Cognitive Neuroscience Colloquium

venue: seminar room of the Institute of Systems Neuroscience W34, third floor

time: Tuesday 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (exceptions are marked in bold)

contact: Tobias Sommer-Blöchl ( , +49 (0) 40 7410 - 54763 )

Yiheng Tu, University of Hong Kong
Neural Dynamics of Multiple Belief and Value Computations Guiding Strategic Social Decisions
Arkady Konovalov, University of Birmingham
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
Transcranial Ultrasonic Stimulation (TUS) for non-invasive deep brain neuromodulation
Til Ole Bergmann, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Towards a computational understanding of subjective pain experiences
Deborah Talmi , University of Cambridge
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Surprise and novelty in human reinforcement learning: A ping-pong of theory and experiments
Alireza Modirshanechi, Helmholtz Institute for Human-Centered AI, Munich
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
The currencies of cognitive resources: energy, time and information?
Alexandre Zénon, Université de Bordeaux
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Behavioral and neuronal mechanisms of dynamic social interactions
Igor Kagan, Deutsches Primatenzentrum
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
A predictive coding perspective on oscillatory travelling waves
Andrea Alamia, Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris
04:00 pm (!)
Cerebellum and fear learning with a focus on extinction
Dagmar Timmann-Braun, Klinik für Neurologie Universitätsklinikum Essen
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Stress effects on memory and approach-avoidance behavior: methodological considerations
Susanne Vogel, Medical School Hamburg
03:00 pm
Neurocomputational perspectives on problem gambling
Jan Peters, Universität Köln
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Uncontrollable Pain: Psychological Consequences and Individual Differences
Wiebke Gandhi, CINN, University of Reading, Berkshire, UK
03:00 pm
How the hippocampus helps itself - insights from human intracranial recordings
Bryan Strange, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Interactions between mental health and vascular risk in the development of hypertension
Lina Schaare, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
03.11.2023 (!)
03:00 pm
It’s good to be safe: dopamine and fear extinction
Raffael Kalisch, Leibniz-Institut für Resilienzforschung, Mainz
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
Understanding Learning Through Uncertainty and Bias
Rasmus Bruckner, FU Berlin
11:00 am
Cognitive Biases-Based Support Systems for Diagnosis and Individually-Tailored Treatment of Psychopathology
Hadas Okon-Singer, University of Haifa
11:00 am (!)
Computational neuroimaging in pain and affective processing
Choong-Wan Woo, Sungkyunkwan University
03:00 pm
Methods Meeting
03:00 pm
online talk!
Daniel Yon, Uncertainty Lab at Birkbeck, University of London
02:00 pm (!)
The relationship between trait anxiety, uncertainty and structure learning
Ondrej Zika, Max Planck UCL Centre, Berlin
02:00 pm
online talk!
Modeling neural responses during human language comprehension
Milena Rabovsky, Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, University of Potsdam
2:00 pm (!)
Methods Meeting
09.05.2023Prosocial motivation, learning and preferences: age-related changes and neural mechanisms
Patricia Lockwood, University of Birmingham
3:00 pm
Methods Meeting
3:00 pm
online talk!
Methods Meeting
3:00 pm
online talk!
Methods Meeting
2:00 pm
Two sides of the same coin? Psychobiological mechanisms of the intersection of pain and reward processing
Susanne Becker, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
3:00 pm
online talk!
Methods Meeting
1:30 pm
online talk!
Methods Meeting
02:30 pm
online talk!
Methods Meeting
29.11.2022Determinants of Emotional Attention
Anne Schacht, Affektive Neurowissenschaft und Psychophysiologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
3:00 pm
Methods Meeting
24.11.2022Revealing core representational dimensions of visually-perceived objects in human brains and behavior
Martin Hebart, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Max-Planck-Institut, Leipzig
15.11.2022Together, apart: how invariances and selectivities contribute to predictive processing
Caspar Schwiedrzik, European Neuroscience Institute, University of Göttingen
online talk!
