- Stellvertretende Abteilungsleitung Biometrie
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Medizinische Biometrie
- Klinische Studien
- statistische Beratung
- Koordination/Verwaltung
Methodische Schwerpunkte:
- Gemischte Modelle
- Reliabilitäten
- Visualisierung von Ergebnissen
Klinische Schwerpunkte:
- Kardiologie
- Radiologie
- Rechtsmedizin
- Lehrforschung
Bevorzugte statistische Software:
- STATA (advanced)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS)
Anticoagulation with edoxaban in patients with long atrial high-rate episodes ≥24 h
Becher N, Toennis T, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom Lundqvist C, Brandes A, Cabanelas N, Calvert M, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, Dichtl W, Diener H, Fierenz A, Goette A, de Groot J, N L Hermans A, Lip G, Lubiński A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Schnabel R, Schotten U, Sehner S, Simantirakis E, Vardas P, Velchev V, Wichterle D, Zapf A, Kirchhof P
EUR HEART J. 2024;45(10):837-849.
Selbstbeurteilte körperliche Belastbarkeit zur Vorhersage von postoperativen pulmonalen Komplikationen und schweren unerwünschten kardialen Ereignissen – Eine prospektive Obser vationsstudie (PRESELECT)
Dankert A, Pujanek P, Plümer L, Sehner S, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
ANASTH INTENSIVMED. 2024;65:335-336.
Self-reported functional capacity for the prediction of postoperative pulmonary complications and major adverse cardiac events – a prospective observational study
Dankert A, Pujanek P, Plümer L, Sehner S, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
EUR J ANAESTH. 2024;41(e-Supplement 62):351-352.
Anticoagulation in Patients With Device-Detected Atrial Fibrillation With and Without a Prior Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: The NOAH-AFNET 6 Trial
Diener H, Becher N, Sehner S, Toennis T, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Brandes A, Beuger V, Calvert M, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, Dichtl W, Fierenz A, Goette A, de Groot J, Hermans A, Lip G, Lubinski A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Nikorowitsch J, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Schnabel R, Schotten U, Simantirakis E, Vardas P, Wichterle D, Zapf A, Kirchhof P
J AM HEART ASSOC. 2024;13(17):.
Diener H, Lip G, Nikorowitsch J, Becher N, Blomstrom C, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Goette A, Schotten U, Simantirakis E, Toennis T, Vardas P, Zapf A, Sehner S, Schnabel R, Scherr D, Ozga A, Bertaglia E, Brandes A, Kirchhof P
HEART RHYTHM. 2024;21(7):.
Oral anticoagulation in device-detected atrial fibrillation: effects of age, sex, cardiovascular comorbidities, and kidney function on outcomes in the NOAH-AFNET 6 trial
Lip G, Nikorowitsch J, Sehner S, Becher N, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Brandes A, Beuger V, Calvert M, Camm A, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, Dichtl W, Diener H, Fierenz A, Goette A, de Groot J, Hermans A, Lubinski A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Schnabel R, Schotten U, Simantirakis E, Toennis T, Vardas P, Wichterle D, Zapf A, Kirchhof P
EUR HEART J. 2024;45(19):1733-1737.
Effect of the i2TransHealth e-health intervention on psychological distress among transgender and gender diverse adults from remote areas in Germany: A randomised controlled trial
Nieder T, Renner J, Sehner S, Pepić A, Zapf A, Lambert M, Briken P, Dekker A
LANCET DIGIT HEALTH. 2024;6(12):e883-e893.
Anticoagulation in device-detected atrial fibrillation with or without vascular disease: a combined analysis of the NOAH-AFNET 6 and ARTESiA trials
Schnabel R, Benezet-Mazuecos J, Becher N, McIntyre W, Fierenz A, Lee S, Goette A, Atar D, Bertaglia E, Benz A, Chlouverakis G, Birnie D, Dichtl W, Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Camm A, Erath J, Simantirakis E, Kutyifa V, Lip G, Mabo P, Marijon E, Rivard L, Schotten U, Alings M, Sehner S, Toennis T, Linde C, Vardas P, Granger C, Zapf A, Lopes R, Healey J, Kirchhof P
EUR HEART J. 2024;45(46):4902-4916.
Empagliflozin effects on iron metabolism as a possible mechanism for improved clinical outcomes in non-diabetic patients with systolic heart failure
Angermann C, Santos-Gallego C, Requena-Ibanez J, Sehner S, Zeller T, Gerhardt L, Maack C, Sanz J, Frantz S, Fuster V, Ertl G, Badimon J
NAT CARDIOVASC RES. 2023;2(11):1032–1043.
Longer-Term Effects of Remote Patient Management Following Hospital Discharge After Acute Systolic Heart Failure: The Randomized E-INH Trial
Angermann C, Sehner S, Faller H, Güder G, Morbach C, Frantz S, Wegscheider K, Ertl G, Störk S
JACC-HEART FAIL. 2023;11(2):191-206.
Transnasal Videoendoscopy for Preoperative Airway Risk Stratification: Development and Validation of a Multivariable Risk Prediction Model
Barclay-Steuart A, Großhennig H, Sasu P, Wünsch V, Stadlhofer R, Berger J, Stark M, Sehner S, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
ANESTH ANALG. 2023;136(6):1164-1173.
Transnasal videoendoscopy for preoperative airway risk stratification:development and validation of a multivariable risk prediction model
Barclay-Steuart A, Sasu P, Wünsch V, Stadlhofer R, Sehner S, Stark M, Breitfeld P, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
TRENDS ANAESTH CRIT. 2023;2023(48, Supplement 1):S12-13.
Preoperative Spirometry in Patients With Known or Suspected Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Undergoing Major Surgery: The Prospective Observational PREDICT Study
Dankert A, Neumann-Schirmbeck B, Dohrmann T, Greiwe G, Plümer L, Löser B, Sehner S, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
ANESTH ANALG. 2023;137(4):806-818.
