Rainer Böger
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c.
Rainer Böger
  • Institutsdirektor
  • Facharzt für Klinische Pharmakologie
  • Facharzt für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie


N30 Fritz Schumacher-Haus, 1. Etage, Raumnummer 112
Deutsch (Muttersprache)





Defining the role of exertional hypoxemia and pulmonary vasoconstriction on lung function decline, morbidity, and mortality in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease - the PROSA study: rationale and study design
Böger R, Hannemann J
BMC PULM MED. 2024;24(1):262.

Effect of oral melatonin treatment on insulin resistance and diurnal blood pressure variability in night shift workers. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
Hannemann J, Laing A, Middleton B, Schwedhelm E, Marx N, Federici M, Kastner M, Skene D, Böger R
PHARMACOL RES. 2024;199:107011.

Symmetric Dimethylarginine Predicts Previously Undetected Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Ischemic Stroke
Hannemann J, Wasser K, Mileva Y, Kleinsang F, Schubert M, Schwedhelm E, Guan K, Wachter R, Böger R
J AM HEART ASSOC. 2024;13(17):e034994.

A multicenter study of asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine as predictors of mortality risk in hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Hannemann J, Zink A, Mileva Y, Balfanz P, Dahl E, Volland S, Illig T, Schwedhelm E, Kurth F, Stege A, Aepfelbacher M, Hoffmann A, Böger R
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):15739.


Developmental dynamics of homoarginine, ADMA and SDMA plasma levels from birth to adolescence
Baach F, Meyer B, Oh J, Lezius S, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Choe C, Neu A
AMINO ACIDS. 2023;55(10):1381-1388.

Asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine in high altitude pulmonary hypertension (HAPH) and high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)
Hannemann J, Freytag J, Schiefer L, Macholz F, Sareban M, Schmidt-Hutten L, Stang H, Schwedhelm E, Swenson E, Böger R, Berger M
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2023;14:1297636.

Diurnal Variation of L-Arginine and the Cardiovascular Risk Markers Asymmetric and Symmetric Dimethylarginine and Homoarginine in Rotating Night Shift Workers and Controls
Hannemann J, Skene D, Middleton B, Schwedhelm E, Laing A, Böger R
BIOMOLECULES. 2023;13(9):.

Biomarkers of the L-Arginine/Dimethylarginine/Nitric Oxide Pathway in People with Chronic Airflow Obstruction and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Hannemann J, Thorarinnsdottir E, Amaral A, Schwedhelm E, Schmidt-Hutten L, Stang H, Benediktsdottir B, Gunnarsdóttir I, Gislason T, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2023;12(16):.

Vascular nitrosative stress in hypertension induced by fetal undernutrition in rats
Rodríguez-Rodríguez P, Poasakate A, Ruvira-Hernando S, Gutierrez-Arzapalo P, Böger R, Hannemann J, Lüneburg N, Arribas S
J PHYSIOL BIOCHEM. 2023;79(3):555-568.

Homoarginine Associates with Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Atrial Fibrillation and Predicts Adverse Events after Stroke
Schwieren L, Jensen M, Schulz R, Lezius S, Laxy E, Milatz M, Thomalla G, Böger R, Gerloff C, Magnus T, Schwedhelm E, Choe C
LIFE-BASEL. 2023;13(7):.

Author Correction: The role of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in COVID-19: association with respiratory failure and predictive role for outcome
Sozio E, Hannemann J, Fabris M, Cifù A, Ripoli A, Sbrana F, Cescutti D, Vetrugno L, Fapranzi S, Bassi F, Sponza M, Curcio F, Tascini C, Böger R
SCI REP-UK. 2023;13(1):10427.

Association of Asymmetric and Symmetric Dimethylarginine with Inflammation in the Population-Based Study of Health in Pomerania
Winkler M, Bahls M, Böger R, Ittermann T, Dörr M, Friedrich N, Schwedhelm E
BIOMOLECULES. 2023;13(11):.


Dysregulation of the Nitric Oxide/Dimethylarginine Pathway in Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction-Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Significance
Hannemann J, Böger R

Association of Variability in the DDAH1, DDAH2, AGXT2 and PRMT1 Genes with Circulating ADMA Concentration in Human Whole Blood
Hannemann J, Zummack J, Hillig J, Rendant-Gantzberg L, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2022;11(4):.

Population kinetics of homoarginine and optimized supplementation for cardiovascular risk reduction
Kleist C, Choe C, Atzler D, Schönhoff M, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Wicha S
AMINO ACIDS. 2022;54(6):889-896.

Homoarginine and blood pressure: a 10-year prospective relationship in normotensives
Mokhaneli M, Botha-Le Roux S, Fourie C, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Mels C
J HUM HYPERTENS. 2022;36(2):135-143.

Impact of light therapy on rotating night shift workers: the EuRhythDia study
Rizza S, Luzi A, Mavilio M, Ballanti M, Massimi A, Porzio O, Magrini A, Hannemann J, Menghini R, Cridland J, Staels B, Grant P, Boger R, Marx N, Federici M
ACTA DIABETOL. 2022;59(12):1589-1596.

Reference Interval for Serum L-Homoarginine Determined with Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay in the Population-Based Study of Health in Pomerania
Schwedhelm E, Cordts K, Moritz E, Wesemann R, Choe C, Böger R, Ittermann T, Dörr M, Friedrich N, Bahls M
J APPL LAB MED. 2022;7(6):1272-1282.

Effective high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is associated with carotid intima-media thickness and vascular events after acute ischemic stroke
Schwedhelm E, Tiedt S, Lezius S, Wölfer T, Jensen M, Schulz R, Böger R, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Choe C
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2022;357:9-13.


Böger R, Brockmöller J
2021. Arzneiverordungsreport 2021. Ludwig W, Mühlbauer B, Seifert R (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin, Heidelberg: 163-180.

Antirheumatika und Antiphlogistika
Böger R, Brockmöller J
2021. Arzneiverordnungsreport 2021. Ludwig W, Mühlbauer B, Seifert R (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin, Heidelberg: 327-342.

Correction to: Arginine derivatives in atrial fibrillation progression phenotypes
Büttner P, Bahls M, Böger R, Hindricks G, Thiele H, Schwedhelm E, Kornej J
J MOL MED. 2021;99(12):1829.

Central systolic blood pressure relates inversely to nitric oxide synthesis in young black adults: the African-PREDICT study
Craig A, M C Mels C, Tsikas D, Boeger R, Schwedhelm E, Schutte A, Kruger R
J HUM HYPERTENS. 2021;35(11):985-993.

Elevated serum SDMA and ADMA at hospital admission predict in-hospital mortality of COVID-19 patients
Hannemann J, Balfanz P, Schwedhelm E, Hartmann B, Ule J, Müller-Wieland D, Dahl E, Dreher M, Marx N, Böger R
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.

Arzneimitteltherapie in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit
Hannemann J, Böger R
Hamb Ärztebl. 2021;75(10):12-17.

Transcriptional and Post-translational Regulation of the Dimethylarginines ADMA and SDMA and Their Impact on the L-arginine - Nitric Oxide Pathway.
Hannemann J, Böger R
2021. Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry. Jez J (Hrsg.). 3. Aufl. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd., 674-687.

Arginine:Glycine Amidinotransferase Is Essential for Creatine Supply in Mice During Chronic Hypoxia
Hannemann J, Cordts K, Seniuk A, Choe C, Schmidt-Hutten L, Duque Escobar J, Weinberger F, Böger R, Schwedhelm E
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2021;12:703069.

Light therapy improves diurnal blood pressure control in night shift workers via reduction of catecholamines: the EuRhythDia study
Hannemann J, Laing A, Middleton B, Cridland J, Staels B, Marx N, Grant P, Federici M, Stenberg T, Skene D, Böger R
J HYPERTENS. 2021;39(8):1678-1688.

