- Institutsdirektorin
- Abteilungsleitung Biometrie
Medizinische Biometrie
- Klinische Studien
- Lehre
- Methodische Forschung
- Statistische Beratung
Methodische Schwerpunkte:
- Adaptive Designs
- Diagnosestudien
- Metaanalysen
Bevorzugte statistische Software:
- SAS (advanced)
- R (advanced)
- Statistica
1.Preis " Preis für das beste Lehrmaterial im Fach Health Data Science 2020" der gemeinsame Arbeitsgruppe aus Lehre und Didaktik der Biometrie (Internationale Biometrische Gesellschaft, Deutsche Region (IBS-DR)) und GMDS
Habilitationspreis der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Belobigung der Jury beim Forschungspreis der Fürst Donnersmarck-Stiftung für eine klinische Studie in Kooperation mit MSc Heidrun Pickenbrock, Meerbusch
Zertifikat „Biometrie in der Medizin“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) und der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft, Deutsche Region (IBS-DR)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS)
Internationale Biometrischen Gesellschaft, Deutsche Region (IBS-DR)
Collaborative and Stepped Care for Mental Disorders: Results of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Outpatient Care (the COMET Study)
Heddaeus D, Seeralan T, Maehder K, Porzelt S, Daubmann A, Dams J, Grochtdreis T, König H, von dem Knesebeck O, Löwe B, Pepić A, Rosenkranz M, Schäfer I, Zimmermann T, Schulte B, Weigel A, Wegscheider K, Werner S, Zapf A, Scherer M, Dirmaier J, Härter M
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2025 [Epub ahead of print];(Forthcoming):.
Efficacy and safety of transcranial direct current stimulation to the ipsilesional motor cortex in subacute stroke (NETS): a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
LANCET REG HEALTH-EU. 2024;38:100825.
Anticoagulation with edoxaban in patients with long atrial high-rate episodes ≥24 h
Becher N, Toennis T, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom Lundqvist C, Brandes A, Cabanelas N, Calvert M, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, Dichtl W, Diener H, Fierenz A, Goette A, de Groot J, N L Hermans A, Lip G, Lubiński A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Schnabel R, Schotten U, Sehner S, Simantirakis E, Vardas P, Velchev V, Wichterle D, Zapf A, Kirchhof P
EUR HEART J. 2024;45(10):837-849.
Diagnostic test accuracy in longitudinal study settings: theoretical approaches with use cases from clinical practice
Böhnke J, Zapf A, Kramer K, Weber P, Karch A, Rübsamen N
J CLIN EPIDEMIOL. 2024;169:111314.
A unified framework for diagnostic test development and evaluation during outbreaks of emerging infections
Chaturvedi M, Köster D, Bossuyt P, Gerke O, Jurke A, Kretzschmar M, Lütgehetmann M, Mikolajczyk R, Reitsma J, Schneiderhan-Marra N, Siebert U, Stekly C, Ehret C, Rübsamen N, Karch A, Zapf A
COMMUN MED-LONDON. 2024;4(1):263.
Corrigendum to "The impact of inaccurate assumptions about antibody test accuracy on the parametrisation and results of infectious disease models of epidemics" [Epidemics 46 (2024) 100741]
Chaturvedi M, Köster D, Rübsamen N, Jaeger V, Zapf A, Karch A
EPIDEMICS-NETH. 2024;47:100766.
The impact of inaccurate assumptions about antibody test accuracy on the parametrisation and results of infectious disease models of epidemics
Chaturvedi M, Köster D, Rübsamen N, Jaeger V, Zapf A, Karch A
EPIDEMICS-NETH. 2024;46:100741.
Anticoagulation in Patients With Device-Detected Atrial Fibrillation With and Without a Prior Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: The NOAH-AFNET 6 Trial
Diener H, Becher N, Sehner S, Toennis T, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Brandes A, Beuger V, Calvert M, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, Dichtl W, Fierenz A, Goette A, de Groot J, Hermans A, Lip G, Lubinski A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Nikorowitsch J, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Schnabel R, Schotten U, Simantirakis E, Vardas P, Wichterle D, Zapf A, Kirchhof P
J AM HEART ASSOC. 2024;13(17):.
Diener H, Lip G, Nikorowitsch J, Becher N, Blomstrom C, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Goette A, Schotten U, Simantirakis E, Toennis T, Vardas P, Zapf A, Sehner S, Schnabel R, Scherr D, Ozga A, Bertaglia E, Brandes A, Kirchhof P
HEART RHYTHM. 2024;21(7):.
Biomarker-based prediction of sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation patients: the EAST-AFNET 4 biomolecule study
Fabritz L, Al-Taie C, Borof K, Breithardt G, Camm A, Crijns H, Roth Cardoso V, Chua W, van Elferen S, Eckardt L, Gkoutos G, Goette A, Guasch E, Hatem S, Metzner A, Mont L, Murukutla V, Obergassel J, Rillig A, Sinner M, Schnabel R, Schotten U, Sommerfeld L, Wienhues-Thelen U, Zapf A, Zeller T, Kirchhof P
EUR HEART J. 2024;45(47):5002-5019.
Blood-based cardiometabolic phenotypes in atrial fibrillation and their associated risk: EAST-AFNET 4 biomolecule study
Fabritz L, Chua W, Cardoso V, Al-Taie C, Borof K, Suling A, Krause L, Kany S, Magnussen C, Wegscheider K, Breithardt G, Crijns H, Camm A, Gkoutos G, Ellinor P, Goette A, Schotten U, Wienhues-Thelen U, Zeller T, Schnabel R, Zapf A, Kirchhof P
CARDIOVASC RES. 2024;120(8):855-868.
Current developments of the estimand concept
Fierenz A, Zapf A
PHARM STAT. 2024;23(6):864-869.
Using a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, case management and eHealth components for patients with depression or panic disorders in primary care practices in Hesse, Germany: an exploration of healthcare professionals’ lived experiences
Hanf M, Körner C, Lukaschek K, Gensichen J, Lezius S, Zapf A, Heider D, König H, Hansen S, van den Akker M
BMC Digital Health. 2024;2:.
A multi-center interventional study to assess pharmacokinetics, effectiveness, and tolerability of prolonged-release tacrolimus after pediatric kidney transplantation: study protocol for a prospective, open-label, randomized, two-phase, two-sequence, single dose, crossover, phase III b trial
Karaterzi S, Tönshoff B, Ahlenstiel-Grunow T, Baghai M, Beck B, Büscher A, Eifler L, Giese T, Lezius S, Müller C, Oh J, Zapf A, Weber L, Pape L
Frontiers in nephrology. 2024;4:.
The efficacy of automated feedback after internet-based depression screening (DISCOVER): an observer-masked, three-armed, randomised controlled trial in Germany
Kohlmann S, Sikorski F, König H, Schütt M, Zapf A, Löwe B
LANCET DIGIT HEALTH. 2024;6(7):e446-e457.
Stepped, evidence-based and integrated care service model vs. usual care for mental disorders: a randomized controlled trial (RECOVER)
Lambert M, König H, Karow A, König H, Rohenkohl A, Luedecke D, Schröter R, Finter C, Tlach L, Schindler A, Peter H, Scherer M, Mews C, Härter M, Bindt C, Löwe B, Briken P, Peper H, Schweiger M, Mösko M, Bock T, Deister A, Correll C, Ozga A, Pepić A, Zapf A, Gallinat J, Peth J, Konnopka A, Schulz H
PSYCHIAT RES. 2024;339:116007.
Different perspectives in psychiatry: how family-oriented are professionals in Germany?
Laser C, Pawils S, Daubmann A, Zapf A, Wiegand-Grefe S
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2024;24(1):142.
Mind it! A mindfulness-based group psychotherapy for substance use disorders in adolescent inpatients
Legenbauer T, Baldus C, Jörke C, Kaffke L, Pepic A, Daubmann A, Zapf A, Holtmann M, Arnaud N, Thomasius R
EUR CHILD ADOLES PSY. 2024;33(12):4205-4217.
