Changes in Neuroimmunological Synapses During Cerebral Ischemia
Bitar L, Puig Martorell B, Oertner T, Dénes A, Magnus T
TRANSL STROKE RES. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];2024:.
Neuroserpin and Extracellular Vesicles in Ischemic Stroke: Partners in Neuroprotection?
Brenna S, Glatzel M, Magnus T, Puig B, Galliciotti G
AGING DIS. 2024;15(5):2191-2204.
Cystatin C loaded in brain-derived extracellular vesicles rescues synapses after ischemic insult in vitro and in vivo
Gui Y, Kim Y, Brenna S, Wilmes M, Zaghen G, Goulbourne C, Kuchenbecker-Pöls L, Siebels B, Voß H, Gocke A, Schlüter H, Schweizer M, Altmeppen H, Magnus T, Levy E, Puig B
CELL MOL LIFE SCI. 2024;81(1):224.
Efficient enzyme-free isolation of brain-derived extracellular vesicles
Matamoros-Angles A, Karadjuzovic E, Mohammadi B, Song F, Brenna S, Meister S, Siebels B, Voß H, Seuring C, Ferrer I, Schlüter H, Kneussel M, Altmeppen H, Schweizer M, Puig B, Shafiq M, Glatzel M
J EXTRACELL VESICLES. 2024;13(11):e70011.
Cleavage site-directed antibodies reveal the prion protein in humans is shed by ADAM10 at Y226 and associates with misfolded protein deposits in neurodegenerative diseases
Song F, Kovac V, Mohammadi B, Littau J, Scharfenberg F, Matamoros Angles A, Vanni I, Shafiq M, Orge L, Galliciotti G, Djakkani S, Linsenmeier L, Černilec M, Hartman K, Jung S, Tatzelt J, Neumann J, Damme M, Tschirner S, Lichtenthaler S, Ricklefs F, Sauvigny T, Schmitz M, Zerr I, Puig B, Tolosa E, Ferrer I, Magnus T, Rupnik M, Sepulveda-Falla D, Matschke J, Šmid L, Bresjanac M, Andreoletti O, Krasemann S, Foliaki S, Nonno R, Becker-Pauly C, Monzo C, Crozet C, Haigh C, Glatzel M, Curin Serbec V, Altmeppen H
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2024;148(1):2.
Retinal regions shape human and murine Müller cell proteome profile and functionality
Kaplan L, Drexler C, Pfaller A, Brenna S, Wunderlich K, Dimitracopoulos A, Merl‐Pham J, Perez M, Schlötzer‐Schrehardt U, Enzmann V, Samardzija M, Puig B, Fuchs P, Franze K, Hauck S, Grosche A
GLIA. 2023;71(2):391-414.
Inducing prion protein shedding as a neuroprotective and regenerative approach in pathological conditions of the brain: from theory to facts
Matamoros Angles A, Mohammadi B, Song F, Shafiq M, Brenna S, Puig Martorell B, Glatzel M, Altmeppen H
NEURAL REGEN RES. 2023;18(9):1869-1875.
Anchorless risk or released benefit?: An updated view on the ADAM10-mediated shedding of the prion protein
Mohammadi B, Song F, Matamoros-Angles A, Shafiq M, Damme M, Puig B, Glatzel M, Altmeppen H
CELL TISSUE RES. 2023;392(1):215-234.
Multiplexed mRNA analysis of brain-derived extracellular vesicles upon experimental stroke in mice reveals increased mRNA content with potential relevance to inflammation and recovery processes
Bub A, Brenna S, Alawi M, Kügler P, Gui Y, Kretz O, Altmeppen H, Magnus T, Puig B
CELL MOL LIFE SCI. 2022;79(6):329.
Release of VAMP5-positive extracellular vesicles by retinal Müller glia in vivo
Demais V, Pohl A, Wunderlich K, Pfaller A, Kaplan L, Barthélémy A, Dittrich R, Puig B, Giebel B, Hauck S, Pfrieger F, Grosche A
J EXTRACELL VESICLES. 2022;11(9):e12254.
Brain-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Health and Disease: A Methodological Perspective
Brenna S, Krisp C, Altmeppen H, Magnus T, Puig B
INT J MOL SCI. 2021;22(3):1365.