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Arginase 1 and 2 Genes Are Differentially Associated with Circulating l-Arginine Concentration in Unsupplemented and l-Arginine-Supplemented Adults
Hannemann J, Rendant-Gantzberg L, Zummack J, Hillig J, Eilermann I, Böger R
J NUTR. 2021;151(4):763-771.

Association of Genes of the NO Pathway with Altitude Disease and Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension
Hannemann J, Siques P, Schmidt-Hutten L, Zummack J, Brito J, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(24):.

Intrathecal and systemic alterations of L-arginine metabolism in patients after intracerebral hemorrhage
Mader M, Böger R, Appel D, Schwedhelm E, Haddad M, Mohme M, Lamszus K, Westphal M, Czorlich P, Hannemann J
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2021;41(8):1964-1977.

L-homoarginine is associated with decreased cardiovascular- and all-cause mortality
Mokhaneli M, Botha-Le Roux S, Fourie C, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Mels C
EUR J CLIN INVEST. 2021;51(5):.

Alterations in Rev-ERBα/BMAL1 ratio and glycated hemoglobin in rotating shift workers: the EuRhythDia study
Rizza S, Luzi A, Mavilio M, Ballanti M, Massimi A, Porzio O, Magrini A, Hannemann J, Menghini R, Lehrke M, Staels B, Grant P, Böger R, Marx N, Federici M
ACTA DIABETOL. 2021;58(8):1111-1117.

Sphingosine-1-Phosphate, Motor Severity, and Progression in Parkinson's Disease (MARK-PD)
Schwedhelm E, Englisch C, Niemann L, Lezius S, von Lucadou M, Marmann K, Böger R, Peine S, Daum G, Gerloff C, Choe C
MOVEMENT DISORD. 2021;36(9):2178-2182.

Serum Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Levels Are Associated With Severity and Outcome in Patients With Cerebral Ischemia
Schwedhelm E, Schwieren L, Tiedt S, von Lucadou M, Gloyer N, Böger R, Magnus T, Daum G, Thomalla G, Gerloff C, Choe C
STROKE. 2021;52(12):3901-3907.

Trimethyllysine, vascular risk factors and outcome in acute ischemic stroke (MARK-STROKE)
Schwedhelm E, von Lucadou M, Peine S, Lezius S, Thomalla G, Böger R, Gerloff C, Choe C
AMINO ACIDS. 2021;53(4):555-561.

Blood pressure and nitric oxide synthesis capacity in physically active and inactive groups: the SABPA study
van Niekerk E, Botha Le Roux S, Atzler D, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, van Rooyen J, Moss S, Mels C
J HUM HYPERTENS. 2021;35(4):325-333.

Associations of circulating dimethylarginines with the metabolic syndrome in the Framingham Offspring study
Yola I, Moser C, Duncan M, Schwedhelm E, Atzler D, Maas R, Hannemann J, Böger R, Vasan R, Xanthakis V
PLOS ONE. 2021;16(9):e0254577.


Asymmetric dimethylarginine predicts perioperative cardiovascular complications in patients undergoing medium-to-high risk non-cardiac surgery
Appel D, Böger R, Windolph J, Heinze G, Goetz A, Hannemann J
J INT MED RES. 2020;48(8):300060520940450.

Dual role of the L-arginine-ADMA-NO pathway in systemic hypoxic vasodilation and pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstriction
Böger R, Hannemann J
PULM CIRC. 2020;10(2):2045894020918850.

Böger R, Schmidt G
2020. Arzneiverordnungsreport 2020. Schwabe U, Ludwig W (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 261-278.

Antirheumatika und Antiphlogistika
Böger R, Schmidt G
2020. Arzneiverordnungsreport 2020. Schwabe U, Ludwig W (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 421-436.

Arginine derivatives in atrial fibrillation progression phenotypes
Büttner P, Bahls M, Böger R, Hindricks G, Thiele H, Schwedhelm E, Kornej J
J MOL MED. 2020;98(7):999-1008.

Low homoarginine/SDMA ratio is associated with poor short- and long-term outcome after stroke in two prospective studies
Choe C, Lezius S, Cordts K, Gerloff C, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Grant P
NEUROL SCI. 2020;41(1):149-153.

Determinants of Serum- and Plasma Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Concentrations in a Healthy Study Group
Daum G, Winkler M, Moritz E, Müller T, Geffken M, von Lucadou M, Haddad M, Peine S, Böger R, Larena-Avellaneda A, Debus E, Gräler M, Schwedhelm E
TH Open. 2020;4(1):e12-e19.

Sequence Variation in the DDAH1 Gene Predisposes for Delayed Cerebral Ischemia in Subarachnoidal Hemorrhage
Hannemann J, Appel D, Seeberger-Steinmeister M, Brüning T, Zummack J, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2020;9(12):.

Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of pulmonary hypoxia and its health sequelae: proceedings of the first international DECIPHER symposium on pulmonary hypoxia, Iquique, Chile, 16-17 October 2019
Hannemann J, Böger R
PULM CIRC. 2020;10(1 Suppl):3-4.

Upregulation of DDAH2 Limits Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Ventricular Hypertrophy During Chronic Hypoxia in Ddah1 Knockout Mice
Hannemann J, Glatzel A, Hillig J, Zummack J, Schumacher U, Lüneburg N, Harbaum L, Böger R
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2020;11:597559.

Timed physical exercise does not influence circadian rhythms and glucose tolerance in rotating night shift workers: The EuRhythDia study
Hannemann J, Laing A, Glismann K, Skene D, Middleton B, Staels B, Marx N, Grant P, Federici M, Niebauer J, Böger R
DIABETES VASC DIS RE. 2020;17(5):1479164120950616.

Pre-Analytical and Clinical Validation of a Dried Blood Spot Assay for Asymmetric Dimethylarginine and L-Arginine
Hannemann J, Roskam T, Eilermann I, Siques P, Brito J, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2020;9(4):.

Metabolism of asymmetric dimethylarginine in hypoxia: from bench to bedside
Hannemann J, Zummack J, Hillig J, Böger R
PULM CIRC. 2020;10(2):2045894020918846.

Asymmetric dimethylarginine and L-homoarginine prospectively relate to carotid wall thickness in a South African cohort
Mokhaneli M, Fourie C, Botha-Le Roux S, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Mels C
AMINO ACIDS. 2020;52(6-7):965-973.

Nox2 Upregulation and p38α MAPK Activation in Right Ventricular Hypertrophy of Rats Exposed to Long-Term Chronic Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia
Pena E, Siques P, Brito J, Arribas S, Böger R, Hannemann J, León-Velarde F, González M, López M, López de Pablo Á
INT J MOL SCI. 2020;21(22):.

Male fetal sex is associated with low maternal plasma anti-inflammatory cytokine profile in the first trimester of healthy pregnancies
Ramiro-Cortijo D, de la Calle M, Böger R, Hannemann J, Lüneburg N, López-Giménez M, Rodríguez-Rodríguez P, Martín-Cabrejas M, Benítez V, de Pablo Á, González M, Arribas S
CYTOKINE. 2020;136:155290.

Muscle phenotype of AGAT- and GAMT-deficient mice after simvastatin exposure
Sasani A, Hornig S, Grzybowski R, Cordts K, Hanff E, Tsikas D, Böger R, Gerloff C, Isbrandt D, Neu A, Schwedhelm E, Choe C
AMINO ACIDS. 2020;52(1):73-85.

Exercise training prior to night shift work improves physical work capacity and arterial stiffness
Schäfer C, Mayr B, Müller E, Augner C, Hannemann J, Böger R, Schönfelder M, Niebauer J
EUR J PREV CARDIOL. 2020;27(8):891-893.