Reducing Distress from Auditory Verbal Hallucinations: A Multicenter, Parallel, Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial of Relating Therapy
Lincoln T, Schlier B, Müller R, Hayward M, Fladung A, Bergmann N, Böge K, Gallinat J, Mahlke C, Gonther U, Lang T, Exner C, Buchholz A, Stahlmann K, Zapf A, Rauch G, Pillny M
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2024;93(5):328-339.
Oral anticoagulation in device-detected atrial fibrillation: effects of age, sex, cardiovascular comorbidities, and kidney function on outcomes in the NOAH-AFNET 6 trial
Lip G, Nikorowitsch J, Sehner S, Becher N, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Brandes A, Beuger V, Calvert M, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, Dichtl W, Diener H, Fierenz A, Goette A, de Groot J, Hermans A, Lubinski A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Schnabel R, Schotten U, Simantirakis E, Toennis T, Vardas P, Wichterle D, Zapf A, Kirchhof P
EUR HEART J. 2024;45(19):1733-1737.
Clinical effectiveness of patient-targeted feedback following depression screening in general practice (GET.FEEDBACK.GP): an investigator-initiated, prospective, multicentre, three-arm, observer-blinded, randomised controlled trial in Germany
Löwe B, Scherer M, Braunschneider L, Marx G, Eisele M, Mallon T, Schneider A, Linde K, Allwang C, Joos S, Zipfel S, Schulz S, Rost L, Brenk-Franz K, Szecsenyi J, Nikendei C, Härter M, Gallinat J, König H, Fierenz A, Vettorazzi E, Zapf A, Lehmann M, Kohlmann S
LANCET PSYCHIAT. 2024;11(4):262-273.
Direct Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Patients with Device-Detected Atrial Fibrillation: A Study-Level Meta-Analysis of the NOAH-AFNET 6 and ARTESiA Trials
McIntyre W, Benz A, Becher N, Healey J, Granger C, Rivard L, Camm A, Goette A, Zapf A, Alings M, Connolly S, Kirchhof P, Lopes R
CIRCULATION. 2024;149(13):981-988.
Effect of the i2TransHealth e-health intervention on psychological distress among transgender and gender diverse adults from remote areas in Germany: A randomised controlled trial
Nieder T, Renner J, Sehner S, Pepić A, Zapf A, Lambert M, Briken P, Dekker A
LANCET DIGIT HEALTH. 2024;6(12):e883-e893.
An app-based training for adolescents with problematic digital-media use and their parents (Res@t digital): protocol for a cluster-randomized clinical trial
Paschke K, Diestelkamp S, Zapf A, Busch K, Arnaud N, Prehn-Kristensen A, Reis O, Stark M, Cloes J, Schulz A, Brauer H, Krömer T, Thomasius R
A diagnostic phase III/IV seamless design to investigate the diagnostic accuracy and clinical effectiveness using the example of HEDOS and HEDOS II
Pepić A, Stark M, Friede T, Kopp-Schneider A, Calderazzo S, Reichert M, Wolf M, Wirth U, Schopf S, Zapf A
STAT METHODS MED RES. 2024;33(3):433-448.
Safety and efficacy of long-term Sodium Channel Blocker therapy for Early Rhythm Control: The EAST-AFNET 4 trial
Rillig A, Eckardt L, Borof K, Camm A, Crijns H, Goette A, Breithardt G, Lemoine M, Metzner A, Rottner L, Schotten U, Vettorazzi E, Wegscheider K, Zapf A, Heidbuchel H, Willems S, Fabritz L, Schnabel R, Magnussen C, Kirchhof P
EUROPACE. 2024;26(6):.
Discrimination of benign, atypical, and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours in neurofibromatosis type 1 - intraindividual comparison of positron emission computed tomography and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging
Ristow I, Apostolova I, Kaul M, Stark M, Zapf A, Schmalhofer M, Mautner V, Farschtschi S, Adam G, Bannas P, Salamon J, Well L
EJNMMI RES. 2024;14(1):127.
Discrimination of benign, atypical, and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors in neurofibromatosis type 1 using diffusion-weighted MRI
Ristow I, Kaul M, Stark M, Zapf A, Riedel C, Lenz A, Mautner V, Farschtschi S, Apostolova I, Adam G, Bannas P, Salamon J, Well L
NEURO-ONCOL ADV. 2024;6(1):vdae021.
Biomarkers for predicting atrial fibrillation: An explorative sub-analysis of the randomised SCREEN-AF trial
Schmalstieg-Bahr K, Gladstone D, Hummers E, Suerbaum J, Healey J, Zapf A, Köster D, Werhahn S, Wachter R
EUR J GEN PRACT. 2024;30(1):.
Radiofrequency ablation via catheter and transpapillary access in patients with cholangiocarcinoma (ACTICCA-2 trial) - a multicenter, randomized, controlled, open-label investigator-initiated trial
Schmidt C, Zapf A, Ozga A, Canbay A, Denzer U, De Toni E, Lohse A, Schulze K, Rösch T, Stein A, Wege H, von Felden J
BMC CANCER. 2024;24(1):.
Anticoagulation in device-detected atrial fibrillation with or without vascular disease: a combined analysis of the NOAH-AFNET 6 and ARTESiA trials
Schnabel R, Benezet-Mazuecos J, Becher N, McIntyre W, Fierenz A, Lee S, Goette A, Atar D, Bertaglia E, Benz A, Chlouverakis G, Birnie D, Dichtl W, Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Camm A, Erath J, Simantirakis E, Kutyifa V, Lip G, Mabo P, Marijon E, Rivard L, Schotten U, Alings M, Sehner S, Toennis T, Linde C, Vardas P, Granger C, Zapf A, Lopes R, Healey J, Kirchhof P
EUR HEART J. 2024;45(46):4902-4916.
Statistical inference for diagnostic test accuracy studies with multiple comparisons
Westphal M, Zapf A
STAT METHODS MED RES. 2024;33(4):669-680.
Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies With Multiple Thresholds: Comparison of Approaches in a Simulation Study
Zapf A, Frömke C, Hardt J, Rücker G, Voeltz D, Hoyer A
BIOMETRICAL J. 2024;66(7):.
Regression Analyses and Their Particularities in Observational Studies—Part 32 of a Series on Evaluation of Scientific Publications
Zapf A, Wiessner C, König I
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2024;121(4):128-134.
Noninferiority of Artificial Intelligence–Assisted Analysis of Ki-67 and Estrogen/Progesterone Receptor in Breast Cancer Routine Diagnostics
Abele N, Tiemann K, Krech T, Wellmann A, Schaaf C, Länger F, Peters A, Donner A, Keil F, Daifalla K, Mackens M, Mamilos A, Minin E, Krümmelbein M, Krause L, Stark M, Zapf A, Päpper M, Hartmann A, Lang T
MODERN PATHOL. 2023;36(3):100033.
Cerebral microstructural changes in children suffering from hemolytic uremic syndrome
Bültmann E, Zapf A, Mussgnug H, Kanzelmeyer N, Hartmann H
EUR J PEDIATR. 2023;182(10):4663-4672.
Association of periodontitis with handgrip strength and skeletal muscle mass in middle-aged US adults from NHANES 2013-2014
Bunte K, Wiessner C, Bahat G, Erdogan T, Cruz-Jentoft A, Zapf A
AGING CLIN EXP RES. 2023;35(9):1909-1916.
Long-Term Antibody Response to SARS-CoV-2 in Children
Dunay G, Barroso M, Woidy M, Danecka M, Engels G, Hermann K, Neumann F, Paul K, Beime J, Escherich G, Fehse K, Grinstein L, Haniel F, Haupt L, Hecher L, Kehl T, Kemen C, Kemper M, Kobbe R, Kohl A, Klokow T, Nörz D, Olfe J, Schlenker F, Schmiesing J, Schrum J, Sibbertsen F, Stock P, Tiede S, Vettorazzi E, Zazara D, Zapf A, Lütgehetmann M, Oh J, Mir T, Muntau A, Gersting S
J CLIN IMMUNOL. 2023;43(1):46-56.