The neural circuit underlying subjective perception
Peter Kok, Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, University College London
online talk!
Developmental sweet spots and the diminished state space hypothesis of human aging
Ben Eppinger, University of Greifswald
30.08.2022Methods Meeting
Seeing into the future of actions
Cristina Becchio, UKE Hamburg
28.06.2022Methods Meeting
3:00 pm online talk!
Different levels of inference about multivariate regional interactions
Hamed Nili, ZMNH, UKE Hamburg
3:00 pm online talk!
Hierarchical temporal specialization in the human brain
Linda Geerligs, Donders Institute, Radboud University
3:00 pm online talk!
Coordinated multivoxel coding beyond univariate effects is not likely to be observable in fMRI data
Mansooreh Pakravan, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
10.05.2022Methods Meeting
12.04.2022Methods Meeting
08.02.2022Methods Meeting
01.02.2022Methods Meeting
26.10.2021Methods Meeting
05.10.2021Methods Meeting
29.06.2021Methods Meeting
3:00pm online talk!
Neural states and traits in the listening brain
Jonas Obleser, University of Lübeck
11.05.2021Methods Meeting
27.04.2021Methods Meeting
3:00pm online talk!
How opioids shape pain, stress and reward experiences: Sorting facts from myths
Siri Leknes, University of Oslo
3:00pm online talk!
Computational and neural mechanisms of causal inference
Hayley Dorfman, Department of Psychology, Harvard University
06.04.2021Methods Meeting
3:00pm online talk!
Relating Age, Brain and Cognition: results from the Cambridge Centre for Ageing & Neuroscience (CamCAN)
Rik Henson, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge
5:00pm online talk!
Neural mechanisms underlying the construction of value
John O’Doherty, California Institute of Technology
16.03.2021Methods Meeting
3:00pm online talk!
The Distributed Nociceptive System
Robert Coghill, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
3:00pm online talk!
Computational models of the pain system
Ben Seymour, University of Oxford
3:00pm online talk!
Chemistry of the Adaptive Mind: Lessons from Dopamine
Roshan Cools, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviourn Nijmegen
3:00pm online talk!
Brain rhythms of pain - Basic insights and clinical implications
Markus Ploner, TU München
3:30pm online talk!
The architecture of exploration
Sam Gershman, Department of Psychology and Center for Brain Science, Harvard University
3:00pm online talk!
Compositional neural representations for adaptive planning and reinforcement learning
Philipp Schwartenbeck, UCL, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Neuroimaging, London
3:00 pm, online talk!
A mechanistic account of serotonin’s impact on mood
Jochen Michely, Charité Berlin
3:00pm, online talk!
The Role of Predictive and Inverse Models for Hierarchical Cognitive Problem-solving: an Interdisciplinary Perspective
Manfred Eppe, University of Hamburg
1:30pm, online talk!
Prosociality and selfishness through the lens of motivation and learning
Patricia Lockwood, University of Oxford and University of Birmingham
Visuospatial mapping in the human medial temporal lobe
Matthias Nau, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim
25.02.2020Context-dependent reinforcement learning in humans
Stefano Palminteri, INSERM, Paris
18.02.2020Concept Learning as Compression
Bradley Love, University College London
04.02.2020Memory and generalization processes in categorization and category learning
Bettina von Helversen, Universität Bremen
14.01.2020A minimally dishonest strategy for winning elections
Bahador Bahrami, UCL London
12.11.2019E-motions: the behavioral component of human fear learning
Victor Spoormaker, MPI of Psychiatry, München
22.10.2019Neural Error Signals as a Transdiagnostic Risk Marker for Psychopathology
Anja Riesel, Universität Hamburg
04.10.2019In-vivo histology of the myelin g-ratio in the brain of Spinal Cord Injured patients
Tim Emmenegger, Universität Zürich
02:00 pm
Decision making: neurochemical and associative mechanisms
Gerhard Jocham, University Düsseldorf
24.09.2019Mind matters: Do motivation and self-control contribute to placebo effects in health and disease?
