a healthy population: data of the STRATEGY study (Stress, Atherosclerosis and ECG Study)
Zyriax B, Lau K, Klähn T, Boeing H, Völzke H, Windler E
EUR J CLIN NUTR. 2010;2010(64):1199-1206.
Interpersonal evaluation bias in borderline personality disorder.
Barnow S, Stopsack M, Grabe H, Meinke C, Spitzer C, Kronmüller K, Sieswerda S
BEHAV RES THER. 2009;47(5):359-365.
Neurophysiological correlates of borderline personality disorder: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study.
Barnow S, Völker K, Möller B, Freyberger H, Spitzer C, Grabe H, Daskalakis Z
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2009;65(4):313-318.
Better assessment of physical function: item improvement is neglected but essential.
Bruce B, Fries J, Ambrosini D, Lingala B, Gandek B, Rose M, Ware J
ARTHRITIS RES THER. 2009;11(6):191.
Dissoziative Störungen
Brunner R, Resch F, Spitzer C, Freyberger H
2009. Adoleszentenpsychiatrie. Schattauer: 3-11.
One-year functional magnetic resonance imaging follow-up study of neural activation during the recall of unresolved negative life events in borderline personality disorder.
Driessen M, Wingenfeld K, Rullkoetter N, Mensebach C, Woermann F, Mertens M, Beblo T
PSYCHOL MED. 2009;39(3):507-516.
[Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in prisoners with a short imprisonment: results from a prison in north Germany]
Dudeck M, Kopp D, Kuwert P, Drenkhahn K, Orlob S, Lüth H, Freyberger H, Spitzer C
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2009;36(5):219-224.
Können neue Erfassungsmethoden alte Probleme der Wohlbefindensmessung lösen? Item Response Theorie, Itembanking und Computeradaptives Testen am Beispiel der KIDSCREEN Studie.
Erhart M, Rose M, Ravens-Sieberer U
Z GESUNDHEITSPSYCHOL. 2009;17(2):94-99.
Psychosomatic medicine in primary care: influence of training.
Fazekas C, Matzer F, Greimel E, Moser G, Stelzig M, Langewitz W, Löwe B, Pieringer W, Jandl-Jager E
WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR. 2009;121(13-14):446-453.
Evaluation of a computer-adaptive test for the assessment of depression (D-CAT) in clinical application.
Fliege H, Becker J, Walter O, Rose M, Bjorner J, Klapp B
INT J METH PSYCH RES. 2009;18(1):23-36.
Gruppentherapie in der Psychiatrie
Freyberger H, Spitzer C
2009. Gruppenpsychotherapie. Von der Indikation bis zu Leitungstechniken. Thieme-Verlag Stuttgart: 178-182.
Progress in assessing physical function in arthritis: PROMIS short forms and computerized adaptive testing.
Fries J, Cella D, Rose M, Krishnan E, Bruce B
J RHEUMATOL. 2009;36(9):2061-2066.
The German version of the Toronto Structured Interview for Alexithymia: factor structure, reliability, and concurrent validity in a psychiatric patient sample.
Grabe H, Löbel S, Dittrich D, Bagby R, Taylor G, Quilty L, Spitzer C, Barnow S, Mathier F, Jenewein J, Freyberger H, Rufer M
COMPR PSYCHIAT. 2009;50(5):424-430.
Tooth loss and cognitive impairment.
Grabe H, Schwahn C, Völzke H, Spitzer C, Freyberger H, John U, Mundt T, Biffar R, Kocher T
J CLIN PERIODONTOL. 2009;36(7):550-557.
Serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) promoter polymorphisms and the susceptibility to posttraumatic stress disorder in the general population.
Grabe H, Spitzer C, Schwahn C, Marcinek A, Frahnow A, Barnow S, Lucht M, Freyberger H, John U, Wallaschofski H, Völzke H, Rosskopf D
AM J PSYCHIAT. 2009;166(8):926-933.
Depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders: vague or distinct categories in primary care? Results from a large cross-sectional study.
Hanel G, Henningsen P, Herzog W, Sauer N, Schaefert R, Szecsenyi J, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2009;67(3):189-197.
Psychobehavioral predictors of somatoform disorders in patients with suspected allergies.
Hausteiner C, Bornschein S, Bubel E, Groben S, Lahmann C, Grosber M, Löwe B, Eyer F, Eberlein B, Behrendt H, Darsow U, Ring J, Henningsen P, Huber D
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2009;71(9):1004-1011.
Cognitive impairment in major depression: association with salivary cortisol.
Hinkelmann K, Moritz S, Botzenhardt J, Terfehr K, Wiedemann K, Kellner M, Otte C
BIOL PSYCHIAT. 2009;66(9):879-885.
Self-care and depression in patients with chronic heart failure.
Holzapfel N, Löwe B, Wild B, Schellberg D, Zugck C, Remppis A, Katus H, Haass M, Rauch B, Jünger J, Herzog W, Müller-Tasch T
HEART LUNG. 2009;38(5):392-397.
