Bärbel Kahl-Nieke
Prof. Dr. med. dent.
Bärbel Kahl-Nieke
  • Klinikdirektorin
  • Fachzahnärztin für Kieferorthopädie


O58, 2. Etage
Deutsch (Muttersprache)




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Vergleich verschiedener Therapiemittel zur Nahrungsaufnahme bei Patient:innen mit Lippen-, Kiefer- und/oder Gaumenspalten
Ahrens C, Boelter Z, Northoff L, Kahl-Nieke B

Vollständig digitale CAD/CAM-Herstellung von neuartigen thermoelastischen Trinkplatten für Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalten
Delfs J, Chin S, Böttcher A, Kahl-Nieke B, Vollkommer T, Schmid-Herrmann C, Smeets R, Gosau M
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2024;38(3):207–215.

Age-related changes in the midpalatal suture: Comparison between CBCT staging and bone micromorphology
Georgi G, Knauth S, Hirsch E, Schulz-Kornas E, Kahl-Nieke B, Püschel K, Amling M, Koehne T, Korbmacher-Steiner H, Petersen J
BONE. 2024;179:.

Digitale Konzepte für die Versorgung von Neugeborenen mit kraniofazialen Anomalien
Hülsbeck A, Northoff L, Kahl-Nieke B
Z GEBURTSH NEONATOL. 2024;228(4):386-391.

Extrusion of ankylosed maxillary first molars using a boneborne vertical distractor
Schmid-Herrmann C, Fuhrmann V, Werbelow L, Koehne T, Kahl-Nieke B
Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. 2024;58(2):110-116.

Vertikale desmodontale Distraktion eines ankylosierten Molaren unter skelettaler Verankerung
Schmid-Herrmann C, Großevollmer V, Werbelow L, Koehne T, Kahl-Nieke B
BDK.info. 2024;2024(4):34-40.

Isolierte komplexe Oberkieferausformung bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte mit Einordnung retinierter und verlagerter Zähne
Schmid-Herrmann C, Kahl-Nieke B
2024. DGKFO Jahrestagung Freiburg. .

Der erste Modellstudiengang Zahnmedizin in Deutschland – iMED DENT
Guse A, Beikler T, Heydecke G, Gosau M, Kahl-Nieke B
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2023;66(12):1345-1352.

Mechanical-induced bone remodeling does not depend on Piezo1 in dentoalveolar hard tissue
Nottmeier C, Lavicky J, Gonzalez Lopez M, Knauth S, Kahl-Nieke B, Amling M, Schinke T, Helms J, Krivanek J, Koehne T, Petersen J
SCI REP-UK. 2023;13(1):.

Zusammenhang von Mundgesundheitskompetenz und -verhalten mit physischer Mundgesundheit. Welche Rolle kann die zahnmedizinische Ausbildung spielen?
Reißmann D, Lamprecht R, Koch-Gromus U, Borof K, Kofahl C, Härter M, Büschel J, Harth V, Hoven H, Kahl-Nieke B, Beikler T, Heydecke G, Aarabi G
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2023;66(12):1320-1327.

Retrospective investigation of the 3D effects of the Carriere Motion 3D appliance using model and cephalometric superimposition
Schmid-Herrmann C, Delfs J, Mahaini L, Schumacher E, Hirsch C, Köhne T, Kahl-Nieke B
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2023;27(2):631-643.

Effects of Infantile Hypophosphatasia on Human Dental Tissue
Wölfel E, von Kroge S, Matthies L, Köhne T, Petz K, Beikler T, Schmid-Herrmann C, Kahl-Nieke B, Tsiakas K, Santer R, Muschol N, Herrmann J, Busse B, Amling M, Rolvien T, Jandl N, Barvencik F
CALCIFIED TISSUE INT. 2023;112(3):308-319.

Autologe Transplantation von horizontal verlagerten Unterkiefereckzähnen – ein Fallbericht
Berger L, Hülsbeck A, Schwartz G, Kahl-Nieke B
2022. Autologe Transplantation von horizontal verlagerten Unterkiefereckzähnen – ein Fallbericht. .