Association of Lower Plasma Homoarginine Concentrations with Greater Risk of All-Cause Mortality in the Community: The Framingham Offspring Study
Schwedhelm E, Song R, Vasan R, van den Heuvel E, Hannemann J, Xanthakis V, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2020;9(6):.


Guanidino compound ratios are associated with stroke etiology, internal carotid artery stenosis and CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc score in three cross-sectional studies
Cordts K, Grzybowski R, Lezius S, Lüneburg N, Atzler D, Neu A, Hornig S, Böger R, Gerloff C, Magnus T, Thomalla G, Schwedhelm E, Grant P, Choe C
J NEUROL SCI. 2019;397:156-161.

Association of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine and Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Cordts K, Seelig D, Lund N, Carrier L, Böger R, Avanesov M, Tahir E, Schwedhelm E, Patten M
BIOMOLECULES. 2019;9(7):.

The P2-receptor-mediated Ca2+ signalosome of the human pulmonary endothelium - implications for pulmonary arterial hypertension
Hennigs J, Lüneburg N, Stage A, Schmitz M, Körbelin J, Harbaum L, Matuszcak C, Mienert J, Bokemeyer C, Böger R, Kiefmann R, Klose H
PURINERG SIGNAL. 2019;15(3):299-311.

The protective effect of dronedarone on the structure and mechanical properties of the aorta in hypertensive rats by decreasing the concentration of symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA)
Quintana-Villamandos B, González M, Delgado-Martos M, Gutiérrez-Arzapalo P, Böger R, Lüneburg N, Muñoz D, Delgado-Baeza E
PLOS ONE. 2019;14(5):.

Dronedarone induces regression of coronary artery remodeling related to better global antioxidant status
Quintana-Villamandos B, Pazó-Sayós L, Arribas S, Rodríguez-Rodríguez P, Böger R, Lüneburg N, Delgado-Baeza E, González M
HYPERTENS RES. 2019;42(10):1485-1494.

Effect of ranolazine on plasma arginine derivatives and urinary isoprostane 8-iso-PGF2α in patients with myocardial infarction in the randomized RIMINI-Trial
Schwemer T, Deutscher N, Diermann N, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Blankenberg S, Friedrich F
SCI REP-UK. 2019;9(1):5708.

Asymmetric Dimethylarginine at Sea Level Is a Predictive Marker of Hypoxic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension at High Altitude
Siques P, Brito J, Schwedhelm E, Pena E, León-Velarde F, De La Cruz J, Böger R, Hannemann J
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2019;10:651.


Asymmetric and Symmetric Dimethylarginines are Markers of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia and Neurological Outcome in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Appel D, Seeberger M, Schwedhelm E, Czorlich P, Goetz A, Böger R, Hannemann J
NEUROCRIT CARE. 2018;29(1):84-93.

Low-Circulating Homoarginine is Associated with Dilatation and Decreased Function of the Left Ventricle in the General Population
Bahls M, Atzler D, Markus M, Friedrich N, Böger R, Völzke H, Felix S, Schwedhelm E, Dörr M
BIOMOLECULES. 2018;8(3):e63.

Relationship between exercise intervention and NO pathway in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Baldassarri F, Schwedhelm E, Atzler D, Böger R, Cordts K, Haller B, Pressler A, Müller S, Suchy C, Wachter R, Düngen H, Hasenfuss G, Pieske B, Halle M, Edelmann F, Duvinage A
BIOMARKERS. 2018;23(6):540-550.

Böger R, Schmidt G
2018. Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2018. Schwabe U, Paffrath D, Ludwig W, Klauber J (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 289-301.

Antirheumatika und Antiphlogistika
Böger R, Schmidt G
2018. Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2018. Schwabe U, Paffrath D, Ludwig W, Klauber J (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 423-434.

Long-Term Intermittent Work at High Altitude: Right Heart Functional and Morphological Status and Associated Cardiometabolic Factors
Brito J, Siques P, López R, Romero R, León-Velarde F, Flores K, Lüneburg N, Hannemann J, Böger R
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2018;9:248.

Development and implementation of a cell-based assay to discover agonists of the nuclear receptor REV-ERBα
Hering Y, Berthier A, Duez H, Lefebvre P, Deprez B, Gribbon P, Wolf M, Reinshagen J, Halley F, Hannemann J, Böger R, Staels B, Gul S
Journal of biological methods. 2018;5(3):e94.

Cross-Sectional Associations between Homoarginine, Intermediate Phenotypes, and Atrial Fibrillation in the Community-The Gutenberg Health Study
Niekamp C, Atzler D, Ojeda F, Sinning C, Lackner K, Böger R, Munzel T, Beutel M, Schmidtmann I, Pfeiffer N, Leuschner A, Blankenberg S, Wild P, Zeller T, Schwedhelm E, Schnabel R
BIOMOLECULES. 2018;8(3):E86.

Cognitive performance of 20 healthy humans supplemented with L-homoarginine for 4 weeks
Schönhoff M, Weineck G, Hoppe J, Hornig S, Cordts K, Atzler D, Gerloff C, Böger R, Neu A, Schwedhelm E, Choe C
J CLIN NEUROSCI. 2018;50:237-241.

Symmetrical (SDMA) and asymmetrical dimethylarginine (ADMA) in sepsis: high plasma levels as combined risk markers for sepsis survival
Winkler M, Nierhaus A, Rösler G, Lezius S, Harlandt O, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Kluge S
CRIT CARE. 2018;22(1):216.


Akrinor(TM), a Cafedrine/ Theodrenaline Mixture (20:1), Increases Force of Contraction of Human Atrial Myocardium But Does Not Constrict Internal Mammary Artery In Vitro
Kloth B, Pecha S, Moritz E, Schneeberger Y, Söhren K, Schwedhelm E, Reichenspurner H, Eschenhagen T, Böger R, Christ T, Stehr S
FRONT PHARMACOL. 2017;8:272.

Long-Term Intermittent Exposure to High Altitude Elevates Asymmetric Dimethylarginine in First Exposed Young Adults
Lüneburg N, Siques P, Brito J, De La Cruz J, León-Velarde F, Hannemann J, Ibanez C, Böger R
HIGH ALT MED BIOL. 2017;18(3):226-233.

Plasma Nitrate and Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality in the Community: The Framingham Offspring Study
Maas R, Xanthakis V, Göen T, Müller J, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Vasan R
J AM HEART ASSOC. 2017;6(11):.

Asymmetric dimethylarginine and symmetric dimethylarginine prospectively relates to carotid wall thickening in black men - the SABPA study
Mels C, Schutte A, Huisman H, Smith W, Kruger R, Van Rooyen J, Schwedhelm E, Atzler D, Böger R, Malan N, Malan L
AMINO ACIDS. 2017;49(11):1843-1853.

Data on subgroup specific baseline characteristics and serum sphingosine-1-phosphate concentrations in the Study of Health in Pomerania
Moritz E, Wegner D, Groß S, Bahls M, Dörr M, Felix S, Ittermann T, Oswald S, Nauck M, Friedrich N, Böger R, Daum G, Schwedhelm E, Rauch B
DATA BRIEF. 2017;12:46-50.

Reference intervals for serum sphingosine-1-phosphate in the population-based Study of Health in Pomerania
Moritz E, Wegner D, Groß S, Bahls M, Dörr M, Felix S, Ittermann T, Oswald S, Nauck M, Friedrich N, Böger R, Daum G, Schwedhelm E, Rauch B
CLIN CHIM ACTA. 2017;468:25-31.