Liane Schmidt, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Scientific Ecosystems and Research Reproducibility
Marcus Munafo, University Bristol
From molecules to consciousness: towards an integrative neuroscience of psychedelic action in the human brain
Enzo Tagliazucchi, University of Buenos Aires
03.09.2019Generative modelling of medical images
Yaël Balbastre,University College London
02.07.2019Neural computations in speech sound processing: Insights from human intracranial recordings
Yulia Onganian, University of California, San Francisco
18.06.2019Violations of rationality in decisions from experience
Sebastian Gluth, University Basel
11.06.2019Gaze Bias Differences Capture Individual Choice Behavior
Peter Mohr, FU Berlin
STEAM sequence optimisation for ex-vivo and in-vivo quantitative and diffusion MRI acquisitions: How much advantage are we acquiring with it?
Francisco Lagos Fritz, University of Maastricht
09.04.2019Generalization and recovery from post-retrieval amnesia
Tom Beckers, KU Leuven
19.03.2019Prior Knowledge enhances memory for congruent and incongruent events, but in different ways
Andrea Greve, Cambridge University
05.02.2019Cardiac interoception and psychiatry
Hugo Critchley, University of Sussex
29.01.2019Toward Connectomic Deep Brain Stimulation
Andreas Horn Charité Berlin
08.01.2019Interactions between pain and reward
Petra Schweinhardt, University Hospital Zurich
  • Cognitive Neuroscience Colloquium archive
    18.12.2018Cognitive and Motivational Development across the Lifespan: Interplays between Neurocognitive and Contextual Processes
    Shu-Chen Li, TU Dresden
    11.12.2018The lives of others: physiological correlates of the influence and valuation of someone else's experience for one’s own decision-making.
    Daniel Campbell-Meiklejohn, University of Sussex
    4.12.2018Electrophysiological markers of grid cell population activity across species
    Tobias Navarro Schröder, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim, Norwegen
    29.11.2018Social Motives
    Grit Hein, University Würzburg
    20.11.2018Functional organization of recognition memory in the human medial temporal lobe
    Stefan Köhler, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
    Multigrid method for FEM-based elastic registration of histological serial slices
    Annkristin Lange,
    Institut of Mathematics and Image Computing,
    Universität zu Lübeck
    Neural control of approach-avoidance decisions
    Karin Roelofs, Radboud University, Nijmegen
    30.10.2018Functional imaging of stimulus-related and endogenous signals during spatial orienting in naturalistic conditions
    Emiliano Macaluso, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
    Reciprocity of social influence
    Ali Mahmoodi, University of Freiburg
    25.09.2018Neural Markers of Situation Awareness in mobile Virtual Reality - An introduction to Mobile Brain/Body Imaging
    Marius Klug, Berlin Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Lab, TU Berlin
    18.09.2018Limitations of materialist determinism & implications for neuroscience
    Sarah Durston, University Medical Center Utrecht
    11.09.2018The prefrontal circuitry in the control of eating behavior and metabolism
    Stephanie Kullmann, University Tübingen
    28.08.2018Running on dopamine: An integrated perspective on reinforcement, action, and metabolism
    Nils Kroemer, University Tübingen
    06.06.2018A Computational Framework for Interactive Decision Making with Applications in Strategic Tasks
    Prashant Doshi, University of Georgia
    05.06.2018Title to be announced
    Patrick Freund, University of Zurich
    29.05.2018Computational Psychiatry in Pharma Industry
