- Dipl.-Biologin
- Forschungsgruppenleiterin
Molekularbiologie, Tumorbiologie, molekulare Mechanismen chronischer Erkrankungen
Defining the role of exertional hypoxemia and pulmonary vasoconstriction on lung function decline, morbidity, and mortality in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease - the PROSA study: rationale and study design
Böger R, Hannemann J
BMC PULM MED. 2024;24(1):262.
Effect of oral melatonin treatment on insulin resistance and diurnal blood pressure variability in night shift workers. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
Hannemann J, Laing A, Middleton B, Schwedhelm E, Marx N, Federici M, Kastner M, Skene D, Böger R
PHARMACOL RES. 2024;199:107011.
Symmetric Dimethylarginine Predicts Previously Undetected Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Ischemic Stroke
Hannemann J, Wasser K, Mileva Y, Kleinsang F, Schubert M, Schwedhelm E, Guan K, Wachter R, Böger R
J AM HEART ASSOC. 2024;13(17):e034994.
A multicenter study of asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine as predictors of mortality risk in hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Hannemann J, Zink A, Mileva Y, Balfanz P, Dahl E, Volland S, Illig T, Schwedhelm E, Kurth F, Stege A, Aepfelbacher M, Hoffmann A, Böger R
SCI REP-UK. 2024;14(1):15739.
Asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine in high altitude pulmonary hypertension (HAPH) and high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)
Hannemann J, Freytag J, Schiefer L, Macholz F, Sareban M, Schmidt-Hutten L, Stang H, Schwedhelm E, Swenson E, Böger R, Berger M
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2023;14:1297636.
Diurnal Variation of L-Arginine and the Cardiovascular Risk Markers Asymmetric and Symmetric Dimethylarginine and Homoarginine in Rotating Night Shift Workers and Controls
Hannemann J, Skene D, Middleton B, Schwedhelm E, Laing A, Böger R
BIOMOLECULES. 2023;13(9):.
Biomarkers of the L-Arginine/Dimethylarginine/Nitric Oxide Pathway in People with Chronic Airflow Obstruction and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Hannemann J, Thorarinnsdottir E, Amaral A, Schwedhelm E, Schmidt-Hutten L, Stang H, Benediktsdottir B, Gunnarsdóttir I, Gislason T, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2023;12(16):.
Vascular nitrosative stress in hypertension induced by fetal undernutrition in rats
Rodríguez-Rodríguez P, Poasakate A, Ruvira-Hernando S, Gutierrez-Arzapalo P, Böger R, Hannemann J, Lüneburg N, Arribas S
J PHYSIOL BIOCHEM. 2023;79(3):555-568.
Author Correction: The role of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in COVID-19: association with respiratory failure and predictive role for outcome
Sozio E, Hannemann J, Fabris M, Cifù A, Ripoli A, Sbrana F, Cescutti D, Vetrugno L, Fapranzi S, Bassi F, Sponza M, Curcio F, Tascini C, Böger R
SCI REP-UK. 2023;13(1):10427.
Dysregulation of the Nitric Oxide/Dimethylarginine Pathway in Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction-Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Significance
Hannemann J, Böger R
Association of Variability in the DDAH1, DDAH2, AGXT2 and PRMT1 Genes with Circulating ADMA Concentration in Human Whole Blood
Hannemann J, Zummack J, Hillig J, Rendant-Gantzberg L, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2022;11(4):.
Impact of light therapy on rotating night shift workers: the EuRhythDia study
Rizza S, Luzi A, Mavilio M, Ballanti M, Massimi A, Porzio O, Magrini A, Hannemann J, Menghini R, Cridland J, Staels B, Grant P, Boger R, Marx N, Federici M
ACTA DIABETOL. 2022;59(12):1589-1596.
Elevated serum SDMA and ADMA at hospital admission predict in-hospital mortality of COVID-19 patients
Hannemann J, Balfanz P, Schwedhelm E, Hartmann B, Ule J, Müller-Wieland D, Dahl E, Dreher M, Marx N, Böger R
SCI REP-UK. 2021;11(1):.
Arzneimitteltherapie in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit
Hannemann J, Böger R
Hamb Ärztebl. 2021;75(10):12-17.
Transcriptional and Post-translational Regulation of the Dimethylarginines ADMA and SDMA and Their Impact on the L-arginine - Nitric Oxide Pathway.
Hannemann J, Böger R
2021. Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry. Jez J (Hrsg.). 3. Aufl. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd., 674-687.
Arginine:Glycine Amidinotransferase Is Essential for Creatine Supply in Mice During Chronic Hypoxia
Hannemann J, Cordts K, Seniuk A, Choe C, Schmidt-Hutten L, Duque Escobar J, Weinberger F, Böger R, Schwedhelm E
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2021;12:703069.
Light therapy improves diurnal blood pressure control in night shift workers via reduction of catecholamines: the EuRhythDia study
Hannemann J, Laing A, Middleton B, Cridland J, Staels B, Marx N, Grant P, Federici M, Stenberg T, Skene D, Böger R
J HYPERTENS. 2021;39(8):1678-1688.
