- Arbeitsgruppenleiter
- Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie
- Zusatzweiterbildung Spezielle Internistische Intensivmedizin
Allgemeine Intensivmedizin
Extrakorporale Therapien
Organinteraktionen und Multiorganversagen
Impact of acute respiratory distress syndrome on outcome in critically ill patients with liver cirrhosis
Tariparast P, Roedl K, Horvatits T, Drolz A, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
SCI REP-UK. 2025;15(1):4301.
Handlungsalgorithmus: Obere gastrointestinale Blutung
Fuhrmann V, Braun G
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2024;119(8):662-664.
Einsatz von spezifischen Antidots bei DOAK-assoziierter schwerer gastrointestinaler Blutung – ein Expertenkonsensus: DOAK-Antagonisierung bei gastrointestinaler Blutung
Fuhrmann V, Koscielny J, Vasilakis T, Andus T, Herber A, Fusco S, Roeb E, Schiefke I, Rosendahl J, Dollinger M, Caca K, Tacke F
Z GASTROENTEROL. 2024;62(5):759-768.
Lebererkrankungen auf der Intensivstation
Roedl K, Fuhrmann V
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2024;119(6):449-457.
Occurrence, characteristics and outcome of hypoxic liver injury among patients aged ≥ 90 years admitted to the intensive care unit - a retrospective cohort study
Roedl K, Daniels R, Theile P, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S, Müller J
GERONTOLOGY. 2023;69(6):728-736.
Pulmonary impairment independently determines mortality in critically ill patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure
Schulz M, Mengers J, Gu W, Drolz A, Ferstl P, Amoros A, Uschner F, Ackermann N, Guttenberg G, Queck A, Brol M, Graf C, Stoffers P, de la Vera A, Cremonese C, Erasmus H, Welker M, Grünewaldt A, Arroyo V, Bojunga J, Fernandez J, Zeuzem S, Kluwe J, Peiffer K, Welsch C, Fuhrmann V, Rohde G, Trebicka J
LIVER INT. 2023;43(1):180-193.
Acute-on-chronic liver failure alters linezolid pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients with continuous hemodialysis: an observational study
Tikiso T, Fuhrmann V, König C, Jarczak D, Iwersen-Bergmann S, Kluge S, Wicha S, Grensemann J
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2023;13(1):83.
Artificial liver support in patients with liver failure: a modified DELPHI consensus of international experts
Saliba F, Bañares R, Larsen F, Wilmer A, Parés A, Mitzner S, Stange J, Fuhrmann V, Gilg S, Hassanein T, Samuel D, Torner J, Jaber S
INTENS CARE MED. 2022;48(10):1352-1367.
Klinisches Bild der Blutung bei kritisch kranken Patienten auf der Intensivstation: Organsysteme und klinische Implikationen
Drolz A, Fuhrmann V
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2021;116(6):482-490.
Registry on extracorporeal multiple organ support with the advanced organ support (ADVOS) system: 2-year interim analysis
Fuhrmann V, Perez Ruiz de Garibay A, Faltlhauser A, Tyczynski B, Jarczak D, Lutz J, Weinmann-Menke J, Kribben A, Kluge S
MEDICINE. 2021;100(7):e24653.
Blutung – neue Erkenntnisse und ihre klinischen Implikationen
Fuhrmann V, Petros S
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2021;116(6):473-474.
Liver transplantation for acute‐on‐chronic liver failure predicts post‐transplant mortality and impaired long‐term quality of life
Goosmann L, Buchholz A, Bangert K, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S, Lohse A, Huber S, Fischer L, Sterneck M, Hübener P
LIVER INT. 2021;41(3):574-584.
Voriconazole Pharmacokinetics Are Not Altered in Critically Ill Patients with Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: An Observational Study
Grensemann J, Pfaffendorf C, Wicha S, Koenig C, Roedl K, Jarczak D, Iwersen-Bergmann S, Manthey C, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
MICROORGANISMS. 2021;9(10):2087.
Curriculum Internistische Intensivmedizin
John S, Riessen R, Karagiannidis C, Janssens U, Busch H, Kochanek M, Michels G, Hermes C, Buerke M, Kluge S, Baumgärtel M, Braune S, Erbguth F, Fuhrmann V, Lebiedz P, Mayer K, Müller-Werdan U, Oppert M, Sayk F, Sedding D, Willam C, Werdan K
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2021;116(Suppl 1):1-45.