    Chris Chatham, Roche Pharma Research and Early Development , Basel
    17.04.2018How is visual perception biased
    Floris de Lange, Radboud University Nijmegen
    26.03.2018The effect of autolysis and fixation on quantitative MRI markers
    Gunther Helms, Lund University
    13.03.2018Neural circuits for defensive responses
    Philip Tovote, University Würzburg
    22.02.2018Spirituality, religiosity and health
    Mario Peres
    16.01.2018Surface and intracerebral EEG frequency tagging to isolate the cortical representation of sustained thermonociception
    André Mouraux, Université catholique de Louvain
    12.12.2017Algorithms for survival: cross-species and computational models of anxiety and threat prediction
    Dominik Bach, University of Zurich
    21.11.2017Investigating Brain Tissue Microstructure using Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    Riccardo Metere, MPI Leipzig
    17.10.2017Imaging the dynamic nature of emotional memory
    Renee Visser, University of Cambridge
    05.09.2017Bayesian statistics for fear conditioning data: individual differences, null findings, and meanigful results
    Angelos Krypotos, Utrecht University
    29.08.2017The logic of pain: from theory to practice
    Davide Anchisi, Universita' di Udine
    18.07.2017Identification of Phenotypic Trajectories of Traumatic Stress Response Across Species: Relevance to the Examination of Mechanisms and Treatment
    Isaac R.Galatzer-Levy, Department of Psychiatry, NY School of Medicine
    Resting-State EEG Dynamics in Migraine and Central Pulsatile Hemodynamics and White Matter Hyperintensities (WMH) in Migraine
    Shuu-Jiun Wang, University School of Medicine, Taipei
    20.06.2017Exploring hippocampal subfield contributions to episodic memory across the lifespan
    Attila Keresztes, Center for Lifespan Psychology, MPI Berlin
    13.06.2017The MemoSleep Hypothesis: How does cognition influence sleep?
    Björn Rasch, University of Fribourg
    30.05.2017Theory of reinforcement learning and motivation in the basal ganglia
    Rafal Bogacz, University Oxford
    23.05.2017Reinforcement learning over time: effects of spacing on the mechanisms supporting feedback learning
    Elliott Wimmer, Stanford University
    16.05.2017A computational account of social learning across adolescence
    Gabriela Rosenblau, Yale University, USA
    25.04.2017Affective Psychoneuroendocrinology - impact of sex, hormones and
    psychopathology on the affective brain
    Birgit Derntl, University of Tübingen
    04.04.2017To smooth or not to smooth in fMRI
    Karsten Tabelow, WIAS Institut Berlin
    Mechanisms of Top-Down Control: Examining Placebos, Neurofeedback, and Suggestion
    Amir Raz, McGill University
    (5 pm)
    Toward a second-person neuroscience & neuropsychiatry
    Leon Schilbach, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich
    07.03.2017Experimental studies of human pain perception and pain processing: a signal detection approach
    Brianna Beck, University College London
    14.02.2017Of rage and fear - behavioral and neural response to interpersonal threat
    Ulrike Krämer, University of Lübeck
    The capacity of cognitive control
    Jin Fan, Queens College, New York
    Migraine Photophobia and the Color of Pain
    Rami Burstein, Harvard University
    13.12.2016New techniques for modulating memory in humans
    Bryan Strange, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
    29.11.2016From mechanisms to predictions: developing diagnostic and predictive neuromarkers for the anxiety disorders
    Ulrike Lüken, University of Würzburg
    22.11.2016Impulsivity in Borderline Personality Disorder and ADHD:
    A matter of impulse control or just emotional disregulation?