Ist ein präoperativer Treppensteigtest bei Patienten mit bekannter oder vermuteter COPD besser als die Patientenselbstbeurteilung einer eingeschränkten körperlichen Belastungsfähigkeit? Eine prospektive Beobachtungsstudie
Dankert A, Neumann-Schirmbeck B, Dohrmann T, Plümer L, Sehner S, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
ANASTH INTENSIVMED. 2023;64(Suppl 7):205-206.
Stair-Climbing Tests or Self-Reported Functional Capacity for Preoperative Pulmonary Risk Assessment in Patients with Known or Suspected COPD—A Prospective Observational Study
Dankert A, Neumann-Schirmbeck B, Dohrmann T, Plümer L, Wünsch V, Sasu P, Sehner S, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
J CLIN MED. 2023;12(13):.
Prevalence and prognostic impact of chronic kidney disease and anaemia across ACC/AHA precursor and symptomatic heart failure stages
Gerhardt L, Kordsmeyer M, Sehner S, Güder G, Störk S, Edelmann F, Wachter R, Pankuweit S, Prettin C, Ertl G, Wanner C, Angermann C
CLIN RES CARDIOL. 2023;112(7):868-879.
Patient-Reported Quality of Life After Intravenous Alteplase for Stroke in the WAKE-UP Trial
Jensen M, Sehner S, Cheng B, Schlemm E, Quandt F, Barow E, Wegscheider K, Boutitie F, Ebinger M, Endres M, Fiebach J, Thijs V, Lemmens R, Muir K, Nighoghossian N, Pedraza S, Simonsen C, Thomalla G, Gerloff C
NEUROLOGY. 2023;100(2):e154-e162.
Anticoagulation with Edoxaban in Patients with Atrial High-Rate Episodes
Kirchhof P, Toennis T, Goette A, Camm A, Diener H, Becher N, Bertaglia E, Blomstrom Lundqvist C, Borlich M, Brandes A, Cabanelas N, Calvert M, Chlouverakis G, Dan G, de Groot J, Dichtl W, Kravchuk B, Lubiński A, Marijon E, Merkely B, Mont L, Ozga A, Rajappan K, Sarkozy A, Scherr D, Sznajder R, Velchev V, Wichterle D, Sehner S, Simantirakis E, Lip G, Vardas P, Schotten U, Zapf A
NEW ENGL J MED. 2023;389(13):1167-1179.
Studienabschnitt „Vom Symptom zur Erkrankung“ – Schritte in ein integriertes Zahnmedizincurriculum
Lemke R, Mirzakhanian C, Sehner S, Bruhn N
BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 2023;66(12):1363–1371.
Prospective development and validation of a multivariable diagnostic model tograde difficult videolaryngoscopic intubation: the VIDIAC classification
Siebert H, Kohse E, Sasu P, Dohrmann T, Sehner S, Stark M, Breitfeld P, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
TRENDS ANAESTH CRIT. 2023;48(Supplement 1):S7-8.
Assessment of aortic diameter in Marfan patients: intraindividual comparison of 3D-Dixon and 2D-SSFP magnetic resonance imaging
Wright F, Warncke M, Sinn M, Ristow I, Lenz A, Riedel C, Schoennagel B, Zhang S, Kaul M, Adam G, von Kodolitsch Y, Sehner S, Bannas P
EUR RADIOL. 2023;33(3):1687-1697.
Second-generation distal attachment cuff for adenoma detection in screening colonoscopy: a randomized multicenter study
Zimmermann-Fraedrich K, Sehner S, Rösch T, Aschenbeck J, Schröder A, Schubert S, Liceni T, Aminalai A, Spitz W, Möhler U, Heller F, Berndt R, Bartel-Kowalski C, Niemax K, Burmeister W, Schachschal G
GASTROINTEST ENDOSC. 2023;97(1):112-120.
Incidence and risk factors of mental disorders in the elderly: The European MentDis_ICF65+ study
Andreas S, Schulz H, Volkert J, Lüdemann J, Dehoust M, Sehner S, Suling A, Wegscheider K, Ausín B, Canuto A, Crawford M, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Belén Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Weber K, Wittchen H, Härter M
AUST NZ J PSYCHIAT. 2022;56(5):551-559.
Attaining sinus rhythm mediates improved outcome with early rhythm control therapy of atrial fibrillation: the EAST - AFNET 4 trial
Eckardt L, Sehner S, Suling A, Borof K, Breithardt G, Crijns H, Goette A, Wegscheider K, Zapf A, Camm J, Metzner A, Kirchhof P
EUR HEART J. 2022;43(40):4127-4144.
The baroreceptor reflex brought to life outside the classroom - an e-learning based asynchronous laboratory class using a non-supervised modified Active Standing Test
Heinrich T, Sehner S, Wageringel I, Ehmke H, Schwoerer A
BMC MED EDUC. 2022;22(1):.
Hybrid APC in Combination With Resection for the Endoscopic Treatment of Neoplastic Barrett's Esophagus: A Prospective, Multicenter Study
Knabe M, Beyna T, Rösch T, Bergman J, Manner H, May A, Schachschal G, Neuhaus H, Kandler J, Weusten B, Pech O, Faiss S, Anders M, Vieth M, Sehner S, Bisschops R, Bhandari P, Ell C, Ehlken H
AM J GASTROENTEROL. 2022;117(1):110-119.
A model to predict difficult airway alerts after videolaryngoscopy in adults with anticipated difficult airways – the VIDIAC score
Kohse E, Siebert H, Sasu P, Loock K, Dohrmann T, Breitfeld P, Barclay‐Steuart A, Stark M, Sehner S, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
ANAESTHESIA. 2022;77(10):1089-1096.
Quantitative analysis of submucosal excision depth in endoscopic resection for early Barrett's cancer
Krause J, Rösch T, Steurer S, Clauditz T, Sehner S, Schumacher U, Neuhaus H, Messmann H, Schumacher B, Probst A, Schachschal G, Ehlken H, Vieth M, Schmitz R
ENDOSCOPY. 2022;54(6):565-570.