Die radiologische Verdachtsdiagnose Folge 5: Kondylusresorptionen
Bruhn N, Berger L, Liaci A, Kahl-Nieke B, Schmid-Herrmann C
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2022;36(4):413-421.

Die radiologische Verdachtsdiagnose, Folge 4: Fehler im Fernröntgenseitenbild
Emsermann I, Kahl-Nieke B, Schmid-Herrmann C
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2022;36(1):85-59.

Early enzyme replacement therapy prevents dental and craniofacial abnormalities in a mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis type VI
Nagpal R, Georgi G, Knauth S, Schmid-Herrmann C, Muschol N, Braulke T, Kahl-Nieke B, Amling M, Schinke T, Koehne T, Petersen J
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2022;13:.

Mundgesundheit, Beeinträchtigungen und orale Befunde bei Patient:innen mit Mukopolysaccharidosen
Schmid-Herrmann C, Bruhn N, Reißmann D, Köhne T, Kahl-Nieke B
2022. 94. Jahrestagung der DGKFO. 1. Aufl. Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie e.V. (DGFKO), 85.

Mandibular condyle morphology among patients with mucopolysaccharidosis: an observational study of panoramic radiographs
Schmid-Herrmann C, Muschol N, Fuhrmann V, Koehn A, Lezius S, Kahl-Nieke B, Koehne T
INT J PAEDIATR DENT. 2022;32(5):737-744.

Role of c-Fos in orthodontic tooth movement: an in vivo study using transgenic mice
Decker M, Nottmeier C, Luther J, Baranowsky A, Kahl-Nieke B, Amling M, Schinke T, David J, Koehne T
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2021;25(2):593-601.

Wnt1 Promotes Cementum and Alveolar Bone Growth in a Time-Dependent Manner
Nottmeier C, Liao N, Simon A, Decker M, Luther J, Schweizer M, Yorgan T, Kaucka M, Bockamp E, Kahl-Nieke B, Amling M, Schinke T, Petersen J, Koehne T
J DENT RES. 2021;100(13):1501-1509.

Die radiologische Verdachtsdiagnose, Folge 2: Frontzahntransplantation
Schmid C, Fuhrmann V, Schwartz G, Ludwig B, Gehrke C, Kahl-Nieke B
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2021;2021(2):197-206.

Die radiologische Verdachtsdiagnose, Folge 1: Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte
Schmid C, Gehrke C, Plaksin A, Kahl-Nieke B
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2021;2021(1):85-90.

Die radiologische Verdachtsdiagnose, Folge 3: Nebenbefunde im Fernröntgenseitenbild
Schmid-Herrmann C, Liaci A, Delfs J, Kahl-Nieke B
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2021;35(4):423-430.

Accelerated tooth movement in Rsk2-deficient mice with impaired cementum formation
Nottmeier C, Decker M, Luther J, von Kroge S, Kahl-Nieke B, Amling M, Schinke T, Petersen J, Koehne T
INT J ORAL SCI. 2020;12(1):35.

Temporomandibular joint involvement in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a retrospective chart review
von Schuckmann L, Klotsche J, Suling A, Kahl-Nieke B, Foeldvari I
SCAND J RHEUMATOL. 2020;49(4):271-280.

Surface Characteristics of Esthetic Nickel⁻Titanium and Beta-Titanium Orthodontic Archwires Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO)-Primary Results
Jung O, Becker J, Smeets R, Gosau M, Becker G, Kahl-Nieke B, Jung A, Heiland M, Kopp A, Barbeck M, Koehne T
MATERIALS. 2019;12(9):.

Obstructive sleep apnea and craniofacial appearance in MPS type I-Hurler children after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Koehne T, Müller-Stöver S, Köhn A, Stumpfe K, Lezius S, Schmid C, Lukacs Z, Kahl-Nieke B, Muschol N
SLEEP BREATH. 2019;23(4):1315-1321.