An evaluation of patient-reported outcomes found computerized adaptive testing was efficient in assessing stress perception.
Kocalevent R, Rose M, Becker J, Walter O, Fliege H, Bjorner J, Kleiber D, Klapp B
J CLIN EPIDEMIOL. 2009;62(3):1-3, 278-287.
[Psychiatric disorders and childhood trauma in prisoners with antisocial personality disorder]
Kopp D, Spitzer C, Kuwert P, Barnow S, Orlob S, Lüth H, Freyberger H, Dudeck M
FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 2009;77(3):152-159.
An ultra-brief screening scale for anxiety and depression: the PHQ-4.
Kroenke K, Spitzer R, Williams J, Löwe B
PSYCHOSOMATICS. 2009;50(6):613-621.
Das zentrale Selbstkonzept von Gesunden. Ein retrospektiver Blick auf das "Hamburger-Gesunden-Projekt"
Lamparter U, Stuhr U, Deneke F
FORUM PSYCHOANAL. 2009;25:363-377.
Kommunikation mit onkologischen Patienten. Ein evaluiertes Trainingsprogramm für Ärzte und Pflegende
Lang K, Schmeling-Kludas C, Schölermann C, Kunkel F, Koch-Gromus U
2009. Psychoonkologie: Eine Disziplin in der Entwicklung. Hogrefe-Verlag: 238-254.
Obesity and the associated mediators leptin, estrogen and IGF-I enhance the cell proliferation and early tumorigenesis of breast cancer cells.
Lautenbach A, Budde A, Wrann C, Teichmann B, Vieten G, Karl T, Nave H
NUTR CANCER. 2009;61(4):484-491.
Altered phenotype of NK cells from obese rats can be normalized by transfer into lean animals.
Lautenbach A, Wrann C, Jacobs R, Müller G, Brabant G, Nave H
OBESITY. 2009;17(10):1848-1855.
Verstehende Typenbildung und Komparative Kasuistik: Fallvergleichende qualitative Methoden in der Psychotherapieforschung
Lindner R, Stuhr U
2009. Komparative Kasuistik: Die psychologische Analyse spezifischer Entwicklungsphänomene. Pabst Science Publishers Lengerich: 121-130.
Exploring potential associations of suicidal ideation and ideas of self-harm in patients with congestive heart failure.
Lossnitzer N, Müller-Tasch T, Löwe B, Zugck C, Nelles M, Remppis A, Haass M, Rauch B, Jünger J, Herzog W, Wild B
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2009;26(8):764-768.
Intrafamiliäre Transmission alexithymer Affektregulierung.
Mahler J, Barnow S, Freyberger H, Spitzer C, Grabe H
PDP Psychodynamische Psychotherapie. 2009;8:3-11.
Neural correlates of episodic and semantic memory retrieval in borderline personality disorder: an fMRI study.
Mensebach C, Beblo T, Driessen M, Wingenfeld K, Mertens M, Rullkoetter N, Lange W, Markowitsch H, Ollech I, Saveedra A, Rau H, Woermann F
PSYCHIAT RES. 2009;171(2):94-105.
Emotion-induced memory dysfunction in borderline personality disorder.
Mensebach C, Wingenfeld K, Driessen M, Rullkoetter N, Schlosser N, Steil C, Schaffrath C, Bulla-Hellwig M, Markowitsch H, Woermann F, Beblo T
COGN NEUROPSYCHIATRY. 2009;14(6):524-541.
Effectiveness of a novel integrative online treatment for depression (Deprexis): randomized controlled trial.
Meyer B, Berger T, Caspar F, Beevers C, Andersson G, Weiss M
J MED INTERNET RES. 2009;11(2):15.
10 Jahre Psychotherapieausbildung aus PiA-Sicht - (noch) keine Erfolgsstory?
Mösko M, Sude K
Psychotherapeutenjournal. 2009;8(3):264-270.
Depressive symptoms and metabolic risk: effects of cortisol and gender.
Muhtz C, Zyriax B, Klähn T, Windler E, Otte C
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2009;34(7):1004-1011.
Logistics of collecting patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in clinical practice: an overview and practical examples.
Rose M, Bezjak A
QUAL LIFE RES. 2009;18(1):125-136.
Autobiographical Memory and Language Use: Linguistic Analyses of Critical Life Event Narratives in a Non-clinical Population.
Rullkötter N, Bullig R, Driessen M, Beblo T, Mensebach C, Wingenfeld K
APPL COGNITIVE PSYCH. 2009;23:278-287.
Dissoziative Symptome bei schizophrenen Patienten
Schäfer I, Wahl I, Spitzer C
Z Psychotraumatol Psychol Med. 2009;7:49-59.
Effects of acute cortisol administration on autobiographical memory in patients with major depression and healthy controls.
Schlosser N, Wolf O, Fernando S, Terfehr K, Otte C, Muhtz C, Beblo T, Driessen M, Löwe B, Wingenfeld K
Optimism, self-efficacy, and perceived stress as predictors of self-reported health symptoms in college students
Schulz H, Vögele C, Meyer B
Z GESUNDHEITSPSYCHOL. 2009;17:185-194.