Pharmacokinetics of meropenem during advanced organ support (ADVOS®) and continuous renal replacement therapy
König C, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V, Jarczak D
INT J ARTIF ORGANS. 2021;44(10):783-786.
Severe liver dysfunction complicating course of COVID-19 in the critically ill: multifactorial cause or direct viral effect?
Roedl K, Jarczak D, Drolz A, Wichmann D, Boenisch O, de Heer G, Burdelski C, Frings D, Sensen B, Nierhaus A, Lütgehetmann M, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2021;11(1):.
Monitoring and parenteral administration of micronutrients, phosphate and magnesium in critically ill patients: The VITA-TRACE survey
Vankrunkelsven W, Gunst J, Amrein K, Bear D, Berger M, Christopher K, Fuhrmann V, Hiesmayr M, Ichai C, Jakob S, Lasocki S, Montejo J, Oudemans-van Straeten H, Preiser J, Blaser A, Rousseau A, Singer P, Starkopf J, van Zanten A, Weber-Carstens S, Wernerman J, Wilmer A, Casaer M
CLIN NUTR. 2021;40(2):590-599.
Klinische Relevanz von Laktat bei kritisch kranken Patienten mit Leberzirrhose
Drolz A, Fuhrmann V
Intensiv News. 2020;2020(1):24-26.
The persistent potential of extracorporeal therapies in liver failure
Fuhrmann V, Bauer M, Wilmer A
INTENS CARE MED. 2020;46(3):528-530.
Advanced organ support (ADVOS) in the critically ill: first clinical experience in patients with multiple organ failure
Fuhrmann V, Weber T, Roedl K, Motaabbed J, Tariparast A, Jarczak D, de Garibay A, Kluwe J, Boenisch O, Herkner H, Kellum J, Kluge S
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2020;10(1):96.
Acute-on-chronic liver failure alters meropenem pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients with continuous hemodialysis: an observational study
Grensemann J, Busse D, König C, Roedl K, Jäger W, Jarczak D, Iwersen-Bergmann S, Manthey C, Kluge S, Kloft C, Fuhrmann V
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2020;10(1):48.
Lung-kidney interactions in critically ill patients: consensus report of the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) 21 Workgroup
Joannidis M, Forni L, Klein S, Honore P, Kashani K, Ostermann M, Prowle J, Bagshaw S, Cantaluppi V, Darmon M, Ding X, Fuhrmann V, Hoste E, Husain-Syed F, Lubnow M, Maggiorini M, Meersch M, Murray P, Ricci Z, Singbartl K, Staudinger T, Welte T, Ronco C, Kellum J
INTENS CARE MED. 2020;46(4):654-672.
Intensive Care Outcomes of Patients after High Dose Chemotherapy and Subsequent Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation: A Retrospective, Single Centre Analysis
Karagiannis P, Sänger L, Alsdorf W, Weisel K, Fiedler W, Kluge S, Wichmann D, Bokemeyer C, Fuhrmann V
CANCERS. 2020;12(6):.
Gastrointestinal dysfunction in the critically ill: a systematic scoping review and research agenda proposed by the Section of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
Reintam Blaser A, Preiser J, Fruhwald S, Wilmer A, Wernerman J, Benstoem C, Casaer M, Starkopf J, van Zanten A, Rooyackers O, Jakob S, Loudet C, Bear D, Elke G, Kott M, Lautenschläger I, Schäper J, Gunst J, Stoppe C, Nobile L, Fuhrmann V, Berger M, Oudemans-van Straaten H, Arabi Y, Deane A
CRIT CARE. 2020;24(1):224.
Epidemiology of intensive care unit cardiac arrest: characteristics, comorbidities, and post-cardiac arrest organ failure - a prospective observational study
Roedl K, Jarczak D, Blohm R, Winterland S, Müller J, Fuhrmann V, Westermann D, Söffker G, Kluge S
RESUSCITATION. 2020;156:92-98.
Pulmonary complications in liver disease
Bauer M, Fuhrmann V, Wendon J
INTENS CARE MED. 2019;45(10):1433-1435.
