Die folgenden Publikationen stellen einen Auszug den wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik dar und sind nach Erscheinungsjahr sortiert.
Zahnprobleme in der Hausarztpraxis
Heydecke G, Scherer M
2025. Allgemeinmedizin. Chenot J, Scherer M (Hrsg.). 2. Aufl. München: Elsevier GmbH, 225-229.
Association between periodontal disease and microstructural brain alterations in the Hamburg City Health Study
Mayer C, Walther C, Borof K, Nägele F, Petersen M, Schell M, Gerloff C, Kühn S, Heydecke G, Beikler T, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Aarabi G
J CLIN PERIODONTOL. 2024;51(12):1598-1609.
Integration naturwissenschaftlicher und medizinischer Grundlagen im Hamburger Modellstudiengang Zahnmedizin iMED DENT
Bender R, Bruhn N, Eisenbarth S, Lemke R, Pantke C, Hampe W, Schwoerer A
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2023;66(12):1353-1362.
Comparison of functional and esthetic outcomes in digital versus analog rehabilitation of one-piece screw-retained implant crowns placed at second stage surgery
Edinger D, Henningsen A, Bibiza E, Smeets R, Joda T
J PROSTHODONT. 2023;32(9):793-800.
Der erste Modellstudiengang Zahnmedizin in Deutschland – iMED DENT
Guse A, Beikler T, Heydecke G, Gosau M, Kahl-Nieke B
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2023;66(12):1345-1352.
Studienabschnitt „Vom Symptom zur Erkrankung“ – Schritte in ein integriertes Zahnmedizincurriculum
Lemke R, Mirzakhanian C, Sehner S, Bruhn N
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2023;66(12):1363–1371.
Association between an Anti-Inflammatory Dietary Score and Periodontitis-Evidence from the Population-Based Hamburg City Health Study
Lieske B, Moszka N, Borof K, Petersen E, Jagemann B, Ebinghaus M, Beikler T, Heydecke G, Aarabi G, Zyriax B
NUTRIENTS. 2023;15(14):.
Impact of media entertainment on patient perceived burdens during dental treatment for fixed dental prostheses
Philipps T, Lamprecht R, Reissmann D
J DENT. 2023;131:104453.
Zusammenhang von Mundgesundheitskompetenz und -verhalten mit physischer Mundgesundheit. Welche Rolle kann die zahnmedizinische Ausbildung spielen?
Reißmann D, Lamprecht R, Koch-Gromus U, Borof K, Kofahl C, Härter M, Büschel J, Harth V, Hoven H, Kahl-Nieke B, Beikler T, Heydecke G, Aarabi G
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2023;66(12):1320-1327.
Association between periodontitis and depression severity - A cross-sectional study of the older population in Hamburg
Walther C, Lieske B, Borof K, Kühn S, Härter M, Löwe B, Beikler T, Heydecke G, Kuta P, Seedorf U, Spinler K, Gallinat J, Aarabi G
Brain, behavior, & immunity - health. 2023;34:.
An Evidence-Based Digital Prevention Program to Improve Oral Health Literacy of People With a Migration Background: Intervention Mapping Approach
Weil M, Spinler K, Lieske B, Dingoyan D, Walther C, Heydecke G, Kofahl C, Aarabi G
JMIR FORM RES. 2023;7:e36815.
Immediately provisionalized tapered conical connection implants for single-tooth restorations in the maxillary esthetic zone: a 5-year prospective single-cohort multicenter analysis
Baer R, Nölken R, Colic S, Heydecke G, Mirzakhanian C, Behneke A, Behneke N, Gottesman E, Ottria L, Pozzi A, Fügl A, Zechner W
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2022;26(4):3593-3604.
Development of a one-item version of the Orofacial Esthetic Scale
Bela Andela S, Lamprecht R, John M, Pattanaik S, Reissmann D
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2022;26(1):713-718.
The association between molar incisor hypomineralization and oral health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study
Elhennawy K, Rajjoub O, Reissmann D, Doueiri M, Hamad R, Sierwald I, Wiedemann V, Bekes K, Jost-Brinkmann P
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2022;26(5):4071-4077.
Regular childhood dental visits, health-related factors and quality of life in later life
Hajek A, König H, Buczak-Stec E, Rose L, Kretzler B, Spinler K, Schiffner U, Aarabi G, Walther C
Zahnprobleme in der Hausarztpraxis
Heydecke G, Scherer M
2022. Allgemeinmedizin. Chenot J, Scherer M (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. München: Elsevier GmbH, 207-213.
John M, Omara M, Su N, List T, Sekulic S, Häggman-Henrikson B, Visscher C, Bekes K, Reissmann D, Baba K, Schierz O, Theis-Mahon N, Fueki K, Stamm T, Bondemark L, Oghli I, van Wijk A, Larsson P
J EVID-BASED DENT PR. 2022;22(1):.
Cross-sectional study on the association of periodontitis with arterial hypertension in the Hamburg City Health Study
Könnecke H, Schnabel R, Walther C, Lamprecht R, Heydecke G, Seedorf U, Jagodzinski A, Borof K, Zeller T, Beikler T, Smeets R, Gosau M, Behrendt C, Wenzel U, Börschel C, Karakas M, Blankenberg S, Aarabi G
EUR J MED RES. 2022;27(1):.
Association between periodontitis and metabolic syndrome in the Hamburg City Health Study
Kotin J, Walther C, Wenzel U, Zyriax B, Borof K, Schnabel R, Seedorf U, Jagodzinski A, Heydecke G, Lamprecht R, Smeets R, Beikler T, Aarabi G
J PERIODONTOL. 2022;93(8):1150-1160.
Cross-sectional analysis of the association of periodontitis with carotid intima media thickness and atherosclerotic plaque in the Hamburg City health study
Lamprecht R, Rimmele D, Schnabel R, Heydecke G, Seedorf U, Walther C, Mayer C, Struppek J, Borof K, Behrendt C, Cheng B, Gerloff C, Debus S, Smeets R, Beikler T, Blankenberg S, Zeller T, Karakas M, Thomalla G, Aarabi G
J PERIODONTAL RES. 2022;57(4):824-834.
Treatment of the edentulous mandible with a fixed bridge supported by 4 mm short implants in the molar region – a case report
Mirzakhanian C, Esken J, Magdalena S, Heydecke G
Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International. 2022;4(3):94-99.
Single mandibular implant study - chewing efficiency - 5-year results from a randomized clinical trial using two different implant loading protocols
Passia N, Ali S, Behrendt C, Fritzer E, Kohal R, Luthardt R, Maltzahn N, Rädel M, Reissmann D, Schwindling F, Wolfart S, Kern M
J PROSTHODONT RES. 2022;66(4):610-617.
Measuring oral health: The Physical Oral Health Index
Reissmann D, Aarabi G, Härter M, Heydecke G, Kriston L
J DENT. 2022;118:.
Mundgesundheit, Beeinträchtigungen und orale Befunde bei Patient:innen mit Mukopolysaccharidosen
Schmid-Herrmann C, Bruhn N, Reißmann D, Köhne T, Kahl-Nieke B
2022. 94. Jahrestagung der DGKFO. 1. Aufl. Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie e.V. (DGFKO), 85.
Characterization of immunologically detectable T-cell sensitization, Immunohistochemical detection of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and clinical parameters of patients after allogeneic intraoral bone grafting procedures: a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial in humans
Solakoglu Ö, Götz W, von Baehr V, Heydecke G, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2022;22(1):.
A 3-year prospective randomized clinical trial of alveolar bone crest response and clinical parameters through 1, 2, and 3 years of clinical function of implants placed 4 months after alveolar ridge preservation using two different allogeneic bone-grafting materials
Solakoğlu Ö, Ofluoğlu D, Schwarzenbach H, Heydecke G, Reißmann D, Ergun S, Götz W
INT J IMPLANT DENT. 2022;8(1):.