    Oliver Tüscher, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
    25.10.2016Strategic decision-making in the human subcortex measured with ultra-high resolution magnetic resonance imaging
    Birte Forstmann, University of Amsterdam
    11.10.2016Dissociating reward- and information-based learning using EEG and fMRI
    Adrian Fischer, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
    04.10.2016Neural mechanisms of efficient learning about unreliable rewards: a role for adaptive prediction error coding
    Kelly Diederen, University of Cambridge
    20.09.2016How stress influences our memory
    Oliver Wolf, Ruhr University Bochum
    13.09.2016Dopaminergic Underpinnings of Personality: Evidence from Psychopharmacological Challenge Studies
    Jan Wacker, University of Hamburg
    06.09.2016Neural mechanisms of placebo anxiolysis
    Raffael Kalisch, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
    05.07.2016Mechanisms of Memory Reactivation during Sleep
    James Antony, Princeton University
    28.06.2016Seeing what you can’t see (and not feeling what you should)
    Gordon Binsted, University of British Columbia, Canada
    14.06.2016Neural signals and computational mechanisms underlying visual expectation
    Christopher Summerfield, University of Oxford
    24.05.2016The navigating brain: neural mechanisms underlying encoding of spatial environments
    Oliver Baumann, University of Queensland, Australia
    19.05.2016 (Thursday)Dynamic Mapping of Spatial and Temporal Networks during Memory-Guided Attention using MEG and fMRI
    Eva Zita Patai, University of Oxford
    10.05.2016Inter-individual differences in brain morphology relate to age and cognition
    Christopher Madan - Boston College, USA
    03.05.2016Social pains and social rewards
    Sören Krach, Lena Rademacher - Neuroscience Lab, Lübeck University
    26.04.2016Arousal Shapes Cortical State and Decision Computations
    Tobias Donner - UKE
    19.04.2016Translational Neuromodeling Unit
    Andreea Diaconescu, University of Zurich
    12.04.2016Olfactory associative learning during human sleep
    Anat Arzi - University of Cambridge
    05.04.2016The Neural Web of War - Resting State fMRI and DTI Investigations of PTSD and Trauma Treatment
    Mitzy Kennis - Utrecht University
    01.03.2016Update on temporomandibular disorder pain
    Peter Svensson, Aarhus, Denmark
    16.02.2016Mechanisms of spatial information processing in the human brain
    Thomas Wolbers - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Magdeburg
    08.02.2016 (Monday at 4pm)
    Venue: W30, lecture hall
    Investigating neural circuits underpinning reward and anhedonia using optogenetic fMRI
    Emily Anne Ferenczi - Stanford University
    26.01.2016From reward processing to social decision making: Insights from intracranial recordings and model-based fMRI in humans
    Jean-Claude Dreher - Cognitive Neuroscience Center, Bron, France
    19.01.2016Virtual Reality for Neuroscience: Needs and Opportunities
    Krzysztof Izdebski, Petr Legkov - University Osnabrück
    12.01.2016Repeated Interactions in Social Neuroscience
    Andreas Hula - University College London
    08.12.2015How schemas affect mnemonic processing
    Marlieke van Kesteren - Stanford University
    30.11.2015When “noise” becomes “signal” in the study of human aging and cognition
    Douglas Garrett - MPI for Human Development, Berlin
    24.11.2015Mental maps for memories and space
    Christian Döller - Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
    13.10.2015Understanding causal functional contributions and interactions in attention networks (through computational modeling and lesion analysis
    Claus Hilgetag - Institut für Computational Neuroscience, UKE
    06.10.2015Sleep-dependent consolidation in multiple memory systems
    Steffen Gais - Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen
    05.10.2015Dopamine and reward
    Philippe Tobler - University of Zurich
    13.07.2015Dual-BCI and hyperscanning: What can we really learn from multi-person neuroscience?