Lactate Improves Prediction of Short-Term Mortality in Critically Ill Patients With Cirrhosis
Drolz A, Horvatits T, Rutter K, Landahl F, Roedl K, Meersseman P, Wilmer A, Kluwe J, Lohse A, Kluge S, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
HEPATOLOGY. 2019;69(1):258-269.
Multidrug-resistant bacterial infections in patients with decompensated cirrhosis and with acute-on-chronic liver failure in Europe
Fernández J, Prado V, Trebicka J, Amoros A, Gustot T, Wiest R, Deulofeu C, Garcia E, Acevedo J, Fuhrmann V, Durand F, Sánchez C, Papp M, Caraceni P, Vargas V, Bañares R, Piano S, Janicko M, Albillos A, Alessandria C, Soriano G, Welzel T, Laleman W, Gerbes A, De Gottardi A, Merli M, Coenraad M, Saliba F, Pavesi M, Jalan R, Ginès P, Angeli P, Arroyo V
J HEPATOL. 2019;70(3):398-411.
Effect of Coagulation Factor Concentrates on Markers of Endothelial Cell Damage in Experimental Hemorrhagic Shock
Hofmann N, Zipperle J, Brettner F, Jafarmadar M, Ashmwe M, Keibl C, Ponschab M, Kipmann U, Bahrami A, Redl H, Bahrami S, Fuhrmann V, Schöchl H
SHOCK. 2019;52(5):497-505.
Liver injury and failure in critical illness
Horvatits T, Drolz A, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
HEPATOLOGY. 2019;70(6):2204-2215.
Successful therapy of massive risperidone-induced rhabdomyolysis using different dialysis and adsorber devices: A case report
Jarczak D, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
ARTIF ORGANS. 2019;43(11):1113-1115.
Initial therapy affects duration of diarrhoea in critically ill patients with Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI)
Manthey C, Dranova D, Christner M, Drolz A, Kluge S, Lohse A, Fuhrmann V
CRIT CARE. 2019;23(1):399.
The chronic ICU patient: Is intensive care worthwhile for patients with very prolonged ICU-stay (≥ 90 days)?
Roedl K, Amann D, Eichler L, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S, Müller J
EUR J INTERN MED. 2019;69:71-76.
Hypoxic liver injury after in- and out-of-hospital cardiac Arrest: Risk factors and neurological outcome.
Roedl K, Spiel A, Nürnberger A, Horvatits T, Drolz A, Hubner P, Warenits A, Sterz F, Herkner H, Fuhrmann V
RESUSCITATION. 2019;137:175-182.
Akutes Leberversagen: Zeitgerechte Diagnose und Therapie ist entscheidend für die Prognose
Rutter K, Horvatits T, Drolz A, Roedl K, Siedler S, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
Wiener klinisches Magazin. 2019;22(1):38-47.
Severe Acute Liver Injury Following Therapeutic Doses of Acetaminophen in a Patient With Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Brehm T, Wehmeyer M, Fuhrmann V, Schäfer H, Kluwe J
AM J THER. 2018;26(4):e528-e529.
Management of Coagulopathy during Bleeding and Invasive Procedures in Patients with Liver Failure
Drolz A, Ferlitsch A, Fuhrmann V
VISC MED. 2018;34(4):254-258.
Acid-base status and its clinical implications in critically ill patients with cirrhosis, acute-on-chronic liver failure and without liver disease
Drolz A, Horvatits T, Roedl K, Rutter K, Brunner R, Zauner C, Schellongowski P, Heinz G, Funk G, Trauner M, Schneeweiss B, Fuhrmann V
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2018;8(1):48.
Nicht im Ernst, GRC: Betreuung nach Reanimation ohne Intensivmediziner?
Fuhrmann V, Grensemann J, Beutel G, Braun G, Söffker G
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2018;113(1):73-74.
Hepatopulmonary syndrome
Fuhrmann V, Krowka M
J HEPATOL. 2018;69(3):744-745.
Interaktionen von Leber und Lunge
Fuhrmann V, Tariparast P
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2018;113(6):464-469.
The ten tips to manage critically ill patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure
Fuhrmann V, Whitehouse T, Wendon J
INTENS CARE MED. 2018;44(11):1932-1935.
In Reply
Grensemann J, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2018;115(41):685-686.
