EU-Projekte am UKE
EU-Projekte am UKE laufen hauptsächlich in den EU-Rahmenprogrammen für Forschung und Innovation. Daneben gibt es einige Projekte in Programmen, die von anderen EU-Generaldirektionen beaufsichtigt werden wie dem EU4Health Programm der EU Generaldirektion Gesundheit & Lebensmittelsicherheit und einige ERA-Net-Projekte.
Insgesamt laufen derzeit 65 Projekte am UKE, davon 37 Projekte in Horizon Europe, dem aktuellen EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation, 13 Projekte in Horizon 2020, dem letzten EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation und 15 weitere EU-Projekte. Darunter sind 15 ERC-Grants und 5 am UKE koordinierte Projekte (Stand: 01. März 2025).
Anzahl der laufenden Projekte am UKE | Programm |
15 | European Research Council (ERC) |
5 | Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) |
37 | Horizon Europe framework programme for research and innovation |
13 | Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation |
15 | Programmes from various directorate generals, for example Justice and Health |
Leuchtturmprojekte am UKE
- ERC-Grants
- Coordinated collaborative projects
ERC-Grants (current)
Acronym Project title Name of researcher Programme Project type Duration ACT-PC Actionable metabolite supplements to improve treatment response in pancreatic cancer Prof. N. Gagliani Horizon Europe-Excellent Science ERC-PoC 05/2024-10/2025 ADAPT Tracking adaptation of naïve T cells to distinct organs to decode organ-specific immune diseases Prof. N. Gagliani Horizon Europe-Excellent Science ERC-CoG 04/2024-03/2029 AUTO-TARGET Antigen-specific treatments to target autoimmune kidney diseases Dr. N. Tomas Horizon Europe-Excellent Science ERC-StG 04/2025-03/2030 BRAINAMICS Neuromodulatory control of brain network dynamics Prof. S. Panzeri Horizon Europe-Excellent Science ERC-CoG 01/2025-12/2029 BrainScape How the physical environment shapes the human brain Prof. Dr. S. Kühn Horizon Europe-Excellent Science ERC-CoG 07/2023-06/2028 cICMs Causal Roles of Intrinsic Coupling Modes: an Integrated Multiscale Framework for Cognitive Network Dynamics Prof. Dr. A. Engel Horizon Europe-Excellent Science ERC-AdG 07/2023-06/2028 CureFSGS Decode and Cure primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Prof. Dr. T. Huber Horizon Europe-Excellent Science ERC-AdG 03/2025-12/2029 DECODE Desynchronizing weak cortical fields during deep brain stimulation Dr. B. Schwab Horizon Europe-Excellent Science ERC-StG 01/2024-12/2028 DynaPLIX Dynamics of Protein-Ligand Interactions Dr. E. Schulz Horizon Europe-Excellent Science ERC-SyG 05/2023-04/2029 EXPAT How EXPectation and ATtention shape visual information processing in the human brain Dr. A. Alink Horizon Europe – Excellent Science ERC-CoG 02/2023-01/2028 INJURMET Impact of tissue injury induced by diagnostic biopsies and surgery on cancer metastasis Prof. K. Pantel H2020-Excellent Science ERC-AdG 08/2019-07/2025 LEXSYN Lysosomal exocytosis of metastable proteins to control synaptic function Dr. K. Grochowska Horizon Europe – Excellent Science ERC-StG 04/2025-03/2030 MICRO-COPS Microglia Control of Physiological Brain States Prof. T. Oertner H2020-Excellent Science ERC-SyG 06/2021-05/2027 MRStain Non-invasive staining of tissue microstructure in temporal lobe epilepsy using in- vivo MRI Dr. S. Mohammadi Horizon Europe – Excellent Science ERC-CoG 07/2024-06/2029 NO PRESSURE Regulation of the L-arginine – ADMA – Nitric Oxide (NO) Pathway in the Pulmonary Vascular Response to Hypoxia and its Role for Survival of High-Risk COPD Patients Prof. R. Böger Horizon Europe – Excellent Science ERC-AdG 11/2023-10/2028 olfACTION A circuit perspective on olfaction – how learning and context shape the propagation of information between brain areas Dr. S. Bitzenhofer Horizon Europe – Excellent Science ERC-StG 01/2024-12/2028 PainPersist Psychobiological mechanisms of pain persistence Prof. C. Büchel H2020-Excellent Science ERC-AdG 01/2021-12/2026 REpAIR Spatio-Temporal Regulation of Inflammation and Tissue Regeneration: Studying the immune system - tissue - microbiota communication to develop targeted therapies for immune-mediated diseases and cancer Prof. S. Huber H2020-Excellent Science ERC-CoG 10/2020-03/2026 ERC-grants (past)