Therapiemöglichkeiten bei unterminierender Resorption: Ein Übersichtsartikel
Schmid C, Kahl-Nieke B
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2019;33(3):251-261.

Klasse II-Therapie mittels Vorschubdoppelplatte und bissverlagernder Feder (SUS2) – ein Zwillingsvergleich
Schmid C, Mahaini L, Kahl-Nieke B
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2019;33(4):387-394.

Beugesehnenscheidenphlegmone nach Stichverletzung mit kieferorthopädischem Stahlbogen
Schmid C, Moeller R, Kahl-Nieke B
Kieferorthopädie (Berlin). 2019;33(2):163-168.

Reformbemühungen in der Zahnmedizin - nationale und internationale Ansätze
Kahl-Nieke B, Vonneilich N
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2018;61(2):154-162.

Inhibition of bone resorption by bisphosphonates interferes with orthodontically induced midpalatal suture expansion in mice
Koehne T, Kahl-Nieke B, Amling M, Korbmacher-Steiner H
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2018;22(6):2345-2351.

Differences in maxillomandibular morphology among patients with mucopolysaccharidoses I, II, III, IV and VI: a retrospective MRI study
Koehne T, Köhn A, Friedrich R, Kordes U, Schinke T, Muschol N, Kahl-Nieke B
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2018;22(3):1541-1549.

Rsk2, the kinase in Coffin-Lowry syndrome controls cementum formation
Koehne T, Jeschke A, Petermann F, Seitz S, Neven M, Peters S, Luther J, Schweizer M, Schinke T, Kahl-Nieke B, Amling M, David J
J DENT RES. 2016;95(7):752-760.

Mannose 6-phosphate-dependent targeting of lysosomal enzymes is required for normal craniofacial and dental development
Koehne T, Markmann S, Schweizer M, Muschol N, Friedrich R, Hagel C, Glatzel M, Kahl-Nieke B, Amling M, Schinke T, Braulke T
BBA-MOL BASIS DIS. 2016;1862(9):1570–1580.

The role of the multidisciplinary health care team in the management of patients with Marfan syndrome
von Kodolitsch Y, Rybczynski M, Vogler M, Mir T, Schüler H, Kutsche K, Rosenberger G, Detter C, Bernhardt A, Larena-Avellaneda A, Kölbel T, Debus E, Schroeder M, Linke S, Fuisting B, Napp B, Kammal A, Püschel K, Bannas P, Hoffmann B, Gessler N, Vahle-Hinz E, Kahl-Nieke B, Thomalla G, Weiler-Normann C, Ohm G, Neumann S, Benninghoven D, Blankenberg S, Pyeritz R
J MULTIDISCIP HEALTH. 2016;9:587-614.

Trends in trabecular architecture and bone mineral density distribution in 152 individuals aged 30-90 years
Koehne T, Vettorazzi E, Küsters N, Lüneburg R, Kahl-Nieke B, Püschel K, Amling M, Busse B
BONE. 2014.

Is high-resolution ultrasonography suitable for the detection of temporomandibular joint involvement in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis?
Assaf A, Kahl-Nieke B, Feddersen J, Habermann C
DENTOMAXILLOFAC RAD. 2013;42(3):20110379.

Osteopetrosis, osteopetrorickets and hypophosphatemic rickets differentially affect dentin and enamel mineralization.
Koehne T, Marshall R, Jeschke A, Kahl-Nieke B, Schinke T, Amling M
BONE. 2013;53(1):25-33.

Laboratory evaluation of toothbrush/toothpaste abrasion resistance after smooth enamel surface sealing
Korbmacher-Steiner H, Schilling A, Huck L, Kahl-Nieke B, Amling M
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2013;17(3):765-74.

Periodontal conditions in patients with Marfan syndrome - a multicenter case control study
Staufenbiel I, Hauschild C, Kahl-Nieke B, Vahle-Hinz E, Kodolitsch Y, Berner M, Bauss O, Geurtsen W, Rahman A
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2013;13:59.