Effort-reward imbalance and burnout among German nurses in medical compared with psychiatric hospital settings.
Schulz M, Damkröger A, Heins C, Wehlitz L, Löhr M, Driessen M, Behrens J, Wingenfeld K
J PSYCHIATR MENT HLT. 2009;16(3):225-233.
Trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder, and physical illness: findings from the general population.
Spitzer C, Barnow S, Völzke H, John U, Freyberger H, Grabe H
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2009;71(9):1012-1017.
Association of posttraumatic stress disorder with low-grade elevation of C-reactive protein: Evidence from the general population.
Spitzer C, Barnow S, Völzke H, Wallaschofski H, John U, Freyberger H, Löwe B, Grabe H
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with somatization disorder.
Spitzer C, Barnow S, Wingenfeld K, Rose M, Löwe B, Grabe H
AUST NZ J PSYCHIAT. 2009;43(1):80-86.
Elterliches Erziehungsverhalten, Kindesmisshandlung und Alexithymie.
Spitzer C, Busche W, Vogel M, Barnow S, Freyberger H, Grabe H
PDP Psychodynamische Psychotherapie. 2009;8:13-22.
Körpererleben und Körperbild- Ein Handbuch zur Diagnostik
Stefini A, Löwe B
2009. Körpererleben und Körperbild: Ein Handbuch zur Diagnostik. Schattauer Verl: 79-88.
Kann es eine idiographische Nomothetik geben? Erörtert am Beispiel des Er- weiterten Suizids
Stuhr U
2009. Behandlungsberichte und Therapiegeschichten.. Psychosozial-Verl., Gießen: 289-307.
A more proximal impact of dissociation than of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder on schneiderian symptoms in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Vogel M, Schatz D, Spitzer C, Kuwert P, Moller B, Freyberger H, Grabe H
COMPR PSYCHIAT. 2009;50(2):128-134.
Association of childhood neglect with adult dissociation in schizophrenic inpatients.
Vogel M, Spitzer C, Kuwert P, Möller B, Freyberger H, Grabe H
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 2009;42(2):124-130.
[Executive dysfunctions in female patients with borderline personality disorder with regard to impulsiveness and depression]
Völker K, Spitzer C, Limberg A, Grabe H, Freyberger H, Barnow S
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2009;59(7):264-272.
HPA axis reactivity in chronic pelvic pain: association with depression.
Wingenfeld K, Hellhammer D, Schmidt I, Wagner D, Meinlschmidt G, Heim C
J PSYCHOSOM OBST GYN. 2009;30(4):282-286.
Relationship between coping with negative life-events and psychopathology: major depression and borderline personality disorder.
Wingenfeld K, Mensebach C, Rullkoetter N, Schlosser N, Schaffrath C, Beblo T, Driessen M
PSYCHOL PSYCHOTHER-T. 2009;82(4):421-425.
Attentional bias to personally relevant words in borderline personality disorder is strongly related to comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder.
Wingenfeld K, Mensebach C, Rullkoetter N, Schlosser N, Schaffrath C, Woermann F, Driessen M, Beblo T
J PERS DISORD. 2009;23(2):141-155.
Neural correlates of the individual emotional Stroop in borderline personality disorder.
Wingenfeld K, Rullkoetter N, Mensebach C, Beblo T, Mertens M, Kreisel S, Toepper M, Driessen M, Woermann F
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2009;34(4):571-586.
Elevated diurnal salivary cortisol in nurses is associated with burnout but not with vital exhaustion.
Wingenfeld K, Schulz M, Damkroeger A, Rose M, Driessen M
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 2009;34(8):1144-1151.
[Outcome of simultaneous psychosomatic/internal-medicine inpatient care--a naturalistic follow-up study]
Zastrow A, Verena F, Seyboth F, Niehoff D, Herzog W, Löwe B
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC. 2009;55(3):229-247.
Early risk factors for miscarriage: a prospective cohort study in pregnant women.
Arck P, Rücke M, Rose M, Szekeres-Bartho J, Douglas A, Pritsch M, Blois S, Pincus M, Bärenstrauch N, Dudenhausen J, Nakamura K, Sheps S, Klapp B
REPROD BIOMED ONLINE. 2008;17(1):101-113.
Functioning and validity of a Computerized Adaptive Test to measure anxiety (A-CAT).
Becker J, Fliege H, Kocalevent R, Bjorner J, Rose M, Walter O, Klapp B
DEPRESS ANXIETY. 2008;25(12):182-194.
Attachment priming and avoidant personality features as predictors of social-evaluation biases.
Bowles D, Meyer B
J PERS DISORD. 2008;22(1):72-88.
Comparison of the health assessment questionnaire disability index and the short form 36 physical functioning subscale using Rasch analysis: comment on the article by Taylor and McPherson.
Fries J, Bruce B, Rose M
ARTHRITIS RHEUMATOL. 2008;59(4):598-599.
