- Fachärztin für Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Infektionsepidemiologie
Hepatitis und HIV
BCMA x CD3 T-cell engager in a patient with penta-refractory multiple myeloma and HIV: a clinical and immunological report
Cords L, Schaefers C, Kamili A, Hoffmann C, Cichutek S, Haag F, Polywka S, Bokemeyer C, Leypoldt L, Alsdorf W, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Weisel K
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2024;109(9):3071-3077.
Proof of infectivity of hepatitis E virus particles from the ejaculate of chronically infected patients
Schemmerer M, Bock H, Schattenberg J, Huber S, Polywka S, Mader M, Lohse A, Todt D, Steinmann E, Wenzel J, Horvatits T, Pischke S
J MED VIROL. 2024;96(6):.
Clinical features of hepatitis E infections in patients with hematologic disorders
Ghandili S, Lindhauer C, Pischke S, Zur Wiesch J, Von Kroge P, Polywka S, Bokemeyer C, Fiedler W, Kröger N, Ayuk F, Adjallé R, Modemann F
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2022;107(12):2870-2883.
Lower Levels of Transaminases but Higher Levels of Serum Creatinine in Patients with Acute Hepatitis E in Comparison to Patients with Hepatitis A
Brehm T, Mazaheri O, Horvatits T, Lütgehetmann M, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Lohse A, Polywka S, Pischke S
PATHOGENS. 2021;10(1):60.
Hepatitis delta virus propagation enabled by hepatitis C virus - scientifically intriguing; but is it relevant to clinical practice?
Pflüger L, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Polywka S, Lütgehetmann M
J VIRAL HEPATITIS. 2021;28(1):213-216.
Significance of Anti-Nuclear Antibodies and Cryoglobulins in Patients with Acute and Chronic HEV Infection
Horvatits T, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Polywka S, Buescher G, Lütgehetmann M, Hussey E, Horvatits K, Peine S, Haag F, Addo M, Lohse A, Weiler-Normann C, Pischke S
PATHOGENS. 2020;9(9):.
Further characterization of bovine hepacivirus: Antibody response, course of infection, and host tropism
Baechlein C, Baron A, Meyer D, Gorriz-Martin L, Pfankuche V, Baumgärtner W, Polywka S, Peine S, Fischer N, Rehage J, Becher P
TRANSBOUND EMERG DIS. 2019;66(1):195-206.
Was tun nach dem Stich? Verletzungen mit Infektionsrisiko
Stranzinger J, Wunderle W, Nienhaus A, Kaiser B, Steinmann J, Polywka S
Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 2019;116(14):690-92.
Course of HEV viremia and anti-HEV IgM/IgG response in asymptomatic blood donors
Kraef C, Schlein C, Hiller J, Westhölter D, Denzer U, Horvatits T, Peine S, Lohse A, Lütgehetmann M, Polywka S, Pischke S
J CLIN VIROL. 2018;105:26-30.
Konsenspapier zur Nachsorge von Stich- und Schnittverletzungen mit infektiösem Material
Stranzinger J, Wunderle W, Dulon M, Nienhaus A, Kaiser B, Steinmann J, Jung S, Polywka S
2018. RiRe - Risiken und Ressourcen in Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege. Nienhaus A (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Landsberg am Lech: 59-78.
Konsenspapier zur Nachsorge von Stich- und Schnittverletzungen mit infektiösem Material – Gemeinsame Empfehlungen der Unfallkassen Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Nord, Nordrhein-Westfalen und der Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege
Stranzinger J, Wunderle W, Dulon M, Nienhaus A, Kaiser B, Steinmann J, Jung S, Polywka S
Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed. 2018;53(4):248-255.
HEV-positive blood donations represent a relevant infection risk for immunosuppressed recipients
Westhölter D, Hiller J, Denzer U, Polywka S, Ayuk F, Rybczynski M, Horvatits T, Gundlach S, Blöcker J, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Fischer N, Addo M, Peine S, Göke B, Lohse A, Lütgehetmann M, Pischke S
J HEPATOL. 2018;69(1):36-42.