Homepages of German dental schools - a target group-oriented evaluation
Wehlers A, Schäfer I, Sehner S, Kahl-Nieke B, Kuhnigk O

Welche Fähigkeiten brauchen Zahnmedizinstudierende? Auswahltests in Hamburg und Graz
Kothe C, Korbmacher H, Hissbach J, Ithaler D, Kahl-Nieke B, Reibnegger G, Hampe W
DZZ - Deut Zahnärztl Z. 2012;67(4):254-259.

Torque stability of plastic brackets following multiple loading and artificial material aging--an in-vitro comparison.
Möller M, Klocke A, Sadat-Khonsari R, Schlegel V, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2009;70(5):385-395.

Radiofrequency-induced heating near fixed orthodontic appliances in high field MRI systems at 3.0 Tesla.
Regier M, Kemper J, Kaul M, Feddersen M, Adam G, Kahl-Nieke B, Klocke A
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2009;70(6):485-494.

Orthodontic springs and auxiliary appliances: assessment of magnetic field interactions associated with 1.5 T and 3 T magnetic resonance systems.
Kemper J, Priest A, Schulze D, Kahl-Nieke B, Adam G, Klocke A
EUR RADIOL. 2007;17(2):533-540.

CO2 laser-induced zonation in dental enamel: a Raman and IR microspectroscopic study.
Klocke A, Mihailova B, Zhang S, Gasharova B, Stosch R, Güttler B, Kahl-Nieke B, Henriot P, Ritschel B, Bismayer U
J BIOMED MATER RES B. 2007;81(2):499-507.

Value of two cone-beam computed tomography systems from an orthodontic point of view.
Korbmacher H, Kahl-Nieke B, Schöllchen M, Heiland M
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2007;68(4):278-289.

Associations between orthopaedic disturbances and unilateral crossbite in children with asymmetry of the upper cervical spine.
Korbmacher H, Koch L, Eggers-Stroeder G, Kahl-Nieke B
EUR J ORTHODONT. 2007;29(1):100-104.

Progressive pre-eruptive crown resorption in autosomal recessive generalized hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta.
Korbmacher H, Lemke R, Kahl-Nieke B
ORAL SURG ORAL MED O. 2007;104(4):540-544.

Age-dependent three-dimensional microcomputed tomography analysis of the human midpalatal suture.
Korbmacher H, Schilling A, Püschel K, Amling M, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2007;68(5):364-376.

The release of nickel from orthodontic NiTi wires is increased by dynamic mechanical loading but not constrained by surface nitridation.
Peitsch T, Klocke A, Kahl-Nieke B, Prymak O, Epple M
J BIOMED MATER RES A. 2007;82(3):731-739.

Distraction osteogenesis of ankylosed front teeth with subsequent orthodontic fine adjustment.
Huck L, Korbmacher H, Niemeyer K, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2006;67(4):297-307.

Effect of debonding force direction on orthodontic shear bond strength.
Klocke A, Kahl-Nieke B
AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC. 2006;129(2):261-265.

Magnetic forces on orthodontic wires in high field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 3 tesla.
Klocke A, Kahl-Nieke B, Adam G, Kemper J
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2006;67(6):424-429.

Evaluation of an antimicrobial and fluoride-releasing self-etching primer on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets.
Korbmacher H, Huck L, Adam T, Kahl-Nieke B
EUR J ORTHODONT. 2006;28(5):457-461.

Fluoride-releasing adhesive and antimicrobial self-etching primer effects on shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets.
Korbmacher H, Huck L, Kahl-Nieke B
ANGLE ORTHOD. 2006;76(5):845-850.

Long-term evaluation of orofacial function in children with Down syndrome after treatment with a stimulating plate according to Castillo Morales.
Korbmacher H, Limbrock J, Kahl-Nieke B
J CLIN PEDIATR DENT. 2006;30(4):325-328.