Markers of nitric oxide are associated with sepsis severity: an observational study
Winkler M, Kluge S, Holzmann M, Moritz E, Robbe L, Bauer A, Zahrte C, Priefler M, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Goetz A, Nierhaus A, Zoellner C
CRIT CARE. 2017;21(1):189.

Higher serum asymmetric dimethylarginine is related to higher risk of heart failure in the EPIC-Potsdam study
Wirth J, Atzler D, di Giuseppe R, Cordts K, Menzel J, Böger R, Boeing H, Weikert C, Schwedhelm E
AMINO ACIDS. 2017;49(1):173-182.

Cardiomyocyte dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 (DDAH1) plays an important role in attenuating ventricular hypertrophy and dysfunction
Xu X, Zhang P, Kwak D, Fassett J, Yue W, Atzler D, Hu X, Liu X, Wang H, Lu Z, Guo H, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Chen P, Chen Y
BASIC RES CARDIOL. 2017;112(5):55.

Symmetric dimethylarginine, high-density lipoproteins and cardiovascular disease
Zewinger S, Kleber M, Rohrer L, Lehmann M, Triem S, Jennings R, Petrakis I, Dressel A, Lepper P, Scharnagl H, Ritsch A, Thorand B, Heier M, Meisinger C, de Las Heras Gala T, Koenig W, Wagenpfeil S, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Laufs U, Eckardstein A, Landmesser U, Lüscher T, Fliser D, März W, Meinitzer A, Speer T
EUR HEART J. 2017;38(20):1597-1607.


Reference intervals of plasma homoarginine from the German Gutenberg Health Study
Atzler D, Appelbaum S, Cordts K, Ojeda F, Wild P, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Böger R, Blettner M, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Zeller T, Lackner K, Schwedhelm E
CLIN CHEM LAB MED. 2016;54(7):1231-7.

Low Homoarginine Levels in the Prognosis of Patients With Acute Chest Pain
Atzler D, Baum C, Ojeda F, Keller T, Cordts K, Schnabel R, Choe C, Lackner K, Münzel T, Böger R, Blankenberg S, Schwedhelm E, Zeller T
J AM HEART ASSOC. 2016;5(4):e002565.

Homoarginine predicts mortality in treatment-naive patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
Atzler D, Cracowski J, Cordts K, Böger R, Humbert M, Schwedhelm E
INT J CARDIOL. 2016;217:12-5.

Oral supplementation with L-homoarginine in young volunteers
Atzler D, Schönhoff M, Cordts K, Ortland I, Hoppe J, Hummel F, Gerloff C, Jaehde U, Jagodzinski A, Böger R, Choe C, Schwedhelm E
BRIT J CLIN PHARMACO. 2016;82(6):1477-1485.

ADMA and arginine derivatives in relation to non-invasive vascular function in the general population
Baum C, Johannsen S, Zeller T, Atzler D, Ojeda F, Wild P, Sinning C, Lackner K, Gori T, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Blankenberg S, Münzel T, Schnabel R
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2016;244:149-56.

Acute effects of exercise on the inflammatory state in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
Harbaum L, Renk E, Yousef S, Glatzel A, Lüneburg N, Hennigs J, Oqueka T, Baumann H, Atanackovic D, Grünig E, Böger R, Bokemeyer C, Klose H
BMC PULM MED. 2016;16(1):145.

L-Arginine Derivatives Are Associated with the Hyperthyroid State in the General Population
Ittermann T, Bahls M, Atzler D, Friedrich N, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Felix S, Völzke H, Dörr M
THYROID. 2016;26(2):212-8.

Long-Term Chronic Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia in Rats Causes an Imbalance in the Asymmetric Dimethylarginine/Nitric Oxide Pathway and ROS Activity: A Possible Synergistic Mechanism for Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension?
Lüneburg N, Siques P, Brito J, Arriaza K, Pena E, Klose H, Leon-Velarde F, Böger R
Pulmonary medicine. 2016;2016:6578578.

The relationship of nitric oxide synthesis capacity, oxidative stress, and albumin-to-creatinine ratio in black and white men: the SABPA study
Mels C, Huisman H, Smith W, Schutte R, Schwedhelm E, Atzler D, Böger R, Ware L, Schutte A
AGE (DORDR). 2016;38(1):9.

Nitric oxide synthesis capacity, ambulatory blood pressure and end organ damage in a black and white Population: the SABPA study
Mels C, Loots I, Schwedhelm E, Atzler D, Böger R, Schutte A
AMINO ACIDS. 2016;48(3):801-10.

Early regression of coronary artery remodeling with esmolol and DDAH/ADMA pathway in hypertensive rats
Quintana-Villamandos B, Arnalich-Montiel A, Arribas S, Lüneburg N, Böger R, Delgado-Martos M, Fernández-Criado C, Delgado-Baeza E, González M
HYPERTENS RES. 2016;39(10):692-700.

Short-term esmolol attenuates remodeling of the thoracic aorta in hypertensive rats by decreasing concentrations of ADMA down-regulated by oxidative stress
Quintana-Villamandos B, González M, Delgado-Martos M, Condezo-Hoyos L, Böger R, Lüneburg N, Pazó-Sayós L, Gutiérrez-Arzapalo P, Delgado-Baeza E
EUR J PHARMACOL. 2016;791:502-509.

ADMA, subclinical changes and atrial fibrillation in the general population
Ramuschkat M, Appelbaum S, Atzler D, Zeller T, Bauer C, Ojeda F, Sinning C, Hoffmann B, Lackner K, Böger R, Wild P, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Schwedhelm E, Schnabel R
INT J CARDIOL. 2016;203:640-6.

Asymmetric dimethylarginine, related arginine derivatives, and incident atrial fibrillation
Schnabel R, Maas R, Wang N, Yin X, Larson M, Levy D, Ellinor P, Lubitz S, McManus D, Magnani J, Atzler D, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Vasan R, Benjamin E
AM HEART J. 2016;176:100-6.

Genome-wide association reveals that common genetic variation in the kallikrein-kinin system is associated with serum L-arginine levels
Zhang W, Jernerén F, Lehne B, Chen M, Luben R, Johnston C, Elshorbagy A, Eppinga R, Scott W, Adeyeye E, Scott J, Böger R, Khaw K, van der Harst P, Wareham N, Vasan R, Chambers J, Refsum H, Kooner J
THROMB HAEMOSTASIS. 2016;116(6):1041-1049.


L-Arginine and SDMA Serum Concentrations Are Associated with Subclinical Atherosclerosis in the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP)
Bahls M, Friedrich N, Atzler D, Felix S, Nauck M, Böger R, Völzke H, Schwedhelm E, Dörr M
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(6):Art. UNSP e0131293.

Measurement of homoarginine in human and mouse plasma by LC-MS/MS and ELISA: a comparison and a biological application
Cordts K, Atzler D, Qaderi V, Sydow K, Böger R, Choe C, Schwedhelm E
AMINO ACIDS. 2015;47(9):2015-22.

FoxO1 regulates asymmetric dimethylarginine via downregulation of dimethylaminohydrolase 1 in human endothelial cells and subjects with atherosclerosis
Menghini R, Casagrande V, Cardellini M, Ballanti M, Davato F, Cardolini I, Stoehr R, Fabrizi M, Morelli M, Anemona L, Bernges I, Schwedhelm E, Ippoliti A, Mauriello A, Böger R, Federici M
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2015;242(1):230-5.

Homoarginine supplementation improves blood glucose in diet-induced obese mice
Stockebrand M, Hornig S, Neu A, Atzler D, Cordts K, Böger R, Isbrandt D, Schwedhelm E, Choe C
AMINO ACIDS. 2015;47(9):1921-9.