Alexithymia and outcome in psychotherapy.
Grabe H, Frommer J, Ankerhold A, Ulrich C, Groger R, Franke G, Barnow S, Freyberger H, Spitzer C
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2008;77(3):189-194.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Grabe H, Ruhrmann S, Spitzer C, Josepeit J, Ettelt S, Buhtz F, Hochrein A, Schulze-Rauschenbach S, Meyer K, Kraft S, Reck C, Pukrop R, Klosterkötter J, Falkai P, Maier W, Wagner M, John U, Freyberger H
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 2008;41(2):129-134.
No association of seropositivity for anti-Borrelia IgG antibody with mental and physical complaints.
Grabe H, Spitzer C, Lüdemann J, Guertler L, Kramer A, John U, Freyberger H, Völzke H
NORD J PSYCHIAT. 2008;62(5):386-391.
From symptom relief to interpersonal change: Treatment outcome and effectiveness in inpatient psychotherapy.
Haase M, Frommer J, Franke G, Hoffmann T, Schulze-Muetzel J, Jäger S, Grabe H, Spitzer C, Schmitz N
PSYCHOTHER RES. 2008;18(5):615-624.
Der klinische Forscher in der psychosomatischen Medizin: Status, Kompetenzen und Leistungen
Hartmann M, Wild B, Herzog W, Nikendei C, Zipfel S, Henningsen P, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2008;58(6):230-7.
[Working as a clinician-scientist in psychosomatic medicine: status, skills and research productivity]
Hartmann M, Wild B, Herzog W, Nikendei C, Zipfel S, Henningsen P, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2008;58(6):230-237.
Depression profile in patients with and without chronic heart failure.
Holzapfel N, Müller-Tasch T, Wild B, Jünger J, Zugck C, Remppis A, Herzog W, Löwe B
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2008;105(1-3):53-62.
[Quality of life and sense of coherence in former German child soldiers of World War II]
Kuwert P, Knaevelsrud C, Rosenthal J, Dudeck M, Freyberger H, Spitzer C
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2008;35(8):399-403.
[Psychological complaints, interpersonal problems, quality of life and sense of coherence in former German warchildren]
Kuwert P, Spitzer C, Dudeck M, Vogel M, Freyberger H, Ermann M
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2008;58(6):257-263.
Trauma and post-traumatic stress symptoms in former German child soldiers of World War II.
Kuwert P, Spitzer C, Rosenthal J, Freyberger H
INT PSYCHOGERIATR. 2008;20(5):1014-1018.
Validation and standardization of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Screener (GAD-7) in the general population.
Löwe B, Decker O, Müller S, Brähler E, Schellberg D, Herzog W, Herzberg P
MED CARE. 2008;46(3):266-274.
Effectiveness of a 1-year resident training program in clinical research: a controlled before-and-after study.
Löwe B, Hartmann M, Wild B, Nikendei C, Kroenke K, Niehoff D, Henningsen P, Zipfel S, Herzog W
J GEN INTERN MED. 2008;23(2):122-128.
Validity of current somatoform disorder diagnoses: perspectives for classification in DSM-V and ICD-11.
Löwe B, Mundt C, Herzog W, Brunner R, Backenstrass M, Kronmüller K, Henningsen P
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 2008;41(1):4-9.
Depression, anxiety and somatization in primary care: syndrome overlap and functional impairment.
Löwe B, Spitzer R, Williams J, Mussell M, Schellberg D, Kroenke K
GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2008;30(3):191-199.
When the half-full glass is appraised as half empty and memorised as completely empty: mood-congruent true and false recognition in depression is modulated by salience.
Moritz S, Voigt K, Arzola G, Otte C
MEMORY. 2008;16(8):810-820.
Panic disorder in patients with chronic heart failure.
Müller-Tasch T, Frankenstein L, Holzapfel N, Schellberg D, Löwe B, Nelles M, Zugck C, Katus H, Rauch B, Haass M, Jünger J, Remppis A, Herzog W
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2008;64(3):299-303.
Gastrointestinal symptoms in primary care: prevalence and association with depression and anxiety.
Mussell M, Kroenke K, Spitzer R, Williams J, Herzog W, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2008;64(6):605-612.
Evaluation of a preliminary physical function item bank supported the expected advantages of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS).
Rose M, Bjorner J, Becker J, Fries J, Ware J
J CLIN EPIDEMIOL. 2008;61(1):17-33.
Depression and panic disorder as predictors of health outcomes for patients with asthma in primary care.
Schneider A, Löwe B, Meyer F, Biessecker K, Joos S, Szecsenyi J
RESP MED. 2008;102(3):359-366.
Childhood maltreatment in patients with somatization disorder.
Spitzer C, Barnow S, Gau K, Freyberger H, Grabe H
AUST NZ J PSYCHIAT. 2008;42(4):335-341.
Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in the elderly: findings from a German community study.
Spitzer C, Barnow S, Völzke H, John U, Freyberger H, Grabe H
J CLIN PSYCHIAT. 2008;69(5):693-700.