Interdisciplinary, internet-based trans health care (i²TransHealth): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Nieder T, Renner J, Zapf A, Sehner S, Hot A, König H, Dams J, Grochtdreis T, Briken P, Dekker A
BMJ OPEN. 2022;12(2):e045980.
Success and patient satisfaction of immediately loaded zirconia implants with fixed restorations one year after loading
Rutkowski R, Smeets R, Neuhöffer L, Stolzer C, Strick K, Gosau M, Sehner S, Volz K, Henningsen A
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2022;22(1):.
Differentiation between TTTS Stages I vs II and III vs IV does not affect probability of double survival after laser therapy
Bamberg C, Diehl W, Diemert A, Sehner S, Hecher K
ULTRASOUND OBST GYN. 2021;58(2):201-206.
Atrial Fibrillation Burden and Clinical Outcomes in Heart Failure: The CASTLE-AF Trial
Brachmann J, Sohns C, Andresen D, Siebels J, Sehner S, Boersma L, Merkely B, Pokushalov E, Sanders P, Schunkert H, Bänsch D, Dagher L, Zhao Y, Mahnkopf C, Wegscheider K, Marrouche N
JACC-CLIN ELECTROPHY. 2021;7(5):594-603.
Predictors of attendance in outpatient group treatment for women with posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder
Grundmann J, Lotzin A, Sehner S, Verthein U, Hiller P, Hiersemann R, Lincoln T, Hillemacher T, Schneider B, Driessen M, Scherbaum N, Dotten A, Schäfer I
PSYCHOTHER RES. 2021;31(5):632-643.
Efficiency of Percutaneous Stent Angioplasty in Renal Artery Stenosis - 15 Years of Experience at a Single Center
Guerreiro H, Avanesov M, Dinnies S, Sehner S, Schön G, Wenzel U, Adam G, Ittrich H, Regier M
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 2021;193(3):298-304.
Prior Resection of the Primary Tumor Prolongs Survival After Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy of Advanced Neuroendocrine Neoplasms
Kaemmerer D, Twrznik M, Kulkarni H, Hörsch D, Sehner S, Baum R, Hommann M
ANN SURG. 2021;274(1):e45-e53.
Telemonitoring in patients with chronic heart failure and moderate depressed symptoms - results of the Telemedical Interventional Monitoring in Heart Failure (TIM-HF) study
Koehler J, Stengel A, Hofmann T, Wegscheider K, Koehler K, Sehner S, Rose M, Deckwart O, Anker S, Koehler F, Laufs U
EUR J HEART FAIL. 2021;23(1):186-194.
Effect of intravenous alteplase on post-stroke depression in the WAKE UP trial
Königsberg A, Sehner S, Arlt S, Cheng B, Simonsen C, Boutitie F, Serena J, Thijs V, Ebinger M, Endres M, Fiebach J, Lemmens R, Muir K, Nighoghossian N, Pedraza S, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
EUR J NEUROL. 2021;28(6):2017-2025.
Pharmacological rhythm versus rate control in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure: the CASTLE-AF trial
Zhao Y, Krupadev V, Dagher L, Mahnkopf C, Sohns C, Sehner S, Suling A, Sanders P, Boersma L, Schunkert H, Wegscheider K, Brachmann J, Marrouche N
J INTERV CARD ELECTR. 2021;61(3):609-615.
Effects of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Related Contact Restrictions in Germany, March to May 2020, on the Mobility and Relation to Infection Patterns
Bönisch S, Wegscheider K, Krause L, Sehner S, Wiegel S, Zapf A, Moser S, Becher H
FRONT PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020;8:568287.
Stellenwert der präoperativen Spirometrie zur Vorhersage von postoperativen pulmonalen Komplikationen (PPC) und Letalität bei Patienten mit typischen Symptomen für eine chronische obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (COPD). Eine prospektive Beobachtungsstudie
Dankert A, Neumann-Schirmbeck B, Dohrmann T, Greiwe G, Plümer L, Löser B, Sehner S, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
2020. A&I Supplement Nr. 11 ¦ 2020. 61. Aufl. Anästh Intensivmed 2020: Aktiv Druck & Verlag GmbH , 256.
Airway management and perioperative adverse events in children with mucopolysaccharidoses and mucolipidoses: a retrospective cohort study
Dohrmann T, Muschol N, Sehner S, Punke M, Haas S, Roeher K, Breyer S, Koehn A, Ullrich K, Zöllner C, Petzoldt M
PEDIATR ANESTH. 2020;30(2):181-190.
Quality of life, level of functioning, and its relationship with mental and physical disorders in the elderly: results from the MentDis_ICF65+ study
Grassi L, Caruso R, Da Ronch C, Härter M, Schulz H, Volkert J, Dehoust M, Sehner S, Suling A, Wegscheider K, Ausín B, Canuto A, Muñoz M, Crawford M, Hershkovitz Y, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Strehle J, Weber K, Wittchen H, Andreas S, Belvederi Murri M, Zerbinati L, Nanni M
HEALTH QUAL LIFE OUT. 2020;18(1):61.
Analysis of outcome for elderly patients after microvascular flap surgery: a monocentric retrospective cohort study
Hanken H, Barsukov E, Göhler F, Sehner S, Smeets R, Beck-Broichsitter B, Heiland M, Kreutzer K, Gröbe A
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2020;24(1):193-200.
Threats to Belonging-Stressful Life Events and Mental Health Symptoms in Aging Men-A Longitudinal Cohort Study
Lindert J, Lee L, Weisskopf M, McKee M, Sehner S, Spiro A
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2020;11:575979.