Ligands binding to the prion protein induce its proteolytic release with therapeutic potential in neurodegenerative proteinopathies
Linsenmeier L, Mohammadi B, Shafiq M, Frontzek K, Bär J, Shrivastava A, Damme M, Song F, Schwarz A, Da Vela S, Massignan T, Jung S, Correia A, Schmitz M, Puig B, Hornemann S, Zerr I, Tatzelt J, Biasini E, Saftig P, Schweizer M, Svergun D, Amin L, Mazzola F, Varani L, Thapa S, Gilch S, Schätzl H, Harris D, Triller A, Mikhaylova M, Aguzzi A, Altmeppen H, Glatzel M
SCI ADV. 2021;7(48):eabj1826.
CD73-mediated adenosine production by CD8 T cell-derived extracellular vesicles constitutes an intrinsic mechanism of immune suppression
Schneider E, Winzer R, Rissiek A, Ricklefs I, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Ricklefs F, Bauche A, Behrends J, Reimer R, Brenna S, Wasielewski H, Lauten M, Rissiek B, Puig B, Cortesi F, Magnus T, Fliegert R, Müller C, Gagliani N, Tolosa E
NAT COMMUN. 2021;12(1):5911.
A multifactorial model of pathology for age of onset heterogeneity in familial Alzheimer's disease
Sepulveda-Falla D, Chavez-Gutierrez L, Portelius E, Vélez J, Dujardin S, Barrera-Ocampo A, Dinkel F, Hagel C, Puig B, Mastronardi C, Lopera F, Hyman B, Blennow K, Arcos-Burgos M, de Strooper B, Glatzel M
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2021;141(2):217-233.
Prion protein oligomers cause neuronal cytoskeletal damage in rapidly progressive Alzheimer's disease
Shafiq M, Zafar S, Younas N, Noor A, Puig B, Altmeppen H, Schmitz M, Matschke J, Ferrer I, Glatzel M, Zerr I
MOL NEURODEGENER. 2021;16(1):.
Characterization of brain-derived extracellular vesicles reveals changes in cellular origin after stroke and enrichment of the prion protein with a potential role in cellular uptake
Brenna S, Altmeppen H, Mohammadi B, Rissiek B, Schlink F, Ludewig P, Krisp C, Schlüter H, Failla A, Schneider C, Glatzel M, Puig B, Magnus T
J EXTRACELL VESICLES. 2020;9(1):1809065.
Show Me Your Friends and I Tell You Who You Are: The Many Facets of Prion Protein in Stroke
Puig B, Yang D, Brenna S, Altmeppen H, Magnus T
CELLS-BASEL. 2020;9(7):.
Molecular Mechanisms of Prion Diseases (2nd Edition)
Altmeppen H, Puig Martorell B, Krasemann S, Glatzel M
2019. Prions: Current Progress in Advanced Research (2nd Edition). Sakudo A, Onodera T (Hrsg.). 2. Aufl. Caister Academic Press, 55 - 70.
GPI-anchor signal sequence influences PrPC sorting, shedding and signalling, and impacts on different pathomechanistic aspects of prion disease in mice
Puig B, Altmeppen H, Linsenmeier L, Chakroun K, Wegwitz F, Piontek U, Tatzelt J, Bate C, Magnus T, Glatzel M
PLOS PATHOG. 2019;15(1):e1007520.
Generation and Function of Non-cell-bound CD73 in Inflammation
Schneider E, Rissiek A, Winzer R, Puig B, Rissiek B, Haag F, Mittrücker H, Magnus T, Tolosa E
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2019;10:1729.
Structural and mechanistic aspects influencing the ADAM10-mediated shedding of the prion protein
Linsenmeier L, Mohammadi B, Wetzel S, Puig B, Jackson W, Hartmann A, Uchiyama K, Sakaguchi S, Endres K, Tatzelt J, Saftig P, Glatzel M, Altmeppen H
MOL NEURODEGENER. 2018;13(1):18.
Amyloid-β Precursor Protein Modulates the Sorting of Testican-1 and Contributes to Its Accumulation in Brain Tissue and Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with Alzheimer Disease
Barrera-Ocampo A, Arlt S, Matschke J, Hartmann U, Puig Martorell B, Ferrer I, Zürbig P, Glatzel M, Sepulveda-Falla D, Jahn H
J NEUROPATH EXP NEUR. 2016;75(9):903-916.
Misfolding leads the way to unraveling signaling pathways in the pathophysiology of prion diseases
Puig Martorell B, Altmeppen H, Glatzel M
PRION. 2016;10(6):434-443.
Secretory pathway retention of mutant prion protein induces p38-MAPK activation and lethal disease in mice
Puig Martorell B, Altmeppen H, Ulbrich S, Linsenmeier L, Krasemann S, Chakroun K, Acevedo-Morantes C, Wille H, Tatzelt J, Glatzel M
SCI REP-UK. 2016;6:24970.