Genetic and environmental determinants of dimethylarginines and association with cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes
Anderssohn M, McLachlan S, Lüneburg N, Robertson C, Schwedhelm E, Williamson R, Strachan M, Ajjan R, Grant P, Böger R, Price J
DIABETES CARE. 2014;37(3):846-854.

Homoarginine and cardiovascular outcome in the population-based Dallas Heart Study
Atzler D, Gore M, Ayers C, Choe C, Böger R, de Lemos J, McGuire D, Schwedhelm E
ARTERIOSCL THROM VAS. 2014;34(11):2501-7.

Serum reference intervals of homoarginine, ADMA, and SDMA in the Study of Health in Pomerania
Atzler D, Schwedhelm E, Nauck M, Ittermann T, Böger R, Friedrich N
CLIN CHEM LAB MED. 2014;52(12):1835-1842.

The pharmacodynamics of L-arginine
Böger R
ALTERN THER HEALTH M. 2014;20(3):48-54.

Böger R, Schmidt G
2014. Arzneiverordnungsreport 2014. Schwabe U, Paffrath D (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 301-320.

Antirheumatika und Antiphlogistika
Böger R, Schmidt G
2014. Arzneiverordnungsreport 2014. 1. Aufl. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 491-512.

Genome-Wide Association Study of L-Arginine and Dimethylarginines Reveals Novel Metabolic Pathway for Symmetric Dimethylarginine
Lüneburg N, Lieb W, Zeller T, Chen M, Maas R, Carter A, Xanthakis V, Glazer N, Schwedhelm E, Seshadri S, Ikram M, Longstreth W, Fornage M, König I, Loley C, Ojeda Echevarria F, Schillert A, Wang T, Sticht H, Kittel A, König J, Benjamin E, Sullivan L, Bernges I, Anderssohn M, Ziegler A, Gieger C, Illig T, Meisinger C, Wichmann H, Wild P, Schunkert H, Psaty B, Wiggins K, Heckbert S, Smith N, Lackner K, Lunetta K, Blankenberg S, Erdmann J, Münzel T, Grant P, Vasan R, Böger R

Incidence of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality predicted by symmetric dimethylarginine in the population-based study of health in pomerania
Schwedhelm E, Wallaschofski H, Atzler D, Dörr M, Nauck M, Völker U, Kroemer H, Völzke H, Böger R, Friedrich N
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(5):e96875.


Homoarginine--an independent marker of mortality in heart failure
Atzler D, Rosenberg M, Anderssohn M, Choe C, Lutz M, Zugck C, Böger R, Frey N, Schwedhelm E
INT J CARDIOL. 2013;168(5):4907-9.

Increased symmetrical dimethylarginine in ischemic acute kidney injury as a causative factor of renal L-arginine deficiency
Betz B, Möller-Ehrlich K, Kress T, Kniepert J, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Wanner C, Sauvant C, Schneider R
TRANSL RES. 2013;162(2):67-76.

Homoarginine levels are regulated by L-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase and affect stroke outcome: results from human and murine studies
Choe C, Atzler D, Wild P, Carter A, Böger R, Ojeda Echevarria F, Simova O, Stockebrand M, Lackner K, Nabuurs C, Marescau B, Streichert T, Müller C, Lüneburg N, De Deyn P, Benndorf R, Baldus S, Gerloff C, Blankenberg S, Heerschap A, Grant P, Magnus T, Zeller T, Isbrandt D, Schwedhelm E
CIRCULATION. 2013;128(13):1451-61.

Pharmacological characterization of 1-nitrosocyclohexyl acetate, a long-acting nitroxyl donor that shows vasorelaxant and antiaggregatory effects
Donzelli S, Fischer G, King B, Niemann C, DuMond J, Heeren J, Wieboldt H, Baldus S, Gerloff C, Eschenhagen T, Carrier L, Böger R, Espey M
J PHARMACOL EXP THER. 2013;344(2):339-47.

FXR agonist INT-747 upregulates DDAH expression and enhances insulin sensitivity in high-salt fed Dahl rats.
Ghebremariam Y, Yamada K, Lee J, Johnson C, Atzler D, Anderssohn M, Agrawal R, Higgins J, Patterson A, Böger R, Cooke J
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(4):60653.

A comparison of the association between glomerular filtration and L-arginine status in HIV-infected and uninfected African men: the SAfrEIC study.
Glyn M, Van Rooyen J, Schutte R, Huisman H, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Lüneburg N, Mels C, Schutte A
J HUM HYPERTENS. 2013;27(9):557-563.

Symmetrical dimethylarginine predicts mortality in the general Population: observations from the Dallas heart study
Gore M, Lüneburg N, Schwedhelm E, Ayers C, Anderssohn M, Khera A, Atzler D, de Lemos J, Grant P, McGuire D, Böger R
ARTERIOSCL THROM VAS. 2013;33(11):2682-8.

Asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine and risk of secondary cardiovascular disease events and mortality in patients with stable coronary heart disease: the KAROLA follow-up study.
Siegerink B, Maas R, Vossen C, Schwedhelm E, Koenig W, Böger R, Rothenbacher D, Brenner H, Breitling L
CLIN RES CARDIOL. 2013;102(3):193-202.


Severely decreased activity of placental dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase in pre-eclampsia.
Anderssohn M, Maaß L, Diemert A, Lüneburg N, Atzler D, Hecher K, Böger R
EUR J OBSTET GYN R B. 2012;161(2):152-156.

The L-Arginine-asymmetric dimethylarginine ratio is an independent predictor of mortality in dilated cardiomyopathy.
Anderssohn M, Rosenberg M, Schwedhelm E, Zugck C, Lutz M, Lüneburg N, Frey N, Böger R
J CARD FAIL. 2012;18(12):904-911.

Dimethylarginines, homocysteine metabolism, and cerebrospinal fluid markers for Alzheimer's disease.
Arlt S, Schwedhelm E, Kölsch H, Jahn H, Linnebank M, Smulders Y, Jessen F, Böger R, Popp J
J ALZHEIMERS DIS. 2012;31(4):751-758.

Impact of AT2 receptor deficiency on postnatal cardiovascular development.
Biermann D, Heilmann A, Didié M, Schlossarek S, Wahab A, Grimm M, Römer M, Reichenspurner H, Sultan K, Steenpass A, Ergün S, Donzelli S, Carrier L, Ehmke H, Zimmermann W, Hein L, Böger R, Benndorf R
PLOS ONE. 2012;7(10):47916.

Böger R, Schmidt G
2012. Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2012. Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 263-280.

Antirheumatika und Antiphlogistika
Böger R, Schmidt G
2012. Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2012. Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 447-469.

Ethnicity-specific differences in L-arginine status in South African men.
Glyn M, Anderssohn M, Lüneburg N, Van Rooyen J, Schutte R, Huisman H, Fourie C, Smith W, Malan L, Malan N, Mels C, Böger R, Schutte A
J HUM HYPERTENS. 2012;26(12):737-743.

Symmetric dimethylarginine is a marker of detrimental outcome in the acute phase after ischaemic stroke: role of renal function.
Lüneburg N, von Holten R, Töpper R, Schwedhelm E, Maas R, Böger R
CLIN SCI. 2012;122(3):105-111.

Myeloperoxidase deficiency preserves vasomotor function in humans.
Rudolph T, Wipper S, Reiter B, Rudolph V, Coym A, Detter C, Lau D, Klinke A, Friedrichs K, Rau T, Pekarova M, Russ D, Knöll K, Stubendorff M, Schroeder B, Wegscheider K, Andresen H, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Ehmke H, Baldus S
EUR HEART J. 2012;33(13):1625-1634.

Microbiological analysis of a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial comparing moxifloxacin and clindamycin in the treatment of odontogenic infiltrates and abscesses.
Sobottka I, Wegscheider K, Balzer O, Böger R, Hallier O, Giersdorf I, Streichert T, Haddad M, Platzer U, Cachovan G
ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH. 2012;56(5):2565-2569.

Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase1 is an organ-specific mediator of end organ damage in a murine model of hypertension.
Sydow K, Schmitz C, von Leitner E, von Leitner R, Klinke A, Atzler D, Krebs C, Wieboldt H, Ehmke H, Schwedhelm E, Meinertz T, Blankenberg S, Böger R, Magnus T, Baldus S, Wenzel U
PLOS ONE. 2012;7(10):48150.


Stable isotope dilution assay for liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric determination of L-homoarginine in human plasma.
Atzler D, Mieth M, Maas R, Böger R, Schwedhelm E
J CHROMATOGR B. 2011;879(23):2294-2298.

The transhepatic endotoxin gradient is present despite liver cirrhosis and is attenuated after transjugular portosystemic shunt (TIPS).
Benten D, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Sydow K, Koops A, Buggisch P, Böger R, Gaydos C, Won H, Franco V, Lohse A, Ray S, Balagopal A

Asymmetric dimethylarginine as an independent risk marker for mortality in ambulatory patients with peripheral arterial disease.
Böger R, Endres H, Schwedhelm E, Darius H, Atzler D, Lüneburg N, von Stritzky B, Maas R, Thiem U, Benndorf R, Diehm C
J INTERN MED. 2011;269(3):349-361.

Comparative efficacy and safety of moxifloxacin and clindamycin in the treatment of odontogenic abscesses and inflammatory infiltrates: a phase II, double-blind, randomized trial.
Cachovan G, Böger R, Giersdorf I, Hallier O, Streichert T, Haddad M, Platzer U, Schön G, Wegscheider K, Sobottka I
ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH. 2011;55(3):1142-1147.

A survey on clinical study participation and study infrastructure at non-university hospitals in Germany.
Heese O, Böger R, Westphal M
INT J CLIN PHARM TH. 2011;49(9):531-535.

Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 is the critical enzyme for degrading the cardiovascular risk factor asymmetrical dimethylarginine.
Hu X, Atzler D, Xu X, Zhang P, Guo H, Lu Z, Fassett J, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Bache R, Chen Y
ARTERIOSCL THROM VAS. 2011;31(7):1540-1546.

Reference intervals for plasma L-arginine and the L-arginine:asymmetric dimethylarginine ratio in the Framingham Offspring Cohort.
Lüneburg N, Xanthakis V, Schwedhelm E, Sullivan L, Maas R, Anderssohn M, Riederer U, Glazer N, Vasan R, Böger R
J NUTR. 2011;141(12):2186-2190.

CLA does not impair endothelial function and decreases body weight as compared with safflower oil in overweight and obese male subjects.
Pfeuffer M, Fielitz K, Laue C, Winkler P, Rubin D, Helwig U, Giller K, Kammann J, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Bub A, Bell D, Schrezenmeir J
J AM COLL NUTR. 2011;30(1):19-28.

The role of asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginines in renal disease.
Schwedhelm E, Böger R
NAT REV NEPHROL. 2011;7(5):275-285.

Plasma symmetric dimethylarginine reference limits from the Framingham offspring cohort.
Schwedhelm E, Xanthakis V, Maas R, Sullivan L, Atzler D, Lüneburg N, Glazer N, Riederer U, Vasan R, Böger R
CLIN CHEM LAB MED. 2011;49(11):1907-1910.

Inflammation and asymmetric dimethylarginine for predicting death and cardiovascular events in ESRD patients.
Tripepi G, Francesco M, Sijbrands E, Seck M, Maas R, Böger R, Witteman J, Rapisarda F, Malatino L, Mallamaci F, Zoccali C
CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO. 2011;6(7):1714-1721.

Pathogenic cycle between the endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor asymmetrical dimethylarginine and the leukocyte-derived hemoprotein myeloperoxidase.
von Leitner E, Klinke A, Atzler D, Slocum J, Lund N, Kielstein J, Maas R, Schmidt-Haupt R, Pekarova M, Hellwinkel O, Tsikas D, D'Alecy L, Lau D, Willems S, Kubala L, Ehmke H, Meinertz T, Blankenberg S, Schwedhelm E, Gadegbeku C, Böger R, Baldus S, Sydow K
CIRCULATION. 2011;124(24):2735-2745.


Asymmetric dimethylarginine as a mediator of vascular dysfunction and a marker of cardiovascular disease and mortality: an intriguing interaction with diabetes mellitus.
Anderssohn M, Schwedhelm E, Lüneburg N, Vasan R, Böger R
DIABETES VASC DIS RE. 2010;7(2):105-118.

The role of nitric oxide synthase inhibition by asymmetric dimethylarginine in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia.
Böger R, Diemert A, Schwedhelm E, Lüneburg N, Maas R, Hecher K
GYNECOL OBSTET INVES. 2010;69(1):1-13.

The new HNO donor, 1-nitrosocyclohexyl acetate, increases contractile force in normal and β-adrenergically desensitized ventricular myocytes
El-Armouche A, Wahab A, Wittköpper K, Schulze T, Böttcher F, Pohlmann L, King S, DuMond J, Gerloff C, Böger R, Eschenhagen T, Carrier L, Donzelli S
BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO. 2010;402(2):340-344.

Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase overexpression ameliorates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice by lowering asymmetric dimethylarginine.
Jacobi J, Maas R, Cardounel A, Arend M, Pope A, Cordasic N, Heusinger-Ribeiro J, Atzler D, Strobel J, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Hilgers K
AM J PATHOL. 2010;176(5):2559-2570.

Myeloperoxidase acts as a profibrotic mediator of atrial fibrillation.
Rudolph V, Andrié R, Rudolph T, Friedrichs K, Klinke A, Hirsch-Hoffmann B, Schwoerer A, Lau D, Fu X, Klingel K, Sydow K, Didié M, Seniuk A, von Leitner E, Szöcs K, Schrickel J, Treede H, Wenzel U, Lewalter T, Nickenig G, Zimmermann W, Meinertz T, Böger R, Reichenspurner H, Freeman B, Eschenhagen T, Ehmke H, Hazen S, Willems S, Baldus S
NAT MED. 2010;16(4):470-474.

Symmetric dimethylarginine predicts all-cause mortality following ischemic stroke.
Schulze F, Carter A, Schwedhelm E, Ajjan R, Maas R, von Holten R, Atzler D, Grant P, Böger R
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2010;208(2):518-523.

Dimethylarginines: their vascular and metabolic roles in Africans and Caucasians.
Schutte A, Schutte R, Huisman H, Johannes V, Fourie C, Malan L, Malan N, Schwedhelm E, Strimbeanu S, Anderssohn M, Böger R
EUR J ENDOCRINOL. 2010;162(3):525-533.

Redox-generated isoprostanes are associated with residual platelet activity in aspirin-treated patients with stable coronary heart disease.
Schwedhelm E, Bierend A, Maas R, Trinks R, Kom G, Tsikas D, Böger R
J THROMB HAEMOST. 2010;8(12):2662-2670.

Rapid effect of single-dose rosiglitazone treatment on endothelial function in healthy men with normal glucose tolerance: data from a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study.
Walcher T, Walcher D, Hetzel J, Mielke C, Rau M, Rittig K, Balletshofer B, Schwedhelm E, Hombach V, Böger R, Koenig W, Marx N
DIABETES VASC DIS RE. 2010;7(3):178-185.

Interaction of angiotensin receptor type 1 blockers with ATP-binding cassette transporters.
Weiss J, Sauer A, Divac N, Herzog M, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Haefeli W, Benndorf R
BIOPHARM DRUG DISPOS. 2010;31(2-3):150-161.