Psychological risk factors for Long COVID and their modification: study protocol of a three-arm, randomised controlled trial (SOMA.COV)
Engelmann P, Büchel C, Frommhold J, Klose H, Lohse A, Maehder K, Nestoriuc Y, Scherer M, Suling A, Toussaint A, Weigel A, Zapf A, Löwe B
BJPSYCH OPEN. 2023;9(6):e207.
Factors influencing the duration of untreated illness among patients with anorexia nervosa: A multicenter and multi-informant study
Gumz A, Reuter L, Löwe B, Voderholzer U, Schwennen B, Fehrs H, Wünsch-Leiteritz W, Brunner R, Kästner D, Zapf A, Weigel A
INT J EAT DISORDER. 2023;56(12):2315-2327.
Early rhythm-control therapy for atrial fibrillation in patients with a history of stroke: a subgroup analysis of the EAST-AFNET 4 trial
Jensen M, Suling A, Metzner A, Schnabel R, Borof K, Goette A, Haeusler K, Zapf A, Wegscheider K, Fabritz L, Diener H, Thomalla G, Kirchhof P
LANCET NEUROL. 2023;22(1):45-54.
Association of genetic risk and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: interactions with early rhythm control in the EAST-AFNET4 trial
Kany S, Al-Taie C, Roselli C, Pirruccello J, Borof K, Reinbold C, Suling A, Krause L, Reissmann B, Schnabel R, Zeller T, Zapf A, Wegscheider K, Fabritz L, Ellinor P, Kirchhof P
CARDIOVASC RES. 2023;119(9):1799-1810.
Anticoagulation with Edoxaban in Patients with Atrial High-Rate Episodes. Reply
Kirchhof P, Schotten U, Zapf A
NEW ENGL J MED. 2023;389(24):2302-2303.
Anticoagulation with Edoxaban in Patients with Atrial High-Rate Episodes
Kirchhof P, Toennis T, Goette A, Camm A, Diener H, Becher N, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom Lundqvist C, Borlich M, Brandes A, Cabanelas N, Calvert M, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, de Groot J, Dichtl W, Kravchuk B, Lubiński A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Sznajder R, Velchev V, Wichterle D, Sehner S, Simantirakis E, Lip G, Vardas P, Schotten U, Zapf A
NEW ENGL J MED. 2023;389(13):1167-1179.
CBT-Based and eHealth-Supported Case Management for Patients with Panic Disorder or Depression in Primary Care: Results of a Proof of Concept
Lukaschek K, Lezius S, van den Akker M, Hanf M, Zapf A, Heider D, König H, Gensichen J
INT J COGN THER. 2023;17:369–387.
Disentangling pharmacological and expectation effects in antidepressant discontinuation among patients with fully remitted major depressive disorder: study protocol of a randomized, open-hidden discontinuation trial
Meißner C, Warren C, Fadai T, Müller A, Zapf A, Lezius S, Ozga A, Falkenberg I, Kircher T, Nestoriuc Y
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2023;23(1):.
Impact of Introducing a PACU24 Concept on the Perioperative Outcome of Patients with Advanced Ovarian Cancer Treated with Cytoreductive Surgery
Reuter S, Schmalfeldt B, Haas S, Zapf A, Cevirme S, Prieske K, Wölber L, Müller V, Zöllner C, Jaeger A
GEBURTSH FRAUENHEILK. 2023;83(8):1022-1030.
Impact of introducing a PACU24 concept on the perioperative outcome of patients with advanced ovarian cancer treated with cytoreductive surgery
Reuter S, Zapf A, Cevirme S, Wölber L, Muller V, Haas S, Zöllner C, Schmalfeldt B, Jaeger A
INT J GYNECOL CANCER. 2023;33(Suppl 3):.
Missing values and inconclusive results in diagnostic studies - A scoping review of methods
Stahlmann K, Reitsma J, Zapf A
STAT METHODS MED RES. 2023;32(9):1842-1855.
Nutzenbewertung von Diagnostik – Umgang mit unvollständiger Evidenz
Zapf A
Z EVIDENZ FORTBILD Q. 2023;179:106-111.
Zapf A, Röver C
2023. Moderne Verfahren der Angewandten Statistik . Gertheiss , Schmid M, Spindler M (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1-33.
A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to test efficacy and safety of transcranial direct current stimulation to the motor cortex after stroke (NETS): study protocol
NEUROL RES PRACT. 2022;4(1):14.
Ten Years of Improving Acute Stroke Management in a Metropolitan Area: A Population-Based Quantification of Quality Indicators
Alegiani A, Rosenkranz M, Schmitz L, Lezius S, Seidel G, Heßelmann V, Töpper R, Terborg C, Urban P, Brüning R, Höltje J, Lienau F, Arning C, Marquardt L, Müller-Jensen A, Röther J, Eckert B, Zapf A, Fiehler J, Thomalla G, Gerloff C
EUR NEUROL. 2022;85(1):39-49.
Achtsamkeitsorientierte Ansätze der Suchtprävention und –therapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: thematischer Hintergrund und Überblick zu dem laufenden IMAC-Mind Verbund
Arnaud N, Banaschewski T, Nees F, Buchholz V, Klein M, Reis O, Legenbauer T, Zapf A, Thomasius R
SUCHT. 2022;68(1):9-17.
H7N9 avian influenza virus infection in men is associated with testosterone depletion
Bai T, Chen Y, Beck S, Stanelle-Bertram S, Mounogou N, Chen T, Dong J, Schneider B, Jia T, Yang J, Wang L, Meinhardt A, Zapf A, Kreienbrock L, Wang D, Shu Y, Gabriel G
NAT COMMUN. 2022;13(1):.
Effect of personalized perioperative blood pressure management on postoperative complications and mortality in high-risk patients having major abdominal surgery: protocol for a multicenter randomized trial (IMPROVE-multi)
Bergholz A, Meidert A, Flick M, Krause L, Vettorazzi E, Zapf A, Brunkhorst F, Meybohm P, Zacharowski K, Zarbock A, Sessler D, Kouz K, Saugel B
TRIALS. 2022;23(1):946.
Pulmonary Function Tests for the Prediction of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications: A Systematic Review
Dankert A, Dohrmann T, Löser B, Zapf A, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2022;119(7):99-106.
The clinical impact of multiplex PCR panel diagnostics in paediatric meningitis/ encephalitis: a bicenter cohort study
Disse S, Zapf A, Schneble F, Fiedler A, Hossain H, von Meyer A
INFECTION. 2022;50(5):1329-1348.
Attaining sinus rhythm mediates improved outcome with early rhythm control therapy of atrial fibrillation: the EAST - AFNET 4 trial
Eckardt L, Sehner S, Suling A, Borof K, Breithardt G, Crijns H, Goette A, Wegscheider K, Zapf A, Camm J, Metzner A, Kirchhof P
EUR HEART J. 2022;43(40):4127-4144.
Smartphone and wearable detected atrial arrhythmias in Older Adults: Results of a fully digital European Case finding study
Fabritz L, Connolly D, Czarnecki E, Dudek D, Guasch E, Haase D, Huebner T, Zlahoda-Huzior A, Jolly K, Kirchhof P, Obergassel J, Schotten U, Vettorazzi E, Winkelmann S, Zapf A, Schnabel R
European heart journal. Digital health. 2022;3(4):610-625.
Remote Design of a Smartphone and Wearable Detected Atrial Arrhythmia in Older Adults Case Finding Study: Smart in OAC - AFNET 9
Fabritz L, Connolly D, Czarnecki E, Dudek D, Zlahoda-Huzior A, Guasch E, Haase D, Huebner T, Jolly K, Kirchhof P, Schotten U, Zapf A, Schnabel R
A semiparametric approach for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies with multiple cut-offs
Frömke C, Kirstein M, Zapf A
RES SYNTH METHODS. 2022;13(5):612-621.