Characterization of circulating molecules and activities in plasma of patients after allogeneic and autologous intraoral bone grafting procedures: a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial in humans
Solakoglu Ö, Steinbach B, Götz W, Heydecke G, Schwarzenbach H
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2022;22(1):.
Access Barriers to Dental Treatment and Prevention for Turkish Migrants in Germany – A Qualitative Survey
Spinler K, Kofahl C, Ungoreit E, Heydecke G, Dingoyan D, Aarabi G
FRONT PUBLIC HEALTH. 2022;10:862832.
The association between coffee consumption and periodontitis: a cross-sectional study of a northern German population
Struppek J, Walther C, Bunte K, Zyriax B, Wenzel J, Senftinger J, Nikorowitsch J, Heydecke G, Seedorf U, Beikler T, Borof K, Mayer C, Aarabi G
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2022;26(3):2421-2427.
Oral Health Literacy in Migrant and Ethnic Minority Populations: A Systematic Review
Valdez R, Spinler K, Kofahl C, Seedorf U, Heydecke G, Reißmann D, Lieske B, Dingoyan D, Aarabi G
J IMMIGR MINOR HEALT. 2022;24(4):1061-1080.
Evidence from the Hamburg City Health Study - association between education and periodontitis
Walther C, Spinler K, Borof K, Kofahl C, Heydecke G, Seedorf U, Beikler T, Terschüren C, Hajek A, Aarabi G
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2022;22(1):.
Association between periodontitis and heart failure in the general population
Walther C, Wenzel J, Schnabel R, Heydecke G, Seedorf U, Beikler T, Borof K, Nikorowitsch J, Schrage B, Blankenberg S, Twerenbold R, Zeller T, Magnussen C, Aarabi G
ESC HEART FAIL. 2022;9(6):4189-4197.
Pediatric patients' reasons for visiting dentists in all WHO regions
Bekes K, John M, Rener-Sitar K, Al-Harthy M, Michelotti A, Reissmann D, Nikolovska J, Sanivarapu S, Lawal F, List T, Peršić Kiršić S, Strajnić L, Casassus R, Baba K, Schimmel M, Amuasi A, Jayasinghe R, Strujić-Porović S, Peck C, Xie H, Haugaard Bendixen K, Simancas-Pallares M, Perez-Franco E, Naghibi Sistani M, Valerio P, Letunova N, Nurelhuda N, Bartlett D, Oluwafemi I, Dghoughi S, Ferreira J, Chantaracherd P, Sekulić S
HEALTH QUAL LIFE OUT. 2021;19(1):165.
Clinical significance of ragA , ragB , and PG0982 genes in Porphyromonas gingivalis isolates from periodontitis patients
Bunte K, Kuhn C, Walther C, Peters U, Aarabi G, Smeets R, Beikler T
EUR J ORAL SCI. 2021;129(3):.
The Association of Periodontitis and Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease in a Prospective Population-Based Cross-Sectional Cohort Study
Jacobi N, Walther C, Borof K, Heydecke G, Seedorf U, Lamprecht R, Beikler T, Debus S, Waldeyer C, Blankenberg S, Schnabel R, Aarabi G, Behrendt C
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(10):.
Mapping Oral Disease Impact with a Common Metric (MOM) - Project Summary and Recommendations
John M, Häggman-Henrikson B, Sekulic S, Stamm T, Oghli I, Schierz O, List T, Baba K, Bekes K, van Wijk A, Su N, Reissmann D, Fueki K, Larsson P, Theis-Mahon N, Omara M, Bondemark L, Visscher C
J ORAL REHABIL. 2021;48(3):305-307.
5-year randomized multicenter clinical trial on single dental implants placed in the midline of the edentulous mandible
Kern M, Behrendt C, Fritzer E, Kohal R, Luthardt Rg R, Frfr V Maltzahn N, Rädel M, Reissmann D, Sebastian Schwindling F, Wolfart S, Passia N N
CLIN ORAL IMPLAN RES. 2021;32(2):212-221.
Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis: Regenerative Treatment by a Stem Cell Containing Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (ATMP)-An In Vivo Animal Trial
Köhnke R, Ahlers M, Birkelbach M, Ewald F, Krueger M, Fiedler I, Busse B, Heiland M, Vollkommer T, Gosau M, Smeets R, Rutkowski R
INT J MOL SCI. 2021;22(1):.
Impact of cement type and abutment height on pull-off force of zirconia reinforced lithium silicate crowns on titanium implant stock abutments: an in vitro study
Müller L, Rauch A, Reissmann D, Schierz O
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2021;21(1):592.
Methodological considerations when measuring oral health-related quality of life
Reissmann D
J ORAL REHABIL. 2021;48(3):233-245.
Schierz O, Reissmann D
J EVID-BASED DENT PR. 2021;21(1):101541.
Schierz O, Reissmann D, Rauch A, John M, Marré B, Luthardt R, Mundt T, Hannak W, Kohal R, Kern M, Nothdurft F, Hartmann S, Böning K, Boldt J, Stark H, Edelhoff D, Wöstmann B, Wolfart S, Jahn F, Walter M
J EVID-BASED DENT PR. 2021;21(4):.
Frequency of Four-dimensional Oral Health Problems across Dental Fields - a Comparative Survey of Slovenian and International Dentists
Sekulić S, John M, Bekes K, Al-Harthy M, Michelotti A, Reissmann D, Nikolovska J, Sanivarapu S, Lawal F, List T, Čelebić A, Strajnić L, Casassus R, Baba K, Schimmel M, Amuasi A, Jayasinghe R, Strujić-Porović S, Peck C, Xie H, Bendixen K, Simancas-Pallares M, Perez-Franco E, Sistan M, Valerio P, Letunova N, Nurelhuda N, Bartlett D, Oluwafemi I, Dghoughi S, Ferreira J, Chantaracherd P, Rener-Sitar K
ZDRAV VARST. 2021;60(4):210-220.
Determinants of dental treatment avoidance: findings from a nationally representative study
Spinler K, Aarabi G, Walther C, Valdez R, Heydecke G, Buczak-Stec E, König H, Hajek A
AGING CLIN EXP RES. 2021;33(5):1337-1343.
Development of the Oral Health Literacy Profile (OHLP)-Psychometric properties of the oral health and dental health system knowledge scales
Spinler K, Valdez R, Aarabi G, Dingoyan D, Reissmann D, Heydecke G, von dem Knesebeck O, Kofahl C
COMMUNITY DENT ORAL. 2021;49(6):609-616.
Mundgesundheitskompetenz von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund – Erste Auswertungen der MuMi-Studie
Spinler K, Weil M, Valdez R, Walther C, Dingoyan D, Seedorf U, Heydecke G, Lieske B, Kofahl C, Aarabi G
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2021;64(8):977-985.
Periodontitis, dental plaque, and atrial fibrillation in the Hamburg City Health Study
Struppek J, Schnabel R, Walther C, Heydecke G, Seedorf U, Lamprecht R, Smeets R, Borof K, Zeller T, Beikler T, Börschel C, Karakas M, Gosau M, Aarabi G
PLOS ONE. 2021;16(11):.
Do postponed dental visits for financial reasons reduce quality of life? Evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
Valdez R, Aarabi G, Spinler K, Walther C, Kofahl C, Buczak-Stec E, Heydecke G, König H, Hajek A
AGING CLIN EXP RES. 2021;33(2):437-442.
Postponed Dental Appointments Due to Costs Are Associated with Increased Loneliness-Evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
Walther C, Aarabi G, Valdez R, Spinler K, Heydecke G, Buczak-Stec E, König H, Hajek A
INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2021;18(1):336.
Besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen der peripheren arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit und Parodontitis?: Chancen und Limitationen für eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit von Gefäßmedizin und Zahnmedizin
Aarabi G, Jacobi N, Kaschwich M, Walther C, Raedel M, Debus E, Larena-Avellaneda A, Seedorf U, Heydecke G, Behrendt C
GEFASSCHIRURGIE. 2020;25(8):654-659.