The sheddase ADAM10 is a potent modulator of prion disease
Altmeppen H, Prox J, Krasemann S, Puig Martorell B, Kruszewski K, Dohler F, Bernreuther C, Hoxha A, Linsenmeier L, Sikorska B, Liberski P, Bartsch U, Saftig P, Glatzel M
ELIFE. 2015;4:.
Shedding light on prion disease
Glatzel M, Linsenmeier L, Dohler F, Krasemann S, Puig Martorell B, Altmeppen H
PRION. 2015;9(4):244-256.
The GPI-anchoring of PrP: Implications in sorting and pathogenesis
Puig Martorell B, Altmeppen H, Glatzel M
PRION. 2014;8(1):11-18.
Roles of endoproteolytic α-cleavage and shedding of the prion protein in neurodegeneration
Altmeppen H, Prox J, Puig Martorell B, Dohler F, Falker C, Krasemann S, Glatzel M
FEBS J. 2013;280(18):4338-47.
Molecular Mechanisms of Prion Diseases
Altmeppen H, Puig Martorell B, Krasemann S, Falker C, Dohler F, Glatzel M
2013. Prions: Current Progress in Advanced Research. Sakudo A, Onodera T (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Caister Academic Press, 41-54.
Proteolytic processing of the prion protein in health and disease.
Altmeppen H, Puig Martorell B, Dohler F, Thurm D, Falker C, Krasemann S, Glatzel M
Am J Neurodegener Dis. 2012;1(1):15-31.
Lack of a-disintegrin-and-metalloproteinase ADAM10 leads to intracellular accumulation and loss of shedding of the cellular prion protein in vivo.
Altmeppen H, Prox J, Puig Martorell B, Kluth M, Bernreuther C, Thurm D, Jorissen E, Petrowitz B, Bartsch U, Bart D, Saftig P, Glatzel M
N-glycans and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor act on polarized sorting of mouse PrP(C) in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells.
Puig Martorell B, Altmeppen H, Thurm D, Geissen M, Conrad C, Braulke T, Glatzel M
PLOS ONE. 2011;6(9):24624.
Deposition of hyperphosphorylated tau in cerebellum of PS1 E280A Alzheimer's disease.
Sepulveda-Falla D, Matschke J, Bernreuther C, Hagel C, Puig Martorell B, Villegas A, Garcia G, Zea J, Gomez-Mancilla B, Ferrer I, Lopera F, Glatzel M
BRAIN PATHOL. 2011;21(4):452-463.
Lipid alterations in lipid rafts from Alzheimer's disease human brain cortex
Martín V, Fabelo N, Santpere G, Puig B, Marín R, Ferrer I, Díaz M, Puig Martorell B
J ALZHEIMERS DIS. 2010;19(2):489-502.
VDAC and ERalpha interaction in caveolae from human cortex is altered in Alzheimer's disease
Ramírez C, González M, Díaz M, Alonso R, Ferrer I, Santpere G, Puig Martorell B, Meyer G, Marin R, Puig Martorell B
MOL CELL NEUROSCI. 2009;42(3):172-83.
Brain protein preservation largely depends on the postmortem storage temperature: implications for study of proteins in human neurologic diseases and management of brain banks: a BrainNet Europe Study
Ferrer I, Santpere G, Arzberger T, Bell J, Blanco R, Boluda S, Budka H, Carmona M, Giaccone G, Krebs B, Limido L, Parchi P, Puig B, Strammiello R, Ströbel T, Kretzschmar H, Puig Martorell B
J NEUROPATH EXP NEUR. 2007;66(1):35-46.
Oxidative damage of 14-3-3 zeta and gamma isoforms in Alzheimer's disease and cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Santpere G, Puig B, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
NEUROSCIENCE. 2007;146(4):1640-51.
Expression of transcription factors c-Fos, c-Jun, CREB-1 and ATF-2, and caspase-3 in relation with abnormal tau deposits in Pick's disease
Nieto-Bodelón M, Santpere G, Torrejón-Escribano B, Puig B, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2006;111(4):341-50.
Low molecular weight species of tau in Alzheimer's disease are dependent on tau phosphorylation sites but not on delayed post-mortem delay in tissue processing
Santpere G, Puig B, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
NEUROSCI LETT. 2006;399(1-2):106-10.