Convergence Behavior of Optimal Cut-Off Points Derived from Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve Analysis: A Simulation Study
Gerke O, Zapf A
MATHEMATICS-BASEL. 2022;10(22):.
Effectiveness of a complex regional advance care planning intervention to improve care consistency with care preferences
Götze K, Bausewein C, Feddersen B, Fuchs A, Hot A, Hummers E, Icks A, Kirchner Ä, Kleinert E, Klosterhalfen S, Kolbe H, Laag S, Langner H, Lezius S, Meyer G, Montalbo J, Nauck F, Reisinger C, Rieder N, Schildmann J, Schunk M, Stanze H, Vogel C, Wegscheider K, Zapf A, Marckmann G, in der Schmitten J
TRIALS. 2022;23(1):.
Refining M1 stage in medulloblastoma: criteria for cerebrospinal fluid cytology and implications for improved risk stratification from the HIT-2000 trial
Hagel C, Sloman V, Mynarek M, Petrasch K, Obrecht D, Kühl J, Deinlein F, Schmid R, von Bueren A, Friedrich C, Juhnke B, Gerber N, Kwiecien R, Girschick H, Höller A, Zapf A, von Hoff K, Rutkowski S
EUR J CANCER. 2022;164:30-38.
Abdominal incision defect following AAA-surgery (AIDA): 2-year results of prophylactic onlay-mesh augmentation in a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial
Honig S, Diener H, Kölbel T, Reinpold W, Zapf A, Bibiza-Freiwald E, Debus E
UPDATES SURG. 2022;74(3):1105-1116.
Sample size recalculation based on the prevalence in a randomized test-treatment study
Hot A, Benda N, Bossuyt P, Gerke O, Vach W, Zapf A
BMC MED RES METHODOL. 2022;22(1):.
Single-dose of adrecizumab versus placebo in acute cardiogenic shock (ACCOST-HH): an investigator-initiated, randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial
Karakas M, Akin I, Burdelski C, Clemmensen P, Grahn H, Jarczak D, Keßler M, Kirchhof P, Landmesser U, Lezius S, Lindner D, Mebazaa A, Nierhaus A, Ocak A, Rottbauer W, Sinning C, Skurk C, Söffker G, Westermann D, Zapf A, Zengin E, Zeller T, Kluge S
LANCET RESP MED. 2022;10(3):247-254.
Correction: Interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral perioperative care model in cardiac surgery: implementation in the setting of minimally invasive heart valve surgery (INCREASE)-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Klotz S, Ketels G, Behrendt C, Konig H, Kohlmann S, Lowe B, Petersen J, Stock S, Vettorazzi E, Zapf A, Zastrow I, Zollner C, Reichenspurner H, Girdauskas E
TRIALS. 2022;23(1):.
Interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral perioperative care model in cardiac surgery: implementation in the setting of minimally invasive heart valve surgery (INCREASE)-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Klotz S, Ketels G, Behrendt C, König H, Kohlmann S, Löwe B, Petersen J, Stock S, Vettorazzi E, Zapf A, Zastrow I, Zöllner C, Reichenspurner H, Girdauskas E
TRIALS. 2022;23(1):.
Clinical Implementation and Evaluation of Three Implementation Interventions for a Family-Oriented Care for Children of Mentally Ill Parents (ci-chimps): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial
Laser C, Modarressi A, Skogøy B, Reupert A, Daubmann A, Höller A, Zapf A, Pawils S, Taubner S, Winter S, Maybery D, Wiegand-Grefe S
Ergebnisse eines achtsamkeitsbasierten Gruppentherapieprogramms zur Behandlung von Jugendlichen mit Abhängigkeitserkrankungen (IMAC-Mind Teilprojekt 7)
Legenbauer T, Baldus C, Mokros L, Kretzschmar L, Schulz A, Herdering R, Huhn C, Kaffke L, Schiller S, Daubmann A, Zapf A, Holtmann M, Arnaud N, Thomasius R
SUCHTTHERAPIE. 2022;23(S01):.
Promoting rational antibiotic therapy among high antibiotic prescribers in German primary care-study protocol of the ElektRA 4-arm cluster-randomized controlled trial
Löffler C, Buuck T, Iwen J, Schulz M, Zapf A, Kropp P, Wollny A, Krause L, Müller B, Ozga A, Goldschmidt E, Altiner A
IMPLEMENT SCI. 2022;17(1):.
Persistent SOMAtic symptoms ACROSS diseases - from risk factors to modification: scientific framework and overarching protocol of the interdisciplinary SOMACROSS research unit (RU 5211)
Löwe B, Andresen V, Van den Bergh O, Huber T, von dem Knesebeck O, Lohse A, Nestoriuc Y, Schneider G, Schneider S, Schramm C, Ständer S, Vettorazzi E, Zapf A, Shedden-Mora M, Toussaint A
BMJ OPEN. 2022;12(1):.
Persistence of gastrointestinal symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis: study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial (SOMA.GUT-RCT)
Löwe B, Nestoriuc Y, Andresen V, Vettorazzi E, Zapf A, Hübener S, Maehder K, Peters L, Lohse A
BMJ OPEN. 2022;12(6):.
Interdisciplinary, internet-based trans health care (i²TransHealth): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Nieder T, Renner J, Zapf A, Sehner S, Hot A, König H, Dams J, Grochtdreis T, Briken P, Dekker A
BMJ OPEN. 2022;12(2):e045980.
A Care Concept of Community Health Nursing Interventions for Adults With Chronic Health Conditions in an Urban Area: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Field Trial (CoSta Study)
Nock A, Iversen L, Waidhas L, Zapf A, Seifert C, Petersen-Ewert C
JMIR RES PROTOC. 2022;11(9):.
Specific CD4+ T Cell Responses to Ancestral SARS-CoV-2 in Children Increase With Age and Show Cross-Reactivity to Beta Variant
Paul K, Sibbertsen F, Weiskopf D, Lütgehetmann M, Barroso M, Danecka M, Glau L, Hecher L, Hermann K, Kohl A, Oh J, Wiesch J, Sette A, Tolosa E, Vettorazzi E, Woidy M, Zapf A, Zazara D, Mir T, Muntau A, Gersting S, Dunay G
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2022;13:867577.
Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial evaluating home treatment with peer support for acute mental health crises (HoPe)
Reinke B, Mahlke C, Botros C, Kläring A, Lambert M, Karow A, Gallinat J, Zapf A, Ozga A, Höller A, Bustami N, Reimer J, Lüdtke J, Schaper O, Lison M, Bechdolf A, Baumgardt J, Spiegel J, Hardt O, Rout S, Memarzadeh S, von Peter S, Schwarz J, Langer C, Glotz S, Frasch K, Rüsch N, Künstler U, Bock T, Becker T
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2022;22(1):.
The impact of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) pathways with regard to perioperative outcome in patients with ovarian cancer
Reuter S, Woelber L, Trepte C, Perez D, Zapf A, Cevirme S, Mueller V, Schmalfeldt B, Jaeger A
ARCH GYNECOL OBSTET. 2022;306(1):199-207.
Early Rhythm Control in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and High Comorbidity Burden
Rillig A, Borof K, Breithardt G, Camm A, J G M Crijns H, Goette A, Kuck K, Metzner A, Vardas P, Vettorazzi E, Wegscheider K, Zapf A, Kirchhof P
CIRCULATION. 2022;146(11):836-847.
Diagnostic accuracy of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for the differential diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a (network) meta-analysis
Rübsamen N, Pape S, Konigorski S, Zapf A, Rücker G, Karch A
EUR J NEUROL. 2022;29(5):1366-1376.