Angiotensin II type 2 receptor deficiency aggravates renal injury and reduces survival in chronic kidney disease in mice.
Benndorf R, Krebs C, Hirsch-Hoffmann B, Schwedhelm E, Cieslar G, Schmidt-Haupt R, Steinmetz O, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Thaiss F, Haddad M, Fehr S, Heilmann A, Helmchen U, Hein L, Ehmke H, Stahl R, Böger R, Wenzel U
KIDNEY INT. 2009;75(10):1039-1049.

Renal resistance index in renal allograft recipients: a role for ADMA.
Bergmann I, Böger R, Marti E, Frey F, Schwedhelm E, Eisenberger U

Asymmetric dimethylarginine: Understanding the physiology, genetics, and clinical relevance of this novel biomarker Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on ADMA.
Böger R
PHARMACOL RES. 2009;60(6):447.

Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) as a prospective marker of cardiovascular disease and mortality-An update on patient populations with a wide range of cardiovascular risk.
Böger R, Maas R, Schulze F, Schwedhelm E
PHARMACOL RES. 2009;60(6):481-487.

Plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine and incidence of cardiovascular disease and death in the community.
Böger R, Sullivan Lisa M, Schwedhelm E, Wang T, Maas R, Benjamin E, Schulze F, Xanthakis V, Benndorf R, Vasan R
CIRCULATION. 2009;119(12):1592-1600.

Urinary excretion of biomarkers of oxidatively damaged DNA and RNA in hereditary hemochromatosis.
Broedbaek K, Poulsen H, Weimann A, Kom G, Schwedhelm E, Nielsen P, Böger R
FREE RADICAL BIO MED. 2009;47(8):1230-1233.

HNO exacerbates ischemic cerebral injury and oxidative neurotoxicity.
Choe C, Lewerenz J, Fischer G, Uliasz T, Espey M, Hummel F, Bruce King S, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Gerloff C, Hewett S, Magnus T, Donzelli S

Nitroxyl exacerbates ischemic cerebral injury and oxidative neurotoxicity
Choe C, Lewerenz J, Fischer G, Uliasz T, Espey M, Hummel F, King S, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Gerloff C, Hewett S, Magnus T, Donzelli S
J NEUROCHEM. 2009;110(6):1766-73.

Vascular endothelial-specific dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1-deficient mice reveal that vascular endothelium plays an important role in removing asymmetric dimethylarginine.
Hu X, Xu X, Zhu G, Atzler D, Kimoto M, Chen J, Schwedhelm E, Lüneburg N, Böger R, Zhang P, Chen Y
CIRCULATION. 2009;120(22):2222-2229.

Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 transgenic mice are not protected from ischemic stroke.
Leypoldt F, Choe C, Gelderblom M, von Leitner E, Atzler D, Schwedhelm E, Gerloff C, Sydow K, Böger R, Magnus T
PLOS ONE. 2009;4(10):7337.

Plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine, L-arginine and left ventricular structure and function in a community-based sample.
Lieb W, Benndorf R, Benjamin E, Sullivan Lisa M, Maas R, Xanthakis V, Schwedhelm E, Aragam J, Schulze F, Böger R, Vasan R
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2009;204(1):282-287.

ADMA and the role of the genes: Lessons from genetically modified animals and human gene polymorphisms.
Maas R, Böger R, Lüneburg N
PHARMACOL RES. 2009;60(6):475-480.

Polymorphisms in the promoter region of the dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 gene are associated with prevalence of hypertension.
Maas R, Erdmann J, Lüneburg N, Stritzke J, Schwedhelm E, Meisinger C, Peters A, Weil J, Schunkert H, Böger R, Lieb W
PHARMACOL RES. 2009;60(6):488-493.

Association of the Endogenous Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor ADMA With Carotid Artery Intimal Media Thickness in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort.
Maas R, Xanthakis V, Polak J, Schwedhelm E, Sullivan Lisa M, Benndorf R, Schulze F, Vasan R, Wolf P, Böger R, Seshadri S
STROKE. 2009;40(8):2715-2719.

Flow-mediated dilation in patients with coronary artery disease is enhanced by high dose atorvastatin compared to combined low dose atorvastatin and ezetimibe: results of the CEZAR study.
Ostad M, Eggeling S, Tschentscher P, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Wenzel P, Meinertz T, Munzel T, Warnholtz A
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2009;205(1):227-232.

Association of plasma ADMA levels with MRI markers of vascular brain injury: Framingham offspring study.
Pikula A, Böger R, Beiser A, Maas R, DeCarli C, Schwedhelm E, Himali J, Schulze F, Au R, Kelly-Hayes M, Kase C, Vasan R, Wolf P, Seshadri S
STROKE. 2009;40(9):2959-2964.

Ethnic-specific correlations of visfatin with circulating markers of endothelial inflammation and function.
Reimann M, Ziemssen T, Huisman H, Schutte R, Malan L, Rooyen V, Böger R, Böger R, Malan N, Schutte A
OBESITY. 2009;17(12):2210-2215.

A myeloperoxidase promoter polymorphism is independently associated with mortality in patients with impaired left ventricular function.
Rudolph V, Rudolph T, Kubala L, Clauberg N, Maas R, Pekarova M, Klinke A, Lau D, Szöcs K, Meinertz T, Böger R, Baldus S
FREE RADICAL BIO MED. 2009;47(11):1584-1590.

L-Arginine enhances the triglyceride-lowering effect of simvastatin in patients with elevated plasma triglycerides.
Schulze F, Glos S, Petruschka D, Altenburg C, Maas R, Benndorf R, Schwedhelm E, Beil U, Böger R
NUTR RES. 2009;29(5):291-297.

Asymmetric dimethylarginine predicts outcome and time of stay in hospital in patients attending an internal medicine emergency room.
Schulze F, Vollert J, Maas R, Müller R, Schwedhelm E, Müller C, Böger R, Möckel M
CLIN CHIM ACTA. 2009;401(1-2):20-24.

Extensive characterization of the human DDAH1 transgenic mice.
Schwedhelm E, von Leitner E, Atzler D, Schmitz C, Jacobi J, Meinertz T, Münzel T, Baldus S, Cooke J, Böger R, Maas R, Sydow K
PHARMACOL RES. 2009;60(6):494-502.

Asymmetric dimethylarginine reference intervals determined with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: results from the Framingham offspring cohort.
Schwedhelm E, Xanthakis V, Maas R, Sullivan Lisa M, Schulze F, Riederer U, Benndorf R, Böger R, Vasan R
CLIN CHEM. 2009.

A study of endothelial function and circulating asymmetric dimethylarginine levels in people with Type 1 diabetes without macrovascular disease or microalbuminuria.
Sibal L, Agarwal S, Schwedhelm E, Lüneburg N, Böger R, Home P

Interaction of thiazolidinediones (glitazones) with the ATP-binding cassette transporters P-glycoprotein and breast cancer resistance protein.
Weiss J, Sauer A, Herzog M, Böger R, Haefeli W, Benndorf R
PHARMACOLOGY. 2009;84(5):264-270.


Asymmetrical dimethylarginine is increased in plasma and decreased in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Arlt S, Schulze F, Eichenlaub M, Maas R, Lehmbeck J, Schwedhelm E, Jahn H, Böger R
DEMENT GERIATR COGN. 2008;26(1):58-64.

Pleiotropic effects of telmisartan: still more to come?
Benndorf R, Böger R
J HYPERTENS. 2008;26(5):854-856.

P2Y12 polymorphisms and antiplatelet effects of aspirin in patients with coronary artery disease.
Bierend A, Rau T, Maas R, Schwedhelm E, Böger R
BRIT J CLIN PHARMACO. 2008;65(4):540-547.