Oxygen Treatment in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
Grensemann J, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2018;115(27-28):455-462.
Outcome and natural course of renal dysfunction in liver transplant recipients with severely impaired kidney function prior to transplantation
Horvatits T, Pischke S, Proske V, Fischer L, Scheidat S, Thaiss F, Fuhrmann V, Lohse A, Nashan B, Sterneck M
UNITED EUR GASTROENT. 2018;6(1):104-111.
Serum-Gallensäuren beim Intensivpatienten: Ursache oder Indikator einer schlechten Prognose?
Horvatits T, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
Intensiv News. 2018;22(6):13-15.
Das akut-auf-chronische Leberversagen als diagnostische und therapeutische Herausforderung der Intensivmedizin
Hübener P, Braun G, Fuhrmann V
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2018;113(8):649-657.
Stabilisation of acute-on-chronic liver failure patients before liver transplantation predicts post-transplant survival
Hübener P, Sterneck M, Bangert K, Drolz A, Lohse A, Kluge S, Fischer L, Fuhrmann V
ALIMENT PHARM THER. 2018;47(11):1502-1510.
Editorial: transplantation in the setting of acute-on-chronic liver failure-calculating chances. Authors' reply
Huebener P, Sterneck M, Fuhrmann V
ALIMENT PHARM THER. 2018;48(1):100-101.
Consensus statement for cancer patients requiring intensive care support
Kiehl M, Beutel G, Böll B, Buchheidt D, Forkert R, Fuhrmann V, Knöbl P, Kochanek M, Kroschinsky F, La Rosée P, Liebregts T, Lück C, Olgemoeller U, Schalk E, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Sperr W, Staudinger T, von Bergwelt Baildon M, Wohlfarth P, Zeremski V, Schellongowski P
ANN HEMATOL. 2018;97(7):1271-1282.
Organisation der Intensivmedizin im Ausland - eine Übersicht
Kreymann K, Fuhrmann V
2018. Management in der Intensivmedizin: Führung, Organisation, Planung und Steuerung. Kluge S, G, Janssens U, Zacharowski K (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 62-74.
Intrathecal penetration of meropenem and vancomycin administered by continuous infusion in patients suffering from ventriculitis-a retrospective analysis
Mader M, Czorlich P, König C, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S, Westphal M, Grensemann J
ACTA NEUROCHIR. 2018;160(11):2099-2105.
Stool cultures at the ICU: get rid of it!
Manthey C, Dranova D, Christner M, Berneking L, Kluge S, Lohse A, Fuhrmann V
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2018;8(1):10.
Placental growth factor inhibition targets pulmonary angiogenesis and represents a therapy for hepatopulmonary syndrome in mice
Raevens S, Geerts A, Paridaens A, Lefere S, Verhelst X, Hoorens A, Van Dorpe J, Maes T, Bracke K, Casteleyn C, Jonckx B, Horvatits T, Fuhrmann V, Van Vlierberghe H, Van Steenkiste C, Devisscher L, Colle I
HEPATOLOGY. 2018;68(2):634-651.
A rare case of septic shock due to Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B infection despite prior vaccination in a young adult with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria receiving eculizumab
Reher D, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S, Nierhaus A
VACCINE. 2018;36(19):2507-2509.
Long-term neurological outcomes in patients aged over 90 years who are admitted to the intensive care unit following cardiac arrest
Roedl K, Jarczak D, Becker S, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S, Müller J
RESUSCITATION. 2018;132(11):6-12.
Akutes Leberversagen
Rutter K, Horvatits T, Drolz A, Roedl K, Siedler S, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2018;113(3):174-183.
Clostridium difficile - Infektionen an der Intensivstation
Dranova D, Manthey C, Fuhrmann V
2017. DIVI-Jahrbuch 2017/2018. Kluge S, Markewitz A, Schwab S, Putensen C, Quintel M, Sybrecht G (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Mwv Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges, 413-423.
Fibrinogen as an Independent Predictor of Mortality in Decompensated Cirrhosis and Bleeding REPLY
Drolz A, Fuhrmann V
HEPATOLOGY. 2017;65(3):1080.
Hämorrhagischer Schock: Allgemeine Therapieprinzipien
Eiben T, Fuhrmann V, Saugel B, Kluge S
INTERNIST. 2017;58(3):207-217.