Blinded sample size re-estimation in a comparative diagnostic accuracy study
Stark M, Hesse M, Brannath W, Zapf A
BMC MED RES METHODOL. 2022;22(1):115.
Clinical Trial Data: Both Parents Having Psychiatric Symptoms as Risk Factor for Children’s Mental Illness
Suess H, Wiegand-Grefe S, Adema B, Daubmann A, Kilian R, Zapf A, Winter S, Lambert M, Wegscheider K, Busmann M
CHILDREN-BASEL. 2022;9(11):.
Stop of proton-pump inhibitor treatment in patients with liver cirrhosis (STOPPIT): study protocol for a prospective, multicentre, controlled, randomized, double-blind trial
Wehmeyer M, Horvatits T, Buchholz A, Krause L, Walter S, Zapf A, Lohse A, Kluwe J
TRIALS. 2022;23(1):302.
A multiple testing framework for diagnostic accuracy studies with co-primary endpoints
Westphal M, Zapf A, Brannath W
STAT MED. 2022;41(5):891-909.
Biomarker-Guided Risk Assessment for Acute Kidney Injury: Time for Clinical Implementation?
Albert C, Haase M, Albert A, Zapf A, Braun-Dullaeus R, Haase-Fielitz A
ANN LAB MED. 2021;41(1):1-15.
Impact of a multimedia website with patient experiences of multiple sclerosis (PExMS) on immunotherapy decision-making: study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial in a mixed-methods design
Barabasch A, Riemann-Lorenz K, Kofahl C, Scheiderbauer J, Eklund D, Kleiter I, Kasper J, Köpke S, Lezius S, Zapf A, Rahn A, Heesen C
A Deep Learning Approach for Histopathological Diagnosis of Onychomycosis: Not Inferior to Analogue Diagnosis by Histopathologists
Decroos F, Springenberg S, Lang T, Päpper M, Zapf A, Metze D, Steinkraus V, Böer-Auer A
ACTA DERM-VENEREOL. 2021;101(8):adv00532.
The price of certainty: when is a new therapy good enough?
Fiehler J, Zeleňák K, Zapf A
J NEUROINTERV SURG. 2021;13(12):1065-1066.
Prospective postmortem evaluation of 735 consecutive SARS-CoV-2-associated death cases
Fitzek A, Schädler J, Dietz E, Ron A, Gerling M, Kammal A, Lohner L, Falck C, Möbius D, Goebels H, Gerberding A, Schröder A, Sperhake J, Klein A, Fröb D, Mushumba H, Wilmes S, Anders S, Kniep I, Heinrich F, Langenwalder F, Meißner K, Lange P, Zapf A, Püschel K, Heinemann A, Glatzel M, Matschke J, Aepfelbacher M, Lütgehetmann M, Steurer S, Thorns C, Edler C, Ondruschka B
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):19342.
Randomized test-treatment studies with an outlook on adaptive designs
Hot A, Bossuyt P, Gerke O, Wahl S, Vach W, Zapf A
BMC MED RES METHODOL. 2021;21(1):110.
Studies for the Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests- Part 28 of a Series on Evaluation of Scientific Publications
Hoyer A, Zapf A
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2021;118:555-560.
Preterm children's long-term academic performance after adaptive computerized training: an efficacy and process analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Jaekel J, Heuser K, Zapf A, Roll C, Nuñez F, Bartmann P, Wolke D, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Huening B
PEDIATR RES. 2021;89(6):1492-1499.
Clinical effectiveness of patient-oriented depression feedback in primary care: The empirical method of the GET.FEEDBACK.GP multicenter randomized controlled trial
Lehmann M, Kohlmann S, Braunschneider L, Marx G, Eisele M, Zapf A, Scherer M, Löwe B
Clinical performance and accuracy of a qPCR-based SARS-CoV-2 mass-screening workflow for healthcare-worker surveillance using pooled self-sampled gargling solutions: a cross-sectional study
Olearo F, Nörz D, Hoffman A, Grunwald M, Gatzemeyer K, Christner M, Both A, Campos C, Braun P, Andersen G, Pfefferle S, Zapf A, Aepfelbacher M, Knobloch J, Lütgehetmann M
J INFECTION. 2021;83(5):589-593.
The efficacy of automated feedback after internet-based depression screening: Study protocol of the German, three-armed, randomised controlled trial DISCOVER
Sikorski F, König H, Wegscheider K, Zapf A, Löwe B, Kohlmann S
INTERNET INTERV. 2021;25:100435.
A potential for seamless designs in diagnostic research could be identified
Vach W, Bibiza E, Gerke O, Bossuyt P, Friede T, Zapf A
J CLIN EPIDEMIOL. 2021;129:51-59.
Meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies with multiple thresholds: Comparison of different approaches
Zapf A, Albert C, Frömke C, Haase M, Hoyer A, Jones H, Rücker G
BIOMETRICAL J. 2021;63(4):699-711.
12. Einsatz von Audience Response Systemen in der Lehre: Didaktisches Konzept und konkrete Beispiele
Zapf A, Cevirme S
2021. Zeig mir Health Data Science!. Herrmann C, Berger D, Weiß P, Burkholder P, Rauch P, Kruppa D (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, 143-159.
Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Measured on Clinical Laboratory Platforms for the Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury and the Associated Need for Dialysis Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Albert C, Zapf A, Haase M, Röver C, Pickering J, Albert A, Bellomo R, Breidthardt T, Camou F, Chen Z, Chocron S, Cruz D, de Geus H, Devarajan P, Di Somma S, Doi K, Endre Z, Garcia-Alvarez M, Hjortrup P, Hur M, Karaolanis G, Kavalci C, Kim H, Lentini P, Liebetrau C, Lipcsey M, Mårtensson J, Müller C, Nanas S, Nickolas T, Pipili C, Ronco C, Rosa-Diez G, Ralib A, Soto K, Braun-Dullaeus R, Heinz J, Haase-Fielitz A
AM J KIDNEY DIS. 2020;76(6):826-841.e1.
Mindfulness in Development-oriented Approaches to Substance Use Prevention and Therapy: Rationale, Design and Objectives of the Research Consortium IMAC-Mind
Arnaud N, Banaschewski T, Nees F, Klein M, Reis O, Zapf A, Thomasius R
PRAX KINDERPSYCHOL K. 2020;69(4):353-374.
Evaluation of two family-based intervention programs for children affected by rare disease and their families – research network (CARE-FAM-NET): study protocol for a rater-blinded, randomized, controlled, multicenter trial in a 2x2 factorial design
Boettcher J, Filter B, Denecke J, Hot A, Daubmann A, Zapf A, Wegscheider K, Zeidler J, von der Schulenburg J, Bullinger M, Rassenhofer M, Schulte-Markwort M, Wiegand-Grefe S
BMC PRIM CARE. 2020;21(1):.
Effects of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Related Contact Restrictions in Germany, March to May 2020, on the Mobility and Relation to Infection Patterns
Bönisch S, Wegscheider K, Krause L, Sehner S, Wiegel S, Zapf A, Moser S, Becher H
FRONT PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020;8:568287.
Time extrapolation in regulatory risk assessment: The impact of study differences on the extrapolation factors
Escher S, Mangelsdorf I, Hoffmann-Doerr S, Partosch F, Karwath A, Schroeder K, Zapf A, Batke M
REGUL TOXICOL PHARM. 2020;112:104584.
Economic impact of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: insights from the ALDO-DHF trial
Hashemi D, Dettmann L, Trippel T, Holzendorf V, Petutschnigg J, Wachter R, Hasenfuß G, Pieske B, Zapf A, Edelmann F
ESC HEART FAIL. 2020;7(3):786-793.
Depression screening using patient-targeted feedback in general practices: study protocol of the German multicentre GET.FEEDBACK.GP randomised controlled trial
Kohlmann S, Lehmann M, Eisele M, Braunschneider L, Marx G, Zapf A, Wegscheider K, Härter M, König H, Gallinat J, Joos S, Resmark G, Schneider A, Allwang C, Szecsenyi J, Nikendei C, Schulz S, Brenk-Franz K, Scherer M, Löwe B
BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(9):e035973.
Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating an evidence-based, stepped and coordinated care service model for mental disorders (RECOVER)
Lambert M, Karow A, Gallinat J, Lüdecke D, Kraft V, Rohenkohl A, Schröter R, Finter C, Siem A, Tlach L, Werkle N, Bargel S, Ohm G, Hoff M, Peter H, Scherer M, Mews C, Pruskil S, Lüke J, Härter M, Dirmaier J, Schulte-Markwort M, Löwe B, Briken P, Peper H, Schweiger M, Mösko M, Bock T, Wittzack M, Meyer H, Deister A, Michels R, Herr S, Konnopka A, König H, Wegscheider K, Daubmann A, Zapf A, Peth J, König H, Schulz H
BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(5):e036021.
Endoscopic vacuum therapy versus stenting for postoperative esophago-enteric anastomotic leakage: systematic review and meta-analysis
Scognamiglio P, Reeh M, Karstens K, Bellon E, Kantowski M, Schön G, Zapf A, Chon S, Izbicki J, Tachezy M
ENDOSCOPY. 2020;52(8):632-642.
Sample size calculation and re-estimation based on the prevalence in a single-arm confirmatory diagnostic accuracy study
Stark M, Zapf A
STAT METHODS MED RES. 2020;29(10):2958–2971.
Effectiveness of a mindfulness-oriented substance use prevention program for boys with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Waedel L, Daubmann A, Zapf A, Reis O
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020;20(1):1780.
Blinded sample size reestimation for negative binomial regression with baseline adjustment
Zapf A, Asendorf T, Anten C, Mütze T, Friede T
STAT MED. 2020;39(14):1980-1998.
Why do you need a biostatistician?
Zapf A, Rauch G, Kieser M
BMC MED RES METHODOL. 2020;20(1):23.
Adaptive trial designs in diagnostic accuracy research
Zapf A, Stark M, Gerke O, Ehret C, Benda N, Bossuyt P, Deeks J, Reitsma J, Alonzo T, Friede T
STAT MED. 2020;39(5):591-601.
Ethische Bewertung von Studien am Menschen außerhalb des regulatorischen Rahmens: nicht bindend, aber von großer Wichtigkeit
Foraita R, Pigeot I, Frömke C, Haller B, Hoffmann V, Zapf A
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2019;62(6):722-728.
Influence of Environment and Lifestyle on Incidence and Progress of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in A German ALS Population
Korner S, Kammeyer J, Zapf A, Kuzma-Kozakiewicz M, Piotrkiewicz M, Kuraszkiewicz B, Goszczynska H, Gromicho M, Grosskreutz J, Andersen P, de Carvalho M, Petri S
AGING DIS. 2019;10(2):205-216.
eHealth-supported case management for patients with panic disorder or depression in primary care: Study protocol for a cRCT (PREMA)
Lukaschek K, Mergenthal K, Heider D, Hanke A, Munski K, Moschner A, Emig M, van den Akker M, Zapf A, Wegscheider K, König H, Gensichen J
TRIALS. 2019;20(1):662.
Erratum zu: Ethische Bewertung von Studien am Menschen außerhalb des regulatorischen Rahmens: nicht bindend, aber von großer Wichtigkeit
Pigeot I, Foraita R, Frömke C, Haller B, Hoffmann V, Zapf A
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2019;62(10):1276-1277.
Acute adverse events in cardiac MR imaging with gadolinium-based contrast agents: results from the European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) MRCT Registry in 72,839 patients
Uhlig J, Lücke C, Vliegenthart R, Loewe C, Grothoff M, Schuster A, Lurz P, Jacquier A, Francone M, Zapf A, Schülke C, Thomas D, May M, Bremerich J, Lotz J, Gutberlet M
EUR RADIOL. 2019;29(7):3686-3695.
What makes a biostatistician?
Zapf A, Huebner M, Rauch G, Kieser M
STAT MED. 2019;38(4):695-701.
Absence of DNA double-strand breaks in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells after 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging assessed by γH2AX flow cytometry
Fasshauer M, Krüwel T, Zapf A, Stahnke V, Rave-Fränk M, Staab W, Sohns J, Steinmetz M, Unterberg-Buchwald C, Schuster A, Ritter C, Lotz J
EUR RADIOL. 2018;28(3):1149-1156.
The REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire is not Valid in De Novo Parkinson's Disease
Halsband C, Zapf A, Sixel-Döring F, Trenkwalder C, Mollenhauer B
MOV DISORD CLIN PRAC. 2018;5(2):171-176.
Comparing different thrombectomy techniques in five large-volume Centers: a 'real world' observational study
Hesse A, Behme D, Kemmling A, Zapf A, Große Hokamp N, Frischmuth I, Maier I, Liman J, Tsogkas I, Buhk J, Tran J, Fiehler J, Mpotsaris A, Schramm P, Berlis A, Knauth M, Psychogios M
J NEUROINTERV SURG. 2018;10(6):525-529.
Randomised controlled trial on differential learning of toothbrushing in 6- to 9-year-old children
Pabel S, Freitag F, Hrasky V, Zapf A, Wiegand A
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2018;22(6):2219-2228.
Outcome Prediction Using Perfusion Parameters and Collateral Scores of Multi-Phase and Single-Phase CT Angiography in Acute Stroke: Need for One, Two, Three, or Thirty Scans?
Schregel K, Tsogkas I, Peter C, Zapf A, Behme D, Schnieder M, Maier I, Liman J, Knauth M, Psychogios M
J STROKE. 2018;20(3):362-372.
Appraising Heterogeneity
Zapf A
2018. Diagnostic Meta-Analysis . Biondi-Zoccai G (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer International Publishing, 125-160.
Changes in brain microstructure during infancy and childhood using clinical feasible ADC-maps
Bültmann E, Mußgnug H, Zapf A, Hartmann H, Nägele T, Lanfermann H
CHILD NERV SYST. 2017;33(5):735-745.
Breath-hold and free-breathing 2D phase-contrast MRI for quantification of oxygen-induced changes of pulmonary circulation dynamics in healthy volunteers
Czerner C, Winther H, Zapf A, Wacker F, Vogel-Claussen J
J MAGN RESON IMAGING. 2017;46(6):1698-1706.
The volume of postoperative drainage fluid as a potential early predictor of lymphedema after lymph node excision for metastatic melanoma
Kretschmer L, Hellriegel S, Thoms K, Schon M, Al Ghazal P, Zapf A
LYMPHOLOGY. 2017;50(3):120-130.
Support pressure distribution for positioning in neutral versus conventional positioning in the prevention of decubitus ulcers: a pilot study in healthy participants
Pickenbrock H, Ludwig V, Zapf A
BMC NURS. 2017;16:60.
One-Stop Management of Acute Stroke Patients: Minimizing Door-to-Reperfusion Times
Psychogios M, Behme D, Schregel K, Tsogkas I, Maier I, Leyhe J, Zapf A, Tran J, Bähr M, Liman J, Knauth M
STROKE. 2017;48(11):3152-3155.
Relevance of supraventricular runs detected after cerebral ischemia
Weber-Krüger M, Lutz C, Zapf A, Stahrenberg R, Seegers J, Witzenhausen J, Wasser K, Hasenfuß G, Gröschel K, Wachter R
NEUROLOGY. 2017;89(15):1545-1552.
Artifacts Caused by Breast Tissue Markers in a Dedicated Cone-beam Breast CT in Comparison to Full-field Digital Mammography
Wienbeck S, Nowak C, Zapf A, Stamm G, Unterberg-Buchwald C, Lotz J, Fischer U
ACAD RADIOL. 2017;24(7):908-915.