Patient-reported outcomes predict return to work and health-related quality of life six months after cardiac rehabilitation: Results from a German multi-centre registry (OutCaRe)
Salzwedel A, Koran I, Langheim E, Schlitt A, Nothroff J, Bongarth C, Wrenger M, Sehner S, Reibis R, Wegscheider K, Völler H
PLOS ONE. 2020;15(5):e0232752.
Correlation of medical students' situational motivation and performance of non-technical skills during simulation-based emergency training
Schulte-Uentrop L, Cronje J, Zöllner C, Kubitz J, Sehner S, Moll-Khosrawi P
BMC MED EDUC. 2020;20(1):351.
Impact of Left Ventricular Function and Heart Failure Symptoms on Outcomes Post Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation in Heart Failure: CASTLE-AF Trial
Sohns C, Zintl K, Zhao Y, Dagher L, Andresen D, Siebels J, Wegscheider K, Sehner S, Boersma L, Merkely B, Pokushalov E, Sanders P, Schunkert H, Bänsch D, Mahnkopf C, Brachmann J, Marrouche N
CIRC-ARRHYTHMIA ELEC. 2020;13(10):e008461.
Teaching About Sexualized Violence in Educational and Clinical Institutions: Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary University Curriculum
Stück E, Wazlawik M, Stehr J, Sehner S, Schwerdt D, Christmann B, Dekker A
SEX RES SOC POLICY. 2020;17(4):700-710.
Highly reduced-dose CT of the lumbar spine in a human cadaver model
Warncke M, Wiese N, Tahir E, Sehner S, Heinemann A, Regier M, Püschel K, Adam G, Weinrich J, Laqmani A
PLOS ONE. 2020;15(10):e0240199.
Feasibility of extremely reduced-dose CT of the thoracic spine in human cadavers
Weinrich J, Warncke M, Wiese N, Regier M, Tahir E, Heinemann A, Sehner S, Püschel K, Adam G, Laqmani A
ACTA RADIOL. 2020;61(8):1034-1041.
Zeitgrenzen nicht-temperaturbasierter Faktoren der Komplexmethode zur forensischen Todeszeitdiagnostik
Anders S, Raupach T, Sehner S
RECHTSMEDIZIN. 2019;29(4):248-252.
Affective disorders in the elderly in different European countries: Results from the MentDis_ICF65+ study
Andreas S, Dehoust M, Volkert J, Schulz H, Sehner S, Suling A, Wegscheider K, Ausín B, Canuto A, Crawford M, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Belén Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Weber K, Wittchen H, Härter M
PLOS ONE. 2019;14(11):e0224871.
Validation of a mobile app for reducing errors of administration of medications in an emergency
Baumann D, Dibbern N, Sehner S, Zöllner C, Reip W, Kubitz J
J CLIN MONIT COMPUT. 2019;33(3):531-539.
Tumor volume as a predictive parameter in the sequential therapy (induction chemotherapy) of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas
Bohlen M, Busch C, Sehner S, Forterre F, Bier J, Berliner C, Bußmann L, Münscher A
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2019;276(4):1183-1189.
Hemadsorption during cardiopulmonary bypass reduces interleukin 8 and tumor necrosis factor α serum levels in cardiac surgery: a randomized controlled trial
Garau I, März A, Sehner S, Reuter D, Reichenspurner H, Zöllner C, Kubitz J
MINERVA ANESTESIOL. 2019;85(7):715-723.
Exploring sociodemographic subgroup differences in multiple mini-interview (MMI) performance based on MMI station type and the implications for the predictive fairness of the Hamburg MMI
Knorr M, Meyer H, Sehner S, Hampe W, Zimmermann S
BMC MED EDUC. 2019;19(1):243.
Learning How to Ask - Does a one-day training increase trauma inquiry in routine substance use disorder practice? Results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Lotzin A, Buth S, Sehner S, Hiller P, Martens M, Read J, Härter M, Cowlishaw S, Schäfer I
J SUBST ABUSE TREAT. 2019;107:8-16.
Reducing barriers to trauma inquiry in substance use disorder treatment - a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Lotzin A, Buth S, Sehner S, Hiller P, Pawils S, Metzner F, Read J, Härter M, Schäfer I
SUBST ABUSE TREAT PR. 2019;14(1):23.
Human iPS cell-derived engineered heart tissue does not affect ventricular arrhythmias in a guinea pig cryo-injury model
Pecha S, Yorgan K, Röhl M, Geertz B, Hansen A, Weinberger F, Sehner S, Ehmke H, Reichenspurner H, Eschenhagen T, Schwoerer A
SCI REP-UK. 2019;9(1):9831.
A multisite randomized controlled trial of Seeking Safety vs. Relapse Prevention Training for women with co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders
Schäfer I, Lotzin A, Hiller P, Sehner S, Driessen M, Hillemacher T, Schäfer M, Scherbaum N, Schneider B, Grundmann J
EUR J PSYCHOTRAUMATO. 2019;10(1):1577092.
Effect of Ranolazine on Ischemic Myocardium IN Patients With Acute Cardiac Ischemia (RIMINI-Trial): A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial
Schwemer T, Radziwolek L, Deutscher N, Diermann N, Sehner S, Blankenberg S, Friedrich F
J CARDIOVASC PHARM T. 2019;24(1):62-69.
The role of meaning in life in community-dwelling older adults with depression and relationship to other risk factors
Volkert J, Härter M, Dehoust M, Ausín B, Canuto A, Da Ronch C, Suling A, Grassi L, Munoz M, Santos-Olmo A, Sehner S, Weber K, Wegscheider K, Wittchen H, Schulz H, Andreas S
AGING MENT HEALTH. 2019;23(1):100-106.
Feasibility of Submillisievert CT of the Skeletal Pelvis Using Iterative Reconstruction: A Human Cadaver Study
Weinrich J, Maas K, Starekova J, Tahir E, Intert L, Heinemann A, Sehner S, Regier M, Püschel K, Adam G, Laqmani A
AM J ROENTGENOL. 2019;213(4):903-911.