The displaced maxillary canine--a retrospective study.
Torsten G, Stolze A, Goldbecher H, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2006;67(6):441-449.

Evaluation of transversal slice imaging in the diagnosis of tooth displacement with special consideration of the upper canines.
Broer N, Fuhrmann A, Bremert S, Schulze D, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2005;66(2):94-109.

[Orthodontic brackets in high field MR imaging: experimental evaluation of magnetic field interactions at 3.0 Tesla]
Kemper J, Klocke A, Kahl-Nieke B, Adam G
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 2005;177(12):1691-1698.

Influence of cross-head speed in orthodontic bond strength testing.
Klocke A, Kahl-Nieke B
DENT MATER. 2005;21(2):139-144.

Influence of force location in orthodontic shear bond strength testing.
Klocke A, Kahl-Nieke B
DENT MATER. 2005;21(5):391-396.

Magnetic field interactions of orthodontic wires during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 1.5 Tesla.
Klocke A, Kemper J, Schulze D, Adam G, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2005;66(4):279-287.

Clinical profile of rapid maxillary expansion--outcome of a national inquiry.
Korbmacher H, Huck L, Merkle T, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2005;66(6):455-468.

Orofacial myofunctional disorders in children with asymmetry of the posture and locomotion apparatus.
Korbmacher H, Koch L, Kahl-Nieke B
Int J Orofacial Myology. 2005;31:26-38.

Cephalometric evaluation of children with Down syndrome after early intervention with the stimulating plate.
Korbmacher H, Moeller H, Klocke A, Limbrock J, Kahl-Nieke B
SPEC CARE DENT. 2005;25(5):253-259.

Dentomaxillofacial imaging in Proteus syndrome.
Korbmacher H, Tietke M, Rother U, Kahl-Nieke B
DENTOMAXILLOFAC RAD. 2005;34(4):251-255.

Application of synchrotron-radiation-based computer microtomography (SRICT) to selected biominerals: embryonic snails, statoliths of medusae, and human teeth.
Prymak O, Tiemann H, Sötje I, Marxen J, Klocke A, Kahl-Nieke B, Beckmann F, Donath T, Epple M
J BIOL INORG CHEM. 2005;10(6):688-695.

Effect of time on bond strength in indirect bonding.
Klocke A, Shi J, Vaziri F, Kahl-Nieke B, Bismayer U
ANGLE ORTHOD. 2004;74(2):245-250.

Custom base preaging in indirect bonding.
Klocke A, Tadic D, Vaziri F, Kahl-Nieke B
ANGLE ORTHOD. 2004;74(1):106-111.

Correlations between dentition anomalies and diseases of the of the postural and movement apparatus--a literature review.
Korbmacher H, Eggers-Stroeder G, Koch L, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2004;65(3):190-203.

Orofacial development in children with Down's syndrome 12 years after early intervention with a stimulating plate.
Korbmacher H, Limbrock J, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2004;65(1):60-73.

Evaluation of a new concept of myofunctional therapy in children.
Korbmacher H, Schwan M, Berndsen S, Bull J, Kahl-Nieke B
Int J Orofacial Myology. 2004;30:39-52.

Torque deformation characteristics of plastic brackets: a comparative study.
Sadat-Khonsari R, Moshtaghy A, Schlegel V, Kahl-Nieke B, Möller M, Bauss O
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2004;65(1):26-33.

Results of transplanting developing third molars as part of orthodontics space management. Part 2: results following the orthodontic treatment of transplanted developing third molars in cases of aplasia and premature loss of teeth with atrophy of the alveolar process.
Bauss O, Sadat-Khonsari R, Engelke W, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2003;64(1):40-47.

In vitro study on the fatigue limit of single-lap joints.
Fenske C, Sadat-Khonsari R, Bauss O, Seedorf H, Kirsch I, Kahl-Nieke B, Dieter J
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2003;64(4):275-283.