Periodontal treatment and peripheral arterial disease severity - a retrospective analysis of health insurance claims data
Aarabi G, Raedel M, Kreutzburg T, Hischke S, Debus E, Marschall U, Seedorf U, Behrendt C
VASA. 2020;49(2):128-132.
Stabilizing mandibular complete dentures by a single midline implant-influence on quality of life: 2-year results from a randomized clinical trial comparing different loading protocols
Abou-Ayash S, von Maltzahn N, Passia N, Freitag-Wolf S, Reissmann D, Luthardt R, Mundt T, Raedel M, Rammelsberg P, Wolfart S, Kern M
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2020;24(2):927-935.
Klinische Funktionsanalyse als Grundlage digitaler Funktionsdiagnostik in der Kieferorthopädie
Ahlers O
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2020;34(4):347-361.
Diagnostik von Zahnverschleiß nach dem Tooth Wear Evaluation System (TWES) 2.0 in der Praxis
Ahlers O, Wetselaar P
J Craniomandib Funct. 2020;12(3):253-272.
Patient autonomy in dentistry: demonstrating the role for shared decision making
Benecke M, Kasper J, Heesen C, Schäffler N, Reissmann D
BMC MED INFORM DECIS. 2020;20(1):318.
Selbst berichtete Infektionen in der NAKO Gesundheitsstudie – Einordnung in die gegenwärtige Forschungslandschaft
Hassenstein M, Aarabi G, Ahnert P, Becher H, Franzke C, Fricke J, Krause G, Glöckner S, Gottschick C, Karch A, Kemmling Y, Kerrinnes T, Lange B, Mikolajczyk R, Nieters A, Ott J, Ahrens W, Berger K, Meinke-Franze C, Gastell S, Günther K, Greiser K, Holleczek B, Horn J, Jaeschke L, Jagodzinski A, Jansen L, Jochem C, Jöckel K, Kaaks R, Krist L, Kuß O, Langer S, Legath N, Leitzmann M, Lieb W, Loeffler M, Mangold N, Michels K, Meisinger C, Obi N, Pischon T, Schikowski T, Schipf S, Schulze M, Stang A, Waniek S, Wirkner K, Willich S, Castell S
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2020;63(4):404-414.
Design and quality control of the oral health status examination in the German National Cohort (GNC)
Holtfreter B, Samietz S, Hertrampf K, Aarabi G, Hagenfeld D, Kim T, Kocher T, Koos B, Schmitter M, Ahrens W, Alwers E, Becher H, Berger K, Brenner H, Damms-Machado A, Ebert N, Fischer B, Franzke C, Frölich S, Greiser H, Gies A, Günther K, Hassan L, Hoffmann W, Jaeschke L, Keil T, Kemmling Y, Krause G, Krist L, Legath N, Lieb W, Leitzmann M, Linseisen J, Loeffler M, Meinke-Franze C, Michels K, Mikolajczyk R, Obi N, Peters A, Pischon T, Schipf S, Schmidt B, Völzke H, Waniek S, Wigmann C, Wirkner K, Schmidt C, Kühnisch J, Rupf S
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2020;63(4):426-438.
Occlusal dysesthesia-A clinical guideline
Imhoff B, Ahlers M, Hugger A, Lange M, Schmitter M, Ottl P, Wolowski A, Türp J
J ORAL REHABIL. 2020;47(5):651-658.
Rationale and Design of the Hamburg City Health Study
Jagodzinski A, Johansen C, Koch-Gromus U, Aarabi G, Adam G, Anders S, Augustin M, der Kellen R, Beikler T, Behrendt C, Betz C, Bokemeyer C, Borof K, Briken P, Busch C, Büchel C, Brassen S, Debus E, Eggers L, Fiehler J, Gallinat J, Gellißen S, Gerloff C, Girdauskas E, Gosau M, Graefen M, Härter M, Harth V, Heidemann C, Heydecke G, Huber T, Hussein Y, Kampf M, von dem Knesebeck O, Konnopka A, König H, Kromer R, Kubisch C, Kühn S, Loges S, Löwe B, Lund G, Meyer C, Nagel L, Nienhaus A, Pantel K, Petersen E, Püschel K, Reichenspurner H, Sauter G, Scherer M, Scherschel K, Schiffner U, Schnabel R, Schulz H, Smeets R, Sokalskis V, Spitzer M, Terschüren C, Thederan I, Thoma T, Thomalla G, Waschki B, Wegscheider K, Wenzel J, Wiese S, Zyriax B, Zeller T, Blankenberg S
EUR J EPIDEMIOL. 2020;35(2):169-181.
Why Patients Visit Dentists - A Study in all World Health Organization Regions
John M, Sekulić S, Bekes K, Al-Harthy M, Michelotti A, Reissmann D, Nikolovska J, Sanivarapu S, Lawal F, List T, Peršić Kiršić S, Strajnić L, Casassus R, Baba K, Schimmel M, Amuasi A, Jayasinghe R, Strujić-Porović S, Peck C, Xie H, Haugaard Bendixen K, Simancas Pallares M, Perez-Franco E, Naghibi Sistani M, Valerio P, Letunova N, M Nurelhuda N, Bartlett D, Oluwafemi I, Dghoughi S, Ferreira J, Chantaracherd P, Rener-Sitar K
J EVID-BASED DENT PR. 2020;20(3):101459.
Anti-inflammatory potential of an essential oil-containing mouthwash in elderly subjects enrolled in supportive periodontal therapy: a 6-week randomised controlled clinical trial
Jünger H, Jaun-Ventrice A, Guldener K, Ramseier C, Reissmann D, Schimmel M
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2020;24(9):3203-3211.
Benefits of combined quantitative and qualitative evaluation of learning experience in a gerodontology course for dental students
Lamprecht R, Guse J, Schimmel M, Müller F, Heydecke G, Reissmann D
BMC MED EDUC. 2020;20(1):281.
Patients' criteria for choosing a dentist: comparison between a university-based setting and private dental practices
Lamprecht R, Struppek J, Heydecke G, Reissmann D
J ORAL REHABIL. 2020;47(8):1023-1030.
Consensus-based clinical guidelines for ambulatory electromyography and contingent electrical stimulation in sleep bruxism
Lobbezoo F, Aarab G, Ahlers M, Baad-Hansen L, Bernhardt O, Castrillon E, Giannakopoulos N, Grønbeck A, Hauschild J, Holst-Knudsen M, Skovlund N, Thymi M, Svensson P
J ORAL REHABIL. 2020;47(2):164-169.
S3-Leitlinie: Totaler alloplastischer Kiefergelenkersatz
Neff A, Ahlers O, Eger T, Feurer I, Giannakopoulos N, Hell B, Kleinheinz J, Knaup I, Kolk A, Ottl P, Pautke C, Reich R, Rüther W, Sader R, Schneider M, Schön A, Teschke M, Wolf M, Schmidt C, Ertel T
Subjective Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Objective Oral Health in People with Ectodermal Dysplasia
Niekamp N, Kleinheinz J, Reissmann D, Bohner L, Hanisch M
INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2020;18(1):.
Correlation between Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Objectively Measured Oral Health in People with Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
Oelerich O, Kleinheinz J, Reissmann D, Köppe J, Hanisch M
INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2020;17(21):.
Association between Subjective Well-Being and Frequent Dental Visits in the German Ageing Survey
Valdez R, Aarabi G, Spinler K, Walther C, Seedorf U, Heydecke G, Buczak-Stec E, König H, Hajek A
INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2020;17(9):3207.
Diagnosing tooth wear, a new taxonomy based on the revised version of the Tooth Wear Evaluation System (TWES 2.0)
Wetselaar P, Wetselaar-Glas M, Katzer L, Ahlers M
J ORAL REHABIL. 2020;47(6):703-712.
Chronic Oral Infection: An Emerging Risk Factor of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease?