Amyloid-beta deposition in the cerebral cortex in Dementia with Lewy bodies is accompanied by a relative increase in AbetaPP mRNA isoforms containing the Kunitz protease inhibitor
Barrachina M, Dalfó E, Puig B, Vidal N, Freixes M, Castaño E, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
NEUROCHEM INT. 2005;46(3):253-60.
Constitutive Dyrk1A is abnormally expressed in Alzheimer disease, Down syndrome, Pick disease, and related transgenic models
Ferrer I, Barrachina M, Puig B, Martínez de Lagrán M, Martí E, Avila J, Dierssen M, Puig Martorell B
NEUROBIOL DIS. 2005;20(2):392-400.
Current advances on different kinases involved in tau phosphorylation, and implications in Alzheimer's disease and tauopathies
Ferrer I, Gomez-Isla T, Puig B, Freixes M, Ribé E, Dalfó E, Avila J, Puig Martorell B
CURR ALZHEIMER RES. 2005;2(1):3-18.
BetaII-tubulin and phospho-tau aggregates in Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease
Puig B, Ferrer I, Ludueña R, Avila J, Puig Martorell B
J ALZHEIMERS DIS. 2005;7(3):213-20; discussion 255-62.
Individual and regional variations of phospho-tau species in progressive supranuclear palsy
Puig B, Rey M, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2005;110(3):261-8.
Accelerated amyloid deposition, neurofibrillary degeneration and neuronal loss in double mutant APP/tau transgenic mice
Ribé E, Pérez M, Puig B, Gich I, Lim F, Cuadrado M, Sesma T, Catena S, Sánchez B, Nieto M, Gómez-Ramos P, Morán M, Cabodevilla F, Samaranch L, Ortiz L, Pérez A, Ferrer I, Avila J, Gómez-Isla T, Puig Martorell B
NEUROBIOL DIS. 2005;20(3):814-22.
Metabotropic glutamate receptor/phospholipase C pathway: a vulnerable target to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the cerebral cortex
Rodríguez A, Freixes M, Dalfó E, Martín M, Puig B, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
NEUROSCIENCE. 2005;131(4):825-32.
Abnormal Sp1 transcription factor expression in Alzheimer disease and tauopathies
Santpere G, Nieto M, Puig B, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
NEUROSCI LETT. 2005;397(1-2):30-4.
A novel mutation (K317M) in the MAPT gene causes FTDP and motor neuron disease
Zarranz J, Ferrer I, Lezcano E, Forcadas M, Eizaguirre B, Atarés B, Puig B, Gómez-Esteban J, Fernández-Maiztegui C, Rouco I, Pérez-Concha T, Fernández M, Rodríguez O, Rodríguez-Martínez A, de Pancorbo M, Pastor P, Pérez-Tur J, Puig Martorell B
NEUROLOGY. 2005;64(9):1578-85.
Selective PrP-like protein, doppel immunoreactivity in dystrophic neurites of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease
Ferrer I, Freixas M, Blanco R, Carmona M, Puig B, Puig Martorell B
NEUROPATH APPL NEURO. 2004;30(4):329-37.
Clusterin solubility and aggregation in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Freixes M, Puig B, Rodríguez A, Torrejón-Escribano B, Blanco R, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2004;108(4):295-301.
Expression of stress-activated kinases c-Jun N-terminal kinase (SAPK/JNK-P) and p38 kinase (p38-P), and tau hyperphosphorylation in neurites surrounding betaA plaques in APP Tg2576 mice
Puig B, Gómez-Isla T, Ribé E, Cuadrado M, Torrejón-Escribano B, Dalfó E, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
NEUROPATH APPL NEURO. 2004;30(5):491-502.
Active stress kinase p38 enhances and perpetuates abnormal tau phosphorylation and deposition in Pick's disease
Puig B, Vinals F, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2004;107(3):185-9.
Phosphorylated protein kinases associated with neuronal and glial tau deposits in argyrophilic grain disease
Ferrer I, Barrachina M, Tolnay M, Rey M, Vidal N, Carmona M, Blanco R, Puig B, Puig Martorell B
BRAIN PATHOL. 2003;13(1):62-78.
Primary progressive aphasia as the initial manifestation of corticobasal degeneration and unusual tauopathies
Ferrer I, Hernández I, Boada M, Llorente A, Rey M, Cardozo A, Ezquerra M, Puig B, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2003;106(5):419-35.