Organ dysfunction, injury and failure in acute heart failure: from pathophysiology to diagnosis and management. A review on behalf of the Acute Heart Failure Committee of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Harjola V, Mullens W, Banaszewski M, Bauersachs J, Brunner-La Rocca H, Chioncel O, Collins S, Doehner W, Filippatos G, Flammer A, Fuhrmann V, Lainscak M, Lassus J, Legrand M, Masip J, Mueller C, Papp Z, Parissis J, Platz E, Rudiger A, Ruschitzka F, Schäfer A, Seferovic P, Skouri H, Yilmaz M, Mebazaa A
EUR J HEART FAIL. 2017;19(7):821-836.
Serum bile acids as marker for acute decompensation and ACLF in patients with non-cholestatic cirrhosis
Horvatits T, Drolz A, Roedl K, Rutter K, Ferlitsch A, Fauler G, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
LIVER INT. 2017;37(2):224-231.
Serum bile acids in patients with hepatopulmonary syndrome
Horvatits T, Drolz A, Rutter K, Roedl K, Fauler G, Müller C, Kluge S, Trauner M, Schenk P, Fuhrmann V
Z GASTROENTEROL. 2017;55(4):361-367.
Circulating bile acids predict outcome in critically ill patients
Horvatits T, Drolz A, Rutter K, Roedl K, Langouche L, Van den Berghe G, Fauler G, Meyer B, Hülsmann M, Heinz G, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
Frequency and Prognostic Significance of Abnormal Liver Function Tests in Patients With Cardiogenic Shock
Jäntti T, Tarvasmäki T, Harjola V, Parissis J, Pulkki K, Sionis A, Silva-Cardoso J, Køber L, Banaszewski M, Spinar J, Fuhrmann V, Tolonen J, Carubelli V, diSomma S, Mebazaa A, Lassus J
AM J CARDIOL. 2017;120(7):1090-1097.
Extrakorporale Therapien bei Lebererkrankungen
Jarczak D, Braun G, Fuhrmann V
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2017;112(5):444-453.
Therapy for Clostridium difficile infection - any news beyond Metronidazole and Vancomycin?
Manthey C, Eckmann L, Fuhrmann V
EXPERT REV CLIN PHAR. 2017;10(11):1239-1250.
Organinteraktion Leber und Niere
Roedl K, Jarczak D, Fuhrmann V
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2017;142(18):1365-1372.
Outcome of in- and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors with liver cirrhosis
Roedl K, Wallmüller C, Drolz A, Horvatits T, Rutter K, Spiel A, Ortbauer J, Stratil P, Hubner P, Weiser C, Motaabbed J, Jarczak D, Herkner H, Sterz F, Fuhrmann V
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2017;7(1):103.
Renal replacement therapy in critically ill liver cirrhotic patients-outcome and clinical implications
Staufer K, Roedl K, Kivaranovic D, Drolz A, Horvatits T, Rasoul-Rockenschaub S, Zauner C, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
LIVER INT. 2017;37(6):843-850.
Blutungsrisiko bei Leberzirrhose auf der Intensivstation.
Drolz A, Fuhrmann V
Intensiv News. 2016;20(5):15-19.
Drolz A, Fuhrmann V
HEPATOLOGY. 2016;64(6):2270-2271.
Outcome and features of acute kidney injury complicating hypoxic hepatitis at the medical intensive care unit
Drolz A, Horvatits T, Roedl K, Rutter K, Staufer K, Haider D, Zauner C, Heinz G, Schellongowski P, Kluge S, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2016;6(1):61.
Coagulation parameters and major bleeding in critically ill patients with cirrhosis
Drolz A, Horvatits T, Roedl K, Rutter K, Staufer K, Kneidinger N, Holzinger U, Zauner C, Schellongowski P, Heinz G, Perkmann T, Kluge S, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
HEPATOLOGY. 2016;64(2):556-68.
Postpylorische Ernährung beim kritisch Kranken - wann und wie?
Drolz A, Horvatits T, Rutter K, Roedl K, Fuhrmann V
2016. DIVI Jahrbuch 2015/2016. Kluge S, Markewitz A, Jorch G, Putensen C, Quintel M, Sybrecht G (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: 313-318.