Aarabi G, Thomalla G, Heydecke G, Seedorf U
ORAL DIS. 2019;25(3):710-719.
Determinants of Postponed Dental Visits Due to Costs: Evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Germany
Aarabi G, Valdez R, Spinler K, Walther C, Seedorf U, Heydecke G, König H, Hajek A
INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2019;16(18):3344.
Reproduction accuracy of articulator mounting with an arbitrary face-bow vs. average values-a controlled, randomized, blinded patient simulator study
Ahlers M, Edelhoff D, Jakstat H
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2019;23(3):1007-1014.
Psychometric performance of the Quality of Life in Short Stature Youth (QoLISSY) questionnaire in a randomized open-label comparator trial in idiopathic short stature
Bloemeke J, Balacano Valdez R, Mauras N, Mericq V, Ross J, Permuy J, Quitmann J, Bullinger M
J PEDIATR ENDOCR MET. 2019;32(10):1089-1101.
Advances in materials and concepts in fixed prosthodontics: a selection of possible treatment modalities
Edelhoff D, Stimmelmayr M, Schweiger J, Ahlers M, Güth J
BRIT DENT J. 2019;226(10):739-748.
A prospective multicenter evaluation of immediately functionalized tapered conical connection implants for single restorations in maxillary anterior and premolar sites: 3-year results
Heydecke G, Mirzakhanian C, Behneke A, Behneke N, Fügl A, Zechner W, Baer R, Nölken R, Gottesman E, Colic S, Ottria L, Pozzi A
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2019;23(4):1877-1885.
The Association of Periodontitis and Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease-A Systematic Review
Kaschwich M, Behrendt C, Heydecke G, Bayer A, Debus E, Seedorf U, Aarabi G
INT J MOL SCI. 2019;20(12):.
Dental Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Are Essential for Evidence-Based Prosthetic Dentistry
Reissmann D
J EVID-BASED DENT PR. 2019;19(1):1-6.
Effizienter Einsatz von Fragebögen bei CMD-Patienten in der Praxis
Reißmann D
wissen kompakt. 2019;13(1):3-18.
Patient Preferred and Perceived Control in Dental Care Decision Making
Reissmann D, Bellows J, Kasper J
JDR CLIN TRANSL RES. 2019;4(2):151-159.
Measuring patients' orofacial appearance: Validity and reliability of the English-language Orofacial Esthetic Scale
Reissmann D, John M, Enstad C, Lenton P, Sierwald I
J AM DENT ASSOC. 2019;150(4):278-286.
Impact of shortened dental arch on oral health-related quality of life over a period of 10 years - a randomized controlled trial
Reissmann D, Wolfart S, John M, Marré B, Walter M, Kern M, Kohal R, Nothdurft F, Stark H, Schierz O, Wöstmann B, Hannak W, Mundt T, Pospiech P, Boldt J, Edelhoff D, Busche E, Jahn F, Luthardt R, Hartmann S, Heydecke G
J DENT. 2019;80:55-62.
Impact of mounting methods in computerized axiography on assessment of condylar inclination
Schierz O, Wagner P, Rauch A, Reissmann D
CRANIO. 2019;37(1):60-67.
Prevalence and determinants of dental visits among older adults: findings of a nationally representative longitudinal study
Spinler K, Aarabi G, Valdez R, Kofahl C, Heydecke G, König H, Hajek A
BMC HEALTH SERV RES. 2019;19(1):590.
Patients' self-report on post-retained restoration is more valuable than expected! Explorative analysis of an 11-year follow-up
von Stein-Lausnitz M, Reissmann D, Roggendorf M, Sterzenbach G, Naumann M
ACTA ODONTOL SCAND. 2019;77(1):33-38.
Impact of endodontic post material on longitudinal changes in interproximal bone level: a randomized controlled pilot trial
von Stein-Lausnitz M, von Stein-Lausnitz A, Reissmann D, Roggendorf M, Beuer F, Naumann M, Sterzenbach G
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2019;23(5):2303-2311.
Roles of Oral Infections in the Pathomechanism of Atherosclerosis
Aarabi G, Heydecke G, Seedorf U
INT J MOL SCI. 2018;19(7):1978.
Oral health-related quality of life of children and adolescents with and without migration background in Germany
Aarabi G, Reissmann D, Sagheri D, Neuschulz J, Heydecke G, Kofahl C, Sierwald I
QUAL LIFE RES. 2018;27(10):2619-2627.
Oral health and access to dental care - a comparison of elderly migrants and non-migrants in Germany
Aarabi G, Reissmann D, Seedorf U, Becher H, Heydecke G, Kofahl C
ETHNIC HEALTH. 2018;23(7):703-717.
Potential Impact of Oral Inflammations on Cardiac Functions and Atrial Fibrillation
Aarabi G, Schnabel R, Heydecke G, Seedorf U
BIOMOLECULES. 2018;8(3):66.
Roles of the Chr.9p21.3 Locus in Regulating Inflammation and Implications for Anti-Inflammatory Drug Target Identification
Aarabi G, Zeller T, Heydecke G, Munz M, Schäfer A, Seedorf U
Update zahnärztliche Funktionsanalyse – Aktuelle Verfahren, Instrumente und digitale Befundauswertung
Ahlers O
INF ORTHOD KIEFEROR. 2018;50(04):247-269.
Translation and validation of the Arabic version of the 5-item Oral health impact profile: OHIP5-Ar
Alhajj M, Halboub E, Khalifa N, Amran A, Reissmann D, Abdullah A, Assad M, Al-Basmi A, Al-Ghabri F
HEALTH QUAL LIFE OUT. 2018;16(1):218.
Quality improvement of functional diagnostics in dentistry through computer-aided diagnosis: a randomized controlled trial
Becker K, Jakstat H, Ahlers M
INT J COMPUT DENT. 2018;21(4):281-294.
Occlusal onlays as a modern treatment concept for the reconstruction of severely worn occlusal surfaces
Edelhoff D, Ahlers M
QUINTESSENCE INT. 2018;49(7):521-533.
Decayed, missing, and restored teeth in patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 1
Friedrich R, Reul A
Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry. 2018;10(2):e107-e115.
Periapical Cemento-osseous Dysplasia Is Rarely Diagnosed on Orthopantomograms of Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Is Not a Gender-specific Feature of the Disease
Friedrich R, Reul A
ANTICANCER RES. 2018;38(4):2277-2284.
Survival and Complications of Single Dental Implants in the Edentulous Mandible Following Immediate or Delayed Loading: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Kern M, Att W, Fritzer E, Kappel S, Luthardt R, Mundt T, Reissmann D, Rädel M, Stiesch M, Wolfart S, Passia N
J DENT RES. 2018;97(2):163-170.
Influence of oral bacteria on adhesion of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguinis to dental materials
Nabert-Georgi C, Rodloff A, Jentsch H, Reissmann D, Schaumann R, Stingu C
CLIN EXP DENT RES. 2018;4(3):72-77.
Impact of administration mode on Oro-facial Appearance assessment using the Oro-facial Esthetic Scale
Neophytou S, Sierwald I, Michelaki I, Reissmann D
J ORAL REHABIL. 2018;45(12):932-938.
The Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation
Prechel U, P O, Ahlers O, Neff A
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2018;115(5):59-64.
Effect of Shortened Dental Arch on Temporomandibular Joint Intra-articular Disorders
Reissmann D, Anderson G, Heydecke G, Schiffman E
J ORAL FACIAL PAIN H. 2018;32(3):329-337.
Long-term changes in oral health-related quality of life over a period of 5 years in patients treated with narrow diameter implants: A prospective clinical study
Reissmann D, Enkling N, Moazzin R, Haueter M, Worni A, Schimmel M
J DENT. 2018;75:84-90.
Bias in retrospective assessment of perceived dental treatment effects when using the Oral Health Impact Profile
Reissmann D, Erler A, Hirsch C, Sierwald I, Machuca C, Schierz O
QUAL LIFE RES. 2018;27(3):775-782.
