- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Projektkoordinatorin
Unnecessary diagnostic imaging requested by medical students during a first day of residency simulation: an explorative study
Gärtner J, Bußenius L, Prediger S, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2024;24(1):1187.
Change in postgraduate medical education - how much didactic shaping is possible at all? A document analysis of the guideline regulations on specialty training 1992-2018 with a focus on surgery
Prediger S, Rastetter D, Harendza S
GMS J MED EDU. 2024;41(5):Doc68.
"Do you smoke?" - content and linguistic analysis of students' substance histories in simulated patient interviews
Wittmann H, Prediger S, Harendza S
GMS J MED EDU. 2024;41(4):Doc43.
“Fit for the finals” – project report on a telemedical training with simulated patients, peers, and assessors for the licensing exam
Harendza S, Bußenius L, Gärtner J, Heuser M, Ahles J, Prediger S
GMS J MED EDU. 2023;40(2):Doc17.
Matching of advanced undergraduate medical students' competence profiles with the required competence profiles of their specialty of choice for postgraduate training
Jebram L, Prediger S, Oubaid V, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2023;23(1):.
Habitualisierung im ärztlichen Feld: Die fachärztliche Weiterbildung in Struktur und kultureller Praxis am Beispiel der Chirurgie
Prediger S
Assessment of final-year medical students' entrustable professional activities after education on an interprofessional training ward: A case-control study
Brätz J, Bußenius L, Brätz I, Grahn H, Prediger S, Harendza S
PERSPECT MED EDUC. 2022;11(5):266-272.
Validation of the ComCare index for rater-based assessment of medical communication and interpersonal skills
Gärtner J, Bußenius L, Schick K, Prediger S, Kadmon M, Berberat P, Harendza S
PATIENT EDUC COUNS. 2022;105(4):1004-1008.
Frequency of medical students' language expressing implicit uncertainty in simulated handovers
Gärtner J, Prediger S, Berberat P, Kadmon M, Harendza S
INT J MED EDUC. 2022;13:28-34.
Development and pilot test of ComCare - a questionnaire for quick assessment of communicative and social competences in medical students after interviews with simulated patients
Gärtner J, Prediger S, Harendza S
GMS J MED EDU. 2021;38(3):Doc68.
Perspective matters: assessment of medical students' communication and interpersonal skills by simulated patients from the internal and external patient perspective
Prediger S, Harendza S
GMS J MED EDU. 2021;38(4):Doc82.
Entrustable professional activities and facets of competence in a simulated workplace-based assessment for advanced medical students
Fincke F, Prediger S, Schick K, Fürstenberg S, Spychala N, Berberat P, Harendza S, Kadmon M
MED TEACH. 2020;42(9):1019-1026.
Surgery during pregnancy - results of a German questionnaire
Fritze-Büttner F, Toth B, Bühren A, Schlosser K, Schierholz S, Rumpel B, Helm P, Bauer U, Niethard M, Prediger S, Götzky K, Jähne J
INNOV SURG SCI. 2020;5(1-2):21-26.
Assessing clinical reasoning in undergraduate medical students during history taking with an empirically derived scale for clinical reasoning indicators
Fürstenberg S, Helm T, Prediger S, Kadmon M, Berberat P, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2020;20(1):368.
Need for cognitive closure, tolerance for ambiguity, and perfectionism in medical school applicants
Gärtner J, Bußenius L, Prediger S, Vogel D, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2020;20(1):.
Evaluation of a telemedicine-based training for final-year medical students including simulated patient consultations, documentation, and case presentation
Harendza S, Gärtner J, Zelesniack E, Prediger S
GMS J MED EDU. 2020;37(7):.
Measuring Medical Competence and Entrusting Professional Activities in an Assessment Simulating the First Day of Residency
Prediger S, Berberat P, Kadmon M, Harendza S
2020. Student Learning in German Higher Education. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia O, Pant H, Toepper M, Lautenbach C (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 317–332.
Validation of a competence-based assessment of medical students' performance in the physician's role
Prediger S, Schick K, Fincke F, Fürstenberg S, Oubaid V, Kadmon M, Berberat P, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2020;20(1):6.
Chirurgie und Familie – wie kann es gehen?
Fritze-Büttner F, Schlosser K, Prediger S
ZBL CHIR. 2019;144(4):329-332.
Assessing core competences of medical students with a test for flight school applicants
Harendza S, Soll H, Prediger S, Kadmon M, Berberat P, Oubaid V
BMC MED EDUC. 2019;19(1):9.
Interprofessional assessment of medical students' competences with an instrument suitable for physicians and nurses
Prediger S, Fürstenberg S, Berberat P, Kadmon M, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2019;19(1):46.
Perceived strain of undergraduate medical students during a simulated first day of residency
Fürstenberg S, Prediger S, Kadmon M, Berberat P, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2018;18:322.
Competencies for first year residents - physicians' views from medical schools with different undergraduate curricula
Fürstenberg S, Schick K, Deppermann J, Prediger S, Berberat P, Kadmon M, Harendza S
BMC MED EDUC. 2017;17(1):154.
Analysis of educational research at a medical faculty in Germany and suggestions for strategic development - a case study
Prediger S, Harendza S
GMS J MED EDU. 2016;33(5):Doc71.
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