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Arginase 1 and 2 Genes Are Differentially Associated with Circulating l-Arginine Concentration in Unsupplemented and l-Arginine-Supplemented Adults
Hannemann J, Rendant-Gantzberg L, Zummack J, Hillig J, Eilermann I, Böger R
J NUTR. 2021;151(4):763-771.
Association of Genes of the NO Pathway with Altitude Disease and Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension
Hannemann J, Siques P, Schmidt-Hutten L, Zummack J, Brito J, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(24):.
Intrathecal and systemic alterations of L-arginine metabolism in patients after intracerebral hemorrhage
Mader M, Böger R, Appel D, Schwedhelm E, Haddad M, Mohme M, Lamszus K, Westphal M, Czorlich P, Hannemann J
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2021;41(8):1964-1977.
Alterations in Rev-ERBα/BMAL1 ratio and glycated hemoglobin in rotating shift workers: the EuRhythDia study
Rizza S, Luzi A, Mavilio M, Ballanti M, Massimi A, Porzio O, Magrini A, Hannemann J, Menghini R, Lehrke M, Staels B, Grant P, Böger R, Marx N, Federici M
ACTA DIABETOL. 2021;58(8):1111-1117.
Associations of circulating dimethylarginines with the metabolic syndrome in the Framingham Offspring study
Yola I, Moser C, Duncan M, Schwedhelm E, Atzler D, Maas R, Hannemann J, Böger R, Vasan R, Xanthakis V
PLOS ONE. 2021;16(9):e0254577.
Asymmetric dimethylarginine predicts perioperative cardiovascular complications in patients undergoing medium-to-high risk non-cardiac surgery
Appel D, Böger R, Windolph J, Heinze G, Goetz A, Hannemann J
J INT MED RES. 2020;48(8):300060520940450.
Dual role of the L-arginine-ADMA-NO pathway in systemic hypoxic vasodilation and pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstriction
Böger R, Hannemann J
PULM CIRC. 2020;10(2):2045894020918850.
Sequence Variation in the DDAH1 Gene Predisposes for Delayed Cerebral Ischemia in Subarachnoidal Hemorrhage
Hannemann J, Appel D, Seeberger-Steinmeister M, Brüning T, Zummack J, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2020;9(12):.
Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of pulmonary hypoxia and its health sequelae: proceedings of the first international DECIPHER symposium on pulmonary hypoxia, Iquique, Chile, 16-17 October 2019
Hannemann J, Böger R
PULM CIRC. 2020;10(1 Suppl):3-4.
Upregulation of DDAH2 Limits Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Ventricular Hypertrophy During Chronic Hypoxia in Ddah1 Knockout Mice
Hannemann J, Glatzel A, Hillig J, Zummack J, Schumacher U, Lüneburg N, Harbaum L, Böger R
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2020;11:597559.
Timed physical exercise does not influence circadian rhythms and glucose tolerance in rotating night shift workers: The EuRhythDia study
Hannemann J, Laing A, Glismann K, Skene D, Middleton B, Staels B, Marx N, Grant P, Federici M, Niebauer J, Böger R
DIABETES VASC DIS RE. 2020;17(5):1479164120950616.
Pre-Analytical and Clinical Validation of a Dried Blood Spot Assay for Asymmetric Dimethylarginine and L-Arginine
Hannemann J, Roskam T, Eilermann I, Siques P, Brito J, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2020;9(4):.
Metabolism of asymmetric dimethylarginine in hypoxia: from bench to bedside
Hannemann J, Zummack J, Hillig J, Böger R
PULM CIRC. 2020;10(2):2045894020918846.
Nox2 Upregulation and p38α MAPK Activation in Right Ventricular Hypertrophy of Rats Exposed to Long-Term Chronic Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia
Pena E, Siques P, Brito J, Arribas S, Böger R, Hannemann J, León-Velarde F, González M, López M, López de Pablo Á
INT J MOL SCI. 2020;21(22):.
Male fetal sex is associated with low maternal plasma anti-inflammatory cytokine profile in the first trimester of healthy pregnancies
Ramiro-Cortijo D, de la Calle M, Böger R, Hannemann J, Lüneburg N, López-Giménez M, Rodríguez-Rodríguez P, Martín-Cabrejas M, Benítez V, de Pablo Á, González M, Arribas S
CYTOKINE. 2020;136:155290.
Exercise training prior to night shift work improves physical work capacity and arterial stiffness
Schäfer C, Mayr B, Müller E, Augner C, Hannemann J, Böger R, Schönfelder M, Niebauer J
EUR J PREV CARDIOL. 2020;27(8):891-893.
Association of Lower Plasma Homoarginine Concentrations with Greater Risk of All-Cause Mortality in the Community: The Framingham Offspring Study
Schwedhelm E, Song R, Vasan R, van den Heuvel E, Hannemann J, Xanthakis V, Böger R
J CLIN MED. 2020;9(6):.
Asymmetric Dimethylarginine at Sea Level Is a Predictive Marker of Hypoxic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension at High Altitude
Siques P, Brito J, Schwedhelm E, Pena E, León-Velarde F, De La Cruz J, Böger R, Hannemann J
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2019;10:651.