Extrakorporale Therapien bei Lebererkrankungen
Fuhrmann V, Drolz A, Rutter K, Roedl K, Wüstenberg R, Horvatits T
2016. DIVI Jahrbuch 2015/2016. Kluge S, Markewitz A, Jorch G, Putensen C, Quintel M, Sybrecht G (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: 181-187.
Gut Ding braucht Weile: Plasmaaustausch verbessert das Überleben bei akutem Leberversagen!
Fuhrmann V, Roedl K, Rutter K, Drolz A, Horvatits T, Kluge S, Siedler S
Intensiv News. 2016;20(2):8-10.
Sauerstofftherapie: Ein zweischneidiges Schwert!
Grensemann J, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S
Intensiv News. 2016;20(5):1-5.
Sauerstofftherapie beim akuten Myokardinfarkt
Grensemann J, Fuhrmann V, Sydow K, Kluge S
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2016;112(1):50-52.
Severe hyperlactatemia, lactate clearance and mortality in unselected critically ill patients
Haas S, Lange T, Saugel B, Petzoldt M, Fuhrmann V, Metschke M, Kluge S
INTENS CARE MED. 2016;42(2):202-10.
Use of Diuretics is not associated with mortality in patients admitted to the emergency department: results from a cross-sectional study
Haider D, Lindner G, Wolzt M, Leichtle A, Fiedler G, Sauter T, Fuhrmann V, Exadaktylos A
J Negat Results Biomed. 2016;15(1):1-4.
Hepatokardiale Wechselwirkungen: Interaktionen zweier Organsysteme
Horvatits T, Drolz A, Rutter K, Roedl K, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2016;111(5):447-452.
International Liver Transplant Society Practice Guidelines: Diagnosis and Management of Hepatopulmonary Syndrome and Portopulmonary Hypertension
Krowka M, Fallon M, Kawut S, Fuhrmann V, Heimbach J, Ramsay M, Sitbon O, Sokol R
TRANSPLANTATION. 2016;100(7):1440-52.
Does galactomannan testing increase diagnostic accuracy for IPA in the ICU? - A prospective observational study
Schroeder M, Simon M, Katchanov J, Wijaya C, Rohde H, Christner M, Laqmani A, Wichmann D, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S
CRIT CARE. 2016;20(1):139.
Clinical characteristics and outcome of very elderly patients ≥90 years in intensive care: a retrospective observational study
Becker S, Müller J, Heer G, Braune S, Fuhrmann V, Kluge S
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2015;5(1):53.
Renal tubular acidosis is highly prevalent in critically ill patients
Brunner R, Drolz A, Scherzer T, Staufer K, Fuhrmann V, Zauner C, Holzinger U, Schneeweiß B
CRIT CARE. 2015;19(1):148.
Prediction of major bleeding in cirrhotic ICU patients using the dic score and coagulation parameters
Drolz A, Horvatits T, Roedl K, Rutter K, Kneidinger N, Bopp C, Wüstenberg R, Zauner C, Heinz G, Schellongowski P, Perkmann T, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
INTENS CARE MED. 2015;3(Suppl 1):A972.
Schockleber beim kritisch Kranken: Gibt es nur symptomatische Therapieoptionen?
Fuhrmann V, Horvatits T, Roedl K, Rutter K, Kluge S, Drolz A
Intensiv News. 2015;19(1):15-17.
Hypermagnesemia is a strong independent risk factor for mortality in critically ill patients: results from a cross-sectional study
Haider D, Lindner G, Ahmad S, Sauter T, Wolzt M, Leichtle A, Fiedler G, Exadaktylos A, Fuhrmann V
EUR J INTERN MED. 2015;26(7):504-7.
Hyperphosphatemia Is an Independent Risk Factor for Mortality in Critically Ill Patients: Results from a Cross-Sectional Study
Haider D, Lindner G, Wolzt M, Ahmad S, Sauter T, Leichtle A, Fiedler G, Fuhrmann V, Exadaktylos A
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(8):e0133426.
Use of Calcium Channel Blockers is Associated with Mortality in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Haider D, Sauter T, Lindner G, Masghati S, Peric S, Friedl A, Wolzt M, Hörl W, Soleiman A, Exadaktylos A, Fuhrmann V
KIDNEY BLOOD PRESS R. 2015;40(6):630-7.