Acronym Project title Name of researcher Programme Project type Duration CAPTURE-CTC A Streptavidin Microarray Platform for Capturing of Circulating Tumor Cells from the Blood of Cancer Patients Prof. K. Pantel H2020-Excellent Science ERC-PoC 06/2015-11/2016 CTCapture_2.0 Advanced platform for profiling of therapeutic targets and functional analysis of circulating tumour cells in cancer patients Prof. K. Pantel H2020-Excellent Science ERC-PoC 05/2017-10/2018 Diet-namic From fast food to healthy diet: Adressing the dynamic molecular mechanism of sequential diet switch-induced T cell plasticity for the purpose of developing new treatments for immuno-mediated diseases Prof. N. Gagliani H2020-Excellent Science ERC-StG 12/2016-11/2022 DISSECT Disseminating tumor cells as novel biomarkers: Dissecting the metastatic cascade in cancer patients Prof. K. Pantel FP7-Ideas ERC-AdG 08/2011-07/2016 DNCure Dynamic signalling networks in Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) – New avenues to a personalized therapy. Prof. T. Huber FP7-Ideas ERC-CoG 04/2017-01/2020 ELIMINATE Development of strategies to eliminate cancer cells from the bone marrow Prof. S. Loges H2020-Excellent Science ERC-StG 02/2018-01/2024 F12 Factor XII and the contact system:
cross-talk between thrombosis and inflammationProf. T. Renné FP7-Ideas ERC-StG 11/2016-07/2019 IL-22 and IL-22BP Identifying the immune and microbial network controlling the IL-22 – IL-22bp axis to open the doors for targeted therapies Prof. S. Huber FP7-Ideas ERC-StG 01/2014-12/2018 IndivuHeart Individualized early risk assessment for heart diseases Prof. T. Eschenhagen FP7-Ideas ERC-AdG 06/2014-05/2019 INFOSAMPLE Information Sampling in Multiattribute Choice Dr. K. Tsetsos H2020-Excellent Science ERC-StG 12/2018-05/2024 LIFE synapses Long-term Investigation of Functional Excitatory Synapses: Linking Plasticity, Network Wiring and Memory Storage Prof. S. Wiegert H2020-Excellent Science ERC-StG 04/2017-09/2022 MESA Mechanisms of social attention Prof. M. Gamer FP7-Ideas ERC-StG 02/2014-07/2019 MMAF Novel multimodal approach to atrial fibrillation risk assessment and identification of targets for prevention by interdisciplinary exploitation of omics, advanced electrocardiography, and imaging Prof. R. Schnabel H2020-Excellent Science ERC-CoG 01/2016-06/2021 Multisense The merging of the senses: unterstanding multisensory experience Prof. A. Engel FP7-Ideas ERC-AdG 08/2011-07/2016 PLACEBO The placebo effect – a window into the relationship between mind and body Prof. C. Büchel FP7-Ideas ERC-AdG 09/2011-08/2016 PSYCHOCELL Cellular substrate of abnormal network maturation in neuropsychiatric disorders Prof. I. Hanganu-Opatz H2020-Excellent Science ERC-CoG 06/2016-11/2022 Self-Control Take control! Towards novel training regimes enhancing inhibition and impulse control in health and psychiatric disease Prof. S. Kühn H2020-Excellent Science ERC-StG 08/2016-01/2022 SUREPIRL Picosecond Infrared Laser for Scarfree Surgery with Preservation of the Tissue Structure and Recognition of Tissue Type and Boundaries Prof. Schlüter
Prof. MillerFP7-Ideas ERD-AdG 12/2012-11/2017
Coordinated collaborative projects
Coordinated projects (current)