[Gender differences in dissociative disorders]
Spitzer C, Freyberger H
Association between depression and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in patients with Type 1 diabetes.
Spitzer C, Völzke H, Barnow S, Krohn U, Wallaschofski H, Lüdemann J, John U, Freyberger H, Kerner W, Grabe H
DIABETIC MED. 2008;25(3):349-354.
Diagnostik und Therapie dissoziativer Störungen
Spitzer C, Wahl I, Löwe B, Freyberger H
Der Neurologe & Psychiater : DNP. 2008;30-36.
HPA axis reactivity and lymphocyte glucocorticoid sensitivity in fibromyalgia syndrome and chronic pelvic pain.
Wingenfeld K, Heim C, Schmidt I, Wagner D, Meinlschmidt G, Hellhammer D
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2008;70(1):65-72.
Risk factors of symptom underestimation by physicians.
Zastrow A, Verena F, Seyboth F, Niehoff D, Herzog W, Löwe B
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2008;64(5):543-551.
Temperament and character in patients with borderline personality disorder taking gender and comorbidity into account.
Barnow S, Herpertz S, Spitzer C, Stopsack M, Preuss U, Grabe H, Kessler C, Freyberger H
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 2007;40(6):369-378.
Attention problems among children with a positive family history of alcohol abuse or dependence and controls. Prevalence and course for the period from preteen to early teen years.
Barnow S, Schuckit M, Smith T, Spitzer C, Freyberger H
EUR ADDICT RES. 2007;13(1):1-5.
[Results of an outpatient intervention for obese children and adolescents]
Barnow S, Stopsack M, Bernheim D, Schröder C, Fusch C, Lauffer H, Freyberger H, Grabe H, Spitzer C
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2007;57(9-10):353-358.
The influence of parental drinking behaviour and antisocial personality disorder on adolescent behavioural problems: results of the Greifswalder Family Study.
Barnow S, Ulrich I, Grabe H, Freyberger H, Spitzer C
ALCOHOL ALCOHOLISM. 2007;42(6):623-628.
Efficiently assessing negative cognition in depression: an item response theory analysis of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale.
Beevers C, Strong D, Meyer B, Pilkonis P, Miller I
PSYCHOL ASSESSMENT. 2007;19(2):199-209.
The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS): progress of an NIH Roadmap cooperative group during its first two years.
Cella D, Yount S, Rothrock N, Gershon R, Cook K, Reeve B, Ader D, Fries J, Bruce B, Rose M
MED CARE. 2007;45(5 Suppl 1):3-11.
Social support during pregnancy: effects on maternal depressive symptoms, smoking and pregnancy outcome.
Elsenbruch S, Benson S, Rücke M, Rose M, Dudenhausen J, Pincus-Knackstedt M, Klapp B, Arck P
HUM REPROD. 2007;22(3):869-877.
[Multiple personality disorder is a fad - not a disease]
Freyberger H, Spitzer C, Gast U, Rodewald F, Wilhelm-Gössling C, Emrich H
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2007;34(6):266-268.
[Elevated costs of treatment in medical inpatients with psychiatric comorbidity are not reflected in the German DRG-system]
Hochlehnert A, Niehoff D, Herzog W, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2007;57(2):70-75.
Routine screening for depression and quality of life in outpatients with congestive heart failure.
Holzapfel N, Zugck C, Müller-Tasch T, Löwe B, Wild B, Schellberg D, Nelles M, Remppis A, Katus H, Herzog W, Jünger J
PSYCHOSOMATICS. 2007;48(2):112-116.
Anxiety disorders in primary care: prevalence, impairment, comorbidity, and detection.
Kroenke K, Spitzer R, Williams J, Monahan P, Löwe B
ANN INTERN MED. 2007;146(5):317-325.
Sixty years later: post-traumatic stress symptoms and current psychopathology in former German children of World War II.
Kuwert P, Spitzer C, Träder A, Freyberger H, Ermann M
INT PSYCHOGERIATR. 2007;19(5):955-961.
[DRGs and daily rates of pay in psychosomatics: 2002-2005]
Lohmann R, Rose M, Danzer G, Herzog W, Riegel T, Klapp B
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC. 2007;53(1):29-41.
[Crash course "clinical research in psychosocial medicine": changes in research knowledge and subjective research competence]
Löwe B, Wild B, Herzog W, Niehoff D, Hartmann M
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2007;57(9-10):405-408.
Do clinical researchers believe they should be clinically active? A survey in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Meyer B
PSYCHOL PSYCHOTHER-T. 2007;80(4):543-561.
Congruence between reasons for depression and motivations for specific interventions.
Meyer B, Garcia-Roberts L
PSYCHOL PSYCHOTHER-T. 2007;80(4):525-542.
Cardiovascular reactivity to mental stress is not affected by alpha2-adrenoreceptor activation or inhibition.
Philippsen C, Hahn M, Schwabe L, Richter S, Drewe J, Schachinger H
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2007;190(2):181-188.