Autoantibodies against "rods and rings"-related IMPDH2 in hepatitis C genotype 1 and DAA therapy in a "real life" cohort
Dammermann W, Polywka S, Dettmann I, Mindorf S, Komorowski L, Wehmeyer M, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Stöcker W, Lüth S
MED MICROBIOL IMMUN. 2017;206(5):379-382.
High clinical manifestation rate in an imported outbreak of hepatitis E genotype 1 infection in a German group of travellers returning from India
Pischke S, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Lütgehetmann M, Kreuels B, Lüth S, Kapaun P, Benten D, Schmiedel S, Sterneck M, Lohse A, Polywka S
ANN HEPATOL. 2017;16(1):57-62.
Human liver chimeric mice as a new model of chronic hepatitis E virus infection and preclinical drug evaluation
Allweiss L, Gass S, Giersch K, Groth A, Kah J, Volz T, Rapp G, Schöbel A, Lohse A, Polywka S, Pischke S, Herker E, Dandri-Petersen M, Lütgehetmann M
J HEPATOL. 2016;64(5):1033-1040.
Efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir/ledipasvir for the treatment of patients with hepatitis C virus re-infection after liver transplantation
Ciesek S, Proske V, Otto B, Pischke S, Costa R, Lütgehetmann M, Polywka S, Klempnauer J, Nashan B, Manns M, von Hahn T, Lohse A, Wedemeyer H, Mix H, Sterneck M
TRANSPL INFECT DIS. 2016;18(3):326-32.
Persisting hepatitis E virus infection leading to liver cirrhosis despite recovery of the immune system in an HIV-infected patient
Ingiliz P, Mayr C, Obermeier M, Herbst H, Polywka S, Pischke S
CLIN RES HEPATOL GAS. 2016;40(3):e23-5.
Blood-borne Hepatitis E Virus Transmission: A Relevant Risk for Immunosuppressed Patients
Pischke S, Hiller J, Lütgehetmann M, Polywka S, Rybczynski M, Ayuketang F, Lohse A
CLIN INFECT DIS. 2016;63(4):569-570.
Course of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA and HCV core antigen testing are predictors for reaching sustained virologic response in liver transplant recipients undergoing sofosbuvir treatment in a real-life setting
Pischke S, Polywka S, Proske V, Lang M, Jordan S, Nashan B, Lohse A, Sterneck M
TRANSPL INFECT DIS. 2016;18:141-145.
Breadth of the HCV-specific CD4+ T-cell response in spontaneous resolvers is independent of the IL-28 haplotype
Scheurich C, Schulze Zur Wiesch J, Kim A, Lewis-Ximenez L, Meyer T, Polywka S, Chung R, Lauer G
J VIRAL HEPATITIS. 2016;23(10):831-2.
Relevance of chronic hepatitis E in liver transplant recipients: a real-life setting
Galante A, Pischke S, Polywka S, Lütgehetmann M, Suneetha P, Gisa A, Hiller J, Dienes H, Nashan B, Lohse A, Sterneck M
TRANSPL INFECT DIS. 2015;17(4):617-22.
Comparison of autochthonous and imported cases of hepatitis A or hepatitis E
Hartl J, Kreuels B, Polywka S, Addo M, Lütgehetmann M, Dandri-Petersen M, Dammermann W, Sterneck M, Lohse A, Pischke S
Z GASTROENTEROL. 2015;53(7):639-643.
Definition of Chronic Hepatitis E after Liver Transplantation Conforms to Convention
Meisner S, Polywka S, Memmler M, Nashan B, Lohse A, Sterneck M, Pischke S
AM J TRANSPLANT. 2015;15(11):3011-3012.
Association of hepatitis E virus and essential cryoglobulinemia?
Pischke S, Polywka S, Haag F, Iking-Konert C, Sterneck M, Lütgehetmann M, Dammermann W, Lüth S, Schirmer J
J CLIN VIROL. 2015;67:23-24.