Feasibility of sub-milliSievert CT of the cervical spine: Initial results in fresh human cadavers
Weinrich J, Regier M, Well L, Bannas P, Nykolyn O, Heinemann A, Sehner S, Behzadi C, Püschel K, Adam G, Laqmani A
EUR J RADIOL. 2019;120:.
Right-Sided Location Not Associated With Missed Colorectal Adenomas in an Individual-Level Reanalysis of Tandem Colonoscopy Studies
Zimmermann-Fraedrich K, Sehner S, Rex D, Kaltenbach T, Soetikno R, Wallace M, Leung W, Guo C, Gralnek I, Brand E, Groth S, Schachschal G, Ikematsu H, Siersema P, Rösch T
GASTROENTEROLOGY. 2019;157(3):660-671.e2.
Anxiety Disorders in Old Age: Psychiatric Comorbidities, Quality of Life, and Prevalence According to Age, Gender, and Country
Canuto A, Weber K, Baertschi M, Andreas S, Volkert J, Dehoust M, Sehner S, Suling A, Wegscheider K, Ausín B, Crawford M, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Strehle J, Wittchen H, Schulz H, Härter M
AM J GERIAT PSYCHIAT. 2018;26(2):174-185.
Nationwide Routine-Data Analysis of Sex Differences in Outcome of Acute Myocardial Infarction
Freisinger E, Sehner S, Malyar N, Suling A, Reinecke H, Wegscheider K
CLIN CARDIOL. 2018;41(8):1013-1021.
Foot Strike Patterns Differ Between Children and Adolescents Growing up Barefoot vs. Shod
Hollander K, de Villiers J, Venter R, Sehner S, Wegscheider K, Braumann K, Zech A
INT J SPORTS MED. 2018;39(2):97-103.
Post-mortem chemical excitability of the iris should not be used for forensic death time diagnosis
Koehler K, Sehner S, Riemer M, Gehl A, Raupach T, Anders S
INT J LEGAL MED. 2018;132(6):1693-1697.
"Learning How to Ask" Effectiveness of a Training for Trauma Inquiry and Response in Substance Use Disorder Healthcare Professionals
Lotzin A, Buth S, Sehner S, Hiller P, Martens M, Pawils S, Metzner F, Read J, Härter M, Schäfer I
PSYCHOL TRAUMA-US. 2018;10(2):229-238.
No difference in the prevalence of Alzheimer-type neurodegenerative changes in the brains of suicides when compared with controls: an explorative neuropathologic study
Matschke J, Sehner S, Gallinat J, Siegers J, Murroni M, Püschel K, Glatzel M
EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 2018;268(5):509-517.
CD44 is a RAS/STAT5-regulated invasion receptor that triggers disease expansion in advanced mastocytosis
Mueller N, Wicklein D, Eisenwort G, Jawhar M, Berger D, Stefanzl G, Greiner G, Boehm A, Kornauth C, Muellauer L, Sehner S, Hoermann G, Sperr W, Staber P, Jaeger U, Zuber J, Arock M, Schumacher U, Reiter A, Valent P
BLOOD. 2018;132(18):1936-1950.
Alcohol use, abuse and dependence in an older European population: Results from the MentDis_ICF65+ study
Muñoz M, Ausín B, Santos-Olmo A, Härter M, Volkert J, Schulz H, Sehner S, Dehoust M, Suling A, Wegscheider K, Canuto A, Crawford M, Grassi L, Da Ronch C, Hershkovitz Y, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Shalev A, Strehle J, Weber K, Wittchen H, Andreas S
PLOS ONE. 2018;13(4):e0196574.
Predisposing, enabling, and need factors of service utilization in the elderly with mental health problems
Volkert J, Andreas S, Härter M, Dehoust M, Sehner S, Suling A, Ausín B, Canuto A, Crawford M, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Strehle J, Weber K, Wegscheider K, Wittchen H, Schulz H
INT PSYCHOGERIATR. 2018;30(7):1027-1037.
MDCT in suspected lumbar spine fracture: comparison of standard and reduced dose settings using iterative reconstruction
Weinrich J, Well L, Regier M, Behzadi C, Sehner S, Adam G, Laqmani A
CLIN RADIOL. 2018;73(7):675.e9-675.e15.
Motor Skills of Children and Adolescents Are Influenced by Growing up Barefoot or Shod
Zech A, Venter R, de Villiers J, Sehner S, Wegscheider K, Hollander K
FRONT PEDIATR. 2018;6:115.
Effects of two instrument-generation changes on adenoma detection rate during screening colonoscopy: results from a prospective randomized comparative study
Zimmermann-Fraedrich K, Groth S, Sehner S, Schubert S, Aschenbeck J, Mayr M, Aminalai A, Schröder A, Bruhn J, Bläker M, Rösch T, Schachschal G
ENDOSCOPY. 2018;50(9):878-885.
Prevalence of mental disorders in elderly people: the European MentDis_ICF65+ study
Andreas S, Schulz H, Volkert J, Dehoust M, Sehner S, Suling A, Ausín B, Canuto A, Crawford M, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Strehle J, Weber K, Wegscheider K, Wittchen H, Härter M
BRIT J PSYCHIAT. 2017;210(2):125-131.
Re-establishment of rigor mortis: evidence for a considerably longer post-mortem time span
Crostack C, Sehner S, Raupach T, Anders S
INT J LEGAL MED. 2017;131(4):1039-1042.
Prevalence and correlates of somatoform disorders in the elderly: Results of a European study.
Dehoust M, Schulz H, Härter M, Volkert J, Sehner S, Drabik A, Wegscheider K, Canuto A, Weber K, Crawford M, Quirk A, Grassi L, DaRonch C, Munoz M, Ausin B, Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Rotenstein O, Hershkowitz Y, Strehle J, Wittchen H, Andreas S
INT J METH PSYCH RES. 2017;26(1): Art. e1550 .