The role of cone-beam breast-CT for breast cancer detection relative to breast density
Wienbeck S, Uhlig J, Luftner-Nagel S, Zapf A, Surov A, von Fintel E, Stahnke V, Lotz J, Fischer U
EUR RADIOL. 2017;27(12):5185-5195.
Doppelgänger lehren uns das Grundprinzip des statistischen Testens
Zapf A, Frömke C, Rosenberger A
2017. Zeig mir mehr Biostatistik . Vonthein R, Burkholder I, Muche R, Rauch G (Hrsg.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, 61-70.
Pubertal Development in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Patients Receiving Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitors or Conventional Immunosuppression
Förster J, Ahlenstiel-Grunow T, Zapf A, Mynarek M, Pape L
TRANSPLANTATION. 2016;100(11):2461-2470.
Partial verification bias and incorporation bias affected accuracy estimates of diagnostic studies for biomarkers that were part of an existing composite gold standard
Karch A, Koch A, Zapf A, Zerr I, Karch A
J CLIN EPIDEMIOL. 2016;78:73-82.
The Axon Guidance Protein Semaphorin 3A Is Increased in the Motor Cortex of Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Körner S, Böselt S, Wichmann K, Thau-Habermann N, Zapf A, Knippenberg S, Dengler R, Petri S
J NEUROPATH EXP NEUR. 2016;75(4):326–333.
A comparison between the Static Balance Test and the Berg Balance Scale validity, reliability, and comparative resource use
Pickenbrock H, Diel A, Zapf A
CLIN REHABIL. 2016;30(3):288-293.
Measuring inter-rater reliability for nominal data - which coefficients and confidence intervals are appropriate?
Zapf A, Castell S, Morawietz L, Karch A
Efficacy and Safety of an Everolimus- vs. a Mycophenolate Mofetil-Based Regimen in Pediatric Renal Transplant Recipients
Brunkhorst L, Fichtner A, Höcker B, Burmeister G, Ahlenstiel-Grunow T, Krupka K, Bald M, Zapf A, Tönshoff B, Pape L
PLOS ONE. 2015;10(9):e0135439.
Interaction of physical function, quality of life and depression in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: characterization of a large patient cohort
Körner S, Kollewe K, Abdulla S, Zapf A, Dengler R, Petri S
BMC NEUROL. 2015;15:84.
Nodal Basin Recurrence After Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Melanoma: A Retrospective Multicenter Study in 2653 Patients
Kretschmer L, Bertsch H, Zapf A, Mitteldorf C, Satzger I, Thoms K, Völker B, Schön M, Gutzmer R, Starz H
MEDICINE. 2015;94(36):e1433.
Conventional versus neutral positioning in central neurological disease: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Pickenbrock H, Ludwig V, Zapf A, Dressler D
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2015;112(3):35-42.
Effects of therapeutic positioning on vital parameters in patients with central neurological disorders:a randomised controlled trial
Pickenbrock H, Zapf A, Dressler D
J CLIN NURS. 2015;24(23-24):3681-3690.
Establishing an optimal trajectory for calcaneotibial K-wire fixation in emergent treatment of unstable ankle fractures
Schröder M, Stüber V, Walendzik E, O'Loughlin P, Zapf A, Krettek C, Gaulke R
TECHNOL HEALTH CARE. 2015;23(2):215-221.
Right Atrial Volume is Increased in Corrected Tetralogy of Fallot and Correlates with the Incidence of Supraventricular Arrhythmia: A CMR Study
Sohns J, Rosenberg C, Zapf A, Unterberg-Buchwald C, Staab W, Schuster A, Kowallick J, Hösch O, Nguyen T, Fasshauer M, Paul T, Lotz J, Steinmetz M
PEDIATR CARDIOL. 2015;36(6):1239-1247.
A wild bootstrap approach for the selection of biomarkers in early diagnostic trials
Zapf A, Brunner E, Konietschke F
Non-invasive diagnosis of acute rejection in renal transplant patients using mass spectrometry of urine samples - a multicentre phase 3 diagnostic accuracy study
Zapf A, Gwinner W, Karch A, Metzger J, Haller H, Koch A
BMC NEPHROL. 2015;16:153.
Nonparametric meta-analysis for diagnostic accuracy studies
Zapf A, Hoyer A, Kramer K, Kuss O
STAT MED. 2015;34(29):3831-3841.
Nonparametric ROC analysis for diagnostic trials.
Brunner E, Zapf A
2014. Methods and Applications of Statistics in Clinical Trials, . Balakrishnan N (Hrsg.). June 2014. Aufl. Wiley, 483-495.
A modified Wald interval for the area under the ROC curve (AUC) in diagnostic case-control studies
Kottas M, Kuss O, Zapf A
Is there a therapeutic benefit of complete lymph node dissection in melanoma patients with low tumor burden in the sentinel node?
Meier A, Zapf A, Niebuhr M, Kapp A, Gutzmer R
MELANOMA RES. 2014;24(5):454-461.
Influence of Comorbidities and Delay in Surgical Treatment on Mortality Following Femoral Neck Fracture
Andruszkow H, Scharff B, Zapf A, Klein M, Lechler P, Hildebrand F, Frink M
Z ORTHOP UNFALLCHIR. 2013;151(4):338-342.
Application and limitations of transient liver elastography in children
Goldschmidt I, Streckenbach C, Dingemann C, Pfister E, di Nanni A, Zapf A, Baumann U
J PEDIATR GASTR NUTR. 2013;57(1):109-113.
Weight loss, dysphagia and supplement intake in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): impact on quality of life and therapeutic options
Körner S, Hendricks M, Kollewe K, Zapf A, Dengler R, Silani V, Petri S
BMC NEUROL. 2013;13:84.
Speech therapy and communication device: impact on quality of life and mood in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Körner S, Sieniawski M, Siniawski M, Kollewe K, Rath K, Krampfl K, Zapf A, Dengler R, Petri S
AMYOTROPH LAT SCL FR. 2013;14(1):20-25.
Comparison of clinical and dental panoramic findings: a practice-based crossover study
Moll M, Seuthe M, von See C, Zapf A, Hornecker E, Mausberg R, Ziebolz D
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2013;13:48.
Development and validation of a new statistical model for prognosis of long-term graft function after pediatric kidney transplantation
Pape L, Ahlenstiel T, Werner C, Zapf A
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2013;28(3):499-505.
Difference of two dependent sensitivities and specificities: Comparison of various approaches
Wenzel D, Zapf A
BIOMETRICAL J. 2013;55(5):705-718.
Measurement of the midpalatal suture width
Fricke-Zech S, Gruber R, Dullin C, Zapf A, Kramer F, Kubein-Meesenburg D, Hahn W
ANGLE ORTHOD. 2012;82(1):145-150.
In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy reduction of relative resting myocardial blood flow is related to late enhancement, T2-signal and LV wall thickness
Hueper K, Zapf A, Skrok J, Pinheiro A, Goldstein T, Zheng J, Zimmerman S, Kamel I, Abraham R, Wacker F, Bluemke D, Abraham T, Vogel-Claussen J
PLOS ONE. 2012;7(7):e41974.
Clinical evaluation of an autofluorescence diagnostic device for oral cancer detection: a prospective randomized diagnostic study
Rana M, Zapf A, Kuehle M, Gellrich N, Eckardt A
EUR J CANCER PREV. 2012;21(5):460-466.
Covalent vectored binding of functional proteins by bifunctional crosslinking at silicone interfaces
Steiert A, Reimers K, Burke W, Zapf A, Vogt P
J BIOMED MATER RES A. 2012;100(5):1248-1255.
Efficacy of two different CHX-containing desensitizers: a controlled double-blind study
Drebenstedt S, Zapf A, Rödig T, Mausberg R, Ziebolz D
OPER DENT. 2011;37(2):161-171.
Myeloid growth factors in acute myeloid leukemia: systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Heuser M, Zapf A, Morgan M, Krauter J, Ganser A
ANN HEMATOL. 2011;90(3):273-281.