Resting energy expenditure and substrate oxidation rates correlate to temperature and outcome after cardiac arrest- a prospective observational cohort study
Holzinger U, Brunner R, Losert H, Fuhrmann V, Herkner H, Madl C, Sterz F, Schneeweiß B
CRIT CARE. 2015;19(1):128.
Prognostic impact of ICG-PDR in patients with hypoxic hepatitis at the intensive care unit
Horvatits T, Kneidinger N, Drolz A, Roedl K, Rutter K, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
INTENS CARE MED. 2015;3(Suppl 1):A974.
Prognostic impact of ICG-PDR in patients with hypoxic hepatitis
Horvatits T, Kneidinger N, Drolz A, Roedl K, Rutter K, Kluge S, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
ANN INTENSIVE CARE. 2015;5(1):47.
Allocation of patients with liver cirrhosis and organ failure to intensive care: Systematic review and a proposal for clinical practice
Lindvig K, Teisner A, Kjeldsen J, Strøm T, Toft P, Fuhrmann V, Krag A
WORLD J GASTROENTERO. 2015;21(29):8964-73.
Depression as an independent risk factor for mortality in critically ill patients
Wewalka M, Warszawska J, Strunz V, Kitzberger R, Holzinger U, Fuhrmann V, Zauner C, Miehsler W, Moser G
PSYCHOSOM MED. 2015;77(2):106-13.
Statin therapy is associated with reduced incidence of hypoxic hepatitis in critically ill patients
Drolz A, Horvatits T, Michl B, Roedl K, Schellongowski P, Holzinger U, Zauner C, Heinz G, Madl C, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
J HEPATOL. 2014;60(6):1187-93.
Schockleber und Cholestase beim kritisch Kranken
Drolz A, Horvatits T, Roedl K, Fuhrmann V
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2014;109(4):228-34.
Gender-specific differences in energy metabolism during the initial phase of critical illness
Drolz A, Wewalka M, Horvatits T, Fuhrmann V, Schneeweiss B, Trauner M, Zauner C
EUR J CLIN NUTR. 2014;68(6):707-11.
HPS: Diagnosis, clinical features, and medical therapy
Fuhrmann V, Drolz A, Rutter K, Horvatits T
Clin Liver Dis (Hoboken). 2014;4(2):46-49.
Extrakorporale Therapien bei Patienten mit Lebererkrankungen auf der Intensivstation
Fuhrmann V, Horvatits T, Drolz A, Rutter K
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2014;109(4):246-51.
Independent or synergistic relationship of proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate on patient and renal survival in patients with glomerulonephritis?
Haider D, Masghati S, Goliasch G, Fuhrmann V, Soleiman A, Wolzt M, Baierl A, Druml W, Hörl W
Kidney biopsy results versus clinical parameters on mortality and ESRD progression in 2687 patients with glomerulonephritis
Haider D, Masghati S, Goliasch G, Mouhieddine M, Wolzt M, Fuhrmann V, Hörl W, Kaider A, Soleiman A
EUR J CLIN INVEST. 2014;44(6):578-86.
Pulmonale Komplikationen bei Lebererkrankungen
Horvatits T, Drolz A, Kluge S, Fuhrmann V
MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED. 2014;109(4):235-9.
vWF, a screening tool for detection of hepatopulmonary syndrome in patients with liver cirrhosis
Horvatits T, Drolz A, Roedl K, Herkner H, Ferlitsch A, Perkmann T, Müller C, Trauner M, Schenk P, Fuhrmann V
J HEPATOL. 2014;61(3):544-549.
Therapeutic options in pulmonary hepatic vascular diseases
Horvatits T, Fuhrmann V
EXPERT REV CLIN PHAR. 2014;7(1):31-42.
Pharmacokinetics of ganciclovir during continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration in critically ill patients
Horvatits T, Kitzberger R, Drolz A, Zauner C, Jäger W, Böhmdorfer M, Kraff S, Fritsch A, Thalhammer F, Fuhrmann V, Schenk P
ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH. 2014;58(1):94-101.
Role of angiogenic factors/cell adhesion markers in serum of cirrhotic patients with hepatopulmonary syndrome
Raevens S, Coulon S, Van Steenkiste C, Colman R, Verhelst X, Van Vlierberghe H, Geerts A, Perkmann T, Horvatits T, Fuhrmann V, Colle I
LIVER INT. 2014.