Asymmetric and Symmetric Dimethylarginines are Markers of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia and Neurological Outcome in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Appel D, Seeberger M, Schwedhelm E, Czorlich P, Goetz A, Böger R, Hannemann J
NEUROCRIT CARE. 2018;29(1):84-93.
Long-Term Intermittent Work at High Altitude: Right Heart Functional and Morphological Status and Associated Cardiometabolic Factors
Brito J, Siques P, López R, Romero R, León-Velarde F, Flores K, Lüneburg N, Hannemann J, Böger R
FRONT PHYSIOL. 2018;9:248.
Development and implementation of a cell-based assay to discover agonists of the nuclear receptor REV-ERBα
Hering Y, Berthier A, Duez H, Lefebvre P, Deprez B, Gribbon P, Wolf M, Reinshagen J, Halley F, Hannemann J, Böger R, Staels B, Gul S
Journal of biological methods. 2018;5(3):e94.
Long-Term Intermittent Exposure to High Altitude Elevates Asymmetric Dimethylarginine in First Exposed Young Adults
Lüneburg N, Siques P, Brito J, De La Cruz J, León-Velarde F, Hannemann J, Ibanez C, Böger R
HIGH ALT MED BIOL. 2017;18(3):226-233.
Heterogeneity of estrogen receptor expression in circulating tumor cells from metastatic breast cancer patients
Babayan A, Hannemann J, Spötter J, Müller V, Pantel K, Joosse S
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(9):e75038.
Changes in keratin expression during metastatic progression of breast cancer: impact on the detection of circulating tumor cells.
Joosse S, Hannemann J, Spötter J, Bauche A, Andreas A, Müller V, Pantel K
CLIN CANCER RES. 2012;18(4):993-1003.
Quantitative high-resolution genomic analysis of single cancer cells.
Hannemann J, Meyer-Staeckling S, Kemming D, Alpers I, Joosse S, Pospisil H, Kurtz S, Görndt J, Püschel K, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Brandt B
PLOS ONE. 2011;6(11):26362.
Genomic signature of BRCA1 deficiency in sporadic basal-like breast tumors.
Joosse S, Brandwijk K, Mulder L, Wesseling J, Hannemann J, Nederlof P
GENE CHROMOSOME CANC. 2011;50(2):71-81.
Prediction of BRCA status
Joosse S, Hannemann J
Int J Clin Rev. 2011;07:9.
Prediction of BRCA status
Joosse S, Hannemann J
CML - Breast Cancer. 2011;23(2):41-50.
Indicators of homologous recombination deficiency in breast cancer and association with response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Lips E, Mulder L, Hannemann J, Laddach N, Vrancken Peeters M, van de Vijver M, Wesseling J, Nederlof P, Rodenhuis S
ANN ONCOL. 2011;22(4):870-876.
BRCA1 loss preexisting in small subpopulations of prostate cancer is associated with advanced disease and metastatic spread to lymph nodes and peripheral blood
Bednarz N, Eltze E, Semjonow A, Rink M, Andreas A, Mulder L, Hannemann J, Fisch M, Pantel K, Weier H, Bielawski K, Brandt B
CLIN CANCER RES. 2010;16(13):3340-3348.
Concordance of clinical and molecular breast cancer subtyping in the context of preoperative chemotherapy response.
de Ronde Jorma J, Hannemann J, Halfwerk H, Mulder L, Straver M, Peeters V, Marie-Jeanne T, Wesseling J, van de Vijver M, Wessels L, Rodenhuis S
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2010;119(1):119-126.
The 70-gene signature as a response predictor for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer.
Straver [, Marieke E, Glas [, Annuska M, Hannemann J, Juliane [, Wesseling [, Jelle [, Vijver v, Marc J, Rutgers [, Emiel J, Vrancken P, Marie-Jeanne T, Tinteren v, Harm [, Van't V, Laura J, Rodenhuis [, Sjoerd [
BREAST CANCER RES TR. 2010;119(3):551-558.
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for prediction of breast cancer response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy: initial results
Loo C, Teertstra H, Rodenhuis S, van de Vijver M, Hannemann J, Muller S, Peeters M, Gilhuijs K
AM J ROENTGENOL. 2008;191(5):1331-8.
Molecular subtypes of breast cancer and amplification of topoisomerase II alpha: predictive role in dose intensive adjuvant chemotherapy
Hannemann J, Kristel P, van Tinteren H, Bontenbal M, van Hoesel Q, Smit W, Nooij M, Voest E, van der Wall E, Hupperets P, de Vries E, Rodenhuis S, van de Vijver M
BRIT J CANCER. 2006;95(10):1334-41.
Classification of ductal carcinoma in situ by gene expression profiling
Hannemann J, Velds A, Halfwerk J, Kreike B, Peterse J, van de Vijver M
BREAST CANCER RES. 2006;8(5):R61.
Changes in gene expression associated with response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer
Hannemann J, Oosterkamp H, Bosch C, Velds A, Wessels L, Loo C, Rutgers E, Rodenhuis S, van de Vijver M
J CLIN ONCOL. 2005;23(15):3331-42.
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