Fetoscopic laser coagulation in 1020 pregnancies with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome demonstrates improvement of double survival rates
Diehl W, Diemert A, Grasso D, Sehner S, Wegscheider K, Hecher K
ULTRASOUND OBST GYN. 2017;50(6):728-735.
Influence of motivation, self-efficacy and situational factors on the teaching quality of clinical educators
Dybowski C, Sehner S, Harendza S
Needs and concerns of transgender individuals regarding interdisciplinary transgender healthcare: A non-clinical online survey
Eyssel J, Köhler A, Dekker A, Sehner S, Nieder T
PLOS ONE. 2017;12 (8):e0183014.
Unmet needs for information and psychosocial support in relation to quality of life and emotional distress: A comparison between gynecological and breast cancer patients
Faller H, Brähler E, Härter M, Keller M, Schulz H, Wegscheider K, Weis J, Boehncke A, Reuter K, Richard M, Sehner S, Koch U, Mehnert A
PATIENT EDUC COUNS. 2017;100(10):1934-1942.
Utilization of professional psychological care in a large German sample of cancer patients
Faller H, Weis J, Koch U, Brähler E, Härter M, Keller M, Schulz H, Wegscheider K, Boehncke A, Hund B, Reuter K, Richard M, Sehner S, Wittchen H, Mehnert A
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2017;26(4):537-543.
Measurement of Postmortem Pupil Size: A New Method with Excellent Reliability and Its Application to Pupil Changes in the Early Postmortem Period
Fleischer L, Sehner S, Gehl A, Riemer M, Raupach T, Anders S
J FORENSIC SCI. 2017;62(3):791-795.
Influence of periprocedural anticoagulation strategies on complication rate and hospital stay in patients undergoing catheter ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation
Gunawardene M, Willems S, Schäffer B, Moser J, Akbulak R, Jularic M, Eickholt C, Nührich J, Meyer C, Kuklik P, Sehner S, Czerner V, Hoffmann B
CLIN RES CARDIOL. 2017;106(1):38-48.
Immediate loading of subcrestally placed dental implants in anterior and premolar sites
Henningsen A, Smeets R, Köppen K, Sehner S, Kornmann F, Gröbe A, Heiland M, Gerlach T
J CRANIO MAXILL SURG. 2017;45(11):1898-1905.
Langfristige Effekte von Schuhen auf die Laufbiomechanik von Kindern
Hollander K, De Villiers J, Sehner S, Venter R, Braumann K, Zech A
2017. Innovation & Technologie im Sport. Schwirtz A, Mess F, Demetriou Y, Senner V (Hrsg.). 68.
Growing-up (habitually) barefoot influences the development of foot and arch morphology in children and adolescents
Hollander K, de Villiers J, Sehner S, Wegscheider K, Braumann K, Venter R, Zech A
SCI REP-UK. 2017;7(1):8079.
Survival analysis of 287 oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma patients in a single institution: a retrospective comparison of two consecutive time intervals with surgical and conservative treatment approaches
Münscher A, Bussmann L, Sehner S, Knaack S, Gliese A, Tribius S, Clauditz T, Lörincz B
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2017;274(8):3211-3219.
Reliability and Correlation of Static and Dynamic Foot Arch Measurement in a Healthy Pediatric Population
Scholz T, Zech A, Wegscheider K, Lezius S, Braumann K, Sehner S, Hollander K
J AM PODIAT MED ASSN. 2017;107(5):419-427.
Post-mortem external examination competence, education and accuracy of general practitioners in a metropolitan area
Schröder A, Wilmes S, Sehner S, Ehrhardt M, Kaduszkiewicz H, Anders S
INT J LEGAL MED. 2017;131(6):1701-1706.
Comparison of In-Vitro and Ex-Vivo Wound Healing Assays for the Investigation of Diabetic Wound Healing and Demonstration of a Beneficial Effect of a Triterpene Extract
Ueck C, Volksdorf T, Houdek P, Vidal-Y-Sy S, Sehner S, Ellinger B, Lobmann R, Larena-Avellaneda A, Reinshagen K, Ridderbusch I, Kohrmeyer K, Moll I, Daniels R, Werner P, Merfort I, Brandner J
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(1):e0169028.
Study approach and field work procedures of the MentDis_ICF65+ project on the prevalence of mental disorders in the older adult European population
Volkert J, Härter M, Dehoust M, Schulz H, Sehner S, Suling A, Wegscheider K, Ausín B, Canuto A, Crawford M, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Strehle J, Weber K, Wittchen H, Andreas S
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2017;17(1):366.
Teaching school children basic life support improves teaching and basic life support skills of medical students: A randomised, controlled trial
Beck S, Meier-Klages V, Michaelis M, Sehner S, Harendza S, Zöllner C, Kubitz J
RESUSCITATION. 2016;108:1-7.
Exploring the value and role of integrated supportive science courses in the reformed medical curriculum iMED: a mixed methods study
Eisenbarth S, Tilling T, Lueerss E, Meyer J, Sehner S, Guse A, Guse J
BMC MED EDUC. 2016;16:132.
Satisfaction with information and unmet information needs in men and women with cancer
Faller H, Koch U, Brähler E, Härter M, Keller M, Schulz H, Wegscheider K, Weis J, Boehncke A, Hund B, Reuter K, Richard M, Sehner S, Szalai C, Wittchen H, Mehnert A
J CANCER SURVIV. 2016;10(1):62-70.
Perceived need for psychosocial support depending on emotional distress and mental comorbidity in men and women with cancer
Faller H, Weis J, Koch U, Brähler E, Härter M, Keller M, Schulz H, Wegscheider K, Boehncke A, Hund B, Reuter K, Richard M, Sehner S, Szalai C, Wittchen H, Mehnert A
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2016;81:24-30.
Overinflation of the cuff and pressure on the neck reduce the preventive effect of supraglottic airways on pulmonary aspiration an experimental study in human cadavers
Hensel M, Schmidbauer W, Geppert D, Sehner S, Bogusch G, Kerner T
BRIT J ANAESTH. 2016;116(2):289-94.