Pioglitazone decreases portosystemic shunting by modulating inflammation and angiogenesis in cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic portal hypertensive rats
Schwabl P, Payer B, Grahovac J, Klein S, Horvatits T, Mitterhauser M, Stift J, Boucher Y, Trebicka J, Trauner M, Angermayr B, Fuhrmann V, Reiberger T, Peck-Radosavljevic M
J HEPATOL. 2014;60(6):1135-42.
Prognostic factors, long-term survival, and outcome of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in the intensive care unit
Wohlfarth P, Staudinger T, Sperr W, Bojic A, Robak O, Hermann A, Laczika K, Carlström A, Riss K, Rabitsch W, Bojic M, Knoebl P, Locker G, Obiditsch M, Fuhrmann V, Schellongowski P
ANN HEMATOL. 2014;93(10):1629-36.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in adult patients with hematologic malignancies and severe acute respiratory failure
Wohlfarth P, Ullrich R, Staudinger T, Bojic A, Robak O, Hermann A, Lubsczyk B, Worel N, Fuhrmann V, Schoder M, Funovics M, Rabitsch W, Knoebl P, Laczika K, Locker G, Sperr W, Schellongowski P
CRIT CARE. 2014;18(1):R20.
Reagent-free monitoring of multiple clinically relevant parameters in human blood plasma using a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser based sensor system
Brandstetter M, Sumalowitsch T, Genner A, Posch A, Herwig C, Drolz A, Fuhrmann V, Perkmann T, Lendl B
ANALYST. 2013;138(14):4022-8.
Clinical impact of arterial ammonia levels in ICU patients with different liver diseases
Drolz A, Jäger B, Wewalka M, Saxa R, Horvatits T, Roedl K, Perkmann T, Zauner C, Kramer L, Ferenci P, Fuhrmann V
INTENS CARE MED. 2013;39(7):1227-37.
Hypoxic liver injury and cholestasis in critically ill patients
Horvatits T, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
CURR OPIN CRIT CARE. 2013;19(2):128-32.
Unmeasured anions are associated with short-term mortality in patients with hypoxic hepatitis
Kneidinger N, Funk G, Lindner G, Drolz A, Schenk P, Fuhrmann V
WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR. 2013;125(15-16):474-80.
Storage of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and accuracy of microbiologic diagnostics in the ICU: a prospective observational study
Kneidinger N, Warszawska J, Schenk P, Fuhrmann V, Bojic A, Hirschl A, Herkner H, Madl C, Makristathis A
CRIT CARE. 2013;17(4):R135.
Austrian consensus on the definition and treatment of portal hypertension and its complications (Billroth II)
Peck-Radosavljevic M, Angermayr B, Datz C, Ferlitsch A, Ferlitsch M, Fuhrmann V, Häfner M, Kramer L, Maieron A, Payer B, Reiberger T, Stauber R, Steininger R, Trauner M, Thurnher S, Ulbrich G, Vogel W, Zoller H, Graziadei I
WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR. 2013;125(7-8):200-19.
Nebivolol treatment increases splanchnic blood flow and portal pressure in cirrhotic rats via modulation of nitric oxide signalling
Reiberger T, Payer B, Schwabl P, Hayden H, Horvatits T, Jäger B, Hummel T, Mitterhauser M, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V, Angermayr B, Peck-Radosavljevic M
LIVER INT. 2013;33(4):561-8.
Lipocalin 2 deactivates macrophages and worsens pneumococcal pneumonia outcomes
Warszawska J, Gawish R, Sharif O, Sigel S, Doninger B, Lakovits K, Mesteri I, Nairz M, Boon L, Spiel A, Fuhrmann V, Strobl B, Müller M, Schenk P, Weiss G, Knapp S
J CLIN INVEST. 2013;123(8):3363-72.
Jaundice increases the rate of complications and one-year mortality in patients with hypoxic hepatitis
Jäger B, Drolz A, Michl B, Schellongowski P, Bojic A, Nikfardjam M, Zauner C, Heinz G, Trauner M, Fuhrmann V
HEPATOLOGY. 2012;56(6):2297-304.
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