Effect of incomplete parathyroidectomy preserving entire parathyroid glands on renal graft function
Jäger M, Kaaden S, Emmanouilidis N, Lück R, Beckmann J, Güner Z, Kespohl H, Glockzin K, Aselmann H, Kaudel C, Schwarz A, Zapf A, Klempnauer J, Scheumann G
ARCH SURG-CHICAGO. 2011;146(6):704-10.
Onset and spreading patterns of upper and lower motor neuron symptoms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Körner S, Kollewe K, Fahlbusch M, Zapf A, Dengler R, Krampfl K, Petri S
MUSCLE NERVE. 2011;43(5):636-642.
Comparison of ultrasonic irrigation and RinsEndo for the removal of calcium hydroxide and Ledermix paste from root canals
Rödig T, Hirschleb M, Zapf A, Hülsmann M
INT ENDOD J. 2011;44(12):1155-1161.
Oral health in adult patients with congenital coagulation disorders--a case control study
Ziebolz D, Stühmer C, Hornecker E, Zapf A, Mausberg R, Chenot J
HAEMOPHILIA. 2011;17(3):527-531.
Low-density lipoprotein apheresis decreases ferritin, transferrin and vitamin B12, which may cause anemia in serially treated patients
Bramlage C, Armstrong V, Zapf A, Bramlage P, Mueller G, Koziolek M
THER APHER DIAL. 2010;14(2):136-142.
Intestinal current measurement for diagnostic classification of patients with questionable cystic fibrosis: validation and reference data
Derichs N, Sanz J, Von Kanel T, Stolpe C, Zapf A, Tümmler B, Gallati S, Ballmann M
THORAX. 2010;65(7):594-599.
Cheyne-stokes respiration and prognosis in modern-treated congestive heart failure
Hagenah G, Zapf A, Schüttert J
LUNG. 2010;188(4):309-313.
Torquing an upper central incisor with aligners--acting forces and biomechanical principles
Hahn W, Zapf A, Dathe H, Fialka-Fricke J, Fricke-Zech S, Gruber R, Kubein-Meesenburg D, Sadat-Khonsari R
EUR J ORTHODONT. 2010;32(6):607-613.
Retrospective analysis of long-term lipid apheresis at a single center
Koziolek M, Hennig U, Zapf A, Bramlage C, Grupp C, Armstrong V, Strutz F, Müller G
THER APHER DIAL. 2010;14(2):143-152.
Role of CX3C-chemokine CX3C-L/fractalkine expression in a model of slowly progressive renal failure
Koziolek M, Müller G, Zapf A, Patschan D, Schmid H, Cohen C, Koschnick S, Vasko R, Bramlage C, Strutz F
NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL. 2010;25(3):684-698.
Serial NT-proBNP measurements for risk stratification of patients with decompensated heart failure
Lüers C, Schmidt A, Wachter R, Fritzsche F, Sutcliffe A, Kleta S, Zapf A, Hagenah G, Binder L, Maisch B, Pieske B
HERZ. 2010;35(7):488-495.
Efficacy of different irrigants in the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals
Rödig T, Vogel S, Zapf A, Hülsmann M
INT ENDOD J. 2010;43(6):519-527.
Dopaminergic treatment is associated with decreased body weight in patients with Parkinson's disease and dyskinesias
Bachmann C, Zapf A, Brunner E, Trenkwalder C
EUR J NEUROL. 2009;16(8):895-901.
Prenatal dexamethasone exposure does not alter blood pressure and nephron number in the young adult marmoset monkey
Bramlage C, Schlumbohm C, Pryce C, Mirza S, Schnell C, Amann K, Amstrong V, Eitner F, Zapf A, Feldon J, Oellerich M, Fuchs E, Müller G, Strutz F
HYPERTENSION. 2009;54(5):1115-22.
Predictors of complications in therapeutic plasma exchange
Bramlage C, Schröder K, Bramlage P, Ahrens K, Zapf A, Müller G, Koziolek M
J CLIN APHERESIS. 2009;24(6):225-231.
Influence of platelet-rich plasma on chondrogenic differentiation and proliferation of chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells
Drengk A, Zapf A, Stürmer E, Stürmer K, Frosch K
CELLS TISSUES ORGANS. 2009;189(5):317-326.
Influence of thermoplastic appliance thickness on the magnitude of force delivered to a maxillary central incisor during tipping
Hahn W, Dathe H, Fialka-Fricke J, Fricke-Zech S, Zapf A, Kubein-Meesenburg D, Sadat-Khonsari R
AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC. 2009;136(1):12.e1-7; discussion 12-3.
Initial forces generated by three types of thermoplastic appliances on an upper central incisor during tipping
Hahn W, Fialka-Fricke J, Dathe H, Fricke-Zech S, Zapf A, Gruber R, Kubein-Meesenburg D, Sadat-Khonsari R
EUR J ORTHODONT. 2009;31(6):625-631.
Imaging of the midpalatal suture in a porcine model: flat-panel volume computed tomography compared with multislice computed tomography
Hahn W, Fricke-Zech S, Fialka-Fricke J, Dullin C, Zapf A, Gruber R, Sennhenn-kirchner S, Kubein-Meesenburg D, Sadat-Khonsari R
ORAL SURG ORAL MED O. 2009;108(3):443-449.
Detection and size differentiation of simulated tooth root defects using flat-panel volume computerized tomography (fpVCT)
Hahn W, Fricke-Zech S, Fricke J, Gruber R, Dullin C, Zapf A, Hannig C, Kubein-Meesenburg D, Sadat-Khonsari R
ORAL SURG ORAL MED O. 2009;107(2):272-278.
Effect of a prostaglandin--given rectally for prevention of radiation-induced acute proctitis--on late rectal toxicity. Results of a phase III randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study
Kertesz T, Herrmann M, Zapf A, Christiansen H, Hermann R, Pradier O, Schmidberger H, Hess C, Hille A
STRAHLENTHER ONKOL. 2009;185(9):596-602.
Cutting a sentinel lymph node into slices is the optimal first step for examination of sentinel lymph nodes in melanoma patients
Mitteldorf C, Bertsch H, Zapf A, Neumann C, Kretschmer L
MODERN PATHOL. 2009;22(12):1622-1627.
Influence of intrinsic noise generated by a thermotesting device on thermal sensory detection and thermal pain detection thresholds.
Pavlaković G, Züchner K, Zapf A, Bachmann C, Graf B, Crozier T, Pavlaković H
MUSCLE NERVE. 2009;40(2):257-263.
Intracellular ABC transporter A3 confers multidrug resistance in leukemia cells by lysosomal drug sequestration
Chapuy B, Koch R, Radunski U, Corsham S, Cheong N, Inagaki N, Ban N, Wenzel D, Reinhardt D, Zapf A, Schweyer S, Kosari F, Klapper W, Truemper L, Wulf G
LEUKEMIA. 2008;22(8):1576-1586.
The use of a neodymium-iron-boron magnet device for positioning a multi-stranded wire retainer in lingual retention--a pilot study in humans
Hahn W, Fricke J, Fricke-Zech S, Zapf A, Gruber R, Sadat-Khonsari R
EUR J ORTHODONT. 2008;30(5):433-436.
Effect of thermode application pressure on thermal threshold detection
Pavlaković G, Klinke I, Pavlaković H, Züchner K, Zapf A, Bachmann C, Graf B, Crozier T
MUSCLE NERVE. 2008;38(5):1498-1505.
Influence of platelet rich plasma (PRP) on chondrogenic differentiation and proliferation of chondrocytes (CC) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)
Drengk A, Zapf A, Sturmer E, Sturmer K, Frosch K
J STEM CELLS REGEN. 2007;2(1):180-181.
Potential role of fractalkine receptor expression in human renal fibrogenesis
Koziolek M, Schmid H, Cohen C, Blaschke S, Hemmerlein B, Zapf A, Müller G, Strutz F
KIDNEY INT. 2007;72(5):599-607.
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