The impact of concomitant depression on quality of life and health service utilisation in patients with osteoarthritis.
Rosemann T, Gensichen J, Sauer N, Laux G, Szecsenyi J
RHEUMATOL INT. 2007;27(9):859-863.
Progress in characterization, preparation and clinical applications of non-hematopoietic stem cells, 29-30 September 2006, Tübingen, Germany
Schäfer R, Dominici M, Müller I, Dazzi F, Bieback K, Godthardt K, Le Blanc K, Meisel R, Pochampally R, Richter R, Skutella T, Steinhoff G, Mitterberger M, Wendel H, Wiskirchen J, Handgretinger R, Northoff H
CYTOTHERAPY. 2007;9(4):397-405.
Stress modulates the use of spatial versus stimulus-response learning strategies in humans.
Schwabe L, Oitzl M, Philippsen C, Richter S, Bohringer A, Wippich W, Schachinger H
LEARN MEMORY. 2007;14(1):109-116.
Dissociation predicts symptom-related treatment outcome in short-term inpatient psychotherapy.
Spitzer C, Barnow S, Freyberger H, Grabe H
AUST NZ J PSYCHIAT. 2007;41(8):682-687.
[Observed, pursued, disintegrated--mental disorders among victims of non-criminal repressions in the former GDR]
Spitzer C, Ulrich I, Plock K, Mothes J, Drescher A, Gürtler L, Freyberger H, Barnow S
PSYCHIAT PRAX. 2007;34(2):81-86.
Psychopathology and alexithymia in severe mental illness: the impact of trauma and posttraumatic stress symptoms.
Spitzer C, Vogel M, Barnow S, Freyberger H, Grabe H
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2007;257(4):191-196.
Development and evaluation of a computer adaptive test for 'Anxiety' (Anxiety-CAT).
Walter O, Becker J, Bjorner J, Fliege H, Klapp B, Rose M
QUAL LIFE RES. 2007;16(1):143-155.
Overnight urinary cortisol release in women with borderline personality disorder depends on comorbid PTSD and depressive psychopathology.
Wingenfeld K, Driessen M, Adam B, Hill A
EUR PSYCHIAT. 2007;22(5):309-312.
Dexamethasone suppression test in borderline personality disorder: impact of PTSD symptoms.
Wingenfeld K, Hill A, Adam B, Driessen M
PSYCHIAT CLIN NEUROS. 2007;61(6):681-683.
Stability of the dexamethasone suppression test in borderline personality disorder with and without comorbid PTSD: a one-year follow-up study.
Wingenfeld K, Lange W, Wulff H, Berea C, Beblo T, Saavedra A, Mensebach C, Driessen M
J CLIN PSYCHOL. 2007;63(9):843-850.
The low-dose dexamethasone suppression test in fibromyalgia.
Wingenfeld K, Wagner D, Schmidt I, Meinlschmidt G, Hellhammer D, Heim C
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2007;62(1):85-91.
Daily activities and sleep quality in college students.
Carney C, Edinger J, Meyer B, Lindman L, Istre T
CHRONOBIOL INT. 2006;23(3):623-637.
Symptom-focused rumination and sleep disturbance.
Carney C, Edinger J, Meyer B, Lindman L, Istre T
BEHAV SLEEP MED. 2006;4(4):228-241.
Musculoskeletal and neuropsychiatric manifestations are the main source of persisting affection and organ damage in a German population of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Fiehn C, Wilmes A, Max R, Willand L, Löwe B, Andrassy K, Ho A, Lorenz H
SCAND J RHEUMATOL. 2006;35(2):157-159.
[The "Depression Monitoring list" (DeMoL) with integrated PHQ-D-Rationale and design of a tool for the case management for depression in primary care]
Gensichen J, Peitz M, Torge M, Mosig-Frey J, Wendt-Hermainski H, Rosemann T, Gerlach F, Löwe B
Z Arztl Fortbild Qualitatssich. 2006;100(5):375-382.
Depression, pain, and somatoform disorders.
Henningsen P, Löwe B
CURR OPIN PSYCHIATR. 2006;19(1):19-24.
[Anorexia nervosa]
Herzog W, Friederich H, Wild B, Löwe B, Zipfel S
THER UMSCH. 2006;63(8):539-543.
[The history of anorexia and bulimia]
Herzog W, Friederich H, Wild B, Löwe B, Zipfel S
THER UMSCH. 2006;63(8):505-507.
Adding a question that asks whether help is wanted improves sensitivity of a depression screening tool.
Löwe B
EVID-BASED MENT HEAL. 2006;9(2):39.
Geschichte einer politisch unerwünschten Diagnose: Die posttraumatische Belastungsstörung
Löwe B, Henningsen P, Herzog W
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2006;56(3-4):182-7.
[Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: history of a politically unwanted diagnosis]
Löwe B, Henningsen P, Herzog W
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2006;56(3-4):182-187.
[Metabolic syndrome and depression]
Löwe B, Hochlehnert A, Nikendei C
THER UMSCH. 2006;63(8):521-527.