Twelve-Month and Lifetime Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Cancer Patients
Kuhnt S, Brähler E, Faller H, Härter M, Keller M, Schulz H, Wegscheider K, Weis J, Boehncke A, Hund B, Reuter K, Richard M, Sehner S, Wittchen H, Koch U, Mehnert A
PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM. 2016;85(5):289-296.
Comparison of image quality and visibility of normal and abnormal findings at submillisievert chest CT using filtered back projection, iterative model reconstruction (IMR) and iDose(4)™
Laqmani A, Avanesov M, Butscheidt S, Kurfürst M, Sehner S, Schmidt-Holtz J, Derlin T, Behzadi C, Nagel H, Adam G, Regier M
EUR J RADIOL. 2016;85(11):1971-1979.
CT Pulmonary Angiography at Reduced Radiation Exposure and Contrast Material Volume Using Iterative Model Reconstruction and iDose4 Technique in Comparison to FBP
Laqmani A, Kurfürst M, Butscheidt S, Sehner S, Schmidt-Holtz J, Behzadi C, Nagel H, Adam G, Regier M
PLOS ONE. 2016;11(9):e0162429.
Reduced-dose abdominopelvic CT using hybrid iterative reconstruction in suspected left-sided colonic diverticulitis
Laqmani A, Veldhoen S, Dulz S, Derlin T, Behzadi C, Schmidt-Holtz J, Wassenberg F, Sehner S, Nagel H, Adam G, Regier M
EUR RADIOL. 2016;26(1):216-24.
The impact of surgical technique on neck dissection nodal yield making a difference
Lörincz B, Langwieder F, Möckelmann N, Sehner S, Knecht R
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2016;273(5):1261–1267.
Use of antiarrhythmic drugs during ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation: observations from a large single-centre cohort
Lüker J, Sultan A, Sehner S, Hoffmann B, Servatius H, Willems S, Steven D
HEART VESSELS. 2016;31(10):1669-1675.
Pornography Use and Sexual Behavior among Polish and German University Students
Martyniuk U, Briken P, Sehner S, Richter-Appelt H, Dekker A
J SEX MARITAL THER. 2016;42(6):494-514.
Comparative study of wound healing in rat skin following incision with a novel picosecond infrared laser (PIRL) and different surgical modalities
Petersen H, Tavakoli F, Kruber S, Münscher A, Gliese A, Hansen N, Uschold S, Eggert D, Robertson W, Gosau T, Sehner S, Kwiatkowski M, Schlüter H, Schumacher U, Knecht R, Miller R
LASER SURG MED. 2016;48(4):385-91.
Impact of reassessment of colonic hyperplastic polyps by expert GI pathologists
Schachschal G, Sehner S, Choschzick M, Aust D, Brandl L, Vieth M, Wegscheider K, Baretton G, Kirchner T, Sauter G, Rösch T
INT J COLORECTAL DIS. 2016;31(3):675-683.
Implants inserted with graftless osteotome sinus floor elevation - A 5-year post-loading retrospective study
Zill A, Precht C, Beck-Broichsitter B, Sehner S, Smeets R, Heiland M, Rendenbach C, Henningsen A
EUR J ORAL IMPLANTOL. 2016;9(3):277-289.
Association of television viewing with mental health and mild cognitive impairment in the elderly in three European countries, data from the MentDis_ICF65+ project
Da Ronch C, Canuto A, Volkert J, Massarenti S, Weber K, Dehoust M, Nanni M, Andreas S, Sehner S, Schulz H, Härter M, Grassi L
MENT HEALTH PHYS ACT. 2015;8:8-14.
Performance status and depressive symptoms as predictors of quality of life in cancer patients. A structural equation modeling analysis
Faller H, Brähler E, Härter M, Keller M, Schulz H, Wegscheider K, Weis J, Boehncke A, Richard M, Sehner S, Koch U, Mehnert A
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2015;24(11):1456-1462.
Virtual planning of complex head and neck reconstruction results in satisfactory match between real outcomes and virtual models
Hanken H, Schablowsky C, Smeets R, Heiland M, Sehner S, Riecke B, Nourwali I, Vorwig O, Gröbe A, Al-Dam A
CLIN ORAL INVEST. 2015;19(3):647-56.
Einfluss der iterativen Rekonstruktion auf die Bildqualität in der CT Pulmonalisangiografie mit niedriger Röhrenspannung
Laqmani A, Regier M, Veldhoen S, Backhaus A, Wassenberg F, Sehner S, Nagel H, Adam G, Henes F
Two-Year Survival Analysis of 50 Consecutive Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Transoral Robotic Surgery in a Single European Centre
Lörincz B, Möckelmann N, Busch C, Münscher A, Sehner S, Dalchow C, Knecht R
ANN SURG ONCOL. 2015;22:S1028-S1033.
Religiosity, Sexual Myths, Sex Taboos and Pornography Use: A Cross-National Comparison of Polish and German University Students.
Martyniuk U, Dekker A, Sehner S, Richter-Appelt H, Briken P
Role of panendoscopy in identifying and managing risk of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in routine follow-up: a retrospective clinical evaluation
Münscher A, Sehner S, Taleh J, Tribius S, Möckelmann N, Böttcher A, Gulati A, Dalchow C, Clauditz T, Knecht R
EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L. 2015;272(7):1769-75.
Diagnostic value of PSA and AP tests for the detection of spermatozoa in postmortem swabs from the genital and anal region in males
Weitzig L, Schroeder A, Augustin C, Raupach T, Sehner S, Anders S
J FORENSIC SCI. 2015;60(1):41-4.