Persistent hepatitis D virus mono-infection in humanized mice is efficiently converted by hepatitis B virus to a productive co-infection
Giersch K, Helbig M, Volz T, Allweiss L, Mancke L, Lohse A, Polywka S, Pollok J, Petersen J, Taylor J, Dandri M, Lütgehetmann M
J HEPATOL. 2014;60(3):538-44.
Is rapid hepatitis C virus testing from corpses a screening option for index persons who have died after mass-casualty incidents in high-prevalence settings in the field?
Hagen R, Wulff B, Loderstaedt U, Fengler I, Frickmann H, Schwarz N, Polywka S
J ROY ARMY MED CORPS. 2014;160(3):226-31.
Improved Detection of Bacterial Central Nervous System Infections by Use of a Broad-Range PCR Assay
Meyer T, Franke G, Polywka S, Lütgehetmann M, Gbadamosi J, Magnus T, Aepfelbacher M
J CLIN MICROBIOL. 2014;52(5):1751-3.
New foe treated with old guns - supportive role of steroids in the treatment of acute severe hepatitis E
Sebode M, Pischke S, Lütgehetmann M, Polywka S, Quaas A, Lohse A, Wege H
BMC GASTROENTEROL. 2014;14(191):.
From IEDs to AIDS? Detection of HIV in human corpses by rapid screening tests after suspected intentional transmission in terrorist attacks
Frickmann H, Wulff B, Loderstædt U, Hagen R, Sturm D, Polywka S
J ROY ARMY MED CORPS. 2013;159(4):278-82.
Viral hepatitis in alcohol-dependent inpatients: prevalence, risk factors, and treatment uptake
Schmidt C, Schön D, Schulte B, Lüth S, Polywka S, Reimer J
J ADDICT MED. 2013;7(6):417-21.
Virus NAT for HIV, HBV, and HCV in Post-Mortal Blood Specimens over 48 h after Death of Infected Patients - First Results.
Meyer T, Polywka S, Wulff B, Edler C, Schröder A, Wilkemeyer I, Kalus U, Pruss A
TRANSFUS MED HEMOTH. 2012;39(6):376-380.
A prospective time-course study on serological testing for human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus with blood samples taken up to 48 h after death.
Edler C, Wulff B, Schröder A, Wilkemeyer I, Polywka S, Meyer T, Kalus U, Pruss A
J MED MICROBIOL. 2011;60(Pt 7):920-926.
Accuracy of HCV-RNA PCR tests for diagnosis or exclusion of vertically acquired HCV infection.
Polywka S, Pembrey L, Tovo P, Newell M
J MED VIROL. 2006;78(2):305-310.
Adoptive transfer of donor-derived immunity by liver transplantation: a potential avenue to prevent hepatitis B virus reinfection
Dahmen U, Dirsch O, Gu Y, Polywka S, Doebel L, Shen K, Broelsch C
J VIRAL HEPATITIS. 2003;10(1):31-6.
The efficiency of humoral immune transfer depends on both the graft and the immunosuppressive treatment
Dahmen U, Li J, Gu Y, Doebel L, Fan L, Polywka S, Dirsch O, Broelsch C
TRANSPL INT. 2003;16(3):161-7.
Adoptive transfer of HBV immunity by kidney transplantation and the effect of postoperative vaccination
Dahmen U, Gu Y, Dirsch O, Li J, Polywka S, Doebel L, Shen K, Broelsch C
ANTIVIR RES. 2002;56(1):29-37.
Prolonged suppression of humoral immune response after organ transplantation
Gu Y, Dahmen U, Dirsch O, Polywka S, Broelsch C
EUR SURG RES. 2002;34(3):260-5.
The potential role of bone marrow transplantation in augmenting donor-derived immunity to hepatitis B after rat liver transplantation: javascript:void(0);
Li J, Dahmen U, Dirsch O, Gu Y, Polywka S, Fiedler M, Doebel L, Roggendorf M, Broelsch C
LIVER TRANSPLANT. 2002;8(4):397-404.
Influence of CsA treatment on adoptive transfer of immunity after allogeneic kidney transplantation in rats
Gu Y, Dahmen U, Doebel L, Dirsch O, Polywka S, Broelsch C
TRANSPL P. 2001;33(1-2):398-400.
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