Ubiquitin-negative mini-pick-like bodies in the dentate gyrus in p301l tauopathy
Ferrer I, Hernández I, Puig B, Rey M, Ezquerra M, Tolosa E, Boada M, Puig Martorell B
J ALZHEIMERS DIS. 2003;5(6):445-54.
Tau phosphorylation and kinase activation in familial tauopathy linked to deln296 mutation
Ferrer I, Pastor P, Rey M, Muñoz E, Puig B, Pastor E, Oliva R, Tolosa E, Puig Martorell B
NEUROPATH APPL NEURO. 2003;29(1):23-34.
GluR2/3, NMDAepsilon1 and GABAA receptors in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Ferrer I, Puig B, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2003;106(4):311-8.
Anti-tau phospho-specific Ser262 antibody recognizes a variety of abnormal hyper-phosphorylated tau deposits in tauopathies including Pick bodies and argyrophilic grains
Ferrer I, Barrachina M, Puig B, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2002;104(6):658-64.
Glycogen synthase kinase-3 is associated with neuronal and glial hyperphosphorylated tau deposits in Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration
Ferrer I, Barrachina M, Puig B, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2002;104(6):583-91.
Active, phosphorylation-dependent MAP kinases, MAPK/ERK, SAPK/JNK and p38, and specific transcription factor substrates are differentially expressed following systemic administration of kainic acid to the adult rat
Ferrer I, Blanco R, Carmona M, Puig B, Domínguez I, Viñals F, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2002;103(4):391-407.
Caspase-3-associated apoptotic cell death in excitotoxic necrosis of the entorhinal cortex following intraperitoneal injection of kainic acid in the rat
Puig B, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
NEUROSCI LETT. 2002;321(3):182-6.
Abnormal synaptic protein expression and cell death in murine scrapie
Sisó S, Puig B, Varea R, Vidal E, Acín C, Prinz M, Montrasio F, Badiola J, Aguzzi A, Pumarola M, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2002;103(6):615-26.
Active, phosphorylation-dependent mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK/ERK), stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase (SAPK/JNK), and p38 kinase expression in Parkinson's disease and Dementia with Lewy bodies
Ferrer I, Blanco R, Carmona M, Puig B, Barrachina M, Gómez C, Ambrosio S, Puig Martorell B
J NEURAL TRANSM. 2001;108(12):1383-96.
Phosphorylated c-MYC expression in Alzheimer disease, Pick's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration
Ferrer I, Blanco R, Carmona M, Puig B, Puig Martorell B
NEUROPATH APPL NEURO. 2001;27(5):343-51.
Phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK/ERK-P), protein kinase of 38 kDa (p38-P), stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK/JNK-P), and calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaM kinase II) are differentially expressed in tau deposits in neurons and glial cells in tauopathies
Ferrer I, Blanco R, Carmona M, Puig B, Puig Martorell B
J NEURAL TRANSM. 2001;108(12):1397-415.
Prion protein expression in senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease
Ferrer I, Blanco R, Carmona M, Puig B, Ribera R, Rey M, Ribalta T, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2001;101(1):49-56.
Phosphorylated map kinase (ERK1, ERK2) expression is associated with early tau deposition in neurones and glial cells, but not with increased nuclear DNA vulnerability and cell death, in Alzheimer disease, Pick's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration
Ferrer I, Blanco R, Carmona M, Ribera R, Goutan E, Puig B, Rey M, Cardozo A, Viñals F, Ribalta T, Puig Martorell B
BRAIN PATHOL. 2001;11(2):144-58.
Methylazoximethanol acetate-induced cell death in the granule cell layer of the developing mouse cerebellum is associated with caspase-3 activation, but does not depend on the tissue-type plasminogen activator
Ferrer I, Puig B, Goutan E, Gombau L, Muñoz-Cánoves P, Puig Martorell B
NEUROSCI LETT. 2001;299(1-2):77-80.
Fas and Fas ligand expression in Alzheimer's disease
Ferrer I, Puig B, Krupinsk J, Carmona M, Blanco R, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2001;102(2):121-31.
Cell death signaling in the cerebellum in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Puig B, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2001;102(3):207-15.
Cleaved caspase-3, caspase-7 and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase are complementarily but differentially expressed in human medulloblastomas
Puig B, Tortosa A, Ferrer I, Puig Martorell B
NEUROSCI LETT. 2001;306(1-2):85-8.
Prion protein deposition and abnormal synaptic protein expression in the cerebellum in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Ferrer I, Puig B, Blanco R, Martí E, Puig Martorell B
NEUROSCIENCE. 2000;97(4):715-26.
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