Acronym Project title Name of researcher Programme Project type Duration EAST-STROKE Early treatment of Atrial fibrillation for Stroke prevention Trial in acute STROKE Prof. G. Thomalla Horizon Europe-Health RIA 12/2024-11/2030 ERN RARE-LIVER The European Reference Network in Rare Liver Desease III Prof. A. Lohse EU4Health programme EU4H Action Grant 03/2019- 09/2027 GUIDE.MRD GUIding multi-moDal thErapies against MRD by liquid biopsies Prof. K. Pantel Horizon Europe-Innovative Health Initiative IHI JU RIA 05/2023-04/2028 PANCAID Pancreatic CAncer Initial Detection via liquid biopsy Prof. K. Pantel Horizon Europe-Mission Cancer RIA 01/2023-12/2027 Q.RARE.LI Improving health-related quality of life in patients with rare autoimmune liver diseases by structured peer-delivered support: a transnational effec-tiveness-implementation hybrid trial Prof. B. Löwe European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases - JTC EJP Cofund Action 07/2022-06/2025 Coordinated projects (past)
Acronym Project title Name of researcher Programme Project type Duration A4B Analytics for Biologics Prof. H. Schlüter H2020-Excellent Science MSCA-ITN-ETN 10/2017-03/2022 AFFECT-EU DIGITAL, RISK-BASED SCREENING FOR ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY Prof. R. Schnabel H2020-
Societal ChallengesRIA 01/2020-03/2024 BiomarCaRE Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe Prof. S. Blankenberg FP7-Health CP-FP 10/2011-03/2016 CANCER-ID Cancer treatment and monitoring through identification of circulating tumour cells and tumour related nucleic acids in blood Prof. K. Pantel FP7-IMI CP 01/2015-12/2019 CEF-2017 Creation of IT operational helpdesk for ERN RARE LIVER for the implementation of the Clinical Patient Management System Prof. A. Lohse INEA CEF-Telecom-eHealth CEF Action Grant 11/2018-02/2020 CEF-2018 ERN Rare Liver Training and Support Prof. A. Lohse INEA CEF- Telecom-eHealth CEF Action Grant 09/2019-12/2022 CEF-2020 Maximising ERN RARE-LIVER capabilities – 2020-EU-IA-0131 Prof. A. Lohse INEA CEF – Telecom - eHealth CEF Action Grant 01/2022-06/2023 CureHLH European initiative to improve knowledge, treatment and survival of haemophagocytic syndromes in children Prof. G. Janka-Schaub FP7-Health CP-FP 06/2008-05/2011 DEM-CHILD A Treatment-Oriented Research Project of NCL Disorders as a Major Cause of Dementia in Childhood Dr. A. Schulz FP7-Health CP-FP 10/2011-09/2014 DiMoPEx Diagnosis, Monitoring and Prevention of Exposure-Related Noncommunicable Diseases Prof. L. T. Budnik H2020-COST COST Action 05/2016-04/2017 eSMCs Extending Sensorimotor Contingencies to Cognition Prof. A. Engel FP7-ICT CP 01/2011-12/2014 EuRhythDia Chronotherapeutic lifestyle intervention for diabetes and obesity to reset the circadian rhythm and improve cardiometabolic risk in the European working population Prof. R. Böger FP7-Health CP-FP 10/2011-06/2017 euSNN European School of Network Neuroscience Prof. A. Engel H2020-Excellent Science MSCA-ITN-ETN 10/2019-09/2024 MentDis_ICF65+ Prevalence, 1-year incidence and symptom severity of mental disorders in the elderly: Relationship to impairment, functioning (ICF) and service utilisation Dr. S. Andreas FP7-Health CP-FP 10/2008-03/2013 PRIORITY Prevention to Reduce Incidence Of Sexual Abuse by Reaching Individuals Concerned About Their Risk to Young People Prof. P. Briken DG Home Affairs-ISFP ISFP Action GRant 02/2022-01/2025 R-LIVER Registry for Rare Liver Diseases Prof. C. Schramm 3rd Health Programme Registry project 05/2020-06/2023 socSMCs Socialising Sensori-Motor Contingencies Prof. A. Engel H2020-FETPROACT RIA 01/2015-09/2019 TENSION Efficacy and safety of thrombectomy in stroke with extended lesion and extended time window: a randomized, controlled trial Prof. G. Thomalla H2020- Societal Challenges RIA 01/2018-12/2023 T3Net Tissue Transmigration Training Network Prof. S. Linder FP7-People MC-ITN 09/2009-08/2013 WAKE-UP Efficacy and safety of MRI-based thrombolysis in wake-up stroke: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Prof. C. Gerloff FP7-Health CP-IP 12/2011-12/2019

Dr. rer. nat.
- Leitung
- EU-Forschungsförderung
- Schwerpunkte: ERC, Marie Curie & European Innovation Council
Campus Lehre N55 , 4. Etage, Raumnummer 04.17.1