L-Arginine therapy in cardiovascular pathologies: beneficial or dangerous?
Böger R
CURR OPIN CLIN NUTR. 2008;11(1):55-61.

Introducing the first polymer-free leflunomide eluting stent.
Deuse T, Erben R, Ikeno F, Behnisch B, Böger R, Connolly A, Reichenspurner H, Bergow C, Pelletier M, Robbins R, Schrepfer S
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2008;200(1):126-134.

Antiproteinuric effects of angiotensin receptor blockers: telmisartan versus valsartan in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and overt nephropathy.
Galle J, Schwedhelm E, Pinnetti S, Böger R, Wanner C
NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL. 2008;23(10):3174-3183.

Role of asymmetric dimethylarginine for angiotensin II-induced target organ damage in mice.
Jacobi J, Maas R, Cordasic N, Koch K, Schmieder R, Böger R, Hilgers K
AM J PHYSIOL-HEART C. 2008;294(2):1058-1066.

Simultaneous assessment of endothelial function, nitric oxide synthase activity, nitric oxide-mediated signaling, and oxidative stress in individuals with and without hypercholesterolemia.
Maas R, Schwedhelm E, Kahl L, Li H, Benndorf R, Lüneburg N, Förstermann U, Böger R
CLIN CHEM. 2008;54(2):292-300.

Opioids and the management of chronic severe pain in the elderly: consensus statement of an International Expert Panel with focus on the six clinically most often used World Health Organization Step III opioids (buprenorphine, fentanyl, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone).
Pergolizzi J, Böger R, Budd K, Dahan A, Erdine S, Hans G, Kress H, Langford R, Likar R, Raffa R, Sacerdote P
PAIN PRACT. 2008;8(4):287-313.

Effects of moderate hyperhomocysteinaemia induced by 4 weeks methionine-enriched diet on metabolite profile and mesenteric artery function in rats.
Pexa A, Böger R, Henle T, Schwedhelm E, Deussen A
BRIT J NUTR. 2008;99(5):993-999.

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of oral L-citrulline and L-arginine: impact on nitric oxide metabolism.
Schwedhelm E, Maas R, Freese R, Jung D, Lukacs Z, Jambrecina A, Spickler W, Schulze F, Böger R
BRIT J CLIN PHARMACO. 2008;65(1):51-59.


Pharmacokinetics of oral doses of telmisartan and nisoldipine, given alone and in combination, in patients with essential hypertension.
Bajcetic M, Benndorf R, Appel D, Schwedhelm E, Schulze F, Riekhof D, Maas R, Böger R
J CLIN PHARMACOL. 2007;47(3):295-304.

Telmisartan improves endothelial function in patients with essential hypertension.
Benndorf R, Appel D, Maas R, Schwedhelm E, Wenzel U, Böger R
J CARDIOVASC PHARM. 2007;50(4):367-371.

Mobilization of putative high-proliferative-potential endothelial colony-forming cells during antihypertensive treatment in patients with essential hypertension.
Benndorf R, Gehling U, Appel D, Maas R, Schwedhelm E, Schlagner K, Silberhorn E, Hossfeld D, Rogiers X, Böger R
STEM CELLS DEV. 2007;16(2):329-338.

Asymmetric dimethylarginine determines the improvement of endothelium-dependent vasodilation by simvastatin: Effect of combination with oral L-arginine.
Böger G, Rudolph T, Maas R, Schwedhelm E, Dumbadze E, Bierend A, Benndorf R, Böger R
J AM COLL CARDIOL. 2007;49(23):2274-2282.

The pharmacodynamics of L-arginine.
Böger R
J NUTR. 2007;137(6 Suppl 2):.

Plasma concentrations of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in metabolic syndrome.
Garcia R, Perez M, Maas R, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, López-Jaramillo P
INT J CARDIOL. 2007;122(2):176-178.

Impact of atorvastatin treatment on platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase and 15-F(2trans)-isoprostane in hypercholesterolaemic patients.
Kom G, Schwedhelm E, Maas R, Schneider L, Benndorf R, Böger R
BRIT J CLIN PHARMACO. 2007;63(6):672-679.

Elevated plasma concentrations of the endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor asymmetric dimethylarginine predict adverse events in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery.
Maas R, Dentz L, Schwedhelm E, Thoms W, Kuß O, Hiltmeyer N, Haddad M, Klöss T, Standl T, Böger R
CRIT CARE MED. 2007;35(8):1876-1881.

Asymmetrical dimethylarginine (ADMA) and coronary endothelial function in patients with coronary artery disease and mild hypercholesterolemia.
Maas R, Quitzau K, Schwedhelm E, Spieker L, Rafflenbeul W, Steenpass A, Lüscher T, Böger R
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2007;191(1):211-219.

Asymmetric dimethylarginine, smoking, and risk of coronary heart disease in apparently healthy men: prospective analysis from the population-based Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease/Kooperative Gesundheitsforschung in der Region Augsburg study and experimental data.
Maas R, Schulze F, Baumert J, Löwel H, Hamraz K, Schwedhelm E, Koenig W, Böger R
CLIN CHEM. 2007;53(4):693-701.

A stable-isotope based technique for the determination of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH) activity in mouse tissue.
Maas R, Tan-Andreesen J, Schwedhelm E, Schulze F, Böger R
J CHROMATOGR B. 2007;851(1-2):220-228.

Asymmetric dimethylarginine is associated with parameters of glucose metabolism in Caucasian but not in African women from South Africa.
Reimann M, Schutte A, Malan N, Schwarz P, Benndorf R, Schulze F, Böger R
EXP CLIN ENDOCR DIAB. 2007;115(9):600-605.

Acute effects of various fast-food meals on vascular function and cardiovascular disease risk markers: the Hamburg Burger Trial.
Rudolph T, Ruempler K, Schwedhelm E, Tan-Andresen J, Riederer U, Böger R, Maas R
AM J CLIN NUTR. 2007;86(2):334-340.

Inhibition of restenosis development after mechanical injury: a new field of application for malononitrilamides?
Schrepfer S, Deuse T, Sultan K, Haddad M, Böger R, Münzel T, Schäfer H, Pelletier M, Robbins R, Reichenspurner H
CARDIOLOGY. 2007;108(2):128-137.

High-throughput liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric determination of arginine and dimethylated arginine derivatives in human and mouse plasma.
Schwedhelm E, Maas R, Tan-Andresen J, Schulze F, Riederer U, Böger R
J CHROMATOGR B. 2007;851(1-2):211-219.

Mechanisms of disease: L-arginine in coronary atherosclerosis--a clinical perspective.
Tousoulis D, Böger R, Antoniades C, Siasos G, Stefanadi E, Stefanadis C
NAT CLIN PRACT CARD. 2007;4(5):274-283.

AT1-receptor blockade with irbesartan improves peripheral but not coronary endothelial dysfunction in patients with stable coronary artery disease.
Warnholtz A, Ostad M, Heitzer T, Thuneke F, Fröhlich M, Tschentscher P, Schwedhelm E, Böger R, Meinertz T, Munzel T
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2007;194(2):439-445.

Arterial wave reflections and determinants of endothelial function a hypothesis based on peripheral mode of action.
Weber T, Maas R, Auer J, Lamm G, Lassnig E, Rammer M, O'Rourke M, Böger R, Eber B
AM J HYPERTENS. 2007;20(3):256-262.

Asymmetric dimethyl-arginine (ADMA) response to inflammation in acute infections.
Zoccali C, Maas R, Cutrupi S, Pizzini P, Finocchiaro P, Cambareri F, Panuccio V, Martorano C, Schulze F, Enia G, Tripepi G, Böger R
NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL. 2007;22(3):801-806.

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