Location, intensity, and experience of pain after intra-oral versus extra-oral bone graft harvesting for dental implants
Reissmann D, Poxleitner P, Heydecke G
J DENT. 2018;79:102-106.
The single mandibular implant study - Short-term effects of the loading protocol on Oral Health-related Quality of Life
Schwindling F, Raedel M, Passia N, Freitag-Wolf S, Wolfart S, Att W, Mundt T, Reissmann D, Ismail F, von Königsmark V, Kern M
J PROSTHODONT RES. 2018;62(3):313-316.
Erfahrungen von Frauen mit reversiblen Langzeitverhütungsmethoden in einem Township in Kapstadt, Südafrika.
Spinler K, Cooper D, Harries J
2018. Sexuelle Gesundheit von Frauen und Männern aus afrikanisch-deutscher Perspektive . Färber C (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 183-194.
Effect of NaF, AmF, KF gels and NaF toothpaste combined with a saliva substitute on dentin lesions in vitro
Walther C, Kreibohm M, Paris S, Meyer-Lueckel H, Tschoppe P, Wierichs R
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2018;23(5):2489-2496.
Correlation between relative bacterial activity and lactate dehydrogenase gene expression of co-cultures in vitro
Walther C, Meyer-Lueckel H, Conrads G, Esteves-Oliveira M, Henne K
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2018;23(3):1225-1235.
Genetic Susceptibility Contributing to Periodontal and Cardiovascular Disease
Aarabi G, Zeller T, Seedorf H, Reissmann D, Heydecke G, Schaefer A, Seedorf U
J DENT RES. 2017;96(6):610-617.
An open prospective single cohort multicenter study evaluating the novel, tapered, conical connection implants supporting single crowns in the anterior and premolar maxilla: interim 1-year results
Fügl A, Zechner W, Pozzi A, Heydecke G, Mirzakhanian C, Behneke N, Behneke A, Baer R, Nölken R, Gottesman E, Colic S
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2017;21(6):2133-2142.
The relationship between global and specific components of quality of life, assessed with the EORTC QLQ-C30 in a sample of 2019 cancer patients
Hinz A, Mehnert A, Dégi C, Reissmann D, Schotte D, Schulte T
EUR J CANCER CARE. 2017;26(2):e12416.
Training doctors briefly and in situ to involve their patients in making medical decisions-Preliminary testing of a newly developed module
Kasper J, Liethmann K, Heesen C, Reissmann D, Geiger F
HEALTH EXPECT. 2017;20(6):1254-1263.
The randomized shortened dental arch study: influence of two different treatments on interdental spacing over 5 years
Kern J, Wolfart S, Hilgers R, Marré B, Scheller H, Strub J, Böning K, Hannak W, Luthardt R, Heydecke G, Huppertz J, Pospiech P, Wöstmann B, Stark H, Mundt T, Jahn F, Kern M, Edelhoff D, Walter M
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2017;21(6):1945-1951.
Pain and discomfort following immediate and delayed loading by overdentures in the single mandibular implant study (SMIS)
Mundt T, Passia N, Att W, Heydecke G, Freitag-Wolf S, Luthardt R, Kappel S, Konstantinidis I, Stiesch M, Wolfart S, Kern M
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2017;21(2):635-642.
Single Mandibular Implant Study: Recruitment Considerations
Passia N, Abou-Ayash S, Bender D, Fritzer E, Graf M, Kappel S, Konstantinidis I, Mundt T, Maltzahn N, Wolfart S, Kern M
INT J PROSTHODONT. 2017;30(1):43-46.
Single mandibular implant study (SMIS) - masticatory performance - results from a randomized clinical trial using two different loading protocols
Passia N, Abou-Ayash S, Reissmann D, Fritzer E, Kappel S, Konstantinidis I, Koenigsmarck V, Mundt T, Stiesch M, Wolfart S, Ali S, Kern M
J DENT. 2017;65:64-69.
Single mandibular implant study - denture satisfaction in the elderly
Passia N, Att W, Freitag-Wolf S, Heydecke G, von Königsmark V, Freifrau von Maltzahn N, Mundt T, Rädel M, Schwindling F, Wolfart S, Kern M
J ORAL REHABIL. 2017;44(3):213-219.
Clinical instruments and methods for assessing physical oral health: A systematic review
Pauli L, Aarabi G, Kriston L, Jansen A, Heydecke G, Reissmann D
COMMUNITY DENT ORAL. 2017;45(4):337-347.
Therapie von kraniomandibulären Dysfunktionen
Reißmann D
Zahnmedizin up2date. 2017;11(2):179-201.
Oral health-related quality of life in subjects with implant-supported prostheses. A systematic review
Reissmann D, Dard M, Lamprecht R, Struppek J, Heydecke G
J DENT. 2017;65:22-40.
Interaction Between Awake and Sleep Bruxism Is Associated with Increased Presence of Painful Temporomandibular Disorder
Reissmann D, John M, Aigner A, Schön G, Sierwald I, Schiffman E
J ORAL FACIAL PAIN H. 2017;31(4):299–305.
Diagnostic accuracy of parents' ratings of their child's oral health-related quality of life
Reissmann D, John M, Sagheri D, Sierwald I
QUAL LIFE RES. 2017;26(4):881-891.
Zahn- und Mundgesundheit im Alter
Reißmann D, Lamprecht R
2017. Zahn- und Mundgesundheit im Alter. von Renteln-Kruse W, Kuhlmey A (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. De Gruyter, 1-122.
Artefacts in multimodal imaging of titanium, zirconium and binary titanium-zirconium alloy dental implants: an in vitro study
Smeets R, Schöllchen M, Gauer T, Aarabi G, Assaf A, Rendenbach C, Beck-Broichsitter B, Semmusch J, Sedlacik J, Heiland M, Fiehler J, Siemonsen S
DENTOMAXILLOFAC RAD. 2017;46(2):20160267.
Assessment of masticatory performance by means of a color-changeable chewing gum
Tarkowska A, Katzer L, Ahlers O
J PROSTHODONT RES. 2017;61(1):9-19.
Can we measure patients' perception during dental impressions? The Burdens in Dental Impression-Making Questionnaire - BiDIM-Q
Tsirogiannis P, Neophytou S, Reul A, Heydecke G, Reissmann D
J PROSTHODONT RES. 2017;61(1):34-42.
Zur Therapie der funktionellen Erkrankungen des kraniomandibulären Systems
Ahlers M, Fussnegger M, Göz G, Imhoff B, Jakstat H, Mentler C, Neff A, Nippel E, Ottl P, Peroz I
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2016;71(2):162-164.
Oral health educational interventions for nursing home staff and residents
Albrecht M, Kupfer R, Reissmann D, Mühlhauser I, Köpke S
COCHRANE DB SYST REV. 2016;9:CD010535.
Handling of Polyvinylsiloxane Versus Polyether for Implant Impressions
Farhan D, Lauer W, Heydecke G, Aarabi G, Reissmann D
INT J PROSTHODONT. 2016;29(4):403-5.
Analysis of Bacterial Activity in Sound and Cariogenic Biofilm: A Pilot in vivo Study
Henne K, Gunesch A, Walther C, Meyer-Lueckel H, Conrads G, Esteves-Oliveira M
CARIES RES. 2016;50(5):480-488.
Integration of oral health-related quality of life instruments
John M, Reissmann D, Čelebić A, Baba K, Kende D, Larsson P, Rener-Sitar K
J DENT. 2016;53:38-43.
Patterns of impaired oral health-related quality of life dimensions
John M, Rener-Sitar K, Baba K, Čelebić A, Larsson P, Szabo G, Norton W, Reissmann D
J ORAL REHABIL. 2016;43(7):519-527.
Alignment of oral health-related with health-related quality of life assessment
Reissmann D
J PROSTHODONT RES. 2016;60(2):69-71.