Measuring symptoms and diagnosing mental disorders in the elderly community: the test-retest reliability of the CIDI65+
Wittchen H, Strehle J, Gerschler A, Volkert J, Dehoust M, Sehner S, Wegscheider K, Ausìn B, Canuto A, Crawford M, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Munoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Weber K, Schulz H, Härter M, Andreas S
INT J METH PSYCH RES. 2015;24(2):116-29.
Her2 expression and gene amplification is rarely detectable in patients with oral squamous cell carcinomas
Hanken H, Gaudin R, Gröbe A, Fraederich M, Eichhorn W, Smeets R, Simon R, Sauter G, Grupp K, Izbicki J, Sehner S, Heiland M, Blessmann M
J ORAL PATHOL MED. 2014;43(4):304-8.
Cutting costs of multiple mini-interviews - changes in reliability and efficiency of the Hamburg medical school admission test between two applications
Hissbach J, Sehner S, Harendza S, Hampe W
BMC MED EDUC. 2014;14:54.
Virtual patients: the influence of case design and teamwork on students' perception and knowledge - a pilot study
Jäger F, Riemer M, Abendroth M, Sehner S, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2014;14:137.
Osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in fibrin-hydroxyapatite matrix in a 3-dimensional mesh scaffold
Jung O, Hanken H, Smeets R, Hartjen P, Friedrich R, Schwab B, Gröbe A, Heiland M, Al-Dam A, Eichhorn W, Sehner S, Kolk A, Wöltje M, Stein J
IN VIVO. 2014;28(4):477-82.
The search for the primary tumor in metastasized gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm
Kaemmerer D, Posorski N, von Eggeling F, Ernst G, Hörsch D, Baum R, Prasad V, Langer R, Esposito I, Klöppel G, Sehner S, Knösel T, Hommann M
CLIN EXP METASTAS. 2014;31(7):817-27.
Improved image quality and low radiation dose with hybrid iterative reconstruction with 80 kV CT pulmonary angiography
Laqmani A, Regier M, Veldhoen S, Backhaus A, Wassenberg F, Sehner S, Groth M, Nagel H, Adam G, Henes F
EUR J RADIOL. 2014;83(10):1962-1969.
Four-week prevalence of mental disorders in patients with cancer across major tumor entities
Mehnert A, Brähler E, Faller H, Härter M, Keller M, Schulz H, Wegscheider K, Weis J, Boehncke A, Hund B, Reuter K, Richard M, Sehner S, Sommerfeldt S, Szalai C, Wittchen H, Koch-Gromus U
J CLIN ONCOL. 2014;32(31):3540-6.
256-MDCT for evaluation of urolithiasis: Iterative reconstruction allows for a significant reduction of the applied radiation dose while maintaining high subjective and objective image quality
Veldhoen S, Laqmani A, Derlin T, Karul M, Hammerle D, Buhk J, Sehner S, Nagel H, Chun F, Adam G, Regier M
J MED IMAG RADIAT ON. 2014;58(3):283-90.
Estimation of the time since death-reconsidering the re-establishment of rigor mortis.
Anders S, Kunz M, Gehl A, Sehner S, Raupach T, Beck-Bornholdt H
INT J LEGAL MED. 2013;127(1):127-130.
The MentDis_ICF65+ study protocol: prevalence, 1-year incidence and symptom severity of mental disorders in the elderly and their relationship to impairment, functioning (ICF) and service utilisation
Andreas S, Härter M, Volkert J, Hausberg M, Sehner S, Wegscheider K, Rabung S, Ausín B, Canuto A, Da Ronch C, Grassi L, Hershkovitz Y, Lelliott P, Muñoz M, Quirk A, Rotenstein O, Santos-Olmo A, Shalev A, Siegert J, Weber K, Wittchen H, Koch-Gromus U, Schulz H
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2013;13:62.
Application of a Novel Metal Artifact Correction Algorithm in Flat-Panel CT After Coil Embolization of Brain Aneurysms: Intraindividual Comparison.
Buhk J, Groth M, Sehner S, Fiehler J, Schmidt N, Grzyska U
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 2013;185(9):824-829.
Intraindividual evaluation of the influence of iterative reconstruction and filter kernel on subjective and objective image quality in computed tomography of the brain
Buhk J, Laqmani A, von Schultzendorff H, Hammerle D, Sehner S, Adam G, Fiehler J, Nagel H, Regier M
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 2013;185(8):741-8.
Intraindividueller Vergleich des Einflusses von iterativer Rekonstruktion und Filterkernel auf die subjektive und objektive Bildqualität der Computertomografie des Neurokraniums.
Buhk J, Laqmani A, von Schultzendorff H, Hammerle D, Sehner S, Adam G, Fiehler J, Nagel H, Regier M
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 2013;185(8):741-748.
Impact of a 4th Generation Iterative Reconstruction Technique on Image Quality in Low-Dose Computed Tomography of the Chest in Immunocompromised Patients.
Laqmani A, Buhk J, Henes F, Klink T, Sehner S, von Schultzendorff H, Hammerle D, Nagel H, Adam G, Regier M
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 2013;185(8):749-757.
Details acquired from medical history and patients' experience of empathy--two sides of the same coin
Ohm F, Vogel D, Sehner S, Wijnen-Meijer M, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2013;13:67.
Homepages of German dental schools - a target group-oriented evaluation
Wehlers A, Schäfer I, Sehner S, Kahl-Nieke B, Kuhnigk O
Suitability of the HAM-Nat test and TMS module "basic medical-scientific understanding" for medical school selection.
Hissbach J, Feddersen L, Sehner S, Hampe W
GMS J MED EDU. 2012;29(5):72.
Post-mortem development of conjunctival petechiae following temporary prone position.
Schröder A, Müller F, Gehl A, Sehner S, Anders S
FORENSIC SCI INT. 2012;223(1-3):53-55.
Estimation of the time since death: post-mortem contractions of human skeletal muscles following mechanical stimulation (idiomuscular contraction).
Warther S, Sehner S, Raupach T, Püschel K, Anders S
INT J LEGAL MED. 2012;126(3):399-405.
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