Plasma arc curing of ceramic brackets: an evaluation of shear bond strength and debonding characteristics.
Klocke A, Korbmacher H, Huck L, Ghosh J, Kahl-Nieke B
AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC. 2003;124(3):309-315.

Bond strength with custom base indirect bonding techniques.
Klocke A, Shi J, Kahl-Nieke B, Bismayer U
ANGLE ORTHOD. 2003;73(2):176-180.

In vitro evaluation of a moisture-active adhesive for indirect bonding.
Klocke A, Shi J, Kahl-Nieke B, Bismayer U
ANGLE ORTHOD. 2003;73(6):697-701.

In vitro investigation of indirect bonding with a hydrophilic primer.
Klocke A, Shi J, Kahl-Nieke B, Bismayer U
ANGLE ORTHOD. 2003;73(4):445-450.

An optimized synthetic substrate for orthodontic bond strength testing.
Klocke A, Tadic D, Kahl-Nieke B, Epple M
DENT MATER. 2003;19(8):773-778.

Mandibular instantaneous centers of rotation in patients with and without temporomandibular dysfunction.
Sadat-Khonsari R, Fenske C, Kahl-Nieke B, Kirsch I, Dieter J
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2003;64(4):256-264.

The helical axis of the mandible during the opening and closing movement of the mouth.
Sadat-Khonsari R, Fenske C, Kahl-Nieke B, Kirsch I, Dieter J
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2003;64(3):178-185.

Results of transplanting developing third molars as part of orthodontic space management. Part 1: clinical and radiographic results.
Bauss O, Sadat-Khonsari R, Engelke W, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2002;63(6):483-492.

Plasma arc curing lights for orthodontic bonding.
Klocke A, Korbmacher H, Huck L, Kahl-Nieke B
AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC. 2002;122(6):643-648.

Anterior open bite in the deciduous dentition: longitudinal follow-up and craniofacial growth considerations.
Klocke A, Nanda R, Kahl-Nieke B
AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC. 2002;122(4):353-358.

Role of cranial base flexure in developing sagittal jaw discrepancies.
Klocke A, Nanda R, Kahl-Nieke B
AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC. 2002;122(4):386-391.

Skeletal Class II patterns in the primary dentition.
Klocke A, Nanda R, Kahl-Nieke B
AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC. 2002;121(6):596-601.

Enamel conditioning for orthodontic bonding with a single-step bonding agent.
Korbmacher H, Klocke A, Huck L, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2002;63(6):463-471.

Ideas of Andreas Vesalius and his successors in the chair of anatomy at Padua about the transition of dentition.
Lorber C, Lorber W, Kahl-Nieke B
Dent Hist. 2001;39:5-13.

Influence of orthodontic appliances on myofunctional therapy.
Klocke A, Korbmacher H, Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2000;61(6):414-420.

Early orthodontic treatment of Class-III malocclusion in Germany.
Korbmacher H, Kahl-Nieke B, Schnabel S
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 2000;61(3):168-174.

Condylar restoration after early TMJ fractures and functional appliance therapy. Part II: Muscle evaluation.
Kahl-Nieke B, Fischbach R
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 1999;60(1):24-38.

Condylar restoration after early TMJ fractures and functional appliance therapy. Part I: Remodelling.
Kahl-Nieke B, Fischbach R
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 1998;59(3):150-162.

Effect of early orthopedic intervention on hemifacial microsomia patients: an approach to a cooperative evaluation of treatment results.
Kahl-Nieke B, Fischbach R
AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC. 1998;114(5):538-550.

Retention and stability considerations for adult patients.
Kahl-Nieke B
Dent Clin North Am. 1996;40(4):961-994.

The role of extraction in stability of orthodontic treatment.
Kahl-Nieke B
J OROFAC ORTHOP. 1996;57(5):272-287.

Treatment and postretention changes in dental arch width dimensions--a long-term evaluation of influencing cofactors.
Kahl-Nieke B, Fischbach H, Schwarze C
AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC. 1996;109(4):368-378.

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