Longitudinal measurement invariance in prospective oral health-related quality of life assessment
Reissmann D, John M, Feuerstahler L, Baba K, Szabó G, Čelebić A, Waller N
Mundgesundheit im Fokus der Allgemeingesundheit
Reißmann D, Lamprecht R, Struppek J, Aarabi G, Seedorf U
Hamb Ärztebl. 2016;70(5):12-15.
Die optimale Anzahl an Implantaten für festsitzende Restaurationen
Reul A, Reißmann D, Heydecke G
Quintessenz. 2016;67(8):951-959.
Influence of guidance concept in complete dentures on oral health related quality of life - Canine guidance vs. bilateral balanced occlusion
Schierz O, Reissmann D
J PROSTHODONT RES. 2016;60(4):315-320.
The German 19-item version of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile: translation and psychometric properties
Sierwald I, John M, Sagheri D, Neuschulz J, Schüler E, Splieth C, Jost-Brinkmann P, Reissmann D
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2016;20(2):301-313.
Regenerative Periimplantitisbehandlung zum Erhalt der vorhandenen prothetischen Versorgung bei einer Patientin mit systemischen Erkrankungen – ein Fallbericht
Solakoglu Ö, Mirzakhanian C
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2016;412-420.
Regenerative Parodontitistherapie und simultane Pfeilervermehrung durch Implantate mit minimalem chirurgischen Aufwand - Ein Fallbericht
Solakoglu Ö, Reißmann D
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2016;71(3):194-202.
Einführung eines intraoralen Scanners ins Behandlungsspektrum - Durchführung und Effekt
Trützschler S, Buchmann M, Heydecke G
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2016;71(4):284-291.
Evaluation of the marginal fit of single-unit, complete-coverage ceramic restorations fabricated after digital and conventional impressions: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Tsirogiannis P, Reissmann D, Heydecke G
J PROSTHET DENT. 2016;116(3):328-335.
A 7-day recall period for a clinical application of the oral health impact profile questionnaire
Waller N, John M, Feuerstahler L, Baba K, Larsson P, Peršić S, Kende D, Reissmann D, Rener-Sitar K
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2016;20(1):91-99.
„Feminisierung“ der Zahnmedizin: Herausforderungen an einen Wandel des Berufsbildes
Wilcke A, Buchmann M, Reißmann D, Pohontsch N, Aarabi G, Heydecke G
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2016;71(3):217-224.
Interaction between periodontal disease and atherosclerotic vascular disease--Fact or fiction?
Aarabi G, Eberhard J, Reissmann D, Heydecke G, Seedorf U
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2015;241(2):555-60.
The course of prosthodontic patients' oral health-related quality of life over a period of 2 years
Aarabi G, John M, Schierz O, Heydecke G, Reissmann D
J DENT. 2015;43(2):261-8.
Reduction of thermocoagulative injury via use of a picosecond infrared laser (PIRL) in laryngeal tissues
Böttcher A, Kucher S, Knecht R, Jowett N, Krötz P, Reimer R, Schumacher U, Anders S, Münscher A, Dalchow C, Miller R
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2015;272(4):941-8.
Impact of procedures during prosthodontic treatment on patients' perceived burdens
Hacker T, Heydecke G, Reissmann D
J DENT. 2015;43(1):51-7.
Peri-implant bone loss of dental implants with platform-switching design after 5 years of loading: a cross-sectional study
Joda T, Michelaki I, Heydecke G
QUINTESSENCE INT. 2015;46(1):59-66.
Randomisierte Studie zur verkürzten Zahnreihe: Zahnverlust nach 8 Jahren
Kern M, Pospiech P, Heydecke G, Gernet W, Stark H, Wöstmann B, Luthardt R, Wolfart S, Mundt T, Marré B, Jahn F, Hannak W, Busche E, Walter M, Huppertz J, Hartmann S, Strub J, Brückner J
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2015;70(03):185-192.
Effects of method of administration on oral health-related quality of life assessment using the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ-G11-14)
Malter S, Hirsch C, Reissmann D, Schierz O, Bekes K
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2015;19(8):1939-45.
A comprehensive 1,000 Genomes-based genome-wide association meta-analysis of coronary artery disease
Nikpay M, Goel A, Won H, Hall L, Willenborg C, Kanoni S, Saleheen D, Kyriakou T, Nelson C, Hopewell J, Webb T, Zeng L, Dehghan A, Alver M, Armasu S, Auro K, Bjonnes A, Chasman D, Chen S, Ford I, Franceschini N, Gieger C, Grace C, Gustafsson S, Huang J, Hwang S, Kim Y, Kleber M, Lau K, Lu X, Lu Y, Lyytikäinen L, Mihailov E, Morrison A, Pervjakova N, Qu L, Rose L, Salfati E, Saxena R, Scholz M, Smith A, Tikkanen E, Uitterlinden A, Yang X, Zhang W, Zhao W, de Andrade M, de Vries P, van Zuydam N, Anand S, Bertram L, Beutner F, Dedoussis G, Frossard P, Gauguier D, Goodall A, Gottesman O, Haber M, Han B, Huang J, Jalilzadeh S, Kessler T, König I, Lannfelt L, Lieb W, Lind L, Lindgren C, Lokki M, Magnusson P, Mallick N, Mehra N, Meitinger T, Memon F, Morris A, Nieminen M, Pedersen N, Peters A, Rallidis L, Rasheed A, Samuel M, Shah S, Sinisalo J, Stirrups K, Trompet S, Wang L, Zaman K, Ardissino D, Boerwinkle E, Borecki I, Bottinger E, Buring J, Chambers J, Collins R, Cupples L, Danesh J, Demuth I, Elosua R, Epstein S, Esko T, Feitosa M, Franco O, Franzosi M, Granger C, Gu D, Gudnason V, Hall A, Hamsten A, Harris T, Hazen S, Hengstenberg C, Hofman A, Ingelsson E, Iribarren C, Jukema J, Karhunen P, Kim B, Kooner J, Kullo I, Lehtimäki T, Loos R, Melander O, Metspalu A, März W, Palmer C, Perola M, Quertermous T, Rader D, Ridker P, Ripatti S, Roberts R, Salomaa V, Sanghera D, Schwartz S, Seedorf U, Stewart A, Stott D, Thiery J, Zalloua P, O'Donnell C, Reilly M, Assimes T, Thompson J, Erdmann J, Clarke R, Watkins H, Kathiresan S, McPherson R, Deloukas P, Schunkert H, Samani N, Farrall M
NAT GENET. 2015;47(10):1121-30.
Impact of dentists' years since graduation on management of temporomandibular disorders
Reissmann D, Behn A, Schierz O, List T, Heydecke G
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2015;19(9):2327-2336.
Development and validation of the German version of the Orofacial Esthetic Scale
Reissmann D, Benecke A, Aarabi G, Sierwald I
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2015;19(6):1443-1450.
Patient perceived burden of implant placement compared to surgical tooth removal and apicectomy
Reissmann D, Poulopoulos G, Durham J
J DENT. 2015;43(12):1456-1461.
A model of blended learning in a preclinical course in prosthetic dentistry
Reissmann D, Sierwald I, Berger F, Heydecke G
J DENT EDUC. 2015;79(2):157-65.
Mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität – Maßstab Mensch in der Zahnmedizin
Schierz O, Hirsch C, John M, Reißmann D
Z Senioren-Zahnmed. 2015;3(1):17-22.
Association of temporomandibular disorder pain with awake and sleep bruxism in adults
Sierwald I, John M, Schierz O, Hirsch C, Sagheri D, Jost-Brinkmann P, Reissmann D
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2015;76(4):305-17.
Association of overjet and overbite with esthetic impairments of oral health-related quality of life
Sierwald I, John M, Schierz O, Jost-Brinkmann P, Reissmann D
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2015;76(5):405-420.
Location of prosthodontic treatment and oral health-related quality of life--an exploratory study
Sukumar S, John M, Schierz O, Aarabi G, Reissmann D
J PROSTHODONT RES. 2015;59(1):34-41.