Responsiveness of the PHQ-9 to Psychopharmacological Depression Treatment.
Löwe B, Schenkel I, Carney-Doebbeling C, Göbel C
PSYCHOSOMATICS. 2006;47(1):62-67.
Medical patients' attitudes toward emotional problems and their treatment. What do they really want?
Löwe B, Schulz U, Gräfe K, Wilke S
J GEN INTERN MED. 2006;21(1):39-45.
Residual mood symptoms and number of previous episodes predict recurrence of bipolar disorder.
Meyer B
EVID-BASED MENT HEAL. 2006;9(3):84.
A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7.
Spitzer R, Kroenke K, Williams J, Löwe B
JAMA INTERN MED. 2006;166(10):1092-1097.
Attention bias towards personally relevant stimuli: the individual emotional Stroop task.
Wingenfeld K, Bullig R, Mensebach C, Hartje W, Driessen M, Beblo T
PSYCHOL REP. 2006;99(3):781-793.
[Health service aspects of psychosomatic inpatient treatment in a general hospital]
de Cruppé W, Martens U, Löwe B, Herzog W, Eich W
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2005;55(8):386-391.
The Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ) reconsidered: validation and reference values from different clinical and healthy adult samples
Fliege H, Rose M, Arck P, Walter O, Kocalevent R, Weber C, Klapp B
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2005;67(1):78-88.
Effects of a metabotropic glutamate(2/3) receptor agonist (LY544344/LY354740) on panic anxiety induced by cholecystokinin tetrapeptide in healthy humans: preliminary results.
Kellner M, Muhtz C, Stark K, Yassouridis A, Arlt J, Wiedemann K
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2005;179(1):310-315.
The sentence completion test for depression can distinguish between people with and without major depressive disorder.
Löwe B
EVID-BASED MENT HEAL. 2005;8(4):99.
Detecting and monitoring depression with a two-item questionnaire (PHQ-2).
Löwe B, Kroenke K, Gräfe K
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2005;58(2):163-171.
Efficacy, predictors of therapy response, and safety of sertraline in routine clinical practice: prospective, open-label, non-interventional postmarketing surveillance study in 1878 patients.
Löwe B, Schenkel I, Bair M, Göbel C
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2005;87(2-3):271-279.
Sensory sensitivity, attachment experiences, and rejection responses among adults with borderline and avoidant features.
Meyer B, Ajchenbrenner M, Bowles D
J PERS DISORD. 2005;19(6):641-658.
Kommunikationstraining als Teil des Medizinstudiums: ein Modellversuch
Petersen C, Busche W, Bergelt C, Huse-Kleinstoll G
GMS J MED EDU. 2005;22(1):Doc 08.
Perception of bodily sensation as a predictor of treatment response to acupuncture for postoperative nausea and vomiting prophylaxis.
Schneider A, Löwe B, Streitberger K
J ALTERN COMPLEM MED. 2005;11(1):119-125.
Recognition of distress and psychiatric morbidity in cancer patients: a multi-method approach.
Keller M, Sommerfeldt S, Fischer C, Knight L, Riesbeck M, Löwe B, Herfarth C, Lehnert T
ANN ONCOL. 2004;15(8):1243-1249.
Anxiety and depression in patients with pulmonary hypertension.
Löwe B, Gräfe K, Ufer C, Kroenke K, Grünig E, Herzog W, Borst M
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2004;66(6):831-836.
Diagnosing ICD-10 depressive episodes: superior criterion validity of the Patient Health Questionnaire.
Löwe B, Gräfe K, Zipfel S, Witte S, Loerch B, Herzog W
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2004;73(6):386-390.
Measuring depression outcome with a brief self-report instrument: sensitivity to change of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9).
Löwe B, Kroenke K, Herzog W, Gräfe K
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2004;81(1):61-66.
Comparative validity of three screening questionnaires for DSM-IV depressive disorders and physicians' diagnoses.
Löwe B, Spitzer R, Gräfe K, Kroenke K, Quenter A, Zipfel S, Buchholz C, Witte S, Herzog W
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2004;78(2):131-140.
Monitoring depression treatment outcomes with the patient health questionnaire-9.
Löwe B, Unützer J, Callahan C, Perkins A, Kroenke K
MED CARE. 2004;42(12):1194-1201.
Psychiatric comorbidity and work disability in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
Löwe B, Willand L, Eich W, Zipfel S, Ho A, Herzog W, Fiehn C
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2004;66(3):395-402.
What's in a (neutral) face? Personality disorders, attachment styles, and the appraisal of ambiguous social cues.
Meyer B, Pilkonis P, Beevers C
J PERS DISORD. 2004;18(4):320-336.
Myeloid sarcoma of the prostate as first clinical manifestation of acute myeloid leukaemia.
Spethmann S, Heuer R, Hopfer H, Tuinmann G
LANCET ONCOL. 2004;5(1):62-63.
Gemcitabine and mitomycin C in advanced pancreatic cancer: a single-institution experience.