    Kai Görgen - BCCN Berlin
    08.06.2015Effects of diet and obesity on the aging brain
    Veronika Witte - Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
    01.06.2015Neurobiological mechanisms of self-control and flexibility in value computation
    Todd Hare - University of Zurich
    04.05.2015Episodic memory in the human medial temporal lobe
    Bernhard Staresina - University of Birmingham, England
    27.04.2015Causal neural mechanisms of social decision-making
    Christian Ruff - University of Zurich
    20.04.2015Neuropsychology of Internet addiction
    Matthias Brand - University of Duisburg-Essen
    30.03.2015Capacity and Control of Working Memory
    Jonas Rose - University of Tübingen
    23.03.2015Attention and fixation in a complex, dynamic and social environment
    Tom Foulsham - University of Essex
    16.03.2015Dynamics of basal ganglia circuits during movement initiation and suppression
    Robert Schmidt - Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Freiburg
    09.03.2015The NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Project: Patterns of Defensive Reactions in Anxiety Disorders
    Alfons Hamm - University of Greifswald
    23.02.2015Title to be announced
    Jeanette Mumford - University of Texas
    16.02.2015Neural correlates of inspiratory breathing restriction: Differential effects of anxiety sensitivity
    Nina Kleint - TU Dresden
    09.02.2015Pain of Paying – A Metaphor Gone Literal: Evidence from Neurobiology and Behavioral Decision Making
    Hilke Plassmann - INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
    02.02.2015Amygdala networks for storage and consolidation of emotional memory
    Erno Hermans - Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen
    26.01.2015Neural Mechanisms of Behavioural Adaptation in Humans
    Christian Bellebaum - Universität Düsseldorf
    19.01.2015Investigating and manipulating memory representations in the human brain
    Nikolai Axmacher - University of Bonn and DZNE
    08.12.2014Prediction error demarcates retrieval-induced plasticity of human fear memory
    Dieuwke Sevenster - University of Amsterdam
    01.12.2014Sleep, Consolidation, and Semantic Memory Formation
    Penelope Lewis - University of Manchester
    24.11.20147T high-resolution fMRI of the locus coeruleus, dopaminergic midbrain and hippocampus during emotional & reward-related memory encoding
    Anne Maaß - University of Madgeburg, DZNE
    17.11.2014Never tell the same joke twice: The strategic control of memory retrieval
    Axel Mecklinger - Saarland University
    03.11.2014Reinforcement learning: What action, what value?
    Gerhard Jocham - University of Madgeburg
    27.10.2014Stress and the shift from 'thinking' to 'doing'
    Lars Schwabe - University of Hamburg
    20.10.2014Neural Circuits as Substrates of Mental Illness and Targets for Therapeutics
    Amit Etkin - Stanford University
    06.10.2014How emotional arousal raises the stakes of mental competition
    Mara Mather - UCS, Davis
    15.09.2014Torwards measuring brain microstructure on clinical scanners: neurite density
    Sune Jesperson - Neuroscience, Aarhus University
    08.09.2014How stress and sex hormones contribute to human fear learning
    Christian Merz - Ruhr-University, Bochum
    03.09.2014News from AAN 2014 - Pathophysiology and treatment of headache
    Peter Goadsby - Kings College, London
    28.08.2014The brain, a prediction machine? Neuroimaging insights and perspectives
    Arjen Alink - MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge UK
    05.06.2014Imaging the cortical architecture of motor skill
    Jörn Diedrichsen - Dep. Cogn. Neurosc., London
    03.06.2014The Influence of mental imagery on mnemonic function
    Raphael Kaplan - University College London and the Center for Brain and Cognition, University Pompeu Fabra
    02.06.2014The neural signatures of controlled and automatic retrieval processes in memory-based decision making
    Patrick Khader - Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
    19.05.2014Neural Implementation and Dynamics of Competitive Value Comparison
    Laurence Hunt - University College, London
    12.05.2014Multivariate decoding of retrieved representations in MEG
    Zeb Kurth-Nelson - University College, London
    07.04.2014States of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation benefit learning via the mesolimbic dopaminergic circuit
    Matthias Gruber - Dynamic Memory lab, University of California, Davis USA
    31.03.2014Motivational influences on reactive cognitive control
    Nico Böhler - University Gent, Belgium
    03.02.2014Breaking the rules: Cognitive conflict during deliberate rule violations
    Roland Pfister - Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg
    06.01.2014State of the art of weak transcranial electrical stimulation-from the mechanism of action to the modulation of cognitive processes
    Toralf Neuling - University of Oldenburg
    02.12.2013Albinism: an understudied model of cortical plasticity and perceptual, cognitive and motor skills
    Jane Klemen - University of Magdeburg