Numb chin Syndrome: a rare and often overlooked symptom
Assaf A, Jürgens T, Benecke A, Riecke B, Blessmann M, Zrnc T, Much C, Heiland M, Friedrich R
J ORAL FACIAL PAIN H. 2014;28(1):80-90.
The effect of mandibular 2-implant overdentures on oral health-related quality of life: an international multicentre study
Awad M, Rashid F, Feine J
CLIN ORAL IMPLAN RES. 2014;25(1):46-51.
Masking ability of bi- and tri- laminate all-ceramic veneers on tooth-colored ceramic discs
Farhan D, Sukumar S, von Stein-Lausnitz A, Aarabi G, Alawneh A, Reissmann D
J ESTHET RESTOR DENT. 2014;26(4):232-9.
Confirmatory factor analysis of the Oral Health Impact Profile
John M, Feuerstahler L, Waller N, Baba K, Larsson P, Celebić A, Kende D, Rener-Sitar K, Reissmann D
J ORAL REHABIL. 2014;41(9):644-52.
Exploratory factor analysis of the Oral Health Impact Profile
John M, Reissmann D, Feuerstahler L, Waller N, Baba K, Larsson P, Celebić A, Szabo G, Rener-Sitar K
J ORAL REHABIL. 2014;41(9):635-43.
Factor analyses of the Oral Health Impact Profile - overview and studied population
John M, Reißmann D, Feuerstahler L, Waller N, Baba K, Larsson P, Čelebić A, Szabo G, Rener-Sitar K
J PROSTHODONT RES. 2014;58(1):26-34.
The randomized shortened dental arch study: temporomandibular disorder pain
Reissmann D, Heydecke G, Schierz O, Marré B, Wolfart S, Strub J, Stark H, Pospiech P, Mundt T, Hannak W, Hartmann S, Wöstmann B, Luthardt R, Böning K, Kern M, Walter M
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2014;18(9):2159-69.
Temporomandibular disorder pain is related to the general disposition to be anxious
Reissmann D, John M, Seedorf H, Doering S, Schierz O
J ORAL FACIAL PAIN H. 2014;28(4):322-30.
Occlusal tooth wear in the general population of Germany: Effects of age, sex, and location of teeth
Schierz O, Dommel S, Hirsch C, Reissmann D
J PROSTHET DENT. 2014;112(3):465-71.
The reliability of computerized condylar path angle assessment
Schierz O, Klinger N, Schön G, Reissmann D
INT J COMPUT DENT. 2014;17(1):35-51.
Management of shortened dental arches and periodontal health: 5-year results of a randomised trial
Walter M, Marré B, Vach K, Strub J, Mundt T, Stark H, Pospiech P, Wöstmann B, Heydecke G, Kern M, Hartmann S, Luthardt R, Huppertz J, Wolfart S, Hannak W
J ORAL REHABIL. 2014;41(7):515-22.
Sensitivity to change of oral and general health-related quality of life during prosthodontic treatment
Wickert M, John M, Schierz O, Hirsch C, Aarabi G, Reissmann D
EUR J ORAL SCI. 2014;122(1):70-7.
Die Mundgesundheit von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland - eine kritische Betrachtung der vorliegenden Studien.
Aarabi G, Reißmann D, Heydecke G, Farhan D, Kofahl C
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2013;68:280-287.
Intraorale optische Implantatabformung
Buser R, Müller M, Joda T
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2013;68(4):228-.
Kieferorthopädisch-prothetische Kombinationstherapie nach iatrogener Verletzung der Biologischen Breite
Frucht S, Pieger S
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2013;68(6):330-336.
Combined tooth-implant-supported telescopic prostheses in a midterm follow-up of > 2 years
Joda T
INT J PROSTHODONT. 2013;26(6):536-40.
Computerbasierter Workflow in der Implantatchirurgie
Joda T, Marquardt P
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2013;68(4):218-227.
A novel cryo-mechanical approach for the removal of blocked nonretrievable implant components
Joda T, Wittneben J, Brägger U
INT J ORAL MAX IMPL. 2013;28(1):e45-7.
Impact of donor site for bone graft harvesting for dental implants on health-related and oral health-related quality of life.
Reißmann D, Dietze B, Vogeler M, Schmelzeisen R, Heydecke G
CLIN ORAL IMPLAN RES. 2013;24(6):698-705.
The Burdens in Prosthetic Dentistry Questionnaire (BiPD-Q): Development and Validation of a Patient-Based Measure for Process-Related Quality of Care in Prosthetic Dentistry
Reißmann D, Hacker T, Farhan D, Heydecke G
INT J PROSTHODONT. 2013;26(3):250-259.
Der "schwierige" Patient in der Zahnmedizin
Reißmann D, Heydecke G
2013. Schwierige Patienten. Hoefert H, Härter M (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Hans Huber, 167-184.
Insufficient diagnostic accuracy of a single-item questionnaire to detect psychosocial distress in temporomandibular disorder patients
Reissmann D, John M, Kriston L, Schierz O
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2013;17(8):1937-45.
Association between perceived oral and general health
Reissmann D, John M, Schierz O, Kriston L, Hinz A
J DENT. 2013;41(7):581-9.
Die Rolle der Okklusion in der Ätiologie von kraniomandibulären Dysfunktionen (CMD)
Reißmann D, John M, Sierwald I
ZWR - Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt. 2013;122(4):138-144.
Development and validation of the Burdens in Oral Surgery Questionnaire (BiOS-Q)
Reissmann D, Semmusch J, Farhan D, Smeets R, Heiland M, Heydecke G
J ORAL REHABIL. 2013;40(10):780-7.
Interpreting one oral health impact profile point.
Reißmann D, Sierwald I, Heydecke G, John M
Duration of pain as an indicator for psychosocial impairments in patients with temporomandibular disorders
Schierz O, Reißmann D, Singer S
J Craniomandib Funct. 2013;5(3):229-245.
Die Häufigkeit von Mundgesundheitsproblemen bei prothetischen Patienten
Sierwald I, Reißmann D, John M, Aarabi G, Heydecke G
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2013;68:151-160.
A systematic review of the clinical performance of tooth-retained and implant-retained double crown prostheses with a follow-up of ≥ 3 years.
Verma R, Joda T, Brägger U, Wittneben J
J PROSTHODONT. 2013;22(1):2-12.
The randomized shortened dental arch study: tooth loss over five years.
Walter M, Hannak W, Kern M, Mundt T, Gernet W, Weber A, Wöstmann B, Stark H, Werner D, Hartmann S, Range U, Jahn F, Passia N, Pospiech P, Mitov G, Brückner J, Wolfart S, Busche E, Luthardt R, Heydecke G, Marré B
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2013;17(3):877-886.
Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia (CFD) of the maxilla in an 11-year old boy: a case report.
Assaf A, Benecke A, Riecke B, Zustin J, Fuhrmann A, Heiland M, Friedrich R
J CRANIO MAXILL SURG. 2012;40(8):788-792.
Prothetische Rehabilitation eines Tumorpatienten bei schwierigen sagittalen und transversalen Verhältnissen mittels individuellem CAD/CAM-gefertigten Steg – ein Fallbericht
Benecke A, Assaf A, Alai-Omid M, Semmusch J, Heiland M, Heydecke G
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2012;67(11):687-694.
Einfluss der basalen Verblendschichtstärke auf die Frakturfestigkeit voll- keramischer Inlaybrücken
Farhan D, Alai-Omid M, Reißmann D, Rammelsberg P
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2012;67(1):40-46.
Does enamelin have pleiotropic effects on organs other than the teeth? Lessons from a phenotyping screen of two enamelin-mutant mouse lines.
Fuchs H, Sabrautzki S, Seedorf H, Rathkolb B, Rozman J, Hans W, Schneider R, Klaften M, Hölter S, Becker L, Klempt M, Elvert R, Wurst W, Klopstock T, Klingenspor M, Wolf E, Gailus-Durner V, Angelis d, Hrabě M
EUR J ORAL SCI. 2012;120(4):269-277.