Tuinmann G, Hegewisch-Becker S, Zschaber R, Kehr A, Schulz J, Hossfeld D
ANTI-CANCER DRUG. 2004;15(6):575-579.
Predictors of psychiatric comorbidity in medical outpatients.
Löwe B, Gräfe K, Kroenke K, Zipfel S, Quenter A, Wild B, Fiehn C, Herzog W
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2003;65(5):764-770.
Detecting panic disorder in medical and psychosomatic outpatients: comparative validation of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Patient Health Questionnaire, a screening question, and physicians' diagnosis.
Löwe B, Gräfe K, Zipfel S, Spitzer R, Herrmann-Lingen C, Witte S, Herzog W
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2003;55(6):515-519.
[Communication and interaction in psychosomatic education: use of standardized patients]
Nikendei C, Zipfel S, Roth C, Löwe B, Herzog W, Jünger J
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2003;53(11):440-445.
Personality and mood correlates of avoidant personality disorder.
Meyer B
J PERS DISORD. 2002;16(2):174-188.
Treatment expectancies, patient alliance, and outcome: further analyses from the National Institute of Mental Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program.
Meyer B, Pilkonis P, Krupnick J, Egan M, Simmens S, Sotsky S
J CONSULT CLIN PSYCH. 2002;70(4):1051-1055.
Effect of depressive symptoms on survival after heart transplantation.
Zipfel S, Schneider A, Wild B, Löwe B, Jünger J, Haass M, Sack F, Bergmann G, Herzog W
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2002;64(5):740-747.
Implantable device for intravenous drug delivery in the rat.
de Wit M, Raabe A, Tuinmann G, Hossfeld D
LAB ANIM-UK. 2001;35(4):321-324.
Long-term outcome of anorexia nervosa in a prospective 21-year follow-up study.
Löwe B, Zipfel S, Buchholz C, Dupont Y, Reas D, Herzog W
PSYCHOL MED. 2001;31(5):881-890.
Attachment styles and personality disorders as predictors of symptom course.
Meyer B, Pilkonis P, Proietti J, Heape C, Egan M
J PERS DISORD. 2001;15(5):371-389.
[New indications for thalidomide?]
Tuinmann G, Hegewisch-Becker S, Hossfeld D
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2001;126(42):1178-1182.
Osteoporosis in eating disorders: a follow-up study of patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa.
Zipfel S, Seibel M, Löwe B, Beumont P, Kasperk C, Herzog W
J CLIN ENDOCR METAB. 2001;86(11):5227-5233.
Coping and medication adherence in bipolar disorder.
Greenhouse W, Meyer B, Johnson S
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2000;59(3):237-241.
Social support and self-esteem predict changes in bipolar depression but not mania.
Johnson S, Meyer B, Winett C, Small J
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2000;58(1):79-86.
Increases in manic symptoms after life events involving goal attainment.
Johnson S, Sandrow D, Meyer B, Winters R, Miller I, Solomon D, Keitner G
J ABNORM PSYCHOL. 2000;109(4):721-727.
Negative childhood accounts, sensitivity, and pessimism: a study of avoidant personality disorder features in college students.
Meyer B, Carver C
J PERS DISORD. 2000;14(3):233-248.
[Eating behavior, eating disorders and obesity]
Zipfel S, Löwe B, Herzog W
THER UMSCH. 2000;57(8):504-510.
Social support and the course of bipolar disorder.
Johnson S, Winett C, Meyer B, Greenhouse W, Miller I
J ABNORM PSYCHOL. 1999;108(4):558-566.
[Quality of life, depression and coping behavior in patients awaiting heart transplant]
Zipfel S, Löwe B, Schneider A, Herzog W, Bergmann G
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 1999;49(6):187-194.
[Psychosomatic aspects of sudden deafness].
Lamparter U
Versicherungsmedizin. 1998;50(3):104-109.
Psychological distress in patients awaiting heart transplantation.
Zipfel S, Löwe B, Paschke T, Immel B, Lange R, Zimmermann R, Herzog W, Bergmann G
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 1998;45(5):465-470.
[Emotional status of patients on the waiting list for heart transplantation]
Zipfel S, Löwe B, Paschke T, Zimmermann R, Lange R, Herzog W, Bergmann G
Z Kardiol. 1998;87(6):436-442.
[Validation of the FKB-20 as scale for the detection of body image distortions in psychosomatic patients]
Clement U, Löwe B
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 1996;46(7):254-259.
[Dichotomy and duplicity--revisited].
Haag A, Lamparter U
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 1996;46(6):241-244.
[Prenatal auditory perception--on the relevance of new concepts of perception].
Schmidt H, Lamparter U, Deneke F
GEBURTSH FRAUENHEILK. 1995;55(10):125-128.
Psychosomatic medicine and otorhinolaryngology.
Lamparter U, Schmidt H
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 1994;61(1-2):25-40.
[Prenatal acoustic perception--a review of the literature from the psychosomatic viewpoint].
Lamparter U, Schmidt H, Deneke F
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 1993;43(1):30-35.
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