Randomisierte Studie zur verkürzten Zahnreihe: 5-Jahresergebnisse der Pilotstudie
Heydecke G, Wolfart S, Wöstmann B, Werner D, Stumbaum M, Stark H, Richter E, Mundt T, Marré B, Luthardt R, Ludwig A, Kern M, Jahn F, Hannak W, Hartmann S, Gitt I, Gerß J, Busche E, Böning K, Pospiech P, Weber A, Walter M
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2012;67(06):360-363.
What is the optimal number of implants for fixed reconstructions: a systematic review.
Heydecke G, Zwahlen M, Nicol A, Nisand D, Payer M, Renouard F, Grohmann P, Mühlemann S, Joda T
CLIN ORAL IMPLAN RES. 2012;23 Suppl 6:217-228.
Esthetic management of mucogingival defects after total excision in a case of pyogenic granuloma.
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INT J ESTHET DENT. 2012;7(2):110-119.
Versorgungskonzepte im zahnlosen Unterkiefer - Langzeitbewährung, Patientenbewertung und sozioökonomische Analyse
Johanning I, Joda T, Heydecke G
IMPLANTOLOGIE. 2012;20(1):7-20.
Occipital nerve block is effective in craniofacial neuralgias but not in idiopathic persistent facial pain.
Jürgens T, Müller P, Seedorf H, Regelsberger J, May A
J HEADACHE PAIN. 2012;13(3):199-213.
Optische Abformung im Rahmen von Kronenversorgungen im Seitenzahngebiet - Erfahrungsbericht
Müller M, Trützschler S
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2012;67(3):163-168.
Entscheidungsfindung in der Zahnmedizin: Muss es immer gemeinsam sein?
Reißmann D
2012. Prävention und Versorgung 2012 für die Gesundheit 2030. Thieme-Verlag Stuttgart: 987-1007.
Stress-related adaptive versus maladaptive coping and temporomandibular disorder pain.
Reißmann D, John M, Schierz O, Seedorf H, Doering S
J OROFAC PAIN. 2012;26(3):181-190.
Impact of response shift on the assessment of treatment effects using the Oral Health Impact Profile.
Reißmann D, Remmler A, John M, Schierz O, Hirsch C
EUR J ORAL SCI. 2012;120(6):520-525.
New mouse models for metabolic bone diseases generated by genome-wide ENU mutagenesis.
Sabrautzki S, Rubio-Aliaga I, Hans W, Fuchs H, Rathkolb B, Calzada-Wack J, Cohrs C, Klaften M, Seedorf H, Eck S, Benet-Pagès A, Favor J, Esposito I, Strom T, Wolf E, Lorenz-Depiereux B, Martin H
MAMM GENOME. 2012;23(7-8):416-430.
Self-reported ability to concentrate in patients with painful temporomandibular disorders compared to the general population.
Schierz O, Nixdorf D, Singer S, Reißmann D
COMMUNITY DENT ORAL. 2012;40(6):507-515.
Das optimale okklusale Konzept für Totalprothesen
Trützschler S, Seedorf H, Heydecke G
Quintessenz Zahntechnik. 2012;38(11):1388-1396.
Das optimale okklusale Konzept für Totalprothesen - Eine Übersicht
Trützschler S, Seedorf H, Heydecke G
Quintessenz. 2012;63(6):741-749.
The randomized shortened dental arch study: 5-year maintenance.
Wolfart S, Marré B, Wöstmann B, Kern M, Mundt T, Luthardt R, Huppertz J, Hannak W, Reiber T, Passia N, Heydecke G, Reinhardt W, Hartmann S, Busche E, Mitov G, Stark H, Pospiech P, Weber A, Gernet W, Walter M
J DENT RES. 2012;91(7 Suppl):.
Decisions on multiple sclerosis immunotherapy: new treatment complexities urge patient engagement.
Heesen C, Solari A, Giordano A, Kasper J, Köpke S
J NEUROL SCI. 2011;306(1-2):192-197.
Provisorische Versorgung bei Einzelzahnimplantaten
Joda T, Pieger S, Heydecke G
Zahnmedizin up2date. 2011;5(2):127-142.
Mikrobiologische Diagnostik und Antibiotika in der Parodontologie – was, wie und wann?
Joda T, Sälzer S, Heydecke G
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2011;66:38-44.
The effectiveness of 2-implant overdentures - a pragmatic international multicentre study.
Rashid F, Awad M, Thomason J, Piovano A, Spielberg G, Scilingo E, Mojon P, Müller F, Spielberg M, Heydecke G, Stoker G, Wismeijer D, Allen F, Feine J
J ORAL REHABIL. 2011;38(3):176-184.
Patientenorientierung als Zukunftsthema bei der Rehabilitation der Mundgesundheit
Reißmann D, Heydecke G
Monitor Versorgungsforschung. 2011;4(2):41-47.
Influence of administration method on oral health-related quality of life assessment using the Oral Health Impact Profile.
Reißmann D, John M, Schierz O
EUR J ORAL SCI. 2011;119(1):73-78.
Improved perceived general health is observed with prosthodontic treatment.
Reißmann D, Schierz O, Szentpétery A, John M
J DENT. 2011;39(4):326-331.
Validation of the response format of the Oral Health Impact Profile.
Sierwald I, John M, Durham J, Mirzakhanian C, Reißmann D
EUR J ORAL SCI. 2011;119(6):489-496.
Kolorektales Karzinom: Innovationen bei den multimodalen Therapien
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Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 2011;111(6 / Suppl. Perspektiven der Onkologie):.
Risk perception in natalizumab-treated multiple sclerosis patients and their neurologists.
Heesen C, Kleiter I, Nguyen F, Schäffler N, Kasper J, Köpke S, Gaissmaier W
MULT SCLER J. 2010;16(12):1507-1512.
Die sozial verträgliche Prothese
Heydecke G, Pieger S, Reißmann D
Quintessenz. 2010;61(11):1367-1377.
Ästhetische Therapie lokalisierter Läsionen der Gingiva: Pyogenes Granulom
Joda T, Sälzer S
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2010;65(3):132-135.
Weichgewebsmanagement bei komplexer Implantatrehabilitation: Indikationen und Limitationen des Einsatzes einer porcinen Kollagenmatrix (Mucograft)
Konter U, Konter I, Kanehl S, Joda T
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2010;65(12):723-730.
The Randomized Shortened Dental Arch study (RaSDA): design and protocol.
Luthardt R, Marré B, Heinecke A, Gerss J, Aggstaller H, Busche E, Dressler P, Gitt I, Hannak W, Hartmann S, Heydecke G, Jahn F, Kern M, Mundt T, Pospiech P, Stark H, Wöstmann B, Walter M
TRIALS. 2010;11:15.
Prothetische Rehabilitation im parodontal geschädigten (aber sanierten) Gebiss
Naumann M, Heydecke G, Joda T
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2010;65(4):216-220.
Die zahnärztliche Versorgung von Pflegeheimbewohnern in Deutschland - Eine kritische Würdigung der vorliegenden Studien.
Reißmann D, Heydecke G, Bussche van den H
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2010;65:.
Influence of thermomechanical fatigue loading on the fracture resistance of all-ceramic posterior crowns.
Senyilmaz D, Canay S, Heydecke G, Strub J
EUR J PROSTHODONT RE. 2010;18(2):50-54.
The randomized shortened dental arch study: tooth loss.
Walter M, Weber A, Marré B, Gitt I, Gerss J, Hannak W, Hartmann S, Heydecke G, Huppertz J, Jahn F, Ludwig A, Mundt T, Kern M, Klein V, Pospiech P, Stumbaum M, Wolfart S, Wöstmann B, Busche E, Böning K, Luthardt R
J DENT RES. 2010;89(8):818-822.
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